# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. ## 0.14.0 - bumped Go to 1.22; - bumped `github.com/chromedp/chromedp` to v0.9.2; - new argument `-ua` to provide custome User Agent for the HTTP headless calls. ## 0.13.0 - bumped Go to 1.20; - bumped `github.com/chromedp/chromedp` to v0.9.1; - bumped `github.com/stretchr/testify` v1.8.4. ## 0.12.1 - tweaked TTL in the CLI mode. ## 0.12.0 - bumped Go to 1.18; - bumped `github.com/chromedp/chromedp`; - bumped `github.com/stretchr/testify`; - fixed `-q` option or `Query` in the code (HTTP/HTML mode only), so now it actually works and retrieves contents of the DOM element for the query; - introduced `-r` option or `WaitFor` (HTTP/HTML mode only) to allow for waiting for certain DOM element to be ready before getting HTML; - introduced `-u` option or `WaitUntil` (HTTP/HTML mode only) to allow to wait for a certain delay before getting HTML; - introduced `-i` option or `Screenshot` (HTTP/HTML mode only) to capture a full screenshot of HTML in the given path. ## 0.11.0 - bumped `github.com/chromedp/chromedp`. ## 0.10.0 - improved `-q` option, it is now acts as `document.querySelectorAll()` so it will return all the matching nodes. ## 0.9.1 - added retries with backoff to HTML calls; - fixed `-q` option, which allows querying with CSS selectors. ## 0.8.2 - small fix: changed size of the read buffer from `102481024` to `1024*1024`. ## 0.8.0 - better output to STDIN in cli, line by line instead of printing slice of lines. ## 0.7.0 - increased buffer size to 1MB; - introduced option for setting timeout `-t`, defaults to 5 seconds; - introduced option for enabling verbose mode `-v`. ## 0.6.0 - reverted back `#New` to have only single argument - `source` for backwards compatibility; - re-used "self-referential functions and the design of options" approach by Rob Pike by introducing `Option` and new constructor `#NewInOut` which uses it. ## 0.5.0 - CSS query (`-q` option): concat all found texts, surround found texts with corresponding HTML tags, added tests for HTTP and File readers. ## 0.4.0 - added `-q` option to allow query for contents of certain DOM elements via CSS selector; - constructors of the `Reader` are now returning reference instead of value. ## 0.3.1 - fixed bug in `Reader#Read` leading to stack overflow error. ## 0.3.0 - added `Reader#Read` method and updated `Reader#Close` method, to be compatible with `io.ReadCloser` interface. ## 0.2.3 - binary release. ## 0.2.2 - updated deployment configuration. ## 0.2.0 - breaking change: renamed API methods `#ReadString` to `#ReadLine`, `#ReadAllStrings` to `#ReadWords` and `#LinesFromReader` to `#ReadLines`. ## 0.1.0 - first release.