# Morse Code for Foundation This is a Sublime Text plugin that allows you to expand a shorthand grid syntax into full HTML, à la Emmet. Learn more about all of its features [here](http://zurb.com/playground/foundation-morse-code). ## Installing Install using [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/installation). It's not yet in the package registry, so you can install it by selecting "Package Control: Add Repository" in the command palette and pasting in this URL: ``` https://github.com/zurb/foundation-sublime.git ``` ## Example ``` sg12mg4,sg12mg8 ``` Expands to: ```html
``` ## Known Issues - The decoder will output a little funny if you break Foundation rules, like putting a column directly inside a column, a row directly inside a row, or a row and column as siblings. - If you run the encoder multiple times, all the previous HTML that's been parsed is also processed and output. I have *no idea why*, because every time you run the command it only feeds the parser the HTML you have selected, and somehow old HTML is persisting between runs of the command.