#!/usr/bin/perl # coding: utf-8 eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; # not running under some shell =head1 NAME tv_grab_fr_telerama - Grab TV listings for France. =head1 SYNOPSIS To configure: tv_grab_fr --configure [--config-file FILE] To grab listings: tv_grab_fr [--config-file FILE] [--output FILE] [--days N] [--offset N] [--quiet] [--perdays] [--perweeks] [--ch_prefix prefix] [--ch_postfix postfix] [--no_cryptedcplus] [--no_cryptedpprem] To show capabilities: tv_grab_fr --capabilities To show version: tv_grab_fr --version Help: tv_grab_fr --help =head1 DESCRIPTION Output TV listings for several channels available in France (Hertzian, Cable/satellite, Canal+ Sat). The data comes from the api for the iphone app of Telerama The default is to grab as many days as possible from the current day onwards. The program description are downloaded. B<--configure-more-channels> Use this option to create AUTRES CHAINES list. This allow to grab listings for some channels that are not in automatically generated lists. B<--configure> Grab channels informations from the website and ask for channel type and names. B<--config-file FILE> Use FILE as config file instead of the default config file. This allow to have different config files for i.e. different apps. B<--gui OPTION> Use this option to enable a graphical interface to be used. OPTION may be 'Tk', or left blank for the best available choice. Additional allowed values of OPTION are 'Term' for normal terminal output (default) and 'TermNoProgressBar' to disable the use of Term::ProgressBar. B<--output FILE> Write to FILE rather than standard output. B<--days N> Grab N days starting from today, rather than as many as possible. Due to the website organization, the speed depends on the --days value Default value is 11. B<--offset N> Start grabbing N days from today, rather than starting today. N may be negative. Due to the website organization, N cannot be inferior to -1.Default value is 0 B<--ch_prefix S> (string): string to add at the begining of XMLTV channel id Default value is "C" B<--ch_postfix S> (string): string to add at the end of XMLTV channel id Default value is ".telerama.fr" B<--quiet> Suppress the progress messages normally written to standard error. B<--perdays> Actually do nothing since "per days" is already set as default grabbing mode. This option is kept in the event of "per weeks" set back as default. In this case, it could be use to activate the "per days" grabbing mode. B<--perweeks> Actually do nothing since "per days" is already forced as default B<--capabilities> Show which capabilities the grabber supports. For more information, see L B<--version> Show the version of the grabber. B<--help> Print a help message and exit. B<--delay I> Règle le delai maximum I en secondes entre 2 requetes au serveur. Defaut 2 B<--no_cryptedcplus> Cache les programmes crypté de Canal+. B<--no_cryptedpprem> Cache les programmes crypté de Paris Première. =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHOR Zubrick, zubricknumber6ch Contributed by patrick-g pgnltechfreefr Contributed by hamelg =head1 LICENSE This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . =head1 CHANGELOG 1.8 Suppression de l'option --slow ne servait plus Ajout des option --ch_prefix et --ch_postfix pour définir le prefix et le suffixe du channel id. Par defaut "C" et ".telerama.fr" (conforme à l'existant) Correction de la description du programme dans l'entête Augmentation du nombre de jours récupérés par défaut (11) Ajout de la licence d'utilisation (GPL v3+ comme xmltv) Correction définitive (je pense) des problèmes d'encodage UTF8 (le xml généré passe xmltv:tv_validate_file) Diminution du délai entre 2 captures de page (malgré les dizaine d'essais que j'ai effectués, ça n'a pas posé de problème) Correction de l'entête du fichier xml généré qui indiquait toujours telepoche. Suppression du code mort (routines gérant le site de telepoche) Suppression de la routine tidy (puisque les problème d'encodage sont résolus smile ) Correction de la récupération de l'image du programme (URL incorrecte), maintenant on peut afficher la petite photo Les informations suivantes sont maintenant récupérées : - Durée (corrigée) - Présence de sous-titrage (onscreen ou teletexte) - Scénariste(s) - Présentateur(s) - Invité(s) - Compositeur(s), il faut une version de xmltv >= 5.58 - stereo/dolby/dolby digital/surround/VM (problème dans le format xmltv actuel : il ne peut y avoir qu'un seul de ces choix on ne peut pas décrire une VM en dolby digital par exemple) - Titre original (s'il est présent) - Pays d'origine - Première diffusion/Inédit - Rediffusion - Format (4:3 ou 16:9) - Qualité de la vidéo (HD ou rien) - Critique - Gestion du rating CSA (Tout Public/-10/-12/-16/-18) avec URL de la signalétique quand elle existe. - Nombre d'étoiles. 1.9 Suppression de l'ancien rating 1.10 Suppression de l'option --verytv, le serveur n'est plus accessible au public. Ajout de l'option --delay 1.11 Suppression des restes du patch de tigerlol sur les chevauchements d'horaire. Ce patch ne concernait que le site de télépoche. 1.12 Correction de --list-channel qui ne marchait plus depuis la version 1.7 au moins et --configure que j'avais cassé en corrigeant les Pb d'encodage. 1.13 Correction nom de fichier de l'icone des chaine (il manquait un point devant le gif). Merci à Piratebab et Gilles74. Ajout de la possibilité d'afficher la ligne de commande (voir $DEBUG_CMD) 1.14 Inversion des positions de la saison et de l'épisode dans la description. 1.15 Correction d'un oubli dans le traitement des numéros d'épisode, si le nombre d'épisodes était absent, le numéro n'était pas récupéré. Ajout du traitement du nombre de saison. 1.16 Correction du format du star-rating. Modification regexp de récupération de l'année qui ne marchait plus 1.17 Si un fichier './logo-path.txt' existe, il est utilisé pour déterminer le chemin vers les logos des chaines lorsqu'on utilise l'option --configure. La version fournie est une version corrigée de lookup_tv_grab_fr_telerama.tx, il pointe donc vers les logos de lyngsat. Il utilise la même syntaxe mais le champ chid n'est pas utilisé. De cette façon le fichier de conf et le fichier xml généré pointe directement vers les bons logos. 1.18 Correction de quelques variables réguilère l'année et le réalisateur 1.19 Correction d'un bug dans le cas ou un $ est mis à la fin du titre ou dans d'autre champs. 1.20 Ajout de 2 options pour filtrer les programmes cryptés de Canal+ et Paris Première. 1.21 Le CSA ayant supprimé de son site les pictogrammes de rating dans un format exploitable, remplacement des URL par celle de Wikimedia Commons. Ajout initialisation oubliée de la variable $crypted. Traitement des réalisateurs multiples (comme pour les acteurs) Correction détection de sous-champ "Stéréo" Correction récupération du sous-champs "Durée" : il n'était plus reconnu et la gestion de l'unité n'était pas faite. Suppression variable $showview qui n'était plus utilisé. Le format des pages récupérées de Télérama a légérement changé : Ajout du sous-champ "Rediffusion :" suivi de la date de la prochaine redif. (n'est pas pris en compte par XMLTV, mais pollue le sous-champ "Rediffusion" (sans les ':') 1.22 L'api verytv utilisée n'es plus fonctionnelle, adaptation a une nouvelle api Il reste des problème d'encodage à régler 1.23 Essaie encore une fois en cas d'erreur http. après skip la chaine 1.24 Corrections de bug au décodage du json 1.25 Bug fixes 1.26 Encodage utf8 correcte et correction d'un bug pour le flag stereo 1.27 Correction de certains champs 1.28 Ajout api_cle =cut use XMLTV::Usage < "all"); # Slot of hours according to the website (needed to build the URL) my @offsets = (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); # Slot of days for day per day grabbing # my @days = (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9); my $Delay = 5; # in seconds my $FailOnError = 1; # Fail on fetch error my %errors = (); my $last_get_time; # my $progexist; # my %prevprog; # my $prevtitle; # my $prevstart; # my $prevstop; my $channel_postfix = ".api.telerama.fr"; my $channel_prefix = "C"; # Set this to 1 of you want to print command line my $DEBUG_CMD = 0; #*************************************************************************** # Global variables allocation according to options #*************************************************************************** XMLTV::Memoize::check_argv('XMLTV::Get_nice::get_nice_aux'); ##patch: tigerlol: correction des chevauchements d'horaire my ($opt_days, $opt_help, $opt_output, $opt_per_days, $opt_per_weeks, $opt_offset, $opt_gui, $opt_quiet, $opt_list_channels, $opt_config_file, $opt_configure, $opt_morechannels, $opt_logo_path, $no_cryptedcplus, $no_cryptedpprem ); ##/patch # debug if ($DEBUG_CMD) { print $0." | ".join(" | ", @ARGV), "\n\n"; } $opt_per_weeks = 0; $opt_quiet = 0; # The website is able to store at least 11 days from now my $default_opt_days = 11; $opt_output = '-'; # standard output GetOptions('days=i' => \$opt_days, 'help' => \$opt_help, 'output=s' => \$opt_output, 'offset=i' => \$opt_offset, 'quiet' => \$opt_quiet, 'configure' => \$opt_configure, 'config-file=s' => \$opt_config_file, 'gui:s' => \$opt_gui, 'list-channels' => \$opt_list_channels, 'perdays' => \$opt_per_days, 'perweeks' => \$opt_per_weeks, 'ch_prefix=s' => \$channel_prefix, 'ch_postfix=s' => \$channel_postfix, 'no_cryptedcplus' => \$no_cryptedcplus, 'no_cryptedpprem' => \$no_cryptedpprem, ##Gestion des channels non declares dans les listes "officielles" 'configure-more-channels' => \$opt_morechannels, 'delay=i' => \$Delay ) or usage(0); my $CHANNEL_GRID; my $CHANNEL_GRID_PAGE; my $ROOT_URL; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $CHANNEL_GRID = '/v1/application/initialisation'; $CHANNEL_GRID_PAGE = "/v1/programmes/telechargement"; $ROOT_URL = 'https://api.telerama.fr'; $ua->agent("okhttp/3.2.0"); $ua->env_proxy; #*************************************************************************** # Options processing, warnings, checks and default parameters #*************************************************************************** die 'Number of days must not be negative' if (defined $opt_days && $opt_days < 0); die 'Cannot get more than one day before current day' if (defined $opt_offset && $opt_offset < -1); usage(1) if $opt_help; XMLTV::Ask::init($opt_gui); # The options can be used, but we default them if not set. $opt_offset = 0 if not defined $opt_offset; $opt_days = $default_opt_days if not defined $opt_days; # Force the per days option in all cases if ( $opt_per_weeks == 0 ) { $opt_per_days = 1; } if ( (($opt_offset + $opt_days) > $default_opt_days) or ($opt_offset > $default_opt_days) ) { $opt_days = $default_opt_days - $opt_offset; if ($opt_days < 0) { $opt_offset = 0; $opt_days = $default_opt_days; } say < 'configure', $opt_list_channels => 'list-channels', $opt_morechannels => 'confmorechannels' ); # File that stores which channels to download. my $config_file = XMLTV::Config_file::filename($opt_config_file, 'tv_grab_fr_telerama', $opt_quiet); # get channel logo path in conf file #*********************************** $opt_logo_path = "false"; if (-e "./logo-path.txt") { $opt_logo_path = "true"; open(FILE, "./logo-path.txt") or die("Unable to open file"); @data = ; close(FILE); foreach $chan (@data) { # print STDERR "Ligne Logo : " . $chan . "\n"; @name_url = split('\|', $chan); # $xmltvid_map{$name_url[0]} = $name_url[1]; $icon_map{$name_url[0]} = $name_url[2]; # print $name_url[0]."|".$name_url[2]."\n"; } } #*************************************************************************** # Sub sections #*************************************************************************** sub get_channels( ); sub return_other_channels( ); sub build_other_channel_filename(); sub get_more_channel_icon( $ ); sub process_channel_grid_page( $$$$ ); sub debug_print( @ ); sub get_page( $ ); sub mkurl($$) { my ($u, %p) = ($_[0], %{$_[1]}); my $l; $p{'appareil'} = 'android_tablette'; foreach(sort keys %p) { $l .= "$_$p{$_}"; } $p{'api_signature'} = hmac_sha1_hex("$u$l", 'Eufea9cuweuHeif'); $p{'api_cle'} = 'apitel-5304b49c90511'; return "$ROOT_URL$u?".join '&', map {"$_=$p{$_}"} keys %p; } # Set this to 1 of you debug strings my $DEBUG_FR = 0; # Internal debug functions sub debug_print( @ ) { if ($DEBUG_FR) { print STDERR @_; } } sub xmlencoding { # encode for xml $_[0] =~ s//>/g; $_[0] =~ s/&/\%26/g; return $_[0]; } #debug_print( "my Mode : " . $mode ."\n"); #*************************************************************************** # Configure mode #*************************************************************************** if ($mode eq 'configure') { XMLTV::Config_file::check_no_overwrite($config_file); open(CONF, ">$config_file") or die "Cannot write to $config_file: $!"; #my $bar = new XMLTV::ProgressBar('getting channel lists', scalar grep { $_ } @gtwant) if not $opt_quiet; my %channels_for; my %channels = get_channels(); die 'No channels could be found' if not %channels; my %asked; # Ask about each channel (unless already asked). my @chs = grep { not $asked{$_}++ } sort keys %channels; my @names = map { $channels{$_}{name} } @chs; my @qs = map { "add channel $_?" } @names; my @want = ask_many_boolean(1, @qs); foreach (@chs) { my $w = shift @want; warn("cannot read input, stopping channel questions"), last if not defined $w; # Print a config line, but comment it out if channel not wanted. print CONF '#' if not $w; print CONF "channel $_ $channels{$_}{name};$channels{$_}{icon}\n"; } close CONF or warn "cannot close $config_file: $!"; say("Finished configuration."); exit(); } #*************************************************************************** # "Configure more channels" mode #*************************************************************************** sub display_otherchannels_list(\%) { my %chlist = %{(shift)}; say ">>>>>> Current list <<<<<<"; foreach my $chid (keys %chlist) { say "Channel ID: ". $chid." - Name: " . $chlist{$chid}{name} . " - Icon: ". $chlist{$chid}{icon}; } say ">>>>>> List end <<<<<<"; } if ($mode eq 'confmorechannels') { # Display info message, pointing to the forum thread my $input_file_notempty = 0; my %morechannels = return_other_channels(); display_otherchannels_list(%morechannels); if ( (scalar keys %morechannels) > 0 ) { $input_file_notempty= 1; } my $choice = ""; my ($chid, $chname, $chicon); while ( !($choice eq "exit")) { $choice = ask_choice( "Select command to configure OTHERCHANNELS", "add", ("add", "remove", "view list", "save&exit", "exit") ); my $exit = 0; if ($choice eq "add" ) { while ($exit == 0) { $chid = ask('Enter channel ID : '); $chname = ask('Enter channel name : '); if ( !($chid =~ /^[0-9]*$/) ) { say ("Enter a numeric value for channel id"); } else { if ( $chname eq "" ) { say ("Enter a string for the name of the channel"); } else { $exit = 1; } } } say("Testing channel $chid - $chname ..."); my $chicon = get_more_channel_icon( $chid ); $morechannels{$chid} = {'name'=>$chname, 'icon'=>$chicon}; } if ($choice eq "remove" ) { display_otherchannels_list(%morechannels); my $chid = ask('Enter the channel id to remove it (see list above): '); if ( defined $morechannels{$chid} ) { $chname = $morechannels{$chid}{name}; delete $morechannels{$chid}; say ("Channel $chname removed"); } else { say("Channel $chid does not exist in the list"); } } if ($choice eq "view list" ) { display_otherchannels_list(%morechannels); } if ($choice eq "save&exit") { my $morechannels_file = build_other_channel_filename(); # Then write the file if ( (scalar keys %morechannels) > 0 ) { open(CONFMORE, ">$morechannels_file") or die "Cannot write to $morechannels_file: $!"; foreach $chid (keys %morechannels) { if (!( $morechannels{$chid}{name} eq 'DELETED' )) { print CONFMORE "channel $chid $morechannels{$chid}{name};$morechannels{$chid}{icon}\n"; } } close CONFMORE or warn "cannot close $morechannels_file: $!"; display_otherchannels_list(%morechannels); say ('Channel list saved. Launch now a --configure mode to add them into the legacy config'); } else { unlink ($morechannels_file); say ('No channels to be configure, file deleted.'); } $choice = "exit"; } } say("Finished configuration for OTHERCHANNELS."); exit(); } #*************************************************************************** # Check mode checking and get configuration file #*************************************************************************** die if $mode ne 'grab' and $mode ne 'list-channels'; # debug_print( "my Mode : " . $mode ."\n"); my @config_lines; if ($mode eq 'grab') { @config_lines = XMLTV::Config_file::read_lines($config_file); } #*************************************************************************** # Prepare the XMLTV writer object #*************************************************************************** my %w_args; if (defined $opt_output) { my $fh = new IO::File(">$opt_output"); die "cannot write to $opt_output: $!" if not defined $fh; $w_args{OUTPUT} = $fh; } $w_args{ENCODING} = 'utf-8'; #$w_args{days} = $opt_days; #$w_args{offset} = $opt_offset; #$w_args{cutoff} = "000000"; my $writer = new XMLTV::Writer(%w_args); $writer->start ({ 'source-info-url' => $ROOT_URL, 'source-data-url' => $ROOT_URL, 'generator-info-name' => 'XMLTV', 'generator-info-url' => 'http://mythtv-fr.org/', }); #*************************************************************************** # List channels only case #*************************************************************************** # debug_print( "my Mode : " . $mode ."\n"); if ($mode eq 'list-channels') { # Get a list of available channels, according to the grid type # my @gts = sort keys %GridType; # my @gtnames = map { $GridType{$_} } @gts; # my @gtqs = map { "List channels for grid : $_?" } @gts; # my @gtwant = ask_many_boolean(1, @gtqs); my %seen; # debug_print( "Entering list-channels\n"); # foreach (@gts) { # debug_print( "In foreach\n"); # my $gtw = shift @gtwant; # my $gtname = shift @gtnames; # if ($gtw) { # say "Now getting grid : $_ \n"; my %channels = get_channels( ); die 'no channels could be found' if (scalar(keys(%channels)) == 0); foreach my $ch_did (sort(keys %channels)) { my $ch_xid = $channel_prefix.$ch_did.$channel_postfix; $writer->write_channel({ id => $ch_xid, 'display-name' => [ [ $channels{$ch_did}{name} ] ], # 'icon' => [{src=>$ROOT_URL.$channels{$ch_did}{icon}}] }) 'icon' => [{src=> $channels{$ch_did}{icon} }] }) unless $seen{$ch_xid}++; } # } # } $writer->end(); exit(); } #*************************************************************************** # Now the real grabbing work #*************************************************************************** die if $mode ne 'grab'; #*************************************************************************** # Build the working list of channel name/channel id #*************************************************************************** my (%channels, $chicon, $chid, $chname); my $line_num = 1; foreach (@config_lines) { ++ $line_num; next if not defined; # Here we store the Channel name with the ID in the config file, as the XMLTV id = Website ID if (/^channel:?\s+(\S+)\s+([^\#]+);([^\#]+)/) { $chid = $1; $chname = $2; $chicon = $3; $chname =~ s/\s*$//; $channels{$line_num} = {'chid'=>$chid, 'name'=>$chname, 'icon'=>$chicon}; } else { warn "$config_file:$line_num: bad line $_\n"; } } #*************************************************************************** # Now process the days by getting the main grids. #*************************************************************************** my @to_get; warn "No working channels configured, so no listings\n" if not %channels; my $script_duration = time(); # The website stores channel information by hour area for a whole week ! my $ind; foreach $ind (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %channels) { my $chid = $channels{$ind}{chid}; my $url; my $i; my $dayoff; $writer->write_channel({ id => $channel_prefix.$chid.$channel_postfix, 'display-name' => [[$channels{$ind}{name}]], 'icon' => [{src=>$channels{$ind}{icon}}]}); if ( $opt_per_days ) { for ($i=$opt_offset; $i < $opt_offset+$opt_days; $i++ ) { #debug_print( "i: $i\n"); $dayoff = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", gmtime(time() + 3600 * 24 * $i)); #debug_print( "dayoff : " . gmtime(time() + 3600 * 24 * $i) ."\n"); $url = mkurl($CHANNEL_GRID_PAGE, { 'dates' => "$dayoff", 'id_chaines' => "$chid", 'nb_par_page' => "100" }); push @to_get, [ $url, $chid, $i ]; } } else { foreach (@offsets) { #$url = $GRID_BY_CHANNEL . "$chid&h=$_"; push @to_get, [ $url, $chid, $_ ]; } } } my $bar = new XMLTV::ProgressBar('getting listings', scalar @to_get) if not $opt_quiet; Date_Init('SetDate=now,UTC'); foreach (@to_get) { my ($url, $chid, $slot) = @$_; process_channel_grid_page($writer, $chid, $url, $slot); update $bar if not $opt_quiet; } $writer->end(); $bar->finish() if not $opt_quiet; # Print the duration $script_duration = time() - $script_duration; print STDERR "Grabber process finished in " . $script_duration . " seconds.\n" if not $opt_quiet; #*************************************************************************** # Specific functions for grabbing information #*************************************************************************** # Build the filename used to stored channels configured manually sub build_other_channel_filename() { # Get the file name/path for OTHERCHANNELS my $home = $ENV{HOME}; $home = '.' if not defined $home; my $conf_dir = "$home/.xmltv"; (-d $conf_dir) or mkdir($conf_dir, 0777) or die "cannot mkdir $conf_dir: $!"; return "$conf_dir/OTHERCHANNELS"; } # Return the tables of the channels built manally sub return_other_channels( ) { my $morechannels_file = build_other_channel_filename(); my @morechannels_lines; if (-e $morechannels_file && ((-s $morechannels_file)>0) ) { @morechannels_lines = XMLTV::Config_file::read_lines($morechannels_file); } my %morechannels; my ($chid, $chname, $chicon); my $line_num = 0; # Build the table and display foreach (@morechannels_lines) { next if not defined; # Here we store the Channel name with the ID in the config file, as the XMLTV id = Website ID if (/^channel:?\s+(\S+)\s+([^\#]+);([^\#]+)/) { $chid = $1; $chname = $2; $chicon = $3; $chname =~ s/\s*$//; $morechannels{$chid} = {'name'=>$chname, 'icon'=>$chicon}; } $line_num++; } return %morechannels; } # Return the link to the icon. Parameter : channel id sub get_more_channel_icon( $ ) { my $chid = shift; my $today = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime()); my $url;# = $CHECK_CHANNEL_URL.$chid.'/telepoche/soiree/'.$today; print $chid; # Get the current page my $t = get_nice_tree($url); debug_print( "URL : " . $url ."\n"); # Set by default an EMPTY logo my $chicon = "EMPTY"; foreach my $cellTree ( $t->look_down( "_tag", "img") ) { my $chiconsrc = $cellTree->attr('src'); if ( $chiconsrc =~ /\/medias\/chaines\/(.*)/ ) { $chicon = "http://telepoche.guidetele.com/medias/chaines/".$1; } } $t->delete(); undef $t; return $chicon; } #Get the channel from a grid id, including OTHERCHANNELS mode sub get_channels( ) { my %channels; # Get the current page my $page = get_page(mkurl($CHANNEL_GRID, {})); #debug_print( "URL : " . $CHANNEL_GRID ."\n"); # debug_print($page); my $json_hash = decode_json($page); my $chicon = ""; my @lines = @{ $json_hash->{'donnees'}{'chaines'} }; foreach my $line ( @lines ) { #debug_print "Found line : " . $line . "\n"; # print Dumper($line); $chid = $line->{'id'}; $chname = $line->{'nom'}; if ( $chname eq "" ) { $chname = "???" } #debug_print "Found channel : " . $chid . " - " . $chname . "\n"; $channelnames[$chid] = $chname; $chicon = $line->{'logo'}; $channels{$chid} = {'name' => $chname, 'icon' => $chicon }; # print "icon : ".$channels{$chid}{icon}." \n"; } my @mygenres = @{ $json_hash->{'donnees'}{'genres'} }; foreach my $genre ( @mygenres ) { $genres[$genre->{'id'}] = $genre->{'libelle'}; } undef $page; return %channels; } sub get_page_json( $ ) { my $url = shift; my $page = get_page($url); #$page =~ s/\\u0000//g; #$page =~ s/\\u00ad//g; #$page =~ s/\\u00bb//g; #debug_print("Getting URL : ".$url."\n"); #$page =~ tr/\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F//d; my $json_hash; eval { $json_hash = JSON->new->utf8(1)->decode($page); } or do { $json_hash->{'donnees'} = []; }; undef $page; return $json_hash; } sub process_channel_grid_page( $$$$ ) { my ($writer, $chid, $url, $slot) = @_; if (!@genres) { get_channels(); } my $json_hash = get_page_json( $url ); if (!$json_hash->{'status'} || $json_hash->{'status'} != 200) { print STDERR "Status différent de 200, essai de nouveau"; $json_hash = get_page_json( $url ); } #print "Getting URL : ".$url."\n"; my @lines = @{ $json_hash->{'donnees'} }; foreach my $line ( @lines ) { # debug_print "Found line : " . $line . "\n"; #print STDERR Dumper($line); $chid = $line->{'id_chaine'}; my $startdate = $line->{'horaire'}{'debut'}; my $enddate = $line->{'horaire'}{'fin'}; my $title = $line->{'titre'}; my $description = ""; $description = $line->{'resume'} if ($line->{'resume'}) ; my $genre = $line->{'id_genre'} ? $line->{'id_genre'} : 0; my $genretext = ""; $genretext = $genres[$genre] if ($genre); my $critic = ""; # debug_print("possede_critique : ".$line->{'possede_critique'}."\n"); # debug_print("possede_notule : ".$line->{'possede_notule'}."\n"); if ($line->{'possede_critique'} == 1) { $critic = $line->{'critique'}; # debug_print("critique : ".$critic."\n"); } elsif ($line->{'possede_notule'} == 1) { $critic = $line->{'notule'}; # debug_print("notule : ".$critic."\n"); } my $stars = $line->{'note_telerama'}; my $chname = $channelnames[$chid]; my $imgurl= $line->{'vignette'}{'grande'}; $startdate =~ tr/:\$\ -//d; $enddate =~ tr/:\$\ -//d; $startdate = utc_offset( $startdate, "+0100"); $enddate = utc_offset( $enddate , "+0100"); my %prog = (channel => $channel_prefix.$chid.$channel_postfix, title => [ [ $line->{'titre'} ] ], # lang unknown start => $startdate, stop => $enddate ); #debug_print($start.">".$stop."\n"); ##### my $crypted = 0; if ( $no_cryptedcplus && $channelnames[$chid] =~ m/Canal+/ ) { $crypted = 1; } if ( $no_cryptedpprem && $channelnames[$chid] =~ m/Paris Première/ ) { $crypted = 1; } #### my $subgenre = $line->{'genre_specifique'}; my $episode = $line->{'serie'}{'numero_episode'}; my $season = $line->{'serie'}{'saison'}; my $episode_text = "Episode:".$episode if ($episode); my $season_text = "Saison:".$season if ($season); my $epstring; my $rating2; if ($line->{'CSA'} && $line->{'CSA'} eq "TP") { $rating2 = 1; } $prog{length} = str2time($line->{'horaire'}{'fin'}) - str2time($line->{'horaire'}{'debut'}); $prog{'sub-title'} = [ [ $line->{'soustitre'} ] ] if ($line->{'soustitre'}); my @cast = @{ $line->{'intervenants'} } if ($line->{'intervenants'}); foreach my $people (@cast) { my $ctype = $people->{'libelle'}; my $cname = $people->{'prenom'}." ".$people->{'nom'}; $cname = $cname." (".$people->{'role'}.")" if ($people->{'role'}); if ($ctype =~ m/Acteur/ || $ctype =~ m/Interpr.+te/ ) { push @{$prog{credits}{actor}}, $cname; } elsif ($ctype =~ m/R.+alisateur/ || $ctype =~ m/Metteur en Sc.+ne/) { push @{$prog{credits}{director}}, $cname; } elsif ($ctype =~ m/Pr.+sentateur/ || $ctype =~ m/pr.+sentateur/) { push @{$prog{credits}{presenter}}, $cname; } elsif ($ctype =~ m/Musique/) { push @{$prog{credits}{composer}}, $cname; } elsif ($ctype =~ m/Cr.+ateur/ || $ctype =~ m/Auteur/ || $ctype =~ m/Sc.+nariste/ || $ctype =~ m/Sc.+nario/ || $ctype =~ m/Dialogue/) { push @{$prog{credits}{writer}}, $cname; } else { push @{$prog{credits}{guest}}, $cname; } } $prog{'date'} = $line->{'annee_realisation'} if ($line->{'annee_realisation'}); $prog{country} = [[$line->{'libelle_nationalite'}]] if ($line->{'libelle_nationalite'}); if ($line->{'flags'}{'est_ar16x9'} eq 'true') { $prog{video}{aspect} = "16:9"; } elsif ($line->{'flags'}{'est_ar4x3'} eq 'true') { $prog{video}{aspect} = "4:3"; } $prog{'audio'}{stereo} = "bilingual" if ($line->{'flags'}{'est_vm'} eq 'true'); #$prog{title_orig} = $line->{'titre_original'} if ($line->{'titre_original'}); $crypted = 0 if ($line->{'flags'}{'est_clair'} eq 'true'); $prog{subtitles} = [ { type => 'onscreen', language => ['fr'] } ] if ($line->{'flags'}{'est_vost'} eq 'true'); $prog{video}{quality} = "HDTV" if ($line->{'flags'}{'est_hd'} eq 'true'); $prog{premiere} = [] if ($line->{'flags'}{'est_inedit'} eq 'true'); $prog{'previously-shown'} = {} if ($line->{'flags'}{'est_redif'} eq 'true'); if ($line->{'flags'}{'est_stereo'} eq 'true') { $prog{'audio'}{stereo} = "stereo"; } elsif ($line->{'flags'}{'est_dolby'} eq 'true') { $prog{'audio'}{stereo} = "dolby"; } $prog{showview} = $line->{'showview'}; # skip crypted shows for Canal+ or Paris Premiere if ( ($chname =~ m/Canal+/) && ($crypted == 1) ) { next; } if ( ($chname =~ m/Paris Première/) && ($crypted == 1) ) { next; } if($episode) { $description = $episode_text." - ".$description; } if($season) { $description = $season_text." - ".$description; } $epstring = ""; if($episode || $season) { if ($season) { if($season =~ /(\d+)\/(\d+)/) { $epstring .= ($1-1)."/".$2; } else { if($season =~ /(\d+)/) { $epstring .= ($1-1); } } } $epstring .= "."; if ($episode) { if($episode =~ /(\d+)\/(\d+)/) { $epstring .= ($1-1)."/".$2; } else { if($episode =~ /(\d+)/) { $epstring .= ($1-1); } } } $epstring .= "."; push @{$prog{'episode-num'}}, [$epstring,"xmltv_ns"]; } if ($line->{'vignettes'}{'grande'}) { push @{$prog{icon}}, {src => $line->{'vignettes'}{'grande'}}; } if ($genre > 0 && defined $genretext) { push @{$prog{category}}, [ xmlencoding(lc($genretext)), $LANG ]; } if (defined $subgenre && $subgenre ne '') { push @{$prog{category}}, [ xmlencoding(lc($subgenre)), $LANG ]; } if ( $description ne "" ) { if($critic) { $description = $description." - Critique : ".$critic; } $description =~ tr/\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F//d; push @{$prog{desc}}, [$description, $LANG ]; } if ($rating2) { push @{$prog{rating}}, [ "Tout public", "CSA", [] ]; } # étoiles $prog{'star-rating'} = [$stars."/5"] if ($stars); #debug_print($title." - ".$startdate." - ".$enddate."\n"); #debug_print("genre : ".$genretext." - ".$subgenre."\n"); #debug_print("description : ".$description."\n"); #debug_print("genre : ".$genretext."\n"); $writer->write_programme(\%prog); } } # use an integrated sub to set a specific user agent sub get_page( $ ) { my $url = shift; if (defined $last_get_time) { # A page has already been retrieved recently. See if we need # to sleep for a while before getting the next page - being # nice to the server. my $next_get_time = $last_get_time + (rand $Delay); my $sleep_time = $next_get_time - time(); sleep $sleep_time if $sleep_time > 0; } my $r = $ua->get($url); # Then start the delay from this time on the next fetch - so we # make the gap _between_ requests rather than from the start of # one request to the start of the next. This punishes modem users # whose individual requests take longer, but it also punishes # downloads that take a long time for other reasons (large file, # slow server) so it's about right. $last_get_time = time(); if ($r->is_error) { # In case of error try at least one more time. # Skip the channel if it fails again # #die "could not fetch $url, error: " . $r->status_line . ", aborting\n" if $FailOnError; $errors{$url} = $r->status_line; print STDERR "Erreur ".$errors{$url}." en récupérant ".$url."\n"; sleep 3; my $r = $ua->get($url); if ($r->is_error) { print STDERR "Seconde erreur ".$errors{$url}." en récupérant ".$url."\n"; return undef; } else { return $r->content; } } else { debug_print "Récupération de ".$url."\n"; return $r->content; } }