/** * Replaces all eligible selected items with placeholders * * @author Zack Lovatt * @version 0.1.1 */ (function replaceItemsWithPlaceholders() { var items = app.project.selection; app.beginUndoGroup("Replace Items With Placeholders"); try { for (var ii = 0, il = items.length; ii < il; ii++) { var item = items[ii]; if (!(item instanceof FootageItem)) { continue; } var oldName = item.name; item.replaceWithPlaceholder( ii.toString(), clamp(item.width, 4, 30000), clamp(item.height, 4, 30000), clamp(item.frameRate, 1, 99), clamp(item.duration, 0, 10800) ); item.name = oldName; } } catch (e) { alert(e, "Replace Items With Placeholders"); } finally { app.endUndoGroup(); } /** * Clamps a value between min and max * * @param {number} value Number to clamp * @param {number} min Min value * @param {number} max Max value */ function clamp(value, min, max) { return Math.max(Math.min(value, max), min); } })();