% This file contains data (the actual rendering would be a separate file) % for a larger comparison table similar than the one included in the Scroll % and Spartan protocol specifications. This file is public domain. It is % also incomplete; you are free to suggest improvements (including in case % you find any mistake or something that is unclear, or if you want to add % additional rows/columns, etc). << /Gemini << /Name (Gemini) /Port null /PortTLS 1965 /Scheme null /SchemeTLS (gemini) /NamingScheme (space) /VirtualHosting true /RequestStructure (full URL) /RequestEncoding (UTF-8) /FileFormat (Gemini) /InputPrompt (1x status) /DataUpload false /MIME true /ULFI false /SameSiteRedirects true /CrossSiteRedirects true /ProxyRequests true /LanguageRequest false /LanguageResponse true /ResponseSize false /AbstractMetadataRequest false /LinkRelations false /ListNesting false /Favicon false /HeadingLevels 3 /RelativeLinks true /InlineFormatting false /BlockQuotation true /UniversalDecimalClassification false /ConversionFile false /Tables false /Notes << /DataUpload (Titan can be used for full data upload capability.) /Favicon (There is an unofficial specification using the /favicon.txt file. Clients are not supposed to automatically access additional files (including this one), though.) /InineFormatting (SGR escape codes are sometimes used, but are not an official part of the specification. Not all clients implement it.) >> >> /Gopher << /Name (Gopher) /Port 70 /PortTLS 70 /Scheme (gopher) /SchemeTLS (gophers) /NamingScheme (several meanings; University of Minnesota) /VirtualHosting false /RequestStructure (path) /RequestEncoding (ASCII) /FileFormat (Gopher menu, plain text) /InputPrompt (Type 7) /DataUpload false /MIME false /ULFI false /SameSiteRedirects false /CrossSiteRedirects false /ProxyRequests false /LanguageRequest false /LanguageResponse false /ResponseSize false /AbstractMetadataRequest false /LinkRelations false /ListNesting false /Favicon false /HeadingLevels 0 /RelativeLinks false /InlineFormatting false /BlockQuotation false /UniversalDecimalClassification false /ConversionFile false /Tables false /Notes << /SchemeTLS (There is no way directly from a gopher menu to know if it should use TLS or not.) /VirtualHosting (Only possible when TLS is used.) >> >> /Gopher+ << /Name (Gopher+) /Port 70 /PortTLS null /Scheme (gopher) /SchemeTLS null /VirtualHosting false /RequestStructure (path) /MIME true /ULFI false /ResponseSize true /AbstractMetadataRequest true /LinkRelations false /Favicon false /ConversionFile false /Notes << /ConversionFile (The use of metadata requests allows a very limited set of what the conversion file does in Scorpion.) >> >> /Nex << /Name (Nightfall Express) /Port 1900 /PortTLS null /Scheme (nex) /SchemeTLS null /NamingScheme (cityscape and highways) /VirtualHosting false /RequestStructure (path) /RequestEncoding (ASCII) /FileFormat (plain text) /InputPrompt (none) /DataUpload false /MIME false /ULFI false /SameSiteRedirects false /CrossSiteRedirects false /ProxyRequests false /LanguageRequest false /LanguageResponse false /ResponseSize false /AbstractMetadataRequest false /LinkRelations false /ListNesting false /Favicon false /HeadingLevels 0 /InlineFormatting false /BlockQuotation false /UniversalDecimalClassification false /ConversionFile false /Tables false /Notes << /FileFormat (Directory listings can also include links like Gemini has.) >> >> /Scorpion << /Name (Scorpion) /Port 1517 /PortTLS 1517 /Scheme (scorpion) /SchemeTLS (scorpions) /NamingScheme (constellation) /VirtualHosting true /RequestStructure (request type and full URL) /RequestEncoding (ASCII) /FileFormat (Scorpion) /InputPrompt (1x status or link type) /DataUpload true /MIME true /ULFI true /SameSiteRedirects true /CrossSiteRedirects true /ProxyRequests true /LanguageRequest false /LanguageResponse false /ResponseSize true /AbstractMetadataRequest false /LinkRelations true /ListNesting false /HeadingLevels 6 /RelativeLinks true /InlineFormatting true /BlockQuotation true /UniversalDecimalClassification false /ConversionFile true /TRONcode true /Tables false /Notes << /PortTLS (The server knows whether or not the client is using TLS by the first byte of the request.) /MIME (Support for MIME types is provided for compatibility; ULFI is preferable.) /LanguageResponse (Language can allegedly be specified in the file format, but the specification is incomplete.) /AbstractMetadataRequest (May be added in future (unsure).) /LinkRelations (This feature is optional.) /ListNesting (There is no actual "list" type, although the control character 0x02 can be used to delimit list numbers/bullets from the text, and can occur more than once.) /Favicon (Only possible when TLS is used. Clients MUST allow favicons to be disabled (or not implement favicons at all).) /InlineFormatting (Limited; only "normal", "emphasis", "strong", "fixpitch", and the exact meanings are deliberately not defined by the specification.) /ConversionFile (This feature is optional.) >> >> /Scroll << /Name (Scroll) /Port null /PortTLS 5699 /Scheme null /SchemeTLS (scroll) /NamingScheme (scrolls, libraries) /VirtualHosting true /RequestStructure (full URL and language) /RequestEncoding (UTF-8) /FileFormat (Scrolltext) /InputPrompt (1x status or link type) /DataUpload false /MIME true /ULFI false /SameSiteRedirects true /CrossSiteRedirects true /ProxyRequests true /LanguageRequest true /LanguageResponse true /ResponseSize false /AbstractMetadataRequest true /LinkRelations true /ListNesting true /Favicon false /HeadingLevels 5 /RelativeLinks true /InlineFormatting true /BlockQuotation true /UniversalDecimalClassification true /ConversionFile false /Tables false /Notes << /InputPrompt (The comparison table included with the specification only says "1x status", but the actual specification says that it uses both.) /DataUpload (Titan can be used for full data upload capability.) /LinkRelations (The relations are different from HTML.) /UniversalDecimalClassification (Class 4 is not currently defined in UDC, but Scroll uses it to mean anything that doesn't fit in the other classifications (including no class at all).) >> >> /Spartan << /Name (Spartan) /Port 300 /PortTLS null /Scheme (spartan) /SchemeTLS null /NamingScheme (Sparta/Greece; Michigan State University) /VirtualHosting true /RequestStructure (host name, path, and upload size) /RequestEncoding (ASCII) /FileFormat (Gemini) /InputPrompt (link type) /DataUpload true /MIME true /ULFI false /SameSiteRedirects true /CrossSiteRedirects false /ProxyRequests false /LanguageRequest false /LanguageResponse true /ResponseSize false /AbstractMetadataRequest false /LinkRelations false /ListNesting false /Favicon false /HeadingLevels 3 /RelativeLinks true /InlineFormatting false /BlockQuotation true /UniversalDecimalClassification false /ConversionFile false /Tables false /Notes << /DataUpload (Does not have a way to distinguish query strings from uploads.) /LanguageResponse (The specification does not mention it, but it would be possible the same as for Gemini since the file format is the same.) >> >> /WWW << /Name (WWW) /Port 80 /PortTLS 443 /Scheme (http) /SchemeTLS (https) /VirtualHosting true /RequestStructure (request type, path, HTTP version, and headers) /RequestEncoding (ASCII) /FileFormat (HTML) /InputPrompt (HTML forms or ) /DataUpload true /MIME true /ULFI false /SameSiteRedirects true /CrossSiteRedirects true /ProxyRequests true /LanguageRequest true /LanguageResponse true /ResponseSize true /AbstractMetadataRequest false /LinkRelations true /ListNesting true /Favicon true /HeadingLevels 6 /RelativeLinks true /InlineFormatting true /BlockQuotation true /UniversalDecimalClassification false /ConversionFile false /Tables true /Notes << /InputPrompt ( works like input prompts in Gemini and other protocols, but it is deprecated and is not commonly used in HTML.) /LinkRelations (Most relations are not commonly implemented. The relations are different from Scroll.) >> >> >>