# syncViewScroll Package For sublimeText -------- ## About Sync View Scroll is a simple [Sublime Text 3](http://www.sublimetext.com/3 ) plug-in which allows sync scroll among views. *note: st2 should work, if you find any bug, please open an issue at github.* ## Install Using [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/installation) && search `syncviewscroll` *OR* Just clone this repo and put it under your sublime-text package folder. ## Usage 1. In one View, goto `View`, check the `Sync Scroll` checkbox. (OR using command palette with 'syncscroll') 2. Repeat step 1 on all other view you want to sync view 3. Scroll on one of these views, the others sync scrolls. 4. You can set `{ "keys": [your_keys_here], "command": "toggle_sync_scroll" }` in user's keymap to trigger sync scroll(thanks to [@KaduAmaral](https://github.com/KaduAmaral)) ## Author zzjin tczzjin#gmail.com ## Thanks [@FichteFoll](https://github.com/FichteFoll) to suggest add command palette support [@pribilinskiy](https://github.com/pribilinskiy) to report windows menu toggle bug [@spywhere](https://github.com/spywhere) to report is_check error in some case views are not inited [@Kl0tl](https://github.com/Kl0tl) to add support for horizontal scroll and implement the configureable staus bar text, Thanks! [@getify](https://github.com/getify) and [@CSester](https://github.com/CSester) to report st2 activate bug ## TODO * add context menu support. * improve sync scroll delay. ### Please use github to submit Bugs and Feature Requests.