.container-background { height: 100vh; width: 100%; position: relative; overflow: hidden; } .container-foreground { height: 100vh; width: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; } .img-container-trump-initial { height: 100%; position: absolute; left: -10%; } .img-container-biden-initial { height: 100%; position: absolute; right: -10%; } .container-background>div>img { height: 100%; } .trump-slide { animation: trump-slide 1s; animation-fill-mode: forwards; } @keyframes trump-slide { from { transform: translate(0px, 0px); } to { transform: translate(-70px, 0px); } } .biden-slide { animation: biden-slide 1s; animation-fill-mode: forwards; } @keyframes biden-slide { from { transform: translate(0px, 0px); } to { transform: translate(70px, 0px); } } .modal { height: 90vh; margin-top: 5vh; margin-bottom: 5vh; } .modal-content { background: none; border: none; } #modal-difficulty-menu-header { font-size: 2.25rem; color: white; text-shadow: -2px -2px 0 #000, 2px -2px 0 #000, -2px 2px 0 #000, 2px 2px 0 #000; } .modal-content ul li { list-style: none; line-height: 1.25rem; } .opt input[type="radio"] { position: fixed; opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; } .opt input[type="radio"]:checked~label { font-size: 1.75rem; color: white; text-shadow: -2px -2px 0 #000, 2px -2px 0 #000, -2px 2px 0 #000, 2px 2px 0 #000; } #game-btn { color: black; background: white; border: solid 6px black; margin: 4px auto; font-size: 1.5rem; width: 33vw; animation: shake 0.75s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; } #game-btn:hover { animation: shake 0.5s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; text-decoration: none; border-width: 8px; } .row-top { height: 15vh; } .box span, .box i { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-content: center; flex-direction: column; line-height: 1; margin: 10px auto; } .row-fixed { width: 100%; position: fixed; bottom: 5%; } .box { border-width: 6px; border-style: solid; margin: 4px; } .box-game { font-size: 1.5rem; } .box-trump { border-color: red; background: rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.5); } .box-biden { border-color: blue; background: rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.5); } .box-user-info, .box-user-info-volume-on, .box-user-info-volume-off { font-size: 0.85rem; color: black; border-color: black; background: white; } a.box-user-info:hover { color: black; text-decoration: none; } button { border: none; background: none; } .box-trump-1 { transform: translate(-4px, 2px) rotate(-5deg); } .box-biden-1 { transform: translate(-4px, 5px) rotate(5deg); } .box-trump-2 { transform: translate(-2px, 2px) rotate(-1deg); } .box-biden-2 { transform: translate(-2px, 6px) rotate(-1deg); } .box-trump-3 { transform: translate(-2px, 4px) rotate(5deg); } .box-biden-3 { transform: translate(5px, 10px) rotate(-7deg); } .text-pop { font-size: 1.75rem; color: white; text-shadow: -2px -2px 0 #000, 2px -2px 0 #000, -2px 2px 0 #000, 2px 2px 0 #000; } /*https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_css_shake_image.asp*/ .shake { animation: shake 0.5s; } .long-shake { animation: shake 0.5s infinite; } @keyframes shake { 0% { transform: translate(1px, 1px) rotate(0deg); } 10% { transform: translate(-1px, -2px) rotate(-1deg); } 20% { transform: translate(-3px, 0px) rotate(1deg); } 30% { transform: translate(3px, 2px) rotate(0deg); } 40% { transform: translate(1px, -1px) rotate(1deg); } 50% { transform: translate(-1px, 2px) rotate(-1deg); } 60% { transform: translate(-3px, 1px) rotate(0deg); } 70% { transform: translate(3px, 1px) rotate(-1deg); } 80% { transform: translate(-1px, -1px) rotate(1deg); } 90% { transform: translate(1px, 2px) rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: translate(1px, -2px) rotate(-1deg); } } /* Media queries */ @media (min-width: 600px) { .img-container-trump-initial { left: -5%; } .img-container-biden-initial { right: -5%; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .img-container-trump-initial { left: 0; } .img-container-biden-initial { right: 0; } .box-game { font-size: 1.65rem; } .box-user-info, .box-user-info-volume-on, .box-user-info-volume-off { font-size: 1.35rem; } .text-pop { font-size: 2rem; } .row-top { height: 5vh; } } @media (min-width: 992px) { .container-background { height: 70vh; margin: 15vh 0 0 0; border: solid black 16px; } .container-foreground { height: 70vh; } .modal-dialog { max-width: 700px; } #modal-difficulty-menu-header { font-size: 3rem; text-shadow: -3px -3px 0 #000, 3px -3px 0 #000, -3px 3px 0 #000, 3px 3px 0 #000; } .opt input[type="radio"]~label { font-size: 2rem; line-height: 30px; } .opt input[type="radio"]:checked~label { font-size: 2.25rem; } .row-fixed { bottom: 20%; } .box { border-width: 8px; } .box-game { font-size: 2.25rem; } .box-user-info, .box-user-info-volume-on, .box-user-info-volume-off { font-size: 2rem; } .box span, .box i { margin: 14px auto; } .text-pop { font-size: 2.75rem; text-shadow: -3px -3px 0 #000, 3px -3px 0 #000, -3px 3px 0 #000, 3px 3px 0 #000; } } @media (min-width: 1200px) { #modal-difficulty-menu-header { font-size: 3.25rem; } .opt input[type="radio"]~label { font-size: 2.25rem; line-height: 35px; } .opt input[type="radio"]:checked~label { font-size: 2.5rem; } #game-btn { font-size: 2.5rem; } } @media (min-width: 1350px) { #modal-difficulty-menu-header { font-size: 3.5rem; } .opt input[type="radio"]~label { font-size: 2.5rem; line-height: 40px; } .opt input[type="radio"]:checked~label { font-size: 2.75rem; } #game-btn { font-size: 2.75rem; } .row-fixed { bottom: 22.5%; } .box { border-width: 10px; } .box-game { font-size: 2.75rem; } .box-user-info, .box-user-info-volume-on, .box-user-info-volume-off { font-size: 2.5rem; } .box span, .box i { margin: 16px auto; } .text-pop { font-size: 3.25rem; text-shadow: -4px -4px 0 #000, 4px -4px 0 #000, -4px 4px 0 #000, 4px 4px 0 #000; } }