Last Updated: May 01, 2024 Version Number: 3 ========================================= DISCLAIMER ========================================= As of June 1, 2024, zkSNACKs Ltd. reserves the right to terminate the provision of services offered through this platform. You are hereby notified that access to and use of the services provided by zkSNACKs Ltd. will cease as of the aforementioned date. zkSNACKs Ltd. shall not be liable for any inconvenience, loss of data, or damages incurred by You as a result of the termination of services. By continuing to access and use this platform, You acknowledge and agree to the cessation of services as outlined herein. Wasabi Wallet will continue to function as a regular Bitcoin wallet, users will still be able to generate private keys to receive and send Bitcoin, even without CoinJoins. ================================================================ PROHIBITION OF ACCESS FROM THE USA, ITS STATES, AND TERRITORIES ================================================================ With immediate effect, users located in the United States of America, including its states and territories, are hereby prohibited from accessing this platform. zkSNACKs Ltd. does not provide services to individuals located in these regions and shall not be liable for any consequences resulting from unauthorized access. By accessing this platform, users outside of the United States confirm that they are not a national of or located within the United States or its territories and agree to abide by this restriction. ========================================= SUMMARY ========================================= The Wasabi team is committed to being fully transparent to its users, from its source code to the legal aspects of its services. The purpose of Wasabi Wallet is to provide privacy for its users’ Bitcoin transactions. This means that with the use of the wallet, we would like to enable the users to make Bitcoin payments in such a way that their spending history, wallet balances, etc. are not visible to the receiving party. This does not necessarily mean that the user stays anonymous since the receiving party might have to identify the sending party. Our goal is to minimize the unintentional leaking or disclosure of private financial information to third parties and the receiver of any transaction resulting from the use of the Wasabi Wallet. The protection of your privacy and your personal data is our highest priority, which also defines the essence of our services. One instance of the Wasabi Wallet CoinJoin coordinating server is operated by a legal entity, zkSNACKs Ltd. Thus, to legally provide our services to our clients, we have defined the framework and the rules that both parties must follow to protect each other. The most important parts of the document below are summarized in the following points: - The service is open-source under the MIT license. - The service is provided on a non-custodial basis. Safekeeping of keys is the sole responsibility of the user. - The user is solely responsible for acting according to their local laws and regulations. - We do not store any personally identifiable information. Moreover, our trustless software architecture prevents us from gathering this information in the first place. - A transaction fee is only charged by the Service Provider for CoinJoin transactions. - We only provide written support, and NEVER ask for recovery words, passwords, or similar security critical information. The services are provided between remote parties. Therefore, these Terms and Conditions cannot be negotiated with clients. This document will help our clients to understand exactly the Terms and Conditions under which We can provide Our services. We recommend you first learn Bitcoin basics before using Our Services. PLEASE READ THE BELOW TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY. BY CLICKING AGREE, OR BY ACCESSING OR DOWNLOADING OUR SOFTWARE (AS DEFINED BELOW), YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS AND ALL TERMS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE. ========================================= CHAPTER I. TERMS AND CONDITIONS ========================================= If You are accepting these Terms and Conditions on behalf of an entity, You confirm that You are authorized on behalf of the said entity to agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) and all terms incorporated by reference. 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS ===================== 1.1 SCOPE These Terms and Conditions serve as a binding agreement (“Agreement”) between - zkSNACKs Ltd. (“Service Provider” or “We” or “Our”, which includes Our subsidiaries, partners, affiliates, agents, employees, licensors, service providers or subcontractors (if any)) and - the person, persons, or entity (“You” or “Your”) using the Services (as defined below). These Terms apply to the download of the Client Application (as defined below)., including any access and use of the Client Application, Our website at (“Wasabi Wallet” or “Wasabi”) or its onion mirror at http://wasabiukrxmkdgve5kynjztuovbg43uxcbcxn6y2okcrsg7gb6jdmbad.onion (*), Our CoinJoin Coordinator Services (as defined below), and any of Our other Services related to or utilizing any of the foregoing, which We refer to in these Terms collectively, as Our “Services”. 1.2 ELIGIBILITY AND AGREEMENT By using Our Services, You are bound by these Terms. You will be solely liable for any damage or consequences arising from Your use of Our Services without the full acceptance of these Terms. The Service Provider shall not be liable under any circumstances in this case. You can use Our Services only if You can lawfully enter into an agreement under these Terms under applicable law. You acknowledge that Your use of this Software is at Your own discretion and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Due to the nature of the Service, We cannot guarantee the full compliance of user transactions, therefore, it is Your own responsibility to ensure that the use of Wasabi Wallet complies with Your local laws and jurisdiction. 1.3 RESPONSIBILITY FOR WALLET BACKUPS AND OTHER AUTHENTICATION MEANS With Our Services, only You can access and transact through Your wallet. This is enabled by Your recovery words, passwords, and encrypted secret keys. If You use Our Services to create a wallet, the software will use an algorithm to generate random recovery words and optionally combine it with an additional word (called the passphrase as defined in BIP39). Wasabi may use Your chosen wallet password as the default passphrase. We call the combination of the recovery words and the passphrase a wallet backup or backup. THE SERVICE PROVIDER EXPRESSLY DECLARES THAT IT DOES NOT STORE, HAVE ACCESS TO, OR HAVE ANY WAY OR MEANS OF RECOVERING YOUR BACKUP. It is Your sole responsibility to keep Your wallet backups, Your wallet files, and Your passwords secure. You should not provide this information to anyone, including any Service Provider representative. Encrypted private key information is stored locally on Your computer in a wallet file. Private keys can be accessed with the password, which You created at the generation of the wallet. IF YOU FORGET OR LOSE YOUR BACKUP, YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO RECOVER ANY BITCOIN IN YOUR WALLET, AND YOU WILL SUFFER A COMPLETE, IRRECOVERABLE LOSS OF ALL BITCOIN IN YOUR WALLET. IN THE EVENT OF SUCH LOSS, WE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LACK OF ACCESS TO THE WALLET AND WE SHALL NOT BE OBLIGED TO MAKE WALLET ACCESS, OR THE KEYS REQUIRED FOR THAT PURPOSE AVAILABLE. The Service Provider has no responsibility and will not be liable for any loss or damage You suffer from the loss or misappropriation of Your backup. From the point of downloading, We do not store or manage any data, and We have no knowledge or information about the installation or the use of the wallet. 1.4 PRIVACY POLICY Our Privacy Policy is expressly incorporated into these Terms and should be read carefully as it contains important information about handling personal data. Our Privacy Policy may be found in Chapter II, below. 1.5 CHANGES TO THESE TERMS We may amend these Terms, including when there are changes to Our Services, technology, or any law or regulation to which We are subject and/or for any other reason. If We do, We will post the updated Terms on Our website; however, for any material changes required to these Terms, We will ask You to read through them and We will request Your re-acceptance. Please refer to the “Last Updated” date and Version Number above. Any amended Terms will become effective on the day that they are posted (Last Updated) and will apply prospectively to the use of Our Services after such changes become effective, except that any changes addressing new functions of Our Services or changes made for legal reasons will come into effect immediately. Your continued use of our Services following the effective date of such changes will constitute Your acceptance of such changes. If You do not agree to any amended Terms, You must discontinue using Our Services, otherwise, the liability clauses set out in these Terms will apply. 2 THE COINJOIN COORDINATOR SERVICES =================================== 2.1 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES This Software consists of the Client Application and the CoinJoin Coordinator (both as defined below) and function as a free, open-source, non-custodial desktop wallet. The Software does not constitute an account where We or other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of Your Bitcoins. The Software and Our Services are therefore not a bank, a custodian, an exchange, a financial intermediary, or a regulated financial institution. The client application (“Client Application”) is software, with the sole purpose of allowing You access to the Bitcoin network and our Services (as defined below), without the need or requirement to create or maintain a user account. The application itself is an ordinary Bitcoin desktop wallet with ordinary features. Wasabi Wallet does not store, send, or receive Bitcoins. Bitcoins exist only by the ownership record maintained in the Bitcoin network. Any transfer of title in Bitcoins occurs within the decentralized Bitcoin network and not in the Wasabi Wallet. The CoinJoin Coordinator Service is an online service that implements trustless CoinJoin to prevent third parties from spying on the Blockchain. Throughout the process, the Service does not initiate or process any standalone transactions towards third parties (i.e. non-users of the Service) and, therefore, does not store or transmit value belonging to others. For further information on how it works please visit Our GitHub page: You acknowledge that the CoinJoin Service runs in the background by default while using the Client Application. To avoid fees, You may turn automatic CoinJoin Services off in the settings of the Client Application. The UTXO is an unspent transaction output, the technical term for the amount of digital currency that remains after a cryptocurrency transaction. The One Hop transaction is when there is one non-CoinJoin transaction spending only CoinJoin outputs. 2.2 FEES Subject to the other provisions of these Terms, including, but not limited to Section 3 regarding Prohibited Activities, You may freely download and use the Client Application without any charge or fee imposed directly on You by the Service Provider. The Service Provider does not charge You transaction fees for normal Bitcoin transactions, however, You are still subject to transaction fees, charged by the Bitcoin network. The Service Provider and the Bitcoin network charge You transaction fees for CoinJoin Bitcoin transactions. The CoinJoin fee, charged by the Service Provider is 0.3% per new UTXO, except if: -The UTXO comes directly from a previous Wasabi Wallet 1.x CoinJoin transaction. -The UTXO comes from a One Hop transaction. BY ACCEPTING THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT OUR COORDINATOR AUTOMATICALLY DEDUCTS THE TRANSACTION FEES FROM THE TRANSACTION YOU SUBMITTED FOR THE SERVICES IN LINE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 2.2. YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WHILE COINJOINING, THE CLIENT SOFTWARE AUTOMATICALLY SELECTS THE COINS THAT WILL PARTICIPATE IN THE COINJOIN TRANSACTION. The Service Provider reserves the right to charge additional fees or to change the fee amount, and We will provide You at least 14 days advance notice of any such change. The Service Provider reserves the right to waive and/or reduce any fee at any time, with or without notice. 3 PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES AND COIN FILTERING ======================================== You agree that You will not use the Services to perform any type of illegal activity of any sort or to take any action that adversely affects the performance of or the provision of the Services by the Service. Furthermore, You agree that You will not use the Services on Bitcoin that is created, received, or given in exchange for, or as a result of, any type of illegal activity. Use of the Services in a manner contrary to local law is prohibited. You agree that You will not engage in any of the following activities via the Services, nor will You help or facilitate a third party to engage in any such activity: - attempt to gain unauthorized access to Our Coordinator; - make any attempt to bypass or circumvent any security features; - violate any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or court order; - engage in any activity that is abusive or interferes with or disrupts Our Services. If You find any law violation during Your transaction (for example, in a transaction with a third party), please let Us know immediately by contacting Us at The Service Provider shall assist the investigation in any case, if instructed by an authorized body, a final court judgment, or a final regulatory decision. COIN FILTERING We may execute illicit activity checking and control via a contracted third party solely in its Coinjoin coordination services. We may suspend Your UTXOs’ access to the Coinjoin services, with immediate effect for any reason including, but not limited to, illicit or prohibited activities, applicable sanctions programs, or any crime or money-laundering activity, at Our sole discretion, We are under no obligation to disclose the details of Our decision to take such action with You. In this case, You are not permitted to use the relevant/high-risk Bitcoin UTXO to reach the CoinJoin services. You acknowledge that Our decision to take certain actions, including suspension for any reason is at Our sole discretion, and may be based on confidential criteria essential to Our risk management and security protocols. You agree that We are under no obligation to disclose the details of Our risk management and security procedures to You. Moreover, We reserve the right to permanently suspend Your access to the relevant Bitcoin UTXOs to the CoinJoin services. 4 INDEMNIFICATION ================= You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Us, Our partners, contractors, Directors, and officers, harmless against any and all claims, costs, losses, damages, liabilities, judgments, and expenses (including reasonable fees of attorneys and other professionals) arising from or in any way related to Your use of Our Services, Your violation of these Terms, or Your violation of any rights of any other person or entity. In the event of such an occurrence, it is Your responsibility to notify the Service Provider immediately after the incident occurs, so that We can take the necessary measures to prevent and remedy the damage. YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE SERVICE PROVIDER DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ANONYMITY SET LEVEL IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. 5 OWNERSHIP OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS =========================================== The software included with the Service is open-source under the MIT license and includes the following: Permission is granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. The warranty issues covered by the MIT license will be addressed in the following section. Any feedback (or similar content, document, and/or feature suggestion) You submit is non-confidential and will become the sole property of the Service Provider. We will be entitled to the unrestricted use and dissemination of such feedback for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, without acknowledgment or compensation to You. 6 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES ========================== Our Services are provided “as is” with no warranty of any kind. Your use of Our Services is at Your sole risk, subject to these Terms and Conditions. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATED IN THESE TERMS, WE DISCLAIM (TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW) ALL WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS AND CONDITIONS, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AND WHETHER IMPOSED BY STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING AND WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES RELATING TO TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE NOT ENTERED INTO THIS AGREEMENT IN RELIANCE UPON ANY STATEMENT, WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION EXCEPT THOSE EXPRESSLY AND SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH IN THESE TERMS AND THAT YOU SHALL HAVE NO REMEDIES IN RESPECT OF ANY STATEMENT, WARRANTY, REPRESENTATION OR CONDITION THAT IS NOT EXPRESSLY AND SPECIFICALLY OUTLINED IN THESE TERMS. Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of implied terms in contracts with end users therefore, some or all of the disclaimers in this section may not apply to You. However, in this case, it is Your responsibility to verify the content of these Terms and Conditions applicable to You under the relevant law and to use Our Services accordingly. 7 WAY OF SUPPORT ================ We will NEVER call, e-mail, or contact You in any form to offer any wallet recovery services. Please be safe and guard Your wallet information and funds. If You see any signs of abuse in this regard, please let Us know immediately by contacting us at, or for general queries via GitHub. 8 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY ========================= The limitation of liability reflects the allocation of risk between the parties. In no event, We will be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages in the case of exclusion under the MIT license referred to above. Notwithstanding the preceding provision, the Service Provider, Our subsidiaries, partners, Directors, officers, affiliates, agents, employees, licensors, service providers, or subcontractors (if any), in no event shall be liable for any loss or damage that arises as a result of, or in connection with, any of the occurrences described above. Some jurisdictions do not allow certain warranty disclaimers or limitations on liability. Only the disclaimers or limitations that are lawful in the applicable jurisdiction will apply to You and Our liability will be limited to the maximum extent permitted by law. However, in this case, it is Your responsibility to verify the content and applicability of these Terms and Conditions under the applicable law. You shall therefore use Our services accordingly. 9 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ========================== 9.1 SEVERABILITY If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of these Terms to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible and the other provisions of these Terms will remain in full force and effect. 9.2 ARBITRATION You and the Service Provider agree to arbitrate any dispute arising under or in connection with these Terms or Your use of Our Services, except for disputes in which either party seeks equitable and other relief for any alleged infringement or unlawful use of trade names, logos, trade secrets, patents or other intellectual property rights. Arbitration prevents You from suing in court or from having a jury trial. You and the Service Provider agree to notify each other in writing of any dispute within thirty (30) days of when it arises. Notice to the Service Provider shall be sent to You and the Service Provider further agree: - to attempt informal resolution before any demand for arbitration; - that the seat or legal place of any arbitration will be the Republic of Seychelles; - that arbitration will be conducted confidentially by a single arbitrator appointed by law of the Republic of Seychelles; - the arbitration shall be conducted under the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce; and - that the arbitration in the Republic of Seychelles will have exclusive jurisdiction over any appeals of an arbitration award. Other than class procedures and remedies discussed below, the arbitrator bears the authority to grant any remedy that would otherwise be available in a court of law. Whether the dispute is heard in arbitration, You and the Service Provider will not commence, against the other party, any class action, class arbitration, or representative action or proceeding. 9.3 GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION These Terms and any dispute or claim between You and the Service Provider arising out of or in connection with these Terms or any terms incorporated into these Terms by reference or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) will be governed by and construed per the laws of the Republic of Seychelles, without giving effect to any conflict of law principles that may provide for the application of the law of another jurisdiction. Subject to the “Arbitration” section above, the arbitration of the Republic of Seychelles shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim between You and the Service Provider arising out of or in connection with these Terms or any terms incorporated into these Terms by reference or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims). 9.4 NO WAIVER Any failure or delay by Us to exercise or enforce any right or remedy provided under these Terms or by law will not constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor will it preclude any further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. No single or partial exercise of any right or remedy shall preclude or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. 9.5 ASSIGNMENT The Service Provider may assign these Terms to its parent company, affiliate, or subsidiary, or in connection with a merger, consolidation, sale, or other disposition of all or substantially all of its assets. You may not assign these Terms or Your use or access to the Services at any time. 9.6 ENTIRE AGREEMENT These Terms, together with any other terms incorporated into these Terms by reference and any other terms and conditions that apply to You, constitute the entire and exclusive agreement between You and the Service Provider, regarding its subject matter. These Terms supersede and replace any previous or contemporaneous written or oral contract, warranty, representation, or understanding regarding its subject matter. You acknowledge and agree that You shall have no remedies regarding any statement, representation, assurance, or warranty that is not set out in these Terms (or any other terms that are incorporated herein by reference). 9.7 FORCE MAJEURE Neither You nor We will be liable for delays in processing or other non-performance caused by such events as fires, telecommunications, utility, or power failures, equipment failures, labor strikes, riots, war, nonperformance of Our vendors or suppliers, acts of God, or other causes over which the respective party has no reasonable control; provided that the party has procedures reasonably suited to avoid the effects of such events. The damages and consequences arising from these shall be borne by each party individually. 9.8 SURVIVING CLAUSES The provisions of Sections 3 to 6, 9.2, and 9.3 shall survive the termination of these Terms. ========================================= CHAPTER II. PRIVACY POLICY ========================================= This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes the ways zkSNACKs collects, stores, uses, and protects personal information. This Policy ensures that We comply with applicable European Union (“EU”) and other statutory data protection laws and regulations, and ensures that users are provided privacy protection. Data protection laws are generally relevant in case any processing of personal data is concerned. The terms used within the scope of this data protection declaration are defined in and by the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As such, the definition of "processing" of personal data means data that is collected and translated into usable information. Personally Identifiable Information =================================== “Personally identifiable information” (“personal information”) is any information that can be directly associated with a specific person and can be used to identify that person. A prime example of identifiable information is a person’s name. Handling Information ==================== Since We are working on privacy, and Our mission is to regain personal privacy, Our Services are designed to be used without indication of any personal data. For this reason, We do not have any kind of data collecting solutions built into Our products. There may only be one personal data processing in Our Service, that is for customer support in case of technical problems where visitors may indicate their email addresses voluntarily to get notifications in case of any potential technical problems or other inquiries. These e-mail addresses are solely used to answer Your questions and are erased after 100 days. In this case, the processing of the data is based on freely given consent to Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR and is aimed at the effective handling of the complaint. We use GitHub as the main platform for Your technical questions and issues. We do not retain any data that can be subsequently identified and/or associated with You. We expressly declare that We do not manage or store any other personally identifiable information. By visiting the Website and using Our Services, You agree with this Policy, in accordance with Section 1.2 of the Terms and Conditions. All YOUR Information is Confidential. ==================================== Because we cannot link Your wallet and Your personal information (such as Your name and IP address) provided under the Service, Your personal information is safe and cannot be accessed by Our employees or third parties. zkSNACKs will protect processed data collected during the Customer Service process adequately against unauthorized access (of third parties) in accordance with the provisions of the legal framework of the Republic of Seychelles. We will only process data which is essential to provide Our Services. Data will not be used or stored by other means than set out in this Policy. Data is made accessible only to a restricted and necessary number of individuals. We do not transfer any personal data to third parties. All employees of zkSNACKs have been informed about applicable data protection provisions as well as data security measures, and are bound to Our privacy practices. All employees are bound by confidentiality agreements. Use of Cookies ============== A Cookie is a small piece of data that a website asks Your browser to store on Your computer or mobile device. The Cookie allows the website to “remember” Your actions or preferences over time. We expressly declare that We do not collect, store, and/or use Cookies. External links, Social media plugins ==================================== In so far as the Website contains external links, We hereby indicate that these third-party websites are not subject to the influence and control of zkSNACKs. We disclaim all liability for losses or obligations related to the use of these third-party websites. We are not responsible for the contents, availability, correctness, or accuracy of these websites, nor for their offerings, links, or advertisements. For the social media sites and/or third parties’ privacy policies, please visit their websites and research their corresponding policies. Changes to this Policy ====================== We may amend this Policy at any time by posting a revised version on Our website. The revised version will be effective at the time We post it on the website. In addition, if the revised version includes any substantial changes to how Your personal information will be processed, We will provide You with 30 days prior notice by posting notification of the change on the “Privacy Policy” area of Our website. Contact details regarding this declaration ========================================== In case You have any questions concerning zkSNACKs’ Privacy Policy or if You would like to exercise Your right to information, rectification, or deletion, please send Us a written request outlining Your desire to: ========================================= CHAPTER III. LEGAL STATEMENT OF WASABI WALLET ========================================= zkSNACKs Ltd., the creator of Wasabi Wallet and owner of the brand, only supports behaviour that is legally acceptable by the Republic of Seychelles, and international legal standards, and strictly rejects all kinds of illegal activities. INFORMATION PROVIDED ==================== The Service Provider provides information and material of a general nature. You are neither authorized to nor should You rely on the Service Provider for legal advice, investment advice, or advice of any kind. You act at Your own risk in any reliance on the contents provided. In no way are the directors, owners, and officers of, or contributors to, the Service responsible for the actions, decisions, or other behaviour taken or not taken by You in reliance upon the website or the use of Wasabi Wallet. Any exchange prices displayed are provided by third party services and are not indicative of the Bitcoin being backed by any commodity, other form of money, or having any other tangible value at all. The Service Provider makes no guarantees that Bitcoins can be exchanged or sold at the price displayed. We have no control over the value of Bitcoin, or the operation of the underlying software protocols which govern the operation of Bitcoin supported on our platform. We assume no responsibility for the operation of the underlying protocols and We are not able to guarantee their functionality, security, or availability. INVESTMENT RISKS ================= The investment in bitcoin can lead to loss of money over shorter or even longer periods of time. The investors in Bitcoin should expect prices to have large range fluctuations. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. COMPLIANCE WITH TAX OBLIGATIONS ================================ The users of the wallet are solely responsible for determining what, or if any taxes apply to their Bitcoin transactions. The owners of, directors, or contributors to, the wallet are NOT responsible for determining the taxes that apply to Bitcoin transactions. COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE ======================= In case You are a Republic of Seychelles resident and willing to use Wasabi Wallet please inform us in advance at the following e-mail address: zkSNACKs Ltd.*) (*) We recommend You to use Tor Browser over other browsers in order to protect Your privacy while visiting Our website.