$(window).scroll(function(){ var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); if($('#menu').hasClass('nav-transform')){ if (scrollTop > 30) { $('#menu').addClass('default').removeClass('alternative'); } else { $('#menu').addClass('alternative').removeClass('default'); } } }); $(function() { var message = { message: [ 'Web Design', 'Made By Samon', 'We are Sunny Girls', ], counterS: 0, counterL: 0, deleteS: false, init: function() { this.cacheElem(); this.type(); }, cacheElem: function() { this.$text = $('.text'); }, type: function() { var message = this.message[this.counterS], that = this, speed = 0; message = !this.deleteS ? message.slice(0, ++this.counterL) : message.slice(0, --this.counterL); if(this.message[this.counterS] != message && !this.deleteS) { this.$text.text(message); speed = 90; } else { this.deleteS = true; speed = this.message[this.counterS] == message ? 1500 : 40; this.$text.text(message); if (message == '') { this.deleteS = false; this.counterS = this.counterS < this.message.length - 1 ? this.counterS + 1 : 0; } } setTimeout(function(){that.type()}, speed); } }; message.init(); }); function RSSWidget (url){ rss = this; rss.FEED_URL = url; rss.RSSTIME = new Array(); //create a new array rss.widgetHolder = $('.rss-widget'); rss.storiesLimit = 1; $.ajax({ url : 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/feed/load?v=1.0&num=10&callback=?&q=' + encodeURIComponent(rss.FEED_URL), dataType : 'json', success : function (data) { if (data.responseData.feed && data.responseData.feed.entries) { $.each(data.responseData.feed.entries, function (i, e) { rss.RSSTIME.push({ //add objects to the array title: e.title, author: e.author, snip: e.contentSnippet, content: e.content || "", link: e.link }); }); if(rss.storiesLimit > rss.RSSTIME.length) rss.storiesLimit = rss.RSSTIME.length; for(var i=0; i'; item += '

' + object.title + '

'; item += '
' + object.author + '
'; // item += '
' + 'keyboard_arrow_right' + '
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