from __future__ import print_function import glob import shutil import subprocess from os import mkdir, path, rmdir, rename, remove, stat from boxbranding import getMachineBuild, getMachineMtdRoot, getBoxType, getMachineName from Components.Console import Console from Components.SystemInfo import SystemInfo from Tools.Directories import pathExists Imagemount = "/tmp/multibootcheck" Imageroot = "/tmp/imageroot" def getMBbootdevice(): if not path.isdir(Imagemount): mkdir(Imagemount) for device in ('/dev/block/by-name/bootoptions', '/dev/mmcblk0p1', '/dev/mmcblk1p1', '/dev/mmcblk0p3', '/dev/mmcblk0p4'): if path.exists(device): Console().ePopen("mount %s %s" % (device, Imagemount)) if path.isfile(path.join(Imagemount, "STARTUP")): print('[Multiboot] Startupdevice found:', device) return device Console().ePopen("umount %s" % Imagemount) if not path.ismount(Imagemount): rmdir(Imagemount) def getparam(line, param): return line.replace("userdataroot", "rootuserdata").rsplit('%s=' % param, 1)[1].split(' ', 1)[0] def getMultibootslots(): bootslots = {} if SystemInfo["MBbootdevice"]: if not path.isdir(Imagemount): mkdir(Imagemount) Console().ePopen("/bin/mount %s %s" % (SystemInfo["MBbootdevice"], Imagemount)) for file in glob.glob(path.join(Imagemount, "STARTUP_*")): if "STARTUP_RECOVERY" in file: SystemInfo["RecoveryMode"] = True print("[multiboot] [getMultibootslots] RecoveryMode is set to:%s" % SystemInfo["RecoveryMode"]) slotnumber = file.rsplit("_", 3 if "BOXMODE" in file else 1)[1] if slotnumber.isdigit() and slotnumber not in bootslots: slot = {} for line in open(file).readlines(): # print "Multiboot getMultibootslots readlines = %s " %line if "root=" in line: line = line.rstrip("\n") device = getparam(line, "root") if path.exists(device): slot["device"] = device slot["startupfile"] = path.basename(file) if "sda" in line and not "rootsubdir" in line: slot["kernel"] = "/dev/sda%s" % line.split("sda", 1)[1].split(" ", 1)[0] slot["rootsubdir"] = None elif "mmcblk0p16" not in line and "rootsubdir" in line or "mmcblk0p23" not in line and "rootsubdir" in line: slot["kernel"] = "%s" % device else: slot["kernel"] = "%sp%s" % (device.split("p")[0], int(device.split("p")[1]) - 1) if "rootsubdir" in line: SystemInfo["HasRootSubdir"] = True print("[multiboot] [getMultibootslots] HasRootSubdir is set to:%s" % SystemInfo["HasRootSubdir"]) slot["rootsubdir"] = getparam(line, "rootsubdir") slot["kernel"] = getparam(line, "kernel") break if slot: bootslots[int(slotnumber)] = slot print("[multiboot1] getMultibootslots bootslots = %s" % bootslots) Console().ePopen("umount %s" % Imagemount) if not path.ismount(Imagemount): rmdir(Imagemount) return bootslots def GetCurrentImage(): if SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"]: slot = [x[-1] for x in open("/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/chosen/bootargs", "r").read().split() if x.startswith("rootsubdir")] if slot: return int(slot[0]) else: device = getparam(open("/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/chosen/bootargs", "r").read(), "root") for slot in list(SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"].keys()): if SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][slot]["device"] == device: return slot def GetCurrentKern(): if SystemInfo["HasRootSubdir"]: return SystemInfo["HasRootSubdir"] and (int(open("/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/chosen/bootargs", "r").read()[:-1].split("kernel=/dev/mmcblk0p")[1].split(" ")[0])) def GetCurrentRoot(): if SystemInfo["HasRootSubdir"]: return SystemInfo["HasRootSubdir"] and (int(open("/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/chosen/bootargs", "r").read()[:-1].split("root=/dev/mmcblk0p")[1].split(" ")[0])) def GetCurrentImageMode(): return bool(SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"]) and SystemInfo["canMode12"] and int(open("/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/chosen/bootargs", "r").read().replace("\0", "").split("=")[-1]) def GetSTARTUPFile(): if SystemInfo["HAScmdline"]: return "cmdline.txt" else: return "STARTUP" def ReadSTARTUP(): return SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"] and open('/tmp/startupmount/%s' % GetSTARTUPFile(), 'r').read() def GetBoxName(): box = getBoxType() machinename = getMachineName() if box in ('uniboxhd1', 'uniboxhd2', 'uniboxhd3'): box = "ventonhdx" elif box == 'odinm6': box = getMachineName().lower() elif box == "inihde" and machinename.lower() == "xpeedlx": box = "xpeedlx" elif box in ('xpeedlx1', 'xpeedlx2'): box = "xpeedlx" elif box == "inihde" and machinename.lower() == "hd-1000": box = "sezam-1000hd" elif box == "ventonhdx" and machinename.lower() == "hd-5000": box = "sezam-5000hd" elif box == "ventonhdx" and machinename.lower() == "premium twin": box = "miraclebox-twin" elif box == "xp1000" and machinename.lower() == "sf8 hd": box = "sf8" elif box.startswith('et') and not box in ('et8000', 'et8500', 'et8500s', 'et10000'): box = box[0:3] + 'x00' elif box == 'odinm9': box = 'maram9' elif box.startswith('sf8008m'): box = "sf8008m" elif box.startswith('sf8008'): box = "sf8008" elif box.startswith('ustym4kpro'): box = "ustym4kpro" elif box.startswith('twinboxlcdci'): box = "twinboxlcd" return box class GetImagelist(): MOUNT = 0 UNMOUNT = 1 def __init__(self, callback): if SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"]: self.slots = sorted(list(SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"].keys())) self.callback = callback self.imagelist = {} if not path.isdir(Imageroot): mkdir(Imageroot) self.container = Console() self.phase = self.MOUNT else: callback({}) def run(self): if self.phase == self.UNMOUNT: self.container.ePopen("umount %s" % Imageroot, self.appClosed) else: self.slot = self.slots.pop(0) self.container.ePopen("mount %s %s" % (SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.slot]["device"], Imageroot), self.appClosed) def appClosed(self, data="", retval=0, extra_args=None): BuildVersion = " " Build = " " # ViX Build No. Dev = " " # ViX Dev No. Creator = " " # Openpli Openvix Openatv etc Date = " " BuildType = " " # release etc if retval: self.imagelist[self.slot] = {"imagename": _("Empty slot")} if retval == 0 and self.phase == self.MOUNT: if SystemInfo["HasRootSubdir"] and SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.slot]["rootsubdir"] != None: imagedir = ('%s/%s' % (Imageroot, SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.slot]["rootsubdir"])) else: imagedir = Imageroot if path.isfile("%s/usr/bin/enigma2" % imagedir): Creator = open("%s/etc/issue" % imagedir).readlines()[-2].capitalize().strip()[:-6].replace("-release", " rel") if Creator.startswith("Openvix"): reader = boxbranding_reader(imagedir) BuildType = reader.getImageType() Build = reader.getImageBuild() Dev = BuildType != "release" and " %s" % reader.getImageDevBuild() or "" BuildVersion = "%s %s %s %s" % (Creator, BuildType[0:3], Build, Dev) else: try: from datetime import datetime date = datetime.fromtimestamp(stat(path.join(imagedir, "var/lib/opkg/status")).st_mtime).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if date.startswith("1970"): date = datetime.fromtimestamp(stat(path.join(imagedir, "usr/share/bootlogo.mvi")).st_mtime).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") date = max(date, datetime.fromtimestamp(stat(path.join(imagedir, "usr/bin/enigma2")).st_mtime).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) except Exception: date = _("Unknown") BuildVersion = "%s (%s)" % (open(path.join(imagedir, "etc/issue")).readlines()[-2].capitalize().strip()[:-6], date) self.imagelist[self.slot] = {"imagename": "%s" % BuildVersion} else: self.imagelist[self.slot] = {"imagename": _("Empty slot")} if self.slots and SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.slot]["device"] == SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.slots[0]]["device"]: self.slot = self.slots.pop(0) self.appClosed() else: self.phase = self.UNMOUNT elif self.slots: self.phase = self.MOUNT else: self.container.killAll() if not path.ismount(Imageroot): rmdir(Imageroot) self.callback(self.imagelist) class boxbranding_reader: # Many thanks to Huevos for creating this reader - well beyond my skill levels! def __init__(self, OsPath): if pathExists("%s/usr/lib64" % OsPath): self.branding_path = "%s/usr/lib64/enigma2/python/" % OsPath else: self.branding_path = "%s/usr/lib/enigma2/python/" % OsPath self.branding_file = "" self.tmp_path = "/tmp/" self.helper_file = "" self.output = { "getMachineBuild": "", "getMachineProcModel": "", "getMachineBrand": "", "getMachineName": "", "getMachineMtdKernel": "", "getMachineKernelFile": "", "getMachineMtdRoot": "", "getMachineRootFile": "", "getMachineMKUBIFS": "", "getMachineUBINIZE": "", "getBoxType": "", "getBrandOEM": "", "getOEVersion": "", "getDriverDate": "", "getImageVersion": "", "getImageBuild": "", "getImageDistro": "", "getImageFolder": "", "getImageFileSystem": "", "getImageDevBuild": "", "getImageType": "", "getMachineMake": "", "getImageArch": "", "getFeedsUrl": "", } self.createHelperFile() self.copyBrandingFile() self.readBrandingFile() self.removeHelperFile() self.removeBrandingFile() self.addBrandingMethods() def readBrandingFile(self): # Reads and updates self.output output = eval(subprocess.check_output(["python", path.join(self.tmp_path, self.helper_file)])) if output: for att in list(self.output.keys()): self.output[att] = output[att] def addBrandingMethods(self): # This creates reader.getBoxType(), reader.getImageDevBuild(), etc loc = {} for att in list(self.output.keys()): exec("def %s(self): return self.output[\"%s\"]" % (att, att), None, loc) for name, value in loc.items(): setattr(boxbranding_reader, name, value) def createHelperFile(self): f = open(path.join(self.tmp_path, self.helper_file), "w+") f.write(self.helperFileContent()) f.close() def copyBrandingFile(self): shutil.copy2(path.join(self.branding_path, self.branding_file), path.join(self.tmp_path, self.branding_file)) def removeHelperFile(self): self.removeFile(path.join(self.tmp_path, self.helper_file)) def removeBrandingFile(self): self.removeFile(path.join(self.tmp_path, self.branding_file)) def removeFile(self, toRemove): if path.isfile(toRemove): remove(toRemove) def helperFileContent(self): out = [] out.append("try:") out.append("\timport boxbranding") out.append("\toutput = {") for att in self.output.keys(): out.append("\t\t\"%s\": boxbranding.%s()," % (att, att)) out.append("\t}") out.append("except Exception:") out.append("\t\toutput = None") out.append("print(output)") out.append("") return "\n".join(out) class EmptySlot(): MOUNT = 0 UNMOUNT = 1 def __init__(self, Contents, callback): if SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"]: self.slots = sorted(SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"].keys()) self.callback = callback self.imagelist = {} self.slot = Contents if not path.isdir(Imageroot): mkdir(Imageroot) self.container = Console() self.phase = self.MOUNT else: callback({}) def run(self): if self.phase == self.UNMOUNT: self.container.ePopen("umount %s" % Imageroot, self.appClosed) else: self.container.ePopen("mount %s %s" % (SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.slot]["device"], Imageroot), self.appClosed) def appClosed(self, data="", retval=0, extra_args=None): if retval == 0 and self.phase == self.MOUNT: if SystemInfo["HasRootSubdir"] and SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.slot]["rootsubdir"] != None: imagedir = ('%s/%s' % (Imageroot, SystemInfo["canMultiBoot"][self.slot]["rootsubdir"])) else: imagedir = Imageroot if path.isfile("%s/usr/bin/enigma2" % imagedir): rename("%s/usr/bin/enigma2" % imagedir, "%s/usr/bin/enigmax.bin" % imagedir) rename("%s/etc" % imagedir, "%s/etcx" % imagedir) self.phase = self.UNMOUNT else: self.container.killAll() if not path.ismount(Imageroot): rmdir(Imageroot) self.callback()