sourcedb LabCode SiteName median db_period db_culture comments bda LY-7969 La Lède-du-Gurp -7733 Néolithique ancien NACA From only (not internet), marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' neonetatl Ly-7969 Lède-du-Gurp -7733 EN None Same as bda, marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' neonetatl Ly-6043 Lède-du-Gurp -7310 EN None Same as bda bda LY-7695 Kaf Taht El-Ghar (KTG) -9654 Néolithique ancien Cardial marocain refused by, origin: Daugas et al. 1999 bda LY-7287 Kaf Taht El-Ghar (KTG) -9626 Néolithique ancien Cardial marocain refused by, origin: Daugas et al. 1999 bda OZB-653 Piancada -7339 Néolithique ancien Sammardenchia marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda', origin: Improta & Pessina 1999, p. 328 bda Alg-40 Travertins/chemin de Kristel/Kristel jardins -7049 Néolithique ancien NA oranais marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda', origin: Camps et al 1973 calpal UtC-1837 Klein Denkte -8251 Neolithic? LBK? marked 'Neolithic? LBK?', origin: Stäuble 1994 radon KN-3044/45 Schwanfeld -7125 ältere LBK Linienbandkeramik origin: Stäuble (1995, 2005), see: radon UtC-2320 Schwanfeld -7020 älteste LBK Linienbandkeramik origin: Stäuble 1995, 234 Tab. 1 radon KN-3040 Schwanfeld -6941 ältere LBK Linienbandkeramik see: radon UtC-2322 Klein Denkte -8251 Neolithic? LBK? marked 'Neolithic? LBK?', see: calpal I-10463 Can Ballester -6006 Neolithic Cardial origin: Balsera bda UGAMS-3825 (AA-098) Campu Stefanu -6592 Néolithique ancien Ceramica Impressa marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda', origin: Cesari et al. 2011 p. 278 radon UtC-1830 Eitzum 2 -8612 älteste LBK Linienbandkeramik the date seems to only exist in radon. ref: Stäuble 1995, 234 Tab. 1 calpal UBAR-31 Cova 120 -8029 EN None To confirmed, ref: van Willigen 2006 radon KN-1395 Königsaue, ehemaliger Gaterslebener See -8674 EN None unclear radon UtC-1832 Eitzum 2 -8193 älteste LBK Linienbandkeramik To confirmed, ref: Stäuble 1995, 234 Tab. 1 bda LY-6043 La Lède-du-Gurp -7123 EN Néolithique ancien ref: Roussot-Larroque 1995 3 - médiocre radon UtC-1834 Klein Denkte -7020 älteste LBK Linienbandkeramik To confirmed, ref: Stäuble 1995, 234 Tab. 1 radon KN-3044/45 Schwanfeld -7085 ältere LBK Linienbandkeramik To confirmed bda MC-1239 Poujade -7297 Néolithique ancien Roucadourien To confirmed, ref: Arnal 1995, p.72. Marked as comment = 'inconnue' in bda neonet Gif-3077 Grotte de Camprafaud -7135 EN None To confirmed bda Arias_2009_x1 Chica de Santiagio -7215.05 EN None To confirmed neonetatl GaK-8953 Cueva de la Dehesilla -7375.05 EN None To confirmed calpal Beta-116624 Cova de le Cendres -7508 Neolithic Cardial To confirmed bda Lyon-4174 (SacA-7431) Cap Ragnon -7918 Néolithique ancien Cardial To confirmed calpal Mc-500A Grotte du Cap Ragnon -7187 Neolithic Cardial To confirmed calpal Mc-500-A Cap Ragnon -7199 Neolithic Cardial To confirmed neonet MC-500-A Cap Ragnon -7190 EN None To confirmed calpal UtC-22 Grotte dell Corbeddu -7407.05 Epipalaeolithic Cardial To confirmed neonet BM-2557 Coppa Nevigata -7352.05 EN None To confirmed bda P-1999 Casa San Paolo -7027 Néolithique ancien Ceramica Impressa To confirmed radon OxA-12857 Ecsegfalva -7021 EN None To confirmed calpal OxA-27408 Akanthou -8295 Neolithic Aceramic To confirmed, ref: Oxford Datelist 2014 katsianis UCLA-1657A Argissa Magoula -7127 None Early Neolithic I Considered as 'controversial' here: katsianis Q-655 Nea Nikomedeia -7181 None Early Neolithic Rejected here:, see C. Perlès (2001, 100–101, table 6.1) katsianis UCLA-1657D Argissa Magoula -6889 None Early Neolithic I Rejected here:, see Table 1 published by Protsch and Berger (1973, 236) bda P-2095 Franchthi -6882 Néolithique ancien None marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda', see Wijnen 1981 p. 130-133, Masurié de Kéroualin 2001, p. 104 neonet GrA-59634 Abrigo de l'Esplugon -6541 EN None Mesolithic in Domingo, Rafael, et al. Call it home: Mesolithic dwellings in the Ebro Basin (NE Spain). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 18 (2018): 1036-1052. neonet Beta-210733 Font del Ros -6621 EN None Mesolithic in Gómez-Puche, M., & Fernández-López de Pablo, J. (2024). SPATIOTEMPORAL PATTERNS ON THE APPEARANCE OF THE FIRST TRAPEZE INDUSTRIES IN THE LATE MESOLITHIC OF THE IBERIAN PENINSULA. Radiocarbon, 66(1), 59–100. doi:10.1017/RDC.2024.6 neonet MC-500 Cap Ragnon -6509 EN None Considered as 'too early' in Guilaine, J. (1979). The earliest Neolithic in the West Mediterranean: a new appraisal. Antiquity, 53(207) calpal Mc-500 Cap Ragnon -6509 Neolithic Cardial Duplicate 'too early' in Guilaine, J. (1979). The earliest Neolithic in the West Mediterranean: a new appraisal. Antiquity, 53(207) calpal Mc-500B Grotte du Cap Ragnon -6509 Neolithic Cardial Duplicate 'too early' in Guilaine, J. (1979). The earliest Neolithic in the West Mediterranean: a new appraisal. Antiquity, 53(207) neonet UGAMS-3825(AA-098) Campu Stefanu -6529 EN None Mesolithic in Lugliè, C. (2018). Your path led trough the sea… the emergence of Neolithic in Sardinia and Corsica. Quaternary International, 470, 285-300. neonet BM-2139R Grotta Filiestru -6621 EN None Mentioned as 'BM-2139R comes from a non-archaeological level' in Tykot, Robert Howard. Prehistoric trade in the Western Mediterranean: the sources and distribution of Sardinian obsidian. Harvard University, 1995 calpal GrN-?42 Swifterband -6599 Meso/Neo Swifterbant Period: Meso/Neo in calpal, note the typo radon UtC-1840 Kleinsorheim -6581 älteste LBK Linienbandkeramik Mentioned 'Neolithic?' in, see Stäuble 1994 calpal OxA-9403 Maroslele-Panahát -6584 Neolithic Körös Excluded in Blagojević, Tamara, et al. 'Early Neolithic population dynamics in the eastern Balkans and the Great Hungarian Plain' Documenta Praehistorica 44 (2017): 18-33. neonetatl Beta-164712 São Pedro de Canaferrim -6569 EN None Mentioned as 'datem estratos sem cerâmica cardial' in SIMÕES, TERESA. 'A ocupação do Neolítico antigo de São Pedro de Canaferrim: novos dados em perspectiva.' Muita gente, poucas antas (2003): 115-134. bda PA-2472 Abou Tamsa -6532 Néolithique ancien None marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda', see: Élodie de Faucamberge, “Néolithisation et néolithique en cyrénaïque (Libye)”, Encyclopédie berbère, 34 | 2012, 5474-5481. neonet OxA-26070 Cova del Toll -5403 EN None Mentioned as 'the possibility that both are ibex cannot be excluded' in Martins, H., Oms, F. X., Pereira, L., Pike, A. W., Rowsell, K., & Zilhão, J. (2015). Radiocarbon dating the beginning of the Neolithic in Iberia: new results, new problems. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 28(1), 105-131. bda MC-428 Sablière -6451 Néolithique ancien Cardial marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' calpal Mc-440 La Sablière -6451 Neolithic Cardial Probably like MC-428 which is marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' calpal Mc-428 La Sablière -6451 Neolithic Cardial Duplicate of MC-428 (case sensitive), marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' bda MC-440 Sablière -6450 Néolithique ancien Cardial marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' calpal Mc-429 La Sablière -6229 Neolithic Cardial Probably like other dates from the same site. To confirmed bda MC-441 Sablière -6263 Néolithique ancien Cardial marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' bda Kn-182 Font-des-Pigeons -6380 Néolithique ancien Cardial marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda'. Kn-1182 is rejected in Manen and Sabatier 2003 neonet KN-182 Abri de la Font-des-Pigeons -6380 EN None Duplicate of Kn-182 bda LY-3945 (OxA) Pas de l’Échelle -6455 Néolithique ancien None marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' neonet Ly-3945(OxA) Abri du Pas de l'Echelle -6455 EN None Mentioned as 'Second Mesolithique' in Bintz, P., Millet, J. J., & Oberlin, C. (2018). L’abri-sous-roche du Pas de l’Échelle (Rovon, Vercors, Isère), chronostratigraphie, composantes culturelles et cadre régional. Collection EDYTEM. Cahiers de géographie, 20(1), 119-140. calpal Mc-2343 La Caucade -6441 Neolithic Impressa Absent from the fig. 8 in Manen, C., Convertini, F., Binder, D., Beeching, A., Briois, F., Bruxelles, L., ... & Sénépart, I. (2004). Premier résultats du projet ACR “Productions céramiques des premières sociétés paysannes”. L’exemple des faciès impressa du Sud de la France. Paysages et Peuplements. Aspects culturels et chronologiques en France méridionale. Actualité de la recherche, Actes des Sixièmes Rencontres Méridonales de Préhistoire Récente, Périgueux, 233-246. Rejected in Manen and Sabatier 2003. neonet MC-2343 Caucade -6441 EN None duplicate. Rejected in Manen and Sabatier 2003 neonet Gif-1962 Abri de Curacchiaghju -6456 EN None Rejected in Manen and Sabatier 2003 neonet Z-3399 Crno Vrilo -6406 EN None Mentioned as 'not reliable' in Tab. 1 in Kačar, S. (2019). Impressed ware Blade production of northern Dalmatia (Eastern Adriatic, Croatia) in the context of Neolithisation. Documenta Praehistorica, 46, 352-374. calpal Deb-2733 Maroslele-Panahát -6352 Neolithic Körös Mentioned as 'outliers' in Anders, A., & Siklósi, Z. (2012). The First Neolithic Sites in Central/South-East European Transect. Volume III: The Körös Culture in Eastern Hungary. BAR Publishing. calpal Ly-4302 Cova de les Cendres -6384 Neolithic Cardial probable mix: 'The original date for Cendres CC3 (Ly-4302) probably derives from a mix of charcoal from ceramic and pre-ceramic depositional contexts' in Auban, J. B., Barton, C. M., & Ripoll, M. P. (2001). A taphonomic perspective on Neolithic beginnings: theory, interpretation, and empirical data in the Western Mediterranean. Journal of Archaeological Science, 28(6), 597-612. neonet CNA-2682.1.1 Balma Margineda -6295 EN None Rejected in Oms, F. X., Mazzucco, N., Santos, F. J., Guilaine, J., Subirà, M., & Gibaja, J. F. (2018). Les dades radiocarbòniques i la seva anàlisi durant el Neolític a les Valls d’Andorra. neonetatl Ly-758 Longetraye -6282 EN None Mentioned 'faire preuve d'une extreme prudence' in Philibert, D. (1982). Le gisement préhistorique de Longetraye (Haute-Loire), avec un appendice de Claude Chopelin. Revue Archéologique du centre de la France, 21(1), 3-25. calpal Z-2924 Zadubravlje-Duine -6461 Neolithic Starcevo Mentioned as 'probably taken from a larger beam or a trunk and may be considered old wood' in Botić, K. (2016). Neolithisation of Sava-Drava-Danube interfluve at the end of the 6600–6000 BC period of Rapid Climate Chang: a new solution to an old problem. Documenta praehistorica, 43, 183-208. radon GrN-28455 Foeni-Sălaş -6365 None Starcevo-Körös-Criș culture Mentioned as 'This date is also too old for the early Neolithic of the region and should be rejected as probably contaminated' in Greenfield, H. J., & Jongsma, T. (2008). 11. Sedentary pastoral gatherers in the early Neolithic: architectural, botanical, and zoological evidence for mobile economies from Foeni-Salaş, south-west Romania. Living Well Together?, 108 radon GrN-6628 Starčevo -6459 None Starcevo-Körös-Criș culture Considered as 'too old' in Porčić M, Blagojević T, Stefanović S. Demography of the Early Neolithic Population in Central Balkans: Population Dynamics Reconstruction Using Summed Radiocarbon Probability Distributions. PLoS One. 2016 Aug 10;11(8):e0160832. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0160832. PMID: 27508413; PMCID: PMC4980024. calpal OxA-8608 Blagotin -6336 Neolithic Proto-Starcevo Considered as 'too old' in Porčić M, Blagojević T, Stefanović S. Demography of the Early Neolithic Population in Central Balkans: Population Dynamics Reconstruction Using Summed Radiocarbon Probability Distributions. PLoS One. 2016 Aug 10;11(8):e0160832. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0160832. PMID: 27508413; PMCID: PMC4980024. bda Arias_2009_x2 Chica de Santiagio -6113 Néolithique ancien None marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' neonet CSIC-247 Cueva de Murcielagos de Albunol -6298 EN None Excluded in Francisco Martínez-Sevilla et al. ,The earliest basketry in southern Europe: Hunter-gatherer and farmer plant-based technology in Cueva de los Murciélagos (Albuñol).Sci. Adv.9,eadi3055(2023).DOI:10.1126/sciadv.adi3055 neonet Beta-230733 Cova de Can Sadurni -6159 EN None Attributed to 'Mesolítico de muescas y denticulados' in Edo, M., Antolín, F., Martinez, P., Villalba, M. J., Fullola, J. M., Bergadá, M. M., ... & Convertini, F. (2019). La cueva de Can Sadurní (Begues, Barcelona): El episodio funerario del neolítico antiguo cardial pleno. Estado actual de la cuestión. Mirando a la Muerte: Las prácticas funerarias durante el neolítico en el noreste peninsular, 207-377. calpal GrA-12899 Urk -6126 Meso/Neo Swifterbant Mentioned as 'Meso/Neo' in RADON radon UtC-2321 Schwanfeld -6150 älteste LBK Linienbandkeramik Excluded in Jakucs J, Bánffy E, Oross K, Voicsek V, Bronk Ramsey C, Dunbar E, Kromer B, Bayliss A, Hofmann D, Marshall P, Whittle A. Between the Vinča and Linearbandkeramik Worlds: The Diversity of Practices and Identities in the 54th-53rd Centuries cal BC in Southwest Hungary and Beyond. J World Prehist. 2016;29(3):267-336. doi: 10.1007/s10963-016-9096-x. Epub 2016 Sep 8. PMID: 27746586; PMCID: PMC5040754. neonet Gif-6339 Scamuso -6158 EN None Considered as nor reliable by BIANCOFIORE and COPPOLA, 1997, see Spataro, M. (2002). The first farming communities of the Adriatic: pottery production and circulation in the Early and Middle Neolithic (No. 9). Italo Svevo. neonet Z-1967 Vela Spila -6167 EN None Mentioned as 'Early Neolithic?' in Dean, S., Pappalardo, M., Boschian, G., Spada, G., Forenbaher, S., Juračić, M., ... & Miracle, P. T. (2020). Human adaptation to changing coastal landscapes in the Eastern Adriatic: Evidence from Vela Spila cave, Croatia. Quaternary science reviews, 244, 106503. radon UCLA-1605 I Obre I and II -6113 late (III) Starcevo-Körös-Criș culture Considered as 'too old' and rejected in Vander Linden, M., Pandžić, I., & Orton, D. (2014). New radiocarbon dates for the Neolithic period in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Godišnjak Centar za Balkanološka Ispitivanja, Akademija Nauka i Umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine, 43, 7-34. neonet Gif-3576 Abri Jean Cros -6028 EN None Mentioned as 'dubious' in Perrin, T., Manen, C., Valdeyron, N., & Guilaine, J. (2018). Beyond the sea… The Neolithic transition in the southwest of France. Quaternary International, 470, 318-332. bda Kn-1182 Font-des-Pigeons -6026 Néolithique ancien Cardial marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' neonet KN-1182 Abri de la Font-des-Pigeons -6026 EN None Duplicate of Kn-1182, marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' bda MC-429 Sablière -6229 Néolithique ancien Cardial marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' bda Lyon-2138 (OxA) Clos de Poujol -5900 Néolithique ancien None marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' neonetatl Ly-2138 (OxA) Clos de Poujol -5900 EN None Duplicate of Lyon-2138 (OxA), marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' bda LY-7625 Pontcharaud 2 -5970 Néolithique ancien Epicardial marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' radon Bln-251 Dresden-Prohlis -5915 frühe Stichbandkeramik Mentioned as possible admixture in Kohl, G., & Quitta, H. (1966). Berlin radiocarbon measurements II. Radiocarbon, 8, 27-45 bda PA-2467 Abou Tamsa -6148 Néolithique ancien None marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' calpal Poz-90168 Vráble SE -5911 Neolithic LBK Described as a 'Mesolithic charcoal' in Meadows, J., Müller-Scheeßel, N., Cheben, I., Agerskov Rose, H., & Furholt, M. (2019). Temporal dynamics of Linearbandkeramik houses and settlements, and their implications for detecting the environmental impact of early farming. The Holocene, 29(10), 1653-1670. calpal GrN-?41 Swifterband -5757 Meso/Neo Swifterbant Marked as 'Meso/Neo' neonetatl Ly-6045 Lède-du-Gurp -6218 EN None Bailey and Spikin 2008 think it's Mesolithic neonet CRG-886 Chemin des Collines -5680 EN None Marked as 'Unclear stratigraphic association' in neonet CRG-1322 La Gilliere -5655 EN None marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' calpal GrN-4753 Bylany -8772 MN Lengyel The median seems aberrant calpal Pta-2700 Wadi Tbeik -10250 Neolithic LPPNB Marked as 'considered as much too old', accessed 2024-10-07 bda GrN-19870 Asikli Höyük -7766 Néolithique ancien PPNB marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' neonet Erl-11802 Mas Neuf -6069 EN None marked as 'without stratigraphic information', accessed 2024-10-07 neonet Beta-103872 Petites Baties -6111 EN None Seems to be considered as not-EN in 'Les occupations néolithiques des Petites-Bâties (Lamotte-du-Rhône, Vaucluse)' Binder et al. 2002 calpal OxA-5500 Pinarbasi A -8517 Epipalaeolithic Aceramic Marked as 'Epipalaeolithic Aceramic' bda SacA-23652 (P-1069) SHM-1 (Sebkhet Halk el Menzel 1) -5731 Néolithique ancien None marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' calpal KN-2514 Nieborowa -5510 Neolithic LBK Aberrant neonet Beta-221643 Abrigo de Los Husos II -6196 EN None Steile layer radon Bln-1430 Eilsleben -5785 älteste LBK Linienbandkeramik Rejected by Pavúk, J. (1994). JAMÉ Nyíregyháza, 36, 135-149. calpal GrN-?40 Swifterband -5583 Meso/Neo Swifterbant Transitional date not clear radon KN-2289 Niedermerz 3 -5695 mittlere LBK (Phase IIa) Linienbandkeramik No clear references radon KN-2297 Langweiler 2 -5946 Langweiler 2, Phase 1 Linienbandkeramik SD 175 reported in Pinhasi et al. 2005 neonetatl Beta-310057 Casas Novas -5588 EN None Rejected by Cardoso et al. 2018 Estudos Arqueológicos de Oeiras, 125-140. neonetatl Wk-9214 Pena d'Água -5675 EN None None Rejected by Carvalho et al. 2016 The Pena d’Água rock-shelter. Valencia: SIPMPV, 211-223. neonetatl Wk-12077 Valada do Mato -5586 EN None Rejected by Carvalho, A. F. (2019). Sagvntvm. Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia, 51, 9. neonetatl Sac-2002 Encosta de Sant'Ana -6169 EN None None Error data. Sa-2002 is 7310 ± 90 in Angelucci et al. 2007 Journal of Archaeological Science 34(10):1641-1648 neonetatl Beta-417016 Vale Marim I -6039 EN None Mesolithic not Neolithic neonetatl Beta-452078 Vidigal -5687 EN None Mesolithic not Neolithic neonetatl Wk-12139 Vale Santo 1 -5558 EN None Transitional Meso/Neo Diniz & Neves 2018. O princípio do Neolítico no Sudoeste Peninsular (Portugal) neonetatl Wk-17029 Rocha das Gaivotas -5687 EN None Transitional Meso/Neo Diniz & Neves 2018. O princípio do Neolítico no Sudoeste Peninsular (Portugal) neonetatl Beta-223092 La Paleta -5580 EN None Date obtained from an aggregation of wheat and other palaeobotanic material Berrocal 2012 J. World Prehistory bda MAMS-30166 Esplugón -5680 Néolithique ancien None Mesolithic by Alcolea et al. 2021 Quaternary International, 593, 332-345. neonet Beta-242783 Abrigo de Pena Larga -5637 EN None None neonet R-2748 Lugo di Romagna -5531 EN None Likely old wood effect, short-lived dates from the same site from same sect. are 200 yrs younger neonet KIA-30570 Riparo Ala Le Corone -5561 EN None Error in the dataset US14 is Late Mesoltihic layer calpal R-2530 Fagnigola -5523 Neolithic Fagnigola Likely old wood effect, short-lived dates from the same site from same sect. are 300 yrs younger neonet R-2550 Fagnigola -5523 EN None Likely old wood effect, short-lived dates from the same site from same sect. are 300 yrs younger bda Bin-4436 Valer -5514 Néolithique ancien Fagnigola Likely old wood effect, short-lived dates from the same site from same sect. are 300 yrs younger neonet ETH-30057 Villandro/Villanders -5802 EN None Problematic Late Mesolithic US Nisbet 2008 Atti Soc. Preist. Protost. Friuli-V.G., XVI, 75-131 neonet R-2547 Sammardenchia -5523 EN None Likely old wood effect, short-lived dates from the same site from same sect. are 300 yrs younger neonet GrN-19839 Fiorano Modenese -5503 EN None Doubful date Starnini et al. 2018 Quaternary International, 470, 301-317. neonet Bln-4436 Valer -5514 EN None Likely old wood effect, short-lived dates from the same site from same sect. are 300 yrs younger neonet R-2538 Fagnigola -5505 EN None Likely old wood effect, short-lived dates from the same site from same sect. are 300 yrs younger neonet GrN-23129 Grotta dell'Edera -5533 EN None Too o from Vlaska/Danilo Biagi et al. 2008 The Iron Gates in Prehstory: new perspectives neonet Ly-824 Grotte de Gritulu -5723 EN None Mesolithic layer neonet Ly-9519 Renaghju -5671 EN None None neonet Poz-18393 Crno Vrilo -5797 EN None Questioned by Kačar 2019 Documenta Praehistorica, 46, 352-374. calpal GrN-22668 Forcas -5780 Neolithic Cardial Mesolithic context Mazzucco 2018 calpal Beta-59973 Peña de las Forcas 2 -5825 Neolithic Cardial Mesolithic context Mazzucco 2018 bda Beta-60773 Forcas II -5825 Néolithique ancien None Mesolithic context Mazzucco 2018 Human Occupation of Central Pyrenees neonet GrN-19658 Abrigo de Mendandia -6074 EN None Mesolithic context Alday 2012 neonetatl Beta-197386 Cueva del Mirador -5915 EN None Rejected by Saiz 2019 Munibe Antropologia-Arkeologia, 70, 109-134. neonet KIA-27671 Abrigo de la Dehesa -5899 EN None Mesolithic context neonet GrN-22742 Abrigo de Mendandia -6039 EN None Mesolithic context Alday 2012 neonet GrN-12685 Cueva de Chaves -5672 EN None Old wood effect Mazzucco 2018 Human Occupation of Central Pyrenees neonet GrN-22688 Abrigo de Forcas II -5780 EN None Mesolithic context neonetatl ICEN-405 Fraga d'Aia -5432 EN None Old wood effect as indicated by Carvalho A. F. (1999) Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia, 2 (1) neonet R-2745 Lugo di Grezzana -5480 EN None Likely old wood effect, short-lived dates from the same site from same sect. are 200 yrs younger bda Bin-4431 Valer -5447 Néolithique ancien Fagnigola Likely old wood effect, short-lived dates from the same site from same sect. are 200 yrs younger bda R-1136 Romagnano loc.III -5424 Néolithique ancien Gaban Castelnovian layer Fontana et al. (2016). Quaternary International, 423, 252-265. neonet R-2545 Sammardenchia -5494 EN None Likely old wood effect, short-lived dates from the same site from same sect. are 200 yrs younger neonet Bln-4431 Valer -5447 EN None Likely old wood effect, short-lived dates from the same site from same sect. are 200 yrs younger neonet R-2554 Fagnigola -5504 EN None Likely old wood effect, short-lived dates from the same site from same sect. are 200 yrs younger neonet R-2549 Sammardenchia -5486 EN None Likely old wood effect, short-lived dates from the same site from same sect. are 200 yrs younger bda MC-531-T Font-des-Pigeons -5667 Néolithique ancien Cardial Medium reliability by Defranould (2020). Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 117(4), 583-618. neonetatl Beta-232890 Casa Montero -5431 EN None Consuegra & Díaz-del-Río (2018). Papers in honour of Jacek Lech. Archaeopress Archaeology. Oxford, 1-8. neonet Beta-172521 Balma Serrat del Pont -5419 EN None Mesolithic layer by Alcalde % Saña. (2017) Mesolithic Miscellany 25.1, 3-10. neonet KIA-37689 Cova del Sardo -5489 EN None Possible Mesolithic context, unclear cultural affiliation suggested by Mazzucco 2018 neonetatl ICEN-904 Fraga d'Aia -5260 EN None Possible mixing indicate by Carvalho 2020 In: On Pre- and Earlier History of Iberia and Central Europe bda Lyon-3046 (OxA) Shillourokambos -10363 Néolithique ancien C-PPNB marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' bda LY-7094 Pas de l’Échelle -5822 Néolithique ancien None marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' neonet Ly-11551(SacA-39068) Abri de la Grande Rivoire -5392 EN None according to Marguet et al., 2008: 'Le Néolithique ancien sensu stricto, avec céramique, industrie lithique caractéristique, matériel de mouture et faune domestique, il n’est présent que dans le niveau épicardial B 1 b (...) On soulignera qu’en l’état actuel des données, l’Epicardial n’est pas antérieur à 5000 av. J.-C. (Grande Rivoire, B 1 b)' neonet ECHo-1261 Abri de la Grande Rivoire -5385 EN None Same as Ly-11551(SacA-39068) bda LY-4582 Ricoh -5371 Néolithique ancien Rubané ancien marked as 'mediocre' in 'bda' and 'Ly 4582 (GrA) : 4140 +/- 35 BP' appears in at least three different publications as Final Neolithic. calpal VERA-1589 Neckenmarkt -5339 Neolithic LBK Likely old wood effect. Slightly older than the average proposed by Stadler, E. L. P. (2002). 14C-Daten und Seriation altbandkeramischer Inventare1. NOVÉ PUBLIKACE ARCHEOLOGICKÉHO ÚSTAVU AV ČR PRAHA NEW BOOKS FROM THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY IN PRAGUE, 191: 'According to the new dataset of 14C-dates and their calibration as a group the time span for the occupation of the two places during the earlier Linear Pottery culture can be fixed between 5380–5200 BC with 53,6% probability.' calpal VERA-1588 Neckenmarkt -5317 Neolithic LBK Likely old wood effect. Same as VERA-1589 neonetatl Sac-1676 El Retamar -6263 EN None Too early, not mentioned as EN in, for example, 'Clemente-Conte, Ignacio, et al. 'Hunting and fishing weapons, land and marine resources, technology and ways of life in the Neolithic sites of the Strait of Gibraltar region.' Hunting and Fishing in the Neolithic and Eneolithic: Weapons, Techniques and Prey (2024): 254.' neonetatl Beta-373853 Vale Marim I -6033 EN None Date associated with the Late Mesolithic archaeological layer (2A) in 'Soares, Joaquina, and Carlos Tavares da Silva. 'Living in the southwest Portuguese coast during the Late Mesolithic: The case study of Vale Marim I.' Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 18 (2018): 1011-1025.' neonetatl Oxa-1131 Cueva de Carigüela -5887 EN None Rejected in García-Puchol, Oreto, et al. A Bayesian approach for timing the neolithization in Mediterranean Iberia. Radiocarbon 60.1 (2018): 181-205.' neonetatl Sac-1525 El Retamar -6146 EN None Rejected in Martín-Socas, D., Massieu, M. D. C., Herrero, J. L. C., & Rodríguez-Santos, F. J. (2018). The beginning of the Neolithic in Andalusia. Quaternary International, 470, 451-471. neonetatl Beta-90122 El Retamar -5680 EN None Rejected in Martín-Socas, D., Massieu, M. D. C., Herrero, J. L. C., & Rodríguez-Santos, F. J. (2018). The beginning of the Neolithic in Andalusia. Quaternary International, 470, 451-471. neonet Ua-21999 Cueva de Bajondillo -6170 EN None Doesn't seems to be referenced anywhere. Too early considering the overall context of EN in Andalousia (ex: Martín-Socas, D., Massieu, M. D. C., Herrero, J. L. C., & Rodríguez-Santos, F. J. (2018). The beginning of the Neolithic in Andalusia. Quaternary International, 470, 451-471.) bda Beta-247405 Forcas II -5652 Néolithique ancien None Rejected in García-Puchol, O., Bernabeu-Aubán, J., Barton, C. M., Pardo-Gordó, S., McClure, S. B., & Diez-Castillo, A. (2018). A Bayesian approach for timing the neolithization in Mediterranean Iberia. Radiocarbon, 60(1), 181-205. But consiered as 'bonne' in the BDA.