miley1995_  thedoctordonna97  essbo
Koda: do you want them to stop?
Koda: there you go, she wants you to
Blue_jollyrancher: Yes please
Koda: so stop
Fluffythickdoggo: ok
Koda: gotchu blue lol
Blue_jollyrancher: This is blues more sober friend thank you koda
Koda: oh ok.
Blue_jollyrancher: I was about to do it for her
Generic: "more sober friend"
Koda: lmaoooooo
Blue_jollyrancher: I'm handing back to her
Enimira: Nigga
Enimira: leave blue
Enimira: alone
Generic: LMAOOO
Generic: rin saying the n word just does not fit
Koda: ayooooooo
Enimira: Thanks koda
Enimira: thanks for doing it and not telling me
Koda: rin i already did it lol
Enimira: No shit 
Blue_jollyrancher: My vodka spilled on me
Koda: whyre u mad at ME lmaooo
Enimira: Mhm
Enimira: im not 
Enimira: I love you 
Koda: oh ok
Koda: i love u
Enimira: 💕 
Koda: oh
Koda: me more
Enimira: It’s all your fault 
Koda: you stink
Fluffythickdoggo: your none drunk friend told me to stop
Fluffythickdoggo: so I will
Koda: we all told you to stop
Koda: me, blue and her friend
Enimira: Oi 
Enimira: wait 
Enimira: wait 
Enimira: idiot
Enimira: even if she’s drunk 
Generic: yes fluffy we have already been over this
Enimira: it’s better to listen if she says stop 
Koda: mhm
Enimira: are you retarded?
Koda: nobody likes you fluffy
Koda: stop being a freak.
Generic: thats tuff
Enimira: don’t be mean koda
Koda: how you gonna be a furry and get no pussy
Blue_jollyrancher: No I'm still his friend
Koda: that's because you're a nice forgiving person
Enimira: Gross
Koda: not because he is a good person.
Blue_jollyrancher: I forgive everything and everyone
Enimira: you get pedophile charges for fucking incapacitated drink girls
Koda: you forgive hitler?
Koda: idk about that one..
Enimira: Drunk*
Blue_jollyrancher: No
Enimira: Meh 
Koda: okay there we go
Enimira: mom Jewish 
Enimira: im 
Enimira: and I don’t even fucking care 
Koda: rin ur jewish? :o
Blue_jollyrancher: He made a bad name for Germans and did terrible things
Enimira: Biologically yes
Enimira: Jewish isn’t technically just a religion 
Blue_jollyrancher: There are certain people I will not forgiving 
Koda: i had a german girlfriend once
Koda: now i have rin.
Koda: and she's
Koda: rin
Generic: u dated a nazi?
Generic: koda dont tell me u dated....adolf...
Koda: nah her name was emma
Generic: ohh emma hitler?
Koda: uh
Koda: idk
Generic: u might wanna find out
Koda: nah idrc
Blue_jollyrancher: :p
Enimira: Lmao
Koda: there is no emma hitler
Koda: not yet.
Blue_jollyrancher: Mira your one of my best friends
Koda: rin turned me into a remote
Koda: i hate it.
Koda: a little fuckin remote now
Koda: blue
Koda: rin says no
Koda: she said she isn't.
Blue_jollyrancher: She's not?
Koda: rin said
Koda: "rin doesn't have a bes-koda's my bestie"
Koda: then she said
Koda: "rin doesn't like women"
Blue_jollyrancher: I don't like me either 😄
Koda: she said
Koda: "rin doesn't like attention seekers"
Blue_jollyrancher: Yeah
Koda: but she said it politely
Blue_jollyrancher: Guess I am one too Mira 
Koda: "no hard feelings"
Blue_jollyrancher: I've been told worse it's fine
Koda: mhm
Blue_jollyrancher: Who's online?
Enimira: Hello 
Enimira: I am here now
Enimira: rin doesn’t like women 
Blue_jollyrancher: Hi
Koda: see
Blue_jollyrancher: I know
Koda: told you
Koda: she said it
Enimira: rin knows how sensitive you are 
Enimira: rin cannot be besties
Koda: she's sexist
Enimira: koda is bestie 
Enimira: I can be your friend
Enimira: no more. No less 
Blue_jollyrancher: No mira no like women
Generic: jiji
Blue_jollyrancher: Mira love Koda only
Enimira: Da
Enimira: ysz
Koda: koda is ur boyfriend
Koda: tf? lol
Enimira: yes
Koda: sey
Koda: SIKE
Enimira: Can we cheat on you with him together?
Koda: no
Koda: he doesn't like shaved pussy
Enimira: Gar
Enimira: gae
Koda: he's into jungles.
Koda: big bushes.
Enimira:  I’ll cheat on you with my…
Koda: ch-ch-ch-chia
Enimira: my cat!
Koda: shit
Enimira: hahah
Koda: thats
Koda: gross.
Koda: you gonna fuck ur cat?
Enimira: Nah
Enimira: we chill 
Enimira: it’s a platonic relay
Koda: u gonna fuck me?
Enimira: Nahhhh
Enimira: you gonna fuck me?
Koda: might
Enimira: theni might m
Koda: well i mean
Koda: im bent over for you daddy~
Koda: stick it in my warm, juicy bussy
Enimira: mhmmm
Enimira: lmao
Koda: lol
Koda: i heard that subay surfers theme
Koda: ayoooooooooo
Koda: subway*
Koda: subgay
Koda: thats kinda what bisexual is
Koda: subgay.
Enimira: *buttons strap on*
Enimira: get your long ass over here 
Koda: opens my bussy with my fingers~ put it in my phatty, daddy.
Enimira: Ew
Enimira: lpl
Koda: lmao
Koda: alright ill just
Koda: fap in the corner
Enimira: Let me help 
Koda: fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap~
Koda: fap fap fap fap fap~
Koda: fap~
Generic: WTF
Koda: N U T.
Enimira: Lol
Enimira: *licks 🥜 *
Koda: such a good girl

Koda: fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap~
Koda: fap fap fap fap fap~
Koda: fap~
Enimira: *purrs*
Koda: kisses her cheek~ mine
Koda: alr lets stop lmao
Generic: ight im out again
Enimira: Lmai
Koda: no daddy
Koda: im horny and in need of punishment
Koda: please
Enimira: Mhmmmmmmm
Enimira: punish him for me gennnn
Koda: bring out the wooden spoon
Koda: and spank my ass.
Koda: generic u make my
Koda: u can find me in the clubbbbbb
Koda: bottle full of bub
Koda: oh.
Koda: titty tuck
Koda: titty tootsie
Koda: this a banger
Generic: ur a banger
Koda: bang me.
Generic: when
Koda: rn
Generic: where
Koda: oops
Koda: right here.
Fluffythickdoggo: okie im back
Koda: stfu
Fluffythickdoggo: ok
Fluffythickdoggo: fine, ill go
Koda: mk
Fluffythickdoggo: seeing as I'm not wanted around by a few people
Fluffythickdoggo: welp, goodbye
Generic: good
Void_the_proto: hm
Generic: u get out too void
Void_the_proto: ? wdym
Void_the_proto: where are puro and the others?
Generic: not on
Generic: nobody on my FL is on 
Void_the_proto: hmn
Void_the_proto: we haven't talked much you and i
Generic: nor do i want to
Void_the_proto: hmn, why not?
Generic: bc im texting my girl rn.
Generic: plus ive heard ur a prick
Void_the_proto: don't believe everything you hear
Fluffyfurryboi: did ya miss me? some of you probably didn't
Void_the_proto: i did kinda?
Fluffyfurryboi: hi void
Fluffyfurryboi: how are u doing?
Void_the_proto: im ok you?
Generic: yall 2 are a perfect match
Fluffyfurryboi: not too bright, but ok
Blue_jollyrancher: Blue is logging in somewhere else
Fluffyfurryboi: I had an epiphany a few minutes ago, and before that I was really trying spend time with a friend
Fluffyfurryboi: but. . . so on, people couldn't tell why the fuck I was doing virtual things with em, and we both were fine with it
Koda: im here
Koda: again
Koda: as always
Koda: yeah
Fluffyfurryboi: hello. . .
Fluffyfurryboi: again
Fluffyfurryboi: but continuing on, we both put it as that we were just friends, best palls, in this game that is
Generic: im uh
Generic: jus glancing
Generic: every now and then
Fluffyfurryboi: ok
Koda: :|
Fluffyfurryboi: well, continue to today, we just said I love you, for some fucking reason even tough we were friends
Fluffyfurryboi: though*
Koda: who?
Fluffyfurryboi: skipping ahead a bit, and I'm being told by 3 people, to stop
Koda: who tf are u talking to lol
Fluffyfurryboi: anyone who will listen
Koda: first of all
Koda: you kissed her without consent
Koda: she didn't say you could do that
Koda: second of all
Koda: when you'd say you loved her and all that
Koda: half the time she'd ignore it or say something else
Koda: get the hint, she doesn't like you like that
Koda: she never will now, and she never has
Koda: it's just FRIENDS
Koda: nothing more.
Fluffyfurryboi: haha, yeah I deserved that
Koda: she asked you to stop, so stop bitching about it and just stop
Koda: leave it alone and move on.
Fluffyfurryboi: didn't her friend or something like that say so?
Koda: her friend said they were about to tell you to stop too
Koda: so, just stop lol
Fluffyfurryboi: . . .
Fluffyfurryboi: damn. . .
Blue_jollyrancher: :p
Fluffyfurryboi: I guess ill stop
Generic: is koda getting in between more drama?
Koda: no
Blue_jollyrancher: no
Generic: oh ight
Koda: im just telling him to stop being a fuckin weirdo lol
Fluffyfurryboi: . . . I guess I'm told to stop, I'm not one to give orders, only follow
Fluffyfurryboi: don't worry, I won't be around often, keep a distance, idk
Fluffyfurryboi: I guess ill go?
Koda: mk
Koda: bye
Fluffyfurryboi: seeing as I can't come here without someone butting in and-
Koda: mk
Koda: then leave
Koda: bye
Koda: cya
Koda: byebye
Koda: toodaloo
Koda: have fun
Fluffyfurryboi: fucking dickhead
Generic: says u...
Generic: cringe ass mf
Generic: every second ur on this u tryna rp
Koda: fr
Koda: weirdo
Koda: on god
Generic: give it a fkn break jesus
Koda: just leave already
Koda: literally no one wants u here.
Postmalonefuckingsucks: TGIF 
Generic: TGIDA
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Where all the bitches at?
Koda: post malone > blueface
Generic: they all dipped when u pulled up
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Goddamn they always sense me coming 
Koda: yup
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Guess I might as well jerk off
Postmalonefuckingsucks: *unzips pants*
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Oh yeah daddy’s home 
Koda: k
Generic: fkn weirdo
Generic: im going to bed
Generic: get fucked cunts
Postmalonefuckingsucks: I am in bed 
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Jerking off 
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Gonna skeet skeet skeet all over the walls 
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Fucking beating my meat like it owes me money 
Postmalonefuckingsucks: You like that don’t you Palmela Handerson you filthy slut 
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Oh goddamnit kitty I was about to yeet 
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Well that spoils the mood ugh hang on let me clean my hands and then you get pet 
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Catus interruptus
Feces: gn dn 
(anon): dooie
Mommymilkers42069: is anyone online
Mxangel: Yea
Mxangel: But I'm fucking LATE
Mxangel: So Imma go jogging ;-;
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Death25: im back
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Death25: hi
Mommymilkers42069: bleo
Death25: bleo
Mommymilkers42069: hehe
Death25: hehe
Pussy_powder: you cant spell advertisements without semen between the tits
Mommymilkers42069: omfg
Death25: already heard that one
Mommymilkers42069: did you know vincent van gogh was believed to be jack the ripper
Death25: yh
Death25: e
Mommymilkers42069: e
Logan_taken: hey guys
Death25: hi
Logan_taken: lemme guess lili isnt on
Logan_taken: nope she isnt
Logan_taken: dead chat XwX
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Logan_taken: hey
Logan_taken: blue?
Pussy_powder: hello anyone on
Blue_jollyrancher: Damn hi got distracted
Blue_jollyrancher: Well bye
Maxehhumano: cu
Logan_taken: hey guys
Logan_taken: aaaaaaaaaaaand no ones here
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Logan_taken: blep
Mommymilkers42069: no its blep
Logan_taken: blep
Logan_taken: pelb
Mommymilkers42069: blwp
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Logan_taken: blep
Logan_taken: k
Logan_taken: k
Logan_taken: k
Logan_taken: :)
Mommymilkers42069: no
Logan_taken: lol
Mommymilkers42069: brb
Logan_taken: okie
Fluffyfurryboi: hello
Logan_taken: hey
Mommymilkers42069: back
Logan_taken: wb
Fluffyfurryboi: in my opinion
Fluffyfurryboi: koda is a dick
Logan_taken: no kidding
Fluffyfurryboi: hes a fucking asshole
(anon): nice
Logan_taken: welcome to the club
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Koda: hi
Koda: im
Koda: he
Koda: re
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Mommymilkers42069: ko
Mommymilkers42069: da
Death25: yh
Logan_taken: is a
Logan_taken: ass hole
Death25: who is
Logan_taken: koda
Death25: not surprised
Logan_taken: lol
Logan_taken: that 3 people who think so now
Death25: lol
Koda: hi
Koda: mom
Koda: my
Logan_taken: me you and fluff
Koda: you mean the fluff who kissed blue without consent
Logan_taken: ye
Koda: or you who says the n word and is racist?
Logan_taken: i embrase that fact koda
Koda: embrace* 
Logan_taken: ik i miss spelled it
Koda: mk
Mommymilkers42069: im trying to make friends with the mouse in the garage but its not working T-T
Logan_taken: lol
Koda: lol
Death25: ye
Mommymilkers42069: my dad said that i wouldnt do anything dumb and that my dad needed to check on me but he didnt hahahaha
Koda: fuck the rat
Logan_taken: lol
Koda: im back
Koda: as fuck
Koda: as duck
Koda: as
Koda: tuck
Mommymilkers42069: a
Koda: b
Mommymilkers42069: c
Koda: d
Mommymilkers42069: e
Koda: f
Mommymilkers42069: g
Koda: h
Mommymilkers42069: i
Koda: j
Mommymilkers42069: k
Koda: l
Mommymilkers42069: m
Koda: n
Mommymilkers42069: o
Koda: p
Mommymilkers42069: q

miley1995_  thedoctordonna97  essbo
Koda: and spank my ass.
Koda: generic u make my
Koda: u can find me in the clubbbbbb
Koda: bottle full of bub
Koda: oh.
Koda: titty tuck
Koda: titty tootsie
Koda: this a banger
Generic: ur a banger
Koda: bang me.
Generic: when
Koda: rn
Generic: where
Koda: oops
Koda: right here.
Fluffythickdoggo: okie im back
Koda: stfu
Fluffythickdoggo: ok
Fluffythickdoggo: fine, ill go
Koda: mk
Fluffythickdoggo: seeing as I'm not wanted around by a few people
Fluffythickdoggo: welp, goodbye
Generic: good
Void_the_proto: hm
Generic: u get out too void
Void_the_proto: ? wdym
Void_the_proto: where are puro and the others?
Generic: not on
Generic: nobody on my FL is on 
Void_the_proto: hmn
Void_the_proto: we haven't talked much you and i
Generic: nor do i want to
Void_the_proto: hmn, why not?
Generic: bc im texting my girl rn.
Generic: plus ive heard ur a prick
Void_the_proto: don't believe everything you hear
Fluffyfurryboi: did ya miss me? some of you probably didn't
Void_the_proto: i did kinda?
Fluffyfurryboi: hi void
Fluffyfurryboi: how are u doing?
Void_the_proto: im ok you?
Generic: yall 2 are a perfect match
Fluffyfurryboi: not too bright, but ok
Blue_jollyrancher: Blue is logging in somewhere else
Fluffyfurryboi: I had an epiphany a few minutes ago, and before that I was really trying spend time with a friend
Fluffyfurryboi: but. . . so on, people couldn't tell why the fuck I was doing virtual things with em, and we both were fine with it
Koda: im here
Koda: again
Koda: as always
Koda: yeah
Fluffyfurryboi: hello. . .
Fluffyfurryboi: again
Fluffyfurryboi: but continuing on, we both put it as that we were just friends, best palls, in this game that is
Generic: im uh
Generic: jus glancing
Generic: every now and then
Fluffyfurryboi: ok
Koda: :|
Fluffyfurryboi: well, continue to today, we just said I love you, for some fucking reason even tough we were friends
Fluffyfurryboi: though*
Koda: who?
Fluffyfurryboi: skipping ahead a bit, and I'm being told by 3 people, to stop
Koda: who tf are u talking to lol
Fluffyfurryboi: anyone who will listen
Koda: first of all
Koda: you kissed her without consent
Koda: she didn't say you could do that
Koda: second of all
Koda: when you'd say you loved her and all that
Koda: half the time she'd ignore it or say something else
Koda: get the hint, she doesn't like you like that
Koda: she never will now, and she never has
Koda: it's just FRIENDS
Koda: nothing more.
Fluffyfurryboi: haha, yeah I deserved that
Koda: she asked you to stop, so stop bitching about it and just stop
Koda: leave it alone and move on.
Fluffyfurryboi: didn't her friend or something like that say so?
Koda: her friend said they were about to tell you to stop too
Koda: so, just stop lol
Fluffyfurryboi: . . .
Fluffyfurryboi: damn. . .
Blue_jollyrancher: :p
Fluffyfurryboi: I guess ill stop
Generic: is koda getting in between more drama?
Koda: no
Blue_jollyrancher: no
Generic: oh ight
Koda: im just telling him to stop being a fuckin weirdo lol
Fluffyfurryboi: . . . I guess I'm told to stop, I'm not one to give orders, only follow
Fluffyfurryboi: don't worry, I won't be around often, keep a distance, idk
Fluffyfurryboi: I guess ill go?
Koda: mk
Koda: bye
Fluffyfurryboi: seeing as I can't come here without someone butting in and-
Koda: mk
Koda: then leave
Koda: bye
Koda: cya
Koda: byebye
Koda: toodaloo
Koda: have fun
Fluffyfurryboi: fucking dickhead
Generic: says u...
Generic: cringe ass mf
Generic: every second ur on this u tryna rp
Koda: fr
Koda: weirdo
Koda: on god
Generic: give it a fkn break jesus
Koda: just leave already
Koda: literally no one wants u here.
Postmalonefuckingsucks: TGIF 
Generic: TGIDA
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Where all the bitches at?
Koda: post malone > blueface
Generic: they all dipped when u pulled up
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Goddamn they always sense me coming 
Koda: yup
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Guess I might as well jerk off
Postmalonefuckingsucks: *unzips pants*
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Oh yeah daddy’s home 
Koda: k
Generic: fkn weirdo
Generic: im going to bed
Generic: get fucked cunts
Postmalonefuckingsucks: I am in bed 
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Jerking off 
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Gonna skeet skeet skeet all over the walls 
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Fucking beating my meat like it owes me money 
Postmalonefuckingsucks: You like that don’t you Palmela Handerson you filthy slut 
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Oh goddamnit kitty I was about to yeet 
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Well that spoils the mood ugh hang on let me clean my hands and then you get pet 
Postmalonefuckingsucks: Catus interruptus
Feces: gn dn 
(anon): dooie
Mommymilkers42069: is anyone online
Mxangel: Yea
Mxangel: But I'm fucking LATE
Mxangel: So Imma go jogging ;-;
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Death25: im back
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Death25: hi
Mommymilkers42069: bleo
Death25: bleo
Mommymilkers42069: hehe
Death25: hehe
Pussy_powder: you cant spell advertisements without semen between the tits
Mommymilkers42069: omfg
Death25: already heard that one
Mommymilkers42069: did you know vincent van gogh was believed to be jack the ripper
Death25: yh
Death25: e
Mommymilkers42069: e
Logan_taken: hey guys
Death25: hi
Logan_taken: lemme guess lili isnt on
Logan_taken: nope she isnt
Logan_taken: dead chat XwX
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Logan_taken: hey
Logan_taken: blue?
Pussy_powder: hello anyone on
Blue_jollyrancher: Damn hi got distracted
Blue_jollyrancher: Well bye
Maxehhumano: cu
Logan_taken: hey guys
Logan_taken: aaaaaaaaaaaand no ones here
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Logan_taken: blep
Mommymilkers42069: no its blep
Logan_taken: blep
Logan_taken: pelb
Mommymilkers42069: blwp
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Logan_taken: blep
Logan_taken: k
Logan_taken: k
Logan_taken: k
Logan_taken: :)
Mommymilkers42069: no
Logan_taken: lol
Mommymilkers42069: brb
Logan_taken: okie
Fluffyfurryboi: hello
Logan_taken: hey
Mommymilkers42069: back
Logan_taken: wb
Fluffyfurryboi: in my opinion
Fluffyfurryboi: koda is a dick
Logan_taken: no kidding
Fluffyfurryboi: hes a fucking asshole
(anon): nice
Logan_taken: welcome to the club
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Koda: hi
Koda: im
Koda: he
Koda: re
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Mommymilkers42069: ko
Mommymilkers42069: da
Death25: yh
Logan_taken: is a
Logan_taken: ass hole
Death25: who is
Logan_taken: koda
Death25: not surprised
Logan_taken: lol
Logan_taken: that 3 people who think so now
Death25: lol
Koda: hi
Koda: mom
Koda: my
Logan_taken: me you and fluff
Koda: you mean the fluff who kissed blue without consent
Logan_taken: ye
Koda: or you who says the n word and is racist?
Logan_taken: i embrase that fact koda
Koda: embrace* 
Logan_taken: ik i miss spelled it
Koda: mk
Mommymilkers42069: im trying to make friends with the mouse in the garage but its not working T-T
Logan_taken: lol
Koda: lol
Death25: ye
Mommymilkers42069: my dad said that i wouldnt do anything dumb and that my dad needed to check on me but he didnt hahahaha
Koda: fuck the rat
Logan_taken: lol
Koda: im back
Koda: as fuck
Koda: as duck
Koda: as
Koda: tuck
Mommymilkers42069: a
Koda: b
Mommymilkers42069: c
Koda: d
Mommymilkers42069: e
Koda: f
Mommymilkers42069: g
Koda: h
Mommymilkers42069: i
Koda: j
Mommymilkers42069: k
Koda: l
Mommymilkers42069: m
Koda: n
Mommymilkers42069: o
Koda: p
Mommymilkers42069: q
Koda: r
Mommymilkers42069: s
Koda: t
Mommymilkers42069: u
Koda: v
Koda: x
Mommymilkers42069: w
Koda: oops
Koda: x
Mommymilkers42069: y
Koda: z
Koda: ezzzzzzz
Mommymilkers42069: DAMN IT ITS Y AND Z
Mommymilkers42069:   UUYGCWYUGETWF&^EGW*E&WBEUIE87we87hf8efhesi7hs8i\
Koda: :|
Koda: no.
Trees_the_proto: …
Death25: .....
Mommymilkers42069: yes
Koda: im gonna grab a needle
Trees_the_proto: ……………………………
Koda: and pop your titty
Mommymilkers42069: do it
Mommymilkers42069: i dare you
Logan_taken: wtf
Koda: mk
Mommymilkers42069: i will throw m kool-aid jammers at you
Mommymilkers42069: my
Logan_taken: my brain hurt
Mommymilkers42069: my tit hurt-
Logan_taken: wtf
Death25: lol
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Logan_taken: hey
Mommymilkers42069: im crying-
Logan_taken: why
Blue_jollyrancher: Why milk
Mommymilkers42069: anime deaths
Logan_taken: oh
Blue_jollyrancher: Valid
Mommymilkers42069: rengoku T-T
Mommymilkers42069: no
Death25: hi blue
Death25: im bored and sad
Logan_taken:  same
Death25: i miss reaper
Logan_taken: why
Death25: cause i am dating them
Death25: and they havent been pn in awhile
Logan_taken: im confused you both are guys right
Death25: y
Death25: yh
Logan_taken: ........
Logan_taken: you do relise im homophobic right
Death25: idc
Death25: and u cant make me
Logan_taken: ive lost all respect for you and reaper
Mommymilkers42069: wtf
Death25: wy
Death25: *wt
Logan_taken: sorry just how i am
Death25: k
Mommymilkers42069: you know that you tried to date a girl that has a gf now
Logan_taken: whp
Logan_taken: who
Death25: lol
Mommymilkers42069: -.-
Logan_taken: great another person i now have lost respect for
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: listen shut uo
Logan_taken: no
Mommymilkers42069: oh god-
Death25: oh
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: stop trying to get with my girlfriend 
(anon): lol
Logan_taken: WHO
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: shes taken stop being desperate
(anon): never
Logan_taken: i already have one jesus christ
Death25: lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: yet you try to get her to date you
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: take the hint
(anon): 2 is better than 1
Logan_taken: back then yes
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: not what ive heard
Logan_taken: who the fuck are you anyway
Death25: lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: her girlfriend who the fuck else can you not read
(anon): sure
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: you illiterate whore
Logan_taken: plus i stopped trying to get her a while ago
(anon): lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: yea yea whats your girlfriends name?
(anon): your mom
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: listen is she abusing you yet
Logan_taken: her nickname is shell
Logan_taken: and no
(anon): lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: is her full name shelly like a in the ocean cus if so we have enough plastic in their
(anon): use the right there bich
Mommymilkers42069: welp im going afk so i can piss
(anon): pisss on me mommy
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: only if im still on the phone
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: no thats my girlfriend fuck you
(anon): lol
(anon): fuck you too
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: you prolly would
(anon): maybe
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: desperate whore
(anon): ill fuck everyone
Death25: ...
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: if anyone wants you
(anon): ill fuck your dad and make him call me daddy
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: he has covid but go for it
Enimira: R
(anon): got vaxed bitch
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: same bbut he still got covid
Enimira: Mom
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i hope you get herpes and covid
(anon): ill still fuck him make him beg for more
Death25: lol
Mommymilkers42069: back
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: yk he isnt the bottom type but go for it
Mommymilkers42069: miraaaaa
(anon): hes gonna be when im done with him
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i say go for it
(anon): i will
(anon): you gonna call me step daddy soon
Mommymilkers42069: no 
(anon): oh yes
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: okay he has triplet kids and a wife and a pyscho ex wife but go for it
(anon): idk
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i 100% support
Mommymilkers42069: no anon
(anon): ill marry him just to bother you
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: omg we can be related and i can fuck with you so hard YES
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: do it pls
Mommymilkers42069: she wont be calling you anything. But i call her mommy in bed
(anon): yes
(anon): oh thats hot
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i wanna shove bloody tampons down your throat
(anon): ill take em
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: and put them on your pillow
(anon): sure

miley1995_  thedoctordonna97  essbo
Koda: re
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Mommymilkers42069: ko
Mommymilkers42069: da
Death25: yh
Logan_taken: is a
Logan_taken: ass hole
Death25: who is
Logan_taken: koda
Death25: not surprised
Logan_taken: lol
Logan_taken: that 3 people who think so now
Death25: lol
Koda: hi
Koda: mom
Koda: my
Logan_taken: me you and fluff
Koda: you mean the fluff who kissed blue without consent
Logan_taken: ye
Koda: or you who says the n word and is racist?
Logan_taken: i embrase that fact koda
Koda: embrace* 
Logan_taken: ik i miss spelled it
Koda: mk
Mommymilkers42069: im trying to make friends with the mouse in the garage but its not working T-T
Logan_taken: lol
Koda: lol
Death25: ye
Mommymilkers42069: my dad said that i wouldnt do anything dumb and that my dad needed to check on me but he didnt hahahaha
Koda: fuck the rat
Logan_taken: lol
Koda: im back
Koda: as fuck
Koda: as duck
Koda: as
Koda: tuck
Mommymilkers42069: a
Koda: b
Mommymilkers42069: c
Koda: d
Mommymilkers42069: e
Koda: f
Mommymilkers42069: g
Koda: h
Mommymilkers42069: i
Koda: j
Mommymilkers42069: k
Koda: l
Mommymilkers42069: m
Koda: n
Mommymilkers42069: o
Koda: p
Mommymilkers42069: q
Koda: r
Mommymilkers42069: s
Koda: t
Mommymilkers42069: u
Koda: v
Koda: x
Mommymilkers42069: w
Koda: oops
Koda: x
Mommymilkers42069: y
Koda: z
Koda: ezzzzzzz
Mommymilkers42069: DAMN IT ITS Y AND Z
Mommymilkers42069:   UUYGCWYUGETWF&^EGW*E&WBEUIE87we87hf8efhesi7hs8i\
Koda: :|
Koda: no.
Trees_the_proto: …
Death25: .....
Mommymilkers42069: yes
Koda: im gonna grab a needle
Trees_the_proto: ……………………………
Koda: and pop your titty
Mommymilkers42069: do it
Mommymilkers42069: i dare you
Logan_taken: wtf
Koda: mk
Mommymilkers42069: i will throw m kool-aid jammers at you
Mommymilkers42069: my
Logan_taken: my brain hurt
Mommymilkers42069: my tit hurt-
Logan_taken: wtf
Death25: lol
Blue_jollyrancher: Hello?
Logan_taken: hey
Mommymilkers42069: im crying-
Logan_taken: why
Blue_jollyrancher: Why milk
Mommymilkers42069: anime deaths
Logan_taken: oh
Blue_jollyrancher: Valid
Mommymilkers42069: rengoku T-T
Mommymilkers42069: no
Death25: hi blue
Death25: im bored and sad
Logan_taken:  same
Death25: i miss reaper
Logan_taken: why
Death25: cause i am dating them
Death25: and they havent been pn in awhile
Logan_taken: im confused you both are guys right
Death25: y
Death25: yh
Logan_taken: ........
Logan_taken: you do relise im homophobic right
Death25: idc
Death25: and u cant make me
Logan_taken: ive lost all respect for you and reaper
Mommymilkers42069: wtf
Death25: wy
Death25: *wt
Logan_taken: sorry just how i am
Death25: k
Mommymilkers42069: you know that you tried to date a girl that has a gf now
Logan_taken: whp
Logan_taken: who
Death25: lol
Mommymilkers42069: -.-
Logan_taken: great another person i now have lost respect for
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: listen shut uo
Logan_taken: no
Mommymilkers42069: oh god-
Death25: oh
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: stop trying to get with my girlfriend 
(anon): lol
Logan_taken: WHO
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: shes taken stop being desperate
(anon): never
Logan_taken: i already have one jesus christ
Death25: lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: yet you try to get her to date you
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: take the hint
(anon): 2 is better than 1
Logan_taken: back then yes
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: not what ive heard
Logan_taken: who the fuck are you anyway
Death25: lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: her girlfriend who the fuck else can you not read
(anon): sure
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: you illiterate whore
Logan_taken: plus i stopped trying to get her a while ago
(anon): lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: yea yea whats your girlfriends name?
(anon): your mom
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: listen is she abusing you yet
Logan_taken: her nickname is shell
Logan_taken: and no
(anon): lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: is her full name shelly like a in the ocean cus if so we have enough plastic in their
(anon): use the right there bich
Mommymilkers42069: welp im going afk so i can piss
(anon): pisss on me mommy
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: only if im still on the phone
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: no thats my girlfriend fuck you
(anon): lol
(anon): fuck you too
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: you prolly would
(anon): maybe
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: desperate whore
(anon): ill fuck everyone
Death25: ...
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: if anyone wants you
(anon): ill fuck your dad and make him call me daddy
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: he has covid but go for it
Enimira: R
(anon): got vaxed bitch
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: same bbut he still got covid
Enimira: Mom
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i hope you get herpes and covid
(anon): ill still fuck him make him beg for more
Death25: lol
Mommymilkers42069: back
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: yk he isnt the bottom type but go for it
Mommymilkers42069: miraaaaa
(anon): hes gonna be when im done with him
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i say go for it
(anon): i will
(anon): you gonna call me step daddy soon
Mommymilkers42069: no 
(anon): oh yes
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: okay he has triplet kids and a wife and a pyscho ex wife but go for it
(anon): idk
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i 100% support
Mommymilkers42069: no anon
(anon): ill marry him just to bother you
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: omg we can be related and i can fuck with you so hard YES
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: do it pls
Mommymilkers42069: she wont be calling you anything. But i call her mommy in bed
(anon): yes
(anon): oh thats hot
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i wanna shove bloody tampons down your throat
(anon): ill take em
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: and put them on your pillow
(anon): sure
(anon): i dont minf
(anon): *mind
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: and then like make shit stains on your stuff but like you prolly already do that
(anon): i might 
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i am aware it just radiates off you
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: like your vibes arent right
(anon): lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: your mentally ill but put everyone off by pretending to be "funny" but it doesnt work
Jannneer: i do that
Jannneer: logged in lol
Logan_taken: god theres so many fags here
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: cus i can still tell you are a insecure little bitch who cries themselves to sleep
Logan_taken: not you jan
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: only fags and say the word fag you fag
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: *can
Jannneer: i never said the word
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i was talkin to logan
Jannneer: oh yeah logan is one for sure
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: you seem nice so far
Logan_taken: if im a fag then why did i burn the pride flag hm
Jannneer: i was the anon you just argued with lol
Jannneer: not enough pride for you
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: 100% gives me bottom gay but in the closet so far that you dont know yet
Jannneer: yes
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: and the anon is mostly a joke and fun
Jannneer: i was
Jannneer: i was the anon
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: your fun to fake argue with
Jannneer: ik
Mommymilkers42069: hi jan
Jannneer: hi mommy
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: bitch she calls me mommy
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: desperate
Jannneer: oh two mommys nice
Mommymilkers42069: logan
Mommymilkers42069: do you know what a fag is
Mommymilkers42069: its a cig in australia 
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: he should cus he is one
Mommymilkers42069: and the sticks that they burnt gays with
Mommymilkers42069: get your god damned facts right 
Mommymilkers42069: go suck noodles dick
Mommymilkers42069: damn i killed chat
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: they would wrap homosexuals in rugs then put them on a stick and burn them so they looked like fags aka cigs and hence the word fag'
Jannneer: naah
Jannneer: i used to smoke fags but then i just stopped
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: jan are you a insecure 30 ish yr old male
Jannneer: im not 30 yet
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: cus those are the vibes i get
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: so like 28 then
Jannneer: insecure yes but not 30
Death25: lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i said 30ish
Jannneer: well im on middle of 20 and 30
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: still creepy when talking to 12 yr olds
Jannneer: meh
Mommymilkers42069: the age my mom wished to abort me
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: you groomer
Jannneer: lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: BING BONG
Jannneer: im just here to make people mad
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: fuck ya life
Mommymilkers42069: Beans rice jesus christ and byron
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: WHO
Mommymilkers42069: BYRON
Jannneer: anyone
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: WHO
Jannneer: everyone
Mommymilkers42069: BYRON!
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: BING BONG
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: if you see these dogs in your front yard
Jannneer: bing bong was the chinese whooker i fucked last night
Mommymilkers42069: that was a chop shop girl
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: just know that upstairs im going hard
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: BING BONG
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: chat died
Jannneer: lol
(anon): e
Jannneer: e
Mommymilkers42069: im a e
Jannneer: nice
Mommymilkers42069: i was gonna say im a 94 year old man in a 12 year old trapped inside me
Jannneer: wow
Mommymilkers42069: hehe
Jannneer: lol
Jannneer: nice
Mommymilkers42069: yey
Mommymilkers42069: theres other sounds you like 😏
Jannneer: all of them
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: that is true, you screaming my name is top of the list
Death25: lol
Mommymilkers42069:  😳
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: death i would protect you with my life your my favorite besides mommymilkers
Mommymilkers42069: damn ive been put aside
Jannneer: nice
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: ni
Mommymilkers42069: no
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blrp
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blme
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: lol
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Mommymilkers42069: lonely
Jannneer: yeah
Mommymilkers42069: no
Jannneer: ok
Death25: lol
Death25: ty 
Mommymilkers42069: deathhhhhhhhhhh
Death25: yh
Death25: wt do u need
Pussy_powder: anyone on
Generic: i have no fkn clue how i just slept for that long
Death25: im on
Genericidiot: I HATE POLAND
Genericidiot: I HATE POLAND
Genericidiot: I HATE POLAND
Koda: make out with my ass
Genericidiot: I HATE POLAND!!!!!!!
Koda: nice
(anon): K
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Generic: i just slept for like 14 hours
Mommymilkers42069: Gennnnn
Mommymilkers42069: my gf roasted the shit outta logan 😂
Death25: yes she did
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: what did she do
Death25: u roasted logan
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: possibly is that bad
Death25: no
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: k
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: he needed to be put in his place
Mommymilkers42069: ^
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i just have the balls to do it
Death25: yh
Generic: bro wut
Mommymilkers42069: ?
Genericidiot: bruh?
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: can i call you gene you seem like a gene or a eugene
Generic: which one.
Generic: call him that
Generic: bc im the original
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i want to call you eugene or gene whichever works
Generic: none of them work
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: okay eugene
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Genericidiot: Call me 
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: whatever you say
Genericidiot: An idiot
Generic: if this isnt a joke
Genericidiot: Nuff said
Generic: i dont like ur gf mommy
Mommymilkers42069: whyyy
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: no your name is eugene
Generic: no ur a retard inbred piss baby
Genericidiot: lmao
Generic: gen or generic or nothing
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: am i a mirror
Mommymilkers42069: you two will get along well
Generic: no ur a human dumbass
Generic: smh
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: cus like eugene seems like a pathetic babyman
Generic: i can guarantee u im not a eugene
Generic: 16 yr olds cant be pedophiles
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: eugene didnt like that
Generic: ur mother liked it when i dicked her down last night tho
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: you sound like a 3 yr old in a 70 yr old body'
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: also if you fucked my mom is she abusing you yet or are you just hitting and quitting cus thats what id reccoment
Generic: u sound like a uh..lik a dum dum retard.
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: shes pyscho
Generic: HA 
Generic: gotchu
Koda: titty
Koda: ass
Koda: you sound like how my bussy smells
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: both things i enjoy
Koda: like fish
Generic: kodas prolly on pcp dont mind him
Koda: pcp?
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: what color should my snail be
Koda: tf is pcp
Koda: gas?
Logan_taken: hello?
Koda: stfu
Logan_taken: okie
Generic: nah its hard to explain. its like a liquid drug that ppl will dip cigs or joints in 
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: koda i like you
Generic: its a hallucinagin
Koda: i dont like you
Generic: or however tf u spell it
Koda: lol wtf
Koda: W english.
Generic: never tried it myself but.
Generic: OHHHH
Generic: u know wut angel dust is right?
Koda: no
Generic: oh.
Generic: well.
Generic: google says:
Generic: Phencyclidine or phenylcyclohexyl piperidine, also known as angel dust among other names, is a dissociative hallucinogenic drug used for its mind-altering effects. PCP may cause hallucinations, distorted perceptions of sounds, and violent behavior
Koda: k
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: eugene are you dating koda cus i ship
Generic: now that i needed to explain it to u. it kinda ruined the moment
Generic: no we just fuck every now and then
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: nice 100% support
Generic: also guys this song is so good :O
(anon): trash
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: just like me
Jannneer: nice
Generic: i rly like the part where he sounds like an autistic 3 yr old on acid
Jannneer: wow
Jannneer: sounding like a retard and you like it maybe you are one
Generic: or maybe it was sarcasm
Jannneer: maybe both
Generic: ok maybe both
Jannneer: knew it
Generic: guys i also rly like this song its rly good and i like it bc it does hard and it sounds supa good :)
Mommymilkers42069: bleo
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Generic: flem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: i wont do this again
Jannneer: you win mommy
Mommymilkers42069: hehe
Jannneer: lol
Generic: where is ur incest child of a gf?
Mommymilkers42069: gen
Mommymilkers42069: be nice
Generic: yes?
Generic: bruh she called me eugene, ill stand for any other name
Generic: just not a discord mod

miley1995_  thedoctordonna97  essbo
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i am aware it just radiates off you
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: like your vibes arent right
(anon): lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: your mentally ill but put everyone off by pretending to be "funny" but it doesnt work
Jannneer: i do that
Jannneer: logged in lol
Logan_taken: god theres so many fags here
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: cus i can still tell you are a insecure little bitch who cries themselves to sleep
Logan_taken: not you jan
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: only fags and say the word fag you fag
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: *can
Jannneer: i never said the word
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i was talkin to logan
Jannneer: oh yeah logan is one for sure
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: you seem nice so far
Logan_taken: if im a fag then why did i burn the pride flag hm
Jannneer: i was the anon you just argued with lol
Jannneer: not enough pride for you
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: 100% gives me bottom gay but in the closet so far that you dont know yet
Jannneer: yes
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: and the anon is mostly a joke and fun
Jannneer: i was
Jannneer: i was the anon
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: your fun to fake argue with
Jannneer: ik
Mommymilkers42069: hi jan
Jannneer: hi mommy
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: bitch she calls me mommy
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: desperate
Jannneer: oh two mommys nice
Mommymilkers42069: logan
Mommymilkers42069: do you know what a fag is
Mommymilkers42069: its a cig in australia 
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: he should cus he is one
Mommymilkers42069: and the sticks that they burnt gays with
Mommymilkers42069: get your god damned facts right 
Mommymilkers42069: go suck noodles dick
Mommymilkers42069: damn i killed chat
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: they would wrap homosexuals in rugs then put them on a stick and burn them so they looked like fags aka cigs and hence the word fag'
Jannneer: naah
Jannneer: i used to smoke fags but then i just stopped
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: jan are you a insecure 30 ish yr old male
Jannneer: im not 30 yet
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: cus those are the vibes i get
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: so like 28 then
Jannneer: insecure yes but not 30
Death25: lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i said 30ish
Jannneer: well im on middle of 20 and 30
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: still creepy when talking to 12 yr olds
Jannneer: meh
Mommymilkers42069: the age my mom wished to abort me
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: you groomer
Jannneer: lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: BING BONG
Jannneer: im just here to make people mad
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: fuck ya life
Mommymilkers42069: Beans rice jesus christ and byron
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: WHO
Mommymilkers42069: BYRON
Jannneer: anyone
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: WHO
Jannneer: everyone
Mommymilkers42069: BYRON!
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: BING BONG
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: if you see these dogs in your front yard
Jannneer: bing bong was the chinese whooker i fucked last night
Mommymilkers42069: that was a chop shop girl
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: just know that upstairs im going hard
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: BING BONG
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: chat died
Jannneer: lol
(anon): e
Jannneer: e
Mommymilkers42069: im a e
Jannneer: nice
Mommymilkers42069: i was gonna say im a 94 year old man in a 12 year old trapped inside me
Jannneer: wow
Mommymilkers42069: hehe
Jannneer: lol
Jannneer: nice
Mommymilkers42069: yey
Mommymilkers42069: theres other sounds you like 😏
Jannneer: all of them
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: that is true, you screaming my name is top of the list
Death25: lol
Mommymilkers42069:  😳
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: death i would protect you with my life your my favorite besides mommymilkers
Mommymilkers42069: damn ive been put aside
Jannneer: nice
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: ni
Mommymilkers42069: no
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blrp
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blme
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: lol
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Mommymilkers42069: lonely
Jannneer: yeah
Mommymilkers42069: no
Jannneer: ok
Death25: lol
Death25: ty 
Mommymilkers42069: deathhhhhhhhhhh
Death25: yh
Death25: wt do u need
Pussy_powder: anyone on
Generic: i have no fkn clue how i just slept for that long
Death25: im on
Genericidiot: I HATE POLAND
Genericidiot: I HATE POLAND
Genericidiot: I HATE POLAND
Koda: make out with my ass
Genericidiot: I HATE POLAND!!!!!!!
Koda: nice
(anon): K
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Generic: i just slept for like 14 hours
Mommymilkers42069: Gennnnn
Mommymilkers42069: my gf roasted the shit outta logan 😂
Death25: yes she did
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: what did she do
Death25: u roasted logan
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: possibly is that bad
Death25: no
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: k
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: he needed to be put in his place
Mommymilkers42069: ^
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i just have the balls to do it
Death25: yh
Generic: bro wut
Mommymilkers42069: ?
Genericidiot: bruh?
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: can i call you gene you seem like a gene or a eugene
Generic: which one.
Generic: call him that
Generic: bc im the original
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i want to call you eugene or gene whichever works
Generic: none of them work
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: okay eugene
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Genericidiot: Call me 
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: whatever you say
Genericidiot: An idiot
Generic: if this isnt a joke
Genericidiot: Nuff said
Generic: i dont like ur gf mommy
Mommymilkers42069: whyyy
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: no your name is eugene
Generic: no ur a retard inbred piss baby
Genericidiot: lmao
Generic: gen or generic or nothing
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: am i a mirror
Mommymilkers42069: you two will get along well
Generic: no ur a human dumbass
Generic: smh
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: cus like eugene seems like a pathetic babyman
Generic: i can guarantee u im not a eugene
Generic: 16 yr olds cant be pedophiles
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: eugene didnt like that
Generic: ur mother liked it when i dicked her down last night tho
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: you sound like a 3 yr old in a 70 yr old body'
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: also if you fucked my mom is she abusing you yet or are you just hitting and quitting cus thats what id reccoment
Generic: u sound like a uh..lik a dum dum retard.
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: shes pyscho
Generic: HA 
Generic: gotchu
Koda: titty
Koda: ass
Koda: you sound like how my bussy smells
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: both things i enjoy
Koda: like fish
Generic: kodas prolly on pcp dont mind him
Koda: pcp?
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: what color should my snail be
Koda: tf is pcp
Koda: gas?
Logan_taken: hello?
Koda: stfu
Logan_taken: okie
Generic: nah its hard to explain. its like a liquid drug that ppl will dip cigs or joints in 
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: koda i like you
Generic: its a hallucinagin
Koda: i dont like you
Generic: or however tf u spell it
Koda: lol wtf
Koda: W english.
Generic: never tried it myself but.
Generic: OHHHH
Generic: u know wut angel dust is right?
Koda: no
Generic: oh.
Generic: well.
Generic: google says:
Generic: Phencyclidine or phenylcyclohexyl piperidine, also known as angel dust among other names, is a dissociative hallucinogenic drug used for its mind-altering effects. PCP may cause hallucinations, distorted perceptions of sounds, and violent behavior
Koda: k
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: eugene are you dating koda cus i ship
Generic: now that i needed to explain it to u. it kinda ruined the moment
Generic: no we just fuck every now and then
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: nice 100% support
Generic: also guys this song is so good :O
(anon): trash
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: just like me
Jannneer: nice
Generic: i rly like the part where he sounds like an autistic 3 yr old on acid
Jannneer: wow
Jannneer: sounding like a retard and you like it maybe you are one
Generic: or maybe it was sarcasm
Jannneer: maybe both
Generic: ok maybe both
Jannneer: knew it
Generic: guys i also rly like this song its rly good and i like it bc it does hard and it sounds supa good :)
Mommymilkers42069: bleo
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Generic: flem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: i wont do this again
Jannneer: you win mommy
Mommymilkers42069: hehe
Jannneer: lol
Generic: where is ur incest child of a gf?
Mommymilkers42069: gen
Mommymilkers42069: be nice
Generic: yes?
Generic: bruh she called me eugene, ill stand for any other name
Generic: just not a discord mod
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: its EUGENE
Jannneer: oh eugine chill out
Generic: i will literally choke u
Mommymilkers42069: babe its gene
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: no its EUGENE
Generic: god can u help me out?
Jannneer: oh eugene chill out
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: only by killing me
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: and ive tried 10 times it dont work
God_himself: what do u need child?
Jannneer: lol
Generic: this meanie....this meanie is bullying me *cries*
Mommymilkers42069: gen
Mommymilkers42069:  calm
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: *shrek then lifts you by your thighs*
Jannneer: only eugenes cry like this
God_himself: daddymilk, stop bullying generic he is a very sensitive little piss baby bitch
Death25: lol
Generic: hey fuck u too god
Jannneer: lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: his name is EUGENE
Generic: this is y i like satan more
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: bitch i am satan
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: so 
Death25: lol
Jannneer: and im god
Satan_: somebody said my name?
Jannneer: so eugene you lose
Satan_: and ur not satan retard
Death25: hey satan
Satan_: hello death
Satan_: nice to see u again
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: hey satan can i have a job torturing people you can tell im great at it
Jannneer: oh satan my brother
Satan_: no.
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: what an ass 
Satan_: hello jann y havent u been in hell recently?
Jannneer: tell eugene to man up
Jannneer: i was busy
Jannneer: i got drunk for a month or two
Death25: yh
Satan_: gen. y havent u been to my house lately ;) we were supposed to have those chocolate milkshakes together
Satan_: :)
Generic: uh sry my bad daddy~
Generic: i mean satan
Death25: ......
Death25: 4k
God_himself: lucifer u are one disgusting mf
Satan_: hey fuck u
Jannneer: wow
Satan_: maybe if u didnt kick me out of heaven...
Death25:  oooo\
God_himself: maybe if u werent a prick then i wouldnt have kicked u out
Satan_: eh fair enough lol
God_himself: oh btw did jesus make it down there yet?
Satan_: no?
Death25: y
God_himself: even tho my son was a pedo
God_himself: wait i prolly shouldnt continue that sentence
Death25: .....
God_himself: either way
Jannneer: jesus didnt want to meet either of you so he just died
God_himself: lmk when he gets down there
Satan_: gotchu boss
Death25: k
Mommymilkers42069: hm
Jannneer: lol
God_himself: well im going back up to heaven, ig somebody named "Jeffery Epstein" is trying to get back in.
Jannneer: nice
God_himself: toodles!
Death25: lo
Death25: l
Jannneer: epstein defo going to heaven
Satan_: i fkn hate god
Satan_: hes such a bitch 
Jannneer: i am god here
Jannneer: stfu
God_himself: nigga im omnipotent i can still hear wut u say
God_himself: retard
Death25: lol
Satan_: oh uh...i mean ur the best ^_^
Jannneer: omni what 
God_himself: thats wut i thought mf now go back to hell
Satan_: yes sir :|
Jannneer: sound like a retard choking on a sausage
Death25: lmfao
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: bottom
Death25: mhm
Mommymilkers42069: i know i am mommy-
Jannneer: nice
Generic: im a switch.
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i meant satan but im aware you are
Generic: like nintendo u can ride me like a mariokart.
Jannneer: eugene you dont get any
Generic: says the 30 yr old unemployed man who sits inside getting drunk every day
Generic: try again
Generic: either way
Generic: i dont want beef today
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: plus shes mine her tits are mine her is mine she isnt going to be riding anyone but me
Jannneer: btw im not 30 or unemployd and i dont drink everyday
Generic: daddymilk do u use a strap on or....
Jannneer: eugene gets mad at people calling him eugene but still answers to the name
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: eugene your curious
Generic: yes i am.
Jannneer: wow
Jannneer: she has long thick fingers
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: why you want me to peg you and make you the pathetic little bitch boy you are
Generic: yes mommy~
Jannneer: lol
Mommymilkers42069: no gen shes mine
Jannneer: eugene wants the d
Generic: in fact i want u to step all over me and call me a little pig boy
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: that makes another person calling me mommy but i only like one person to call me mommy
Jannneer: lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: and eugene im not shocked
Jannneer: eugene go to the nearest prison wait for someone to be released and you win
Gen: ok.
Mommymilkers42069: bad gen
Jannneer: you shortened your name eugene
Gen: yes ik
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: the pathetic bitch boy can listen?
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: wq
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: wow
Jannneer: ik

miley1995_  thedoctordonna97  essbo
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blrp
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blme
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: lol
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Mommymilkers42069: lonely
Jannneer: yeah
Mommymilkers42069: no
Jannneer: ok
Death25: lol
Death25: ty 
Mommymilkers42069: deathhhhhhhhhhh
Death25: yh
Death25: wt do u need
Pussy_powder: anyone on
Generic: i have no fkn clue how i just slept for that long
Death25: im on
Genericidiot: I HATE POLAND
Genericidiot: I HATE POLAND
Genericidiot: I HATE POLAND
Koda: make out with my ass
Genericidiot: I HATE POLAND!!!!!!!
Koda: nice
(anon): K
Mommymilkers42069: hi
Generic: i just slept for like 14 hours
Mommymilkers42069: Gennnnn
Mommymilkers42069: my gf roasted the shit outta logan 😂
Death25: yes she did
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: what did she do
Death25: u roasted logan
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: possibly is that bad
Death25: no
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: k
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: he needed to be put in his place
Mommymilkers42069: ^
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i just have the balls to do it
Death25: yh
Generic: bro wut
Mommymilkers42069: ?
Genericidiot: bruh?
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: can i call you gene you seem like a gene or a eugene
Generic: which one.
Generic: call him that
Generic: bc im the original
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i want to call you eugene or gene whichever works
Generic: none of them work
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: okay eugene
Mommymilkers42069: lol
Genericidiot: Call me 
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: whatever you say
Genericidiot: An idiot
Generic: if this isnt a joke
Genericidiot: Nuff said
Generic: i dont like ur gf mommy
Mommymilkers42069: whyyy
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: no your name is eugene
Generic: no ur a retard inbred piss baby
Genericidiot: lmao
Generic: gen or generic or nothing
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: am i a mirror
Mommymilkers42069: you two will get along well
Generic: no ur a human dumbass
Generic: smh
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: cus like eugene seems like a pathetic babyman
Generic: i can guarantee u im not a eugene
Generic: 16 yr olds cant be pedophiles
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: eugene didnt like that
Generic: ur mother liked it when i dicked her down last night tho
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: you sound like a 3 yr old in a 70 yr old body'
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: also if you fucked my mom is she abusing you yet or are you just hitting and quitting cus thats what id reccoment
Generic: u sound like a uh..lik a dum dum retard.
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: shes pyscho
Generic: HA 
Generic: gotchu
Koda: titty
Koda: ass
Koda: you sound like how my bussy smells
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: both things i enjoy
Koda: like fish
Generic: kodas prolly on pcp dont mind him
Koda: pcp?
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: what color should my snail be
Koda: tf is pcp
Koda: gas?
Logan_taken: hello?
Koda: stfu
Logan_taken: okie
Generic: nah its hard to explain. its like a liquid drug that ppl will dip cigs or joints in 
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: koda i like you
Generic: its a hallucinagin
Koda: i dont like you
Generic: or however tf u spell it
Koda: lol wtf
Koda: W english.
Generic: never tried it myself but.
Generic: OHHHH
Generic: u know wut angel dust is right?
Koda: no
Generic: oh.
Generic: well.
Generic: google says:
Generic: Phencyclidine or phenylcyclohexyl piperidine, also known as angel dust among other names, is a dissociative hallucinogenic drug used for its mind-altering effects. PCP may cause hallucinations, distorted perceptions of sounds, and violent behavior
Koda: k
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: eugene are you dating koda cus i ship
Generic: now that i needed to explain it to u. it kinda ruined the moment
Generic: no we just fuck every now and then
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: nice 100% support
Generic: also guys this song is so good :O
(anon): trash
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: just like me
Jannneer: nice
Generic: i rly like the part where he sounds like an autistic 3 yr old on acid
Jannneer: wow
Jannneer: sounding like a retard and you like it maybe you are one
Generic: or maybe it was sarcasm
Jannneer: maybe both
Generic: ok maybe both
Jannneer: knew it
Generic: guys i also rly like this song its rly good and i like it bc it does hard and it sounds supa good :)
Mommymilkers42069: bleo
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Generic: flem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: i wont do this again
Jannneer: you win mommy
Mommymilkers42069: hehe
Jannneer: lol
Generic: where is ur incest child of a gf?
Mommymilkers42069: gen
Mommymilkers42069: be nice
Generic: yes?
Generic: bruh she called me eugene, ill stand for any other name
Generic: just not a discord mod
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: its EUGENE
Jannneer: oh eugine chill out
Generic: i will literally choke u
Mommymilkers42069: babe its gene
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: no its EUGENE
Generic: god can u help me out?
Jannneer: oh eugene chill out
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: only by killing me
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: and ive tried 10 times it dont work
God_himself: what do u need child?
Jannneer: lol
Generic: this meanie....this meanie is bullying me *cries*
Mommymilkers42069: gen
Mommymilkers42069:  calm
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: *shrek then lifts you by your thighs*
Jannneer: only eugenes cry like this
God_himself: daddymilk, stop bullying generic he is a very sensitive little piss baby bitch
Death25: lol
Generic: hey fuck u too god
Jannneer: lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: his name is EUGENE
Generic: this is y i like satan more
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: bitch i am satan
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: so 
Death25: lol
Jannneer: and im god
Satan_: somebody said my name?
Jannneer: so eugene you lose
Satan_: and ur not satan retard
Death25: hey satan
Satan_: hello death
Satan_: nice to see u again
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: hey satan can i have a job torturing people you can tell im great at it
Jannneer: oh satan my brother
Satan_: no.
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: what an ass 
Satan_: hello jann y havent u been in hell recently?
Jannneer: tell eugene to man up
Jannneer: i was busy
Jannneer: i got drunk for a month or two
Death25: yh
Satan_: gen. y havent u been to my house lately ;) we were supposed to have those chocolate milkshakes together
Satan_: :)
Generic: uh sry my bad daddy~
Generic: i mean satan
Death25: ......
Death25: 4k
God_himself: lucifer u are one disgusting mf
Satan_: hey fuck u
Jannneer: wow
Satan_: maybe if u didnt kick me out of heaven...
Death25:  oooo\
God_himself: maybe if u werent a prick then i wouldnt have kicked u out
Satan_: eh fair enough lol
God_himself: oh btw did jesus make it down there yet?
Satan_: no?
Death25: y
God_himself: even tho my son was a pedo
God_himself: wait i prolly shouldnt continue that sentence
Death25: .....
God_himself: either way
Jannneer: jesus didnt want to meet either of you so he just died
God_himself: lmk when he gets down there
Satan_: gotchu boss
Death25: k
Mommymilkers42069: hm
Jannneer: lol
God_himself: well im going back up to heaven, ig somebody named "Jeffery Epstein" is trying to get back in.
Jannneer: nice
God_himself: toodles!
Death25: lo
Death25: l
Jannneer: epstein defo going to heaven
Satan_: i fkn hate god
Satan_: hes such a bitch 
Jannneer: i am god here
Jannneer: stfu
God_himself: nigga im omnipotent i can still hear wut u say
God_himself: retard
Death25: lol
Satan_: oh uh...i mean ur the best ^_^
Jannneer: omni what 
God_himself: thats wut i thought mf now go back to hell
Satan_: yes sir :|
Jannneer: sound like a retard choking on a sausage
Death25: lmfao
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: bottom
Death25: mhm
Mommymilkers42069: i know i am mommy-
Jannneer: nice
Generic: im a switch.
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i meant satan but im aware you are
Generic: like nintendo u can ride me like a mariokart.
Jannneer: eugene you dont get any
Generic: says the 30 yr old unemployed man who sits inside getting drunk every day
Generic: try again
Generic: either way
Generic: i dont want beef today
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: plus shes mine her tits are mine her is mine she isnt going to be riding anyone but me
Jannneer: btw im not 30 or unemployd and i dont drink everyday
Generic: daddymilk do u use a strap on or....
Jannneer: eugene gets mad at people calling him eugene but still answers to the name
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: eugene your curious
Generic: yes i am.
Jannneer: wow
Jannneer: she has long thick fingers
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: why you want me to peg you and make you the pathetic little bitch boy you are
Generic: yes mommy~
Jannneer: lol
Mommymilkers42069: no gen shes mine
Jannneer: eugene wants the d
Generic: in fact i want u to step all over me and call me a little pig boy
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: that makes another person calling me mommy but i only like one person to call me mommy
Jannneer: lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: and eugene im not shocked
Jannneer: eugene go to the nearest prison wait for someone to be released and you win
Gen: ok.
Mommymilkers42069: bad gen
Jannneer: you shortened your name eugene
Gen: yes ik
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: the pathetic bitch boy can listen?
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: wq
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: wow
Jannneer: ik
Gen: bro stop calling me that im gonna get horny.
Jannneer: eugene just go jerk it to some sissy shit
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: have fun getting off by your self bitch boy
Gen: wut i thought.
Koda: hi
Koda: im
Koda: he
Koda: re
Jannneer: you had a tought wow
Gen: also can we just think abt how literally the second i stepped in here, mommys "gf" has been flaming me for 0 reason.
Jannneer: no
Gen: fair
Koda: k
Gen: ok i dont like having no stats on my acct back to generic i go
Jannneer: back to eugene
(anon): bruh its not letting me login one sec
Jannneer: lol
(anon): so which mf tried to get into my acct?
(anon): cuz i have a recovery email on it
Jannneer: not me
(anon): retard
Generic: here we go
Mommymilkers42069: be nice
Jannneer: never
Generic: mommy. ur "gf" has literally been a cunt for no reason :|
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i am what i eat
Jannneer: eugene you diserved it
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: eugene did deserve it
Generic: damn u must be nothing then, anorexic bitch
Jannneer: anorexic bitch nice
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i think mommy can disagree
Generic: ah so ur a fat mf huh?
Jannneer: she drinks the mommys milk she cant be anorexic
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: at least i can actually get pussy
Jannneer: get wrecked
Generic: lmao get on weightwatchers mf and i do get pussy dumbass, maybe actually get to know me b4 u start flaming
Jannneer: are sure eugene
Generic: nobody on here has proof of anything
Generic: mommymilkers "gf" could very well just be an alt
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: you think this is me flaming you? you havent even made me mad yet like im laughing at these
Jannneer: the way you talk makes people think *oh a virgin1*
Generic: jan u literally were rping with a 14 yr old, if that doesnt scream no pussy then idk wut does
Jannneer: i mean rping with people doesnt effect real life stuff
Generic: it sure does say something tho
Generic: especially with minors
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: eugene you are getting butthurt over a 12 yr old being mean
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: that says something
Jannneer: lol
Generic: im not getting butthurt lmao this is entertaining, 
Jannneer: talking to people online oh no
Generic: and if mommy is dating a 12 yr old then...thats another topic entirely
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: ahhh so scary
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: how old do you think mommy is
Mommymilkers42069: hehe
Generic: 15
Generic: thats wut shes told everybody
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: wrong
Generic: ah so ur gfs a lier?
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: *liar*
Jannneer: lying online who has ever done that
Generic: i literally cannot win against any of u.
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: im not actually 12 but its funny to say i am then fuck with you
Jannneer: eugene then chill out
Generic: ill be back when the average iq here is above 25
Jannneer: i actually have the iq of 120 so we will continue
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: well then i guess he cant come back cus his is like -2
Jannneer: welp eugene shut up 
Death25: yh
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: eugene im sorry i have been bribed to be nice to you
Jannneer: lol
Death25: lol
Generic: get fucked cunts
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Death25: ...
(anon): ...
Mommymilkers42069: ...
(anon): Chat = dead
Mommymilkers42069: mk
Mommymilkers42069: yea
(anon): Wonder why
Mommymilkers42069: ^
Jannneer: lol
Mommymilkers42069: blep
(anon): I, anon, hold all the power of the universe
Mommymilkers42069: no
Jannneer: no
(anon): I, anon, hold MOST of the power of the universe
Mommymilkers42069: i have the power of anime and doggos on my side
Jannneer: anon = loser
(anon): I have the power of not cringe on my side
Jannneer: wow
Jannneer: everyone has that
(anon): Well, have u seen some of the ppl who frequent this chat?
Jannneer: yes
(anon): Do u still stand by your statement?
Jannneer: yes
Jannneer: you are the cringe
(anon): bruh moment
(anon): Stfu anon
Jannneer: lol
(anon): no u
(anon): I will literally choke u and make u call me daddy
Jannneer: log in losers
(anon): UwU~
Mommymilkers42069: is it boner
Jannneer: oh no a loser is saing words oh no
Jannneer: idk
Death25: ....
Mommymilkers42069: death
Mommymilkers42069: are you ok
Death25: wt do think reaper hasnt been for a very long time nw
Death25: *u
Jannneer: reaper is a loser bich
Death25: ....
Mommymilkers42069: <img src="" alt="Fire Force Cosplay Brings the Heat with Princess Hibana"/>
Mommymilkers42069: I simp
Jannneer: noice
Death25: noice
(anon): e
Jannneer: e
Mommymilkers42069: e
Mommymilkers42069: a
Jannneer: sports its in the game
(anon): anon
(anon): *fards*
(anon): LOL guys this anon is so funny dont u think?
(anon): yea i think that
Jannneer: lol
(anon): SAME
(anon): aw thank u guys
(anon): What'd I miss?
Mxangel: Nothin apparently
(anon): nothing except this anon making a very funny joke!
Death25: .....
(anon): tell em wut u said anon!
(anon): well uh
(anon): i said
(anon): anon
(anon): *fards*
(anon): LOL
(anon): never gets old anon!
(anon): what a kneeslapper!
(anon): thank u thank u
(anon): i work rly hard on my material
Jannneer: sure you do
(anon): thank u jann!
Jannneer: lol
(anon): hey uh guys
(anon): wheres the bathroom?
(anon): *fards*
Jannneer: lol
(anon): LOL XD ROFL 420 SWAG COOL that was a good one!
Jannneer: cool
Koda: woof
Koda: meow
Koda: moo
Jannneer: baah
Koda: what do these noises have in common?
Koda: me in the bed.
Jannneer:  nice
Koda: cause im an animal in the bed.
Jannneer: nice
Koda: wanna find out?
Jannneer: sure

miley1995_  thedoctordonna97  essbo
Generic: i dont like ur gf mommy
Mommymilkers42069: whyyy
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: no your name is eugene
Generic: no ur a retard inbred piss baby
Genericidiot: lmao
Generic: gen or generic or nothing
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: am i a mirror
Mommymilkers42069: you two will get along well
Generic: no ur a human dumbass
Generic: smh
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: cus like eugene seems like a pathetic babyman
Generic: i can guarantee u im not a eugene
Generic: 16 yr olds cant be pedophiles
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: eugene didnt like that
Generic: ur mother liked it when i dicked her down last night tho
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: you sound like a 3 yr old in a 70 yr old body'
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: also if you fucked my mom is she abusing you yet or are you just hitting and quitting cus thats what id reccoment
Generic: u sound like a uh..lik a dum dum retard.
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: shes pyscho
Generic: HA 
Generic: gotchu
Koda: titty
Koda: ass
Koda: you sound like how my bussy smells
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: both things i enjoy
Koda: like fish
Generic: kodas prolly on pcp dont mind him
Koda: pcp?
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: what color should my snail be
Koda: tf is pcp
Koda: gas?
Logan_taken: hello?
Koda: stfu
Logan_taken: okie
Generic: nah its hard to explain. its like a liquid drug that ppl will dip cigs or joints in 
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: koda i like you
Generic: its a hallucinagin
Koda: i dont like you
Generic: or however tf u spell it
Koda: lol wtf
Koda: W english.
Generic: never tried it myself but.
Generic: OHHHH
Generic: u know wut angel dust is right?
Koda: no
Generic: oh.
Generic: well.
Generic: google says:
Generic: Phencyclidine or phenylcyclohexyl piperidine, also known as angel dust among other names, is a dissociative hallucinogenic drug used for its mind-altering effects. PCP may cause hallucinations, distorted perceptions of sounds, and violent behavior
Koda: k
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: eugene are you dating koda cus i ship
Generic: now that i needed to explain it to u. it kinda ruined the moment
Generic: no we just fuck every now and then
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: nice 100% support
Generic: also guys this song is so good :O
(anon): trash
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: just like me
Jannneer: nice
Generic: i rly like the part where he sounds like an autistic 3 yr old on acid
Jannneer: wow
Jannneer: sounding like a retard and you like it maybe you are one
Generic: or maybe it was sarcasm
Jannneer: maybe both
Generic: ok maybe both
Jannneer: knew it
Generic: guys i also rly like this song its rly good and i like it bc it does hard and it sounds supa good :)
Mommymilkers42069: bleo
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: blem
Generic: flem
Mommymilkers42069: blep
Jannneer: i wont do this again
Jannneer: you win mommy
Mommymilkers42069: hehe
Jannneer: lol
Generic: where is ur incest child of a gf?
Mommymilkers42069: gen
Mommymilkers42069: be nice
Generic: yes?
Generic: bruh she called me eugene, ill stand for any other name
Generic: just not a discord mod
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: its EUGENE
Jannneer: oh eugine chill out
Generic: i will literally choke u
Mommymilkers42069: babe its gene
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: no its EUGENE
Generic: god can u help me out?
Jannneer: oh eugene chill out
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: only by killing me
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: and ive tried 10 times it dont work
God_himself: what do u need child?
Jannneer: lol
Generic: this meanie....this meanie is bullying me *cries*
Mommymilkers42069: gen
Mommymilkers42069:  calm
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: *shrek then lifts you by your thighs*
Jannneer: only eugenes cry like this
God_himself: daddymilk, stop bullying generic he is a very sensitive little piss baby bitch
Death25: lol
Generic: hey fuck u too god
Jannneer: lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: his name is EUGENE
Generic: this is y i like satan more
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: bitch i am satan
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: so 
Death25: lol
Jannneer: and im god
Satan_: somebody said my name?
Jannneer: so eugene you lose
Satan_: and ur not satan retard
Death25: hey satan
Satan_: hello death
Satan_: nice to see u again
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: hey satan can i have a job torturing people you can tell im great at it
Jannneer: oh satan my brother
Satan_: no.
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: what an ass 
Satan_: hello jann y havent u been in hell recently?
Jannneer: tell eugene to man up
Jannneer: i was busy
Jannneer: i got drunk for a month or two
Death25: yh
Satan_: gen. y havent u been to my house lately ;) we were supposed to have those chocolate milkshakes together
Satan_: :)
Generic: uh sry my bad daddy~
Generic: i mean satan
Death25: ......
Death25: 4k
God_himself: lucifer u are one disgusting mf
Satan_: hey fuck u
Jannneer: wow
Satan_: maybe if u didnt kick me out of heaven...
Death25:  oooo\
God_himself: maybe if u werent a prick then i wouldnt have kicked u out
Satan_: eh fair enough lol
God_himself: oh btw did jesus make it down there yet?
Satan_: no?
Death25: y
God_himself: even tho my son was a pedo
God_himself: wait i prolly shouldnt continue that sentence
Death25: .....
God_himself: either way
Jannneer: jesus didnt want to meet either of you so he just died
God_himself: lmk when he gets down there
Satan_: gotchu boss
Death25: k
Mommymilkers42069: hm
Jannneer: lol
God_himself: well im going back up to heaven, ig somebody named "Jeffery Epstein" is trying to get back in.
Jannneer: nice
God_himself: toodles!
Death25: lo
Death25: l
Jannneer: epstein defo going to heaven
Satan_: i fkn hate god
Satan_: hes such a bitch 
Jannneer: i am god here
Jannneer: stfu
God_himself: nigga im omnipotent i can still hear wut u say
God_himself: retard
Death25: lol
Satan_: oh uh...i mean ur the best ^_^
Jannneer: omni what 
God_himself: thats wut i thought mf now go back to hell
Satan_: yes sir :|
Jannneer: sound like a retard choking on a sausage
Death25: lmfao
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: bottom
Death25: mhm
Mommymilkers42069: i know i am mommy-
Jannneer: nice
Generic: im a switch.
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i meant satan but im aware you are
Generic: like nintendo u can ride me like a mariokart.
Jannneer: eugene you dont get any
Generic: says the 30 yr old unemployed man who sits inside getting drunk every day
Generic: try again
Generic: either way
Generic: i dont want beef today
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: plus shes mine her tits are mine her is mine she isnt going to be riding anyone but me
Jannneer: btw im not 30 or unemployd and i dont drink everyday
Generic: daddymilk do u use a strap on or....
Jannneer: eugene gets mad at people calling him eugene but still answers to the name
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: eugene your curious
Generic: yes i am.
Jannneer: wow
Jannneer: she has long thick fingers
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: why you want me to peg you and make you the pathetic little bitch boy you are
Generic: yes mommy~
Jannneer: lol
Mommymilkers42069: no gen shes mine
Jannneer: eugene wants the d
Generic: in fact i want u to step all over me and call me a little pig boy
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: that makes another person calling me mommy but i only like one person to call me mommy
Jannneer: lol
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: and eugene im not shocked
Jannneer: eugene go to the nearest prison wait for someone to be released and you win
Gen: ok.
Mommymilkers42069: bad gen
Jannneer: you shortened your name eugene
Gen: yes ik
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: the pathetic bitch boy can listen?
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: wq
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: wow
Jannneer: ik
Gen: bro stop calling me that im gonna get horny.
Jannneer: eugene just go jerk it to some sissy shit
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: have fun getting off by your self bitch boy
Gen: wut i thought.
Koda: hi
Koda: im
Koda: he
Koda: re
Jannneer: you had a tought wow
Gen: also can we just think abt how literally the second i stepped in here, mommys "gf" has been flaming me for 0 reason.
Jannneer: no
Gen: fair
Koda: k
Gen: ok i dont like having no stats on my acct back to generic i go
Jannneer: back to eugene
(anon): bruh its not letting me login one sec
Jannneer: lol
(anon): so which mf tried to get into my acct?
(anon): cuz i have a recovery email on it
Jannneer: not me
(anon): retard
Generic: here we go
Mommymilkers42069: be nice
Jannneer: never
Generic: mommy. ur "gf" has literally been a cunt for no reason :|
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i am what i eat
Jannneer: eugene you diserved it
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: eugene did deserve it
Generic: damn u must be nothing then, anorexic bitch
Jannneer: anorexic bitch nice
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: i think mommy can disagree
Generic: ah so ur a fat mf huh?
Jannneer: she drinks the mommys milk she cant be anorexic
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: at least i can actually get pussy
Jannneer: get wrecked
Generic: lmao get on weightwatchers mf and i do get pussy dumbass, maybe actually get to know me b4 u start flaming
Jannneer: are sure eugene
Generic: nobody on here has proof of anything
Generic: mommymilkers "gf" could very well just be an alt
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: you think this is me flaming you? you havent even made me mad yet like im laughing at these
Jannneer: the way you talk makes people think *oh a virgin1*
Generic: jan u literally were rping with a 14 yr old, if that doesnt scream no pussy then idk wut does
Jannneer: i mean rping with people doesnt effect real life stuff
Generic: it sure does say something tho
Generic: especially with minors
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: eugene you are getting butthurt over a 12 yr old being mean
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: that says something
Jannneer: lol
Generic: im not getting butthurt lmao this is entertaining, 
Jannneer: talking to people online oh no
Generic: and if mommy is dating a 12 yr old then...thats another topic entirely
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: ahhh so scary
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: how old do you think mommy is
Mommymilkers42069: hehe
Generic: 15
Generic: thats wut shes told everybody
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: wrong
Generic: ah so ur gfs a lier?
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: *liar*
Jannneer: lying online who has ever done that
Generic: i literally cannot win against any of u.
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: im not actually 12 but its funny to say i am then fuck with you
Jannneer: eugene then chill out
Generic: ill be back when the average iq here is above 25
Jannneer: i actually have the iq of 120 so we will continue
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: well then i guess he cant come back cus his is like -2
Jannneer: welp eugene shut up 
Death25: yh
Mommymilkersgirlfriend: eugene im sorry i have been bribed to be nice to you
Jannneer: lol
Death25: lol
Generic: get fucked cunts
Mommymilkers42069: damn
Death25: ...
(anon): ...
Mommymilkers42069: ...
(anon): Chat = dead
Mommymilkers42069: mk
Mommymilkers42069: yea
(anon): Wonder why
Mommymilkers42069: ^
Jannneer: lol
Mommymilkers42069: blep
(anon): I, anon, hold all the power of the universe
Mommymilkers42069: no
Jannneer: no
(anon): I, anon, hold MOST of the power of the universe
Mommymilkers42069: i have the power of anime and doggos on my side
Jannneer: anon = loser
(anon): I have the power of not cringe on my side
Jannneer: wow
Jannneer: everyone has that
(anon): Well, have u seen some of the ppl who frequent this chat?
Jannneer: yes
(anon): Do u still stand by your statement?
Jannneer: yes
Jannneer: you are the cringe
(anon): bruh moment
(anon): Stfu anon
Jannneer: lol
(anon): no u
(anon): I will literally choke u and make u call me daddy
Jannneer: log in losers
(anon): UwU~
Mommymilkers42069: is it boner
Jannneer: oh no a loser is saing words oh no
Jannneer: idk
Death25: ....
Mommymilkers42069: death
Mommymilkers42069: are you ok
Death25: wt do think reaper hasnt been for a very long time nw
Death25: *u
Jannneer: reaper is a loser bich
Death25: ....
Mommymilkers42069: <img src="" alt="Fire Force Cosplay Brings the Heat with Princess Hibana"/>
Mommymilkers42069: I simp
Jannneer: noice
Death25: noice
(anon): e
Jannneer: e
Mommymilkers42069: e
Mommymilkers42069: a
Jannneer: sports its in the game
(anon): anon
(anon): *fards*
(anon): LOL guys this anon is so funny dont u think?
(anon): yea i think that
Jannneer: lol
(anon): SAME
(anon): aw thank u guys
(anon): What'd I miss?
Mxangel: Nothin apparently
(anon): nothing except this anon making a very funny joke!
Death25: .....
(anon): tell em wut u said anon!
(anon): well uh
(anon): i said
(anon): anon
(anon): *fards*
(anon): LOL
(anon): never gets old anon!
(anon): what a kneeslapper!
(anon): thank u thank u
(anon): i work rly hard on my material
Jannneer: sure you do
(anon): thank u jann!
Jannneer: lol
(anon): hey uh guys
(anon): wheres the bathroom?
(anon): *fards*
Jannneer: lol
(anon): LOL XD ROFL 420 SWAG COOL that was a good one!
Jannneer: cool
Koda: woof
Koda: meow
Koda: moo
Jannneer: baah
Koda: what do these noises have in common?
Koda: me in the bed.
Jannneer:  nice
Koda: cause im an animal in the bed.
Jannneer: nice
Koda: wanna find out?
Jannneer: sure
Koda: ok bend over
Jannneer: ok
Koda: ok
Koda: now open up that bussy
Jannneer: ok
Koda: alr im sliding in
(anon): wait is koda a furry?
Koda: no.
Jannneer: yes please
(anon): anyone wanna play a game?
(anon): and i dont mean cah
Jannneer: what game are you thinking
(anon): who am i?
(anon): ur an anon dumbass
Jannneer: a loser
(anon): no
(anon): close tho
Jannneer: yes
Pussy_powder: hello
Pussy_powder: anyone 
Pussy_powder: on
Pussy_powder: a wmiba way
Pussy_powder: a wimba way
Pussy_powder: a wimba way
Pussy_powder: a wimba way
Pussy_powder: oh you cant spell advertisements without semen between the tits
Logan_taken: hello?
(anon): no
Logan_taken: okie
(anon): np
Logan_taken: is lili here
Asscheese: no fuck off
Logan_taken: no
(anon): lili aint been here babe
Logan_taken: okie
(anon): hey logan
Enimira: Hm
Mommymilkers42069: baack
(anon): cool
Mxangel: :P
Mommymilkers42069: angelllllll
Mxangel: Hi
Mommymilkers42069: haiii
Mxangel: Hru?
Mommymilkers42069: im ok hru
Mxangel: I'm doin alright, just waiting for dinner to be ready
Mommymilkers42069: what are you having for dinnrt
Mommymilkers42069: dinner 
Mxangel: Idk, I haven't asked yet :P
Mommymilkers42069: lol
(anon): i am gonna do something
Mommymilkers42069: ?
(anon): *fard*
Mommymilkers42069: wtf-
Koda: deez
Koda: nuts.
Bassfella: TRUUUUUU
Mommymilkers42069: no
Koda: mk
(anon): i agree with koda here
Mommymilkers42069: anon
Koda: yes
Mommymilkers42069: blep
(anon): yes?
Mommymilkers42069: im bored
(anon): i didnt ask
Mommymilkers42069: did i ask you to care
(anon): did i ask for u to eat my ass?
(anon): no
(anon): so y did u do it?