import { getEnumMemberName } from "@zwave-js/shared/safe"; /** * @publicAPI * A dictionary of all command classes as of 2018-03-30 */ export enum CommandClasses { // "Alarm" = 0x71, // superseded by Notification "Alarm Sensor" = 0x9c, "Alarm Silence" = 0x9d, "All Switch" = 0x27, "Anti-Theft" = 0x5d, "Anti-Theft Unlock" = 0x7e, "Application Capability" = 0x57, "Application Status" = 0x22, "Association" = 0x85, "Association Command Configuration" = 0x9b, "Association Group Information" = 0x59, "Authentication" = 0xa1, "Authentication Media Write" = 0xa2, "Barrier Operator" = 0x66, "Basic" = 0x20, "Basic Tariff Information" = 0x36, "Basic Window Covering" = 0x50, "Battery" = 0x80, "Binary Sensor" = 0x30, "Binary Switch" = 0x25, "Binary Toggle Switch" = 0x28, "Central Scene" = 0x5b, "Climate Control Schedule" = 0x46, "Clock" = 0x81, "Color Switch" = 0x33, "Configuration" = 0x70, "Controller Replication" = 0x21, "CRC-16 Encapsulation" = 0x56, "Demand Control Plan Configuration" = 0x3a, "Demand Control Plan Monitor" = 0x3b, "Device Reset Locally" = 0x5a, "Door Lock" = 0x62, "Door Lock Logging" = 0x4c, "Energy Production" = 0x90, "Entry Control" = 0x6f, "Firmware Update Meta Data" = 0x7a, "Generic Schedule" = 0xa3, "Geographic Location" = 0x8c, "Grouping Name" = 0x7b, "Hail" = 0x82, "HRV Control" = 0x39, "HRV Status" = 0x37, "Humidity Control Mode" = 0x6d, "Humidity Control Operating State" = 0x6e, "Humidity Control Setpoint" = 0x64, "Inclusion Controller" = 0x74, "Indicator" = 0x87, "IP Association" = 0x5c, "IP Configuration" = 0x9a, "IR Repeater" = 0xa0, "Irrigation" = 0x6b, "Language" = 0x89, "Lock" = 0x76, "Mailbox" = 0x69, "Manufacturer Proprietary" = 0x91, "Manufacturer Specific" = 0x72, "Meter" = 0x32, "Meter Table Configuration" = 0x3c, "Meter Table Monitor" = 0x3d, "Meter Table Push Configuration" = 0x3e, "Move To Position Window Covering" = 0x51, "Multi Channel" = 0x60, "Multi Channel Association" = 0x8e, "Multi Command" = 0x8f, "Multilevel Sensor" = 0x31, "Multilevel Switch" = 0x26, "Multilevel Toggle Switch" = 0x29, "Network Management Basic Node" = 0x4d, "Network Management Inclusion" = 0x34, "Network Management Installation and Maintenance" = 0x67, "Network Management Primary" = 0x54, "Network Management Proxy" = 0x52, "No Operation" = 0x00, "Node Naming and Location" = 0x77, "Node Provisioning" = 0x78, "Notification" = 0x71, "Powerlevel" = 0x73, "Prepayment" = 0x3f, "Prepayment Encapsulation" = 0x41, "Proprietary" = 0x88, "Protection" = 0x75, "Pulse Meter" = 0x35, "Rate Table Configuration" = 0x48, "Rate Table Monitor" = 0x49, "Remote Association Activation" = 0x7c, "Remote Association Configuration" = 0x7d, "Scene Activation" = 0x2b, "Scene Actuator Configuration" = 0x2c, "Scene Controller Configuration" = 0x2d, "Schedule" = 0x53, "Schedule Entry Lock" = 0x4e, "Screen Attributes" = 0x93, "Screen Meta Data" = 0x92, "Security" = 0x98, "Security 2" = 0x9f, "Security Mark" = 0xf100, "Sensor Configuration" = 0x9e, "Simple AV Control" = 0x94, "Sound Switch" = 0x79, "Supervision" = 0x6c, "Support/Control Mark" = 0xef, "Tariff Table Configuration" = 0x4a, "Tariff Table Monitor" = 0x4b, "Thermostat Fan Mode" = 0x44, "Thermostat Fan State" = 0x45, "Thermostat Mode" = 0x40, "Thermostat Operating State" = 0x42, "Thermostat Setback" = 0x47, "Thermostat Setpoint" = 0x43, "Time" = 0x8a, "Time Parameters" = 0x8b, "Transport Service" = 0x55, "User Code" = 0x63, "User Credential" = 0x83, "Version" = 0x86, "Wake Up" = 0x84, "Window Covering" = 0x6a, "Z-Wave Plus Info" = 0x5e, "Z/IP" = 0x23, "Z/IP 6LoWPAN" = 0x4f, "Z/IP Gateway" = 0x5f, "Z/IP Naming and Location" = 0x68, "Z/IP ND" = 0x58, "Z/IP Portal" = 0x61, // Internal CCs which are not used directly by applications "Z-Wave Protocol" = 0x01, "Z-Wave Long Range" = 0x04, // Long gone: // "AV Content Directory Metadata" = 0x95, // "AV Content Search Metadata" = 0x97, // "AV Renderer Status" = 0x96, // "AV Tagging Metadata" = 0x99, // "Chimney Fan" = 0x2a, // "DMX" = 0x65, // "Thermostat Heating" = 0x38, // "Security Panel Mode" = 0x24, // "Security Panel Zone" = 0x2e, // "Security Panel Zone Sensor" = 0x2f, // "Zensor Net" = 0x02, } export function getCCName(cc: number): string { return getEnumMemberName(CommandClasses, cc); } /** * An array of all defined CCs */ export const allCCs: readonly CommandClasses[] = Object.freeze( Object.keys(CommandClasses) .filter((key) => /^\d+$/.test(key)) .map((key) => parseInt(key)) .filter((key) => key >= 0 && key !== CommandClasses["Z-Wave Protocol"]), ); /** * Defines which CCs are considered Actuator CCs */ // Is defined in SDS13781 export const actuatorCCs: readonly CommandClasses[] = [ CommandClasses["Barrier Operator"], CommandClasses["Binary Switch"], CommandClasses["Color Switch"], CommandClasses["Door Lock"], CommandClasses["Multilevel Switch"], CommandClasses["Simple AV Control"], CommandClasses["Sound Switch"], CommandClasses["Thermostat Setpoint"], CommandClasses["Thermostat Mode"], CommandClasses["Window Covering"], ]; const actuatorCCsAsSet = new Set(actuatorCCs); /** Returns if the given CC is an Actuator CC */ export function isActuatorCC(cc: CommandClasses): boolean { return actuatorCCsAsSet.has(cc); } /** * Defines which CCs are considered Sensor CCs */ export const sensorCCs: readonly CommandClasses[] = [ CommandClasses["Alarm Sensor"], CommandClasses.Battery, CommandClasses["Binary Sensor"], CommandClasses["Energy Production"], CommandClasses.Meter, CommandClasses["Multilevel Sensor"], CommandClasses.Notification, // For pull nodes CommandClasses["Pulse Meter"], ]; const sensorCCsAsSet = new Set(sensorCCs); /** Returns if the given CC is a Sensor CC */ export function isSensorCC(cc: CommandClasses): boolean { return sensorCCsAsSet.has(cc); } /** * Defines which CCs are considered Application CCs */ // Is defined in SDS13781 export const applicationCCs: readonly CommandClasses[] = [ CommandClasses["Alarm Sensor"], CommandClasses["Alarm Silence"], CommandClasses["All Switch"], CommandClasses["Anti-Theft"], CommandClasses["Barrier Operator"], CommandClasses.Basic, CommandClasses["Basic Tariff Information"], CommandClasses["Basic Window Covering"], CommandClasses["Binary Sensor"], CommandClasses["Binary Switch"], CommandClasses["Binary Toggle Switch"], CommandClasses["Climate Control Schedule"], CommandClasses["Central Scene"], CommandClasses.Clock, CommandClasses["Color Switch"], CommandClasses.Configuration, CommandClasses["Controller Replication"], CommandClasses["Demand Control Plan Configuration"], CommandClasses["Demand Control Plan Monitor"], CommandClasses["Door Lock"], CommandClasses["Door Lock Logging"], CommandClasses["Energy Production"], CommandClasses["Entry Control"], CommandClasses["Generic Schedule"], CommandClasses["Geographic Location"], CommandClasses["HRV Status"], CommandClasses["HRV Control"], CommandClasses["Humidity Control Mode"], CommandClasses["Humidity Control Operating State"], CommandClasses["Humidity Control Setpoint"], CommandClasses["IR Repeater"], CommandClasses.Irrigation, CommandClasses.Language, CommandClasses.Lock, CommandClasses["Manufacturer Proprietary"], CommandClasses.Meter, CommandClasses["Meter Table Configuration"], CommandClasses["Meter Table Monitor"], CommandClasses["Meter Table Push Configuration"], CommandClasses["Move To Position Window Covering"], CommandClasses["Multilevel Sensor"], CommandClasses["Multilevel Switch"], CommandClasses["Multilevel Toggle Switch"], CommandClasses.Notification, CommandClasses.Prepayment, CommandClasses["Prepayment Encapsulation"], CommandClasses.Proprietary, CommandClasses.Protection, CommandClasses["Pulse Meter"], CommandClasses["Rate Table Configuration"], CommandClasses["Rate Table Monitor"], CommandClasses["Scene Activation"], CommandClasses["Scene Actuator Configuration"], CommandClasses["Scene Controller Configuration"], CommandClasses.Schedule, CommandClasses["Schedule Entry Lock"], CommandClasses["Screen Attributes"], CommandClasses["Screen Meta Data"], CommandClasses["Sensor Configuration"], CommandClasses["Simple AV Control"], CommandClasses["Sound Switch"], CommandClasses["Tariff Table Configuration"], CommandClasses["Tariff Table Monitor"], CommandClasses["Thermostat Fan Mode"], CommandClasses["Thermostat Fan State"], CommandClasses["Thermostat Mode"], CommandClasses["Thermostat Operating State"], CommandClasses["Thermostat Setback"], CommandClasses["Thermostat Setpoint"], CommandClasses["User Code"], CommandClasses["User Credential"], CommandClasses["Window Covering"], ]; const applicationCCsAsSet = new Set(applicationCCs); /** Returns if the given CC is an Application CC */ export function isApplicationCC(cc: CommandClasses): boolean { return applicationCCsAsSet.has(cc); } /** * Defines which CCs are considered Encapsulation CCs */ export const encapsulationCCs: readonly CommandClasses[] = [ CommandClasses["CRC-16 Encapsulation"], CommandClasses["Multi Channel"], CommandClasses["Multi Command"], CommandClasses.Security, CommandClasses["Security 2"], CommandClasses.Supervision, CommandClasses["Transport Service"], ]; const encapsulationCCsAsSet = new Set(encapsulationCCs); /** Returns if the given CC is an Encapsulation CC */ export function isEncapsulationCC(cc: CommandClasses): boolean { return encapsulationCCsAsSet.has(cc); } /** * Defines which CCs are considered Management CCs */ export const managementCCs: readonly CommandClasses[] = [ CommandClasses["Application Capability"], CommandClasses["Application Status"], CommandClasses.Association, CommandClasses["Association Command Configuration"], CommandClasses["Association Group Information"], // Battery is in the Management CC specs, but we consider it a Sensor CC CommandClasses["Device Reset Locally"], CommandClasses["Firmware Update Meta Data"], CommandClasses["Grouping Name"], CommandClasses.Hail, CommandClasses.Indicator, CommandClasses["IP Association"], CommandClasses["Manufacturer Specific"], CommandClasses["Multi Channel Association"], CommandClasses["Node Naming and Location"], CommandClasses["Remote Association Activation"], CommandClasses["Remote Association Configuration"], CommandClasses.Time, CommandClasses["Time Parameters"], CommandClasses.Version, CommandClasses["Wake Up"], CommandClasses["Z/IP Naming and Location"], CommandClasses["Z-Wave Plus Info"], ]; const managementCCsAsSet = new Set(managementCCs); /** Returns if the given CC is a Management CC */ export function isManagementCC(cc: CommandClasses): boolean { return managementCCsAsSet.has(cc); } /** * An array of all defined CCs that are not application CCs */ export const nonApplicationCCs: readonly CommandClasses[] = Object.freeze( allCCs.filter((cc) => !applicationCCs.includes(cc)), ); export interface CommandClassInfo { /** Whether the endpoint or node can react to this CC */ isSupported: boolean; /** Whether the endpoint or node can control other nodes with this CC */ isControlled: boolean; /** Whether this CC is ONLY supported securely */ secure: boolean; /** The maximum version of the CC that is supported or controlled */ version: number; }