Generic: but on this one
Generic: i must
Koda: big ouch.
Drbewpsie: So let’s talk about Christianity
Generic: no
Drbewpsie: Yes
Generic: no
Daughter: fuck off missionary
Drbewpsie: Yes
Generic: i prefer doggy
Fluffyfurryboi: this is why I can't fucking express myself god damn it
Drbewpsie: I know
Koda: ok then dont.
Generic: or cogirl
Generic: cowgirl*
Feces: hi chat 
Koda: hi feces
Drbewpsie: Idk I was on here a couple months ago with my friend
Koda: nice
Fluffyfurryboi: soda why the fuck are you even here?
Generic: who is soda
Koda: why are you here?
Generic: like pepsi?
Koda: to get denied by girls and erp?
Daughter: koda soda©
Feces: why am i here
just to sugfer 
Generic: koda i seen u in lobbies wit som ppl dont act like u innocent...
Koda: i don't go into lobbies
Generic: but at least thats not ur sole purpose
Koda: if i erp it's in whisper
Generic: and ok buddy
Generic: fair enough
Koda: so if i go into lobbies its actual talking lol
Koda: fluffy does that shit and gets denied IN PUBLIC
Koda: down bad.
Feces: i saw koda in medbay
Feces: kinda sussy 
Daughter: sus
Generic: that would be a sick soda name. koda fluffy jus gave u a buisness idea stop flaming him
Koda: i was in electrical actually.
Feces: ⚡
Daughter: amog us
Koda: i already trademarked coca koda and cola koda.
Generic: koda's soda©
Void_the_proto: ...
Drbewpsie: Band kid humor*
Generic: stfu void
(anon): kock soda?
Fluffyfurryboi: why do I bother
Koda: koda soda is already taken
Koda: and yea
Drbewpsie: Void your a pedo
Koda: stfu void.
Koda: facts
Feces: bofa soda 
Generic: bofa deez nuts
Generic: LMAO LOL XD 420 SWAG
Daughter: lol
Daughter: *drinks deez*
Drbewpsie: Band humor*
Feces: do not say '420 swag' in my fucking
Generic: lmo
Generic: lmao*
(anon): e
Fluffyfurryboi: someone remind me why y'all bothered to give me advice?
Koda: 421 swag
Feces: im gonna qeeq
Koda: someone remind me who asked you to talk?
Generic: nobody said they was gon give u advice
Generic: and i already gave u all i have
Generic: so
Koda: the most advice i have for you is leave and shoot yourself
Drbewpsie: Void remember when like you believed like a member of the fbi was in your ass.
Koda: thats about it tho
Feces: here's some helpful advice: shut the fuck up ✓
Generic: who is drbewpsie
Feces: who is suspicious
Fluffyfurryboi: remind me whats the damn point of being here with yall?
Generic: and y is he suddenly here
Drbewpsie: Who tf is generic
Feces: tu mama
Generic: im generic
Generic: duh
Generic: smh
Daughter: i have actual advice unlike these cunts
Fluffyfurryboi: why do I tolerate you all
Fluffyfurryboi: oh wait
Feces: this site has not changed one bit
Daughter: ok, hot tip here
Fluffyfurryboi: because I love to see what people do
Fluffyfurryboi: what I say
Fluffyfurryboi: what I do
Fluffyfurryboi: just to see what happens
Drbewpsie: The only one here I remember is Daughter and she is a idiot.
Generic: tbf kodas kindve an asshole all the time so idk wut u expected when he showed up
Daughter: yes
Daughter: and yes
Koda: yea gen was so mad he had to tell my GIRLFRIEND to stop being mean
Koda: lmaooooo
Koda: tell her to tell me to stop being mean*
(anon): guess what
Generic: i never told her to do that. i jus called u an asshole.
Feces: mfs dumb all around see no folly hear no lies
(anon): chicken butt.
Koda: no
Drbewpsie: Shit the fuck up
Koda: i have the screenshots bozo
Drbewpsie: Shut the fuck up
Feces: shit ur fuck
Daughter: shit the fuck
Daughter: fuck the shit
Generic: lemme see em
Koda: mk
Daughter: owo
Generic: i wanna see wut she told u.
Fluffyfurryboi: why am I here with you all
Fluffyfurryboi: I know I love to see what people do
Generic: bro uve said that like 5 times.
Daughter: because were all depressed
Drbewpsie: What happened to people like Veronika and like that one nazi guy
Fluffyfurryboi: but why bother to come back?
Generic: veronika is somebody elses alt
(anon): hitler?
Fluffyfurryboi: why be here at all?
Generic: forgor whos
Drbewpsie: Who owns veronika
Koda: veronika got like
Koda: 30 alrs
Koda: alts
Generic: uh. wasnt it daughter?
Generic: or maybe puro
Generic: rin?
Generic: idk
Drbewpsie: Really
(anon): who?
(anon): idk what y'all are talking about
Koda: ok so the screenshot has you telling her to tell me im an asshole
Koda: sounds like
Koda: some pussy shit.
Drbewpsie: People from the past
Drbewpsie: Remember retardfaggot
Generic: yup never forced u to be nice.
Generic: and i already told u i said that
Generic: so..
Koda: no she did lmao
Drbewpsie: Or poopfaggot or something
Generic: i literally jus said it
Generic: retard
Generic: who tf is poopfaggot
Drbewpsie: Retardfaggot that’s it
Generic: lmaoooo
Koda: keep crying bozo 
Chungus12: Nice
Chungus12: Nice
Koda: wtf are these alts
Feces: seethe
Chungus12: Nice
(anon): nice
Drbewpsie: Yo you guys arguing or something
Daughter: ye
(anon): idk
Koda: who the fuck was talking to you?
Koda: and literally nobody but me and gen were arguing
Drbewpsie: This guy is an idiot
Generic: furry. type faster jesus. we are already past u.
Koda: fr
Koda: you a nobody.
Generic: ok ur not a nobody
Drbewpsie: Furry your a silly goose
Koda: nah ur a nobody
Generic: ^
Koda: mf said
Generic: HOL UP
Drbewpsie: Go back to your cave
Koda: "ima leave" like 20 times
Koda: and is still here
Koda: bitch, leave.
Generic: goddamn chill
Koda: aint nobody stopping you.
Koda: tf???
Feces: im trying to wrap my head around this chat but my brain is too small
Drbewpsie: So who was the German girl
Koda: yea me and gen are too big brain
(anon): help
Generic: im jus a faggot.
Feces: no everyone here is a dumbass
Drbewpsie: Who was the German girl on here daughter
Daughter: ur mum?
Drbewpsie: Who dated veronika
Drbewpsie: Or something
Daughter: um
Drbewpsie: Not my mom fool
Feces: mfs wasting time making petty enemies in a card game chat 💀
Koda: bro said fool lol
Fluffyfurryboi: why did I bother expressing how I feel to people like you all. . .
Generic: fr feces..
Koda: we dont know why either
Drbewpsie: I argued with her over Christianity on here
Koda: nobody asked you to.
Daughter: ok im confused
Generic: which side were u on dr?
Drbewpsie: Furry you can’t do that to people on here
Feces: mogus
Drbewpsie: What side I’m on?
Generic: speaking of which wut happened to dr k?
Daughter: he died
Daughter: idk
Generic: damn thas tuff
Koda: god bless
Generic: rip bozo
Feces: 🙏
Todd_clorox: The other day my dad slapped our dog so hard he went deaf.
Feces: 🌽
Todd_clorox: My dad went deaf that is.
Daughter: wtf
Koda: tell him to slap me
Koda: sexually.
Drbewpsie: I really don’t know what the fight was about or something. I bet it was about being gay or sum.
Koda: oh.
Feces: Sex.
Daughter: sex
Generic: bruh. the average iq of this chat is like 4
(anon): sux
Drbewpsie: Me and my dad went hunting and I told him I seen a turkey, he turned around and boom… I shot his head off.
Feces: your mother ?????issue
Koda: yea bc fluffy brings it down so much
Todd_clorox: 4? I think you're giving us too much credit.
Koda: shit would be at least 12
(anon): i'm gonna have a dookie
Feces: my brain is made of interwoven penises
Generic: this must be wut chemotherapy feels like
Drbewpsie: If I said I was a 12 year old girl, I bet 13 pedos would be whispering to me.
Generic: prolly
Daughter: they would
Drbewpsie: Such as coid
Koda: dickotherapy
Drbewpsie: Void*
Koda: void, angel, jesus69, comenlal
Generic: rip jesus
Koda: janm.
Koda: jann*
Generic: i rly liked the guy. until he turned out to be a pedo ofc
Feces: ok generic
Generic: jann will be back tho.
Koda: i called it from the start
Koda: from. the. STAAAAAAAAART
Feces: ah yes koda the infinitely wise 
Generic: koda u didnt even believe he was in college at first
Drbewpsie: Damn you have a list, I’m surprised that these mofos still on here.
Koda: yea but i told u in whispers
Koda: he is either a 12 year old dumbass
Koda: or a pedo
Koda: and i was right.
Generic: i dont recall that
Generic: either way
Generic: kiss me
Generic: rn
Koda: ok
Koda: kisses him~
Generic: *creams*
Feces: hershey's 
Daughter: gay
Daughter: yay
Koda: eats his cookies and cream~
Feces: gay sex incorporated
Drbewpsie: So, For god so loved the world he gave his only begotten son Jesus Christ for you so ever believe in him shall not perish but shall live an everlasting life.
Feces: ok john 
Koda: john mama
Daughter: i fucked jesus christ
Generic: jesus was a delusional crack addict
Feces: papa joe's 
Generic: change my mind
Daughter: in his ass
Koda: i can change ur mind:
Koda: he ain't real.
Generic: jesus was real retard
Koda: nah.
Daughter: proof?
Drbewpsie: Jesus is real, but the real question is, is was he the son of god.
Koda: says who? the bible?
Feces: jesus was ejected for being super super sus
Drbewpsie: History dip shit.
Generic: bruh. jesus was a real person. wut he taught was absolute bs tho
Daughter: amogus.......
Daughter: sus.....
Generic: ^
Koda: jesus wasn't real.
Feces: jesus is fake just like my penis 
Koda: you think in russia schools learn about jesus being real?
Koda: no.
Koda: it's a religious thing.
Drbewpsie: There has been fucking scrolls that have talked about Jesus and shit.
Daughter: cyka?
Koda: JESUS did not spread religion
Drbewpsie: So your telling me if I make a religion based around joe Biden’s cock, his cock ain’t real?
Koda: he was just a character in the religion
Feces: wow amazing scholarly minds here really adding something new to the table
Koda: of Christianity and whatever
Generic: lmao this is fun.
Daughter: ssex
Daughter: loll
Generic: drbewpsie are u religious?
Koda: ok so the buddha was real?
Daughter: yes
Generic: buddha was real yes.
Generic: hes my dad
Daughter: lol
Koda: :|
Drbewpsie: I’m a Christian but not a really big devoted one.
Daughter: loli
Feces: the buddha fucked my mom actually
Daughter: owo
Generic: im a satanist :)
Todd_clorox: The Buddha is my mom actually.
Koda: hotei is my dad.
Koda: and mom.
Generic: holy shit this chat is aids during this time of day
Drbewpsie: I don’t give two shits what you are, you have a right to do what ever and believe what ever the fuck you want.
Feces: ok buddy 
Daughter: my parents are both satan
Todd_clorox: You can't have a mom and a dad. You can only have one.
Koda: grandma.
Feces: hermaphrodite retar 
Drbewpsie: Grandma
Drbewpsie: I ate my grandma
Daughter: grandma
Daughter: is dead
Daughter: lol
Koda: i ate daughter's grandma's ass.
Todd_clorox: RIP Grandma
Daughter: oop-
Generic: rip bozo
Koda: twice.
Daughter: Owo
Generic: im a shit crack.
Feces: ive nailed down joe mongus guys
Daughter: whos joe mongus
Koda: anyone wanna swallow my cum?
Feces: yes 
Daughter: no
Feces: ✓
Generic: i wannna swallow joe
(anon): i just had a dookie
Generic: joe mama
Feces: zamn zaniel 
Daughter: joe biden
Drbewpsie: Some part of me thinks that all religion is based on a couple of dudes setting in a room and was like, “let’s make some shit up that gets people to do good.” 
Generic: back at it again with the lynched african americans
Koda: facts
Daughter: all religion is based on deception
Feces: mfs oversimplifying religion to try to attain some shred of wisdom my god 🙏
Daughter: and war is too
Drbewpsie: But the twist is, is whatever was considered wrong during that period is what makes a sin, a sin.
Daughter: and life
Koda: feces u come on here to erp
Feces: well no 
Daughter: you cum on here~
Koda: u act like ur doing better shit
Generic: im gonna eat ass.
Koda: ur here doing what?
Generic: me
Feces: im doing squat here because i can :)
Drbewpsie: Feces prolly weighs over 300+ Fucking pounds because he’s fat as fuck.
Koda: and we are talking religious here
Koda: cause we can x-x
Fluffyfurryboi: I want to be someone
Koda: then be a ghost
Koda: and leave
Feces: im trying to think
Drbewpsie: Prolly thinking of some dumb shit
Feces: ok chat member 
Koda: lmaooooooo
Generic: anal sex
Koda: same
Generic: oral creampie
Generic: in my mouth
Koda: ur gay
Generic: no u
Feces: gayass 
Generic: now kiss me mf
Feces: romantical
Generic: gayly
Feces: gaelic 
Koda: kiss me first
Koda: daddy
Generic: *licks lips*
Feces: i think thinking is bad
Generic: *kisses kodas big, soft, wet, lips*
Generic: no homo doe
(anon): e
Generic: ayo
Generic: uh
Generic: anybody here?
Generic: uh..
Daughter: no
Generic: oh ght
Daughter: gonna watch tentacle porn, bye
Generic: ight
(anon): e
Generic: login lili
(anon): no
Generic: ok
(anon): e
Feces: crazy 
Feces: j.
(anon): h
Generic: start over anon
(anon): e
Generic: a
Generic: sports
(anon): it's in the garage
(anon): game
(anon): autocorrect 
Generic: im bouta park this big mac truck in that lil garage ;)
Feces: hmmm gay sex 
(anon): aight imma head out
Generic: bye
Generic: im also gon go bye bye
Generic: bye zaddies
Feces: j af 
Koda: chat dead as fuck
Koda: without me.
Feces: true 
Koda: yea.
Feces: christmats in 1 houre 
Feces: satan has  come to deliver the delicious treats
Koda: nice.
Feces: 🐔
Koda: neko
Koda: neko
Koda: neko
Koda:  neko
(anon): Pussycat 
Koda: ok
Koda: same
Koda: pussy
(anon): pussy
Feces: j 
Feces: i think im what they call down bad
Koda: you are.
Koda: i can confirm
Feces: incredible finally im right about something
Koda: yep
Koda: im bored
Feces: hi bored im ur mom 
Koda: hi mom lemme suck ya titty
Feces: go to horny jail do not pass 200 do not collect go
Koda: no.
Feces: im 🍅
Koda: fat?
Feces: oh yes im so large and wide and  rectangular
Koda: we know
Feces: ure so funy
Koda: thanks
Feces: 🤨
Feces: you are the opposite of a ukrainian 
Feces: oh well another day another dollar. goodnight don't let the nuts bite o/
Satan_: anything happening here?
Satan_: oops wrong acct
Generic: there we go
Generic: anything happening here?
Generic: no?
Generic: ight
Generic: gn