#!/bin/bash function detect_target () { if [[ "$target" =~ [-_.[:alnum:]]+@.+ ]]; then target=${BASH_REMATCH[0]} elif [[ "$target" =~ [a-zA-Z0-9_.]+ ]]; then # 域名 target=${BASH_REMATCH[0]} elif [[ "$target" == localhost ]]; then target=$target else echo "\`\$target' variable must be provided in your's scripts before $FUNCNAME." echo 'e.g. target=localhost or target=root@' exit fi } function extract_remote_script { awk "/^[[:space:]]*$*/,EOF" |tail -n +2 } function deploy_start { detect_target local preinstall="$(echo "$self" |extract_remote_script "export -f $FUNCNAME") $export_hooks export target=$target export targetip=$(echo $target |cut -d'@' -f2) sudo=$sudo _modifier=$USER echo '***********************************************************' echo Remote deploy scripts is started !! echo '***********************************************************' set -ue " local deploy_script="$preinstall$(cat $0 |extract_remote_script $FUNCNAME)" if [ -z "$SSH_CLIENT$SSH_TTY" ]; then set -u # 检测是否存在 bash perl ssh $target bash -c \"perl --version\" &>/dev/null if [ $? == 127 ]; then echo "remote host missing bash/perl, try to install it..." ssh $target 'opkg install bash perl' fi ssh $target bash <<< "$deploy_script" exit 0 fi } export -f deploy_start if ! which perl &>/dev/null; then if grep -qs 'Ubuntu\|Mint\|Debian' /etc/issue; then apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends perl elif grep -qs CentOS /etc/redhat-release; then yum install -y perl fi fi function append () { sed '$a'"$*" } function prepend () { sed "1i$*" } function copy () { detect_target if [ "$__use_scp" ]; then __scp "$@" return fi __rsync "$@" 2>/dev/null if [ $? == 127 ]; then echo "rsync is not installed in remote host, fallback to use scp command." __use_scp=true __scp "$@" fi } function __rsync () { local local_file remote_file remote_dir local_file=$1 remote_file=$2 remote_dir=$(dirname $remote_file) if [ ! -e "$local_file" ]; then echo "local file $local_file is missing ..." exit fi # -a 等价于: -rlptgoD, archive 模式: # -r --recursive, # -l --link, 拷贝符号链接自身, 这是没有使用 -a 的原因. # -p --perms 保留权限. # -t --times 保留修改时间. # -g --group 保留分组, 下面的三个选项当前 rsync 不需要. # -o --owner 保留 owner # -D 等价于: --devices --specials 保留设备文件,保留特殊文件. # 其他的一些选项 # -L --copy-links # -P 等价于: --partial --progress # -v --verbose # -u --update, 保留比 source 新的文件, 仅仅拷贝老的文件. # -h --human-readable, 输出人类可读的格式信息. # --rsh=ssh 这是默认你省略. # --rsync-path 这个命令的本意是, 用来指定远程服务器的 rsync 的路径, 例如: –rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync # 因为字符串在 shell 下被运行, 所以它可以是任何合法的命令或脚本. # --exclude '.*~' $sudo command rsync -htpPvr -z -L --rsync-path="mkdir -p $remote_dir && rsync" "$local_file" $target:"$remote_file" "${@:3}" } function __scp () { local local_file remote_file remote_dir local_file=$1 remote_file=$2 remote_dir=$(dirname $remote_file) if [ ! -e "$local_file" ]; then echo "local file $local_file is missing ..." exit fi ssh $target mkdir -p $remote_dir scp -r "$local_file" $target:"$remote_file" "${@:3}" } function reboot_task () { local exist_crontab=$(/usr/bin/crontab -l) if ! echo "$exist_crontab" |fgrep -qs -e "$*"; then echo "$exist_crontab" |append "@reboot $*" |/usr/bin/crontab - fi $* } function systemd () { local service=$1 cat > /etc/systemd/system/$1.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start $service systemctl enable $service systemctl status $service } function daemon () { local name=$1 local command=$2 getent passwd $name || useradd $name -s /sbin/nologin cat < /etc/systemd/system/$name.service [Unit] Description=$name Service After=network.target [Service] Type=simple User=$name ExecStart=$command ExecReload=/bin/kill -USR1 \$MAINPID Restart=on-abort LimitNOFILE=51200 LimitCORE=infinity LimitNPROC=51200 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target HEREDOC systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start $name systemctl enable $name systemctl status $name # 停止和关闭的命令如下: # systemctl stop shadowsocks # systemctl disable shadowsocks } function daemon1 () { local package_name=$1 local command=$2 if grep -qs CentOS /etc/redhat-release; then # Centos 需要 psmisc 来安装 killall yum install -y psmisc fi [ -e /etc/rc.func ] && mv /etc/rc.func /etc/rc.func.bak curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zw963/deployment_bash/master/rc.func > /etc/rc.func cat < /etc/init.d/$package_name #!/bin/sh ENABLED=yes PROCS=${command%% *} ARGS="${command#* }" PREARGS="" DESC=\$PROCS PATH=/opt/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin . /etc/rc.func HEREDOC chmod +x /etc/init.d/$package_name /etc/init.d/$package_name start } function rc_local () { local conf=/etc/rc.local fgrep -qs "$*" $conf || echo "$*" >> $conf chmod +x $conf && $* } function clone () { git clone --depth=5 "$@" } function wait () { echo "Waiting $* to exit ..." while pgrep "^$*\$" &>/dev/null; do echo -n '.' sleep 0.3 done echo "$* is terminated." } function append_file () { local content regexp file file=$1 if [ "$#" == 2 ]; then content=$2 elif [ "$#" == 1 ]; then content=$(cat /dev/stdin) # 从管道内读取所有内容. fi local line_number=$(echo "$content" |wc -l) if [ "$line_number" == "1" ]; then regexp=$(echo "$content" |regexp_escape) set +e grep -s -e "^\\s*${regexp}\\s*" "$file" else set +e match_multiline "$content" "$(cat $file)" fi if ! [ $? == 0 ]; then # echo -e "\n#= Add by ${_modifier-$USER} =#" >> "$file" echo "$content" >> "$file" echo "Append \`$content' into $file" fi } function prepend_file () { local content regexp file file=$1 if [ "$#" == 2 ]; then content=$2 elif [ "$#" == 1 ]; then content=$(cat /dev/stdin) # 从管道内读取所有内容. fi local line_number=$(echo "$content" |wc -l) if [ "$line_number" == "1" ]; then regexp=$(echo "$content" |regexp_escape) set +e grep "^\\s*${regexp}\\s*" "$file" else set +e match_multiline "$content" "$(cat $file)" fi if ! [ $? == 0 ]; then content_escaped=$(echo "$content" |replace_escape) $sudo sed -i 1i"$content_escaped" "$file" echo "Prepend \`$content' into $file" fi } # 转义一个字符串中的所有 grep 元字符. function regexp_escape () { sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^|[]/\\&/g' } # 这是支持 replace string 存在换行, 以及各种元字符的版本. # 详细信息, 读这个答案: https://stackoverflow.com/a/29613573/749774 function replace_escape() { IFS= read -d '' -r <<< "$(sed -e ':a' -e '$!{N;ba' -e '}' -e 's/[&/\]/\\&/g; s/\n/\\&/g')" printf %s "${REPLY%$'\n'}" } # 这个是保留 & 作为之前的匹配内容的版本. function replace_escape1() { IFS= read -d '' -r <<< "$(sed -e ':a' -e '$!{N;ba' -e '}' -e 's/[/\]/\\&/g; s/\n/\\&/g')" printf %s "${REPLY%$'\n'}" } function match_multiline() { local regex content # 将 regexp 的换行符 换为一个不可见字符. # 注意: 这里 $1 已经是一个 regex regex=$(echo "$1" |tr '\n' '\a') # 文本内容也将 换行符 换为一个不可见字符. content=$(echo "$2"|tr '\n' '\a') # 多行匹配, 选择文本匹配, 而不是正则. echo "$content" |fgrep "$regex" } function perl_replace() { local regexp replace file content regexp=$1 # 注意 replace 当中的特殊变量, 例如, $& $1 $2 的手动转义. # 写完一定测试一下,perl 变量引用: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=353259 replace=$2 escaped_replace=$(echo "$replace" |sed 's#"#\\"#g') perl -i -ne "s$regexp$replaceg; print \$_; unless ($& eq \"\") {print STDERR \"\`\033[0;33m$&\033[0m' is replace with \`\033[0;33m${escaped_replace}\033[0m'\n\"};" "${@:3}" } # 为了支持多行匹配,使用 perl 正则, 比 sed 好用一百倍! function replace_multiline () { local regexp replace file content regexp=$1 replace=$2 file=$3 perl_replace "$regexp" "$replace" -0 "$file" } function replace () { local regexp replace file content regexp=$1 replace=$2 file=$3 perl_replace "$regexp" "$replace" "$file" } function replace_regex () { local regexp="$1" local replace="$2" local file=$3 replace_multiline "$regexp" "$replace" "$file" } function replace_string () { # 转化输入的字符串为 literal 形式 local regexp="\\Q$1\\E" local replace="$2" local file=$3 replace_multiline "$regexp" "$replace" "$file" } function update_config () { local config_key=$1 local config_value=$2 local config_file=$3 local delimiter=${4-=} local regexp="^\\s*$(echo "$config_key" |regexp_escape)\b" local matched_line matched_line_regexp old_value old_value_regexp replaced_line group # only if config key exist, update it. if matched_line=$(grep -s "$regexp" $config_file|tail -n1) && test -n "$matched_line"; then matched_line_regexp=$(echo "$matched_line" |regexp_escape) old_value=$(echo "$matched_line" |tail -n1|cut -d"$delimiter" -f2) if [[ "$old_value" =~ \"(.*)\" ]]; then [ "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" ] && group="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" set +ue replaced_line=$(echo $matched_line |sed -e "s/${old_value}/\"${group}${group+ }$config_value\"/") set -ue else replaced_line=$(echo $matched_line |sed -e "s/${old_value}/& $config_value/") fi regexp="^${matched_line_regexp}$" replace="\n#= &\n#= Above config-default value is replaced by following config value. $(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') by ${_modifier-$USER}\n$replaced_line" replace "$regexp" "$replace" "$config_file" # echo "Append \`$config_value' to \`$old_value' for $config_file $matched_line" fi } function configure () { set +u if [ ! "$1" ]; then echo 'Need one argument to sign this package. e.g. package name.' exit fi ./configure --build=x86_64-linux-gnu \ --prefix=/usr \ --exec-prefix=/usr \ '--bindir=$(prefix)/bin' \ '--sbindir=$(prefix)/sbin' \ '--libdir=$(prefix)/lib64' \ '--libexecdir=$(prefix)/lib64/$1' \ '--includedir=$(prefix)/include' \ '--datadir=$(prefix)/share/$1' \ '--mandir=$(prefix)/share/man' \ '--infodir=$(prefix)/share/info' \ --localstatedir=/var \ '--sysconfdir=/etc/$1' \ ${@:2} } function wget () { local url=$1 local file=$(basename $url) command wget --no-check-certificate -c $url -O $file } function curl () { command curl -sS -L "$@" } function download_and_extract () { local ext=$( basename "$1" |rev|cut -d'.' -f1|rev) local name=$(basename "$1" |rev|cut -d'.' -f2-|rev |sed 's#.tar$##') local dest="${2-$name}" mkdir -p $dest case $ext in gz|tgz) curl "$1" |tar -zxvf - -C "$dest" --strip-components=1 ;; bz2) curl "$1" |tar -jxvf - -C "$dest" --strip-components=1 ;; xz|txz) curl "$1" |tar -Jxvf - -C "$dest" --strip-components=1 ;; lzma) curl "$1" |tar --lzma -xvf - -C "$dest" --strip-components=1 ;; zip) local fullname=$(basename $1) temp_dir=$(mktemp -d) && curl -o $temp_dir/$fullname "$1" && unzip $temp_dir/"$fullname" -d "$temp_dir" && rm "$temp_dir/$fullname" && shopt -s dotglob && local f=("$temp_dir"/*) && if (( ${#f[@]} == 1 )) && [[ -d "${f[0]}" ]] ; then mv "$temp_dir"/*/* "$dest" else mv "$temp_dir"/* "$dest" fi && rmdir "$temp_dir"/* "$temp_dir" esac } function diff () { command diff -q "$@" >/dev/null } function sshkeygen () { ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -N '' } function expose_port () { for port in "$@"; do if grep -qs 'Ubuntu\|Mint\|Debian' /etc/issue; then # systemctl status ufw # ufw 中, 允许端口 1098, ufw allow 1098 # rc.local "iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport $port -j ACCEPT" # rc.local "iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport $port -j ACCEPT" echo 'no need install iptables' elif grep -qs CentOS /etc/redhat-release; then firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=$port/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=$port/udp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload # 这个只在 --permanent 参数存在时, 才需要 # firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports elif grep -qs openSUSE /etc/issue; then yast firewall services add tcpport=$port zone=EXT fi done } function package () { local install installed # for Ubuntu build-essential # for centos yum groupinstall "Development Tools" local compile_tools='gcc autoconf automake make libtool bzip2 unzip patch wget curl perl' local basic_tools='mlocate git tree' if grep -qs 'Ubuntu\|Mint\|Debian' /etc/issue; then $sudo apt-get update install="$sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends" elif grep -qs CentOS /etc/redhat-release; then # if Want get centos version, use 'rpm -q centos-release'. install="$sudo yum install -y" elif grep -qs openSUSE /etc/issue; then install="$sudo zypper -n in --no-recommends" fi installed= centos_debian_map_list=" zlib-devel zlib1g-dev openssl-devel libssl-dev libffi-devel libffi-dev readline-devel libreadline-dev libyaml-devel libyaml-dev ncurses-devel libncurses5-dev gdbm-devel libgdbm-dev sqlite-devel libsqlite3-dev gmp-devel libgmp-dev pcre-devel libpcre3-dev libsodium-devel libsodium-dev udns-devel libudns-dev libev-devel libev-dev libevent-devel libevent-dev mbedtls-devel libmbedtls-dev " case_statement="" OLDIFS="$IFS" && IFS=$'\n' for map in $centos_debian_map_list; do case_statement="${case_statement} ${map% *}) installed=\"\$installed ${map#* }\" ;;" done IFS="$OLDIFS" if grep -qs 'Ubuntu\|Mint\|Debian' /etc/issue; then basic_tools="$basic_tools" for i in "$@"; do eval " case \"$i\" in ${case_statement} compile-tools) installed=\"\$installed $compile_tools g++ xz-utils pkg-config\" ;; *) installed=\"\$installed $i\" esac " done elif grep -qs CentOS /etc/redhat-release; then basic_tools="$basic_tools yum-cron yum-utils epel-release" for i in "$@"; do case "$i" in compile-tools) installed="$installed $compile_tools gcc-c++ xz pkgconfig" ;; apache2-utils) installed="$installed httpd-tools" ;; *) installed="$installed $i" esac done elif grep -qs openSUSE /etc/issue; then basic_tools="$basic_tools" for i in "$@"; do case "$i" in sqlite-devel) installed="$installed sqlite3-devel" ;; openssl-devel) installed="$installed libopenssl-devel" ;; compile-tools) installed="$installed $compile_tools gcc-c++ xz pkg-config" ;; gmp-devel) installed="$installed libgmp-devel" ;; *) installed="$installed $i" esac done fi for i in $basic_tools; do $install $i done for i in $installed; do $install $i done } # for use with asuswrt merlin only. function add_service { [ -e /jffs/scripts/$1 ] || echo '#!/bin/sh' > /jffs/scripts/$1 chmod +x /jffs/scripts/$1 fgrep -qs -e "$2" /jffs/scripts/$1 || echo "$2" >> /jffs/scripts/$1 } # only support define a bash variable, bash array variable not supported. function __export () { local name=$(echo "$*" |cut -d'=' -f1) local value=$(echo "$*" |cut -d'=' -f2-) local escaped_value=$(echo "$value" |sed 's#\([\$"\`]\)#\\\1#g') eval 'builtin export $name="$value"' export_hooks="$export_hooks builtin export $name=\"$escaped_value\"" } alias export=__export