-- Map Script: Fantastical -- Author: eronoobos -- version 31 -------------------------------------------------------------- if include == nil then package.path = package.path..';C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Sid Meier\'s Civilization V\\Assets\\Gameplay\\Lua\\?.lua' include = require end include("math") include("bit") include("MapGenerator") include("FLuaVector.lua") ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local debugEnabled = true local clockEnabled = false local lastDebugTimer local firstDebugTimer local function StartDebugTimer() return os.clock() end local function StopDebugTimer(timer) if not timer then return "NO TIMER" end local time = os.clock() - timer local multiplier local unit local format if time < 1 then multiplier = 1000 unit = "ms" format ="%.0f" else multiplier = 1 unit = "s" if time < 10 then format = "%.3f" elseif time < 100 then format = "%.2f" elseif time < 1000 then format = "%.1f" else format = "%.0f" end end return string.format(format, multiplier * time) .. " " .. unit end local function EchoDebug(...) if debugEnabled then local printResult = "" if clockEnabled then firstDebugTimer = firstDebugTimer or StartDebugTimer() if lastDebugTimer then printResult = printResult .. StopDebugTimer(firstDebugTimer) .. "\t\t" .. StopDebugTimer(lastDebugTimer) .. ": \t\t" end lastDebugTimer = StartDebugTimer() end for i,v in ipairs(arg) do local vString if type(v) == "number" and math.floor(v) ~= v then vString = string.format("%.4f", v) elseif type(v) == "table" and v[1] then vString = "" for ii, vv in ipairs(v) do if type(vv) == "number" and math.floor(vv) ~= vv then vvStr = string.format("%.2f", vv) else vvStr = tostring(vv) end vString = vString .. vvStr if ii < #v then vString = vString .. ", " end end else vString = tostring(v) end printResult = printResult .. vString .. "\t" end print(printResult) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local mCeil = math.ceil local mFloor = math.floor local mMin = math.min local mMax = math.max local mAbs = math.abs local mSqrt = math.sqrt local mLog = math.log local mSin = math.sin local mCos = math.cos local mPi = math.pi local mTwicePi = math.pi * 2 local mAtan2 = math.atan2 local tInsert = table.insert local tRemove = table.remove local tSort = table.sort ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function pairsByKeys (t, f) local a = {} for n in pairs(t) do tInsert(a, n) end tSort(a, f) local i = 0 -- iterator variable local iter = function () -- iterator function i = i + 1 if a[i] == nil then return nil else return a[i], t[a[i]] end end return iter end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local randomNumbers = 0 -- uses civ's Map.Rand function to generate random numbers so that multiplayer works local function mRandom(lower, upper) local hundredth if lower and upper then if mFloor(lower) ~= lower or mFloor(upper) ~= upper then lower = mFloor(lower * 100) upper = mFloor(upper * 100) hundredth = true end end local divide if lower == nil then lower = 0 end if upper == nil then divide = true upper = 1000 end local number = 1 if upper == lower or lower > upper then number = lower else randomNumbers = randomNumbers + 1 number = Map.Rand((upper + 1) - lower, "Fantastical Map Script " .. randomNumbers) + lower end if divide then number = number / upper end if hundredth then number = number / 100 end return number end local function int(x) return x + 0.5 - (x + 0.5) % 1 end local function tRemoveRandom(fromTable) return tRemove(fromTable, mRandom(1, #fromTable)) end local function tGetRandom(fromTable) return fromTable[mRandom(1, #fromTable)] end local function tDuplicate(sourceTable) local duplicate = {} for k, v in pairs(sourceTable) do tInsert(duplicate, v) end return duplicate end local function diceRoll(dice, maximum, invert) if invert == nil then invert = false end if maximum == nil then maximum = 1.0 end local n = 0 for d = 1, dice do n = n + (mRandom() / dice) end if invert == true then if n >= 0.5 then n = n - 0.5 else n = n + 0.5 end end n = n * maximum return n end local function AngleAtoB(x1, y1, x2, y2) local dx = x2 - x1 local dy = y2 - y1 return mAtan2(-dy, dx) end local function AngleDist(angle1, angle2) return mAbs((angle1 + mPi - angle2) % mTwicePi - mPi) end -- converts civ 5's two dimensional hex coords to cube coords local function OddRToCube(x, y) local xx = x - (y - y%2) / 2 local zz = y local yy = -(xx+zz) return xx, yy, zz end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- FOR CREATING CITY NAMES: MARKOV CHAINS -- ADAPTED FROM drow http://donjon.bin.sh/code/name/ -- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ local name_set = {} local name_types = {} local chain_cache = {} local function splitIntoWords(s) local words = {} for w in s:gmatch("%S+") do tInsert(words, w) end return words end local function scale_chain(chain) local table_len = {} for key in pairs(chain) do table_len[key] = 0 for token in pairs(chain[key]) do local count = chain[key][token] local weighted = math.floor(math.pow(count,1.3)) chain[key][token] = weighted table_len[key] = table_len[key] + weighted end end chain['table_len'] = table_len return chain end local function incr_chain(chain, key, token) if chain[key] then if chain[key][token] then chain[key][token] = chain[key][token] + 1 else chain[key][token] = 1 end else chain[key] = {} chain[key][token] = 1 end return chain end -- construct markov chain from list of names local function construct_chain(list) local chain = {} for i = 1, #list do local names = splitIntoWords(list[i]) chain = incr_chain(chain,'parts',#names) for j = 1, #names do local name = names[j] chain = incr_chain(chain,'name_len',name:len()) local c = name:sub(1, 1) chain = incr_chain(chain,'initial',c) local string = name:sub(2) local last_c = c while string:len() > 0 do local c = string:sub(1, 1) chain = incr_chain(chain,last_c,c) string = string:sub(2) last_c = c end end end return scale_chain(chain) end function select_link(chain, key) local len = chain['table_len'][key] if not len then return '-' end local idx = math.floor(mRandom() * len) local t = 0 for token in pairs(chain[key]) do t = t + chain[key][token] if idx <= t then return token end end return '-' end -- construct name from markov chain local function markov_name(chain) local parts = select_link(chain,'parts') local names = {} for i = 1, parts do local name_len = select_link(chain,'name_len') local c = select_link(chain,'initial') local name = c local last_c = c while name:len() < name_len do c = select_link(chain,last_c) name = name .. c last_c = c end table.insert(names, name) end local nameString = "" for i, name in ipairs(names) do nameString = nameString .. name .. " " end nameString = nameString:sub(1,-2) return nameString end -- get markov chain by type local function markov_chain(type) local chain = chain_cache[type] if chain then return chain else local list = name_set[type] if list then local chain = construct_chain(list) if chain then chain_cache[type] = chain return chain end end end return false end -- generator function local function generate_name(type) local chain = markov_chain(type) if chain then return markov_name(chain) end return "" end -- generate multiple local function name_list(type, n_of) local list = {} for i = 1, n_of do table.insert(list, generate_name(type)) end return list end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Compatible with Lua 5.1 (not 5.0). function class(base, init) local c = {} -- a new class instance if not init and type(base) == 'function' then init = base base = nil elseif type(base) == 'table' then -- our new class is a shallow copy of the base class! for i,v in pairs(base) do c[i] = v end c._base = base end -- the class will be the metatable for all its objects, -- and they will look up their methods in it. c.__index = c -- expose a constructor which can be called by () local mt = {} mt.__call = function(class_tbl, ...) local obj = {} setmetatable(obj,c) if init then init(obj,...) else -- make sure that any stuff from the base class is initialized! if base and base.init then base.init(obj, ...) end end return obj end c.init = init c.is_a = function(self, klass) local m = getmetatable(self) while m do if m == klass then return true end m = m._base end return false end setmetatable(c, mt) return c end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local LabelSyntaxes = { { "Place", " of ", "Noun" }, { "Adjective", " ", "Place"}, { "Name", " ", "Place"}, { "Name", " ", "ProperPlace"}, { "PrePlace", " ", "Name"}, { "Adjective", " ", "Place", " of ", "Name"}, } local LabelDictionary ={ Place = { Land = { "Land" }, Sea = { "Sea", "Shallows", "Reef" }, Bay = { "Bay", "Cove", "Gulf" }, Straights = { "Straights", "Sound", "Channel" }, Cape = { "Cape", "Cape", "Cape" }, Islet = "Key", Island = { "Island", "Isle" }, Mountains = { "Heights", "Highlands", "Spires", "Crags" }, Hills = { "Hills", "Plateau", "Fell" }, Dunes = { "Dunes", "Sands", "Drift" }, Plains = { "Plain", "Prarie", "Steppe" }, Forest = { "Forest", "Wood", "Grove", "Thicket" }, Jungle = { "Jungle", "Maze", "Tangle" }, Swamp = { "Swamp", "Marsh", "Fen", "Pit" }, Range = "Mountains", Waste = { "Waste", "Desolation" }, Grassland = { "Heath", "Vale" }, }, ProperPlace = { Ocean = "Ocean", InlandSea = "Sea", River = "River", }, PrePlace = { Lake = "Lake", }, Noun = { Unknown = { "Despair" }, Hot = { "Light", "The Sun", "The Anvil" }, Cold = { "Frost", "Crystal" }, Wet = { "The Clouds", "Fog", "Monsoons" }, Dry = { "Dust", "Withering" }, Big = { "The Ancients" }, Small = { "The Needle" }, }, Adjective = { Unknown = { "Lost", "Enchanted", "Dismal" }, Hot = { "Shining" }, Cold = { "Snowy", "Icy", "Frigid" }, Wet = { "Misty", "Murky", "Torrid" }, Dry = { "Parched" }, Big = { "Greater" }, Small = { "Lesser" }, } } local SpecialLabelTypes = { Ocean = "MapWaterBig", Lake = "MapWaterSmallMedium", Sea = "MapWaterMedium", InlandSea = "MapWaterMedium", Bay = "MapWaterMedium", Cape = "MapWaterMedium", Straights = "MapWaterMedium", River = "MapWaterSmall", Islet = "MapSmallMedium", } local LabelSyntaxesCentauri = { { "FullPlace" }, { "Adjective", " ", "Place" }, } local LabelDictionaryCentauri = { FullPlace = { Sea = { "Sea of Pholus", "Sea of Nessus", "Sea of Mnesimache", "Sea of Chiron", "Sea of Unity" }, Bay = { "Landing Bay", "Eurytion Bay" }, Rift = { "Great Marine Rift" }, Freshwater = { "Freshwater Sea" }, Cape = { "Cape Storm" }, Isle = { "Isle of Deianira", "Isle of Dexamenus" }, Jungle = { "Monsoon Jungle" }, }, Place = { Straights = { "Straights", "Straights", "Straights" }, Ocean = { "Ocean" }, }, Adjective = { ColdCoast = { "Howling", "Zeus" }, WarmCoast = { "Prometheus" }, Northern = { "Great Northern" }, Southern = { "Great Southern" }, }, } local SpecialLabelTypesCentauri = { Ocean = "MapWaterMedium", Freshwater = "MapWaterSmallMedium", Sea = "MapWaterSmallMedium", Bay = "MapWaterSmallMedium", Rift = "MapWaterBig", Straights = "MapWaterSmallMedium", Cape = "MapWaterSmallMedium" } local LabelDefinitions -- has to be set in SetConstants() local LabelDefinitionsCentauri -- has to be set in Space:Compute() local function EvaluateCondition(key, condition, thing) if type(condition) == "boolean" then if condition == false then return not thing[key] end return thing[key] end if thing[key] then if type(condition) == "table" then local met = false for subKey, subCondition in pairs(condition) do met = EvaluateCondition(subKey, subCondition, thing[key]) if not met then return false end end return met elseif type(condition) == "number" then if condition > 0 then return thing[key] >= condition elseif condition < 0 then return thing[key] <= -condition elseif condition == 0 then return thing[key] == 0 end else return false end end return false end local function GetLabel(thing) local metKinds = { Unknown = true } for kind, conditions in pairs(LabelDefinitions) do if EvaluateCondition(1, conditions, {thing}) then metKinds[kind] = true end end local goodSyntaxes = {} local preparedSyntaxes = {} for s, syntax in pairs(LabelSyntaxes) do local goodSyntax = true local preparedSyntax = {} for i , part in pairs(syntax) do if LabelDictionary[part] then local goodPart = false local partKinds = {} for kind, words in pairs(LabelDictionary[part]) do if metKinds[kind] and (type(words) == "string" or #words > 0) then goodPart = true tInsert(partKinds, kind) end end if goodPart then preparedSyntax[part] = partKinds else goodSyntax = false break end end end if goodSyntax then tInsert(goodSyntaxes, syntax) preparedSyntaxes[syntax] = preparedSyntax end end if #goodSyntaxes == 0 then return end local syntax = tGetRandom(goodSyntaxes) local labelType = "Map" local label = "" for i, part in ipairs(syntax) do if preparedSyntaxes[syntax][part] then local kind = tGetRandom(preparedSyntaxes[syntax][part]) local word if type(LabelDictionary[part][kind]) == "string" then word = LabelDictionary[part][kind] else word = tRemoveRandom(LabelDictionary[part][kind]) end label = label .. word labelType = SpecialLabelTypes[kind] or labelType else label = label .. part end end EchoDebug(label, "(" .. labelType .. ")") return label, labelType end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local OptionDictionary = { { name = "Landmass Type", keys = { "wrapX", "oceanNumber", "majorContinentNumber", "islandNumber", "tinyIslandTarget", "coastalPolygonChance", "inlandSeaContinentRatio", "inlandSeasMax", "lakeMinRatio", "astronomyBlobNumber", "astronomyBlobMinPolygons", "astronomyBlobMaxPolygons", "astronomyBlobsMustConnectToOcean" }, default = 9, values = { [1] = { name = "Land All Around", values = { oceanNumber = -1, inlandSeasMax = 0, lakeMinRatio = 0, }}, [2] = { name = "Lakes", values = { oceanNumber = -1, inlandSeaContinentRatio = 0.015, inlandSeasMax = 2, lakeMinRatio = 0.02, }}, [3] = { name = "Inland Seas", values = { oceanNumber = -1, tinyIslandTarget = 5, inlandSeaContinentRatio = 0.04, inlandSeasMax = 3, lakeMinRatio = 0.015, }}, [4] = { name = "Inland Sea", values = { oceanNumber = -1, tinyIslandTarget = 5, inlandSeaContinentRatio = 0.4, }}, [5] = { name = "Low Seas", values = { oceanNumber = 0, majorContinentNumber = 3, inlandSeasMax = 0, }}, [6] = { name = "Archipelago", values = { oceanNumber = 0, majorContinentNumber = 0, coastalPolygonChance = 2, islandNumber = 24, tinyIslandTarget = 16, astronomyBlobNumber = 2, astronomyBlobMinPolygons = 1, astronomyBlobMaxPolygons = 3, }}, [7] = { name = "Pangaea", values = { oceanNumber = 1, majorContinentNumber = 1, islandNumber = 2, tinyIslandTarget = 5, astronomyBlobNumber = 1, astronomyBlobMinPolygons = 3, astronomyBlobMaxPolygons = 7, astronomyBlobsMustConnectToOcean = true, }}, [8] = { name = "Alpha Centaurish", values = { oceanNumber = 1, majorContinentNumber = 3, inlandSeaContinentRatio = 0.03, }}, [9] = { name = "Two Continents", values = { -- all defaults }}, [10] = { name = "Earthish", values = { majorContinentNumber = 5, islandNumber = 4, }}, [11] = { name = "Earthseaish", values = { oceanNumber = 3, majorContinentNumber = 9, coastalPolygonChance = 2, islandNumber = 10, tinyIslandTarget = 11, }}, [12] = { name = "Lonely Oceans", values = { oceanNumber = 0, majorContinentNumber = 0, islandNumber = 20, tinyIslandTarget = 14, astronomyBlobNumber = 5, }}, -- [13] = { name = "Random Globe", values = "keys", randomKeys = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12} }, [13] = { name = "Random Globe", values = "values", lowValues = { true, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.01, 0, 0.001, 0, 1, 1, false }, highValues = { true, 3, 8, 9, 13, 3, 0.3, 3, 0.02, 3, 10, 20, true } }, [14] = { name = "Dry Land", values = { wrapX = false, oceanNumber = -1, inlandSeasMax = 0, lakeMinRatio = 0, }}, [15] = { name = "Landlocked Lakes", values = { wrapX = false, oceanNumber = -1, inlandSeaContinentRatio = 0.015, inlandSeasMax = 2, lakeMinRatio = 0.02, }}, [16] = { name = "Landlocked Seas", values = { wrapX = false, oceanNumber = -1, inlandSeaContinentRatio = 0.04, inlandSeasMax = 3, lakeMinRatio = 0.015, }}, [17] = { name = "Landlocked Sea", values = { wrapX = false, oceanNumber = -1, inlandSeaContinentRatio = 0.4, }}, [18] = { name = "Estuary", values = { wrapX = false, oceanNumber = 0, majorContinentNumber = 3, inlandSeasMax = 0, }}, [19] = { name = "Coastline", values = { wrapX = false, oceanNumber = 1, majorContinentNumber = 1, coastalPolygonChance = 2, islandNumber = 1, inlandSeasMax = 0, }}, [20] = { name = "Coast", values = { wrapX = false, oceanNumber = 2, majorContinentNumber = 1, coastalPolygonChance = 2, islandNumber = 1, inlandSeasMax = 0, }}, [21] = { name = "Peninsula", values = { wrapX = false, oceanNumber = 3, majorContinentNumber = 1, coastalPolygonChance = 2, islandNumber = 2, inlandSeasMax = 0, }}, [22] = { name = "Continent", values = { wrapX = false, oceanNumber = 4, majorContinentNumber = 1, coastalPolygonChance = 3, islandNumber = 2, astronomyBlobNumber = 1, astronomyBlobMinPolygons = 3, astronomyBlobMaxPolygons = 7, astronomyBlobsMustConnectToOcean = true, }}, [23] = { name = "Island Chain", values = { wrapX = false, oceanNumber = 4, majorContinentNumber = 7, coastalPolygonChance = 2, islandNumber = 10, astronomyBlobNumber = 2, }}, [24] = { name = "Random Realm", values = "keys", randomKeys = {14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23} }, } }, -- { name = "Inland Water Bodies", keys = { "inlandSeasMax", "inlandSeaContinentRatio", "lakeMinRatio" }, default = 2, -- values = { -- [1] = { name = "None", values = {0, 0, 0} }, -- [2] = { name = "Some Lakes", values = {1, 0.015, 0.0065} }, -- [3] = { name = "Many Lakes", values = {1, 0.025, 0.02} }, -- [4] = { name = "Seas", values = {3, 0.04, 0.01} }, -- [5] = { name = "One Big Sea", values = {1, 0.4, 0.0065} }, -- [6] = { name = "Random", values = "keys" }, -- } -- }, { name = "Land at Poles", keys = { "polarMaxLandRatio" }, default = 1, values = { [1] = { name = "Yes", values = {0.4} }, [2] = { name = "No", values = {0} }, [3] = { name = "Random", values = "keys" }, } }, { name = "Climate Realism", keys = { "useMapLatitudes" }, default = 1, values = { [1] = { name = "Off", values = {false} }, [2] = { name = "On", values = {true} }, [3] = { name = "Random", values = "keys" }, } }, { name = "Granularity", keys = { "polygonCount" }, default = 3, values = { [1] = { name = "Very Low", values = {100} }, [2] = { name = "Low", values = {150} }, [3] = { name = "Fair", values = {200} }, [4] = { name = "High", values = {250} }, [5] = { name = "Very High", values = {300} }, [6] = { name = "Random", values = "values", lowValues = {100}, highValues = {300} }, } }, { name = "World Age", keys = { "mountainRatio", "hillynessMax", "hillChance" }, default = 4, values = { [1] = { name = "1 Billion Years", values = {0.25, 75, 5} }, [2] = { name = "2 Billion Years", values = {0.16, 60, 4} }, [3] = { name = "3 Billion Years", values = {0.08, 50, 3} }, [4] = { name = "4 Billion Years", values = {0.04, 40, 3} }, [5] = { name = "5 Billion Years", values = {0.02, 30, 2} }, [6] = { name = "6 Billion Years", values = {0.005, 20, 1} }, [7] = { name = "Random", values = "keys" }, } }, { name = "Temperature", keys = { "polarExponent", "temperatureMin", "temperatureMax", "freezingTemperature" }, default = 4, values = { [1] = { name = "Snowball", values = {1.8, 0, 13, 16} }, [2] = { name = "Ice Age", values = {1.6, 0, 33} }, [3] = { name = "Cool", values = {1.4, 0, 71} }, [4] = { name = "Temperate", values = {1.2, 0, 99} }, [5] = { name = "Warm", values = {1.1, 6, 99} }, [6] = { name = "Hot", values = {0.9, 26, 99} }, [7] = { name = "Jurassic", values = {0.7, 50, 99} }, [8] = { name = "Random", values = "keys" }, } }, { name = "Rainfall", keys = { "rainfallMidpoint" }, default = 4, values = { [1] = { name = "Arrakis", values = {3} }, [2] = { name = "Very Arid", values = {28} }, [3] = { name = "Arid", values = {38} }, [4] = { name = "Normal", values = {49.5} }, [5] = { name = "Wet", values = {57} }, [6] = { name = "Very Wet", values = {67} }, [7] = { name = "Arboria", values = {84} }, [8] = { name = "Random", values = "values", lowValues = {3}, highValues = {96} }, } }, { name = "Doomsday Age", keys = { "falloutEnabled", "contaminatedWater", "contaminatedSoil", "postApocalyptic", "ancientCitiesCount" }, default = 1, values = { [1] = { name = "Not Yet (No Ruins or Roads)", values = {false, false, false, false, 0} }, [2] = { name = "Legend (Ruins & Roads)", values = {false, false, false, false, 4} }, [3] = { name = "History (Fallout around Ruins)", values = {false, false, false, true, 4} }, [4] = { name = "Memory (More Fallout)", values = {true, false, false, true, 4} }, [5] = { name = "A Long While (Fallout in Mountains)", values = {true, false, true, true, 4} }, [6] = { name = "A While (Fallout in Rivers)", values = {true, true, false, true, 4} }, [7] = { name = "Yesterday (Fallout Everywhere)", values = {true, true, true, true, 4} }, [8] = { name = "Random", values = "keys" }, } }, } local function GetCustomOptions() local custOpts = {} for i, option in ipairs(OptionDictionary) do local opt = { Name = option.name, SortPriority = i, DefaultValue = option.default, Values = {} } for n, value in pairs(option.values) do opt.Values[n] = value.name end tInsert(custOpts, opt) end return custOpts end local function DatabaseQuery(sqlStatement) for whatever in DB.Query(sqlStatement) do local stuff = whatever end return rows end local function CreateOrOverwriteTable(tableName, dataSql) -- for whatever in DB.Query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".. tableName .."';") do if GameInfo[tableName] then -- EchoDebug("table " .. tableName .. " exists, dropping") DatabaseQuery("DROP TABLE " .. tableName) -- break end -- EchoDebug("creating table " .. tableName) DatabaseQuery("CREATE TABLE " .. tableName .. " ( " .. dataSql .. " );") end local function DatabaseInsert(tableName, values) local valueString = "" local nameString = "" for name, value in pairs(values) do nameString = nameString .. name .. ", " if type(value) == "string" then valueString = valueString .. "'" .. value .. "', " else valueString = valueString .. value .. ", " end end nameString = string.sub(nameString, 1, -3) valueString = string.sub(valueString, 1, -3) DatabaseQuery("INSERT INTO " .. tableName .. " (" .. nameString ..") VALUES (" .. valueString .. ");") end local LabelIndex = 0 local function InsertLabel(X, Y, Type, Label, hexes) LabelIndex = LabelIndex + 1 DatabaseInsert("Fantastical_Map_Labels", {X = X, Y = Y, Type = Type, Label = Label, ID = LabelIndex}) local LabelTable = "Fantastical_Map_Label_ID_" .. LabelIndex CreateOrOverwriteTable(LabelTable, "X integer DEFAULT 0, Y integer DEFAULT 0") for i, hex in pairs(hexes) do DatabaseInsert(LabelTable, {X = hex.x, Y = hex.y}) end end local function LabelThing(thing, x, y, hexes) if not thing then return end x = x or thing.x if not x then return end y = y or thing.y local label, labelType = GetLabel(thing) if label then InsertLabel(x, y, labelType, label, hexes or thing.hexes) return true else return false end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- so that these constants can be shorter to access and consistent local DirW, DirNW, DirNE, DirE, DirSE, DirSW = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 local FlowDirN, FlowDirNE, FlowDirSE, FlowDirS, FlowDirSW, FlowDirNW local DirConvert = {} local function DirFant2Native(direction) return DirConvert[direction] or DirectionTypes.NO_DIRECTION end local function OppositeDirection(direction) direction = direction + 3 if direction > 6 then direction = direction - 6 end return direction end local function OfRiverDirection(direction) if direction == DirE or direction == DirSE or direction == DirSW then return true end return false end -- direction1 crosses the river to another hex -- direction2 goes to a mutual neighbor local function GetFlowDirection(direction1, direction2) if direction1 == DirW or direction1 == DirE then if direction2 == DirSE or direction2 == DirSW then return FlowDirS else return FlowDirN end elseif direction1 == DirNW or direction1 == DirSE then if direction2 == DirSW or direction2 == DirW then return FlowDirSW else return FlowDirNE end elseif direction1 == DirNE or direction1 == DirSW then if direction2 == DirNW or direction2 == DirW then return FlowDirNW else return FlowDirSE end end return -1 end local DirNames = { [DirW] = "West", [DirNW] = "Northwest", [DirNE] = "Northeast", [DirE] = "East", [DirSE] = "Southeast", [DirSW] = "Southwest", } local FlowDirNames = {} local function DirName(direction) return DirNames[direction] end local function FlowDirName(flowDirection) return FlowDirNames[flowDirection] end local plotOcean, plotLand, plotHills, plotMountain local terrainOcean, terrainCoast, terrainGrass, terrainPlains, terrainDesert, terrainTundra, terrainSnow local featureForest, featureJungle, featureIce, featureMarsh, featureOasis, featureFallout, featureAtoll local TerrainDictionary, FeatureDictionary local TerrainDictionaryCentauri, FeatureDictionaryCentauri local improvementCityRuins local artOcean, artAmerica, artAsia, artAfrica, artEurope local resourceSilver, resourceSpices local climateGrid local function SetConstants() artOcean, artAmerica, artAsia, artAfrica, artEurope = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 resourceSilver, resourceSpices = 16, 22 FlowDirN, FlowDirNE, FlowDirSE, FlowDirS, FlowDirSW, FlowDirNW = FlowDirectionTypes.FLOWDIRECTION_NORTH, FlowDirectionTypes.FLOWDIRECTION_NORTHEAST, FlowDirectionTypes.FLOWDIRECTION_SOUTHEAST, FlowDirectionTypes.FLOWDIRECTION_SOUTH, FlowDirectionTypes.FLOWDIRECTION_SOUTHWEST, FlowDirectionTypes.FLOWDIRECTION_NORTHWEST FlowDirNames = { [FlowDirN] = "North", [FlowDirNE] = "Northeast", [FlowDirSE] = "Southeast", [FlowDirS] = "South", [FlowDirSW] = "Southwest", [FlowDirNW] = "Northwest", } DirConvert = { [DirW] = DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_WEST, [DirNW] = DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_NORTHWEST, [DirNE] = DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_NORTHEAST, [DirE] = DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_EAST, [DirSE] = DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTHEAST, [DirSW] = DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTHWEST } routeRoad = GameInfo.Routes.ROUTE_ROAD.ID plotOcean = PlotTypes.PLOT_OCEAN plotLand = PlotTypes.PLOT_LAND plotHills = PlotTypes.PLOT_HILLS plotMountain = PlotTypes.PLOT_MOUNTAIN terrainOcean = TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_OCEAN terrainCoast = TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_COAST terrainGrass = TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_GRASS terrainPlains = TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_PLAINS terrainDesert = TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_DESERT terrainTundra = TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_TUNDRA terrainSnow = TerrainTypes.TERRAIN_SNOW featureNone = FeatureTypes.NO_FEATURE featureForest = FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FOREST featureJungle = FeatureTypes.FEATURE_JUNGLE featureIce = FeatureTypes.FEATURE_ICE featureMarsh = FeatureTypes.FEATURE_MARSH featureOasis = FeatureTypes.FEATURE_OASIS featureFloodPlains = FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FLOOD_PLAINS featureFallout = FeatureTypes.FEATURE_FALLOUT featureVolcano = 11 -- FeatureTypes.FEATURE_VOLCANO featureReef = 10 -- FeatureTypes.FEATURE_REEF for thisFeature in GameInfo.Features() do if thisFeature.Type == "FEATURE_ATOLL" then featureAtoll = thisFeature.ID end end improvementCityRuins = GameInfo.Improvements.IMPROVEMENT_CITY_RUINS.ID TerrainDictionary = { [terrainGrass] = { points = {{t=76,r=41}, {t=64,r=41}, {t=61,r=50}}, features = { featureNone, featureForest, featureJungle, featureMarsh, featureFallout } }, [terrainPlains] = { points = {{t=19,r=41}, {t=21,r=50}}, features = { featureNone, featureForest, featureFallout } }, [terrainDesert] = { points = {{t=79,r=14}, {t=56,r=12}, {t=19,r=11}}, features = { featureNone, featureOasis, featureFallout }, specialFeature = featureOasis }, [terrainTundra] = { points = {{t=11,r=41}, {t=8,r=50}, {t=11,r=11}}, features = { featureNone, featureForest, featureFallout } }, [terrainSnow] = { points = {{t=0,r=41}, {t=1,r=49}, {t=0,r=11}}, features = { featureNone, featureFallout } }, } -- metaPercent is how like it is be a part of a region's collection *at all* -- percent is how likely it is to show up in a region's collection on a per-element (tile) basis, if it's the closest rainfall and temperature already -- limitRatio is what fraction of a region's hexes at maximum may have this feature (-1 is no limit) FeatureDictionary = { [featureNone] = { points = {{t=89,r=58}, {t=20,r=23}, {t=18,r=76}, {t=43,r=33}, {t=59,r=39}, {t=40,r=76}, {t=27,r=82}, {t=62,r=53}, {t=29,r=48}, {t=39,r=66}}, percent = 100, limitRatio = -1, hill = true }, [featureForest] = { points = {{t=0,r=47}, {t=56,r=100}, {t=12,r=76}, {t=44,r=76}, {t=28,r=98}, {t=44,r=66}}, percent = 100, limitRatio = 0.85, hill = true }, [featureJungle] = { points = {{t=100,r=100}, {t=86,r=100}}, percent = 100, limitRatio = 0.85, hill = true, terrainType = terrainPlains }, [featureMarsh] = { points = {}, percent = 100, limitRatio = 0.33, hill = false }, [featureOasis] = { points = {}, percent = 2.4, limitRatio = 0.01, hill = false }, [featureFallout] = { points = {{t=50,r=0}}, disabled = true, percent = 0, limitRatio = 0.75, hill = true }, } -- doing it this way just so the declarations above are shorter for terrainType, terrain in pairs(TerrainDictionary) do if terrain.terrainType == nil then terrain.terrainType = terrainType end terrain.canHaveFeatures = {} for i, featureType in pairs(terrain.features) do terrain.canHaveFeatures[featureType] = true end end for featureType, feature in pairs(FeatureDictionary) do if feature.featureType == nil then feature.featureType = featureType end end -- for Alpha Centauri Maps: TerrainDictionaryCentauri = { [terrainGrass] = { points = {{t=50,r=58}}, features = { featureNone, featureJungle, featureMarsh } }, [terrainPlains] = { points = {{t=50,r=14}}, features = { featureNone, } }, [terrainDesert] = { points = {{t=50,r=0}}, features = { featureNone, } }, } FeatureDictionaryCentauri = { [featureNone] = { points = {{t=0,r=0}}, percent = 100, limitRatio = -1, hill = true }, [featureJungle] = { points = {{t=100,r=100}}, percent = 100, limitRatio = 0.95, hill = false }, [featureMarsh] = { points = {{t=82,r=61}}, percent = 65, limitRatio = 0.9, hill = true }, } -- doing it this way just so the declarations above are shorter for terrainType, terrain in pairs(TerrainDictionaryCentauri) do if terrain.terrainType == nil then terrain.terrainType = terrainType end terrain.canHaveFeatures = {} for i, featureType in pairs(terrain.features) do terrain.canHaveFeatures[featureType] = true end end for featureType, feature in pairs(FeatureDictionaryCentauri) do if feature.featureType == nil then feature.featureType = featureType end end LabelDefinitions = { -- subpolygons Sea = { tinyIsland = false, superPolygon = {region = {coastal=true}, sea = {inland=false}} }, Straights = { tinyIsland = false, coastContinentsTotal = 2, superPolygon = {waterTotal = -2, sea = {inland=false}} }, Bay = { coast = true, coastTotal = 3, coastContinentsTotal = -1, superPolygon = {coastTotal = 3, coastContinentsTotal = -1, waterTotal = -1, sea = {inland=false}} }, Cape = { coast = true, coastContinentsTotal = -1, superPolygon = {coastTotal = -1, coastContinentsTotal = 1, oceanIndex = false, sea = {inland=false}} }, -- regions Land = { plotRatios = {[plotLand] = 1.0} }, Islet = { tinyIsland = true }, Island = { continentSize = -3, }, Mountains = { plotRatios = {[plotMountain] = 0.2}, }, Hills = { plotRatios = {[plotHills] = 0.33} }, Dunes = { plotRatios = {[plotHills] = 0.33}, terrainRatios = {[terrainDesert] = 0.85} }, Plains = { plotRatios = {[plotLand] = 0.85}, terrainRatios = {[terrainPlains] = 0.5}, featureRatios = {[featureNone] = 0.85} }, Forest = { featureRatios = {[featureForest] = 0.4} }, Jungle = { featureRatios = {[featureJungle] = 0.45} }, Swamp = { featureRatios = {[featureMarsh] = 0.15} }, Waste = { terrainRatios = {[terrainSnow] = 0.75}, featureRatios = {[featureNone] = 0.8} }, Grassland = { terrainRatios = {[terrainGrass] = 0.75}, featureRatios = {[featureNone] = 0.75} }, -- etc InlandSea = { inland = true }, Range = { rangeLength = 1 }, Ocean = { oceanSize = 1 }, Lake = { lake = true }, River = { riverLength = 1 }, Hot = { temperatureAvg = 80 }, Cold = { temperatureAvg = -20 }, Wet = { rainfallAvg = 80 }, Dry = { rainfallAvg = -20 }, Big = { subPolygonCount = 30 }, Small = { subPolygonCount = -8 } } climateGrid = { [0] = { [0]={4,-1}, [1]={4,-1}, [2]={4,-1}, [3]={4,-1}, [4]={4,-1}, [5]={4,-1}, [6]={4,-1}, [7]={4,-1}, [8]={4,-1}, [9]={4,-1}, [10]={4,-1}, [11]={4,-1}, [12]={4,-1}, [13]={4,-1}, [14]={4,-1}, [15]={4,-1}, [16]={4,-1}, [17]={4,-1}, [18]={4,-1}, [19]={4,-1}, [20]={4,-1}, [21]={4,-1}, [22]={4,-1}, [23]={4,-1}, [24]={4,-1}, [25]={4,-1}, [26]={4,-1}, [27]={4,-1}, [28]={4,-1}, [29]={4,-1}, [30]={4,-1}, [31]={4,-1}, [32]={4,-1}, [33]={4,-1}, [34]={4,-1}, [35]={4,-1}, [36]={4,-1}, [37]={4,-1}, [38]={4,-1}, [39]={4,-1}, [40]={4,-1}, [41]={4,-1}, [42]={4,-1}, [43]={4,-1}, [44]={4,-1}, [45]={4,-1}, [46]={4,-1}, [47]={4,-1}, [48]={4,-1}, [49]={4,-1}, [50]={4,-1}, [51]={4,-1}, [52]={4,-1}, [53]={4,-1}, [54]={4,-1}, [55]={4,-1}, [56]={4,-1}, [57]={4,-1}, [58]={4,-1}, [59]={4,-1}, [60]={4,-1}, [61]={4,-1}, [62]={4,-1}, [63]={4,-1}, [64]={4,-1}, [65]={4,-1}, [66]={4,-1}, [67]={4,-1}, [68]={4,-1}, [69]={4,-1}, [70]={4,-1}, [71]={4,-1}, [72]={4,-1}, [73]={4,-1}, [74]={4,-1}, [75]={4,-1}, [76]={4,-1}, [77]={4,-1}, [78]={4,-1}, [79]={4,-1}, [80]={4,-1}, [81]={4,-1}, [82]={4,-1}, [83]={4,-1}, [84]={4,-1}, [85]={4,-1}, [86]={4,-1}, [87]={4,-1}, [88]={4,-1}, [89]={4,-1}, [90]={4,-1}, [91]={4,-1}, [92]={4,-1}, [93]={4,-1}, [94]={4,-1}, [95]={4,-1}, [96]={4,-1}, [97]={4,-1}, [98]={4,-1}, [99]={4,-1} }, [1] = { [0]={4,-1}, [1]={4,-1}, [2]={4,-1}, [3]={4,-1}, [4]={4,-1}, [5]={4,-1}, [6]={4,-1}, [7]={4,-1}, [8]={4,-1}, [9]={4,-1}, [10]={4,-1}, [11]={4,-1}, [12]={4,-1}, [13]={4,-1}, [14]={4,-1}, [15]={4,-1}, [16]={4,-1}, [17]={4,-1}, [18]={4,-1}, [19]={4,-1}, [20]={4,-1}, [21]={4,-1}, [22]={4,-1}, [23]={4,-1}, [24]={4,-1}, [25]={4,-1}, [26]={4,-1}, [27]={4,-1}, [28]={4,-1}, [29]={4,-1}, [30]={4,-1}, [31]={4,-1}, [32]={4,-1}, [33]={4,-1}, [34]={4,-1}, [35]={4,-1}, [36]={4,-1}, [37]={4,-1}, [38]={4,-1}, [39]={4,-1}, [40]={4,-1}, [41]={4,-1}, [42]={4,-1}, [43]={4,-1}, [44]={4,-1}, [45]={4,-1}, [46]={4,-1}, [47]={4,-1}, [48]={4,-1}, [49]={4,-1}, [50]={4,-1}, [51]={4,-1}, [52]={4,-1}, [53]={4,-1}, [54]={4,-1}, [55]={4,-1}, [56]={4,-1}, [57]={4,-1}, [58]={4,-1}, [59]={4,-1}, [60]={4,-1}, [61]={4,-1}, [62]={4,-1}, [63]={4,-1}, [64]={4,-1}, [65]={4,-1}, [66]={4,-1}, [67]={4,-1}, [68]={4,-1}, [69]={4,-1}, [70]={4,-1}, [71]={4,-1}, [72]={4,-1}, [73]={4,-1}, [74]={4,-1}, [75]={4,-1}, [76]={4,-1}, [77]={4,-1}, [78]={4,-1}, [79]={4,-1}, [80]={4,-1}, [81]={4,-1}, [82]={4,-1}, [83]={4,-1}, [84]={4,-1}, [85]={4,-1}, [86]={4,-1}, [87]={4,-1}, [88]={4,-1}, [89]={4,-1}, [90]={4,-1}, [91]={4,-1}, [92]={4,-1}, [93]={4,-1}, [94]={4,-1}, [95]={4,-1}, [96]={4,-1}, [97]={4,-1}, [98]={4,-1}, [99]={4,-1} }, [2] = { [0]={4,-1}, [1]={4,-1}, [2]={4,-1}, [3]={4,-1}, [4]={4,-1}, [5]={4,-1}, [6]={4,-1}, [7]={4,-1}, [8]={4,-1}, [9]={4,-1}, [10]={4,-1}, [11]={4,-1}, [12]={4,-1}, [13]={4,-1}, [14]={4,-1}, [15]={4,-1}, [16]={4,-1}, [17]={4,-1}, [18]={4,-1}, [19]={4,-1}, [20]={4,-1}, [21]={4,-1}, [22]={4,-1}, [23]={4,-1}, [24]={4,-1}, [25]={4,-1}, [26]={4,-1}, [27]={4,-1}, [28]={4,-1}, [29]={4,-1}, [30]={4,-1}, [31]={4,-1}, [32]={4,-1}, [33]={4,-1}, [34]={4,-1}, [35]={4,-1}, [36]={4,-1}, [37]={4,-1}, [38]={4,-1}, [39]={4,-1}, [40]={4,-1}, [41]={4,-1}, [42]={4,-1}, [43]={4,-1}, [44]={4,-1}, [45]={4,-1}, [46]={4,-1}, [47]={4,-1}, [48]={4,-1}, [49]={4,-1}, [50]={4,-1}, [51]={4,-1}, [52]={4,-1}, [53]={4,-1}, [54]={4,-1}, [55]={4,-1}, [56]={4,-1}, [57]={4,-1}, [58]={4,-1}, [59]={4,-1}, [60]={4,-1}, [61]={4,-1}, [62]={4,-1}, [63]={4,-1}, [64]={4,-1}, [65]={4,-1}, [66]={4,-1}, [67]={4,-1}, [68]={4,-1}, [69]={4,-1}, [70]={4,-1}, [71]={4,-1}, [72]={4,-1}, [73]={4,-1}, [74]={4,-1}, [75]={4,-1}, [76]={4,-1}, [77]={4,-1}, [78]={4,-1}, [79]={4,-1}, [80]={4,-1}, [81]={4,-1}, [82]={4,-1}, [83]={4,-1}, [84]={4,-1}, [85]={4,-1}, [86]={4,-1}, [87]={4,-1}, [88]={4,-1}, [89]={4,-1}, [90]={4,-1}, [91]={4,-1}, [92]={4,-1}, [93]={4,-1}, [94]={4,-1}, [95]={4,-1}, [96]={4,-1}, [97]={4,-1}, [98]={4,-1}, [99]={4,-1} }, [3] = { [0]={4,-1}, [1]={4,-1}, [2]={4,-1}, [3]={4,-1}, [4]={4,-1}, [5]={4,-1}, [6]={4,-1}, [7]={4,-1}, [8]={4,-1}, [9]={4,-1}, [10]={4,-1}, [11]={4,-1}, [12]={4,-1}, [13]={4,-1}, [14]={4,-1}, [15]={4,-1}, [16]={4,-1}, [17]={4,-1}, [18]={4,-1}, [19]={4,-1}, [20]={4,-1}, [21]={4,-1}, [22]={4,-1}, [23]={4,-1}, [24]={4,-1}, [25]={4,-1}, [26]={4,-1}, [27]={4,-1}, [28]={4,-1}, [29]={4,-1}, [30]={4,-1}, [31]={4,-1}, [32]={4,-1}, [33]={4,-1}, [34]={4,-1}, [35]={4,-1}, [36]={4,-1}, [37]={4,-1}, [38]={4,-1}, [39]={4,-1}, [40]={4,-1}, [41]={4,-1}, [42]={4,-1}, [43]={4,-1}, [44]={4,-1}, [45]={4,-1}, [46]={4,-1}, [47]={4,-1}, [48]={4,-1}, [49]={4,-1}, [50]={4,-1}, [51]={4,-1}, [52]={4,-1}, [53]={4,-1}, [54]={4,-1}, [55]={4,-1}, [56]={4,-1}, [57]={4,-1}, [58]={4,-1}, [59]={4,-1}, [60]={4,-1}, [61]={4,-1}, [62]={4,-1}, [63]={4,-1}, [64]={4,-1}, [65]={4,-1}, [66]={4,-1}, [67]={4,-1}, [68]={4,-1}, [69]={4,-1}, [70]={4,-1}, [71]={4,-1}, [72]={4,-1}, [73]={4,-1}, [74]={4,-1}, [75]={4,-1}, [76]={4,-1}, [77]={4,-1}, [78]={4,-1}, [79]={4,-1}, [80]={4,-1}, [81]={4,-1}, [82]={4,-1}, [83]={4,-1}, [84]={4,-1}, [85]={4,-1}, [86]={4,-1}, [87]={4,-1}, [88]={4,-1}, [89]={4,-1}, [90]={4,-1}, [91]={4,-1}, [92]={4,-1}, [93]={4,-1}, [94]={4,-1}, [95]={4,-1}, [96]={4,-1}, [97]={4,-1}, [98]={4,-1}, [99]={4,-1} }, [4] = { [0]={4,-1}, [1]={4,-1}, [2]={4,-1}, [3]={4,-1}, [4]={4,-1}, [5]={4,-1}, [6]={4,-1}, [7]={4,-1}, [8]={4,-1}, [9]={4,-1}, [10]={4,-1}, [11]={4,-1}, [12]={4,-1}, [13]={4,-1}, [14]={4,-1}, [15]={4,-1}, [16]={4,-1}, [17]={4,-1}, [18]={4,-1}, [19]={4,-1}, [20]={4,-1}, [21]={4,-1}, [22]={4,-1}, [23]={4,-1}, [24]={4,-1}, [25]={4,-1}, [26]={4,-1}, [27]={4,-1}, [28]={4,-1}, [29]={4,-1}, [30]={4,-1}, [31]={4,-1}, [32]={4,-1}, [33]={4,-1}, [34]={4,-1}, [35]={4,-1}, [36]={4,-1}, [37]={4,-1}, [38]={4,-1}, [39]={4,-1}, [40]={4,-1}, [41]={4,-1}, [42]={4,-1}, [43]={4,-1}, [44]={4,-1}, [45]={4,-1}, [46]={4,-1}, [47]={4,-1}, [48]={4,-1}, [49]={4,-1}, [50]={4,-1}, [51]={4,-1}, [52]={4,-1}, [53]={4,-1}, [54]={4,-1}, [55]={4,-1}, [56]={4,-1}, [57]={4,-1}, [58]={4,-1}, [59]={4,-1}, [60]={4,-1}, [61]={4,-1}, [62]={4,-1}, [63]={4,-1}, [64]={4,-1}, [65]={4,-1}, [66]={4,-1}, [67]={4,-1}, [68]={4,-1}, [69]={4,-1}, [70]={4,-1}, [71]={4,-1}, [72]={4,-1}, [73]={4,-1}, [74]={4,-1}, [75]={4,-1}, [76]={4,-1}, [77]={4,-1}, [78]={4,-1}, [79]={4,-1}, [80]={4,-1}, [81]={4,-1}, [82]={4,-1}, [83]={4,-1}, [84]={4,-1}, [85]={4,-1}, [86]={4,-1}, [87]={4,-1}, [88]={4,-1}, [89]={4,-1}, [90]={4,-1}, [91]={4,-1}, [92]={4,-1}, [93]={4,-1}, [94]={4,-1}, [95]={4,-1}, [96]={4,-1}, [97]={4,-1}, [98]={4,-1}, [99]={4,-1} }, [5] = { [0]={4,-1}, [1]={4,-1}, [2]={4,-1}, [3]={4,-1}, [4]={4,-1}, [5]={4,-1}, [6]={4,-1}, [7]={4,-1}, [8]={4,-1}, [9]={4,-1}, [10]={4,-1}, [11]={4,-1}, [12]={4,-1}, [13]={4,-1}, [14]={4,-1}, [15]={4,-1}, [16]={4,-1}, [17]={4,-1}, [18]={4,-1}, [19]={4,-1}, [20]={4,-1}, [21]={4,-1}, [22]={4,-1}, [23]={4,-1}, [24]={4,-1}, [25]={4,-1}, [26]={4,-1}, [27]={4,-1}, [28]={4,-1}, [29]={4,-1}, [30]={4,-1}, [31]={4,-1}, [32]={4,-1}, [33]={4,-1}, [34]={4,-1}, [35]={4,-1}, [36]={4,-1}, [37]={4,-1}, [38]={4,-1}, [39]={4,-1}, [40]={4,-1}, [41]={4,-1}, [42]={4,-1}, [43]={4,-1}, [44]={4,-1}, [45]={4,-1}, [46]={4,-1}, [47]={4,-1}, [48]={4,-1}, [49]={4,-1}, [50]={4,-1}, [51]={4,-1}, [52]={4,-1}, [53]={4,-1}, [54]={4,-1}, [55]={4,-1}, [56]={4,-1}, [57]={4,-1}, [58]={4,-1}, [59]={4,-1}, [60]={4,-1}, [61]={4,-1}, [62]={4,-1}, [63]={4,-1}, [64]={4,-1}, [65]={4,-1}, [66]={4,-1}, [67]={4,-1}, [68]={4,-1}, [69]={4,-1}, [70]={4,-1}, [71]={4,-1}, [72]={4,-1}, [73]={4,-1}, [74]={4,-1}, [75]={4,-1}, [76]={4,-1}, [77]={4,-1}, [78]={4,-1}, [79]={4,-1}, [80]={4,-1}, [81]={4,-1}, [82]={4,-1}, [83]={4,-1}, [84]={4,-1}, [85]={4,-1}, [86]={4,-1}, [87]={4,-1}, [88]={4,-1}, [89]={4,-1}, [90]={4,-1}, [91]={4,-1}, [92]={4,-1}, [93]={4,-1}, [94]={4,-1}, [95]={4,-1}, [96]={4,-1}, [97]={4,-1}, [98]={4,-1}, [99]={4,-1} }, [6] = { [0]={4,-1}, [1]={4,-1}, [2]={4,-1}, [3]={4,-1}, [4]={4,-1}, [5]={4,-1}, [6]={4,-1}, [7]={4,-1}, [8]={4,-1}, [9]={4,-1}, [10]={4,-1}, [11]={4,-1}, [12]={4,-1}, [13]={4,-1}, [14]={4,-1}, [15]={4,-1}, [16]={4,-1}, [17]={4,-1}, [18]={4,-1}, [19]={4,-1}, [20]={4,-1}, [21]={4,-1}, [22]={4,-1}, [23]={4,-1}, [24]={4,-1}, [25]={4,-1}, [26]={4,-1}, [27]={4,-1}, [28]={4,-1}, [29]={4,-1}, [30]={4,-1}, [31]={4,-1}, [32]={4,-1}, [33]={4,-1}, [34]={4,-1}, [35]={4,-1}, [36]={4,-1}, 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[47]={0,-1}, [48]={0,-1}, [49]={0,-1}, [50]={0,-1}, [51]={0,-1}, [52]={0,-1}, [53]={0,-1}, [54]={0,-1}, [55]={0,-1}, [56]={0,-1}, [57]={0,-1}, [58]={0,-1}, [59]={0,-1}, [60]={0,-1}, [61]={0,-1}, [62]={0,-1}, [63]={0,1}, [64]={0,1}, [65]={0,1}, [66]={0,1}, [67]={0,1}, [68]={0,1}, [69]={0,1}, [70]={0,1}, [71]={0,1}, [72]={0,1}, [73]={0,1}, [74]={0,1}, [75]={0,1}, [76]={0,1}, [77]={0,1}, [78]={0,1}, [79]={0,1}, [80]={0,1}, [81]={0,1}, [82]={0,1}, [83]={0,1}, [84]={0,1}, [85]={0,1}, [86]={0,1}, [87]={0,1}, [88]={0,1}, [89]={0,1}, [90]={0,1}, [91]={0,1}, [92]={0,1}, [93]={0,1}, [94]={0,1}, [95]={0,1}, [96]={0,1}, [97]={0,1}, [98]={0,1}, [99]={0,1} }, [96] = { [0]={2,-1}, [1]={2,-1}, [2]={2,-1}, [3]={2,-1}, [4]={2,-1}, [5]={2,-1}, [6]={2,-1}, [7]={2,-1}, [8]={2,-1}, [9]={2,-1}, [10]={2,-1}, [11]={2,-1}, [12]={2,-1}, [13]={2,-1}, [14]={2,-1}, [15]={2,-1}, [16]={2,-1}, [17]={2,-1}, [18]={2,-1}, [19]={2,-1}, [20]={2,-1}, [21]={2,-1}, [22]={2,-1}, [23]={2,-1}, [24]={2,-1}, [25]={2,-1}, [26]={2,-1}, [27]={2,-1}, [28]={2,-1}, [29]={2,-1}, [30]={2,-1}, [31]={2,-1}, [32]={2,-1}, [33]={0,-1}, [34]={0,-1}, [35]={0,-1}, [36]={0,-1}, [37]={0,-1}, [38]={0,-1}, [39]={0,-1}, [40]={0,-1}, [41]={0,-1}, [42]={0,-1}, [43]={0,-1}, [44]={0,-1}, [45]={0,-1}, [46]={0,-1}, [47]={0,-1}, [48]={0,-1}, [49]={0,-1}, [50]={0,-1}, [51]={0,-1}, [52]={0,-1}, [53]={0,-1}, [54]={0,-1}, [55]={0,-1}, [56]={0,-1}, [57]={0,-1}, [58]={0,-1}, [59]={0,-1}, [60]={0,-1}, [61]={0,-1}, [62]={0,1}, [63]={0,1}, [64]={0,1}, [65]={0,1}, [66]={0,1}, [67]={0,1}, [68]={0,1}, [69]={0,1}, [70]={0,1}, [71]={0,1}, [72]={0,1}, [73]={0,1}, [74]={0,1}, [75]={0,1}, [76]={0,1}, [77]={0,1}, [78]={0,1}, [79]={0,1}, [80]={0,1}, [81]={0,1}, [82]={0,1}, [83]={0,1}, [84]={0,1}, [85]={0,1}, [86]={0,1}, [87]={0,1}, [88]={0,1}, [89]={0,1}, [90]={0,1}, [91]={0,1}, [92]={0,1}, [93]={0,1}, [94]={0,1}, [95]={0,1}, [96]={0,1}, [97]={0,1}, [98]={0,1}, [99]={0,1} }, [97] = { [0]={2,-1}, [1]={2,-1}, [2]={2,-1}, [3]={2,-1}, [4]={2,-1}, [5]={2,-1}, [6]={2,-1}, [7]={2,-1}, [8]={2,-1}, [9]={2,-1}, [10]={2,-1}, [11]={2,-1}, [12]={2,-1}, [13]={2,-1}, [14]={2,-1}, [15]={2,-1}, [16]={2,-1}, [17]={2,-1}, [18]={2,-1}, [19]={2,-1}, [20]={2,-1}, [21]={2,-1}, [22]={2,-1}, [23]={2,-1}, [24]={2,-1}, [25]={2,-1}, [26]={2,-1}, [27]={2,-1}, [28]={2,-1}, [29]={2,-1}, [30]={2,-1}, [31]={2,-1}, [32]={2,-1}, [33]={2,-1}, [34]={0,-1}, [35]={0,-1}, [36]={0,-1}, [37]={0,-1}, [38]={0,-1}, [39]={0,-1}, [40]={0,-1}, [41]={0,-1}, [42]={0,-1}, [43]={0,-1}, [44]={0,-1}, [45]={0,-1}, [46]={0,-1}, [47]={0,-1}, [48]={0,-1}, [49]={0,-1}, [50]={0,-1}, [51]={0,-1}, [52]={0,-1}, [53]={0,-1}, [54]={0,-1}, [55]={0,-1}, [56]={0,-1}, [57]={0,-1}, [58]={0,-1}, [59]={0,-1}, [60]={0,-1}, [61]={0,-1}, [62]={0,1}, [63]={0,1}, [64]={0,1}, [65]={0,1}, [66]={0,1}, [67]={0,1}, [68]={0,1}, [69]={0,1}, [70]={0,1}, [71]={0,1}, [72]={0,1}, [73]={0,1}, [74]={0,1}, [75]={0,1}, [76]={0,1}, [77]={0,1}, [78]={0,1}, [79]={0,1}, [80]={0,1}, [81]={0,1}, [82]={0,1}, [83]={0,1}, [84]={0,1}, [85]={0,1}, [86]={0,1}, [87]={0,1}, [88]={0,1}, [89]={0,1}, [90]={0,1}, [91]={0,1}, [92]={0,1}, [93]={0,1}, [94]={0,1}, [95]={0,1}, [96]={0,1}, [97]={0,1}, [98]={0,1}, [99]={0,1} }, [98] = { [0]={2,-1}, [1]={2,-1}, [2]={2,-1}, [3]={2,-1}, [4]={2,-1}, [5]={2,-1}, [6]={2,-1}, [7]={2,-1}, [8]={2,-1}, [9]={2,-1}, [10]={2,-1}, [11]={2,-1}, [12]={2,-1}, [13]={2,-1}, [14]={2,-1}, [15]={2,-1}, [16]={2,-1}, [17]={2,-1}, [18]={2,-1}, [19]={2,-1}, [20]={2,-1}, [21]={2,-1}, [22]={2,-1}, [23]={2,-1}, [24]={2,-1}, [25]={2,-1}, [26]={2,-1}, [27]={2,-1}, [28]={2,-1}, [29]={2,-1}, [30]={2,-1}, [31]={2,-1}, [32]={2,-1}, [33]={2,-1}, [34]={0,-1}, [35]={0,-1}, [36]={0,-1}, [37]={0,-1}, [38]={0,-1}, [39]={0,-1}, [40]={0,-1}, [41]={0,-1}, [42]={0,-1}, [43]={0,-1}, [44]={0,-1}, [45]={0,-1}, [46]={0,-1}, [47]={0,-1}, [48]={0,-1}, [49]={0,-1}, [50]={0,-1}, [51]={0,-1}, [52]={0,-1}, [53]={0,-1}, [54]={0,-1}, [55]={0,-1}, [56]={0,-1}, [57]={0,-1}, [58]={0,-1}, [59]={0,-1}, [60]={0,-1}, [61]={0,-1}, [62]={0,1}, [63]={0,1}, [64]={0,1}, [65]={0,1}, [66]={0,1}, [67]={0,1}, [68]={0,1}, [69]={0,1}, [70]={0,1}, [71]={0,1}, [72]={0,1}, [73]={0,1}, [74]={0,1}, [75]={0,1}, [76]={0,1}, [77]={0,1}, [78]={0,1}, [79]={0,1}, [80]={0,1}, [81]={0,1}, [82]={0,1}, [83]={0,1}, [84]={0,1}, [85]={0,1}, [86]={0,1}, [87]={0,1}, [88]={0,1}, [89]={0,1}, [90]={0,1}, [91]={0,1}, [92]={0,1}, [93]={0,1}, [94]={0,1}, [95]={0,1}, [96]={0,1}, [97]={0,1}, [98]={0,1}, [99]={0,1} }, [99] = { [0]={2,-1}, [1]={2,-1}, [2]={2,-1}, [3]={2,-1}, [4]={2,-1}, [5]={2,-1}, [6]={2,-1}, [7]={2,-1}, [8]={2,-1}, [9]={2,-1}, [10]={2,-1}, [11]={2,-1}, [12]={2,-1}, [13]={2,-1}, [14]={2,-1}, [15]={2,-1}, [16]={2,-1}, [17]={2,-1}, [18]={2,-1}, [19]={2,-1}, [20]={2,-1}, [21]={2,-1}, [22]={2,-1}, [23]={2,-1}, [24]={2,-1}, [25]={2,-1}, [26]={2,-1}, [27]={2,-1}, [28]={2,-1}, [29]={2,-1}, [30]={2,-1}, [31]={2,-1}, [32]={2,-1}, [33]={2,-1}, [34]={2,-1}, [35]={0,-1}, [36]={0,-1}, [37]={0,-1}, [38]={0,-1}, [39]={0,-1}, [40]={0,-1}, [41]={0,-1}, [42]={0,-1}, [43]={0,-1}, [44]={0,-1}, [45]={0,-1}, [46]={0,-1}, [47]={0,-1}, [48]={0,-1}, [49]={0,-1}, [50]={0,-1}, [51]={0,-1}, [52]={0,-1}, [53]={0,-1}, [54]={0,-1}, [55]={0,-1}, [56]={0,-1}, [57]={0,-1}, [58]={0,-1}, [59]={0,-1}, [60]={0,-1}, [61]={0,1}, [62]={0,1}, [63]={0,1}, [64]={0,1}, [65]={0,1}, [66]={0,1}, [67]={0,1}, [68]={0,1}, [69]={0,1}, [70]={0,1}, [71]={0,1}, [72]={0,1}, [73]={0,1}, [74]={0,1}, [75]={0,1}, [76]={0,1}, [77]={0,1}, [78]={0,1}, [79]={0,1}, [80]={0,1}, [81]={0,1}, [82]={0,1}, [83]={0,1}, [84]={0,1}, [85]={0,1}, [86]={0,1}, [87]={0,1}, [88]={0,1}, [89]={0,1}, [90]={0,1}, [91]={0,1}, [92]={0,1}, [93]={0,1}, [94]={0,1}, [95]={0,1}, [96]={0,1}, [97]={0,1}, [98]={0,1}, [99]={0,1} } } end local function GetCityNames(numberOfCivs) numberOfCivs = numberOfCivs or 1 local civTypeGot = {} local civTypes = {} for value in GameInfo.Civilization_CityNames() do for k, v in pairs(value) do if k == "CivilizationType" then if not civTypeGot[v] then tInsert(civTypes, v) end civTypeGot[v] = true end end end local cityNames = {} local civs = {} local n = 0 repeat local cNames = {} local civType = tRemoveRandom(civTypes) for value in GameInfo.Civilization_CityNames("CivilizationType='" .. civType .. "'") do for k, v in pairs(value) do -- TXT_KEY_CITY_NAME_ARRETIUM local begOfCrap, endOfCrap = string.find(v, "CITY_NAME_") if endOfCrap then local name = string.sub(v, endOfCrap+1) name = string.gsub(name, "_", " ") name = string.lower(name) name = name:gsub("(%l)(%w*)", function(a,b) return string.upper(a)..b end) -- if k == "CityName" then EchoDebug(name) end tInsert(cNames, name) end end end if #cNames > 5 then EchoDebug(civType) cityNames[civType] = cNames tInsert(civs, civType) n = n + 1 end until n == numberOfCivs return cityNames, civs end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hex = class(function(a, space, x, y, index) a.space = space a.index = index or space:GetIndex(x, y) a.x, a.y = x, y a.adjacentPolygons = {} a.edgeLow = {} a.edgeHigh = {} a.edgeEnd = {} a.subEdgeLow = {} a.subEdgeHigh = {} a.subEdgeEnd = {} a.subEdgeParts = {} a.edges = {} a.subEdges = {} a.onRiver = {} a.onRiverMile = {} a.plot = Map.GetPlotByIndex(a.index-1) if space.useMapLatitudes then if space.wrapX then a.latitude = space:GetPlotLatitude(a.plot) else a.latitude = space:RealmLatitude(y) end end end) function Hex:Place(relax) self.subPolygon = self:ClosestSubPolygon() tInsert(self.subPolygon.hexes, self) end function Hex:InsidePolygon(polygon) if self.x < polygon.minX then polygon.minX = self.x end if self.y < polygon.minY then polygon.minY = self.y end if self.x > polygon.maxX then polygon.maxX = self.x end if self.y > polygon.maxY then polygon.maxY = self.y end if self.latitude then if self.latitude < polygon.minLatitude then polygon.minLatitude = self.latitude end if self.latitude > polygon.maxLatitude then polygon.maxLatitude = self.latitude end end polygon:CheckBottomTop(self) end function Hex:Adjacent(direction) local x, y = self.x, self.y if direction == 0 or direction == nil then return hex end local nx = x local ny = y local odd = y % 2 if direction == 1 then -- West nx = x - 1 elseif direction == 2 then -- Northwest nx = x - 1 + odd ny = y + 1 elseif direction == 3 then -- Northeast nx = x + odd ny = y + 1 elseif direction == 4 then -- East nx = x + 1 elseif direction == 5 then -- Southeast nx = x + odd ny = y - 1 elseif direction == 6 then -- Southwest nx = x - 1 + odd ny = y - 1 end if self.space.wrapX then if nx > self.space.w then nx = 0 elseif nx < 0 then nx = self.space.w end else if nx > self.space.w then nx = self.space.w elseif nx < 0 then nx = 0 end end if self.space.wrapY then if ny > self.space.h then ny = 0 elseif ny < 0 then ny = self.space.h end else if ny > self.space.h then ny = self.space.h elseif ny < 0 then ny = 0 end end local nhex = self.space:GetHexByXY(nx, ny) local adjPlot = Map.PlotDirection(x, y, DirFant2Native(direction)) if adjPlot ~= nil then local px, py = adjPlot:GetX(), adjPlot:GetY() if ((nhex.x ~= px or nhex.y ~= py) and nhex.x ~= 0 and nhex.x ~= self.space.w) or (nhex.y ~= py and (nhex.x == 0 or nhex.x == self.space.w)) then EchoDebug("mismatched direction " .. direction .. "/" .. DirFant2Native(direction) .. ":", nhex.x .. ", " .. nhex.y, "vs", px .. ", " .. py) end end if nhex ~= self then return nhex end end function Hex:Neighbors(directions) if directions == nil then directions = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } end local neighbors = {} for i, direction in pairs(directions) do neighbors[direction] = self:Adjacent(direction) end return neighbors end function Hex:GetDirectionTo(hex) for d, nhex in pairs(self:Neighbors()) do if nhex == hex then return d end end end function Hex:ClosestSubPolygon() return self.space:ClosestThing(self, self.space.subPolygons, self.space.totalSubPolygons) end function Hex:Unstrand() local anybodyFriendly local others = {} for direction, nhex in pairs(self:Neighbors()) do -- 3 and 4 are are never there yet? if nhex.subPolygon == self.subPolygon then anybodyFriendly = true else tInsert(others, nhex.subPolygon) end end if not anybodyFriendly and #self.subPolygon.hexes > 1 then -- EchoDebug(self.x, self.y) self.stranded = true -- for debugging purposes. the idea is this is no longer stranded for i = #self.subPolygon.hexes, 1, -1 do local hex = self.subPolygon.hexes[i] if hex == self then tRemove(self.subPolygon.hexes, i) break end end self.subPolygon = tGetRandom(others) tInsert(self.subPolygon.hexes, self) return true end end function Hex:FindSubPolygonNeighbors() for direction, nhex in pairs(self:Neighbors()) do -- 3 and 4 are are never there yet? if nhex.subPolygon ~= self.subPolygon then self.subPolygon:SetNeighbor(nhex.subPolygon) local subEdge = self.subPolygon.edges[nhex.subPolygon] or SubEdge(self.subPolygon, nhex.subPolygon) subEdge:AddHexPair(self, nhex, direction) end end end function Hex:Near(hexKey, hexValue, subPolygonKey, subPolygonValue, polygonKey, polygonValue) for d, nhex in pairs(self:Neighbors()) do if hexKey ~= nil and nhex[hexKey] == hexValue then return true end if subPolygonKey ~= nil and nhex.subPolygon[subPolygonKey] == subPolygonValue then return true end if polygonKey ~= nil and nhex.polygon[polygonKey] == polygonValue then return true end end return false end function Hex:NearOcean() return self:Near(nil, nil, nil, nil, "continent", nil) end function Hex:IsNeighbor(hex) for d, nhex in pairs(self:Neighbors()) do if nhex == hex then return d end end return false end function Hex:Distance(hex) if not hex then return end return self.space:HexDistance(self.x, self.y, hex.x, hex.y) end function Hex:Blacklisted(blacklist) for key, value in pairs(blacklist) do if self[key] == value then return true end end end function Hex:FloodFillToLand(searched) searched = searched or {} if searched[self] then return end searched[self] = true if self.polygon.continent or self.subPolygon.tinyIsland then return true end if self.terrainType ~= terrainCoast then return end for d, nhex in pairs(self:Neighbors()) do if nhex:FloodFillToLand(searched) then return true end end end function Hex:FloodFillAwayFromCoast(searched) searched = searched or {} if searched[self] then return end searched[self] = true if not self.subPolygon.coast and not self.polygon.continent and not self.subPolygon.tinyIsland then return true end if self.terrainType ~= terrainOcean then return end for d, nhex in pairs(self:Neighbors()) do if nhex:FloodFillAwayFromCoast(searched) then return true end end end function Hex:FloodFillAwayFromIce(searched) searched = searched or {} if searched[self] then return end searched[self] = true if self.featureType == featureIce then return elseif self.polygon.continent or self.subPolygon.tinyIsland then return true end for d, nhex in pairs(self:Neighbors()) do if nhex:FloodFillAwayFromIce(searched) then return true end end end function Hex:SetPlot() if self.plotType == nil then EchoDebug("nil plotType at " .. self.x .. ", " .. self.y) end if self.plot == nil then return end self.plot:SetPlotType(self.plotType) end function Hex:SetTerrain() if self.plot == nil then return end -- if self.subPolygon.polar and (self.plotType == plotLand or self.plotType == plotMountain or self.plotType == plotHills) then -- self.terrainType = terrainSnow -- end self.plot:SetTerrainType(self.terrainType, false, false) end function Hex:SetFeature() -- if self.polygon.oceanIndex then self.featureType = featureAtoll end -- uncomment to debug ocean rifts -- if self.polygon.astronomyBlob then self.featureType = featureFallout end -- uncomment to debug astronomy blobs -- if self.polygon.astronomyIndex < 100 then self.featureType = featureReef end -- uncomment to debug astronomy basins if self.featureType == nil then return end if self.plot == nil then return end if self.plotType == plotMountain then if self.space.falloutEnabled and mRandom(0, 100) < mMin(25, FeatureDictionary[featureFallout].percent) then self.featureType = featureFallout end elseif self.isRiver then if self.space.falloutEnabled and self.space.contaminatedWater and mRandom(0, 100) < FeatureDictionary[featureFallout].percent then self.featureType = featureFallout elseif self.terrainType == terrainDesert and self.plotType == plotLand then self.featureType = featureFloodPlains end elseif self.plot:IsCoastalLand() then if self.space.falloutEnabled and self.space.contaminatedWater and mRandom(0, 100) < (100 - FeatureDictionary[featureFallout].percent) then self.featureType = featureFallout end end if self.subPolygon.nuked and self.plotType ~= plotOcean and (self.improvementType == improvementCityRuins or mRandom(1, 100) < 67) then self.featureType = featureFallout end if self.polygon.nuked and not self.subPolygon.nuked and self.plotType ~= plotOcean and mRandom(1, 100) < 33 then self.featureType = featureFallout end self.plot:SetFeatureType(self.featureType) end function Hex:SetRiver() if self.plot == nil then return end if not self.ofRiver then return end if self.ofRiver[DirW] then self.plot:SetWOfRiver(true, self.ofRiver[DirW] or FlowDirectionTypes.NO_DIRECTION) end if self.ofRiver[DirNW] then self.plot:SetNWOfRiver(true, self.ofRiver[DirNW] or FlowDirectionTypes.NO_DIRECTION) end if self.ofRiver[DirNE] then self.plot:SetNEOfRiver(true, self.ofRiver[DirNE] or FlowDirectionTypes.NO_DIRECTION) end -- for d, fd in pairs(self.ofRiver) do -- EchoDebug(DirName(d), FlowDirName(fd)) -- end end function Hex:SetRoad() if self.plot == nil then return end if not self.road then return end self.plot:SetRouteType(routeRoad) EchoDebug("routeType " .. routeRoad .. " at " .. self.x .. "," .. self.y) end function Hex:SetImprovement() if self.plot == nil then return end if not self.improvementType then return end EchoDebug("improvementType " .. self.improvementType .. " at " .. self.x .. "," .. self.y) self.plot:SetImprovementType(self.improvementType) end function Hex:SetContinentArtType() if self.plot == nil then return end if self.polygon.region then self.plot:SetContinentArtType(self.polygon.region.artType) else if self.plotType == plotOcean then self.plot:SetContinentArtType(artOcean) else self.plot:SetContinentArtType(tGetRandom(self.space.artContinents)) end end end function Hex:EdgeCount() if self.edgeCount then return self.edgeCount end self.edgeCount = 0 for e, edge in pairs(self.edges) do self.edgeCount = self.edgeCount + 1 end return self.edgeCount end function Hex:Locate() return self.x .. ", " .. self.y end function Hex:CanBeReef() if self.polygon.continent then return end if self.polygon.oceanIndex then return end if self.y == 0 or self.y == self.space.h then return end if not self.space.wrapX and (self.x == 0 or self.x == self.space.w) then return end if self.terrainType ~= terrainCoast and self.terrainType ~= terrainOcean then return end if self.featureType == featureIce then return end if self.polygon.oceanTemperature and self.polygon.oceanTemperature < self.space.avgOceanTemp * 0.8 then return end local coastCount = 0 for i, neighHex in pairs(self:Neighbors()) do if neighHex.polygon.continent then return end if neighHex.polygon.oceanIndex then return end if neighHex.plot:GetFeatureType() >= 7 then return end -- next to a wonder if neighHex.terrainType ~= terrainCoast and neighHex.terrainType ~= terrainOcean then return end if neighHex.featureType == featureIce then return end if neighHex.terrainType == terrainCoast then coastCount = coastCount + 1 end end if coastCount < 3 then return end local secondReefHexes = {} local landCount = 0 for i, neighHex in pairs(self:Neighbors()) do local okay = true for ii, nnHex in pairs(neighHex:Neighbors()) do if nnHex ~= self then if nnHex.terrainType ~= terrainOcean and nnHex.terrainType ~= terrainCoast then landCount = landCount + 1 end if nnHex.polygon.continent or (nnHex.terrainType ~= terrainCoast and nnHex.terrainType ~= terrainOcean) or nnHex.featureType == featureIce then okay = false end end end if okay then tInsert(secondReefHexes, neighHex) end end if landCount == 0 then return end if #secondReefHexes == 0 then return end EchoDebug("found place for reef", self:Locate()) return tGetRandom(secondReefHexes) end function Hex:CanBeVolcano() if self.polygon.continent then return end if self.polygon.oceanIndex then return end if self.y == 0 or self.y == self.space.h then return end if not self.space.wrapX and (self.x == 0 or self.x == self.space.w) then return end if self.terrainType ~= terrainCoast and self.terrainType ~= terrainGrass and self.terrainType ~= terrainOcean then return end if self.featureType == featureIce then return end if self.polygon.oceanTemperature and self.polygon.oceanTemperature < self.space.avgOceanTemp * 0.8 then return end for i, neighHex in pairs(self:Neighbors()) do if neighHex.polygon.continent then return end if neighHex.polygon.oceanIndex then return end if neighHex.plot:GetFeatureType() >= 7 then return end -- next to a wonder if neighHex.terrainType ~= terrainCoast and neighHex.terrainType ~= terrainOcean then return end if neighHex.featureType == featureIce then return end end EchoDebug("found place for krakatoa", self:Locate()) return true end function Hex:PlaceNaturalWonder(featureType, pairedHex) if featureType == featureVolcano then self.terrainType = terrainGrass self.plot:SetTerrainType(terrainGrass) for i, neighHex in pairs(self:Neighbors()) do neighHex.terrainType = terrainCoast neighHex.plot:SetTerrainType(terrainCoast) end elseif featureType == featureReef then self.terrainType = terrainCoast self.plot:SetTerrainType(terrainCoast) pairedHex.terrainType = terrainCoast pairedHex.plot:SetTerrainType(terrainCoast) pairedHex.featureType = featureType pairedHex.plot:SetFeatureType(featureType) end self.featureType = featureType self.plot:SetFeatureType(featureType) end function Hex:PlaceNaturalWonderPossibly(featureType) if self.y == 0 or self.y == self.space.h then return end if not self.space.wrapX and (self.x == 0 or self.x == self.space.w) then return end if self.plot:GetFeatureType() >= 7 then return end -- it's already a natural wonder if self.plot:GetResourceType(-1) ~= -1 then return end -- it has resources on it local placeIt = false if featureType == featureReef then placeIt = self:CanBeReef() elseif featureType == featureVolcano then placeIt = self:CanBeVolcano() end if placeIt then self:PlaceNaturalWonder(featureType, placeIt) return true end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Polygon = class(function(a, space, x, y) a.space = space a.x = x or Map.Rand(space.iW, "random x") a.y = y or Map.Rand(space.iH, "random y") a.centerPlot = Map.GetPlot(a.x, a.y) if space.useMapLatitudes then a.latitude = space:GetPlotLatitude(a.centerPlot) if not space.wrapX then a.latitude = space:RealmLatitude(a.y) end end a.subPolygons = {} a.hexes = {} a.edges = {} a.subEdges = {} a.isNeighbor = {} a.neighbors = {} a.minX = space.w a.maxX = 0 a.minY = space.h a.maxY = 0 a.minLatitude = 90 a.maxLatitude = 0 end) function Polygon:Subdivide(divisionNumber, relaxations) local subPolygons = {} local hexBuffer = tDuplicate(self.hexes) for i = 1, mMin(divisionNumber, #hexBuffer) do local hex = tRemoveRandom(hexBuffer) local polygon = Polygon(self.space, hex.x, hex.y) subPolygons[i] = polygon end local iterations = 0 repeat for i = 1, #self.hexes do local hex = self.hexes[i] local poly = self.space:ClosestThing(hex, subPolygons) if poly then tInsert(poly.hexes, hex) if iterations == relaxations then hex.subPolygon = poly end end end if iterations < relaxations then for i = #subPolygons, 1, -1 do local poly = subPolygons[i] if #poly.hexes == 0 then tRemove(subPolygons, i) else poly:RelaxToCentroid() end end end iterations = iterations + 1 until iterations > relaxations return subPolygons end function Polygon:FloodFillAstronomy(astronomyIndex) if self.oceanIndex or self.nearOcean then self.astronomyIndex = (self.oceanIndex or self.nearOcean) + 100 return nil end if self.astronomyIndex then return nil end self.astronomyIndex = astronomyIndex self.space.astronomyBasins[astronomyIndex] = self.space.astronomyBasins[astronomyIndex] or {} tInsert(self.space.astronomyBasins[astronomyIndex], self) for i, neighbor in pairs(self.neighbors) do neighbor:FloodFillAstronomy(astronomyIndex) end return true end function Polygon:PatchContinent(continent) if self.continent then return end if not continent then for i, neighbor in pairs(self.neighbors) do continent = neighbor.continent if continent then break end end end self.continent = continent tInsert(continent, self) end function Polygon:RemoveFromContinent() if not self.continent then return end for i, poly in pairs(self.continent) do if poly == self then tRemove(self.continent, i) break end end self.continent = nil end function Polygon:FloodFillToWholeContinent(searched, floodFound, sea) searched = searched or {} if searched[self] then return end searched[self] = true if not self.continent then return end floodFound = floodFound or {} tInsert(floodFound, self) for i, neighbor in pairs(self.neighbors) do sea = sea or neighbor.sea neighbor:FloodFillToWholeContinent(searched, floodFound, sea) end return floodFound, sea end function Polygon:FloodFillToOcean(searched, continent) searched = searched or {} if searched[self] then return end searched[self] = true if self.continent then return nil, self.continent end if self.oceanIndex then return self.oceanIndex, continent end if self.space.wrapX and self.edgeY then return -2, continent end if not self.space.wrapX and self.space.oceanNumber == 0 and (self.edgeY or self.edgeX) then return -3, continent end for i, neighbor in pairs(self.neighbors) do local oceanIndex, possibleContinent = neighbor:FloodFillToOcean(searched, continent) continent = continent or possibleContinent if oceanIndex then return oceanIndex, continent end end return nil, continent end function Polygon:FloodFillSea(sea) if sea and #sea.polygons >= sea.maxPolygons then return end if self.sea or not self.continent then return end if (not self.space.wrapY and (self.topY or self.bottomY)) or ((not self.space.wrapX or (self.space.oceanNumber == -1 and self.space.inlandSeasMax == 1)) and (self.topX or self.bottomX)) then return end for i, neighbor in pairs(self.neighbors) do if neighbor.continent ~= self.continent or (sea and neighbor.sea ~= nil and neighbor.sea ~= sea) then return end end sea = sea or { polygons = {}, inland = true, astronomyIndex = self.astronomyIndex, continent = self.continent, maxPolygons = mCeil(#self.continent * self.space.inlandSeaContinentRatio) } self.sea = sea tInsert(sea.polygons, self) for i, neighbor in pairs(self.neighbors) do neighbor:FloodFillSea(sea) end return sea end function Polygon:SetNeighbor(polygon) if not self.isNeighbor[polygon] then tInsert(self.neighbors, polygon) end if not polygon.isNeighbor[self] then tInsert(polygon.neighbors, self) end self.isNeighbor[polygon] = true polygon.isNeighbor[self] = true end function Polygon:RelaxToCentroid() local hexes if #self.subPolygons ~= 0 then hexes = {} for spi, subPolygon in pairs(self.subPolygons) do for hi, hex in pairs(subPolygon.hexes) do tInsert(hexes, hex) end end elseif #self.hexes ~= 0 then hexes = self.hexes end if hexes then local totalX, totalY, total = 0, 0, 0 for hi, hex in pairs(hexes) do local x, y = hex.x, hex.y if self.space.wrapX then local xdist = mAbs(x - self.minX) if xdist > self.space.halfWidth then x = x - self.space.w end end if self.space.wrapY then local ydist = mAbs(y - self.minY) if ydist > self.space.halfHeight then y = y - self.space.h end end totalX = totalX + x totalY = totalY + y total = total + 1 end local centroidX = mCeil(totalX / total) if centroidX < 0 then centroidX = self.space.w + centroidX end local centroidY = mCeil(totalY / total) if centroidY < 0 then centroidY = self.space.h + centroidY end self.x, self.y = centroidX, centroidY if self.space.useMapLatitudes then self.latitude = self.space:GetHexByXY(self.x, self.y).latitude if not self.space.wrapX then self.latitude = self.space:RealmLatitude(self.y) end end end self.minX, self.minY, self.maxX, self.maxY = self.space.w, self.space.h, 0, 0 if self.hexes then self.hexes = {} end if self.subPolygons then self.subPolygons = {} end end function Polygon:CheckBottomTop(hex) local x, y = hex.x, hex.y local space = self.space if y == 0 and self.y < space.halfHeight then self.bottomY = true if not self.superPolygon then tInsert(space.bottomYPolygons, self) end end if x == 0 and self.x < space.halfWidth then self.bottomX = true if not self.superPolygon then tInsert(space.bottomXPolygons, self) end end if y == space.h and self.y >= space.halfHeight then self.topY = true if not self.superPolygon then tInsert(space.topYPolygons, self) end end if x == space.w and self.x >= space.halfWidth then self.topX = true if not self.superPolygon then tInsert(space.topXPolygons, self) end end if y == 1 and self.y < space.halfHeight then self.betaBottomY = true end if y == space.h-1 and self.y >= space.halfHeight then self.betaTopY = true end if self.space.useMapLatitudes and self.space.polarExponent >= 1.0 and hex.latitude > 89 then self.polar = true end self.edgeY = self.bottomY or self.topY self.edgeX = self.bottomX or self.topX if self.edgeY then tInsert(space.edgeYPolygons, self) end if self.edgeX then tInsert(space.edgeXPolygons, self) end end function Polygon:NearOther(value, key) if key == nil then key = "continent" end for ni, neighbor in pairs (self.neighbors) do if neighbor[key] ~= nil and neighbor[key] ~= value then return true end end return false end function Polygon:FindPolygonNeighbors() for n, neighbor in pairs(self.neighbors) do if neighbor.superPolygon ~= self.superPolygon then self.superPolygon:SetNeighbor(neighbor.superPolygon) local superEdge = self.superPolygon.edges[neighbor.superPolygon] or Edge(self.superPolygon, neighbor.superPolygon) superEdge:AddSubEdge(self.subEdges[neighbor]) end end end function Polygon:Place() self.superPolygon = self:ClosestPolygon() tInsert(self.superPolygon.subPolygons, self) end function Polygon:ClosestPolygon() return self.space:ClosestThing(self, self.space.polygons) end function Polygon:FillHexes() for spi, subPolygon in pairs(self.subPolygons) do for hi, hex in pairs(subPolygon.hexes) do hex:InsidePolygon(self) tInsert(self.hexes, hex) hex.polygon = self end end end function Polygon:Flop(superPolygon) for ii, subPoly in pairs(self.superPolygon.subPolygons) do if subPoly == self then tRemove(self.superPolygon.subPolygons, ii) break end end self.superPolygon = superPolygon tInsert(superPolygon.subPolygons, self) self.flopped = true self.space.flopCount = (self.space.flopCount or 0) + 1 end function Polygon:PickTinyIslands() if not self.space.wrapX and self.oceanIndex and (self.edgeX or self.edgeY) then return end if #self.space.tinyIslandSubPolygons >= self.space.tinyIslandTarget and not self.oceanIndex and not self.loneCoastal then return end local subPolyBuffer = tDuplicate(self.subPolygons) while #subPolyBuffer > 0 do local subPolygon = tRemoveRandom(subPolyBuffer) local tooCloseForIsland = self.space.wrapX and (subPolygon.bottomY or subPolygon.topY) and mRandom(0, 100) > self.space.polarMaxLandPercent if not tooCloseForIsland then for i, neighbor in pairs(subPolygon.neighbors) do if (neighbor.superPolygon.oceanIndex and not self.oceanIndex) or (not neighbor.superPolygon.oceanIndex and self.oceanIndex) or neighbor.tinyIsland or neighbor.superPolygon.continent then tooCloseForIsland = true break end for nn, neighneigh in pairs(neighbor.neighbors) do if (neighneigh.superPolygon.oceanIndex and not self.oceanIndex) or (not neighneigh.superPolygon.oceanIndex and self.oceanIndex) then tooCloseForIsland = true break end end if tooCloseForIsland then break end end end local chance = self.space.currentTinyIslandChance or 1 - (#self.space.tinyIslandSubPolygons/(1+self.space.tinyIslandTarget)) if (self.oceanIndex or self.loneCoastal) and not self.hasTinyIslands then chance = 1 end if not tooCloseForIsland and mRandom() < chance then subPolygon.tinyIsland = true tInsert(self.space.tinyIslandSubPolygons, subPolygon) self.hasTinyIslands = true self.space.currentTinyIslandChance = 1 - (#self.space.tinyIslandSubPolygons/(1+self.space.tinyIslandTarget)) -- EchoDebug(self.space.currentTinyIslandChance, #self.space.tinyIslandSubPolygons) end end end function Polygon:EmptyCoastHex() local hexPossibilities = {} local destHex for isph, sphex in pairs(self.hexes) do if sphex.plotType == plotOcean and sphex.featureType ~= featureIce and sphex.featureType ~= featureAtoll and sphex.terrainType == terrainCoast then for d, nhex in pairs(sphex:Neighbors()) do if nhex.plotType ~= plotOcean then destHex = sphex break end end if destHex then break end tInsert(hexPossibilities, sphex) end end if not destHex and #hexPossibilities > 0 then destHex = tGetRandom(hexPossibilities) end return destHex end function Polygon:GiveTemperatureRainfall() self.temperature = self.space:GetTemperature() self.rainfall = self.space:GetRainfall() end function Polygon:GiveFakeLatitude(latitude) if not latitude then if self.superPolygon and self.superPolygon.fakeSubLatitudes and #self.superPolygon.fakeSubLatitudes > 0 then self.latitude = tRemoveRandom(self.superPolygon.fakeSubLatitudes) elseif not self.superPolygon then if self.continent and #self.space.continentalFakeLatitudes > 0 then self.latitude = tRemoveRandom(self.space.continentalFakeLatitudes) elseif #self.space.nonContinentalFakeLatitudes > 0 then self.latitude = tRemoveRandom(self.space.nonContinentalFakeLatitudes) else self.latitude = mRandom(0, 90) end else return end else self.latitude = latitude end self.minLatitude = self.latitude + ((self.minY - self.y) * self.space.yFakeLatitudeConversion) self.maxLatitude = self.latitude + ((self.maxY - self.y) * self.space.yFakeLatitudeConversion) self.minLatitude = mMin(90, mMax(0, self.minLatitude)) self.maxLatitude = mMin(90, mMax(0, self.maxLatitude)) if self.maxLatitude == 90 and self.superPolygon then if self.superPolygon.continent and mRandom() > self.space.polarMaxLandRatio then local latitudeDist = 90 - self.superPolygon.latitude local upperBound = mMax(0, 80 - latitudeDist) self.superPolygon:GiveFakeLatitude(mRandom(0, upperBound)) return else self.polar, self.superPolygon.polar = true, true end end self.latitudeRange = self.maxLatitude - self.minLatitude self.fakeSubLatitudes = {} local count if self.superPolygon then count = #self.hexes else count = #self.subPolygons end if count == 1 then self.fakeSubLatitudes = { (self.minLatitude + self.maxLatitude) / 2 } else local lInc = self.latitudeRange / (count - 1) for i = 1, count do local lat = self.minLatitude + ((i-1) * lInc) tInsert(self.fakeSubLatitudes, lat) end end if self.superPolygon then for i, hex in pairs(self.hexes) do hex.latitude = tRemoveRandom(self.fakeSubLatitudes) end else for i, subPolygon in pairs(self.subPolygons) do subPolygon:GiveFakeLatitude() end end end function Polygon:DistanceToPolygon(polygon) return self.space:HexDistance(self.x, self.y, polygon.x, polygon.y) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SubEdge = class(function(a, polygon1, polygon2) a.space = polygon1.space a.polygons = { polygon1, polygon2 } a.hexes = {} a.pairings = {} a.connections = {} polygon1.subEdges[polygon2] = a polygon2.subEdges[polygon1] = a tInsert(a.space.subEdges, a) end) function SubEdge:AddHexPair(hex, pairHex, direction) direction = direction or hex:GetDirectionTo(pairHex) if self.pairings[hex] == nil then tInsert(self.hexes, hex) self.pairings[hex] = {} end if self.pairings[pairHex] == nil then tInsert(self.hexes, pairHex) self.pairings[pairHex] = {} end self.pairings[hex][pairHex] = direction self.pairings[pairHex][hex] = OppositeDirection(direction) hex.subEdges[self], pairHex.subEdges[self] = true, true end function SubEdge:FindConnections() local neighs = {} for i, neighbor in pairs(self.polygons[1].neighbors) do neighs[neighbor] = true end local mut = 0 local mutual = {} for i, neighbor in pairs(self.polygons[2].neighbors) do if neighs[neighbor] then mutual[neighbor] = true mut = mut + 1 end end for neighbor, yes in pairs(mutual) do for p, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do local subEdge = neighbor.subEdges[polygon] or polygon.subEdges[neighbor] self.connections[subEdge] = true subEdge.connections[self] = true end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edge = class(function(a, polygon1, polygon2) a.space = polygon1.space a.polygons = { polygon1, polygon2 } a.subEdges = {} a.connections = {} polygon1.edges[polygon2] = a polygon2.edges[polygon1] = a tInsert(a.space.edges, a) end) function Edge:AddSubEdge(subEdge) if subEdge.superEdge ~= self then subEdge.superEdge = self tInsert(self.subEdges, subEdge) end end function Edge:FindConnections() local cons = 0 for i, subEdge in pairs(self.subEdges) do for cedge, yes in pairs(subEdge.connections) do if cedge.superEdge and cedge.superEdge ~= self then self.connections[cedge.superEdge] = true cedge.superEdge.connections[self] = true cons = cons + 1 end end end -- EchoDebug(cons .. " edge connections") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Region = class(function(a, space) a.space = space a.collection = {} a.polygons = {} a.area = 0 a.hillCount = 0 a.mountainCount = 0 a.featureFillCounts = {} for featureType, feature in pairs(FeatureDictionary) do a.featureFillCounts[featureType] = 0 end if space.centauri then a.artType = tGetRandom(space.artContinents) end end) function Region:GiveLatitude() if self.latitude then return end self.representativePolygon = tGetRandom(self.polygons) self.latitude = self.representativePolygon.latitude self.minLatitude, self.maxLatitude = self.representativePolygon.minLatitude, self.representativePolygon.maxLatitude for i, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do if polygon.minLatitude < self.minLatitude then self.minLatitude = polygon.minLatitude end if polygon.maxLatitude > self.maxLatitude then self.maxLatitude = polygon.maxLatitude end end end function Region:GiveParameters() self.blockFeatures = {} for featureType, feature in pairs(FeatureDictionary) do if feature.metaPercent then self.blockFeatures[featureType] = mRandom(1, 100) > feature.metaPercent end end -- get latitude (real or fake) self:GiveLatitude() self.hillyness = self.space:GetHillyness() self.mountainous = mRandom(1, 100) < self.space.mountainousRegionPercent self.mountainousness = 0 if self.mountainous then self.mountainousness = mRandom(self.space.mountainousnessMin, self.space.mountainousnessMax) end self.lakey = #self.space.lakeSubPolygons < self.space.minLakes self.lakeyness = 0 if self.lakey then self.lakeyness = mRandom(self.space.lakeynessMin, self.space.lakeynessMax) end self.marshy = self.space.marshHexCount < self.space.marshMinHexes self.marshyness = 0 if self.marshy then self.marshyness = mRandom(self.space.marshynessMin, self.space.marshynessMax) end end function Region:CreateCollection() self:GiveParameters() -- determine collection size self.size = self.space:GetCollectionSize() local subPolys = 0 for i, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do if polygon.polar then self.polar = true end subPolys = subPolys + #polygon.subPolygons end self.size = mMin(self.size, subPolys) -- make sure there aren't more collections than subpolygons in the region self.size = mMin(self.size, #self.point.pixels) -- make sure there aren't more collections than climate pixels -- divide pixels into subvoronoi local pixelBuffer = tDuplicate(self.point.pixels) local subPoints = {} for i = 1, self.size do local pixel = tRemoveRandom(pixelBuffer) local subPoint = {temp = pixel.temp, rain = pixel.rain} tInsert(subPoints, subPoint) end for i, pixel in pairs(self.point.pixels) do local bestDist, bestPoint for ii, subPoint in pairs(subPoints) do local dt = mAbs(pixel.temp - subPoint.temp) local dr = mAbs(pixel.rain - subPoint.rain) local dist = (dt * dt) + (dr * dr) if not bestDist or dist < bestDist then bestDist = dist bestPoint = subPoint end end bestPoint.pixels = bestPoint.pixels or {} tInsert(bestPoint.pixels, pixel) end -- create collection local collection = {} self.totalSize = 0 local hasPolar = false for i, subPoint in pairs(subPoints) do local elements = {} local polar local lake = i > 1 and mRandom(1, 100) < self.lakeyness local subSize = mMin(self.space:GetSubCollectionSize(), #subPoint.pixels) local subPixelBuffer = tDuplicate(subPoint.pixels) for ii = 1, subSize do local pixel if ii == 1 or #subPixelBuffer == 1 then pixel = tRemoveRandom(subPixelBuffer) else local bestDist = 0 local bestIndex for iii, subPixel in pairs(subPixelBuffer) do local totalDist = 0 for iiii, element in pairs(elements) do local dt = subPixel.temp - element.temperature local dr = subPixel.rain - element.rainfall local dist = (dt * dt) + (dr * dr) totalDist = totalDist + dist end if totalDist > bestDist then bestDist = totalDist bestIndex = iii end end pixel = tRemove(subPixelBuffer, bestIndex) end local element = self:CreateElement(pixel.temp, pixel.rain, lake) -- if element.terrainType == terrainSnow then if pixel.temp == 0 then polar = true hasPolar = true end tInsert(elements, element) self.totalSize = self.totalSize + 1 end local subCollection = { elements = elements, polar = polar, lake = lake, temperature = subPoint.temp, rainfall = subPoint.rain } tInsert(collection, subCollection) end if self.polar and not hasPolar then -- EchoDebug("provide a polar subcollection") local rainPixel = tGetRandom(self.point.pixels) local elements = { self:CreateElement(0, rainPixel.rain) } local subSize = self.space:GetSubCollectionSize() if subSize > 1 then for i = 2, subSize do local rainPixel = tGetRandom(self.point.pixels) local element = self:CreateElement(0, rainPixel.rain) tInsert(elements, element) end end local subCollection = { elements = elements, polar = true, lake = false, temperature = 0, rainfall = rainPixel.rain } tInsert(collection, subCollection) end self.collection = collection end function Region:CreateElement(temperature, rainfall, lake) temperature = temperature or mRandom(self.temperatureMin, self.temperatureMax) rainfall = rainfall or mRandom(self.rainfallMin, self.rainfallMax) local mountain = mRandom(1, 100) < self.mountainousness local hill = mRandom(1, 100) < self.hillyness local marsh = not hill and not mountain and mRandom(1, 100) < self.marshyness if lake then mountain = false hill = false end temperature = mFloor(temperature) rainfall = mFloor(rainfall) local bestTerrain = self.space:NearestTempRainThing(temperature, rainfall, TerrainDictionary) local featureList = {} for i, featureType in pairs(bestTerrain.features) do if FeatureDictionary[featureType] then if not FeatureDictionary[featureType].disabled then tInsert(featureList, FeatureDictionary[featureType]) end if featureType == featureMarsh and marsh then featureList = { FeatureDictionary[featureMarsh] } break end end end local bestFeature if #featureList == 1 then bestFeature = featureList[1] else bestFeature = self.space:NearestTempRainThing(temperature, rainfall, featureList, 2) end if bestFeature == nil or self.blockFeatures[bestFeature.featureType] or mRandom(1, 100) > bestFeature.percent then bestFeature = FeatureDictionary[bestTerrain.features[1]] end -- default to the first feature in the list if bestFeature.featureType == featureNone and bestTerrain.specialFeature then local sFeature = FeatureDictionary[bestTerrain.specialFeature] if mRandom(1, 100) < sFeature.percent then bestFeature = sFeature end end local plotType = plotLand local terrainType = bestFeature.terrainType or bestTerrain.terrainType local featureType = bestFeature.featureType if mountain and self.mountainCount < mCeil(self.totalSize * (self.mountainousness / 100)) then plotType = plotMountain featureType = featureNone self.mountainCount = self.mountainCount + 1 elseif lake then plotType = plotOcean terrainType = terrainCoast -- will become coast later featureType = featureNone elseif hill and bestFeature.hill and self.hillCount < mCeil(self.totalSize * (self.hillyness / 100)) then plotType = plotHills self.hillCount = self.hillCount + 1 end return { plotType = plotType, terrainType = terrainType, featureType = featureType, temperature = temperature, rainfall = rainfall, lake = lake } end function Region:Fill() local filledHexes = {} for i, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do for spi, subPolygon in pairs(polygon.subPolygons) do local subCollection = tGetRandom(self.collection) if subPolygon.polar ~= subCollection.polar then local subCollectionBuffer = tDuplicate(self.collection) repeat -- EchoDebug(i, spi, "looking for polar subcoll") subCollection = tRemoveRandom(subCollectionBuffer) until #subCollectionBuffer == 0 or subPolygon.polar == subCollection.polar end if subCollection.lake then local doNotLake = subPolygon.topY or subPolygon.bottomY or ((subPolygon.topX or subPolygon.bottomX) and not self.space.wrapX) if not doNotLake then for ni, neighbor in pairs(subPolygon.neighbors) do if not neighbor.superPolygon.continent or neighbor.lake then -- can't have a lake that's actually a part of the ocean or inland sea doNotLake = true -- EchoDebug("can't have a lake next to a lake or the ocean") break end end end if doNotLake then -- EchoDebug("cannot lake here") local subCollectionBuffer = tDuplicate(self.collection) repeat subCollection = tRemoveRandom(subCollectionBuffer) until not subCollection.lake or #subCollectionBuffer == 0 end end if subCollection.lake then self.hasLakes = true tInsert(self.space.lakeSubPolygons, subPolygon) EchoDebug("LAKE", #subPolygon.hexes .. " hexes ", subPolygon, polygon) end subPolygon.temperature = subCollection.temperature subPolygon.rainfall = subCollection.rainfall subPolygon.lake = subCollection.lake for hi, hex in pairs(subPolygon.hexes) do local element = tGetRandom(subCollection.elements) if hex.plotType ~= plotOcean then if filledHexes[hex] then EchoDebug("DUPE REGION FILL HEX at " .. hex:Locate()) end if element.plotType == plotOcean then hex.lake = true -- EchoDebug("lake hex at ", hex:Locate()) end hex.plotType = element.plotType if element.plotType == plotMountain then tInsert(self.space.mountainHexes, hex) end hex.terrainType = element.terrainType if FeatureDictionary[element.featureType].limitRatio == -1 or self.featureFillCounts[element.featureType] < FeatureDictionary[element.featureType].limitRatio * self.area then hex.featureType = element.featureType self.featureFillCounts[element.featureType] = self.featureFillCounts[element.featureType] + 1 else hex.featureType = featureNone end if hex.featureType == featureMarsh then self.space.marshHexCount = self.space.marshHexCount + 1 end hex.temperature = element.temperature hex.rainfall = element.rainfall filledHexes[hex] = true end end end end end function Region:Label() if self.polygons[1].continent then self.continentSize = #self.polygons[1].continent end self.astronomyIndex = self.polygons[1].astronomyIndex if self.astronomyIndex >= 100 then self.astronomyIndex = mRandom(1, self.space.totalAstronomyBasins) end self.plotCounts = {} for i = -1, PlotTypes.NUM_PLOT_TYPES - 1 do self.plotCounts[i] = 0 end self.terrainCounts = {} for i = -1, TerrainTypes.NUM_TERRAIN_TYPES - 1 do self.terrainCounts[i] = 0 end self.featureCounts = {} for i = -1, 21 do self.featureCounts[i] = 0 end self.subPolygonCount = 0 local count = 0 local avgX = 0 local avgY = 0 for ip, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do for ih, hex in pairs(polygon.hexes) do if hex.plotType then self.plotCounts[hex.plotType] = self.plotCounts[hex.plotType] + 1 end if hex.terrainType then self.terrainCounts[hex.terrainType] = self.terrainCounts[hex.terrainType] + 1 end if hex.featureType then self.featureCounts[hex.featureType] = self.featureCounts[hex.featureType] + 1 end count = count + 1 avgX = avgX + hex.x avgY = avgY + hex.y end self.subPolygonCount = self.subPolygonCount + #polygon.subPolygons end avgX = mCeil(avgX / count) avgY = mCeil(avgY / count) self.plotRatios = {} self.terrainRatios = {} self.featureRatios = {} for plotType, tcount in pairs(self.plotCounts) do self.plotRatios[plotType] = tcount / count -- EchoDebug("plot", plotType, self.plotRatios[plotType]) end for terrainType, tcount in pairs(self.terrainCounts) do self.terrainRatios[terrainType] = tcount / count -- EchoDebug("terrain", terrainType, self.terrainRatios[terrainType]) end for featureType, tcount in pairs(self.featureCounts) do self.featureRatios[featureType] = tcount / count -- EchoDebug("feature", featureType, self.featureRatios[featureType]) end local hexes = {} for i, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do for h, hex in pairs(polygon.hexes) do tInsert(hexes, hex) end end local label = LabelThing(self, avgX, avgY, hexes) if label then return true end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Space = class(function(a) -- CONFIGURATION: -- a.wrapX = true -- globe wraps horizontally? a.wrapY = false -- globe wraps vertically? (not possible, but this remains hopeful) a.polygonCount = 200 -- how many polygons (map scale) a.relaxations = 0 -- how many lloyd relaxations (higher number is greater polygon uniformity) a.shillRelaxations = 1 a.subPolygonFlopPercent = 0 -- out of 100 subpolygons, how many flop to another polygon a.subPolygonRelaxations = 0 -- how many lloyd relaxations for subpolygons (higher number is greater polygon uniformity, also slower) a.oceanNumber = 2 -- how many large ocean basins a.astronomyBlobNumber = 0 a.astronomyBlobMinPolygons = 10 a.astronomyBlobMaxPolygons = 20 a.astronomyBlobsMustConnectToOcean = false a.majorContinentNumber = 2 -- how many large continents on the whole map a.islandNumber = 3 -- how many 1-3-polygon islands on the whole map a.openWaterRatio = 0.1 -- what part of an astronomy basin is reserved for open water a.polarMaxLandRatio = 0.4 -- how much of the land in each astronomy basin can be at the poles a.useMapLatitudes = false -- should the climate have anything to do with latitude? a.collectionSizeMin = 2 -- of how many groups of kinds of tiles does a region consist, at minimum a.collectionSizeMax = 3 -- of how many groups of kinds of tiles does a region consist, at maximum a.subCollectionSizeMin = 1 -- of how many kinds of tiles does a group consist, at minimum (modified by map size) a.subCollectionSizeMax = 3 -- of how many kinds of tiles does a group consist, at maximum (modified by map size) a.regionSizeMin = 1 -- least number of polygons a region can have a.regionSizeMax = 3 -- most number of polygons a region can have (but most will be limited by their area, which must not exceed half the largest polygon's area) a.climateVoronoiRelaxations = 3 -- number of lloyd relaxations for a region's temperature/rainfall. higher number means less region internal variation a.riverLandRatio = 0.19 -- how much of the map to have tiles next to rivers. is modified by global rainfall a.riverForkRatio = 0.33 -- how much of the river area should be reserved for forks a.hillChance = 3 -- how many possible mountains out of ten become a hill when expanding and reducing a.mountainRangeMaxEdges = 4 -- how many polygon edges long can a mountain range be a.coastRangeRatio = 0.33 -- what ratio of the total mountain ranges should be coastal a.mountainRatio = 0.04 -- how much of the land to be mountain tiles a.mountainRangeMult = 1.3 -- higher mult means more (globally) scattered mountain ranges a.mountainSubPolygonMult = 2 -- higher mult means more (globally) scattered subpolygon mountain clumps a.mountainTinyIslandMult = 12 a.coastalPolygonChance = 1 -- out of ten, how often do water polygons become coastal? a.coastalExpansionPercent = 67 -- out of 100, how often are hexes within coastal subpolygons but without adjacent land hexes coastal? a.tinyIslandTarget = 7 -- how many tiny islands will a map attempt to have a.freezingTemperature = 19 -- this temperature and below creates ice. temperature is 0 to 99 a.atollTemperature = 75 -- this temperature and above creates atolls a.atollPercent = 4 -- of 100 hexes, how often does atoll temperature produce atolls a.polarExponent = 1.2 -- exponent. lower exponent = smaller poles (somewhere between 0 and 2 is advisable) a.rainfallMidpoint = 49.5 -- 25 means rainfall varies from 0 to 50, 75 means 50 to 100, 50 means 0 to 100. a.temperatureMin = 0 -- lowest temperature possible (plus or minus temperatureMaxDeviation) a.temperatureMax = 99 -- highest temperature possible (plus or minus temperatureMaxDeviation) a.hillynessMax = 40 -- of 100 how many of a region's tile collection can be hills a.mountainousRegionPercent = 3 -- of 100 how many regions will have mountains a.mountainousnessMin = 33 -- in those mountainous regions, what's the minimum percentage of mountains in their collection a.mountainousnessMax = 66 -- in those mountainous regions, what's the maximum percentage of mountains in their collection -- all lake variables scale with global rainfall in Compute() a.lakeMinRatio = 0.0065 -- below this fraction of filled subpolygos that are lakes will cause a region to become lakey a.lakeynessMin = 5 -- in those lake regions, what's the minimum percentage of water in their collection a.lakeynessMax = 50 -- in those lake regions, what's the maximum percentage of water in their collection a.marshynessMin = 5 a.marshynessMax = 33 a.marshMinHexRatio = 0.015 a.inlandSeaContinentRatio = 0.02 -- maximum size of each inland sea as a fraction of the polygons of the continent they're inside a.inlandSeasMax = 1 -- maximum number of inland seas a.ancientCitiesCount = 3 a.falloutEnabled = false -- place fallout on the map? a.postApocalyptic = false -- place fallout around ancient cities a.contaminatedWater = false -- place fallout in rainy areas and along rivers? a.contaminatedSoil = false -- place fallout in dry areas and in mountains? a.mapLabelsEnabled = false -- add place names to the map? a.regionLabelsMax = 10 -- maximum number of labelled regions a.rangeLabelsMax = 5 -- maximum number of labelled mountain ranges (descending length) a.riverLabelsMax = 5 -- maximum number of labelled rivers (descending length) a.tinyIslandLabelsMax = 5 -- maximum number of labelled tiny islands a.subPolygonLabelsMax = 5 -- maximum number of labelled subpolygons (bays, straights) ---------------------------------- -- DEFINITIONS: -- a.oceans = {} a.continents = {} a.regions = {} a.polygons = {} a.subPolygons = {} a.discontEdges = {} a.edges = {} a.subEdges = {} a.mountainRanges = {} a.bottomYPolygons = {} a.bottomXPolygons = {} a.topYPolygons = {} a.topXPolygons = {} a.edgeYPolygons = {} a.edgeXPolygons = {} a.hexes = {} a.mountainHexes = {} a.mountainCoreHexes = {} a.tinyIslandPolygons = {} a.tinyIslandSubPolygons = {} a.deepHexes = {} a.lakeSubPolygons = {} a.inlandSeas = {} a.rivers = {} end) function Space:SetOptions(optDict) local keySetByOption = {} for optionNumber, option in ipairs(optDict) do local optionChoice = Map.GetCustomOption(optionNumber) if option.values[optionChoice].values == "keys" then if option.values[optionChoice].randomKeys then optionChoice = tGetRandom(option.values[optionChoice].randomKeys) else optionChoice = mRandom(1, #option.values-1) end elseif option.values[optionChoice].values == "values" then local lowValues = option.values[optionChoice].lowValues or option.values[1].values local highValues = option.values[optionChoice].highValues or option.values[#option.values-1].values local randValues = {} for valueNumber, key in pairs(option.keys) do local low, high = lowValues[valueNumber], highValues[valueNumber] local lowType = type(low) if lowType == "number" then local change = high - low randValues[valueNumber] = low + (change * mRandom(1)) if mFloor(low) == low and mFloor(high) == high then randValues[valueNumber] = mFloor(randValues[valueNumber]) end elseif lowType == "boolean" then if type(high) == "boolean" and low ~= high then randValues[valueNumber] = mRandom(1, 2) == 1 else randValues[valueNumber] = low end elseif lowType == "string" then randValues[valueNumber] = low end end option.values[optionChoice].values = randValues end if option.values[optionChoice].values[1] == nil then -- each value already has a string-key for key, value in pairs(option.values[optionChoice].values) do EchoDebug(option.name, option.values[optionChoice].name, key, value) self[key] = value keySetByOption[key] = true end else -- each value is listed in order of the option's listed keys for valueNumber, key in ipairs(option.keys) do local val = option.values[optionChoice].values[valueNumber] if val == nil then if type(self[key]) == "number" then val = self[key] end end self[key] = val keySetByOption[key] = true EchoDebug(option.name, option.values[optionChoice].name, key, val) end end end -- for key, value in pairsByKeys(self) do -- if not keySetByOption[key] and type(value) ~= "table" then -- EchoDebug(key, value) -- end -- end end function Space:DoCentuariIfActivated() local activatedMods = Modding.GetActivatedMods() for i,v in ipairs(activatedMods) do local title = Modding.GetModProperty(v.ID, v.Version, "Name") if title == "Fantastical Place Names" then EchoDebug("Fantastical Place Names enabled, labels will be generated") self.mapLabelsEnabled = true elseif title == "Alpha Centauri Maps" then EchoDebug("Alpha Centauri Maps enabled, will create random Map of Planet") self.centauri = true self.artContinents = { artAsia, artAfrica } TerrainDictionary, FeatureDictionary = TerrainDictionaryCentauri, FeatureDictionaryCentauri climateGrid = nil self.silverCount = mFloor(self.iA / 128) self.spicesCount = mFloor(self.iA / 160) self.polarMaxLandRatio = 0.0 -- all centauri definitions are for subPolygons LabelDefinitionsCentauri = { Sea = { tinyIsland = false, superPolygon = {region = {coastal=true}} }, Straights = { tinyIsland = false, coastContinentsTotal = 2, superPolygon = {waterTotal = -2} }, Bay = { coast = true, coastTotal = 3, coastContinentsTotal = -1, superPolygon = {coastTotal = 3, coastContinentsTotal = -1, waterTotal = -1} }, Ocean = { coast = false, superPolygon = {coast = false, continent = false, oceanIndex = false} }, Cape = { coast = true, coastContinentsTotal = -1, superPolygon = {coastTotal = -1, coastContinentsTotal = 1, oceanIndex = false, } }, Rift = { superPolygon = {oceanIndex = 1, polar = false, region={coastal=false}} }, Freshwater = { superPolygon = {coastContinentsTotal = -1, coastTotal = 4, waterTotal = 0} }, Isle = { continentSize = -3 }, Jungle = { superPolygon = {continent = true, region = {temperatureAvg=95,rainfallAvg=95}} }, ColdCoast = { coast = true, latitude = 75 }, WarmCoast = { coast = true, latitude = -25 }, Northern = { coast = false, polar = false, y = self.h * 0.7 }, Southern = { coast = false, polar = false, y = self.h * -0.3 }, } self.badNaturalWonders = {} self.centauriNaturalWonders = {} local badWonderTypes = { FEATURE_LAKE_VICTORIA = true, FEATURE_KILIMANJARO = true, FEATURE_SOLOMONS_MINES = true, FEATURE_FUJI = true } for f in GameInfo.Features() do if badWonderTypes[f.Type] then EchoDebug(f.ID, f.Type) self.badNaturalWonders[f.ID] = f.Type elseif f.ID > 6 and f.Type ~= "FEATURE_ATOLL" then self.centauriNaturalWonders[f.ID] = f.Description end end end end end function Space:PrintClimate() -- print out temperature/rainfall voronoi local terrainChars = { [terrainGrass] = "+", [terrainPlains] = '|', [terrainDesert] = "~", [terrainTundra] = "<", [terrainSnow] = "$", [terrainCoast] = "C", [terrainOcean] = "O", } local featureChars = { [featureNone] = " ", [featureForest] = "^", [featureJungle] = "%", [featureMarsh] = "_", [featureIce] = "*", [featureFallout] = "@", [featureOasis] = "&", } local terrainLatitudeAreas = {} local latitudesByTempRain = {} local line = "" local numLine = "" for l = 0, 90, 1 do local t, r = self:GetTemperature(l), self:GetRainfall(l) latitudesByTempRain[mFloor(t) .. " " .. mFloor(r)] = l numLine = numLine .. mMax(0, mFloor((t-1)/10)) .. mMax(0, mFloor((r-1)/10)) local terrain = self:NearestTempRainThing(t, r, TerrainDictionary) if terrain then local terrainType = terrain.terrainType local featureList = {} for i, featureType in pairs(terrain.features) do tInsert(featureList, FeatureDictionary[featureType]) end local feature = self:NearestTempRainThing(t, r, featureList, 2) or FeatureDictionary[featureNone] if feature.percent == 0 then feature = FeatureDictionary[featureNone] end if terrainLatitudeAreas[terrainType] == nil then terrainLatitudeAreas[terrainType] = 0 end terrainLatitudeAreas[terrainType] = terrainLatitudeAreas[terrainType] + 1 line = line .. terrainChars[terrain.terrainType] .. featureChars[feature.featureType] else line = line .. " " end end local terrainAreas = {} for r = 100, 0, -3 do local line = "" for t = 0, 100, 3 do local terrain = self:NearestTempRainThing(t, r, TerrainDictionary) if terrain then local terrainType = terrain.terrainType local featureList = {} for i, featureType in pairs(terrain.features) do tInsert(featureList, FeatureDictionary[featureType]) end local feature = self:NearestTempRainThing(t, r, featureList, 2) or FeatureDictionary[featureNone] if feature.percent == 0 then feature = FeatureDictionary[featureNone] end if terrainAreas[terrainType] == nil then terrainAreas[terrainType] = 0 end terrainAreas[terrainType] = terrainAreas[terrainType] + 1 local lastChar = " " for lr = r-2, r+2 do for lt = t-2, t+2 do if latitudesByTempRain[lt .. " " ..lr] then lastChar = "/" break end end if lastChar == "/" then break end end line = line .. terrainChars[terrain.terrainType] .. featureChars[feature.featureType] .. lastChar else line = line .. " " end end EchoDebug(line) end EchoDebug("latitudes 0 to 90:") EchoDebug(line) EchoDebug(numLine) for i, terrain in pairs(TerrainDictionary) do EchoDebug(GameInfo.Terrains[terrain.terrainType].Description, terrainAreas[terrain.terrainType], terrainLatitudeAreas[terrain.terrainType]) end end function Space:CreatePseudoLatitudes() local pseudoLatitudes local minDist = 3.33 local avgTemp, avgRain local iterations = 0 repeat local latitudeResolution = 0.1 local protoLatitudes = {} for l = 0, mFloor(90/latitudeResolution) do local latitude = l * latitudeResolution local t, r = self:GetTemperature(latitude, true), self:GetRainfall(latitude, true) tInsert(protoLatitudes, { latitude = latitude, t = t, r = r }) end local currentLtr local goodLtrs = {} local pseudoLatitude = 90 local totalTemp = 0 local totalRain = 0 pseudoLatitudes = {} while #protoLatitudes > 0 do local ltr = tRemove(protoLatitudes) if not currentLtr then currentLtr = ltr else local dist = mSqrt(self:TempRainDist(currentLtr.t, currentLtr.r, ltr.t, ltr.r)) if dist > minDist then currentLtr = ltr end end if not goodLtrs[currentLtr] then goodLtrs[currentLtr] = true pseudoLatitudes[pseudoLatitude] = { temperature = mFloor(currentLtr.t), rainfall = mFloor(currentLtr.r) } totalTemp = totalTemp + mFloor(currentLtr.t) totalRain = totalRain + mFloor(currentLtr.r) pseudoLatitude = pseudoLatitude - 1 end end local change = mAbs(pseudoLatitude+1)^1.5 * 0.005 if pseudoLatitude < -1 then minDist = minDist + change elseif pseudoLatitude > -1 then minDist = minDist - change end avgTemp = mFloor(totalTemp / (90 - pseudoLatitude)) avgRain = mFloor(totalRain / (90 - pseudoLatitude)) iterations = iterations + 1 until pseudoLatitude == -1 or iterations > 100 if iterations < 101 then EchoDebug("pseudolatitudes created okay after " .. iterations .. " iterations, " .. avgTemp .. " average temp", avgRain .. " average rain") else EchoDebug("bad pseudolatitudes") end self.pseudoLatitudes = pseudoLatitudes end function Space:Compute() self.iW, self.iH = Map.GetGridSize() self.iA = self.iW * self.iH self.areaMod = mFloor( (self.iA ^ 0.75) / 360 ) self.areaMod2 = mFloor( (self.iA ^ 0.75) / 500 ) self.subCollectionSizeMin = self.subCollectionSizeMin + self.areaMod2 self.subCollectionSizeMax = self.subCollectionSizeMax + self.areaMod EchoDebug("subcollection size: " .. self.subCollectionSizeMin .. " minimum, " .. self.subCollectionSizeMax .. " maximum") self.nonOceanArea = self.iA self.w = self.iW - 1 self.h = self.iH - 1 self.halfWidth = self.w / 2 self.halfHeight = self.h / 2 self.smallestHalfDimesionSq = mMin(self.halfWidth, self.halfHeight) ^ 2 self.diagonalWidthSq = (self.w * self.w) + (self.h * self.h) self.diagonalWidth = mSqrt(self.diagonalWidthSq) self.halfDiagonalWidth = self.diagonalWidth / 2 self.halfDiagonalWidthSq = (self.halfWidth * self.halfWidth) + (self.halfHeight * self.halfHeight) -- EchoDebug(self:HexDistance(self.halfWidth+5, self.halfHeight, 1, self.h), self.halfWidth+5, self.halfHeight, 1, self.h) -- EchoDebug(self:HexDistance(1, self.halfHeight, self.halfWidth-5, self.h), 1, self.halfHeight, self.halfWidth-5, self.h) -- EchoDebug(self:HexDistance(self.w, 0, 0, self.h), self.w, 0, 0, self.h) -- EchoDebug(self:HexDistance(self.w, 0, 1, self.h), self.w, 0, 1, self.h) self.northLatitudeMult = 90 / Map.GetPlot(0, self.h):GetLatitude() self.xFakeLatitudeConversion = 180 / self.iW self.yFakeLatitudeConversion = 180 / self.iH self:DoCentuariIfActivated() -- lake generation scales with global rainfall: local rainfallScale = self.rainfallMidpoint / 49.5 self.lakeMinRatio = self.lakeMinRatio * rainfallScale self.lakeynessMax = mFloor( self.lakeynessMax * rainfallScale ) EchoDebug(self.lakeMinRatio .. " minimum lake ratio", self.lakeynessMax .. " maximum region lakeyness") if FeatureDictionary[featureForest] and FeatureDictionary[featureForest].metaPercent then FeatureDictionary[featureForest].metaPercent = mMin(100, FeatureDictionary[featureForest].metaPercent * (rainfallScale ^ 2.2)) EchoDebug("forest metapercent: " .. FeatureDictionary[featureForest].metaPercent) end if FeatureDictionary[featureJungle] and FeatureDictionary[featureJungle].metaPercent then FeatureDictionary[featureJungle].metaPercent = mMin(100, FeatureDictionary[featureJungle].metaPercent * (rainfallScale ^ 2.2)) EchoDebug("jungle metapercent: " .. FeatureDictionary[featureJungle].metaPercent) end self.freshFreezingTemperature = self.freezingTemperature * 1.12 if self.useMapLatitudes then self.realmHemisphere = mRandom(1, 2) end self.polarExponentMultiplier = 90 ^ self.polarExponent if self.rainfallMidpoint > 49.5 then self.rainfallPlusMinus = 99 - self.rainfallMidpoint else self.rainfallPlusMinus = self.rainfallMidpoint end self.rainfallMax = self.rainfallMidpoint + self.rainfallPlusMinus self.rainfallMin = self.rainfallMidpoint - self.rainfallPlusMinus -- need to adjust island chance so that bigger maps have about the same number of islands, and of the same relative size self.minNonOceanPolygons = mCeil(self.polygonCount * 0.1) if not self.wrapX and not self.wrapY then self.minNonOceanPolygons = mCeil(self.polygonCount * 0.67) end self.nonOceanPolygons = self.polygonCount -- set fallout options -- [featureFallout] = { temperature = {0, 100}, rainfall = {0, 100}, percent = 15, limitRatio = 0.75, hill = true }, if self.falloutEnabled then FeatureDictionary[featureFallout].disabled = nil if self.contaminatedWater and self.contaminatedSoil then FeatureDictionary[featureFallout].percent = 30 FeatureDictionary[featureFallout].points = {{t=50,r=100}, {t=50,r=0}} elseif self.contaminatedWater then FeatureDictionary[featureFallout].percent = 35 FeatureDictionary[featureFallout].points = {{t=50,r=100}} elseif self.contaminatedSoil then FeatureDictionary[featureFallout].percent = 35 FeatureDictionary[featureFallout].points = {{t=50,r=0}} else FeatureDictionary[featureFallout].percent = 25 local l = mRandom(0, 60) EchoDebug("fallout latitude: " .. l) FeatureDictionary[featureFallout].points = {{t=self:GetTemperature(l),r=self:GetRainfall(l)}} end end if self.useMapLatitudes and self.polarMaxLandRatio == 0 then self.noContinentsNearPoles = true end self:CreatePseudoLatitudes() -- self:PrintClimate() EchoDebug("initializing hexes...") self:InitHexes() -- self.hexesPerSubPolygon = self.iA / self.subPolygonCount -- self.hexesPerSubPolygon = 2 + (self.iA / 6827) -- self.hexesPerSubPolygon = (0.6383562275 * math.log(self.iA)) - 2.319 -- self.hexesPerSubPolygon = 3.60250103 - (2034.85378040 / self.iA) self.hexesPerSubPolygon = (1.05292 * math.log(self.iA)) - 5.74245 self.hexesPerSubPolygon = mMax(1, self.hexesPerSubPolygon) self.subPolygonCount = mCeil(self.iA / self.hexesPerSubPolygon) EchoDebug(self.polygonCount .. " polygons", self.subPolygonCount .. " subpolygons", self.iA .. " hexes", self.hexesPerSubPolygon .. " hexes per subpolygon") local subPolyTimer = StartDebugTimer() EchoDebug("creating shill polygons...") local hexesAvailableToPolygons = tDuplicate(self.hexes) local shillPolygons = self:CreateShillPolygons(hexesAvailableToPolygons) EchoDebug("subdividing shill polygons...") self.subPolygons = self:SubdividePolygons(shillPolygons, self.hexesPerSubPolygon, self.subPolygonRelaxations) EchoDebug(StopDebugTimer(subPolyTimer) .. " to create subpolygons") EchoDebug("culling empty subpolygons...") self:CullPolygons(self.subPolygons) EchoDebug("unstranding hexes...") self:UnstrandHexes() EchoDebug("calculating subpolygon limits..") self:CalcSubPolygonLimits() EchoDebug("smallest subpolygon: " .. self.subPolygonMinArea, "largest subpolygon: " .. self.subPolygonMaxArea) EchoDebug("initializing new polygons...") self.polygons = {} self:InitPolygons(hexesAvailableToPolygons) if self.relaxations > 0 then for r = 1, self.relaxations do EchoDebug("filling polygons pre-relaxation...") self:FillPolygons() print("relaxing polygons... (" .. r .. "/" .. self.relaxations .. ")") self:RelaxPolygons(self.polygons) end end EchoDebug("filling polygons post-relaxation...") self:FillPolygons() EchoDebug("determining subpolygon neighbors...") self:FindSubPolygonNeighbors() EchoDebug("flip-flopping subpolygons...") self.unstrandedSubPolyCount = 0 self:FlipFlopSubPolygons() EchoDebug((self.flopCount or 0) .. " subpolygons flopped", "(" .. self.unstrandedSubPolyCount .. " unstranded)") EchoDebug("populating polygon hex tables...") self:FillPolygonHexes() EchoDebug("culling empty polygons...") self:CullPolygons(self.polygons) self:GetPolygonSizes() EchoDebug("smallest polygon: " .. self.polygonMinArea, "largest polygon: " .. self.polygonMaxArea) EchoDebug("finding polygon neighbors...") self:FindPolygonNeighbors() EchoDebug("finding subedge connections...") self:FindSubEdgeConnections() EchoDebug("finding edge connections...") self:FindEdgeConnections() EchoDebug("picking oceans...") self:PickOceans() EchoDebug("flooding astronomy basins...") self:FindAstronomyBasins() EchoDebug("picking continents...") self:PickContinents() EchoDebug("filling in continent gaps...") self:PatchContinents() EchoDebug("flooding inland seas...") self:FindInlandSeas() EchoDebug("filling inland seas...") self:FillInlandSeas() EchoDebug("picking coasts...") self:PickCoasts() if not self.useMapLatitudes then -- EchoDebug("dispersing fake latitude...") -- self:DisperseFakeLatitude() EchoDebug("dispersing temperatures and rainfalls...") self:DisperseTemperatureRainfall() end EchoDebug("computing seas...") self:ComputeSeas() EchoDebug("picking regions...") self:PickRegions() -- EchoDebug("distorting climate grid...") -- climateGrid = self:DistortClimateGrid(climateGrid, 1.5, 1) EchoDebug(#self.regions .. " regions") EchoDebug("creating climate voronoi...") local regionclimatetime = StartDebugTimer() local cliVorNum = mMin(62 - (self.polygonCount / 8), #self.regions) -- higher granularity makes greater intraregion variability if self.useMapLatitudes then -- limited number of voronoi messes with climate realism cliVorNum = #self.regions end self.climateVoronoi = self:CreateClimateVoronoi(cliVorNum, self.climateVoronoiRelaxations) EchoDebug(cliVorNum .. " climate voronoi created in " .. StopDebugTimer(regionclimatetime)) EchoDebug("assigning climate voronoi to regions...") self:AssignClimateVoronoiToRegions(self.climateVoronoi) EchoDebug("filling regions...") self:FillRegions() EchoDebug("picking mountain ranges...") self:PickMountainRanges() EchoDebug("computing landforms...") self:ComputeLandforms() EchoDebug("computing ocean temperatures...") self:ComputeOceanTemperatures() EchoDebug("computing coasts...") self:ComputeCoasts() EchoDebug("finding river seeds...") self:FindRiverSeeds() EchoDebug("drawing lake rivers...") self:DrawLakeRivers() EchoDebug("drawing rivers...") self:DrawRivers() if self.ancientCitiesCount > 0 or self.postApocalyptic then EchoDebug("drawing ancient cities and roads...") self:DrawRoads() end if self.mapLabelsEnabled then EchoDebug("labelling map...") self:LabelMap() -- for some reason the db and gameinfo are different, i have no idea why --[[ for row in GameInfo.Fantastical_Map_Labels() do EchoDebug(row.Label, row.Type, row.x .. ", " .. row.y) end EchoDebug("query:") local results = DB.Query("SELECT * FROM Fantastical_Map_Labels") for row in results do EchoDebug(row.Label, row.Type, row.x .. ", " .. row.y) end ]]-- end end function Space:ComputeLandforms() self.tinyIslandMountainPercent = mCeil(self.mountainTinyIslandMult * self.mountainRatio * 100) for pi, hex in pairs(self.hexes) do if hex.polygon.continent ~= nil then -- near ocean trench? for neighbor, yes in pairs(hex.adjacentPolygons) do if neighbor.oceanIndex ~= nil then hex.nearOceanTrench = true if neighbor.nearOcean then EchoDebug("CONTINENT NEAR OCEAN TRENCH??") end break end end if hex.nearOceanTrench then EchoDebug("CONTINENT PLOT NEAR OCEAN TRENCH") hex.plotType = plotOcean else if hex.mountainRange then hex.plotType = plotMountain tInsert(self.mountainHexes, hex) end end end if hex.subPolygon.tinyIsland and mRandom(1, 100) < self.tinyIslandMountainPercent then hex.plotType = plotMountain tInsert(self.mountainHexes, hex) end end self:AdjustMountains() end function Space:ComputeSeas() -- ocean plots and tiny islands: for pi, hex in pairs(self.hexes) do if hex.polygon.continent == nil then if hex.subPolygon.tinyIsland then hex.plotType = plotLand else hex.plotType = plotOcean end end end end function Space:ComputeCoasts() local coastHexes = {} local unCoastHexes = {} local unIceHexes = {} for i, subPolygon in pairs(self.subPolygons) do subPolygon.temperature = subPolygon.temperature or subPolygon.superPolygon.temperature or self:GetTemperature(subPolygon.latitude) if (not subPolygon.superPolygon.continent or subPolygon.lake) and not subPolygon.tinyIsland then if subPolygon.superPolygon.coastal then subPolygon.coast = true subPolygon.oceanTemperature = subPolygon.temperature else local coastTempTotal = 0 local coastTotal = 0 for ni, neighbor in pairs(subPolygon.neighbors) do if neighbor.superPolygon.continent or neighbor.tinyIsland then subPolygon.coast = true if subPolygon.polar then break end coastTempTotal = coastTempTotal + neighbor.temperature coastTotal = coastTotal + 1 end end if coastTotal > 0 then subPolygon.oceanTemperature = mCeil(coastTempTotal / coastTotal) end end if subPolygon.polar then subPolygon.oceanTemperature = -5 -- self:GetOceanTemperature(self:GetTemperature(90)) elseif subPolygon.superPolygon.coast and not subPolygon.coast then subPolygon.oceanTemperature = subPolygon.superPolygon.oceanTemperature end subPolygon.oceanTemperature = subPolygon.oceanTemperature or subPolygon.superPolygon.oceanTemperature or subPolygon.temperature or self:GetOceanTemperature(subPolygon.temperature) local ice if subPolygon.lake then ice = subPolygon.oceanTemperature <= self.freshFreezingTemperature else ice = subPolygon.oceanTemperature <= self.freezingTemperature end if subPolygon.coast then local atoll = subPolygon.oceanTemperature >= self.atollTemperature for ih, hex in pairs(subPolygon.hexes) do local nearContinent, nearLand for d, nhex in pairs(hex:Neighbors()) do if nhex.polygon.continent then nearContinent = true nearLand = true elseif nhex.subPolygon.tinyIsland then nearLand = true end end local badIce if self.polarMaxLandRatio == 0 and self.useMapLatitudes and hex.y ~= 0 and hex.y ~= self.h and nearContinent then -- try not to interfere w/ navigation at poles if no land at poles and icy poles badIce = true end if not badIce and ice then if self:GimmeIce(subPolygon.oceanTemperature) then hex.featureType = featureIce else unIceHexes[#unIceHexes+1] = hex end end if nearLand or mRandom(1, 100) < self.coastalExpansionPercent then hex.terrainType = terrainCoast coastHexes[#coastHexes+1] = hex if atoll and mRandom(1, 100) < self.atollPercent then hex.featureType = featureAtoll end else hex.terrainType = terrainOcean if not hex.subPolygon.lake and not hex.polygon.sea then unCoastHexes[#unCoastHexes+1] = hex end end end else for hi, hex in pairs(subPolygon.hexes) do if ice then if self:GimmeIce(subPolygon.oceanTemperature) then hex.featureType = featureIce else unIceHexes[#unIceHexes+1] = hex end end hex.terrainType = terrainOcean end end end end -- remove stranded bits of ocean local oceanHexTimer = StartDebugTimer() local unstrandedOceanHexCount = 0 for i = 1, #unCoastHexes do local hex = unCoastHexes[i] if not hex:FloodFillAwayFromCoast() then hex.terrainType = terrainCoast unstrandedOceanHexCount = unstrandedOceanHexCount + 1 end end EchoDebug("removed " .. unstrandedOceanHexCount .. " / " .. #unCoastHexes .. " stranded ocean hexes in " .. StopDebugTimer(oceanHexTimer)) -- remove stranded bits of coast local coastHexTimer = StartDebugTimer() local unstrandedCoastHexCount = 0 for i = 1, #coastHexes do local hex = coastHexes[i] if not hex:FloodFillToLand() then hex.terrainType = terrainOcean unstrandedCoastHexCount = unstrandedCoastHexCount + 1 end end EchoDebug("removed " .. unstrandedCoastHexCount .. " / " .. #coastHexes .. " stranded coast hexes in " .. StopDebugTimer(coastHexTimer)) -- fill in gaps in the ice local iceFillTimer = StartDebugTimer() local filledIceHexCount = 0 for i = #unIceHexes, 1, -1 do local hex = unIceHexes[i] if not hex:FloodFillAwayFromIce() then hex.featureType = featureIce filledIceHexCount = filledIceHexCount + 1 end end EchoDebug("filled " .. filledIceHexCount .. " / " .. #unIceHexes .. " ice-stranded hexes with ice in " .. StopDebugTimer(iceFillTimer)) self:UnblockIce() end function Space:UnblockIce() if self.temperatureMax > self.freezingTemperature * 2 then return end -- open up landmasses surrounded by ice local openIceTimer = StartDebugTimer() local landmasses = tDuplicate(self.continents) for i, subPolygon in pairs(self.tinyIslandSubPolygons) do tInsert(landmasses, {subPolygon}) end local blacklist = { plotType = plotMountain } local connected = {} local totalIceRemoved = 0 for i, continent in pairs(landmasses) do connected[continent] = connected[continent] or {} local targetContinent, leastDist, aBestPoly, bBestPoly for ii, tContinent in pairs(landmasses) do if tContinent ~= continent and not connected[continent][tContinent] then local dist, aPoly, bPoly = self:ContinentDistance(continent, tContinent) if not leastDist or dist < leastDist then leastDist = dist targetContinent = tContinent aBestPoly = aPoly bBestPoly = bPoly end end end if targetContinent then -- EchoDebug(tostring(continent), tostring(targetContinent)) local hex = self:GetValidHexOnContinent({aBestPoly}, blacklist) if hex:Blacklisted(blacklist) then hex = self:GetValidHexOnContinent(continent, blacklist) end local targetHex = self:GetValidHexOnContinent({bBestPoly}, blacklist) if targetHex:Blacklisted(blacklist) then targetHex = self:GetValidHexOnContinent(targetContinent, blacklist) end local maxI = leastDist * 4 local success, iceRemovedCount, iterations = self:PathThroughIce(hex, targetHex, maxI) if success then -- EchoDebug("found path", "removed ice from " .. iceRemovedCount .. " hexes", iterations .. " iterations") connected[continent][targetContinent] = true connected[targetContinent] = connected[targetContinent] or {} connected[targetContinent][continent] = true else EchoDebug("path not found", "removed ice from " .. iceRemovedCount .. " hexes", iterations .. " / " .. maxI .. " iterations") end totalIceRemoved = totalIceRemoved + iceRemovedCount end end EchoDebug("intercontinent access through ice cleared by removing " .. totalIceRemoved .. " ice hexes in " .. StopDebugTimer(openIceTimer)) end function Space:GetValidHexOnContinent(continent, blacklist) local hex = continent[1].hexes[1] local ip = 1 local ih = 1 while hex:Blacklisted(blacklist) do ih = ih + 1 if ih > #continent[ip].hexes then ih = 1 ip = ip + 1 if ip > #continent then break end end hex = continent[ip].hexes[ih] end return hex end function Space:ContinentDistance(aContinent, bContinent, downToTheHex) local leastDist, aBestPoly, bBestPoly for i, aPolygon in pairs(aContinent) do for ii, bPolygon in pairs(bContinent) do local dist = aPolygon:DistanceToPolygon(bPolygon) if not leastDist or dist < leastDist then leastDist = dist aBestPoly = aPolygon bBestPoly = bPolygon end end end if downToTheHex and leastDist then local leastHexDist, aBestHex, bBestHex for i, aHex in pairs(aBestPoly.hexes) do for ii, bHex in pairs(bBestPoly.hexes) do local dist = aHex:Distance(bHex) if not leastHexDist or dist < leastHexDist then leastHexDist = dist aBestHex = aHex bBestHex = bHex end end end return leastHexDist, aBestPoly, bBestPoly, aBestHex, bBestHex else return leastDist, aBestPoly, bBestPoly end end function Space:PathThroughIce(originHex, targetHex, maxI) -- EchoDebug("looking for path", originHex:Locate(), targetHex:Locate()) maxI = maxI or self.iW / 2 if originHex == targetHex then return true, 0, 0 end local i = 0 local iceRemovedCount = 0 local onPath = {} local hex = originHex while hex ~= targetHex and i < maxI do if hex.featureType == featureIce then hex.featureType = featureNone iceRemovedCount = iceRemovedCount + 1 end onPath[hex] = true -- EchoDebug(i, hex:Locate()) -- hex.featureType = featureFallout -- to see the paths local leastDist, bestHex local hexesByDist = {} for d, nhex in pairs(hex:Neighbors()) do if nhex == targetHex then bestHex = nhex break end if nhex.plotType ~= plotMountain and not onPath[nhex] and (not self.useMapLatitudes or not self.wrapX or (nhex.y ~= 0 and nhex.y ~= self.h)) then -- local dist = targetHex:Distance(nhex) local dist = self:EucDistance(targetHex.x, targetHex.y, nhex.x, nhex.y) -- creates less linear shapes if nhex.featureType == featureIce then dist = dist + 1 end local sortDist = mCeil(dist) hexesByDist[sortDist] = hexesByDist[sortDist] or {} tInsert(hexesByDist[sortDist], nhex) if not leastDist or dist < leastDist then leastDist = dist bestHex = nhex end end end if bestHex then if leastDist and hexesByDist[mCeil(leastDist)] and #hexesByDist[mCeil(leastDist)] > 1 then -- EchoDebug("using random") hex = tGetRandom(hexesByDist[mCeil(leastDist)]) else hex = bestHex end else EchoDebug("path cannot go any farther") break end i = i + 1 end return hex == targetHex, iceRemovedCount, i end function Space:ComputeOceanTemperatures() if self.useMapLatitudes then self.avgOceanLat = 0 local totalLats = 0 for p, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do if polygon.continent == nil then totalLats = totalLats + 1 self.avgOceanLat = self.avgOceanLat + polygon.latitude end end self.avgOceanLat = mFloor(self.avgOceanLat / totalLats) self.avgOceanTemp = self:GetTemperature(self.avgOceanLat) EchoDebug(self.avgOceanLat .. " is average ocean latitude with temperature of " .. mFloor(self.avgOceanTemp), " temperature at equator: " .. self:GetTemperature(0)) self.avgOceanTemp = (self.avgOceanTemp * 0.5) + (self:GetTemperature(0) * 0.5) else local totalTemp = 0 local tempCount = 0 for p, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do if polygon.continent == nil then tempCount = tempCount + 1 totalTemp = totalTemp + polygon.temperature end end self.avgOceanTemp = totalTemp / tempCount EchoDebug(mFloor(self.avgOceanTemp) .. " is average ocean temperature", "temperature at equator: " .. self:GetTemperature(0)) self.avgOceanTemp = self.avgOceanTemp * 0.82 -- adjust to simulate realistic map's lower temp EchoDebug(mFloor(self.avgOceanTemp) .. " simulated realistic average ocean temp") self.avgOceanTemp = (self.avgOceanTemp * 0.5) + (self:GetTemperature(0) * 0.5) end EchoDebug(" adjusted avg ocean temp: " .. mFloor(self.avgOceanTemp)) for p, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do polygon.temperature = polygon.temperature or self:GetTemperature(polygon.latitude) if polygon.continent == nil then local coastTempTotal = 0 local coastTotal = 0 local coastalContinents = {} polygon.coastContinentsTotal = 0 polygon.waterTotal = 0 for ni, neighbor in pairs(polygon.neighbors) do if neighbor.continent then polygon.coast = true coastTempTotal = coastTempTotal + neighbor.region.temperature coastTotal = coastTotal + 1 if not coastalContinents[neighbor.continent] then coastalContinents[neighbor.continent] = true polygon.coastContinentsTotal = polygon.coastContinentsTotal + 1 end else polygon.waterTotal = polygon.waterTotal + 1 end end if coastTotal > 0 then polygon.oceanTemperature = mCeil(coastTempTotal / coastTotal) end polygon.coastTotal = coastTotal polygon.oceanTemperature = polygon.oceanTemperature or self:GetOceanTemperature(polygon.temperature) end end end function Space:GetOceanTemperature(temperature) temperature = (temperature * 0.5) + (self.avgOceanTemp * 0.5) if not self.useMapLatitudes then temperature = temperature * 0.94 end return temperature end function Space:GimmeIce(temperature) local below = self.freezingTemperature - temperature if below < 0 then return false end return mRandom(1, 100) < 100 * (below / self.freezingTemperature) end function Space:MoveSilverAndSpices() local totalSpices = 0 local totalSilver = 0 for i, hex in pairs(self.hexes) do local resource = hex.plot:GetResourceType() if resource == resourceSilver or resource == resourceSpices then -- EchoDebug(resource, " found") -- this plot has silver and spices, i.e. minerals and kelp -- look for a nearby water plot local destHex -- look in hex neighbors for d, nhex in pairs(hex:Neighbors()) do if nhex.plotType == plotOcean and nhex.featureType ~= featureIce and nhex.featureType ~= featureAtoll and nhex.terrainType == terrainCoast then destHex = nhex break end end if not destHex then -- look in subpolygon neighbors for isp, subPolygon in pairs(hex.subPolygon.neighbors) do if (not subPolygon.superPolygon.continent and not subPolygon.tinyIsland) or subPolygon.lake then destHex = subPolygon:EmptyCoastHex() if destHex then break end end end end if not destHex then -- look in polygon neighbors for ip, polygon in pairs(hex.polygon.neighbors) do if not polygon.continent or polygon.hasLakes then for isp, subPolygon in pairs(polygon.subPolygons) do if (not polygon.continent and not subPolygon.tinyIsland) or (polygon.hasLakes and subPolygon.lake) then destHex = subPolygon:EmptyCoastHex() if destHex then break end end end break end end end -- move resource hex.plot:SetResourceType(-1) if destHex then -- EchoDebug("found spot for " .. resource) destHex.plot:SetResourceType(resource) if resource == resourceSilver then totalSilver = totalSilver + 1 elseif resource == resourceSpices then totalSpices = totalSpices + 1 end else -- EchoDebug("no spot found for " .. resource) end end end -- add more if not enough EchoDebug("silver: " .. totalSilver .. "/" .. self.silverCount, " spices: " .. totalSpices .. "/" .. self.spicesCount) if totalSilver < self.silverCount or totalSpices < self.spicesCount then local subPolygonBuffer = {} for i, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do if not polygon.continent or polygon.hasLakes then for isp, subPolygon in pairs(polygon.subPolygons) do if (not polygon.continent and not subPolygon.tinyIsland) or (polygon.hasLakes and subPolygon.lake) then tInsert(subPolygonBuffer, subPolygon) end end end end repeat local subPolygon = tRemoveRandom(subPolygonBuffer) local destHex = subPolygon:EmptyCoastHex() if destHex then local silverSpices = mRandom(1, 2) local resource if (silverSpices == 1 and totalSilver < self.silverCount) or totalSpices >= self.spicesCount then resource = resourceSilver totalSilver = totalSilver + 1 else resource = resourceSpices totalSpices = totalSpices + 1 end destHex.plot:SetResourceType(resource) end until (totalSilver >= self.silverCount and totalSpices >= self.spicesCount) or #subPolygonBuffer == 0 end EchoDebug("silver: " .. totalSilver .. "/" .. self.silverCount, " spices: " .. totalSpices .. "/" .. self.spicesCount) end function Space:RemoveBadNaturalWonders() local labelledTypes = {} for i, hex in pairs(self.hexes) do local featureType = hex.plot:GetFeatureType() if self.badNaturalWonders[featureType] then hex.plot:SetFeatureType(featureNone) EchoDebug("removed natural wonder feature ", self.badNaturalWonders[featureType]) elseif self.centauriNaturalWonders[featureType] and not labelledTypes[featureType] then -- it's a centauri wonder if self.mapLabelsEnabled then EchoDebug("adding label", self.centauriNaturalWonders[featureType]) DatabaseInsert("Fantastical_Map_Labels", {x = hex.x, y = hex.y, Type = "Map", Label = self.centauriNaturalWonders[featureType]}) labelledTypes[featureType] = true end end end end function Space:RemoveBadlyPlacedNaturalWonders() local removedWonders = {} for i, hex in pairs(self.hexes) do local featureType = hex.plot:GetFeatureType() local removeWonder = false local removeFromHereAlso if featureType == featureVolcano or featureType == featureReef then -- krakatoa and reefs sometime form an astronomy basin leak if hex.polygon.oceanIndex then removeWonder = true end for ii, neighHex in pairs(hex:Neighbors()) do if neighHex.polygon.oceanIndex then removeWonder = true end if featureType == featureReef and neighHex.plot:GetFeatureType() == featureReef then removeFromHereAlso = neighHex end end end if removeWonder then EchoDebug("removing volcano or reef", featureType) tInsert(removedWonders, featureType) hex.plot:SetFeatureType(featureNone) hex:SetTerrain() if removeFromHereAlso then removeFromHereAlso.plot:SetFeatureType(featureNone) removeFromHereAlso:SetTerrain() for ii, neighHex in pairs(removeFromHereAlso:Neighbors()) do neighHex:SetTerrain() end end for ii, neighHex in pairs(hex:Neighbors()) do neighHex:SetTerrain() end end end -- tInsert(removedWonders, featureVolcano); tInsert(removedWonders, featureReef) -- uncomment to test removed wonder replacer if #removedWonders == 0 then return end -- find new places for removed wonders local hexBuffer = tDuplicate(self.hexes) while #hexBuffer > 0 do local hex = tRemoveRandom(hexBuffer) for wi = #removedWonders, 1, -1 do local featureType = removedWonders[wi] if hex:PlaceNaturalWonderPossibly(featureType) then tRemove(removedWonders, wi) end end end end function Space:ShiftGlobe() if not self.wrapX or self.oceanNumber == -1 then return end local landCounts = {} local coastCounts = {} for x = 0, self.w do local landCount = 0 local coastCount = 0 for y = 0, self.h do local hex = self:GetHexByXY(x, y) if hex.plotType == plotLand or hex.plotType == plotMountain or hex.plotType == plotHills then landCount = landCount + 1 elseif hex.plotType == plotOcean and hex.terrainType == terrainCoast then coastCount = coastCount + 1 end end landCounts[x] = landCount coastCounts[x] = coastCount end local bestX local bestCount for x = 0, self.w do local pairX = (x + 1) % self.iW local count = landCounts[x] + landCounts[pairX] + ((coastCounts[x] + coastCounts[pairX]) / 2) if not bestCount or count < bestCount then bestCount = count bestX = x end end local shiftX if bestX and bestX ~= self.w then local pairX = (bestX + 1) % self.iW if bestX > self.halfWidth then shiftX = self.w - bestX else shiftX = 0 - pairX end EchoDebug("best x-edge pair is " .. bestX .. " and " .. pairX, "shiftX is " .. shiftX) end if shiftX and shiftX ~= 0 then EchoDebug("shifting globe X by " .. shiftX .. "...") for i, hex in pairs(self.hexes) do local shiftedX = (hex.x + shiftX) % self.iW local shiftedHex = self:GetHexByXY(shiftedX, hex.y) hex.plot = Map.GetPlotByIndex(shiftedHex.index-1) end end end function Space:StripResources() for i, hex in pairs(self.hexes) do hex.plot:SetResourceType(-1) end end function Space:SetPlots() for i, hex in pairs(self.hexes) do hex:SetPlot() end end function Space:SetTerrains() for i, hex in pairs(self.hexes) do hex:SetTerrain() end end function Space:SetFeatures() for i, hex in pairs(self.hexes) do hex:SetFeature() end end function Space:SetRivers() for i, hex in pairs(self.hexes)do hex:SetRiver() end end function Space:SetRoads() for i, hex in pairs(self.hexes) do hex:SetRoad() end end function Space:SetImprovements() for i, hex in pairs(self.hexes) do hex:SetImprovement() end end function Space:SetContinentArtTypes() for i, hex in pairs(self.hexes) do hex:SetContinentArtType() end end function Space:PolygonDebugDisplay(polygons) local fills = {} for terrainType, terrainDef in pairs(TerrainDictionary) do tInsert(fills, {plotType = plotLand, terrainType = terrainType, featureType = featureNone}) end tInsert(fills, {plotType = plotOcean, terrainType = terrainOcean, featureType = featureNone}) tInsert(fills, {plotType = plotOcean, terrainType = terrainCoast, featureType = featureNone}) EchoDebug(#fills .. " fill types") local highestNeighbors = 0 for i, polygon in pairs(polygons) do if #polygon.neighbors > highestNeighbors then highestNeighbors = #polygon.neighbors end local fillsLeft = tDuplicate(fills) for ii, neighbor in pairs(polygon.neighbors) do if neighbor.fill then for iii = #fillsLeft, 1, -1 do local fill = fillsLeft[iii] if fill == neighbor.fill then tRemove(fillsLeft, iii) break end end end end local fill = tGetRandom(fillsLeft) if fill then polygon.fill = fill for ii, hex in pairs(polygon.hexes) do hex.plot:SetPlotType(fill.plotType) hex.plot:SetTerrainType(fill.terrainType) hex.plot:SetFeatureType(fill.featureType) -- if hex.stranded then -- hex.plot:SetFeatureType(featureFloodPlains) -- elseif hex.x == polygon.x and hex.y == polygon.y then -- hex.plot:SetFeatureType(featureReef) -- end end end end EchoDebug(highestNeighbors .. " most polygon neighbors") end ---------------------------------- -- INTERNAL METAFUNCTIONS: -- function Space:InitPolygons(availableHexes) if not availableHexes then if self.hexes then availableHexes = tDuplicate(self.hexes) end end for i = 1, self.polygonCount do local polygon if availableHexes then local hex = tRemoveRandom(availableHexes) polygon = Polygon(self, hex.x, hex.y) else polygon = Polygon(self) end tInsert(self.polygons, polygon) end end function Space:InitSubPolygons() local XYs = {} for x = 0, self.w do for y = 0, self.h do tInsert(XYs, {x=x, y=y}) end end local xyBuffer = tDuplicate(XYs) for i = 1, self.subPolygonCount do local xy = tRemoveRandom(xyBuffer) local subPolygon = Polygon(self, xy.x, xy.y) tInsert(self.subPolygons, subPolygon) if #xyBuffer == 0 then break end end end function Space:InitHexes() for x = 0, self.w do for y = 0, self.h do local hex = Hex(self, x, y) self.hexes[hex.index] = hex end end end function Space:CreateShillPolygons(availableHexes) local shillCount, bestSpeed local areaSq = self.iA ^ 2 for s = 10, mCeil(self.polygonCount / 2), 5 do local speed = (self.iA * s) + (areaSq / (self.hexesPerSubPolygon * s)) if not bestSpeed or speed <= bestSpeed then bestSpeed = speed shillCount = s end end local shillPolygons = {} for i = 1, mCeil(shillCount) do local hex = tRemoveRandom(availableHexes) shillPolygons[#shillPolygons+1] = Polygon(self, hex.x, hex.y) end self.shillPolygons = shillPolygons EchoDebug(#shillPolygons .. " shill polygons") EchoDebug("filling & relaxing shill polygons...") if self.shillRelaxations > 0 then for r = 1, self.shillRelaxations do self:FillPolygonsSimply(shillPolygons) self:RelaxPolygons(shillPolygons) end end self:FillPolygonsSimply(shillPolygons) return shillPolygons end function Space:SubdividePolygons(polygons, hexesPerDivision, relaxations) polygons = polygons or self.polygons hexesPerDivision = hexesPerDivision or self.hexesPerSubPolygon relaxations = relaxations or 0 EchoDebug(hexesPerDivision .. " hexes per division") local subPolygons = {} for i = 1, #polygons do local polygon = polygons[i] local number = mCeil(#polygon.hexes / hexesPerDivision) local subPolys = polygon:Subdivide(number, relaxations) for ii = 1, #subPolys do tInsert(subPolygons, subPolys[ii]) end end return subPolygons end function Space:FillSubPolygons(relax) local timer = StartDebugTimer() self.totalSubPolygons = #self.subPolygons -- so that closestThing can be sped up for i = 1, #self.hexes do local hex = self.hexes[i] hex:Place(relax) end EchoDebug("filled subpolygons in " .. StopDebugTimer(timer)) -- below is to test the distribution of times one subpolygon is picked, to see if getting a random subpolygon when more than one is at the same distance from a hex is worth the performance hit (i say no) -- local byTimesPicked = {} -- for i, subPolygon in pairs(self.subPolygons) do -- if subPolygon.pickedFirst then -- byTimesPicked[subPolygon.pickedFirst] = (byTimesPicked[subPolygon.pickedFirst] or 0) + 1 -- end -- end -- for timesPicked, count in pairsByKeys(byTimesPicked) do -- EchoDebug(timesPicked, count) -- end end function Space:FillPolygons() for i, subPolygon in pairs(self.subPolygons) do subPolygon:Place() end end function Space:RelaxPolygons(polygons) for i, polygon in pairs(polygons) do polygon:RelaxToCentroid() end end function Space:FillPolygonHexes() for i, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do polygon:FillHexes() end end function Space:FillPolygonsSimply(polygons) polygons = polygons or self.polygons for i = 1, #self.hexes do local hex = self.hexes[i] local polygon = self:ClosestThing(hex, polygons) if polygon then tInsert(polygon.hexes, hex) end end end function Space:CullPolygons(polygons) local culled = 0 for i = #polygons, 1, -1 do -- have to go backwards, otherwise table.remove screws up the iteration local polygon = polygons[i] if #polygon.hexes == 0 then tRemove(polygons, i) culled = culled + 1 end end EchoDebug(culled .. " polygons culled", #polygons .. " remaining") end function Space:UnstrandHexes() local strandedCount = 0 for i, hex in pairs(self.hexes) do if hex:Unstrand() then strandedCount = strandedCount + 1 end end EchoDebug(strandedCount .. " hexes unstranded") return strandedCount end function Space:FindSubPolygonNeighbors() for i, hex in pairs(self.hexes) do hex:FindSubPolygonNeighbors() end end function Space:FlipFlopSubPolygons() if self.subPolygonFlopPercent > 0 then for i, subPolygon in pairs(self.subPolygons) do -- see if it's next to another superpolygon local choices = {} for n, neighbor in pairs(subPolygon.neighbors) do if neighbor.superPolygon ~= subPolygon.superPolygon then choices[#choices+1] = neighbor.superPolygon end end if #choices > 0 and mRandom(1, 100) < self.subPolygonFlopPercent then -- flop the subpolygon subPolygon:Flop(tGetRandom(choices)) end end end -- fix stranded single subpolygons for i, subPolygon in pairs(self.subPolygons) do local hasFriendlyNeighbors = false local uchoices = {} for n, neighbor in pairs(subPolygon.neighbors) do if neighbor.superPolygon == subPolygon.superPolygon then hasFriendlyNeighbors = true break else uchoices[#uchoices+1] = neighbor.superPolygon end end if not hasFriendlyNeighbors and not subPolygon.flopped and #subPolygon.superPolygon.subPolygons > 1 and #uchoices > 0 then subPolygon:Flop(tGetRandom(uchoices)) self.unstrandedSubPolyCount = self.unstrandedSubPolyCount + 1 end end end function Space:CalcSubPolygonLimits() self.subPolygonMinArea = self.iA self.subPolygonMaxArea = 0 for i, polygon in pairs(self.subPolygons) do for ii, hex in pairs(polygon.hexes) do hex:InsidePolygon(polygon) end if #polygon.hexes < self.subPolygonMinArea and #polygon.hexes > 0 then self.subPolygonMinArea = #polygon.hexes end if #polygon.hexes > self.subPolygonMaxArea then self.subPolygonMaxArea = #polygon.hexes end end end function Space:GetPolygonSizes() self.polygonMinArea = self.iA self.polygonMaxArea = 0 for i, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do if #polygon.hexes < self.polygonMinArea and #polygon.hexes > 0 then self.polygonMinArea = #polygon.hexes end if #polygon.hexes > self.polygonMaxArea then self.polygonMaxArea = #polygon.hexes end end end function Space:FindPolygonNeighbors() for spi, subPolygon in pairs(self.subPolygons) do subPolygon:FindPolygonNeighbors() end end function Space:AssembleSubEdges() for i, subEdge in pairs(self.subEdges) do subEdge:Assemble() end end function Space:FindSubEdgeConnections() for i, subEdge in pairs(self.subEdges) do subEdge:FindConnections() end end function Space:FindEdgeConnections() for i, edge in pairs(self.edges) do edge:FindConnections() end end function Space:PickOceans() if self.wrapX and self.wrapY then self:PickOceansDoughnut() -- the game doesn't support this :-( elseif not self.wrapX and not self.wrapY then self:PickOceansRectangle() elseif self.wrapX and not self.wrapY then self:PickOceansCylinder() elseif self.wrapY and not self.wrapX then print("why have a vertically wrapped map?") end if self.astronomyBlobNumber > 0 then self:PickOceansAstronomyBlobs() end EchoDebug(#self.oceans .. " oceans") end function Space:PickOceansCylinder() local xDiv = self.w / mMin(3, self.oceanNumber) local x = 0 local horizOceans = self.oceanNumber - 3 local rows = mCeil(horizOceans / 3) local yDiv = self.h / (rows + 1) local y = yDiv local firstOcean = mRandom(1, 3) local secondOcean = (firstOcean + 1) % 4 local horizOceanCount = 0 if secondOcean == 0 then secondOcean = 1 end -- if self.oceanNumber == 1 then x = 0 else x = mRandom(0, self.w) end for oceanIndex = 1, self.oceanNumber do local ocean if oceanIndex < 4 then ocean = self:PickOceanBottomToTop(x, oceanIndex) x = mCeil(x + xDiv) % self.iW else if not self.oceans[firstOcean] or not self.oceans[secondOcean] then EchoDebug("can't pick oceans from #" .. firstOcean .. " to #" .. secondOcean) break end EchoDebug("picking ocean #" .. oceanIndex .. " from #" .. firstOcean .. " to #" .. secondOcean .. "...") ocean = self:PickOceanToOcean(self.oceans[firstOcean], self.oceans[secondOcean], y, oceanIndex) firstOcean = (firstOcean + 1) % 4 if firstOcean == 0 then firstOcean = 1 end secondOcean = (secondOcean + 1) % 4 if secondOcean == 0 then secondOcean = 1 end horizOceanCount = horizOceanCount + 1 if horizOceanCount > 3 then y = mCeil(y + yDiv) % self.iH horizOceanCount = 0 end end if ocean and #ocean > 0 then tInsert(self.oceans, ocean) end end end function Space:PickOceanToOcean(firstOcean, secondOcean, y, oceanIndex) local startPoly local bPoly, bDist for i, polygon in pairs(firstOcean) do if y >= polygon.minY and y <= polygon.maxY then startPoly = polygon break else local dist = mAbs(polygon.y - y) if not bDist or dist < bDist then bPoly = polygon bDist = dist end end end startPoly = startPoly or bPoly if not startPoly then EchoDebug("no starting polygon found") return end local targetPoly bPoly, bDist = nil, nil for i, polygon in pairs(secondOcean) do if y >= polygon.minY and y <= polygon.maxY then targetPoly = polygon break else local dist = mAbs(polygon.y - y) if not bDist or dist < bDist then bPoly = polygon bDist = dist end end end targetPoly = targetPoly or bPoly if not targetPoly then EchoDebug("no target polygon found") return end local polygon = startPoly local ocean = {} local chosen = {} local iterations = 0 EchoDebug(self.nonOceanPolygons, self.minNonOceanPolygons) while self.nonOceanPolygons > self.minNonOceanPolygons and iterations < 100 do chosen[polygon] = true if not polygon.oceanIndex then polygon.oceanIndex = oceanIndex tInsert(ocean, polygon) self.nonOceanArea = self.nonOceanArea - #polygon.hexes self.nonOceanPolygons = self.nonOceanPolygons - 1 end if polygon == targetPoly then EchoDebug("target polygon found, stopping ocean #" .. oceanIndex .. " at " .. iterations .. " iterations") break end local bestNeigh local bestDist local neighsByDist = {} local betterNeighs = {} local myDist = self:HexDistance(polygon.x, polygon.y, targetPoly.x, targetPoly.y) for ni, neighbor in pairs(polygon.neighbors) do if not chosen[neighbor] then local dist = self:HexDistance(neighbor.x, neighbor.y, targetPoly.x, targetPoly.y) neighsByDist[dist] = neighsByDist[dist] or {} tInsert(neighsByDist[dist], neighbor) if not bestDist or dist < bestDist then bestDist = dist bestNeigh = neighbor end if dist < myDist then tInsert(betterNeighs, neighbor) end end end if #betterNeighs == 0 then EchoDebug("no neighbors closer to target, stopping ocean #" .. oceanIndex .. " at " .. iterations .. " iterations") break end if #neighsByDist[bestDist] > 1 then bestNeigh = tGetRandom(neighsByDist[bestDist]) end polygon = bestNeigh or tGetRandom(betterNeighs) iterations = iterations + 1 end return ocean end function Space:PickOceanBottomToTop(x, oceanIndex) local polygon = self:GetPolygonByXY(x, 0) local ocean = {} local iterations = 0 local chosen = {} while self.nonOceanPolygons > self.minNonOceanPolygons do chosen[polygon] = true polygon.oceanIndex = oceanIndex tInsert(ocean, polygon) self.nonOceanArea = self.nonOceanArea - #polygon.hexes self.nonOceanPolygons = self.nonOceanPolygons - 1 if polygon.topY then EchoDebug("topY found, stopping ocean #" .. oceanIndex .. " at " .. iterations .. " iterations") break end local upNeighbors = {} local downNeighbors = {} for ni, neighbor in pairs(polygon.neighbors) do if not neighbor:NearOther(oceanIndex, "oceanIndex") and not chosen[neighbor] then if neighbor.maxY > polygon.maxY then tInsert(upNeighbors, neighbor) else tInsert(downNeighbors, neighbor) end end end if #upNeighbors == 0 then if #downNeighbors == 0 then if #polygon.neighbors == 0 then EchoDebug("no neighbors!, stopping ocean #" .. oceanIndex .. " at " .. iterations .. " iterations") break else upNeighbors = polygon.neighbors end else upNeighbors = downNeighbors end end local highestNeigh if #self.oceans == 0 or self.oceanNumber ~= 2 then -- local highestY = 0 -- local neighsByY = {} -- for ni, neighbor in pairs(upNeighbors) do -- neighsByY[neighbor.y] = neighsByY[neighbor.y] or {} -- tInsert(neighsByY[neighbor.y], neighbor) -- if neighbor.y > highestY then -- highestY = neighbor.y -- highestNeigh = neighbor -- end -- end -- if #neighsByY[highestY] > 1 then -- highestNeigh = tRemoveRandom(neighsByY[highestY]) -- end highestNeigh = tGetRandom(upNeighbors) else local highestDist = 0 local neighsByDist = {} for ni, neighbor in pairs(upNeighbors) do local totalDist = 0 for oi, ocea in pairs(self.oceans) do for pi, poly in pairs(ocea) do local dx, dy = self:WrapDistance(neighbor.x, neighbor.y, poly.x, poly.y) totalDist = totalDist + dx end end neighsByDist[totalDist] = neighsByDist[totalDist] or {} tInsert(neighsByDist[totalDist], neighbor) if totalDist > highestDist then highestDist = totalDist highestNeigh = neighbor end end if #neighsByDist[highestDist] > 1 then highestNeigh = tGetRandom(neighsByDist[highestDist]) end end polygon = highestNeigh or tGetRandom(upNeighbors) iterations = iterations + 1 end return ocean end function Space:PickOceansRectangle() local sides = { { {0,0}, {0,1} }, -- west { {0,1}, {1,1} }, -- north { {1,0}, {1,1} }, -- east { {0,0}, {1,0} }, -- south } self.oceanSides = {} for oceanIndex = 1, mMin(self.oceanNumber, 4) do local sideIndex = mRandom(1, #sides) local removeAlsoSide if oceanIndex == 1 and self.oceanNumber == 2 then local removeAlsoSideIndex = sideIndex + 2 if removeAlsoSideIndex > #sides then removeAlsoSideIndex = removeAlsoSideIndex - #sides end removeAlsoSide = sides[removeAlsoSideIndex] EchoDebug("prevent parallel oceans", sideIndex, removeAlsoSideIndex, removeAlsoSide) end local side = tRemove(sides, sideIndex) if removeAlsoSide then for si, s in pairs(sides) do EchoDebug(s) if s == removeAlsoSide then EchoDebug("removing parallel ocean side") tRemove(sides, si) end end end local x, y = side[1][1] * self.w, side[1][2] * self.h local xUp = side[2][1] - x == 1 local yUp = side[2][2] - y == 1 local xMinimize, yMinimize, xMaximize, yMaximize local bottomTopCriterion if xUp then if side[1][2] == 0 then bottomTopCriterion = "bottomYPolygons" self.oceanSides["bottomY"] = true elseif side[1][2] == 1 then bottomTopCriterion = "topYPolygons" self.oceanSides["topY"] = true end elseif yUp then if side[1][1] == 0 then bottomTopCriterion = "bottomXPolygons" self.oceanSides["bottomX"] = true elseif side[1][1] == 1 then bottomTopCriterion = "topXPolygons" self.oceanSides["topX"] = true end end local ocean = {} for i, polygon in pairs(self[bottomTopCriterion]) do if not polygon.oceanIndex then polygon.oceanIndex = oceanIndex tInsert(ocean, polygon) self.nonOceanArea = self.nonOceanArea - #polygon.hexes self.nonOceanPolygons = self.nonOceanPolygons - 1 end end tInsert(self.oceans, ocean) end end function Space:PickOceansDoughnut() self.wrapX, self.wrapY = false, false local formulas = { [1] = { {1,2} }, [2] = { {3}, {4} }, [3] = { {-1}, {1,7,8}, {2,9,10} }, -- negative 1 denotes each subtable is a possibility of a list instead of a list of possibilities [4] = { {1}, {2}, {5}, {6} }, } local hexAngles = {} local hex = self:GetHexByXY(mFloor(self.w / 2), mFloor(self.h / 2)) for n, nhex in pairs(hex:Neighbors()) do local angle = AngleAtoB(hex.x, hex.y, nhex.x, nhex.y) EchoDebug(n, nhex.x-hex.x, nhex.y-hex.y, angle) hexAngles[n] = angle end local origins, terminals = self:InterpretFormula(formulas[self.oceanNumber]) for oceanIndex = 1, #origins do local ocean = {} local origin, terminal = origins[oceanIndex], terminals[oceanIndex] local hex = self:GetHexByXY(origin.x, origin.y) local polygon = hex.polygon if not polygon.oceanIndex then polygon.oceanIndex = oceanIndex tInsert(ocean, polygon) self.nonOceanArea = self.nonOceanArea - #polygon.hexes self.nonOceanPolygons = self.nonOceanPolygons - 1 end local iterations = 0 EchoDebug(origin.x, origin.y, terminal.x, terminal.y) local mx = terminal.x - origin.x local my = terminal.y - origin.y local dx, dy if mx == 0 then dx = 0 if my < 0 then dy = -1 else dy = 1 end elseif my == 0 then dy = 0 if mx < 0 then dx = -1 else dx = 1 end else if mx < 0 then dx = -1 else dx = 1 end dy = my / mAbs(mx) end local x, y = origin.x, origin.y repeat -- find the next polygon if it's different x = x + dx y = y + dy local best = polygon local bestDist = self:EucDistance(x, y, polygon.x, polygon.y) for n, neighbor in pairs(polygon.neighbors) do local dist = self:EucDistance(x, y, neighbor.x, neighbor.y) if dist < bestDist then bestDist = dist best = neighbor end end polygon = best -- add the polygon here to the ocean if not polygon.oceanIndex then polygon.oceanIndex = oceanIndex tInsert(ocean, polygon) self.nonOceanArea = self.nonOceanArea - #polygon.hexes self.nonOceanPolygons = self.nonOceanPolygons - 1 end iterations = iterations + 1 until mFloor(x) == terminal.x and mFloor(y) == terminal.y tInsert(self.oceans, ocean) end self.wrapX, self.wrapY = true, true end local OceanLines = { [1] = { {0,0}, {0,1} }, -- straight sides [2] = { {0,0}, {1,0} }, [3] = { {0,0}, {1,1} }, -- diagonals [4] = { {1,0}, {0,1} }, [5] = { {0.5,0}, {0.5,1} }, -- middle cross [6] = { {0,0.5}, {1,0.5} }, [7] = { {0.33,0}, {0.33,1} }, -- vertical thirds [8] = { {0.67,0}, {0.67,1} }, [9] = { {0,0.33}, {1,0.33} }, -- horizontal thirds [10] = { {0,0.67}, {1,0.67} }, } function Space:InterpretFormula(formula) local origins = {} local terminals = {} if formula[1][1] == -1 then local list = formula[mRandom(2, #formula)] for l, lineCode in pairs(list) do local line = OceanLines[lineCode] tInsert(origins, self:InterpretPosition(line[1])) tInsert(terminals, self:InterpretPosition(line[2])) end else for i, part in pairs(formula) do local line = OceanLines[tGetRandom(part)] tInsert(origins, self:InterpretPosition(line[1])) tInsert(terminals, self:InterpretPosition(line[2])) end end return origins, terminals end function Space:InterpretPosition(position) return { x = mFloor(position[1] * self.w), y = mFloor(position[2] * self.h) } end function Space:PickOceansAstronomyBlobs() local polygonBuffer if self.astronomyBlobsMustConnectToOcean then local chosen = {} polygonBuffer = {} if self.wrapX then for i, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do if polygon.edgeY then tInsert(polygonBuffer, polygon) chosen[polygon] = true end end end for i, ocean in pairs(self.oceans) do for ii, polygon in pairs(ocean) do for iii, neighbor in pairs(polygon.neighbors) do if not neighbor.oceanIndex and not chosen[neighbor] then tInsert(polygonBuffer, neighbor) chosen[neighbor] = true end end end end else polygonBuffer = tDuplicate(self.polygons) end local astronomyBlobCount = 0 local maxDistRatioFromOceans = 0 if self.oceanNumber > 0 then maxDistRatioFromOceans = 0.38 end while #polygonBuffer > 0 and astronomyBlobCount < self.astronomyBlobNumber do local size = mRandom(self.astronomyBlobMinPolygons, self.astronomyBlobMaxPolygons) local polygon local minOceanDistRatio = 0 local iterations = 0 repeat -- polygon = self:GetPolygonByXY(self.halfWidth, self.halfHeight) polygon = tRemoveRandom(polygonBuffer) if not self.astronomyBlobsMustConnectToOcean and self.oceanNumber > 0 then local minOceanDist for i, ocean in pairs(self.oceans) do for ii, poly in pairs(ocean) do local dist = self:HexDistance(polygon.x, polygon.y, poly.x, poly.y) if not minOceanDist or dist < minOceanDist then minOceanDist = dist end end end if self.wrapX then for i, poly in pairs(self.edgeYPolygons) do local dist = self:HexDistance(polygon.x, polygon.y, poly.x, poly.y) if not minOceanDist or dist < minOceanDist then minOceanDist = dist end end end minOceanDistRatio = minOceanDist / self.smallestHalfDimesionSq end iterations = iterations + 1 until (not polygon.oceanIndex and minOceanDistRatio <= maxDistRatioFromOceans) or #polygonBuffer == 0 EchoDebug("minOceanDistRatio: " .. minOceanDistRatio, "iterations: " .. iterations, "at: " .. polygon.x .. ", " .. polygon.y) if #polygonBuffer == 0 then break end local blob = { polygon } polygon.astronomyBlob = blob while #blob < size do local candidateCount = 0 local candidatesByFriendlyCount = {} local bestFriendlyCount = 0 for i, neighbor in pairs(polygon.neighbors) do if not neighbor.oceanIndex and not neighbor.astronomyBlob then local friendlyCount = 0 for ii, neighNeigh in pairs(neighbor.neighbors) do if neighNeigh.astronomyBlob == blob then friendlyCount = friendlyCount + 1 end end if friendlyCount > bestFriendlyCount then bestFriendlyCount = friendlyCount end candidatesByFriendlyCount[friendlyCount] = candidatesByFriendlyCount[friendlyCount] or {} tInsert(candidatesByFriendlyCount[friendlyCount], neighbor) candidateCount = candidateCount + 1 end end if candidateCount == 0 then break end polygon = tGetRandom(candidatesByFriendlyCount[bestFriendlyCount]) tInsert(blob, polygon) polygon.astronomyBlob = blob end local oceanIndex = #self.oceans + 1 local ocean = {} for i, poly in pairs(blob) do for ii, neighbor in pairs(poly.neighbors) do if not neighbor.astronomyBlob and not neighbor.oceanIndex then neighbor.oceanIndex = oceanIndex tInsert(ocean, neighbor) end end end if #ocean > 0 then tInsert(self.oceans, ocean) end astronomyBlobCount = astronomyBlobCount + 1 EchoDebug("astronomy blob of " .. #blob .. " polygons with ocean #" .. oceanIndex .. " of " .. #ocean .. " polygons") end end function Space:FindAstronomyBasins() for i, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do if polygon.oceanIndex == nil then for ni, neighbor in pairs(polygon.neighbors) do if neighbor.oceanIndex then polygon.nearOcean = neighbor.oceanIndex break end end end end local astronomyIndex = 1 self.astronomyBasins = {} for i, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do if polygon:FloodFillAstronomy(astronomyIndex) then EchoDebug("astronomy basin #" .. astronomyIndex .. " has " .. #self.astronomyBasins[astronomyIndex] .. " polygons") if not self.largestAstronomyBasin or #self.astronomyBasins[astronomyIndex] > #self.largestAstronomyBasin then self.largestAstronomyBasin = self.astronomyBasins[astronomyIndex] end astronomyIndex = astronomyIndex + 1 end end for i, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do for si, subPolygon in pairs(polygon.subPolygons) do subPolygon.astronomyIndex = polygon.astronomyIndex end end self.totalAstronomyBasins = astronomyIndex - 1 EchoDebug(self.totalAstronomyBasins .. " astronomy basins") end function Space:PickContinents() self.filledArea = 0 self.filledSubPolygons = 0 self.filledPolygons = 0 if self.oceanNumber == -1 then -- option to have no water has been selected local continent = {} for i, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do polygon.continent = continent tInsert(continent, polygon) self.filledPolygons = self.filledPolygons + 1 self.filledSubPolygons = self.filledSubPolygons + #polygon.subPolygons self.filledArea = self.filledArea + #polygon.hexes end tInsert(self.continents, continent) EchoDebug("whole-world continent of " .. #continent .. " polygons") return end -- decide where islands and continents go self.majorContinentsInBasin = {} local islandsInBasin = {} local largeEnoughBasinIndices = {} local basinSizeMin = #self.largestAstronomyBasin / 2 for astronomyIndex, basin in pairs(self.astronomyBasins) do self.majorContinentsInBasin[astronomyIndex] = 0 islandsInBasin[astronomyIndex] = 0 if #basin > basinSizeMin then tInsert(largeEnoughBasinIndices, astronomyIndex) end end -- decide where continents go local lebi = mRandom(1, #largeEnoughBasinIndices) local continentCount = 0 while continentCount < self.majorContinentNumber do local astronomyIndex = largeEnoughBasinIndices[lebi] self.majorContinentsInBasin[astronomyIndex] = self.majorContinentsInBasin[astronomyIndex] + 1 continentCount = continentCount + 1 lebi = lebi + 1 if lebi > #largeEnoughBasinIndices then lebi = 1 end end -- decide where islands go local astronomyIndex = mRandom(1, #self.astronomyBasins) local islandCount = 0 while islandCount < self.islandNumber do islandsInBasin[astronomyIndex] = islandsInBasin[astronomyIndex] + 1 islandCount = islandCount + 1 astronomyIndex = astronomyIndex + 1 if astronomyIndex > #self.astronomyBasins then astronomyIndex = 1 end end -- grow continents in astronomy basins for astronomyIndex, basin in pairs(self.astronomyBasins) do local islandNumber = islandsInBasin[astronomyIndex] EchoDebug("picking for astronomy basin #" .. astronomyIndex .. ": " .. #basin .. " polygons, " .. self.majorContinentsInBasin[astronomyIndex] .. " continents, & " .. islandNumber .. " islands...") self:PickContinentsInBasin(astronomyIndex, islandNumber) end end function Space:GetContinentSeeds(polygonBuffer, number, noBoundaries) local putTheContinentOnMyGoodSide = self.nonOceanSides and #self.nonOceanSides < 4 and #self.nonOceanSides > 0 local seedBag = {} for i, polygon in pairs(polygonBuffer) do local bagIt if polygon.continent == nil and not polygon:NearOther(nil, "continent") then local nearPole = polygon:NearOther(nil, "topY") or polygon:NearOther(nil, "bottomY") if putTheContinentOnMyGoodSide then for nosi, side in pairs(self.nonOceanSides) do if polygon[side] then bagIt = true break end end elseif (self.wrapY or not polygon.edgeY) and (self.wrapX or not polygon.edgeX) and (not nearPole or not self.noContinentsNearPoles) then bagIt = true end end if bagIt then tInsert(seedBag, polygon) end end -- EchoDebug(#seedBag .. " potential continent seeds") local polarCount = 0 local polarMax = mCeil(self.polarMaxLandRatio * number) local seeds = { tRemoveRandom(seedBag) } if number > 1 and #seedBag > 0 then if self.wrapX and seeds[1].edgeY then polarCount = 1 end for i = 2, number do local bestDist = 0 local bestIndex if noBoundaries then local iterationsLeft = #seedBag repeat bestIndex = mRandom(1, #seedBag) iterationsLeft = iterationsLeft - 1 until iterationsLeft == 0 or seedBag[bestIndex].edgeY or polarCount < polarMax else for ii, polygon in pairs(seedBag) do if not self.wrapX or not polygon.edgeY or polarCount < polarMax then local totalDist = 0 for iii, seed in pairs(seeds) do local dist = polygon:DistanceToPolygon(seed) totalDist = totalDist + dist end if totalDist > bestDist then bestDist = totalDist bestIndex = ii end end end end if bestIndex then local bestPoly = tRemove(seedBag, bestIndex) if self.wrapX and bestPoly.edgeY then polarCount = polarCount + 1 end tInsert(seeds, bestPoly) end end end return seeds end function Space:GrowContinentSeeds(seedPolygons, coastOrContinentLimit, astronomyIndex, islandNumber, polygonLimit, testOnly) islandNumber = islandNumber or 0 polygonLimit = polygonLimit or coastOrContinentLimit local filledPolygons = 0 local filledArea = 0 local filledSubPolygons = 0 local polarPolygonCount = self.polarPolygonCount[astronomyIndex] local coastOrContinent = {} local coastOrContinentCount = 0 local seeds = {} local islandChance = islandNumber / #seedPolygons local islandsToPlace = islandNumber for i = 1, #seedPolygons do local polygon = seedPolygons[i] local seed = {} seed.goodSideThisContinent = 0 seed.filledContinentArea = #polygon.hexes seed.continent = { polygon } seed.polygon = polygon if (i > 1 or islandNumber >= #seedPolygons) and islandsToPlace > 0 and (mRandom() < islandChance or i > #seedPolygons - islandsToPlace) then seed.maxPolygons = mRandom(1, 3) islandsToPlace = islandsToPlace - 1 end tInsert(seeds, seed) end local grownSeeds = {} repeat for i = #seeds, 1, -1 do local seed = seeds[i] local polygon = seed.polygon local continent = seed.continent local candidate if self.wrapX and polygon.edgeY then if polygon.topY then seed.hasTopY = true elseif polygon.bottomY then seed.hasBottomY = true end end filledArea = filledArea + #polygon.hexes seed.filledContinentArea = seed.filledContinentArea + #polygon.hexes filledSubPolygons = filledSubPolygons + #polygon.subPolygons filledPolygons = filledPolygons + 1 if not coastOrContinent[polygon] then coastOrContinent[polygon] = true coastOrContinentCount = coastOrContinentCount + 1 end for ni, neighbor in pairs(polygon.neighbors) do if not coastOrContinent[neighbor] then coastOrContinent[neighbor] = true coastOrContinentCount = coastOrContinentCount + 1 end end polygon.continent = continent local polarWanted = polarPolygonCount < self.maxPolarPolygons[astronomyIndex] local goodSideWanted = not seed.maxPolygons and self.putTheContinentOnMyGoodSide[astronomyIndex] and seed.goodSideThisContinent < self.putTheContinentOnMyGoodSide[astronomyIndex] local candidates = {} local polarCandidates = {} local goodSideCandidates = {} local searchBuffer local searched local firstTry = true repeat if not firstTry then polygon = tRemoveRandom(searchBuffer) if polygon == searched then polygon = tRemoveRandom(searchBuffer) if not polygon then break end end polarCandidates = {} goodSideCandidates = {} end for ni, neighbor in pairs(polygon.neighbors) do if neighbor.continent == nil and not neighbor:NearOther(continent, "continent") and neighbor.astronomyIndex < 100 then local onGoodSide if self.putTheContinentOnMyGoodSide[astronomyIndex] then for si, side in pairs(self.nonOceanSides) do if neighbor[side] then onGoodSide = true break end end end local nearPole = neighbor.betaBottomY or neighbor.betaTopY if self.wrapX and not self.wrapY and (neighbor.edgeY or (self.noContinentsNearPoles and nearPole)) or (seed.hasTopY and neighbor.betaBottomY) or (seed.hasBottomY and neighbor.betaTopY) then if ((neighbor.topY or neighbor.betaTopY) and not seed.hasBottomY) or ((neighbor.bottomY or neighbor.betaBottomY) and not seed.hasTopY) then tInsert(polarCandidates, neighbor) end elseif onGoodSide then tInsert(goodSideCandidates, neighbor) else tInsert(candidates, neighbor) end end end if firstTry and #candidates == 0 and (#goodSideCandidates == 0 or not goodSideWanted) and (#polarCandidates == 0 or not polarWanted) then if #continent > 1 then searchBuffer = searchBuffer or tDuplicate(continent) searched = polygon end firstTry = false end until #candidates ~= 0 or (searchBuffer and #searchBuffer == 0) or (#continent == 1 and not firstTry) or (#goodSideCandidates ~= 0 and goodSideWanted) or (#polarCandidates ~= 0 and polarWanted) local candidate if #candidates == 0 then if polarWanted and #polarCandidates > 0 then candidate = tRemoveRandom(polarCandidates) -- use a polar polygon polarPolygonCount = polarPolygonCount + 1 elseif goodSideWanted and #goodSideCandidates > 0 then candidate = tRemoveRandom(goodSideCandidates) -- use a goodside polygon seed.goodSideThisContinent = seed.goodSideThisContinent + 1 end else if goodSideWanted and #goodSideCandidates > 0 then candidate = tRemoveRandom(goodSideCandidates) seed.goodSideThisContinent = seed.goodSideThisContinent + 1 else candidate = tRemoveRandom(candidates) end end if not candidate or (seed.maxPolygons and #seed.continent >= seed.maxPolygons) or filledPolygons >= polygonLimit or coastOrContinentCount >= coastOrContinentLimit then tInsert(grownSeeds, seed) tRemove(seeds, i) else candidate.continent = continent tInsert(seed.continent, candidate) seed.polygon = candidate end end until filledPolygons >= polygonLimit or coastOrContinentCount >= coastOrContinentLimit or #seeds == 0 for i, seed in pairs(seeds) do tInsert(grownSeeds, seed) end if not testOnly then for i, seed in pairs(grownSeeds) do EchoDebug("continent of " .. #seed.continent .. " polygons") tInsert(self.continents, seed.continent) end self.filledPolygons = self.filledPolygons + filledPolygons self.filledArea = self.filledArea + filledArea self.filledSubPolygons = self.filledSubPolygons + filledSubPolygons end EchoDebug(filledPolygons .. " / " .. polygonLimit .. " polygons filled with land", coastOrContinentCount .. " / " .. coastOrContinentLimit .. " polygons of coast or land") self.polarPolygonCount[astronomyIndex] = self.polarPolygonCount[astronomyIndex] + polarPolygonCount return grownSeeds, coastOrContinentCount, filledPolygons, filledArea end function Space:PickContinentsInBasin(astronomyIndex, islandNumber) local polygonBuffer = {} local polarPolygonsHere = 0 local basinPlusSurround = 0 local countedForPlusSurround = {} for i, polygon in pairs(self.astronomyBasins[astronomyIndex]) do tInsert(polygonBuffer, polygon) if self.wrapX and polygon.edgeY then polarPolygonsHere = polarPolygonsHere + 1 end if not countedForPlusSurround[polygon] then countedForPlusSurround[polygon] = true basinPlusSurround = basinPlusSurround + 1 end for ni, neighbor in pairs(polygon.neighbors) do if not countedForPlusSurround[neighbor] then countedForPlusSurround[neighbor] = true basinPlusSurround = basinPlusSurround + 1 end end end self.maxPolarPolygons = self.maxPolarPolygons or {} self.maxPolarPolygons[astronomyIndex] = mFloor(polarPolygonsHere * self.polarMaxLandRatio) self.polarPolygonCount = self.polarPolygonCount or {} self.polarPolygonCount[astronomyIndex] = 0 local polarAdd = 0 if self.wrapX and self.polarMaxLandRatio < 1 then polarAdd = self.maxPolarPolygons[astronomyIndex] - polarPolygonsHere end local maxTotalPolygons = #polygonBuffer + polarAdd if maxTotalPolygons == 0 then return end local coastOrContinentLimit = basinPlusSurround + polarAdd if self.wrapX and self.polarMaxLandRatio < 1 then coastOrContinentLimit = coastOrContinentLimit + 4 end local openWaterReservation = mFloor(coastOrContinentLimit * self.openWaterRatio) coastOrContinentLimit = coastOrContinentLimit - openWaterReservation EchoDebug(maxTotalPolygons .. " polygons possible in astronomy basin", coastOrContinentLimit .. " polygons reserved for coast or continent", openWaterReservation .. " polygons reserved for open water") if self.oceanSides and not self.nonOceanSides then self.nonOceanSides = {} if not self.oceanSides["bottomX"] then tInsert(self.nonOceanSides, "bottomX") end if not self.oceanSides["topX"] then tInsert(self.nonOceanSides, "topX") end if not self.oceanSides["bottomY"] then tInsert(self.nonOceanSides, "bottomY") end if not self.oceanSides["topY"] then tInsert(self.nonOceanSides, "topY") end end self.putTheContinentOnMyGoodSide = self.putTheContinentOnMyGoodSide or {} local putTheContinentOnMyGoodSide = self.nonOceanSides and #self.nonOceanSides < 4 and #self.nonOceanSides > 0 if putTheContinentOnMyGoodSide then local goodSidePolygonCount = 0 for i, side in pairs(self.nonOceanSides) do goodSidePolygonCount = goodSidePolygonCount + #self[side .. "Polygons"] end self.putTheContinentOnMyGoodSide[astronomyIndex] = mFloor(goodSidePolygonCount / self.majorContinentsInBasin[astronomyIndex]) -- EchoDebug("put the continent on my good side", putTheContinentOnMyGoodSide) end islandNumber = islandNumber or mFloor(coastOrContinentLimit * 0.0303) local iterations = 0 local sizes repeat local seedPolygons = self:GetContinentSeeds(polygonBuffer, self.majorContinentsInBasin[astronomyIndex] + islandNumber) local testSeeds, coastOrContinentCount, polygonCount = self:GrowContinentSeeds(seedPolygons, coastOrContinentLimit, astronomyIndex, islandNumber, maxTotalPolygons, true) local isTest = {} sizes = {} for i, seed in pairs(testSeeds) do tInsert(sizes, #seed.continent) isTest[seed.continent] = true end for i, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do if isTest[polygon.continent] then polygon.continent = nil end end self.polarPolygonCount[astronomyIndex] = 0 iterations = iterations + 1 until polygonCount >= maxTotalPolygons or coastOrContinentCount > coastOrContinentLimit * 0.5 or iterations >= 10 EchoDebug("growing actual continents...") tSort(sizes) for i = #sizes, 1, -1 do local size = sizes[i] seedPolygons = self:GetContinentSeeds(polygonBuffer, 1) if #seedPolygons ~= 0 then self:GrowContinentSeeds(seedPolygons, coastOrContinentLimit, astronomyIndex, 0, size) else break end end end function Space:PickMountainRanges() self.continentMountainEdgeCounts = {} local edgeBuffer = {} for i, edge in pairs(self.edges) do tInsert(edgeBuffer, edge) end local mountainRangeRatio = self.mountainRatio * self.mountainRangeMult local prescribedEdges = mountainRangeRatio * #self.edges local coastPrescription = mFloor(prescribedEdges * self.coastRangeRatio) local interiorPrescription = prescribedEdges - coastPrescription EchoDebug("prescribed mountain range edges: " .. prescribedEdges .. " of " .. #self.edges) local edgeCount = 0 local coastCount = 0 local interiorCount = 0 while #edgeBuffer > 0 and edgeCount < prescribedEdges do local edge local coastRange repeat edge = tRemoveRandom(edgeBuffer) if (edge.polygons[1].continent or edge.polygons[2].continent) and not edge.mountains then if edge.polygons[1].continent and edge.polygons[2].continent and edge.polygons[1].region ~= edge.polygons[2].region and interiorCount < interiorPrescription then coastRange = false break elseif coastCount < coastPrescription then coastRange = true break end else edge = nil end until #edgeBuffer == 0 if edge == nil then break end edge.mountains = true local range = { edge } edgeCount = edgeCount + 1 if coastRange then coastCount = coastCount + 1 else interiorCount = interiorCount + 1 end if edge.polygons[1].continent then self.continentMountainEdgeCounts[edge.polygons[1].continent] = (self.continentMountainEdgeCounts[edge.polygons[1].continent] or 0) + 1 end if edge.polygons[2].continent and edge.polygons[2].continent ~= edge.polygons[1].continent then self.continentMountainEdgeCounts[edge.polygons[2].continent] = (self.continentMountainEdgeCounts[edge.polygons[2].continent] or 0) + 1 end repeat local nextEdges = {} for nextEdge, yes in pairs(edge.connections) do local okay = false if (nextEdge.polygons[1].continent or nextEdge.polygons[2].continent) and not nextEdge.mountains then if coastRange and (not nextEdge.polygons[1].continent or not nextEdge.polygons[2].continent) then okay = true elseif not coastRange and nextEdge.polygons[1].continent and nextEdge.polygons[2].continent and nextEdge.polygons[1].region ~= nextEdge.polygons[2].region then okay = true end end if okay then for cedge, yes in pairs(nextEdge.connections) do if cedge.mountains and cedge ~= nextEdge and cedge ~= edge then -- EchoDebug("would connect to another range") okay = false end end end -- EchoDebug(okay, coastRange, nextEdge.polygons[1].continent ~= nil, nextEdge.polygons[2].continent ~= nil, (nextEdge.polygons[1].region == nextEdge.polygons[2].region and nextEdge.polygons[2].region ~= nil), nextEdge.mountains) if okay then tInsert(nextEdges, nextEdge) end end -- EchoDebug(#nextEdges) if #nextEdges == 0 then break end local nextEdge = tGetRandom(nextEdges) nextEdge.mountains = true tInsert(range, nextEdge) edgeCount = edgeCount + 1 if coastRange then coastCount = coastCount + 1 else interiorCount = interiorCount + 1 end if nextEdge.polygons[1].continent then self.continentMountainEdgeCounts[nextEdge.polygons[1].continent] = (self.continentMountainEdgeCounts[nextEdge.polygons[1].continent] or 0) + 1 end if nextEdge.polygons[2].continent and nextEdge.polygons[2].continent ~= nextEdge.polygons[1].continent then self.continentMountainEdgeCounts[nextEdge.polygons[2].continent] = (self.continentMountainEdgeCounts[nextEdge.polygons[2].continent] or 0) + 1 end edge = nextEdge until #nextEdges == 0 or #range >= self.mountainRangeMaxEdges or coastCount > coastPrescription or interiorCount > interiorPrescription EchoDebug("range ", #range, tostring(coastRange)) for ire, redge in pairs(range) do for ise, subEdge in pairs(redge.subEdges) do local sides = tDuplicate(subEdge.polygons) local subPolygon repeat subPolygon = tRemoveRandom(sides) until #sides == 0 or (subPolygon and not subPolygon.lake and subPolygon.superPolygon.continent) if subPolygon and not subPolygon.lake and subPolygon.superPolygon.continent then for ih, hex in pairs(subEdge.hexes) do if hex.subPolygon == subPolygon and hex.plotType ~= plotOcean then hex.mountainRangeCore = true hex.mountainRange = true tInsert(self.mountainCoreHexes, hex) end end subPolygon.mountainRange = true for hi, hex in pairs(subPolygon.hexes) do if hex.plotType ~= plotOcean then hex.mountainRange = true end end end end end tInsert(self.mountainRanges, range) end EchoDebug(interiorCount .. " interior ranges ", coastCount .. " coastal ranges") self:PickMountainSubPolygons() end -- add one-subpolygon mountain clumps to continents without any mountains function Space:PickMountainSubPolygons() local chance = mCeil(1 / (self.mountainSubPolygonMult * self.mountainRatio)) local addedSubPolygons = 0 for i, continent in pairs(self.continents) do if self.continentMountainEdgeCounts[continent] == nil then for ii, polygon in pairs(continent) do for iii, subPolygon in pairs(polygon.subPolygons) do if not subPolygon.lake and mRandom(1, chance) == 1 then addedSubPolygons = addedSubPolygons + 1 subPolygon.mountainRange = true local coreHex = false local hexBuffer = tDuplicate(subPolygon.hexes) while #hexBuffer > 0 do local hex = tRemoveRandom(hexBuffer) if hex.plotType ~= plotOcean then hex.mountainRange = true if not coreHex then hex.mountainRangeCore = true coreHex = true end end end end end end end end EchoDebug(addedSubPolygons .. " subpolygon mountain clumps") end function Space:PickRegions() for ci, continent in pairs(self.continents) do local polygonBuffer = {} for polyi, polygon in pairs(continent) do tInsert(polygonBuffer, polygon) end while #polygonBuffer > 0 do local size = mRandom(self.regionSizeMin, self.regionSizeMax) local polygon repeat polygon = tRemoveRandom(polygonBuffer) if polygon.region == nil then break else polygon = nil end until #polygonBuffer == 0 local region if polygon ~= nil then local backlog = {} region = Region(self) polygon.region = region tInsert(region.polygons, polygon) region.area = region.area + #polygon.hexes repeat if #polygon.neighbors == 0 then break end local candidates = {} for ni, neighbor in pairs(polygon.neighbors) do if neighbor.continent == continent and neighbor.region == nil then tInsert(candidates, neighbor) end end local candidate if #candidates == 0 then if #backlog == 0 then break else repeat candidate = tRemoveRandom(backlog) if candidate.region ~= nil then candidate = nil end until candidate ~= nil or #backlog == 0 end else candidate = tRemoveRandom(candidates) end if candidate == nil then break end if candidate.region then EchoDebug("DUPLICATE REGION POLYGON") end candidate.region = region tInsert(region.polygons, candidate) region.area = region.area + #candidate.hexes polygon = candidate for candi, c in pairs(candidates) do tInsert(backlog, c) end until #region.polygons == size or region.area > self.polygonMaxArea / 2 or #region.polygons == #continent end tInsert(self.regions, region) end end for p, polygon in pairs(self.tinyIslandPolygons) do polygon.region = Region(self) tInsert(polygon.region.polygons, polygon) polygon.region.area = #polygon.hexes polygon.region.archipelago = true tInsert(self.regions, polygon.region) end end function Space:DistortClimateGrid(grid, tempExponent, rainExponent) tempExponent = tempExponent or 1 rainExponent = rainExponent or 1 local tempExpComp = 99 / (99 ^ tempExponent) local rainExpComp = 99 / (99 ^ rainExponent) local newGrid = {} for t, rains in pairs(grid) do local temp = mFloor( tempExpComp * (t ^ tempExponent) ) newGrid[t] = {} for r, pixel in pairs(rains) do local rain = mFloor( rainExpComp * (r ^ rainExponent) ) newGrid[t][r] = grid[temp][rain] end end return newGrid end function Space:CreateClimateVoronoi(number, relaxations) relaxations = relaxations or 0 local pixelBuffer = {} for t = self.temperatureMin, self.temperatureMax do for r = self.rainfallMin, self.rainfallMax do tInsert(pixelBuffer, {temp=t, rain=r}) end end local climateVoronoi = {} for i = 1, number do local point = tRemoveRandom(pixelBuffer) tInsert(climateVoronoi, point) end local cullCount = 0 for iteration = 1, relaxations + 1 do -- fill voronoi grid for t = self.temperatureMin, self.temperatureMax do for r = self.rainfallMin, self.rainfallMax do local leastDist local nearestPoint for i, point in pairs(climateVoronoi) do local dt = mAbs(t - point.temp) local dr = mAbs(r - point.rain) local dist = (dt * dt) + (dr * dr) -- local dist = dt + dr if not leastDist or dist < leastDist then leastDist = dist nearestPoint = point end end if iteration <= relaxations then nearestPoint.totalT = (nearestPoint.totalT or 0) + t nearestPoint.totalR = (nearestPoint.totalR or 0) + r nearestPoint.pixelCount = (nearestPoint.pixelCount or 0) + 1 else nearestPoint.pixels = nearestPoint.pixels or {} tInsert(nearestPoint.pixels, {temp=t, rain=r}) end end end -- cull empty points for i = #climateVoronoi, 1, -1 do local point = climateVoronoi[i] if not point.pixelCount and not point.pixels then tRemove(climateVoronoi, i) cullCount = cullCount + 1 end end -- relax points to centroids if iteration <= relaxations then for i = #climateVoronoi, 1, -1 do local point = climateVoronoi[i] point.temp = point.totalT / point.pixelCount point.rain = point.totalR / point.pixelCount if relaxation == relaxations then -- integerize at the last relaxation point.temp = mFloor(point.temp) point.rain = mFloor(point.rain) end point.totalT = nil point.totalR = nil point.pixelCount = nil end end end EchoDebug(cullCount .. " points culled") return climateVoronoi end function Space:AssignClimateVoronoiToRegions(climateVoronoi) local voronoiBuffer = tDuplicate(climateVoronoi) for i, region in pairs(self.regions) do if self.useMapLatitudes then region:GiveLatitude() local temp = self:GetTemperature(region.latitude) local rain = self:GetRainfall(region.latitude) local bestDist, bestPoint, bestIndex for ii, point in pairs(voronoiBuffer) do local dt = mAbs(temp - point.temp) local dr = mAbs(rain - point.rain) local dist = (dt * dt) + (dr * dr * ((90 - region.latitude) / 90)) if not bestDist or dist < bestDist then bestDist = dist bestPoint = point bestIndex = ii end end region.point = bestPoint tRemove(voronoiBuffer, bestIndex) if #voronoiBuffer == 0 then voronoiBuffer = tDuplicate(climateVoronoi) end else region.point = tRemoveRandom(voronoiBuffer) if #voronoiBuffer == 0 then voronoiBuffer = tDuplicate(climateVoronoi) end end region.temperature = region.point.temp region.rainfall = region.point.rain end end function Space:TempRainDist(t1, r1, t2, r2) local tdist = mAbs(t2 - t1) local rdist = mAbs(r2 - r1) return tdist^2 + rdist^2 end function Space:NearestTempRainThing(temperature, rainfall, things, oneTtwoF) oneTtwoF = oneTtwoF or 1 temperature = mMax(self.temperatureMin, temperature) temperature = mMin(self.temperatureMax, temperature) rainfall = mMax(self.rainfallMin, rainfall) rainfall = mMin(self.rainfallMax, rainfall) if climateGrid then local pixel = climateGrid[temperature][rainfall] local typeCode = pixel[oneTtwoF] local typeField = "terrainType" if oneTtwoF == 2 then typeField = "featureType" end for i, thing in pairs(things) do if thing[typeField] == typeCode then return thing end end else local nearestDist local nearest local dearest = {} for i, thing in pairs(things) do if thing.points then for p, point in pairs(thing.points) do local trdist = self:TempRainDist(point.t, point.r, temperature, rainfall) if not nearestDist or trdist < nearestDist then nearestDist = trdist nearest = thing end end else tInsert(dearest, thing) end end nearest = nearest or tGetRandom(dearest) return nearest end end function Space:FillRegions() self.minLakes = mCeil(self.lakeMinRatio * self.filledSubPolygons) self.marshMinHexes = mFloor(self.marshMinHexRatio * self.filledArea) self.marshHexCount = 0 EchoDebug(self.minLakes .. " minimum lake subpolygons (of " .. self.filledSubPolygons .. ") ", self.marshMinHexes .. " minimum marsh hexes") local regionBuffer = tDuplicate(self.regions) -- for i, region in pairs(self.regions) do while #regionBuffer > 0 do local region = tRemoveRandom(regionBuffer) region:CreateCollection() region:Fill() end EchoDebug(#self.lakeSubPolygons .. " total lake subpolygons", self.marshHexCount .. " total marsh hexes") end function Space:LabelSubPolygonsByPolygon() local labelled = 0 local polygonBuffer = tDuplicate(self.polygons) repeat local polygon = tRemoveRandom(polygonBuffer) local subPolygonBuffer = tDuplicate(polygon.subPolygons) repeat local subPolygon = tRemoveRandom(subPolygonBuffer) if self.centauri or not subPolygon.superPolygon.continent and not subPolygon.tinyIsland and not subPolygon.lake then if not subPolygon.superPolygon.continent and not subPolygon.tinyIsland then subPolygon.coastContinentsTotal = 0 subPolygon.coastTotal = 0 local coastalContinents = {} for ni, neighbor in pairs(subPolygon.neighbors) do if neighbor.superPolygon.continent then if not coastalContinents[neighbor.superPolygon.continent] then subPolygon.coastContinentsTotal = subPolygon.coastContinentsTotal + 1 coastalContinents[neighbor.superPolygon.continent] = true end subPolygon.coastTotal = subPolygon.coastTotal + 1 end end end if subPolygon.superPolygon.continent then subPolygon.continentSize = #subPolygon.superPolygon.continent end if LabelThing(subPolygon) then labelled = labelled + 1 break end end until #subPolygonBuffer == 0 until #polygonBuffer == 0 -- or (self.subPolygonLabelsMax and labelled >= self.subPolygonLabelsMax) EchoDebug(#polygonBuffer) end function Space:PatchContinents() local patchedPolygonCount = 0 for i, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do if not polygon.continent and not polygon.oceanIndex then local oceanIndex, continent = polygon:FloodFillToOcean() if not oceanIndex then patchedPolygonCount = patchedPolygonCount + 1 polygon:PatchContinent(continent) end end end EchoDebug(patchedPolygonCount .. " non-continent polygons with no route to ocean patched") return patchedPolygonCount end function Space:FindInlandSeas() local polys = tDuplicate(self.polygons) while #polys > 0 and #self.inlandSeas < self.inlandSeasMax do local polygon = tRemoveRandom(polys) local sea = polygon:FloodFillSea() if sea then sea.size = #sea.polygons if sea.inland then EchoDebug("found inland sea of " .. sea.size .. "/" .. sea.maxPolygons .. " polygons") tInsert(self.inlandSeas, sea) else EchoDebug("found sea of " .. sea.size .. " polygons") end end end end function Space:FillInlandSeas() for si, sea in pairs(self.inlandSeas) do for pi, polygon in pairs(sea.polygons) do polygon:RemoveFromContinent() end end local patchCount = 0 local timer = StartDebugTimer() for i, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do if polygon.continent then local found, sea = polygon:FloodFillToWholeContinent() if found and sea then if #found < #polygon.continent then -- EchoDebug(#found .. " stranded polygons from " .. #polygon.continent .. "-polygon continent") if #found < #polygon.continent * 0.33 then EchoDebug("moving " .. #found .. " stranded polygons from " .. #polygon.continent .. "-polygon continent to " .. sea.size .. "-polygon inland sea") for ii, strandedPolygon in pairs(found) do strandedPolygon:RemoveFromContinent() strandedPolygon.sea = sea tInsert(sea.polygons, strandedPolygon) sea.size = sea.size + 1 end end end end end end EchoDebug("patched inland seas in " .. StopDebugTimer(timer)) end function Space:LabelMap() CreateOrOverwriteTable("Fantastical_Map_Labels", "X integer DEFAULT 0, Y integer DEFAULT 0, Type text DEFAULT null, Label text DEFAULT null, ID integer DEFAULT 0") if self.centauri then EchoDebug("giving centauri labels to subpolygons...") LabelSyntaxes, LabelDictionary, LabelDefinitions, SpecialLabelTypes = LabelSyntaxesCentauri, LabelDictionaryCentauri, LabelDefinitionsCentauri, SpecialLabelTypesCentauri self.subPolygonLabelsMax = nil self:LabelSubPolygonsByPolygon() return end EchoDebug("generating names...") name_set, name_types = GetCityNames(self.totalAstronomyBasins) LabelDictionary.Name = {} for i, name_type in ipairs(name_types) do LabelDictionary.Name[name_type] = name_list(name_type, 100) LabelDefinitions[name_type] = { astronomyIndex = i } end EchoDebug("labelling oceans...") local astronomyIndexBuffer = {} for i = 1, self.totalAstronomyBasins do tInsert(astronomyIndexBuffer, i) end for i, ocean in pairs(self.oceans) do local index = mCeil(#ocean/2) local away = 1 local sub = false local polygon = ocean[index] while polygon.hasTinyIslands do if sub then index = index - away away = away + 1 else index = index + away away = away + 1 end sub = not sub if index > #ocean or index < 1 then break end polygon = ocean[index] if not polygon.hasTinyIslands then break end end local astronomyIndex if #astronomyIndexBuffer == 0 then astronomyIndex = 1 else astronomyIndex = tRemoveRandom(astronomyIndexBuffer) end local thing = { oceanSize = #ocean, x = polygon.x, y = polygon.y, astronomyIndex = astronomyIndex, hexes = {} } for p, polygon in pairs(ocean) do for h, hex in pairs(polygon.hexes) do tInsert(thing.hexes, hex) end end LabelThing(thing) end EchoDebug("labelling inland seas...") for i, sea in pairs(self.inlandSeas) do local x, y local hexes = {} for p, polygon in pairs(sea.polygons) do for sp, subPolygon in pairs(polygon.subPolygons) do if not x then local middle = true for n, neighbor in pairs(subPolygon.neighbors) do if neighbor.superPolygon.sea and neighbor.superPolygon.sea ~= sea then middle = false break end end if middle then x, y = subPolygon.x, subPolygon.y end end for h, hex in pairs(subPolygon.hexes) do tInsert(hexes, hex) end end end if not x then local hex = tGetRandom(hexes) x, y = hex.x, hex.y end EchoDebug(sea.size, sea.inland, x, y, #hexes) LabelThing(sea, x, y, hexes) end EchoDebug("labelling lakes...") for i, subPolygon in pairs(self.lakeSubPolygons) do LabelThing(subPolygon) end EchoDebug("labelling rivers...") local riversByLength = {} for i, river in pairs(self.rivers) do for t, tributary in pairs(river.tributaries) do river.riverLength = river.riverLength + tributary.riverLength for tt, tribtrib in pairs(tributary.tributaries) do river.riverLength = river.riverLength + tribtrib.riverLengths end end riversByLength[-river.riverLength] = river end local n = 0 for negLength, river in pairsByKeys(riversByLength) do local hex = river.path[mCeil(#river.path/2)].hex river.hexes = {} for i, flow in pairs(river.path) do tInsert(river.hexes, flow.hex) tInsert(river.hexes, flow.pairHex) end river.x, river.y = hex.x, hex.y river.astronomyIndex = hex.polygon.astronomyIndex if LabelThing(river) then n = n + 1 end -- if n == self.riverLabelsMax then break end end EchoDebug("labelling regions...") local regionsLabelled = 0 local regionBuffer = tDuplicate(self.regions) repeat local region = tRemoveRandom(regionBuffer) if region:Label() then regionsLabelled = regionsLabelled + 1 end until #regionBuffer == 0 -- or regionsLabelled >= self.regionLabelsMax EchoDebug("labelling tiny islands...") local tinyIslandBuffer = tDuplicate(self.tinyIslandSubPolygons) local tinyIslandsLabelled = 0 repeat local subPolygon = tRemoveRandom(tinyIslandBuffer) if LabelThing(subPolygon) then tinyIslandsLabelled = tinyIslandsLabelled + 1 end until #tinyIslandBuffer == 0 -- or tinyIslandsLabelled >= self.tinyIslandLabelsMax EchoDebug("labelling bays, straights, and capes") self:LabelSubPolygonsByPolygon() EchoDebug("labelling mountain ranges...") local rangesByLength = {} for i, range in pairs(self.mountainRanges) do rangesByLength[-#range] = range end local rangesLabelled = 0 for negLength, range in pairsByKeys(rangesByLength) do local temperatureAvg = 0 local rainfallAvg = 0 local tempCount = 0 local rainCount = 0 local x, y local hexes = {} for ie, edge in pairs(range) do for ip, polygon in pairs(edge.polygons) do if polygon.oceanTemperature then temperatureAvg = temperatureAvg + polygon.oceanTemperature tempCount = tempCount + 1 end end for ise, subEdge in pairs(edge.subEdges) do for isp, subPolygon in pairs(subEdge.polygons) do if subPolygon.temperature then temperatureAvg = temperatureAvg + subPolygon.temperature tempCount = tempCount + 1 end if subPolygon.rainfall then rainfallAvg = rainfallAvg + subPolygon.rainfall rainCount = rainCount + 1 end for ih, hex in pairs(subPolygon.hexes) do if hex.plotType == plotMountain then tInsert(hexes, hex) if not x then x, y = hex.x, hex.y end end end end end end if x then temperatureAvg = temperatureAvg / tempCount rainfallAvg = rainfallAvg / rainCount -- EchoDebug("valid mountain range: ", #range, temperatureAvg, temperatureAvg) local thing = { rangeLength = #range, x = x, y = y, rainfallAvg = rainfallAvg, temperatureAvg = temperatureAvg, astronomyIndex = range[1].polygons[1].astronomyIndex, hexes = hexes } if LabelThing(thing) then rangesLabelled = rangesLabelled + 1 end end -- if rangesLabelled == self.rangeLabelsMax then break end end end function Space:FindRiverSeeds() self.lakeRiverSeeds = {} self.majorRiverSeeds = {} self.minorRiverSeeds = {} self.tinyRiverSeeds = {} if self.oceanNumber == -1 and #self.lakeSubPolygons == 0 then -- no rivers can be drawn if there are no bodies of water on the map EchoDebug("no bodies of water on the map and therefore no rivers") return end local lakeCount = 0 for ih, hex in pairs(self.hexes) do if (hex.polygon.continent and not hex.subPolygon.lake) or hex.subPolygon.tinyIsland then local neighs, polygonNeighs, subPolygonNeighs, hexNeighs, oceanNeighs, lakeNeighs, mountainNeighs, dryNeighs = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} for d, nhex in pairs(hex:Neighbors()) do if nhex.subPolygon.lake then lakeNeighs[nhex] = d elseif nhex.plotType == plotOcean then oceanNeighs[nhex] = d else dryNeighs[nhex] = d if nhex.polygon ~= hex.polygon then polygonNeighs[nhex] = d end if nhex.subPolygon ~= hex.subPolygon and nhex.polygon == hex.polygon then subPolygonNeighs[nhex] = d end if nhex.subPolygon == hex.subPolygon and nhex.polygon == hex.polygon then hexNeighs[nhex] = d end if nhex.plotType == plotMountain then mountainNeighs[nhex] = d end end neighs[nhex] = d end for nhex, d in pairs(dryNeighs) do for dd, nnhex in pairs(nhex:Neighbors()) do if lakeNeighs[nnhex] then if self.lakeRiverSeeds[nnhex.subPolygon] == nil then lakeCount = lakeCount + 1 self.lakeRiverSeeds[nnhex.subPolygon] = {} end seed = { hex = hex, pairHex = nhex, direction = d, lastHex = nnhex, lastDirection = neighs[nnhex], lake = nnhex.subPolygon, dontConnect = true, avoidConnection = true, toWater = true, growsDownstream = true } tInsert(self.lakeRiverSeeds[nnhex.subPolygon], seed) end end end for nhex, d in pairs(polygonNeighs) do local rainfall = mMin(hex.polygon.region.rainfall, nhex.polygon.region.rainfall) -- mFloor((hex.polygon.region.rainfall + nhex.polygon.region.rainfall) / 2) local seed, connectsToOcean, connectsToLake for dd, nnhex in pairs(nhex:Neighbors()) do if neighs[nnhex] then local inTheHills = self:HillsOrMountains(hex, nhex, nnhex) >= 2 if mountainNeighs[nnhex] or inTheHills then seed = { hex = hex, pairHex = nhex, direction = d, lastHex = nnhex, lastDirection = neighs[nnhex], rainfall = rainfall, major = true, dontConnect = true, avoidConnection = true, toWater = true, spawnSeeds = true, growsDownstream = true } end if oceanNeighs[nnhex] then connectsToOcean = true end if lakeNeighs[nnhex] then connectsToLake = true end end end if seed and not connectsToOcean and not connectsToLake then tInsert(self.majorRiverSeeds, seed) end end for nhex, d in pairs(subPolygonNeighs) do local oceanSeed, hillSeed, connectsToOcean, connectsToLake for dd, nnhex in pairs(nhex:Neighbors()) do local rainfall = mMin(hex.subPolygon.rainfall, nhex.subPolygon.rainfall, nnhex.subPolygon.rainfall or 100) if oceanNeighs[nnhex] then if not oceanSeed then oceanSeed = { hex = hex, pairHex = nhex, direction = d, lastHex = nnhex, lastDirection = oceanNeighs[nnhex], rainfall = rainfall, minor = true, dontConnect = true, avoidConnection = true, avoidWater = true, toHills = true, spawnSeeds = true } else oceanSeed = nil end connectsToOcean = true end if neighs[nnhex] then local inTheHills = self:HillsOrMountains(hex, nhex, nnhex) >= 2 if mountainNeighs[nnhex] or inTheHills then hillSeed = { hex = hex, pairHex = nhex, direction = d, lastHex = nnhex, lastDirection = neighs[nnhex], rainfall = rainfall, minor = true, dontConnect = true, avoidConnection = true, toWater = true, spawnSeeds = true, growsDownstream = true } end end if lakeNeighs[nnhex] then connectsToLake = true end end if oceanSeed then tInsert(self.minorRiverSeeds, oceanSeed) elseif hillSeed and not connectsToOcean and not connectsToLake then tInsert(self.minorRiverSeeds, hillSeed) end end for nhex, d in pairs(hexNeighs) do local oceanSeed, hillSeed, connectsToOcean, connectsToLake for dd, nnhex in pairs(nhex:Neighbors()) do local rainfall = mMin(hex.rainfall, nhex.rainfall, nnhex.rainfall or 100) if oceanNeighs[nnhex] then if not oceanSeed then oceanSeed = { hex = hex, pairHex = nhex, direction = d, lastHex = nnhex, lastDirection = oceanNeighs[nnhex], rainfall = rainfall, tiny = true, dontConnect = true, avoidConnection = true, avoidWater = true, toHills = true, doneAnywhere = true } else oceanSeed = nil end connectsToOcean = true end if neighs[nnhex] then local inTheHills = self:HillsOrMountains(hex, nhex, nnhex) >= 2 if mountainNeighs[nnhex] or inTheHills then hillSeed = { hex = hex, pairHex = nhex, direction = d, lastHex = nnhex, lastDirection = neighs[nnhex], rainfall = rainfall, tiny = true, dontConnect = true, avoidConnection = true, toWater = true, growsDownstream = true } end end if lakeNeighs[nnhex] then connectsToLake = true end end if oceanSeed then tInsert(self.tinyRiverSeeds, oceanSeed) elseif hillSeed and not connectsToOcean and not connectsToLake then tInsert(self.tinyRiverSeeds, hillSeed) end end end end EchoDebug(lakeCount .. " lakes ", #self.majorRiverSeeds .. " major ", #self.minorRiverSeeds .. " minor ", #self.tinyRiverSeeds .. " tiny") end function Space:HillsOrMountains(...) local hills = 0 for i, hex in pairs({...}) do if hex.plotType == plotMountain or hex.plotType == plotHills then hills = hills + 1 end end return hills end function Space:DrawRiver(seed) local hex = seed.hex local pairHex = seed.pairHex local direction = seed.direction or hex:GetDirectionTo(pairHex) local lastHex = seed.lastHex local lastDirection = seed.lastDirection or hex:GetDirectionTo(lastHex) if hex.plotType == plotOcean or pairHex.plotType == plotOcean then EchoDebug("river will seed next to water") end if hex.onRiver[pairHex] or pairHex.onRiver[hex] then -- EchoDebug("SEED ALREADY ON RIVER") return end if seed.dontConnect then if hex.onRiver[lastHex] or pairHex.onRiver[lastHex] or lastHex.onRiver[hex] or lastHex.onRiver[pairHex] then -- EchoDebug("SEED ALREADY CONNECTS TO RIVER") return end if lastHex.isRiver then -- EchoDebug("WOULD BE TOO CLOSE TO ANOTHER RIVER") stop = true end end local river = {} local onRiver = {} local seedSpawns = {} local done local it = 0 repeat -- find next mutual neighbor local neighs = {} for d, nhex in pairs(hex:Neighbors()) do if nhex ~= pairHex then neighs[nhex] = d end end local newHex, newDirection, newDirectionPair for d, nhex in pairs(pairHex:Neighbors()) do if neighs[nhex] and nhex ~= lastHex then newHex = nhex newDirection = neighs[nhex] newDirectionPair = d end end -- check if the river needs to stop before it gets connected to the next mutual neighbor if newHex then local stop if seed.avoidConnection then if hex.onRiver[newHex] or pairHex.onRiver[newHex] or (onRiver[hex] and onRiver[hex][newHex]) or (onRiver[pairHex] and onRiver[pairHex][newHex]) then -- EchoDebug("WOULD CONNECT TO ANOTHER RIVER OR ITSELF", it) if seed.fork and it > 2 and (hex.onRiver[newHex] == seed.flowsInto or pairHex.onRiver[newHex] == seed.flowsInto) then -- EchoDebug("would connect to source") stop = true -- unfortunately, the way civ 5 draws rivers doesn't allow rivers to split and join else stop = true end end if newHex.isRiver then if seed.flowsInto then for riverThing, yes in pairs(newHex.isRiver) do if riverThing ~= seed.flowsInto then stop = true -- EchoDebug("WOULD BE TOO CLOSE TO ANOTHER RIVER") break end end else -- EchoDebug("WOULD BE TOO CLOSE TO ANOTHER RIVER") stop = true end end end if seed.avoidWater then if newHex.plotType == plotOcean then -- EchoDebug("WOULD CONNECT TO WATER") stop = true end end if seed.lake then if newHex.subPolygon.lake and (newHex.subPolygon == seed.lake or self.lakeConnections[newHex.subPolygon]) then -- EchoDebug("WOULD CONNECT TO AN ALREADY CONNECTED LAKE OR ITS SOURCE LAKE") stop = true end end if stop then if it > 0 then seedSpawns[it-1] = {} end break end end if not newHex then break end -- connect the river local flowDirection = GetFlowDirection(direction, lastDirection) if seed.growsDownstream then flowDirection = GetFlowDirection(direction, newDirection) end if OfRiverDirection(direction) then tInsert(river, { hex = hex, pairHex = pairHex, direction = OppositeDirection(direction), flowDirection = flowDirection }) else tInsert(river, { hex = pairHex, pairHex = hex, direction = direction, flowDirection = flowDirection }) end if onRiver[hex] == nil then onRiver[hex] = {} end if onRiver[pairHex] == nil then onRiver[pairHex] = {} end onRiver[hex][pairHex] = flowDirection onRiver[pairHex][hex] = flowDirection -- check if river will finish here if seed.toWater then if newHex.plotType == plotOcean or seed.connectsToOcean then -- EchoDebug("iteration " .. it .. ": ", "FOUND WATER at " .. newHex.x .. ", " .. newHex.y, " from " .. seed.lastHex.x .. ", " .. seed.lastHex.y, seed.hex.x .. ", " .. seed.hex.y, " / ", seed.pairHex.x .. ", " .. seed.pairHex.y) done = newHex break end end if seed.toHills then if self:HillsOrMountains(newHex, hex, pairHex) >= 2 then -- EchoDebug("FOUND HILLS/MOUNTAINS", it) done = newHex break end end if seed.fork and it > 2 then -- none of this comes into play because of the way civ 5 draws rivers if hex.onRiver[newHex] == seed.flowsInto or pairHex.onRiver[newHex] == seed.flowsInto then -- forks can connect to source local sourceRiverMile = hex.onRiverMile[newHex] or pairHex.onRiverMile[newHex] if sourceRiverMile < seed.flowsIntoRiverMile then seed.reverseFlow = true end EchoDebug("fork connecting to source", sourceRiverMile, seed.flowsIntoRiverMile, seed.reverseFlow) seed.connectsToSource = true done = newHex break end end -- check for potential river forking points seedSpawns[it] = {} if seed.spawnSeeds then -- use this once it works local minor, tiny, toWater, toHills, avoidConnection, avoidWater, growsDownstream, dontConnect, doneAnywhere local spawnNew, spawnNewPair, spawnLast, spawnLastPair if seed.major then minor, toHills, avoidConnection, avoidWater = true, true, true, true if hex.polygon == newHex.polygon and hex.subPolygon ~= newHex.subPolygon then spawnNew = true end if pairHex.polygon == newHex.polygon and pairHex.subPolygon ~= newHex.subPolygon then spawnNewPair = true end if it > 0 then if hex.polygon == lastHex.polygon and hex.subPolygon ~= lastHex.subPolygon then spawnLast = true end if pairHex.polygon == lastHex.polygon and pairHex.subPolygon ~= lastHex.subPolygon then spawnLastPair = true end end elseif seed.minor then tiny, toHills, avoidConnection, avoidWater, alwaysDraw = true, true, true, true if hex.subPolygon == newHex.subPolygon then spawnNew = true end if pairHex.subPolygon == newHex.subPolygon then spawnNewPair = true end if it > 0 then if hex.subPolygon == lastHex.subPolygon then spawnLast = true end if pairHex.subPolygon == lastHex.subPolygon then spawnLastPair = true end end end if spawnNew then tInsert(seedSpawns[it], {hex = hex, pairHex = newHex, direction = newDirection, lastHex = pairHex, lastDirection = direction, rainfall = seed.rainfall, minor = minor, tiny = tiny, toWater = toWater, toHills = toHills, avoidConnection = avoidConnection, avoidWater = avoidWater, growsDownstream = growsDownstream, dontConnect = dontConnect, doneAnywhere = doneAnywhere, fork = true}) end if spawnNewPair then tInsert(seedSpawns[it], {hex = pairHex, pairHex = newHex, direction = newDirectionPair, lastHex = hex, lastDirection = OppositeDirection(direction), rainfall = seed.rainfall, minor = minor, tiny = tiny, toWater = toWater, toHills = toHills, avoidConnection = avoidConnection, avoidWater = avoidWater, growsDownstream = growsDownstream, dontConnect = dontConnect, doneAnywhere = doneAnywhere, fork = true}) end if spawnLast then tInsert(seedSpawns[it], {hex = hex, pairHex = lastHex, direction = lastDirection, lastHex = pairHex, lastDirection = direction, rainfall = seed.rainfall, minor = minor, tiny = tiny, toWater = toWater, toHills = toHills, avoidConnection = avoidConnection, avoidWater = avoidWater, growsDownstream = growsDownstream, dontConnect = dontConnect, doneAnywhere = doneAnywhere, fork = true}) end if spawnLastPair then tInsert(seedSpawns[it], {hex = pairHex, pairHex = lastHex, direction = lastDirectionPair, lastHex = hex, lastDirection = OppositeDirection(direction), rainfall = seed.rainfall, minor = minor, tiny = tiny, toWater = toWater, toHills = toHills, avoidConnection = avoidConnection, avoidWater = avoidWater, growsDownstream = growsDownstream, dontConnect = dontConnect, doneAnywhere = doneAnywhere, fork = true}) end end -- decide which direction for the river to flow into next local useHex, usePair if seed.major then if hex.polygon ~= newHex.polygon then useHex = true end if pairHex.polygon ~= newHex.polygon then usePair = true end elseif seed.minor then if hex.subPolygon ~= newHex.subPolygon then useHex = true end if pairHex.subPolygon ~= newHex.subPolygon then usePair = true end elseif seed.tiny then useHex = true usePair = true end if (hex.onRiver[newHex] and hex.onRiver[newHex] ~= seed.flowsInto) or onRiver[hex][newHex] then useHex = false end if (pairHex.onRiver[newHex] and pairHex.onRiver[newHex] ~= seed.flowsInto) or onRiver[pairHex][newHex] then usePair = false end if useHex and usePair then if Map.Rand(2, "tiny river which direction") == 1 then usePair = false else useHex = false end end if useHex then lastHex = pairHex lastDirection = direction pairHex = newHex direction = newDirection elseif usePair then lastHex = hex lastDirection = OppositeDirection(direction) hex = pairHex pairHex = newHex direction = newDirectionPair else -- EchoDebug("NO WAY FORWARD") break end it = it + 1 until not newHex or it > 1000 local endRainfall if not seed.growsDownstream and river and #river > 0 then endRainfall = mMin(river[#river].hex.rainfall, river[#river].pairHex.rainfall) -- mCeil((river[#river].hex.subPolygon.rainfall + river[#river].pairHex.subPolygon.rainfall) / 2) end -- EchoDebug(it) return river, done, seedSpawns, endRainfall end function Space:InkRiver(river, seed, seedSpawns, done) local riverThing = { path = river, seed = seed, done = done, riverLength = #river, tributaries = {} } for f, flow in pairs(river) do if flow.hex.ofRiver == nil then flow.hex.ofRiver = {} end if seed.reverseFlow then flow.flowDirection = GetOppositeFlowDirection(flow.flowDirection) end --[[ if seed.connectsToSource and not seed.reverseFlow and f == #river then flow.flowDirection = GetOppositeFlowDirection(flow.flowDirection) end if seed.connectsToSource and seed.reverseFlow and f == 1 then flow.flowDirection = GetOppositeFlowDirection(flow.flowDirection) end ]]-- flow.hex.ofRiver[flow.direction] = flow.flowDirection flow.hex.onRiver[flow.pairHex] = riverThing flow.pairHex.onRiver[flow.hex] = riverThing local riverMile = f if seed.growsDownstream then riverMile = #river - (f-1) end flow.hex.onRiverMile[flow.pairHex] = riverMile flow.pairHex.onRiverMile[flow.hex] = riverMile if not flow.hex.isRiver then self.riverArea = self.riverArea + 1 end if not flow.pairHex.isRiver then self.riverArea = self.riverArea + 1 end flow.hex.isRiver = flow.hex.isRiver or {} flow.pairHex.isRiver = flow.pairHex.isRiver or {} flow.hex.isRiver[seed.flowsInto or riverThing] = true flow.pairHex.isRiver[seed.flowsInto or riverThing] = true -- EchoDebug(flow.hex:Locate() .. ": " .. tostring(flow.hex.plotType) .. " " .. tostring(flow.hex.subPolygon.lake) .. " " .. tostring(flow.hex.mountainRange), " / ", flow.pairHex:Locate() .. ": " .. tostring(flow.pairHex.plotType) .. " " .. tostring(flow.pairHex.subPolygon.lake).. " " .. tostring(flow.pairHex.mountainRange)) end for f, newseeds in pairs(seedSpawns) do for nsi, newseed in pairs(newseeds) do newseed.flowsInto = riverThing local riverMile = f if seed.growsDownstream then riverMile = #river - (f-1) end newseed.flowsIntoRiverMile = riverMile if newseed.minor then tInsert(self.minorForkSeeds, newseed) elseif newseed.tiny then tInsert(self.tinyForkSeeds, newseed) end end end if seed.lake then self.lakeConnections[seed.lake] = done.subPolygon EchoDebug("connecting lake ", tostring(seed.lake), " to ", tostring(done.subPolygon), tostring(done.subPolygon.lake), done.x .. ", " .. done.y) end if seed.flowsInto then tInsert(seed.flowsInto.tributaries, riverThing) end tInsert(self.rivers, riverThing) end function Space:FindLakeFlow(seeds) if self.lakeConnections[seeds[1].lake] then return end local toOcean for si, seed in pairs(seeds) do local river, done, seedSpawns = self:DrawRiver(seed) if done then if done.subPolygon.lake then -- EchoDebug("found lake-to-lake river") self:InkRiver(river, seed, seedSpawns, done) self:FindLakeFlow(self.lakeRiverSeeds[done.subPolygon]) return else toOcean = {river = river, seed = seed, seedSpawns = seedSpawns, done = done} end end end if toOcean then -- EchoDebug("found lake-to-ocean river") self:InkRiver(toOcean.river, toOcean.seed, toOcean.seedSpawns, toOcean.done) end end function Space:DrawLakeRivers() self.riverArea = 0 self.lakeConnections = {} local lakeSeedBuffer = tDuplicate(self.lakeRiverSeeds) while #lakeSeedBuffer > 0 do local seeds = tRemoveRandom(lakeSeedBuffer) self:FindLakeFlow(seeds) end end function Space:DrawRivers() self.minorForkSeeds, self.tinyForkSeeds = {}, {} local laterRiverSeeds = {} local seedBoxes = { "majorRiverSeeds", "minorRiverSeeds", "tinyRiverSeeds", "minorForkSeeds", "tinyForkSeeds" } local mainSeedBoxes = { "majorRiverSeeds", "minorRiverSeeds", "tinyRiverSeeds" } local forkSeedBoxes = { "minorForkSeeds", "tinyForkSeeds" } self.riverLandRatio = self.riverLandRatio * (self.rainfallMidpoint / 50) local prescribedRiverArea = self.riverLandRatio * self.filledArea local prescribedForkArea = prescribedRiverArea * self.riverForkRatio local prescribedMainArea = prescribedRiverArea - prescribedForkArea local inked = 0 local lastCycleInked = 0 local recycles = 0 local riversByRainfall = {} local maxRiverRainfall = 0 local maxRiverData local preInkRivers = 0 local preInkCompared = 0 local boxes = mainSeedBoxes while self.riverArea < prescribedRiverArea do local anySeedsAtAll for i, box in pairs(boxes) do local seeds = self[box] if #seeds > 0 then anySeedsAtAll = true local seed = tRemoveRandom(seeds) -- local list = "" -- for key, value in pairs(seed) do list = list .. key .. ": " .. tostring(value) .. ", " end -- EchoDebug("drawing river seed #" .. si, list) local river, done, seedSpawns, endRainfall = self:DrawRiver(seed) local rainfall = endRainfall or seed.rainfall if (seed.doneAnywhere or done) and river and #river > 0 then -- if seed.minor and seed.fork and river then EchoDebug("minor fork is " .. #river .. " long") end -- if seed.tiny and seed.fork and river then EchoDebug("tiny fork is " .. #river .. " long") end -- if alwaysDraw then rainfall = 101 end if rainfall > maxRiverRainfall then if maxRiverData then tInsert(laterRiverSeeds, maxRiverData.seed) end maxRiverRainfall = rainfall maxRiverData = {river = river, seed = seed, seedSpawns = seedSpawns, done = done} preInkCompared = preInkCompared + 1 else tInsert(laterRiverSeeds, seed) end preInkRivers = preInkRivers + 1 else --if not seed.retries or seed.retries < 2 then tInsert(laterRiverSeeds, seed) end end end if (preInkCompared > 1 or preInkRivers > 3) and maxRiverData then EchoDebug(preInkRivers, preInkCompared, "rainfall: " .. maxRiverRainfall, " length: " .. #maxRiverData.river) local riverData = maxRiverData local river, seed, seedSpawns, done = riverData.river, riverData.seed, riverData.seedSpawns, riverData.done self:InkRiver(river, seed, seedSpawns, done) inked = inked + 1 lastCycleInked = lastCycleInked + 1 if self.riverArea >= prescribedRiverArea then break end if boxes == mainSeedBoxes and self.riverArea >= prescribedMainArea then EchoDebug(self.riverArea .. " meets non-fork prescription of " .. mFloor(prescribedMainArea)) EchoDebug(inked .. " rivers inked so far") EchoDebug(#self.minorForkSeeds .. " minor fork seeds", #self.tinyForkSeeds .. " tiny fork seeds") boxes = forkSeedBoxes laterRiverSeeds = {} recycles = 0 lastCycleInked = 0 end maxRiverData = nil maxRiverRainfall = 0 preInkRivers = 0 preInkCompared = 0 end if not anySeedsAtAll then if #laterRiverSeeds > 0 then if recycles > 5 and lastCycleInked == 0 then EchoDebug("none inked after five cycles") if boxes == mainSeedBoxes then EchoDebug(self.riverArea .. " does not meet non-fork prescription of " .. mFloor(prescribedMainArea)) EchoDebug(inked .. " rivers inked so far") EchoDebug(#self.minorForkSeeds .. " minor fork seeds", #self.tinyForkSeeds .. " tiny fork seeds") boxes = forkSeedBoxes laterRiverSeeds = {} recycles = 0 lastCycleInked = 0 else break end elseif recycles > 5 and #laterRiverSeeds > 1000 then EchoDebug("too many recycles") if boxes == mainSeedBoxes then EchoDebug(self.riverArea .. " does not meet non-fork prescription of " .. mFloor(prescribedMainArea)) EchoDebug(inked .. " rivers inked so far") EchoDebug(#self.minorForkSeeds .. " minor fork seeds", #self.tinyForkSeeds .. " tiny fork seeds") boxes = forkSeedBoxes laterRiverSeeds = {} recycles = 0 lastCycleInked = 0 else break end else EchoDebug("recycling " .. #laterRiverSeeds .. " unused river seeds (" .. lastCycleInked .. " rivers inked last cycle" .. ")...") EchoDebug("current river area: " .. self.riverArea .. " of " .. mFloor(prescribedRiverArea) .. " prescribed") for si, seed in pairs(laterRiverSeeds) do seed.retries = (seed.retries or 0) + 1 if seed.retries < 4 then if seed.major then tInsert(self.majorRiverSeeds, seed) elseif seed.minor then if seed.fork then tInsert(self.minorForkSeeds, seed) else tInsert(self.minorRiverSeeds, seed) end elseif seed.tiny then if seed.fork then tInsert(self.tinyForkSeeds, seed) else tInsert(self.tinyRiverSeeds, seed) end end end end lastCycleInked = 0 recycles = recycles + 1 end else EchoDebug("no seeds available at all") if boxes == mainSeedBoxes then EchoDebug(self.riverArea .. " does not meet non-fork prescription of " .. mFloor(prescribedMainArea)) EchoDebug(inked .. " rivers inked so far") EchoDebug(#self.minorForkSeeds .. " minor fork seeds", #self.tinyForkSeeds .. " tiny fork seeds") boxes = forkSeedBoxes laterRiverSeeds = {} recycles = 0 lastCycleInked = 0 else break end end laterRiverSeeds = {} end end local rlpercent = mFloor( (self.riverArea / self.filledArea) * 100 ) local rpercent = mFloor( (self.riverArea / self.iA) * 100 ) EchoDebug(inked .. " inked ", " river area: " .. self.riverArea, "(" .. rlpercent .. "% of land, " .. rpercent .. "% of map)") end function Space:DrawRoad(origHex, destHex) local it = 0 local picked = { [destHex] = true } local rings = { {destHex} } local containsOrig = false -- collect rings repeat local ring = {} for i, hex in pairs(rings[#rings]) do for direction, nhex in pairs(hex:Neighbors()) do if not picked[nhex] and (nhex.plotType == plotLand or nhex.plotType == plotHills) then picked[nhex] = true tInsert(ring, nhex) if nhex == origHex then containsOrig = true break end end end if containsOrig then break end end if containsOrig then break end if #ring == 0 then break end tInsert(rings, ring) it = it + 1 until it > 1000 -- find path through rings and draw road if containsOrig then local hex = origHex for ri = #rings, 1, -1 do hex.road = true self.markedRoads = self.markedRoads or {} self.markedRoads[origHex.polygon.continent] = self.markedRoads[origHex.polygon.continent] or {} tInsert(self.markedRoads[origHex.polygon.continent], hex) local ring = rings[ri] if #ring == 1 then hex = ring[1] else local isNeigh = {} for d, nhex in pairs(hex:Neighbors()) do isNeigh[nhex] = d end for i, rhex in pairs(ring) do if isNeigh[rhex] then hex = rhex break end end end end EchoDebug("road from " .. origHex.x .. "," .. origHex.y .. " to " .. destHex.x .. "," .. destHex.y, tostring(#rings) .. " long, vs hex distance of " .. self:HexDistance(origHex.x, origHex.y, destHex.x, destHex.y)) else EchoDebug("no path for road ") end end function Space:DrawRoadsOnContinent(continent, cityNumber) cityNumber = cityNumber or 2 -- pick city polygons local cityPolygons = {} local polygonBuffer = tDuplicate(continent) while #cityPolygons < cityNumber and #polygonBuffer > 0 do local polygon = tRemoveRandom(polygonBuffer) local farEnough = true for i, toPolygon in pairs(cityPolygons) do local dist = self:HexDistance(polygon.x, polygon.y, toPolygon.x, toPolygon.y) if dist < 3 then farEnough = false break end end if farEnough then tInsert(cityPolygons, polygon) -- draw city ruins and potential fallout local origHex = self:GetHexByXY(polygon.x, polygon.y) if origHex.plotType ~= plotMountain and origHex.plotType ~= plotOcean then origHex.improvementType = improvementCityRuins if self.postApocalyptic then polygon.nuked = true origHex.subPolygon.nuked = true end end end end if #cityPolygons < 2 or (self.postApocalyptic and self.ancientCitiesCount == 0) then return #cityPolygons end -- find the two cities with longest distance local maxDist = 0 local maxDistPolygons local cityBuffer = tDuplicate(cityPolygons) while #cityBuffer > 0 do local polygon = tRemove(cityBuffer) for i, toPolygon in pairs(cityBuffer) do local dist = self:HexDistance(polygon.x, polygon.y, toPolygon.x, toPolygon.y) if dist > maxDist then maxDist = dist maxDistPolygons = {polygon, toPolygon} end end end -- draw the longest road local origHex = self:GetHexByXY(maxDistPolygons[1].x, maxDistPolygons[1].y) local destHex = self:GetHexByXY(maxDistPolygons[2].x, maxDistPolygons[2].y) self:DrawRoad(origHex, destHex) -- origHex.road = nil -- destHex.road = nil -- draw the other connecting roads for i, polygon in pairs(cityPolygons) do if polygon ~= maxDistPolygons[1] and polygon ~= maxDistPolygons[2] then -- find the nearest part of the continent's road network local leastDist = 99999 local leastHex if self.markedRoads and self.markedRoads[continent] then for h, hex in pairs(self.markedRoads[continent]) do local dist = self:HexDistance(polygon.x, polygon.y, hex.x, hex.y) if dist < leastDist then leastDist = dist leastHex = hex end end end local origHex = self:GetHexByXY(polygon.x, polygon.y) -- draw road if leastHex then self:DrawRoad(origHex, leastHex) end -- origHex.road = nil end end return #cityPolygons end function Space:DrawRoads() local cityNumber = self.ancientCitiesCount if self.postApocalyptic and self.ancientCitiesCount == 0 then cityNumber = 3 end local cities = 0 local continentBuffer = tDuplicate(self.continents) while #continentBuffer > 0 do local continent = tRemoveRandom(continentBuffer) local drawn = self:DrawRoadsOnContinent(continent, cityNumber) cities = cities + (drawn or 0) EchoDebug(drawn .. " cities in continent") end EchoDebug(cities .. " ancient cities") end function Space:PickCoasts() self.coastalPolygonCount = 0 self.polarMaxLandPercent = self.polarMaxLandRatio * 100 -- for i, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do local polygonBuffer = tDuplicate(self.polygons) while #polygonBuffer ~= 0 do local polygon = tRemoveRandom(polygonBuffer) if polygon.continent == nil then if polygon.oceanIndex == nil and Map.Rand(10, "coastal polygon dice") < self.coastalPolygonChance then polygon.coastal = true self.coastalPolygonCount = self.coastalPolygonCount + 1 if not polygon:NearOther(nil, "continent") then polygon.loneCoastal = true end end polygon:PickTinyIslands() if polygon.hasTinyIslands then tInsert(self.tinyIslandPolygons, polygon) end end end EchoDebug(self.coastalPolygonCount .. " coastal polygons") end function Space:DisperseTemperatureRainfall() for i, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do polygon:GiveTemperatureRainfall() end end function Space:DisperseFakeLatitude() self.continentalFakeLatitudes = {} local increment = 90 / (self.filledPolygons - 1) for i = 1, self.filledPolygons do tInsert(self.continentalFakeLatitudes, increment * (i-1)) end self.nonContinentalFakeLatitudes = {} increment = 90 / ((#self.polygons - self.filledPolygons) - 1) for i = 1, (#self.polygons - self.filledPolygons) do tInsert(self.nonContinentalFakeLatitudes, increment * (i-1)) end for i, polygon in pairs(self.polygons) do polygon:GiveFakeLatitude() end end function Space:ResizeMountains(prescribedArea) local iterationsPossible = mMax(#self.mountainHexes, prescribedArea) * 3 local iterations = 0 local coreHexesLeft = #self.mountainCoreHexes if #self.mountainHexes > prescribedArea then repeat local hex = tRemoveRandom(self.mountainHexes) if hex.mountainRangeCore and #self.mountainCoreHexes > 0 and coreHexesLeft < prescribedArea and #self.mountainHexes > coreHexesLeft then tInsert(self.mountainHexes, hex) else if hex.mountainRangeCore then coreHexesLeft = coreHexesLeft - 1 end if Map.Rand(10, "hill dice") < self.hillChance then hex.plotType = plotHills if hex.featureType and not FeatureDictionary[hex.featureType].hill then hex.featureType = featureNone end else hex.plotType = plotLand end end iterations = iterations + 1 until #self.mountainHexes <= prescribedArea or iterations > iterationsPossible EchoDebug("mountains reduced to " .. #self.mountainHexes .. " after " .. iterations .. " iterations ", coreHexesLeft .. " core hexes remaining") elseif #self.mountainHexes < prescribedArea then local noNeighbors = 0 repeat local hex = tGetRandom(self.mountainHexes) local neighbors = hex:Neighbors() local neighborBuffer = {} -- because neighbors has gaps in it for n, nhex in pairs(neighbors) do if nhex then tInsert(neighborBuffer, nhex) end end local nhex repeat nhex = tRemoveRandom(neighborBuffer) until nhex.plotType == plotLand or #neighborBuffer == 0 if nhex ~= nil and nhex.plotType == plotLand then if Map.Rand(10, "hill dice") < self.hillChance then nhex.plotType = plotHills if not FeatureDictionary[hex.featureType].hill then hex.featureType = featureNone end else nhex.plotType = plotMountain tInsert(self.mountainHexes, nhex) end noNeighbors = 0 else noNeighbors = noNeighbors + 1 end iterations = iterations + 1 until #self.mountainHexes >= prescribedArea or noNeighbors > 20 EchoDebug("mountains increased to " .. #self.mountainHexes .. " after " .. iterations .. " iterations ", coreHexesLeft .. " core hexes remaining") end end function Space:AdjustMountains() self.mountainArea = mCeil(self.mountainRatio * self.filledArea) EchoDebug(#self.mountainHexes .. " base mountain hexes", self.mountainArea .. " prescribed mountain hexes", #self.mountainCoreHexes .. " mountain core hexes") -- first expand them 1.1 times their size -- self:ResizeMountains(#self.mountainHexes * 1.1) -- then adjust to the right amount self:ResizeMountains(self.mountainArea) for i, hex in pairs(self.mountainHexes) do hex.featureType = featureNone end end ---------------------------------- -- INTERNAL FUNCTIONS: -- function Space:GetPlotLatitude(plot) if plot:GetY() > self.halfHeight then return mCeil(plot:GetLatitude() * self.northLatitudeMult) else return plot:GetLatitude() end end function Space:RealmLatitude(y) if self.realmHemisphere == 2 then y = self.h - y end return mCeil(y * (90 / self.h)) end function Space:GetTemperature(latitude, noFloor) local temp if self.pseudoLatitudes and self.pseudoLatitudes[latitude] then temp = self.pseudoLatitudes[latitude].temperature else if latitude and not self.crazyClimate then local rise = self.temperatureMax - self.temperatureMin local distFromPole = (90 - latitude) ^ self.polarExponent temp = (rise / self.polarExponentMultiplier) * distFromPole + self.temperatureMin else temp = mRandom(self.temperatureMin, self.temperatureMax) end end if noFloor then return temp end return mFloor(temp) end function Space:GetRainfall(latitude, noFloor) local rain if self.pseudoLatitudes and self.pseudoLatitudes[latitude] then rain = self.pseudoLatitudes[latitude].rainfall else if latitude and not self.crazyClimate then rain = self.rainfallMidpoint + (self.rainfallPlusMinus * mCos(latitude * (mPi/29))) else rain = mRandom(self.rainfallMin, self.rainfallMax) end end if noFloor then return rain end return mFloor(rain) end function Space:GetHillyness() return mRandom(0, self.hillynessMax) end function Space:GetCollectionSize() return mRandom(self.collectionSizeMin, self.collectionSizeMax) end function Space:GetSubCollectionSize() return mRandom(self.subCollectionSizeMin, self.subCollectionSizeMax) end function Space:ClosestThing(this, things, thingsCount) thingsCount = thingsCount or #things local closestDist local closestThing -- local thingsByDist = {} for i = 1, thingsCount do local thing = things[i] -- local dist = self:SquaredDistance(thing.x, thing.y, this.x, this.y) -- local dist = self:ManhattanDistance(thing.x, thing.y, this.x, this.y) local dist = self:MinkowskiDistance(thing.x, thing.y, this.x, this.y, 1.5) -- local dist = self:HexDistance(thing.x, thing.y, this.x, this.y) if not closestDist or dist < closestDist then closestDist = dist closestThing = thing end -- thingsByDist[dist] = thingsByDist[dist] or {} -- thingsByDist[dist][#thingsByDist[dist]+1] = thing end -- if #thingsByDist[closestDist] > 1 then -- closestThing = tGetRandom(thingsByDist[closestDist]) -- EchoDebug(#thingsByDist[closestDist] .. " things at same closest distance") -- end closestThing.pickedFirst = (closestThing.pickedFirst or 0) + 1 return closestThing end function Space:WrapDistanceSigned(x1, y1, x2, y2) local xdist = x2 - x1 local ydist = y2 - y1 if self.wrapX then if xdist > self.halfWidth then xdist = xdist - self.w elseif xdist < -self.halfWidth then xdist = xdist + self.w end end if self.wrapY then if ydist > self.halfHeight then ydist = ydist - self.h elseif ydist < -self.halfHeight then ydist = ydist + self.h end end return xdist, ydist end function Space:WrapDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) local xdist = mAbs(x1 - x2) local ydist = mAbs(y1 - y2) if self.wrapX then if xdist > self.halfWidth then if x1 < x2 then xdist = x1 + (self.iW - x2) else xdist = x2 + (self.iW - x1) end end end if self.wrapY then if ydist > self.halfHeight then if y1 < y2 then ydist = y1 + (self.iH - y2) else ydist = y2 + (self.iH - y1) end end end return xdist, ydist end function Space:SquaredDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) local xdist, ydist = self:WrapDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) return (xdist * xdist) + (ydist * ydist) end function Space:ManhattanDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) local xdist, ydist = self:WrapDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) return xdist + ydist end function Space:MinkowskiDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2, p) local xdist, ydist = self:WrapDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) return ((xdist ^ p) + (ydist ^ p)) ^ (1 / p) end function Space:EucDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) return mSqrt(self:SquaredDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2)) end function Space:HexDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) -- x1 = int(x1) -- y1 = int(y1) -- x2 = int(x2) -- y2 = int(y2) local cx1, cy1, cz1 = OddRToCube(x1, y1) local cx2, cy2, cz2 = OddRToCube(x2, y2) local xdist = mAbs(cx1 - cx2) local ydist = mAbs(cy1 - cy2) local zdist = mAbs(cz1 - cz2) if self.wrapX then xdist = mMin(xdist, self.iW - xdist) ydist = mMin(ydist, self.iW - ydist) end local dist = mMax(xdist, ydist, zdist) -- local dist = int( (xdist + ydist + zdist) / 2 ) return dist end function Space:GetPolygonByXY(x, y) local hex = self:GetHexByXY(x, y) return hex.polygon end function Space:GetSubPolygonByXY(x, y) local hex = self:GetHexByXY() return hex.subPolygon end function Space:GetHexByXY(x, y) x = mFloor(x) y = mFloor(y) return self.hexes[self:GetIndex(x, y)] end function Space:GetXY(index) if index == nil then return nil end index = index - 1 return index % self.iW, mFloor(index / self.iW) end function Space:GetIndex(x, y) if x == nil or y == nil then return nil end return (y * self.iW) + x + 1 end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function GetMapScriptInfo() local activatedMods = Modding.GetActivatedMods() if activatedMods then for i,v in ipairs(activatedMods) do local title = Modding.GetModProperty(v.ID, v.Version, "Name") if title == "Alpha Centauri Maps" then EchoDebug("Alpha Centauri Maps enabled, changing default map options...") OptionDictionary[1].default = 8 -- alpha centaurish OptionDictionary[2].default = 2 -- no land at poles OptionDictionary[3].default = 2 -- climate realism on break end end end local world_age, temperature, rainfall, sea_level, resources = GetCoreMapOptions() local custOpts = GetCustomOptions() tInsert(custOpts, resources) return { Name = "Fantastical (dev)", Description = "Fantastical lands! Convoluted rivers! Epic mountain ranges!", IsAdvancedMap = 0, SupportsMultiplayer = true, SortIndex = 1, IconAtlas = "WORLDTYPE_FANTASTICAL_ATLAS", IconIndex = 0, CustomOptions = custOpts, -- Folder = "MAP_FOLDER_ROOT", } end function GetMapInitData(worldSize) -- i have to use Map.GetCustomOption because this is called before everything else if Map.GetCustomOption(1) > 13 then -- for Realm maps -- create a random map aspect ratio for the given map size local areas = { [GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_DUEL.ID] = 40 * 24, [GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_TINY.ID] = 56 * 36, [GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_SMALL.ID] = 66 * 42, [GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_STANDARD.ID] = 80 * 52, [GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_LARGE.ID] = 104 * 64, [GameInfo.Worlds.WORLDSIZE_HUGE.ID] = 128 * 80, } local grid_area = areas[worldSize] local grid_width = mCeil( mSqrt(grid_area) * ((mRandom() * 0.67) + 0.67) ) local grid_height = mCeil( grid_area / grid_width ) EchoDebug(grid_width .. "x" .. grid_height .. " realm map") local world = GameInfo.Worlds[worldSize] if world ~= nil then return { Width = grid_width, Height = grid_height, WrapX = false, } end end end local mySpace function GeneratePlotTypes() --[[ for row in GameInfo.Map_Sizes() do for k, v in pairs(row) do print(k, v) end print('end of row\n') end ]]-- print("Generating Plot Types (Fantastical) ...") SetConstants() mySpace = Space() mySpace:SetOptions(OptionDictionary) mySpace:Compute() --[[ for l = 0, 90, 5 do EchoDebug(l, "temperature: " .. mySpace:GetTemperature(l), "rainfall: " .. mySpace:GetRainfall(l)) end ]]-- print("Shifting globe to accomodate continents (Fantastical) ...") mySpace:ShiftGlobe() print("Setting Plot Types (Fantastical) ...") mySpace:SetPlots() end function GenerateTerrain() print("Setting Terrain Types (Fantastical) ...") mySpace:SetTerrains() end function AddFeatures() print("Setting Feature Types (Fantastical) ...") mySpace:SetFeatures() -- print("Setting roads instead (Fantastical) ...") -- mySpace:SetRoads() end function AddRivers() print("Adding Rivers (Fantastical) ...") mySpace:SetRivers() end function AddLakes() print("Adding No Lakes (lakes have already been added) (Fantastical)") end function DetermineContinents() print("Determining continents for art purposes (Fantastical.lua)"); if mySpace.centauri then EchoDebug("map is alpha centauri, using only Africa and Asia...") mySpace:SetContinentArtTypes() EchoDebug("map is alpha centauri, moving minerals and kelp to the sea...") mySpace:MoveSilverAndSpices() EchoDebug("map is alpha centauri, removing non-centauri natural wonders...") mySpace:RemoveBadNaturalWonders() else EchoDebug("using default continent stamper...") Map.DefaultContinentStamper() end EchoDebug("removing badly placed natural wonders...") mySpace:RemoveBadlyPlacedNaturalWonders() print('setting Fantastical routes and improvements...') mySpace:SetRoads() mySpace:SetImprovements() -- mySpace:StripResources()-- uncomment to remove all resources for world builder screenshots -- mySpace:PolygonDebugDisplay(mySpace.polygons)-- uncomment to debug polygons -- mySpace:PolygonDebugDisplay(mySpace.subPolygons)-- uncomment to debug subpolygons -- mySpace:PolygonDebugDisplay(mySpace.shillPolygons)-- uncomment to debug shill polygons end