The following shows a variety of HTML5 form elements, including color. The form uses HTML5Widgets and Weston Ruter's webforms2 to add HTML5 Forms support to browsers that don't currently support it. Browsers that partially support the specification will use native functionality where applicable. Back to User Agent Man HTML5 Forms article

HTML5Widgets Test Form

Form fields labelled * are mandatory.

Legal Name:
This field has focus when the page first loads because it has it's autofocus attribute set to true.
Company Name:
This field has it's placeholder attribute set to "Leave blank if unemployed"
Age: -
Date/Time (Local)
The datetime, date, week and month input fields all show a calendar when clicked on. When the user chooses a date, each input shows the date in a slightly different format.
Date/Time (UTC)
The datetime, date, week and month input fields all show a calendar when clicked on. When the user chooses a date, each input shows the date in a slightly different format.
Test validity
To test the required and pattern attributes, this field only accepts numbers.
Terms and Conditions: I promise to give my first born to The Evil Corporation in return for a free iPad.