Toggle Symbol for Sublime Text 2/3 ================================== A plugin useful for ruby developers. It toggles single and double quoted words into symbols and string. Only changing quotations for a semi colon here. - :dude -> 'dude' - 'dude' -> "dude" - "dude" -> :dude Install ------- Clone this repo into - OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/ - Windows: %APPDATA%/Sublime Text 2/Packages/ - Linux: ~/.Sublime Text 2/Packages/ If you're using Sublime 3, make that 2 a 3 and Bob's your uncle. Troubleshooting --------------- The default keymapping for this plugin is "ctrl+shift+;". That requires an american keyboard layout to work. If you're not running an american keyboard, try changing that to something you use. "ctrl+shift+," might do the trick? Go to the menu Preferences -> Key Binding - User and add this to the hash. { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+,"], "command": "toggle_symbol" } That should work.