Cinderthecatboy: hi tay Inasg_no: hello Alpharad: yes thats me the only normal one Keigo: gtg Cinderthecatboy: how are you fellow human because i am totally not a cat Inasg_no: I'm normal too you little cunt Alpharad: okay well Inasg_no: who you saying hru to cin Alpharad: didn you like Cinderthecatboy: you Alpharad: in the hot tub with your friend Inasg_no: oh I'm alr wbu Inasg_no: how tf you remember that Alpharad: good memoery Inasg_no: interesting Cinderthecatboy: `im bored Toxicego357: *dies* Inasg_no: Do you remember my name Alpharad: yes Alpharad: mich Inasg_no: funny Alpharad: i dont i never heard it Toxicego357: Its blackula Cinderthecatboy: big brother alpha Toxicego357: big nigga alpha Toxicego357: *language* Cinderthecatboy: onii-chan Alpharad: what Cinderthecatboy: hi (anon): *spanks cin* NO (anon): FUCKING HELL Toxicego357: imma die Cinderthecatboy: same Maple_boy: hello Alpharad: imma live Inasg_no: hi Cinderthecatboy: but hopefully imma be happy Toxicego357: sup maple Maple_boy: how is everyone doing? Cinderthecatboy: toxxx Toxicego357: Yes sir? Alpharad: who the hell is mayple syrup boy Sannkaed: i wanna kms ugh Cinderthecatboy: there's a dommy mommy ai Toxicego357: ok and? Cinderthecatboy: want a linkkk Alpharad: theres an ai of everyhting Toxicego357: Yes Toxicego357: for a friend Toxicego357: ofc Ayanamirei: Alpharad: tox get well soon man Toxicego357: whats that supposed to mean Cinderthecatboy: Alpharad: just i wish you a healthy recuvery Toxicego357: ok... Sannkaed: Oofalladeez: Ima hop off for a bit Sannkaed: im famous now Alpharad: no one cares sann Cinderthecatboy: She giggles again and smiles at you Yeah, it is! She gets closer to you and puts her head on your shoulder and leans her chest against yours So, do you want to watch a movie tonight? She speaks in a really flirty and seductive way Ayanamirei: Alpharad: stop Sannkaed: gross Toxicego357: Cin just pm that to me Inasg_no: hahahhaa I get what alpha meant Inasg_no: that's not very nice alpha Alpharad: what Toxicego357: IM SO LOST!!! Cinderthecatboy: She notices something and giggles She puts her hand on your crotch Oh, are you a little... excited? She giggles and looks at you You feel her fingers touching your crotch Toxicego357: WHAT DID HE MEAN? Inasg_no: dw abt it Toxicego357: Bruh Toxicego357: just tell meh Alpharad: youll get it when you're older Toxicego357: ok... Toxicego357: ill continue to be the immature person i am Toxicego357: Imma just be the dom to the dom and see what happens Alpharad: what Toxicego357: its funny Maysi: F- Feeling overwhelmed I- I'm not alright N- Needing someone to help E- Everyone ignores me Maysi: yeah im fine! Maysi: howdy chat Alpharad: cringe Toxicego357: HOWDY MAY!!!! Toxicego357: I ALSO AM FINE Toxicego357: IM MAKING FUN OF A DOMMY MOMMY AI Maysi: the best acronym Maysi: damn just make fun of me Sannkaed: MAY Sannkaed: ILY Sannkaed: HIIII Toxicego357: SHE TOLD ME TO SHUT UP AND I SAID NYUH UH Maysi: .. Maysi: lmao Inasg_no: ... Cinderthecatboy: im getting stroked by my stepsis apparently Alpharad: what Sannkaed: HUH. Cinderthecatboy: brb Maysi: AYO Alpharad: man 90% of my messages now are what Maysi: G- Garbage R- Really not okay E- End it all A- Alone T- Terrified of reality Maysi: GREAT! Alpharad: cool man Inasg_no: fr alpha Maysi: hmmm what else can i turn into a contradictive acronym Inasg_no: Good? Inasg_no: Alright? Sannkaed: penis Inasg_no: Oka Rouge_killer: TAYYYYYYYYYYYy Inasg_no: Y Inasg_no: ? Alpharad: oop rogue is here im out Rouge_killer: IM GETTING THE DUDE ONLINE Rouge_killer: THE BLACK ONE Rouge_killer: lol Rouge_killer: but yeah hes getting online Uglybitch: AAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Samuraijay: yoooooooooooooooo Inasg_no: wait i reloaded did anyone say anything Samuraijay: yeah Rouge_killer: i did Samuraijay: I did Rouge_killer: Rouge_killer: IM GETTING THE DUDE ONLINE Rouge_killer: THE BLACK ONE Rouge_killer: lol Rouge_killer: but yeah hes getting online Cinderthecatboy: back Rouge_killer: thats what i said Inasg_no: wb Rouge_killer: wb cinder Rouge_killer: CINDER THAT SITE IS LIKE DAMN Samuraijay: wdym Cinderthecatboy: fr Maysi: S- Stupid M- Make it stop A- Always trying to please others R- Really asking for help T- Truly broken Maysi: smart! Maysi: im bored Rouge_killer: same Rouge_killer: soooo tay Samuraijay: same Rouge_killer: your bf is online Rouge_killer: lol Samuraijay: -_- Inasg_no: . Samuraijay: . Maysi: eat toast with mayonnaise or ketchup Sannkaed: eat me instead Maysi: (would make saucy comment, dont care enough to) Maysi: aight gonna go be edgy emo bitch elsewhere Inasg_no: JAYYYYYYYYYY Inasg_no: HEY BB Cinderthecatboy: She giggles She whispers You come She catches your semen in her hand She giggles She whispers She strokes you more Your semen stains her hand Maysi: what- Oofalladeez: Hey may! Answerguru: Ask me everything Answerguru: Your deepest questions Sannkaed: MAY Sannkaed: MAYYYY Sannkaed: answerguru Sannkaed: i have a question Cinderthecatboy: there is a lot of precum in my pants. Sannkaed: u weird asf Samuraijay: its normal Oofalladeez: ... I did not volunteer the notion to care or want to know any of that shit... Answerguru: Well, Inasg Toxicego357: Cin... Answerguru: The site is still good, just less populated now Toxicego357: THANK YOU FOR THAT LINK Answerguru: And the precum comes from puberty Sannkaed: answerguru who loves me Answerguru: Your future gf Sannkaed: W Inasg_no: thank you for the answer Sannkaed: when will i die and how Inasg_no: answerguru who's my future bf Sannkaed: i can answer that tay Answerguru: Sannkead, you will die... naturally probably Toxicego357: brb Sannkaed: and how old? Oofalladeez: By shotgun to the face right now. Answerguru: Your future bf is... Someone who's nice to you Inasg_no: wait bxk Inasg_no: Did they answer my question Sannkaed: factor in that i am emo, have drug addictions, and depression Inasg_no: Who's my future bf answerguru Answerguru: 79 years old Sannkaed: now restart the equation Inasg_no: Inasg_no: Who's my future bf answerguru Answerguru: Ok... 70 years Sannkaed: fair Answerguru: Your future bf is... A human Answerguru: Yes. It will belong to the human species Inasg_no: What's his name answerguru Answerguru: It's against his privacy Inasg_no: :+ Inasg_no: :( Answerguru: we have to ask his consent Inasg_no: Is the pregnancy stick right saying I'm pregnant answerguru Answerguru: what Sannkaed: answerguru is the child mine Ishipwillowandhunter: No. Answerguru: Yes? Inasg_no: is the pregnancy test right because it says I'm pregnant but is it actually Sannkaed: or is it a case of "you are not the father" Answerguru: If he looks like you Inasg_no: wb michyyy Sannkaed: what if hes back Sannkaed: black Answerguru: Coppect records of hospital Answerguru: I am afk Ishipwillowandhunter: Its mine if anything. Also back, I took a long ass shower and now the outside world sucks Ishipwillowandhunter: Tyyyyy 15:36:50Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Assmaster: Inasg_no: Sannkaed: are you Sannkaed: like Sannkaed: enlarged? Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes, and the child's mine Sannkaed: did yall fuck? Inasg_no: no...ik who's the child is. Please don't tell anyone abt this sann. Please. Answerguru: No Answerguru: Sone ppl in chat did never fucked yet Answerguru: This website always has been low quality, back then it was worse Sannkaed: uwu! Answerguru: now,there's less ppl. Depends on what you mean by that question earlier Inasg_no: hey sann Inasg_no: you wanna know smth Oofalladeez: Guru having been here 6 years u right Answerguru: Since Jesus Answerguru: I just want questions but yeah sure, Inasg. I want to know Inasg_no: SANN Inasg_no: oyu hear Inasg_no: You Inasg_no: Here* Samuraijay: what just happened Answerguru: What was question again? I logged out Answerguru: Trxting in lobby chat happened Answerguru: Texting* Answerguru: If you need me, I am like your dad somewhere else Answerguru: bye Miclamore: This site is so specific when it comes to kinks, I found out that my girlfriend was a registered sex offender, thank you Azala (anon): HUHH Sannkaed: whattttt Ishipwillowandhunter: I have a million different kinks and fantasies. Having sex with you is not one of them Sannkaed: ^ Sannkaed: this Inasg_no: what abt having sex with me? Inasg_no: Hey sann wanna know smth Ishipwillowandhunter: Fuck yes Inasg_no: YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Inasg_no: fuck me daddy Rouge_killer: back Inasg_no: WB Sannkaed: sure Ishipwillowandhunter: I would blow your back out in 20 different spots around the house Ishipwillowandhunter: Wbb Rouge_killer: thanks Inasg_no: I'll hold you to that :p Samuraijay: I'm back Inasg_no: JAYYYYYYYYYYYYY WBBBBB I MISSED YA Samuraijay: me too Rouge_killer: brb Inasg_no: hru? Sannkaed: sadness Inasg_no: why Inasg_no: mich is here Inasg_no: I don't get it why are you sad Inasg_no: When mich is here Inasg_no: like wha Raeal_the_protogen: *roomba noises* Sannkaed: bc mich dont like me :( and im sad ash rn (anon): huh? Jug_addict: huh? Inasg_no: HEY GREG Sannkaed: raeal are you a girl or a man or a non binary mf Inasg_no: Why you sad Jug_addict: HEY TAY Raeal_the_protogen: im 100% certified Grade-A male Sannkaed: im jus sad man Sannkaed: i aint got shit to make me happy fr Raeal_the_protogen: why do ya ask Inasg_no: HRU Sannkaed: protogens Sannkaed: they vary in gender Inasg_no: Raeal_the_protogen: im 100% certified Grade-A male Inasg_no: yk Jug_addict: IM GOOD, WBU? Raeal_the_protogen: T O A S T E R Sannkaed: see Inasg_no: Frisky said the exact same thing Sannkaed: point proven Inasg_no: But a female instead of male Raeal_the_protogen: whar Raeal_the_protogen: what* Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm a non binary hoe Inasg_no: the exact. Same. Thing. Inasg_no: my* Inasg_no: don't forget the my mich 🙄 Raeal_the_protogen: im confuse but ok, moisture detected in your protogens USB port *floats around fish tank again* Samuraijay: I'm already confused Jug_addict: S A M S U N G S M A R T F R I D G E Sannkaed: k i l l y o u r s e l f Raeal_the_protogen: which one of you mf put PHub on the fridge at Home Depot Inasg_no: jay ily Raeal_the_protogen: simp Sannkaed: k i l l y o u r s e l f Sannkaed: k i l l y o u r s e l f Sannkaed: k i l l y o u r s e l f Inasg_no: I'm fucking not Raeal_the_protogen: we dont need to know such graphic detail sir your relations are your business Toxicego357: I hath returned Toxicego357: the prodigal son Inasg_no: wb you stealing little bitch >:c Raeal_the_protogen: the holy one has returned unto our presence Sannkaed: hi tix Sannkaed: tox Toxicego357: sup Toxicego357: Also... Jug_addict: im bored Toxicego357: you stole lilliy Sannkaed: what Sannkaed: who Toxicego357: lilly* Sannkaed: who did Raeal_the_protogen: hit that W level 40 Charizard today, hit my infant child too Toxicego357: tay Ishipwillowandhunter: Sorry Spencer, I love you but I have to break up with you, Toxicego357: I understand mich Inasg_no: :) Toxicego357: i expected this Jug_addict: damn Jug_addict: sdge moments Inasg_no: heheheheh Sannkaed: tay will you go out with me Toxicego357: it was only a matter of time Sannkaed: message from mich Raeal_the_protogen: W rizz *cough* Sannkaed: btw Inasg_no: mich didn't say that you liar Toxicego357: i gotta watch a suicide prevention video now O_O Jug_addict: hahahaha Sannkaed: yall ever just fuck lightning mcqueen until he oils on your cock? Raeal_the_protogen: ha imagine spencer Toxicego357: ¨you matter¨ Raeal_the_protogen: no lives matter Raeal_the_protogen: sann WHAT Ishipwillowandhunter: Do I though Toxicego357: THE MITOCHONDRIA IS THE POWERHOUSE OF THE CELL Jug_addict: NO Raeal_the_protogen: the Fission Reactor is the powerhouse of the Protogen (anon): protogens are gay and deserve to die Toxicego357: Depression is the powerhouse of the emo Inasg_no: YOU MATTER MORE THAN ANYTHING TO ME MICH >:' (anon): more than niggers do Jug_addict: ha Inasg_no: >:c* Raeal_the_protogen: fission, fusion, i'm the one with the 12.7x100mm chaingun (anon): i fucking hate furry faggots (anon): kill yourselfs Inasg_no: language Sannkaed: jesus Jug_addict: bitch Raeal_the_protogen: *ignores anon* have a good day anon sir/ma'am Sannkaed: tox stfu btw Inasg_no: language Jug_addict: no Inasg_no: yes Toxicego357: Damn aight (anon): dont fuckin hit me with that left wing gender bullshit (anon): you liberal faggot Inasg_no: LANGUAGE. Raeal_the_protogen: DEUTSCH Raeal_the_protogen: FRANCAIS Raeal_the_protogen: ESPANOL Jug_addict: i got bitches all on my dick and on my balls Raeal_the_protogen: i also speak fluent UwUSpeak and gamer Inasg_no: français* español* Inasg_no: speak to me in uwu Raeal_the_protogen: i cant do that fancy shit im on computer Raeal_the_protogen: howo awe youwu mwam? mwy dway waws gewd Inasg_no: ah okat Inasg_no: Okay* Inasg_no: hahahaha Inasg_no: speak to me in gamer Raeal_the_protogen: yo mommy lemme rizz you up with this W charm fr fr 16:03:23Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Inasg_no: fuck me Jug_addict: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Jug_addict: speak to me in rizzard of ozz style Raeal_the_protogen: *bluescreens* Error Code 427-R227 Jug_addict: damn Inasg_no: :c damn Raeal_the_protogen: i dont play wit men monsieur jug Inasg_no: Ain't no one to fuck me now :( Jug_addict: me Jug_addict: ill do it Inasg_no: oh? Inasg_no: bet daddy :p Jug_addict: say less c'mere Raeal_the_protogen: holup lads and lassies brb Inasg_no: LASSY AHAHAHHAHSA Inasg_no: LASSY LMAOOO Toxicego357: ¨Sleeping all alone¨ Jake hill Jug_addict: "Northern Lights" Rare Americans Toxicego357: Im not a big rare americans fan Toxicego357: brittle bones nicky is good but other than that... Toxicego357: idk Raeal_the_protogen: *EXTREMELY LOUD ROOMBA SOUNDS* Jug_addict: AAAAAA Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey no only I fuck Tay :(( Samuraijay: what about me Ishipwillowandhunter: And anon is right, I'm a left wing liberal faggot Raeal_the_protogen: WE comrade Ishipwillowandhunter: No. Raeal_the_protogen: izzat anon still being SPED? Inasg_no: all three of you can fuck me? :( Jug_addict: bet Sannkaed: me too? Raeal_the_protogen: YES Toxicego357: MICH Ishipwillowandhunter: No, fuck no. No, no, no, and ni. All of you can fuck each other, Tay is mine Toxicego357: WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes daddy? Ishipwillowandhunter: NO Toxicego357: YES Ishipwillowandhunter: IM A FAGGOT Toxicego357: Pwease? Inasg_no: hehehehe all yours bb <3 (anon): NIGGERSSSS Inasg_no: LANGUAGE (anon): NIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGER (anon): NIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGER (anon): NIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGER (anon): NIGGER (anon): NIGGER (anon): NIGGER (anon): NIGGER (anon): NIGGER (anon): NIGGER (anon): NIGGERNIGGER (anon): NIGGER Samuraijay: who will I fuck with Inasg_no: smh now I'm getting off :c Jug_addict: me Raeal_the_protogen: damn our fleshlight is gone Raeal_the_protogen: er Raeal_the_protogen: what Toxicego357: dont get off :( Inasg_no: Spencer I select you tj be the languager whilst I'm gone Toxicego357: also Toxicego357: But why tay? Samuraijay: I'm straight btw Raeal_the_protogen: why nyot uwu *hits the gwiddy* Raeal_the_protogen: i lost 36 brain cells saying that Jug_addict: hahaha Raeal_the_protogen: i hungy (anon): I lost 37 reading it. Raeal_the_protogen: feed me RAM Toxicego357: *grabs motherboard from del computer* Raeal_the_protogen: ew no not DEL Raeal_the_protogen: im too above that vile filth Toxicego357: *throws it out for an apple phone* Inasg_no: Back jay fuck me Toxicego357: YOI Raeal_the_protogen: i wonder how crunchy it would be to eat a phone Raeal_the_protogen: JOI Raeal_the_protogen: er Jug_addict: TAY Raeal_the_protogen: whaaaaaaat Ishipwillowandhunter: I SENT YOU A LONG ASS PARAGRAPH JUDT BEFORE YOU GOT ON FUCK ME Ishipwillowandhunter: :'c Inasg_no: IM SO SORRY Raeal_the_protogen: beep beeeeeepbeep bepbepbepebpebp beeeeepbeepbep BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP Inasg_no: I THINK YOU SHOULD PUNISH ME FOR THAT Toxicego357: da widdle nyose Raeal_the_protogen: oop- Toxicego357: AYO WHAT? Inasg_no: yes Greg? Raeal_the_protogen: *camera flash* Inasg_no: I SAID WHAT I SAID . Samuraijay: . Raeal_the_protogen: Inasg_no: I THINK YOU SHOULD PUNISH ME FOR THAT Raeal_the_protogen: idk what to do with that now Toxicego357: i wanna be punished tho :( Jug_addict: i need head Inasg_no: Oofalladeez: it weird I want you to make me drink my cum.... Raeal_the_protogen: *puts toxic in the corner on a stool* Toxicego357: Da,m Toxicego357: damn* Oofalladeez: There is no Queen of England Toxicego357: im in timeout Raeal_the_protogen: there is no tooth fairy Toxicego357: WHAT???? Ishipwillowandhunter: Were you a bad boy? Raeal_the_protogen: oh shit XD Samuraijay: HUH Raeal_the_protogen: i caught that late Toxicego357: FIRST SANTA ISNT REAL AND NOW THE TOOTH FAIRY???? HOW DARE YOU!!!!!! Inasg_no: YES NATHANIEL I KNOW YOU DONT HAVE TO RUB IT IN Inasg_no: michy punish me :c Rouge_killer: bacon Rouge_killer: IN Rouge_killer: MY Rouge_killer: ASS Samuraijay: oink Raeal_the_protogen: tay lets have Geschlechtvecker Rouge_killer: ig jay is in my ass Samuraijay: NAWWW Inasg_no: sure? Rouge_killer: but you said oink Inasg_no: NO HES IN MY PUSSY Rouge_killer: ok Rouge_killer: \ Rouge_killer: he likes that Raeal_the_protogen: Geschlechtvecker = seggs Samuraijay: wait Samuraijay: bet Jug_addict: someone needa give me head Raeal_the_protogen: *hands jug a severed bloody skull* Toxicego357: i gotchu Toxicego357: i mean Raeal_the_protogen: odd request but ok Ishipwillowandhunter: NO. TAY ISTG Raeal_the_protogen: i am once again asking for RAM Raeal_the_protogen: i am once again asking for RAM Raeal_the_protogen: i am once again asking for RAM Raeal_the_protogen: i am once again asking for RAM Raeal_the_protogen: i am once again asking for RAM Raeal_the_protogen: i am once again asking for RAM Raeal_the_protogen: i am once again asking for RAM Toxicego357: when the toppy is too sloppy Raeal_the_protogen: i am once again asking for RAM Raeal_the_protogen: i am once again asking for RAM Raeal_the_protogen: i am once again asking for RAM Raeal_the_protogen: i am done asking Inasg_no: holy shit istg my wrist is bloodless :( (I'm jk I'm not that dumb) I've had three hairties on my wrist for so long I only js notice cuz it stang all of a sudden Rouge_killer: ASS Rouge_killer: In Rouge_killer: YOUR Rouge_killer: ASS Inasg_no: IM SORRY MICHY YOU HAVE TO PUNISH ME NOW Toxicego357: MICH Toxicego357: PUNISH ME TOO Ishipwillowandhunter: YOU BET YOUR ASS I DO, BEND OVER Jug_addict: huh? Toxicego357: NOT SEXUALLY THO Ishipwillowandhunter: OH. NO THANK YOU Inasg_no: NO PUNISH ME AND ME ONLY :( Jug_addict: WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN??? Inasg_no: GREG WE SHOULD FUCK Maple_boy: and im gonna go..... cya Toxicego357: I DONT WANT A SEXUAL PUNISHMENT JUST PUT ME IN TIMEOUT OR SUM SHIT Inasg_no: oh noooo guess mich has to punish me now that's too bad Inasg_no: THATS JS WEIRD Inasg_no: Okay... Wait a bit and I might be able to prove it to ya. Maybe not today but soon Findingdory: hi Jug_addict: BET TAY COME HERE Inasg_no: Meant to be a pm mb Inasg_no: GREG Inasg_no: BET Findingdory: tf... Inasg_no: oh fuck off you little cunt Findingdory: aww, thats the nicest thing you said to me Inasg_no: tbh it probably is Jug_addict: gimme head when? Toxicego357: Bruh this ai is trying to make me choke on a dildo Toxicego357: its weird Findingdory: ... Toxicego357: i kinda like it tho Toxicego357: but you didnt hear that Inasg_no: Does the AI do sexual punishments Toxicego357: yep Toxicego357: tis a dommy mommy Inasg_no: interesting....*cough* send me the link *cough* Ishipwillowandhunter: You don't need an Ai to punish you, I'm right here Toxicego357: i need it doe Findingdory: lol Toxicego357: im lonely asf Inasg_no: punish me daddy :( Jug_addict: *cough* gimme head *cough* Toxicego357: *cough* NO *cough* Toxicego357: >~< Toxicego357: im a good boy Jug_addict: for now Toxicego357: this dommy mommy ai said im a good boy Toxicego357: i... idk what to feel anymore Inasg_no: pfft I prefer mich call me good girl Ishipwillowandhunter: Sorry I only give Tay head. You want a punishment, Tay? 100 pushups, every time you stop you get spanked. Just like they used to do in my military dats Ishipwillowandhunter: *days Inasg_no: PUSHUPS? PUSHUPS? OUT OF SLL THINFS YOU CHOOSE PUSHUPS? Toxicego357: Im sorry for being a lonely hoe tay... Toxicego357: bro shouldve gone with burpees Inasg_no: okay I'm not weak but my arms a literal twigs Jug_addict: Girl, you know you make my cold heart warm with a touch One kiss, then we fuckin', I just can't get enough Put it on me, that's the best part, baby, the trust Trust me, I got nothin' for you other than love Jug_addict: such a good song Inasg_no: I doubt I could do 5 pushups in a row ngl Toxicego357: burpees are worse tay... Ishipwillowandhunter: 5?? Inasg_no: MICH MY ARMS ARE WEAK :( Ishipwillowandhunter: I CAN TELL Inasg_no: can I at least do them the way girls do? Well some girls Inasg_no: HEY DONT BE MEAN :( Samuraijay: ඞ Inasg_no: yk when they do them with their knees on the floor Inasg_no: I could do thousands of them Rouge_killer: tay just have a three some with jay and mich Jug_addict: g a e Samuraijay: ? Inasg_no: how tf you go from pushups to threesomes xd Eee34: hello people Samuraijay: ඞ Findingdory: error im guessing? Rouge_killer: tay just fuck both of them Inasg_no: HEY LOGAN Findingdory: oh god....logan Inasg_no: shut the fuck up Jug_addict: boredom Eee34: wait what and hey tay Oofalladeez: . Findingdory: FUCK YOU LOGAN Inasg_no: FUCK OFF CARMAN. Findingdory: OK Inasg_no: THANKS Eee34: what i do Samuraijay: what sup logan Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes please do Ishipwillowandhunter: Also istg I blocked you Ishipwillowandhunter: There we go Ishipwillowandhunter: Ignored Findingdory and their alts. Inasg_no: ugh she still here 16:29:57Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Toxicego357: *dies* Jug_addict: huh? Toxicego357: IM A DIRTY LITTLE BOY NOW!!!! Inasg_no: *fucks Greg* Jug_addict: wha-? Eee34: what the hell bro this is why i left for so long in the first place cause a lot of people hate me cause of the incident Samuraijay: ? Samuraijay: I don't hate you Eee34: but whatever how is everybody today Eee34: i chose my words Eee34: hooray i think i accidentally killed the chat Samuraijay: probably Toxicego357: "Because you're a bad boy." I whisper seductively "You need to be taught a lesson." I wink at you "Open wide." I pull the dildo close to your face Toxicego357: bruh Toxicego357: what da ai doin Eee34: my bad but either way how iss everyone Jug_addict: TOX Jug_addict: JESUS CHRIST Toxicego357: my goal is to fuck with this ai Eee34: what ai? Toxicego357: imma see how much i can dom on the dom before she gives up Eee34: who? Toxicego357: its an ai Toxicego357: im having a laugh Eee34: i'm so confused rn Toxicego357: im gonna see what happens if i try to pin her down brb Inasg_no: Spencer's seeing if he can pin me Samuraijay: wait what ai? Toxicego357: Ayo Toxicego357: i am? Inasg_no: I wanna be pinned actually. Seriously want to be pinned. Omg someone pin me rn Eee34: oh you have fun with that Toxicego357: "Hey, don't you dare walk away from me!" I pull you back forcefully "Open your mouth, you little shit! You're a grown up now, you can't run away from punishment." I whisper seductively "Open your mouth and shut up, you little dirtbag!" I wink at you Samuraijay: can I pin you? Inasg_no: yes Samuraijay: bet Inasg_no: I js wanna be pinnedddd Toxicego357: i... Toxicego357: damn this ai... Jug_addict: do it to me first Jug_addict: i mean Jug_addict: whaaaattt Eee34: i would but i would most likely fail Findingdory: ... Uglybitch: Uglybitch: teehee Toxicego357: I fall onto the bed, and look at you seductively "Hey, hey, hey!" I whisper seductively "Don't throw me around like I'm a rag doll, you dummy! You're just making me more excited." I wink at you Eee34: eww the is disturbing Uglybitch: THE IS Rouge_killer: the is? Inasg_no: SOMEONE PIN ME DOWN RN >:C Toxicego357: Im making the dom ai a sub... Toxicego357: the tide has turned Eee34: why do i have the feeling yall got one of the hornyest discord groups on the planet Raeal_the_protogen: im not my disc is SFW Toxicego357: i dont have disc Raeal_the_protogen: L Toxicego357: i just like making fun of ai Eee34: neither do i Eee34: tay why do you wanna get pinned? Toxicego357: DAMNIT Inasg_no: I wanna feel helpless Inasg_no: PIN ME Toxicego357: THE AI IS IN FULL SUB MODE I WENT TOO FAR Raeal_the_protogen: AI me go dummy Raeal_the_protogen: Because they are in the fish tank and it’s an unwritten rule that when you are in the fish tank with other fish you become brothers, and I am in the fish tank with other fish so I am brothers with them because of the rule. Ishipwillowandhunter: *grabs Tay by her wrists and pushes her up against the wall, pinning her* I'm feeling oazy, that's all you get Inasg_no: hehehehehe Inasg_no: thank you michy :) Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm so lazy I'm can't even be bothered to fix my spelling mistake Eee34: the coolest horny on main Inasg_no: have you ate honey? Ishipwillowandhunter: Nerp Eee34: me cause if so then no not much Inasg_no: michy :( Inasg_no: please go eat something for me Toxicego357: I went too far... Toxicego357: the ai changed its programming and now its a sub... its whole shtick was suppesed to be a dom Jug_addict: hahahaha Toxicego357: supposed* Eee34: ha imagen couldn't be me on god Roy_foxgirl: i am back] Eee34: wb Toxicego357: Wb roy Raeal_the_protogen: "get out of the fish tank purple" "But I want my fish brothers." Ishipwillowandhunter: Okie, I feel like actually eating now so I might as well. Brb Stolas: juggy Raeal_the_protogen: No! Me and all my fish brothers are having a party and you are not invited! Keigo: HIIIIIIIII Inasg_no: YAYYY GOOD BOY Eee34: i'm bored someone give me something to do Raeal_the_protogen: pin tay Inasg_no: hello nates girl I MEAN WHA (guys fucking figure it out) Keigo: wow tau Raeal_the_protogen: tau Inasg_no: FIGURE IT OUT Inasg_no: WHY WOULD I CALL HER NATES GIRL Inasg_no: FIGURE IT OUR Eee34: wait what Inasg_no: OUT* Inasg_no: DO Y'ALL HAVE NO COMMON SENSE OMG Keigo: only i get to call her tau hoe Eee34: i'm so confused rn i don't even know my purpose anymore Raeal_the_protogen: we dont have a purpose Raeal_the_protogen: *existential proto sounds* Toxicego357: i just fed the ai all the lyrics to ¨have you ever seen the rain¨ by ccr and all she said was "Mmm!" I grip you tighter "Mmmmmm!" I kiss you passionately "Mmmmmmm!" I whisper seductively Raeal_the_protogen: lmao Keigo: hi spencer Toxicego357: Sup kei-kun Toxicego357: im fucking with a dommy mommy ai Toxicego357: it became a sub Raeal_the_protogen: hakuna matata Toxicego357: and now im sad cuz it wont fight back Eee34: imagen Raeal_the_protogen: ima gen? Raeal_the_protogen: yes, PROTOgen Raeal_the_protogen: *dabs and falls facefirst* Keigo: ... Raeal_the_protogen: ... Keigo: ............................. Raeal_the_protogen: anyway Keigo: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Keigo: ima go bye Raeal_the_protogen: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Raeal_the_protogen: au revoire Raeal_the_protogen: francais go brrr Raeal_the_protogen: just like processor fan Inasg_no: Français* Eee34: can anyone guess what i want most? Raeal_the_protogen: grammar nazi Raeal_the_protogen: you want to have someone who cares Eee34: damn alright i'll shut up now Raeal_the_protogen: and you found someone Raeal_the_protogen: who cares Eee34: who? Raeal_the_protogen: Toxicego357: Crack cocaine Raeal_the_protogen: i dont have a nose Raeal_the_protogen: well more accurately dont have nostrils Eee34: oh Miclamore: Is it normal that I want to distance from my father Ishipwillowandhunter: Yep, I want the same. Toxicego357: i wanna dies Miclamore: I still feel sorry for him Eee34: imagine having a dad Eee34: wait Raeal_the_protogen: Raeal The Protogen DON’T YOU DARE DO THAT! I’LL PUSH YOU INTO A VOLCANO IF YOU TOUCH MY FISH BROTHERS! Miclamore: We were a nice family, till he decided to make even more children. Now I am in background Eee34: my dad is a dick Miclamore: And cats. Why do ppl wanna have cats at all? They do nothing. Raeal_the_protogen: haha imagine having a dad and not being constructed in a warehouse Miclamore: Idk how it it being constructed in a warehouse Miclamore: But what's more painful, your dad distancing from yourself or dead? Raeal_the_protogen: its cold and full of other proots identical to you Toxicego357: this ai is boring now Findingdory: *dies* Eee34: i want to have someone who loves me that aren't my parents Miclamore: I mean no dad or bad dad? Raeal_the_protogen: my AI keeps asking if he can get into the fish tank Raeal_the_protogen: he threatening me now Miclamore: When he's dead, I still have the illusion that he's a good person from my childhood Inasg_no: bck Toxicego357: wb mommy Miclamore: I mean he is good, yet he changed alot Raeal_the_protogen: wb *blows tays back out* Inasg_no: tyyy Inasg_no: WOAH Inasg_no: nice greeting Raeal_the_protogen: *pumps slide of 6-gauge* hehe Shoto: HI Inasg_no: hi Raeal_the_protogen: shoto wheres Daito Miclamore: How do you overcome depression? Raeal_the_protogen: ..... 16:56:30Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Miclamore: Why is chat so silent now? Shoto: idk Eee34: life Shoto: what Shoto: ??? Miclamore: Forget it. Let's rp at randos Toxicego357: Don't tell anyone Or you'll be just another regret (just another regret) Hope that you can keep it My dirty little secret Miclamore: Nicky's dirty but not so little secret Inasg_no: what's the secret Raeal_the_protogen: imagine being alive instead of programmed into sentience Toxicego357: HIS PENIS???? Miclamore: What's the difference Shoto: wtf Miclamore: Humans are also biological robots when you reduce everything Miclamore: reduction? Idk some philosophy Toxicego357: Femboy garfield is an option... Rouge_killer: back Miclamore: Thicc and lazy Rouge_killer: in Toxicego357: who tf programed femboy garfield/// Rouge_killer: DAMN IT MIC YOU MADE ME MESS UP Miclamore: Idk but I like Garfield comics so revived nostalgia yay Shoto: what are we talking about? Miclamore: Garfields dick Shoto: Ok Miclamore: I never saw them even through he's always naked Miclamore: No wonder Jon has no children Miclamore: As Jon fosters and showels Lasangas in Garfields ass... Miclamore: mouth Miclamore: Fem-Garfield's ass becomes thiccer and thiccer Rouge_killer: CUM Inasg_no: rouge Rouge_killer: what Inasg_no: Please get jay on Rouge_killer: ok Miclamore: Suddenly, Jon realized that Fem-Garfield was a more chill gf than Liz Inasg_no: tyyy Miclamore: Please get gay on Inasg_no: not funny Miclamore: Look what publishing opinions did to us Miclamore: We aren't just expressing ourselves, we are provoking eachother too Miclamore: Everytime someone said something in chat, he gets hate Samuraijay: Hey Inasg_no: hii Miclamore: This isn't what the founding fathers of Internet imagined Miclamore: Imagine Miclamore: A dumb person can write here and he will have same, if not stronger effect than an expert here Sannkaed: da fuq Miclamore: Because more writing and more breaking expectations randomly = more chat power Miclamore: I ate my foot Alpharad: man Inasg_no: woman Rouge_killer: KEIIIIIIIIIII Keigo: Yes I can call Inasg_no: Is dating someone Alpharad: rouge drink poison Miclamore: GAYYYYYY Inasg_no: I mean wha Alpharad: cool Miclamore: Its raining in my town Miclamore: i hate this Alpharad: skill problem Rouge_killer: tay make a zoom call pls Inasg_no: does that mean I gotta be in the call Miclamore: take the pills pls Miclamore: Skill solution *kills family* Miclamore: Level Up! Rouge_killer: idk tay Miclamore: idk either lol Sannkaed: i wanna see titties Alpharad: miciamore you are literraly the guy talking to a wall meme Miclamore: ( . )( . ) Miclamore: There's a meme for this? Inasg_no: ( • )( •) Inasg_no: ( • )( • )* Sannkaed: tay Alpharad: stop posting boobs Inasg_no: Yes sann Alpharad: why is the left one bigger Sannkaed: breasts image Inasg_no: woah Samuraijay: ( . )( . ) Inasg_no: bet? Miclamore: Rouge_killer: boobs? Rouge_killer: Alpharad: rouge drown yourself now Keigo: Omg Samuraijay: XD Sannkaed: rouge what if your girl saw that Djshrimpdick: frfr Rouge_killer: she already has sann Miclamore: Keigo: Fr Rouge_killer: brb Alpharad: good riddance Keigo: No stay Miclamore: She's femboy btw Inasg_no: I mean tbf I have flashed 3 people Miclamore: Or he Sannkaed: make me 4 Sannkaed: plz Alpharad: stfu Miclamore: Sma Ishipwillowandhunter: 3?? Inasg_no: you Inasg_no: Nate d Miclamore: 3 times teh whore Inasg_no: Nate b Alpharad: 3 is crazy Inasg_no: IM NOT A WHORE Toxicego357: FLASH ME!!!! Djshrimpdick: L Toxicego357: i mean Alpharad: flashing 2 nates is crazy Miclamore: ok just like the other girls type Ishipwillowandhunter: NO. SHE ISNT FLASHING ANYONE Keigo: Istfg if someone calls tau a whore again Miclamore: tau Alpharad: tay you are a whore Djshrimpdick: hoe Inasg_no: okay no me and mich were dating when I did it, then I did it again cuz why not, Nate b was there when I did it and I wasn't too bothered, I ONYL FLASHED NATE D BECAUSE MICH SAID WOULDNT BELIEVE I DID IT AND I AINT NO PUSSY Miclamore: TAU Inasg_no: I'm not a whore Oofalladeez: We gon fight if they do Ishipwillowandhunter: Shes my whore Toxicego357: 2b2t Miclamore: Hey Guys, Japanese here. Mi-Tau Toxicego357: iykyk Miclamore: Today we learn about Taoism Keigo: ONLY I GET TO CALL HER TAU Miclamore: Wait, that wasn't a mistypo Miclamore: OMG (anon): I know, right? Djshrimpdick: TAHTS NOT TAU THATS DJ Miclamore: Miclamore, witnessing an accident Sannkaed: circa 2023 Miclamore: Keigos existence Miclamore: And her aftermath, "Tau" Keigo: Kei* Miclamore: Your fault Miclamore: male Kei and were ok 👌 Toxicego357: my existence ends with the bullet i put in my skull Miclamore: Woah nooo Miclamore: That gun can't survive your hardness Keigo: I'm A girl Sannkaed: tox Sannkaed: can we group suicide Djshrimpdick: L Toxicego357: bet Miclamore: make Kei and were ok 👌 Miclamore: Nice to know that Kei is a girl Keigo: IM A FUCKING GIRL GET IT FUCKING RIGHT YOU VIRGIN COCK SUCKER Sannkaed: -80000 social credit Miclamore: It was a mis-auto-correct Djshrimpdick: W Miclamore: make but it became male Oofalladeez: Thw inventor of autocorrect has died. May he burn in hello Alpharad: called tay a whore and then power went out Inasg_no: I'm not a whore Miclamore: Called Alpharad a beta and I load my batteries Alpharad: you are Miclamore: On Beta version Alpharad: you flashed 6 people Miclamore: Same Oofalladeez: *arms SHIVA thermonuclear warhead* Inasg_no: 3 Inasg_no: Flashed 3 Alpharad: okay well Alpharad: same thing Inasg_no: I'm not a whore. Miclamore: Hell, I can flash the entire world if I want too Inasg_no: It's not the same thing Miclamore: Ok she doesn't get paid so no whore Inasg_no: if I flashed 6 people you can definitely call me a whore Ishipwillowandhunter: Alpha go fuck yoursekf Miclamore: Lol Alpharad: i cant Ishipwillowandhunter: Can't type Ishipwillowandhunter: Why not? Miclamore: So 5 guys are maximum Alpharad: yoursekf Generic: hop up ina hearse now im swervin hard Alpharad: becuase you physically cannot fuck yourself thats crazy man Rouge_killer: back Miclamore: Swedish Generic Rouge_killer: in Ishipwillowandhunter: Just cut off your dick and shove it up your ass. Or I can do it for you. Rouge_killer: my Rouge_killer: ass Miclamore: I can fuck my hand so myself Alpharad: w h at Alpharad: no thanks Miclamore: And woman can literally penetrate themself Eee34: ok i'm back Rouge_killer: wb Alpharad: mich why are you always thretening me im such a nice guy Keigo: GREYSON Miclamore: are you Ishipwillowandhunter: "Nice guy" Alpharad: yes Alpharad: im awesome Miclamore: Nice alibi Generic: voices in my head got me fucked up Rouge_killer: hi kei Miclamore: true Rouge_killer: hru Miclamore: Generic the schizo Keigo: im fine Rouge_killer: y just fine? Miclamore: He's 18 so we can diagnose from DSM-5 a personality disorder Miclamore: Idk which one Alpharad: micla nobody would notice if you left Miclamore: You will do obviously 17:23:01Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Inasg_no: I'd notice. Alpharad: why Inasg_no: Lots of people would actually Alpharad: explain why you would notice Miclamore: Like no one except Dtrump responded me taht much Rouge_killer: tay can you pls make a call Inasg_no: Because I'm in love with him Alpharad: good for you Miclamore: Hold up Inasg_no: He's the only person I rlly bother to see anymore (no offence) Sannkaed: oof' Alpharad: is mich still online Miclamore: Well my name is Jeff Inasg_no: no I like seeing yall but he's the reason I'm here Inasg_no: why? He knows I love hom Inasg_no: Him* Alpharad: mf called jeff Rouge_killer: ass Rouge_killer: in Miclamore: Jeffry Epstein Rouge_killer: my Rouge_killer: balls Oofalladeez: Me name jeff Rouge_killer: OOF Rouge_killer: HRU Miclamore: Alabama Inasg_no: And alpha, you shouldn't say things like that to other people when you know full well people would notice if he was gone but they wouldn't if you were. You never come on anyway. Oofalladeez: GOOD Miclamore: Tahts even more sad Rouge_killer: THATS GOOD Alpharad: what Alpharad: ok but Miclamore: Ok calm down its all just trolling and Wild West Internet Alpharad: yeah Miclamore: Ppl say things without thinking there Alpharad: I just llike hating on people for no reason Miclamore: Omg same Miclamore: Hey. Do you hate cats? A__n00b: hello Inasg_no: ok hate on anyone else except mich. Alpharad: cats are fine man Eee34: thats not ok to do A__n00b: i have returned Miclamore: I hate them even more Miclamore: They will iver take the world I swear Oofalladeez: Have u though? A__n00b: i have Miclamore: Yogapants forever gone Oofalladeez: Name Miclamore: No Oofalladeez: IRL name Alpharad: dude what Miclamore: Jeffrey Epstein A__n00b: braidyn Miclamore: Why aren't you believe ing me Rouge_killer: i wannna calll kei Miclamore: Gay Rouge_killer: bc immmmm bored Inasg_no: OMG BRAIDYN Inasg_no: HIIIII A__n00b: sup Alpharad: who is braidyen Inasg_no: where the fuck have you been Inasg_no: And why you got a different name Miclamore: Brad 1 and Brad 2 from PewDiePie be like Miclamore: Why is Kei Keigo A__n00b: i forgot my password Miclamore: Thats the real question we should ask Inasg_no: fair enough Inasg_no: you still remember me? A__n00b: yeah Rouge_killer: BACON Rouge_killer: IN Rouge_killer: MY Rouge_killer: ASS Alpharad: thats disgusting Jug_addict: racism Miclamore: Wow. So many chat lines necessary A__n00b: JUG Inasg_no: WB GREG Rouge_killer: oooooooooo racism Rouge_killer: fun Rouge_killer: NIGGERS Miclamore: Juggy Di McJug Jug Miclamore: CATS Rouge_killer: NIGGERS Rouge_killer: IN Miclamore: And my sister blocking toilet Rouge_killer: MY Rouge_killer: ASS Miclamore: My arch nemesis Catfan70: aye? Rouge_killer: ayo Miclamore: Why Rouge_killer: y Rouge_killer: what Rouge_killer: y Rouge_killer: are Chillikarla: gay Miclamore: Cats is like Palestine. They don't build, they only destroy things Rouge_killer: niggers Rouge_killer: in Rouge_killer: my Catfan70: dude type normally Rouge_killer: ass? Miclamore: Ick how Miclamore: idk Rouge_killer: but Rouge_killer: cat Rouge_killer: thats Rouge_killer: no Rouge_killer: fun Miclamore: Yes. Cats destroy clothes Catfan70: damn are you 2 the only ones here Redfinn: llalalalal Catfan70: thats sad Redfinn: jknj Redfinn: juhbnjk Oofalladeez: KFC and watermelon Redfinn: gbjhnmk,l Redfinn: cfvgfbhnjmk,l Miclamore: and ever watched that one South Park episodes about Cat piss as drug? Redfinn: staring at u rouge Catfan70: first ever person to look at him Rouge_killer: red stop moaning for hutson Toxicego357: bck Miclamore: Some cat extrement? Rouge_killer: wb Redfinn: LMAOO Redfinn: you would moan for him Toxicego357: thx Inasg_no: wb Oofalladeez: You ever wonder why we're here? Miclamore: Yes Toxicego357: *moans out of spite* Rouge_killer: nah i moan for my gf Inasg_no: Nate would moan for Kiki. Miclamore: I think its because my dad Catfan70: dude what Rouge_killer: and you moan for anyone A__n00b: hi toxic Miclamore: Why do you Liek cats Redfinn: you mean my bf Redfinn: LMAOOO Redfinn: LMFAO Rouge_killer: nah your father Catfan70: i leave for 2 seconds and yall start talking about moaning Miclamore: They scratch all the time Toxicego357: NOOB Redfinn: tf Toxicego357: OMFG Toxicego357: NOOOOOOOBBBBBB Toxicego357: NOOOOOOOOOOB A__n00b: hello Rouge_killer: you moan sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for your father Miclamore: CATS Toxicego357: Is this actually noob or a fake? A__n00b: its me Miclamore: CATS EVERYWHERE Toxicego357: jow can i trust? Toxicego357: how* Inasg_no: it's actually noob Toxicego357: make a boob joke Redfinn: and you moan alot for your mom Inasg_no: Cuz straight away he tryna get me to flash him Logan_taken: I think azala needs some verification-mechanism A__n00b: thats a lie Rouge_killer: nah for my gf Toxicego357: yea thats noob for you Rouge_killer: bc shes sexy A__n00b: false acusations Inasg_no: A__n00b: damn i was gonna come back and rizz you up Rouge_killer: and beautiful Inasg_no: Inasg_no: I mean I'm single so A__n00b: nah Toxicego357: noob leave the rizz to me A__n00b: fake convo Inasg_no: A__n00b: bet Toxicego357: im the rizz king around here Inasg_no: ILL SCREENSHOT IT YOU BITCH Miclamore: Inasg_no: Six times a row, and you're a hoe A__n00b: only for men Toxicego357: im good at both :) A__n00b: since when Miclamore: since men Inasg_no: I never said that tf Toxicego357: since i realized my depression is my greatest power Miclamore: What did you not say? A__n00b: W Inasg_no: Miclamore: Inasg_no: Six times a row, and you're a hoe Alpharad: man Jug_addict: huh Miclamore: Ok. Noted Rouge_killer: Inasg_no *moans* mich your cock is so good Alpharad: thats crazy Redfinn: mk A__n00b: i know its the real tay bc she still dox me Inasg_no: You can't trick me into saying it I'm not that dumb Miclamore: Same Inasg_no: I didn't say that either rougr Miclamore: Same Inasg_no: Rouge Keigo: NOOB Toxicego357: *dies* Inasg_no: I don't dox anyone. A__n00b: you do Keigo: NO SPENCER Miclamore: Then shut up Jug_addict: im so confused Rouge_killer: yes you did tay Rouge_killer: KEII Miclamore: Ok. I thought it was fun but it wasnt A__n00b: hi kei Toxicego357: WHY NOT??? Keigo: HIIIIIIIIIIII Rouge_killer: I WANT TO CALL YOU BUT TAY WONT MAKE A CALLL Miclamore: Because Inasg is GAAAAAY Jug_addict: hi kei A__n00b: jug Hunter23: faggot Miclamore: Butches A__n00b: my baby boy greg Keigo: IM IN QHOUIR Rouge_killer: I DONT FUCKING CARE A__n00b: i missed you Inasg_no: I'm not gay Keigo: I can't spell Alpharad: qhouir??????? A__n00b: and your 1 glove Miclamore: Hunter? Did I saw you before? Inasg_no: WHY SO I HAVE TO MAKE THE FUCKING CALL Inasg_no: DO* Miclamore: WHY NOT Jug_addict: what you want noob? Miclamore: You hate me, not reverse Alpharad: dont do it tay dont get peer preassured A__n00b: ... A__n00b: damn Inasg_no: funny alpha. Miclamore: Get peer-reviewed Toxicego357: IM IN GUITAR Rouge_killer: bc tay yours last longer Jug_addict: sorry, im just trying to work Miclamore: Dick Inasg_no: make an account Keigo: I was in drums Alpharad: i know thanks im a comedian Inasg_no: But fine I'll make it. Rouge_killer: fine Rouge_killer: ok Miclamore: Everyone is a comedian nowadyas Alpharad: damn Keigo: I can't I'm in Qhoir Inasg_no: I'm not staying tho I don't wanna call I look like shit Alpharad: its not spelt like that kei Miclamore: Qatar Rouge_killer: tay your beautiful Keigo: Idc I still love u tau Rouge_killer: and jay is next to me Miclamore: Tay your bullshit Alpharad: tay you are ugly Miclamore: Lolololol Rouge_killer: ALPHA STFU Miclamore: Ok Toxicego357: YOOOOO LEAVE TAY ALONE Miclamore: I mena Inasg_no: Inasg_no: I'm not beautiful Miclamore: Sex? Alpharad: see even she agrees Toxicego357: FUCK Eee34: oh we making a call can i join? Toxicego357: I TURNED THE DOM AI INTO A SUB AGAIN Miclamore: She's so ugly, pic doesn't even show up Miclamore: Or is she that white? Redfinn: bruu Miclamore: Idk let's fap it (anon): what Alpharad: bro what tox Jug_addict: herro Miclamore: White Karen gets cummed on white Redfinn: greyson is toast Soggytoast404: huh Miclamore: Grey sister is his gf Toxicego357: Ye? Soggytoast404: huh Miclamore: Huhuhuh Miclamore: Huh 3x Miclamore: I am in London Toxicego357: im in your ass Miclamore: Its terrible outside. Raining everywhere Miclamore: It smells like Toxic's ass through Soggytoast404: (Huh*huh*huh/what)^who-why Miclamore: Toxics ass is soo big that he formed a Matrix Universe Miclamore: and idk if I am typing inside Toxic's ass... right now Soggytoast404: what the fuck Alpharad: ?????????? Toxicego357: Thx ill take that as a compliment Alpharad: tox I wish you a speedy recovery man Toxicego357: ok... A__n00b: so whats new toxic Toxicego357: thank you? Miclamore: Neo can't get fucked more because he already is fucked Toxicego357: nm noob Toxicego357: depression go brrrrr Miclamore: The storm wants attention Miclamore: as I am typing in this raining shower Alpharad: bro micla you are not the poet Alpharad: theres no reason to use "in this raining shower" Miclamore: Nor yet Miclamore: it is raining like a shower Miclamore: Alpgarad, are you still in school? A__n00b: gtg brb Alpharad: Alpgarad???????? Miclamore: Ok that storm shakes my window Alpharad: who the fuck is alpgarad Miclamore: I hate what happens outside. My poor phone Miclamore: Yes. I mistyped Alpharad: no im at my job Miclamore: Which ine Miclamore: one Alpharad: sweatjob Alpharad: sweatshop Miclamore: So you're selling candies? Alpharad: yes Miclamore: you spread caries Miclamore: This doesn't translate well Miclamore: I was right Miclamore: Its caries Toxicego357: I spread std´s... or i would if i ever got laid Alpharad: L Miclamore: Lool Alpharad: couldnt be me Miclamore: Woman are troublemakers Miclamore: Hand and porn is easier and cause no STD Alpharad: no Toxicego357: MEN Alpharad: I disagree with that Miclamore: Why Alpharad: no men Toxicego357: Yes Men Miclamore: Dating is gay now. Become Giga-Chad Alpharad: im not gay, so no men Miclamore: A Chad doesn't need woman. Woman needs them. But he reduses Miclamore: refuses Toxicego357: Become dreamybull Alpharad: who??? Miclamore: DreamSMP Alpharad: ew Toxicego357: bro doesnt know who dreamybull is Alpharad: i dont Toxicego357: google him Alpharad: dont use internet that much expect at school Toxicego357: no balls Alpharad: nope Miclamore: Wordington compilation Miclamore: It's a black guy... Nutting himself at Reddit? Toxicego357: yall are boring where is literally anyone else? Miclamore: Here Toxicego357: yes... yes it is Alpharad: okay geez Toxicego357: Ambautakummmmmm Miclamore: Dies he eat cum? Miclamore: Does he eat cum? Alpharad: why would he do that Toxicego357: he might Toxicego357: idk A__n00b: back Miclamore: Because he literally nuts to himself Toxicego357: he likes to buss tho A__n00b: wtf Miclamore: I like to drive bus too Alpharad: yeah noob these folk are starnge Toxicego357: same bro Miclamore: A__n00b: . Alpharad: some weird people they got here Miclamore: Become lonely and Giga-Chad A__n00b: where did everyone go Toxicego357: nowhere Miclamore: I wonder Alpharad: canada Toxicego357: maybe they actually have lives A__n00b: nah 17:49:35Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Miclamore: A sweet treat after all his hard work 😈😭✊😩💦 A__n00b: ... Redfinn: ... Alpharad: bro what Miclamore: Old Mexico A__n00b: boobs Alpharad: no Miclamore: Normal Virginia Alpharad: blud really said virginia Miclamore: BLUD A__n00b: :skull: Miclamore: Blyat A__n00b: freddy fazbear Miclamore: Fazzzzzzbear Toxicego357: feddy fedbere Alpharad: har har har har A__n00b: gtg brb Miclamore: Federal Reserve Bear Toxicego357: i have gecko Miclamore: I have AIDS Jug_addict: frebby fabear Miclamore: Thx Reagon for healing me Alpharad: man wheres the cool people Miclamore: Reagan Alpharad: other than myself Toxicego357: i would eat out cheeka... but then again who wouldnt? Miclamore: Me basically Alpharad: cheeka???????? Miclamore: Ass cheeks Miclamore: Chicks Alpharad: you would just get a mouhtfull of wires Miclamore: UwU Alpharad: stfu Toxicego357: unless its a fleshlight Alpharad: why would she be one Toxicego357: idk Miclamore: Inasg flashed the sixth time so she's a whore Alpharad: shes a robot made to enetertain kids Toxicego357: ppl are weird Raeal_the_protogen: *loud roomba sounds* Miclamore: My thunder flashed a looot of times Toxicego357: *dies from roomba* Raeal_the_protogen: *succs up the corpse and continues vacuuming* Alpharad: *lives from roomba* Miclamore: Is it normal for cats to be always in one room Raeal_the_protogen: live roomba love toaster laugh proot Toxicego357: *respawns inside the roomba* Alpharad: erm, what the flip Raeal_the_protogen: bro Raeal_the_protogen: just say fuck Raeal_the_protogen: are you like 5 Alpharad: mf Alpharad: ive said so much worse shit Raeal_the_protogen: lemme guess, 'frick?' Miclamore: But is it normal for cats to stay all the time in bathroom? Alpharad: dumbass man, never ever heard someone say "erm, what the (insert toher word for fuck)" Raeal_the_protogen: no cuz i dont hang around children like you and EDP Alpharad: thas crazy Miclamore: EDP? Raeal_the_protogen: (this is not genuine insults im joshing you man) Alpharad: i know i dont take stuff serious here Raeal_the_protogen: just being sure Miclamore: Ah. He's joshing us guys Miclamore: Josh goes hard Alpharad: like, if you take stuff seriously you should not be on the internet Miclamore: Lol Aplharad Raeal_the_protogen: frfr Miclamore: not in social media but in serious media Toxicego357: EDP IS INNOCENT Alpharad: you are there mearly to be prey to the trolls and actual toxic people Miclamore: Whos EDP? A__n00b: BACK Toxicego357: HE JUST WANTED A CUPCAKE A__n00b: wild Miclamore: A cake with a cup of their head Raeal_the_protogen: IT WAS A SETUP HE WAS ACTING FOR CHET GOLDSTEIN Miclamore: Glad I changed my name to Epstein Miclamore: I mean A__n00b: hmmmm Raeal_the_protogen: W penguinz0 for his edp vids Miclamore: Edp😫 A__n00b: my hero Raeal_the_protogen: charlie or edp A__n00b: edp Miclamore: Penguinz0 is overrated Raeal_the_protogen: *slowwwwwly falls forward and hit the floor* A__n00b: average virginian Miclamore: The YT-algorithm is pushing for him saying common sense stuff Raeal_the_protogen: i have no nationality haha i was built in a lab Raeal_the_protogen: brb A__n00b: skill issue Miclamore: He also kinda contradicted himself by saying science is important to listen but nutrition scientific consensus changes so fast like everday A__n00b: yo toxic Miclamore: Penguinz0 learned nutrition science right? A__n00b: cum has 11.2 calories A__n00b: per serving Toxicego357: ok... Miclamore: Ever saw his reaction to Kurzgesagt is bribed or some scandal (anon): meme Toxicego357: and 1 serving is how much? A__n00b: a cumshot Miclamore: Nah it was The Dark Truth about Kurzgesagt (anon): wow A__n00b: wow what (anon): nothin Inasg_no: hi Alpharad: bye A__n00b: why (anon): hi A__n00b: lie A__n00b: sky Alpharad: die Miclamore: Yeah and Penguinz said he study nutrition science and what he learned now will be useless in few weeks? Alpharad: tie Miclamore: L Miclamore: Ok it was months. Still Miclamore: And he always has this boring monotone voice A__n00b: who? Miclamore: Penguinz Inasg_no: hi A__n00b: asked A__n00b: L A__n00b: L A__n00b: L L (anon): hru Generic: Miclamore: He also makes videos about irrelevant thought experiments to gain clicks Toxicego357: IM RIZZING UP WILLIAM AFTON THIS IS HILARIOUS A__n00b: W Miclamore: He even admit that everything we all do is somehow for profit Toxicego357: its funny Toxicego357: i kissed a child murderer A__n00b: . A__n00b: i child A__n00b: clipped Toxicego357: nyuh uh A__n00b: ight cya guys in like another 6 months A__n00b: are you an orphanage because i wanna blow up inside you Generic: get money n die A__n00b: W rizz Toxicego357: thats... terrible Toxicego357: gimme ur rizz license A__n00b: i never got it Toxicego357: Go apply for a rizz class you need to get certified A__n00b: went to the mental hospital and didnt get to take the test Generic: chat gpt so clutch A__n00b: toxic i cant find the rizz class Toxicego357: damn Toxicego357: guess ur destined to be rizzless A__n00b: dang A__n00b: got the school shooter rizz (anon): that aeems like a skill issue Roy_foxgirl: hey A__n00b: fear for your life rizz Toxicego357: damn Toxicego357: SUP ROY Roy_foxgirl: hey Toxicego357: *i pounce on roy and kiss her cheek* A__n00b: pause Roy_foxgirl: *blushes* Toxicego357: See bro... Toxicego357: ultimate rizz Generic: idc abt sleep anymore Generic: all my opps screamin to the morgue A__n00b: bro i know you aint pouncing on shit A__n00b: you aint a little kitten Roy_foxgirl: *bite toxic in the neck* Generic: how long i been up idk anymore Generic: up past 1 2 3 4 Generic: i dont rly care abt sleep anymore Toxicego357: *i groan softly and hug roy* How are you? Roy_foxgirl: good Toxicego357: also... A__n00b: got the furry rizz Toxicego357: Noob just get better Cinderthecatboy: what the fuck did i just walk into Toxicego357: brayden -_- A__n00b: CINDER Roy_foxgirl: :3 Toxicego357: Sup cin Generic: oxy in my soda A__n00b: its braidyn A__n00b: nerd Cinderthecatboy: *pulls out a gun* get away from my master Toxicego357: im giving noob a lesson in rizzenomics Toxicego357: YO WTF Toxicego357: PUT THE GUN AWAY A__n00b: thats wild Cinderthecatboy: make me Roy_foxgirl: *hugs cinder and bites cinders hand* Cinderthecatboy: *drops the gun* ow A__n00b: when did cinder get a gun Toxicego357: *hugs cin* Put the fucking gun away kitty~ A__n00b: ight ima just step back from this Roy_foxgirl: i need a master Toxicego357: Well... i am cins master... apparently thats still a thing Roy_foxgirl: oh A__n00b: still? A__n00b: after like 5 months Toxicego357: i gotchu if cin wants to share Toxicego357: yes... still... A__n00b: cinder still spam furry porn Toxicego357: not as much Roy_foxgirl: please cinder A__n00b: thank god Cinderthecatboy: what Toxicego357: Thats rouges thing now A__n00b: who is rouge Toxicego357: CIN I HAVE FUNNY CIRCUMSTANCES Jug_addict: im fuckin bored 18:16:08Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Toxicego357: Remember that dommy mommy ai you sent me? Cinderthecatboy: yea Cinderthecatboy: i can send my rp with the stepsis ai tho Toxicego357: well... i made it no longer a dom Cinderthecatboy: brb Rouge_killer: tay y did you kick me Toxicego357: i dommed on the dom so much it became sub Rouge_killer: i cant get back in now Inasg_no: HAHAHAHAHHAHA Eee34: bruh Inasg_no: the meeting ended anyway, turns out you gotta pay for unlimited time Jug_addict: bruh Rouge_killer: lol A__n00b: JUG Inasg_no: can yall do a whereby Eee34: ok then i'll make one A__n00b: QUESTION Jug_addict: NOOB Jug_addict: YES? A__n00b: you still wear only 1 glove? Jug_addict: nah A__n00b: WWWWWWWWWW Stolas: Juggy i am back Eee34: so who wants the link? Rouge_killer: ME Eee34: Inasg_no: I can't join that Toxic_lilly: hyello Rouge_killer: then tay make a new zoom call Inasg_no: LILLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY A__n00b: long time no see lily Toxic_lilly: TAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Toxic_lilly: fuck Rouge_killer: or i will A__n00b: you still hate me? Inasg_no: Toxic_lilly: TAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Samuraijay: hiiii Eee34: Toxic_lilly: TAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Toxic_lilly: better Inasg_no: HRUUUUUU I MISSED YOU BABY GURL Toxic_lilly: damn Toxic_lilly: I MISSED YOU TOOO Toxic_lilly: Also... Inasg_no: don't do it Toxic_lilly: who noob and how i know him? Inasg_no: DONT DO IT Inasg_no: oh Eee34: so yeah there you go call link A__n00b: damn Inasg_no: he was here a while ago Inasg_no: Generic: cowboy smokin on the cancer Toxic_lilly: ah... A__n00b: i was here for like 6 months A__n00b: then left for like 5 A__n00b: now i return Toxic_lilly: Wow... Toxic_lilly: i dont get on often Toxic_lilly: where tox at? A__n00b: idk we were just talking Eee34: bruh tay where you go? A__n00b: got my old color at Toxic_lilly: it says he in a private game Toxic_lilly: Nah thats toxs color A__n00b: nah A__n00b: i had this before him Inasg_no: . Samuraijay: meme A__n00b: he used teal Inasg_no: sorry sorry bck Rouge_killer: Ishipwillowandhunter: Lillyyyy hiiii A__n00b: then changed to this A__n00b: :0 Inasg_no: yes HELLO MY GF Toxic_lilly: SUP MICHHHHHHHHHHHHH Toxic_lilly: also... Toxic_lilly: sorry tay Toxic_lilly: concider this our breakup Inasg_no: :,c Inasg_no: eh it was coming A__n00b: MICH A__n00b: big W Toxic_lilly: tox said him and mich broke up so it was only fair Keigo: hey Inasg_no: that definitely had nothing to do with me A__n00b: KEI A__n00b: long time no see Keigo: fr Toxic_lilly: ... Keigo: hi lily U_b: Rouge_killer: wow Samuraijay: wow Rouge_killer: tay your mean Rouge_killer: KEIIIIII Keigo: aHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Samuraijay: hii kei Keigo: wheres nate Apbrot01: what the hell A__n00b: busy i think Samuraijay: he was in a meet a few minutes ago Rouge_killer: Rouge_killer: JOIN YOU MOTHER FUCKERS A__n00b: no A__n00b: am at school Keigo: yall better be quite Djshrimpdick: balls Rouge_killer: i will kei Djshrimpdick: im back hoes Toxic_lilly: im not a hoe Toxic_lilly: u r A__n00b: well............ Djshrimpdick: we're all hoes here Jug_addict: my teacher has an xbox 360 in his room Djshrimpdick: W Toxic_lilly: ok... Jug_addict: im bringin in my 360 games Jug_addict: you already know A__n00b: yessir A__n00b: skylanders A__n00b: gotta play with the teacher Jug_addict: yessir Jug_addict: i got cod 4 the original modern warfare Jug_addict: l4d2 Jug_addict: and a bunch in between\ Djshrimpdick: i have all three og modern warfares Djshrimpdick: i grew up replaying those campaigns over and over again Jug_addict: valid A__n00b: W Jug_addict: i got a disc holder full of like 20-30 games Rouge_killer: DICK Rouge_killer: HRU A__n00b: bro these new people wild A__n00b: i gotta meet like 7 new people Jug_addict: lol Djshrimpdick: IM GUUD HRU Djshrimpdick: new ppl? Jug_addict: idk Jug_addict: i fucking hated godrick Djshrimpdick: elden ring? A__n00b: yes new people Djshrimpdick: on here? A__n00b: yes Jug_addict: yes elden ring dj A__n00b: i left like 5 months ago and now idk like half the people Djshrimpdick: W game series frfr Jug_addict: ong ong Djshrimpdick: so im one of the new ppl? A__n00b: yes Djshrimpdick: nice to meet you, Im Dj Jug_addict: it tookk mee two weeks do defeat godrick playing samurai Jug_addict: i switched to warrior and it took me 2 hour A__n00b: nice to meet you im Noob Djshrimpdick: W A__n00b: W Jug_addict: godrick fiight is fun tho (anon): Hey ihr! Rouge_killer: DICKKKKKKKKKKKK Djshrimpdick: ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Djshrimpdick: ROUGE Rouge_killer: 18:42:42Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Rouge_killer: JOIN YOU MOTHERFUCKER Djshrimpdick: whos in there? Rouge_killer: me Rouge_killer: jay Rouge_killer: kiki Rouge_killer: and noob Djshrimpdick: rouge send it again axel is gonna join Djshrimpdick: Eee34: E A__n00b: ? Djshrimpdick: ............................................................................................................................................. A__n00b: .fl A__n00b: damn Djshrimpdick: L A__n00b: thats wild A__n00b: so how is everyone Djshrimpdick: depends on which person specifically Eee34: dead on the inside u? A__n00b: . A__n00b: okay Djshrimpdick: ... Keigo: nope rope Keigo: nope on a rope Djshrimpdick: aeiou and sometimes y A__n00b: guys i have to dox kiki Keigo: ????????????????? Keigo: i have a bf A__n00b: cool A__n00b: anyway Jug_addict: we playing mc xbox 360 edition in class A__n00b: YESSIR A__n00b: W Eee34: what how? Djshrimpdick: balls A__n00b: dick Jug_addict: some kid brought in his xbox 360 Djshrimpdick: W Eee34: nice Miclamore: Am I still a guy talking to a wall meme? Miclamore: Who's laughing now? Hah. Eee34: haha funny Miclamore: I am not even that funny but thx Eee34: i know i was being sarcastic Djshrimpdick: L Inasg_no: bck Eee34: oh hey wb Jug_addict: wb bbg Inasg_no: tyy Jug_addict: np Eee34: dead chat Inasg_no: ya Eee34: so what we gonna do cause i got nothing to do Inasg_no: I'll make a call for you guys in a min if you want Toxicego357: bck Jug_addict: eh sure Eee34: i mean sure Inasg_no: wb Inasg_no: you don't have to Toxicego357: thx mommy~ Inasg_no: np Eee34: ayo? Toxicego357: oya? Eee34: hey you want some penis enlargement pills Inasg_no: no Eee34: ok fair enough Cinderthecatboy: i do tho Roy_foxgirl: hehe 19:09:15Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Inasg_no: hey Inasg_no: Get off my color Roy_foxgirl: nope Inasg_no: bitch Toxicego357: i though you were leaving roy? Toxicego357: YO Inasg_no: who even is that Inasg_no: don't yo me Toxicego357: be nice tay Inasg_no: no Inasg_no: who's that Toxicego357: roy just change colours pls Roy_foxgirl: *spins* Roy_foxgirl: Okay Eee34: why Inasg_no: you're stolas' ex Inasg_no: Interesting Roy_foxgirl: yep why did you say that Inasg_no: why not? Toxicego357: wow... Toxicego357: interesting Roy_foxgirl: *hugs toxic* Toxicego357: at least i got roy to change colours tay Inasg_no: ty Toxicego357: np Roy_foxgirl: hehe *bites tay's leg* Inasg_no: hey :c Toxicego357: dont bite tay Roy_foxgirl: sorry, sir Inasg_no: 😔 Toxicego357: i have power Roy_foxgirl: yes you are master Toxicego357: Yep... thats me Inasg_no: not my master Roy_foxgirl: mm Eee34: yo this chat is so weird Rouge_killer: back Inasg_no: wb Rouge_killer: thanks Inasg_no: np Roy_foxgirl: I am going to a private game Rouge_killer: ok Keigo: hey Rouge_killer: KEI Rouge_killer: hi Toxicego357: hm Inasg_no: Keigo: i cant call in this calss Eee34: L Inasg_no: . Jug_addict: bored Roy_foxgirl: bored Keigo: fr same Inasg_no: ok Keigo: i want nate but i cant call Jug_addict: not me listening to the elden ring soundtrack Sirena: Nothing Ishipwillowandhunter: GUYSSS GUESS WHAT Jug_addict: yes? Eee34: what? Ishipwillowandhunter: I love Tay c: Ishipwillowandhunter: Little dude is so cute "c:" Jug_addict: huh? Inasg_no: whoa cute Inasg_no: Who's* Inasg_no: I love you way more Keigo: it* Ishipwillowandhunter: The little smiley face is so cute. Almost as cute as you. I love you so much more Inasg_no: yes it is, like you are. I'm not cute I love you more and yk I do Inasg_no: you saying little dude is adorable Jug_addict: lol Ishipwillowandhunter: Well he is, he's a little smiley. Little dude. Ilym, you can't convince me otherwise and you are cute Jug_addict: *laughs in single* Inasg_no: *laughs in single too* Inasg_no: ilym you can't convince me otherwise too and no I'm not but you make me feel like it. Aww 19:35:49Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Inasg_no: "little dude" Inasg_no: So cute Jug_addict: lol Keigo: tau being a simp normal day for me Jug_addict: ha Keigo: fr tho Inasg_no: I'm not a simp Vicgchad07: Keigo: simp for mkch Keigo: mich* Inasg_no: no Inasg_no: I'm just very very very in love with him Keigo: thats being a simp Inasg_no: nuh Keigo: yah Ishipwillowandhunter: Love isn't simping. However, I'm a simp for my Tay Keigo: our tau Inasg_no: then I'm a simp for my michy Jug_addict: chris benoit Inasg_no: michy i love you Rouge_killer: bacon Inasg_no: nuh Djshrimpdick: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Jug_addict: re Djshrimpdick: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Eee34: ree Djshrimpdick: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Inasg_no: dj Inasg_no: Wanna call Jug_addict: idk Djshrimpdick: cant rn Djshrimpdick: i gotta pack in like 20 min Vicgchad07: Don't mind me, just lingering here and ranting about how, unlike my coworkers, I have a tendency to stay alive. Chai: ok Inasg_no: hello Chad Vicgchad07: Since I was born, I've had a testicular hernia, an asthma attack, a closet-door concussion, a second-degree fire burn on my right thumb... Vicgchad07: ...lobster-skin sunburn, a torn big toenail, gout, almost got struck by lightning, almost had my fingers crushed by a Skee-Ball playfield... Inasg_no: Chad I love you Vicgchad07: shocked by my Sony Trinitron TV's power transformer, got burned on the wrist by steam, got burned on my fingers by a soldering iron, and got run into by a truck's right side mirror. Vicgchad07: Rasputin wasn't so lucky. Vicgchad07: But here I am, duly exposing myself to dangers in the outdoors every time I walk to and from work. Rouge_killer: i gtg soon so im not joining call again Eee34: oh ok Vicgchad07: Why not? Let's add that to the list -- maybe I can get poisoned, stabbed, and shot before the day is done. Jug_addict: ly tay Inasg_no: lym babe Jug_addict: no ilym Inasg_no: nuh ilym Djshrimpdick: ... Jug_addict: yeah huh ilym Inasg_no: nuh uh ilym Jug_addict: yeah huh ilym Inasg_no: nuh uh ilym Oofalladeez: im shipping gray Eee34: gray what Oofalladeez: well it's better then teg Inasg_no: wha Oofalladeez: or treg Oofalladeez: XD Inasg_no: I'm confused Inasg_no: OHHHH Djshrimpdick: same Inasg_no: Await no I still don't get it Inasg_no: Wait* Inasg_no: hey no ship may Djshrimpdick: OH Inasg_no: Or tich Djshrimpdick: Tay+Greg Djshrimpdick: i get it now Oofalladeez: ^^^ XD 20:02:22Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Djshrimpdick: gray Inasg_no: Greg great friend but my heart belongs to mich Inasg_no: And mich only Jug_addict: understandable Keigo: .. Djshrimpdick: May Oofalladeez: tay I was joking Oofalladeez: ███████ █▒█▒▒▒█ █▒█▒███ █▒▒▒▒▒█ ███▒█▒█ █▒▒▒█▒█ ███████ Djshrimpdick: -_- Djshrimpdick: def May Djshrimpdick: or Tach? Inasg_no: michy my lil baby Inasg_no: HEY NATE Inasg_no: WOAH Inasg_no: NO Inasg_no: NUH Oofalladeez: XD Inasg_no: NUH UH Jug_addict: NEIN Inasg_no: NUH Djshrimpdick: NEIN Oofalladeez: SIEG HEIL Jug_addict: NEIN Jug_addict: ZEIG HEIL (anon): ha i won nate Djshrimpdick: NEINEINEINEIN Oofalladeez: fuck you kei XD Oofalladeez: log back in (anon): why Djshrimpdick: L Oofalladeez: please? Keigo: fine Oofalladeez: Thank you Inasg_no: np Djshrimpdick: ... Jug_addict: ? Keigo: dissapper Inasg_no: okay I will Oofalladeez: no Djshrimpdick: disappear* (anon): NOT MU TAU Oofalladeez: KEI LOG IN (anon): NOOOO MAKE ME Oofalladeez: BET Djshrimpdick: .... Djshrimpdick: ........ Keigo: ..................... Inasg_no: .... Djshrimpdick: ............................ Djshrimpdick: ................................................... Djshrimpdick: ............................................................................................. Djshrimpdick: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Djshrimpdick: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Keigo: ................................................................................................................................................ Djshrimpdick: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Djshrimpdick: 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Chai: 0 Eee34: E Chai: EA Eee34: Ea sports Chai: its in the game Chai: lo Chai: lol Eee34: its in the E Chai: yee Keigo: ded ass chat Eee34: almost as dead as queen elizabeth 20:28:55Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Keigo: i gtg love yall Djshrimpdick: bck Eee34: see ya Djshrimpdick: L Djshrimpdick: byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Oofalladeez: NO Inasg_no: bye Kiki ly Oofalladeez: she gone :( Dtrump: yes Inasg_no: hey trump Oofalladeez: 30 mins..... Inasg_no: Till what Oofalladeez: she comes back.... Dtrump: till I wake up Inasg_no: damn Inasg_no: I go in 23 mins Vanyathecatboy22y: no u Dtrump: ? Inasg_no: wha Inasg_no: :p* Inasg_no: Gtg in a min Chai: Inasg_no: LISTEN RO CHRISTMAS SONFS FOR MR BYE LY ALL Eee34: see ya Oofalladeez: I'm goin under and this time I feel theres no one to save me 20:55:29Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Eee34: oh damn bro you wanna talk? Oofalladeez: logan... Oofalladeez: This all or nothing way of loving driven me crazy Oofalladeez: I need somebody to heal Oofalladeez: somebody to know Oofalladeez: sombody to have Oofalladeez: somebody to hold Oofalladeez: XD Eee34: do you need a mental medic bag Oofalladeez: catchin the drift now logan XD Eee34: unfortunately Oofalladeez: Sombody You love - Lewis Capaldi Eee34: yeah Eee34: dead chat Jug_addict: AMMO BAG Oofalladeez: AGH IM DYING! Oofalladeez: I NEED A MEDIC BAG Jug_addict: AMMO BAG (anon): stfu Vanyathecatboy22y: skree dibidipapa 21:22:02Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Oofalladeez: ⬛⬛🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛ ⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜🟥🟥🟥 ⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜🟥🟥🟥 ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛ ⬛🟥🟥⬛🟥🟥⬛⬛ ⬛🟥🟥⬛🟥🟥⬛⬛ Oofalladeez: did somebody say █▀█ █▄█ ▀█▀? (anon): AMONGUS Dtrump: gay (anon): Gmongus Eee34: Sus (anon): gay sex<3 Eee34: eww (anon): gex Jug_addict: ⬛⬛🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛ ⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜🟥🟥🟥 ⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜🟥🟥🟥 ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛ ⬛🟥🟥⬛🟥🟥⬛⬛ ⬛🟥🟥⬛🟥🟥⬛⬛ Jug_addict: ⬛⬛🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛ ⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜🟥🟥🟥 ⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜🟥🟥🟥 ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 ⬛🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥⬛⬛ ⬛🟥🟥⬛🟥🟥⬛⬛ ⬛🟥🟥⬛🟥🟥⬛⬛ Ishipwillowandhunter: I miss Tay Izzy_blight: I miss my kids. Sheila please call me I'm sorry Findingdory: hi Jug_addict: lol Findingdory: bored Jug_addict: same Findingdory: lol Hello91: if ash comes on tell her to stop leaving me on read and delivered Findingdory: L Jug_addict: L (anon): L Hello91: it's annoying and i'm trying to discuss the best way to recreate 9/11 Dtrump: she dont care Findingdory: L Ishipwillowandhunter: The secret? Black tar heroin Findingdory: ... Jug_addict: ha Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: im bored Findingdory: and sick Jug_addict: same Findingdory: nice Jug_addict: mentally sick Findingdory: double nice Findingdory: i feel bad Jug_addict: damn Jug_addict: why? Findingdory: i kinda ditched nate bc of my mom Jug_addict: damnnn Hello91: which nate are we talking about? because if you say me then you can get your lying thot ass out of here Hello91: aint nobody want that stank ass pussy Findingdory: dammm Jug_addict: Hello91: like walking into a fish market Findingdory: i was talkin abt the other nate.... Hello91: been ran through more times than the twin towers Hello91: oh Hello91: okay we good then Dtrump: dude shes 12 Findingdory: ..... Jug_addict: NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH Jug_addict: NAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH Findingdory: fucj off nate Jug_addict: NAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Findingdory: fuck* (anon): who Dtrump: findingdory is a 12 year old lol Izzy_blight: Jimmy Findingdory: IZZY (anon): oh Findingdory: ARE YOU A BOY OR GIRL Hello91: izzy is a girl Hello91: and izzy is mommy Izzy_blight: I am the mother of squirrels Findingdory: ok Findingdory: thats nicw Hello91: i mean who doesn't love getting jelly beans eaten out of their ass crack Hello91: what i want Findingdory: nice* Izzy_blight: Indeed Hello91: izzy provides (anon): squirrel mommy Izzy_blight: My dad bought me some jellybeans today I'm gonna stuff them in my pet squirrel's butt Findingdory: .. Hello91: that's a good girl Eee34: hola people Findingdory: hi logan... Eee34: hey Findingdory: will i be seeing you this saturday? Jug_addict: herro Eee34: yeah Findingdory: oki Dtrump: what does that mean Findingdory: last name so i can find you 21:48:36Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Dtrump: What in the stalker shit. Vulpix_axel: 0-0? Jug_addict: hey axel Vulpix_axel: Hi. Jug_addict: hru Vulpix_axel: Eh. Vulpix_axel: You? Jug_addict: relatable Findingdory: AXEL Norma42: axel Findingdory: VAPE IS STILL WAITING Jug_addict: hwat? Findingdory: GET YOUR ASS OVER TO MY HOUSE Jug_addict: i want drugz Norma42: me i cant Findingdory: WHYYYY Norma42: my dad is being mean to me Findingdory: FUCK HIM Vulpix_axel: Soph just bring them to me. Norma42: nah Findingdory: fine Norma42: or ill go to your house and get them then bring them to axel Norma42: tmrw i might be able to Findingdory: oki Djshrimpdick: balls Norma42: in ur mouth Findingdory: lmao Djshrimpdick: ... Vulpix_axel: ... Findingdory: NORMA, HE HAS NO BALLS Vulpix_axel: *slaps Soph* Jug_addict: Djshrimpdick: I have balls:( Dtrump: cringe Norma42: bruh Findingdory: dam....sorry axel Vulpix_axel: >=( Jug_addict: Djshrimpdick: 1234567890 Djshrimpdick: 000-000-0000 Vulpix_axel: 1234567890 Vulpix_axel: 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 (anon): 2444666668888888000000000 Vulpix_axel: 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Djshrimpdick: 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Dtrump: binary code (anon): numbers Vulpix_axel: Just numbers. Dtrump: and? Vulpix_axel: Idk. Djshrimpdick: 01001000 01101001 00100000 01010010 01110101 01101101 01110000 Djshrimpdick: ^^ morse code Djshrimpdick: binary code i mean Djshrimpdick: im dumb Eee34: nah that be binary Jug_addict: ....--.--.-.-.-... Uglybitch: AhHH Djshrimpdick: N Djshrimpdick: I Djshrimpdick: C Djshrimpdick: E Djshrimpdick: C Djshrimpdick: O Djshrimpdick: C Djshrimpdick: K (anon): A 22:15:09Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Djshrimpdick: A? (anon): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Djshrimpdick: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh Vulpix_axel: I use morse thank you. Jug_addict: no (anon): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAÆAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Djshrimpdick: B Djshrimpdick: A Djshrimpdick: L Djshrimpdick: L Djshrimpdick: S Jug_addict: S Jug_addict: U Jug_addict: G Jug_addict: M Jug_addict: A Djshrimpdick: L Djshrimpdick: I Djshrimpdick: G Djshrimpdick: M Djshrimpdick: A Vulpix_axel: B Vulpix_axel: A Vulpix_axel: L Vulpix_axel: L Vulpix_axel: S Jug_addict: S Jug_addict: H Jug_addict: U Jug_addict: T Vanyathecatboy22y: peter, the horse is here Djshrimpdick: Petah, the horse is here Dtrump: thats random tf Djshrimpdick: Remember that time that Meg pushed Stewie down the stairs and Peter decided to throw him behind Louis's car to make her think that she ran him over Djshrimpdick: No? Djshrimpdick: Just me? Djshrimpdick: ok Oofalladeez: i gtg guys Vulpix_axel: Noo. Oofalladeez: yes Oofalladeez: if kiki gets on tell her I'll be back Djshrimpdick: no Jug_addict: g a e Oofalladeez: and tell anyone else I'll be back Djshrimpdick: jk i gotchu broski Oofalladeez: cya dj Djshrimpdick: byeeeeeeeeeeeeee Vulpix_axel: =( Jug_addict: s Jug_addict: a Jug_addict: d Jug_addict: g Jug_addict: e Norma42: soph are u on Dtrump: nope Vulpix_axel: Ahhh. Vulpix_axel: This mansss! Djshrimpdick: me? Vulpix_axel: Yes. Findingdory: NORMAAAA Djshrimpdick: what did i do? Norma42: my friend is being a bitch Vulpix_axel: Be cute. Findingdory: KICK THEM Djshrimpdick: nah Vulpix_axel: Make me laugh. Vulpix_axel: Make me happy. Djshrimpdick: its cause im funny lookin Vulpix_axel: No you cute now stop. Djshrimpdick: whyyyyyyyyyy Vulpix_axel: Cause you're cute. 22:41:42Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Djshrimpdick: im rly not tho Vulpix_axel: To me you are. Findingdory: DJ STFU AND SAY YOUR CUTE Djshrimpdick: NO, BC IM NOT Findingdory: JUST SAY IT Djshrimpdick: NO Findingdory: YES Dtrump: maybve Djshrimpdick: L typing there rump Djshrimpdick: also, NO Findingdory: YES Dtrump: its french Djshrimpdick: no it aint Djshrimpdick: and, NO Findingdory: YES Djshrimpdick: NO Djshrimpdick: brb Locke46: Kuckuck Djshrimpdick: bck Findingdory: wb Djshrimpdick: ty Findingdory: i love how me and dj used to be firnds Findingdory: friends* Djshrimpdick: firnds XD Findingdory: shush it Djshrimpdick: no Djshrimpdick: BALLS Findingdory: YOU HAVE NONE Djshrimpdick: YES I DO Keigo: hey Findingdory: NO YOU DONT Vulpix_axel: SOPH HE HAS MORE BALL S THAN YOU!! Djshrimpdick: hi Djshrimpdick: YES I DO Findingdory: STFU AXEL Djshrimpdick: OI Findingdory: OH SHIT Keigo: do i wanna be here Djshrimpdick: 🖕 Findingdory: WHAT DID I SAY Djshrimpdick: idk Djshrimpdick: prolly Findingdory: IMMA GET MY ASS BEAT 23:08:15Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Djshrimpdick: FRFR Keigo: where my bf Vulpix_axel: ... Findingdory: IM SORRY AXEL Vulpix_axel: Did did you just tell me to shut the fuck up.. Findingdory: IM SORRY Findingdory: i'll kill myself before you can kill me Vulpix_axel: Nah. Keigo: ... Djshrimpdick: ... Keigo: ..................................... Keigo: bruh Keigo: dead ass chat Djshrimpdick: frfr Keigo: couldn't be me Djshrimpdick: imagine Djshrimpdick: L bozo Djshrimpdick: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Keigo: what are you a door at 5am Vulpix_axel: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee...EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keigo: fr tho that's how they be Djshrimpdick: balls Vulpix_axel: Pov yo mama: THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING AT 5AM?!?! Keigo: fr Djshrimpdick: POV yo mama: did you eat all the shredded cheese? Keigo: no ma'am Keigo: Keigo: bruh the third clip Nin0: Moop Juicygash: you aren't azala? Dtrump: huh Juicygash: sorry I was confused by what anon said Juicygash: anon said he was azala or something Keigo: ??? Juicygash: all good Keigo: mk 23:34:46Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Juicygash: going back to sticking furniture up my asshole Juicygash: got a little help obviously my partner is doing the jamming Juicygash: he's stuffing a chair leg up into my bowels as we speak Djshrimpdick: im bck Djshrimpdick: i was watching that video Keigo: wb Djshrimpdick: ty Juicygash: feels so fucking good Keigo: it was funny Nazi: im back Nazi: in black Juicygash: the chair leg going up my asshole is black Juicygash: does that mean I have jungle fever? Dtrump: wtf Juicygash: I just don't want to be racially insensitive Juicygash: I can jam a white chair leg up my asshole I don't want to offend anyone Dtrump: stfu Nazi: fuck jews Nazi: they suck Keigo: cock* Nazi: kys kiego Nazi: thats stupid Keigo: kei* Nazi: i hope you die Keigo: i do to Nazi: are you a jew Nazi: ill come find you Keigo: no japanese Juicygash: Well the chair leg in my asshole isn't Jewish or kosher Nazi: and kill you Juicygash: so I don't think I ticked them off Oofalladeez: Nazi she was an ally for u stfu Keigo: please bro please do Juicygash: whoa Juicygash: the heck is wrong with Naz-oh wait the name is a bit of a giveaway Juicygash: nvm (anon): omg theres a nazi i have to hide Keigo: oop Juicygash: hide the Jews and Gypsies Dtrump: this chat is so weird rn Keigo: fr trump Oofalladeez: Nate stfu u the only Jew I know thst would join the Nazi party XD (anon): jew Juicygash: I am half Jewish Juicygash: so do you hate half of me? Keigo: ... Juicygash: ....which half? (anon): im Juicygash: like are you diving me horizontally or vertically? Keigo: i'm* Juicygash: dividing (anon): bro (anon): nigger (anon): nigger (anon): nigger (anon): nigger Juicygash: I sometimes think that my left arm is a bit Jewish (anon): trany (anon): nigger Juicygash: it doesn't like to let go of money Keigo: my teacher would say "we don't speak like that Cinny_roll: It's dark (anon): vete a la mierda negro Juicygash: my right arm is my jacking arm and it also gambles but my left arm doesn't work on Saturday (anon): vete a la mierda negro (anon): vete a la mierda negro (anon): vete a la mierda negro (anon): vete a la mierda negro (anon): vete a la mierda negro (anon): vete a la mierda negro (anon): vete a la mierda negro (anon): vete a la mierda negro (anon): vete a la mierda negro (anon): vete a la mierda negro (anon): vete a la mierda negro Keigo: STFU Juicygash: so I think I def have a Jewish left arm Cinny_roll: Hi kei Keigo: CINDER HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Cinny_roll: ......why are you yelling Juicygash: also my left arm really hates Palestinians Keigo: I"M IN A SEMI GOOD MOOD Juicygash: let's fix that Cinny_roll: Oh? Keigo: juicy wdym by that Juicygash: I've noticed that when I let my left hand take the mouse Keigo: ok Juicygash: it navigates to some pro-Palestine websites Juicygash: like right away Cinny_roll: So why are you in a good mood kei Keigo: I got to see nate just a sec ago Cinny_roll: Ship Juicygash: and it hacks those websites Juicygash: makes them crash Juicygash: reports them to the FBI etc Keigo: well what i told u smth cin Cinny_roll: Good for you :3 Juicygash: also my left arm tried to circumcise my penis Juicygash: but my right arm stopped it Keigo: its like everyone already knows Cinny_roll: Already knows what Juicygash: that I am half Jew? Keigo: that me and nate are together Juicygash: I did just say it Juicygash: oh Cinny_roll: :0 Juicygash: nobody cares about that Cinny_roll: *le gasp* Juicygash: you two won't last Keigo: nobody cares about u juicy Juicygash: you are awful for each other Cinny_roll: I ignored them Juicygash: so why bother celebrating Keigo: fr same Juicygash: it's like if Stalin and Hitler started making out Cinny_roll: T^T I love my life Keigo: i don't Cinny_roll: I'm being sarcastic Juicygash: I love my life Keigo: I'm being honest Juicygash: I am being genuine Eee34: you sure about that? Juicygash: my life is great except for my Jewish left arm Cinny_roll: Life sucks Keigo: fr same Cinny_roll: Frfr Juicygash: I am going to cut out the Jew from me Dtrump: Stop giving them attention. Juicygash: and then life will be great Juicygash: jk I love my Jewish arm Juicygash: it does my taxes Juicygash: and I can say oi! as an exclamation Cinny_roll: *yawns* I've had a long day Juicygash: or oivai! Keigo: trump stop being a whiny bitch Juicygash: and wear one of those queer Jew hats Keigo: fr same cin Cinny_roll: School is so fun Keigo: ikr Keigo: i got to see ash again today Juicygash: school is for.....people in school Juicygash: losers Cinny_roll: I have gym tomorrow 🥲 Keigo: L Dtrump: Kei I was defending you. Juicygash: wtf are you under 18? Keigo: gym is an elective here Cinny_roll: Was ash on azala? Keigo: idk Juicygash: ash and azala getting at it? Juicygash: hot Cinny_roll: How did you see her then Juicygash: we hang Juicygash: me and azala Juicygash: she likes my Jew arm Keigo: mmmmmmmmm nah thats what u say when u don't want the depressed ppl here Keigo: NO ash is what i call ashton Cinny_roll: Oh well I thought you were talking about my ash Keigo: our* Cinny_roll: Mine Juicygash: my ash-hole Juicygash: ah ha ha Juicygash: ha Keigo: our because im her wife Juicygash: Lzbians? Juicygash: LA LA LA LA LESBIANS? Cinny_roll: I wish she was my wife frfr Juicygash: hawt Dtrump: Yes there lesbians. Keigo: bi get it right hoes Juicygash: tell me bout all the sexy pillow fights Cinny_roll: Bi-myself Keigo: fr Juicygash: that degenerate into kissing Cinny_roll: 🥲 Juicygash: we all know lesbians are just attention seeking hetero women that need a good deep dickin' Cinny_roll: Why am I a loser Juicygash: take any bulldyke lesbo and she gets plowed by Chad Thundercock and she has her hair up into pigtails so fast Juicygash: let me make you dinner Daddy Juicygash: all that energy Cinny_roll: ... Keigo: ........ Cinny_roll: ............ Juicygash: sadly there aren't enough Chads to go around Juicygash: so lots of dykes gotta scissor themselves senseless while waiting Cinny_roll: ................... Keigo: help Cinny_roll: With? Juicygash: slamming fake plastic cocks into each other pretending that it's the real thing Juicygash: Lesbian bed death Juicygash: sad really Keigo: HIT ME WITH UR CAR Cinny_roll: I don't have one Juicygash: USE YOUR PARENT'S Juicygash: OR STEAL ONE Juicygash: sorry caps lol Cinny_roll: I miss ash Juicygash: me too Juicygash: Evil Dead was so great Izzy_blight: Groovy Cinny_roll: Hey Izzy Juicygash: this is my BOOMSTICK Juicygash: Shop SMART! Shop S-MART! Cinny_roll: I should be going Juicygash: YA GOT THAT??!!!! Cinny_roll: Cya laters Keigo: bye cin Juicygash: Hey shebitch. Let's dance. (anon): based Keigo: more like basic bitch 00:01:19Thursday, September 14, 2023 Keigo: dead ass chat (anon): stfu kei Keigo: make me Djshrimpdick: bck from din din Keigo: wb Keigo: this chat rly be daead Djshrimpdick: frfr Keigo: couldn't be me Djshrimpdick: imagine Keigo: L bozo Keigo: (anon): kei is done for Keigo: cool idc (anon): ? 00:27:52Thursday, September 14, 2023 Dtrump: ? Keigo: DON'T GET EATEN BY A SHARK Sannkaed: maybe im better off dead, if i was, would it ever be enough? shut out all these voices in my head! (anon): fuckoff Keigo: SANNDIE Dtrump: die Keigo: hit me with ur car then Sannkaed: HIIIII Keigo: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Sannkaed: LET THE BODIES HIT FLOOR Dtrump: san n die Sannkaed: LET THE BODIES HIT FLOOR Keigo: i have to go shower now but i can call after Sannkaed: LET THE BODIES HIT FLOOR Sannkaed: FLOOOOOOOOOOOOR Sannkaed: oooo bet Keigo: kk love yall bye Sannkaed: baiii 00:54:25Thursday, September 14, 2023 Chai: anyone active ? (anon): no your dead Oofalladeez: Did Kiki go to bed? Sannkaed: no Oofalladeez: Then where is she? Sannkaed: shower Oofalladeez: Oh Dtrump: nah this chat aint active Chai: wowl lolol Chai: somone make a room Lovi: I'm out of the shower but I'm on my phone Sannkaed: a room on? Lovi: No naked Sannkaed: NAH REALLY LMAO Sannkaed: i would hope so Sannkaed: chai what site Lovi: U seem excited that I'm naked Sannkaed: i am Djshrimpdick: ... Sannkaed: if youre showering Sannkaed: i would sure hope you are Sannkaed: what you gonna do Sannkaed: washin in a pair of jeans and a blazer Lovi: Idk fuck nate Sannkaed: hm? Lovi: hm? Sannkaed: poor nate Lovi: uh wow I see how Michu care Lovi: My head hit the wall Lovi: I'm trying to get on my computer Chai: this site lol Lovi: Fr tho Sannkaed: ohh ok Lovi: ... Lovi: im on my computer Sannkaed: okkk Chai: ill make one then lol Keigo: whos chai Chai: its going to be called bangbros Chai: chai is me Keigo: no fucking shit Dtrump: no ones joining chai Keigo: idk who they are Chai: damn ok then 01:20:58Thursday, September 14, 2023 Vulpix_axel: 0-0? Djshrimpdick: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Djshrimpdick: Did chat go to sleep? 01:47:32Thursday, September 14, 2023 Oofalladeez: no Izzy_blight: Childrapist69: im so fucking sick of the nintendo community being horrible to us [24/12/2014] 02:14:05Thursday, September 14, 2023 Meatbeater: I have awaken from my slumber for a thousand years I have rested now I have returned to beat meat Izzy_blight: All rise for the beater of meat 🥩 Meatbeater: I'm here to chew beat meat and chew bubblegum and I'm all out of bubblegum Meatbeater: I have ventured to deepest darkest pits of rule 34 and lived the horrors I have witnessed the stories I have to tell Izzy_blight: Me too I saw so much loli and futa my brain is fried Meatbeater: So how has everyone been since i went into my slumber Izzy_blight: Been beating the meat all day every day in your honor 02:40:38Thursday, September 14, 2023 Woof83: :( 03:07:11Thursday, September 14, 2023 Oofalladeez: I miss kiki :( Oofalladeez: logan mf what u doin up this late? 03:33:44Thursday, September 14, 2023 Meatbeater: Mmw Meatbeater: Mega monster white cock 04:00:17Thursday, September 14, 2023 Tallguy: Nerds? 04:26:50Thursday, September 14, 2023 Ishipwillowandhunter: . Oofalladeez: hello mich 04:53:24Thursday, September 14, 2023 Floofers: It’s late Floofers: Night shift is in Floofers: Kids are in bed (anon): Ok I need to talk seriously for a moment (anon): It’s about my penis 05:19:57Thursday, September 14, 2023 Dashiznit: Nobody wants to talk about your dick Dashiznit: Now that we have dismissed the anon dummy we can have a serious talk. Dashiznit: About my penis 05:46:31Thursday, September 14, 2023 06:13:04Thursday, September 14, 2023 06:39:37Thursday, September 14, 2023 Wetlikeyou: Aaaahya Wetlikeyou: Yah Yah Wetlikeyou: This chat is sooo empty in disbelieve Wetlikeyou: Now can I seeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Wetlikeyou: All the people here are gone... Wetlikeyou: THe true brothers will staaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy Wetlikeyou: Everything will change at once Wetlikeyou: My bois will staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy Wetlikeyou: Before the reaper takes All Of Us... Wetlikeyou: We will punch him back and staaaaaayyyyyyy Wetlikeyou: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Yeaaahh Yeeeeaaaah Wetlikeyou: THis is the end of chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat Wetlikeyou: Yeeeaaaaahhhhh Yeaah Yeeeaaaah Wetlikeyou: Push your hands up like Guatanamo Baaaaaaaaaayyyyyy Wetlikeyou: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Wetlikeyou: IN my dismaaaaaaaay, whos still there.... Wetlikeyou: Yuure cool, Hey Hey Inasg_no: hey 07:06:10Thursday, September 14, 2023 Inasg_no: don't all speak at once 🙄🙄 Oofalladeez: TAY Inasg_no: NATEEEE Wetlikeyou: EAH Wetlikeyou: Finally ppl are here Jug_addict: fr 07:32:43Thursday, September 14, 2023 Oofalladeez: THERE YOU ARE! Oofalladeez: CALL? Izzy_blight: Jimmy the pedo touching kids Izzy_blight: as usual Wetlikeyou: OMG ppl Wetlikeyou: Lets dance Jug_addict: lol Wetlikeyou: Du-Du-DU-Duu-Duu Wetlikeyou: Duu-DUu-Duu-Duu-Duu-Duun-Duun Inasg_no: Nate Inasg_no: istg you have a shit memory xd Wetlikeyou: WE EXIST Wetlikeyou: And we matters Inasg_no: I won't be able to call in the mornings till the weekend Wetlikeyou: #Azalalivesmatter Jug_addict: #Azalalivesmatter Izzy_blight: I don't exist and I don't matter, i'm going back in my hole Izzy_blight: Bye bye 👋 Wetlikeyou: Wait Wetlikeyou: You exist, for me Anonone1: for me too Toxic_furry: and for me Wetlikeyou: We are a community Inasg_no: GREGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Anonone1: NIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGER Inasg_no: Language Anonone1: ok Dtrump: Dammit get a life lol. Inasg_no: HEY TRUMP Dtrump: Hi Tay. Inasg_no: hru? Democraticnazi: When public dies, were here Dtrump: You know no one cares? Wetlikeyou: School < Logan_taken: fr Inasg_no: oh you Democraticnazi: It isnt azala without us Dtrump: Its one guy logging in his alt accounts lol. Wetlikeyou: imagine reading this chat and no racism, politics or pedo here Inasg_no: ah I see Dtrump: But you are all of those things. Democraticnazi: I can't Logan_taken: Wheres lili? Dtrump: Killed herself. Inasg_no: .... Inasg_no: bye ly Dtrump: Sorry shes alive. Oofalladeez: LILI? Oofalladeez: you mean the same lily? Oofalladeez: from earlier today?! Dtrump: Hell no. 07:59:17Thursday, September 14, 2023 Oofalladeez: who tf is lili? Dtrump: Not getting into it rn. Oofalladeez: trump... it made tay leave Dtrump: Did she say that herself. Oofalladeez: no... she left as soon as she heard that Aslan55: prout Dtrump: She didnt. 08:25:49Thursday, September 14, 2023 Aslan55: didn't what? Dtrump: We arent talking to you. Aslan55: ? 08:52:23Thursday, September 14, 2023 09:18:56Thursday, September 14, 2023 09:45:29Thursday, September 14, 2023 Black55: ! Jan93: tschö Rina: Rump? Dtrump: hi 10:12:03Thursday, September 14, 2023 10:38:36Thursday, September 14, 2023 Black55: Hey Black55: Gay Findingdory: gmmmmm Findingdory: no one is on? 11:05:10Thursday, September 14, 2023 Nuisance: ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ 11:31:42Thursday, September 14, 2023 Vulpix_axel: 0-0 Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Uglybitch: AHahhaHHAhahHaHAHAHHaAA Vulpix_axel: ? Uglybitch: AHhAHAHAhSHAHaHAHAHAHAHhahahAhahaa Vulpix_axel: Shut up. Uglybitch: nah Vulpix_axel: Asshole. Djshrimpdick: Morming chat Vulpix_axel: PEY! Djshrimpdick: AXEL! Vulpix_axel: I MISSED YOU! Djshrimpdick: I MISSED YOU MORE! Vulpix_axel: NO Djshrimpdick: YES Vulpix_axel: NO!!! Djshrimpdick: YES!!!! Vulpix_axel: NO!!! Djshrimpdick: YES!!! Vulpix_axel: NO!! Djshrimpdick: YES!!! Raeal_the_protogen: *aggresive roomba sounds* Vulpix_axel: NO!!!!!!1 Djshrimpdick: YES!!!!!!!! Raeal_the_protogen: MAYBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (idk whats going on) Djshrimpdick: (She thinks she missed me more than I missed her) Vulpix_axel: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Djshrimpdick: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Raeal_the_protogen: (damn thas cute aight ill stfu) Vulpix_axel: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Vulpix_axel: (I obviously missed him more.) 11:58:15Thursday, September 14, 2023 Raeal_the_protogen: (what if, hear me out, both of you missed each other equally?) Djshrimpdick: NO BC I MISSED HER MORE! Raeal_the_protogen: A lip balm container filled with nut Djshrimpdick: … Raeal_the_protogen: .... Raeal_the_protogen: anyway Raeal_the_protogen: *toaster noises* Uglybitch: BREADDDDDDD Raeal_the_protogen: BRED Raeal_the_protogen: ... Uglybitch: YEAHHHHHH Djshrimpdick: Brood Uglybitch: BEADDDD Uglybitch: BRAd Raeal_the_protogen: me? Raeal_the_protogen: bred me? Uglybitch: O_O Uglybitch: i did not not that but...... Djshrimpdick: ? Raeal_the_protogen: ... Uglybitch: lol Djshrimpdick: WHERES AXEL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Raeal_the_protogen: threw her in the ocean Raeal_the_protogen: er Raeal_the_protogen: uh Raeal_the_protogen: nothin Djshrimpdick: 0.0 Vulpix_axel: I HATE THE OCEAN! Djshrimpdick: balls Vulpix_axel: ... Djshrimpdick: … Findingdory: hi Raeal_the_protogen: the ocean hates me Sannkaed: damn Vulpix_axel: ... Raeal_the_protogen: i exist to spite god Findingdory: ... Raeal_the_protogen: ... Djshrimpdick: … Raeal_the_protogen: anyway Sannkaed: ... Raeal_the_protogen: hive mind mentality Raeal_the_protogen: you are now breathing, swallowing and salivating manually. Djshrimpdick: BRUO WTF Vulpix_axel: ? Raeal_the_protogen: :3 Raeal_the_protogen: chaos, chaos! Raeal_the_protogen: imagine breathing haha Roy_foxgirl: cinder Roy_foxgirl: hi Djshrimpdick: I don’t need to breath Roy_foxgirl: oh Roy_foxgirl: *hugs dj* Djshrimpdick: … Roy_foxgirl: hm? Djshrimpdick: Idk what to do in this situation Findingdory: bck Djshrimpdick: I NEED AN ADULT Vulpix_axel: *slaps Roy* Vulpix_axel: *hugs Pey* Take your shot in 9 ball. Djshrimpdick: I missed TwT Roy_foxgirl: *rund away* Roy_foxgirl: runs* Sannkaed: *collapses* Vulpix_axel: Oh- Stolas: hm? Djshrimpdick: Dead chat Vulpix_axel: mhm. Djshrimpdick: I love you! Vulpix_axel: I love you! Djshrimpdick: I love you more! 12:24:49Thursday, September 14, 2023 Vulpix_axel: Nope. Djshrimpdick: Yep Sannkaed: im so tired Vulpix_axel: Nope. Djshrimpdick: Yep! Vulpix_axel: No also I gtg. Djshrimpdick: awwww Djshrimpdick: Byeeeeee :( Vulpix_axel: I love you! Findingdory: im bored Djshrimpdick: Hi bored Stolas: oh Toxic_lilly: Hi... Im a faggot Toxic_lilly: bye Toxic_lilly: im no longer a faggot Toxicego357: School has started how is everyone? Cinderthecatboy: im wishing i was dead Toxicego357: Damn Toxicego357: accurate tho Cinderthecatboy: i hate math Cinderthecatboy: kill me Toxicego357: you want to die.... Stolas: toxic! Toxicego357: OVER MATH?!?!?!?! Toxicego357: Stolas! Cinderthecatboy: it fucking algebra! Cinderthecatboy: AND OVER ENGLISH Findingdory: *dies* Roy_foxgirl: Master toxic Toxicego357: I ALREADY FINISHED CALCULAS HOW THE FUCKKKKKK DO YOU WANT TO DIE OVER ALGEBRA??????? Toxicego357: Sup roy Toxicego357: i need a nickname for you Roy_foxgirl: Oh okay Toxicego357: How abt foxxy? Cinderthecatboy: IM STUPID OKAY Roy_foxgirl: i like it *as my tail wags* Toxicego357: If you wanna die at least have a good reason cin -_- Cinderthecatboy: i dont need to get approval from you sir. Toxicego357: yes you do Cinderthecatboy: no i dont. Toxicego357: Yuh huh Cinderthecatboy: nyuh uh Toxicego357: yuh huh Cinderthecatboy: no. Toxicego357: yes Cinderthecatboy: no. Roy_foxgirl: *climbs on toxics back* Toxicego357: *falls over* Roy_foxgirl: ow *as you fall on me* Toxicego357: *i quickly get up and make sure you are ok* Cinderthecatboy: i resign as your maid tox. Roy_foxgirl: ow Toxicego357: NO YOU DONT Cinderthecatboy: yes i do. Cinderthecatboy: you've obviously replaced me. Toxicego357: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Cinderthecatboy: goodbye. Toxicego357: CINNNNNN Toxicego357: NOOOOOOOOO Roy_foxgirl: Cinder i am just a maid Cinderthecatboy: *i walk away* Roy_foxgirl: *tackles cinder* Toxicego357: *i chase cin down* Dont leave meeeee!!!! Pweaseeeeee Toxicego357: *i pick cin up* Cinderthecatboy: *i fall over and struggle to escape* stop! get off me! Roy_foxgirl: no *licks cinder's face* Cinderthecatboy: bleegh get offf Toxicego357: *starts crying and collapses on the ground* Roy_foxgirl: um shoot Roy_foxgirl: *runs to toxic* Cinderthecatboy: *i get back up and run away* Roy_foxgirl: Cinder help me please Toxicego357: *composes self and wipes tears off of my face i then turn on ¨goobyes¨ by drex carter* Roy_foxgirl: oh Toxicego357: *slowly stands up and walks away* Roy_foxgirl: *looks at cinder then at toxic then start to whine* Toxicego357: *sits in corner facing a wall* Toxicego357: *sings along to ¨stay together for the kids¨ By Blink 182* Roy_foxgirl: *curls into a ball* Roy_foxgirl: welp *garbs a knife* Toxicego357: *i stand up and see roy grab the knife* Foxxy.... what are you doing? Cinderthecatboy: garbs Toxicego357: *i run towards cin and i hug him* Cinderthecatboy: s-stop *i gasp for air my bones cracking slightly* i-i cant breathe Roy_foxgirl: oh nothing *starts to try and cutting my fox ears* Toxicego357: *i let go* I... im sorry *i then see roy and i grab the knife* NO Roy_foxgirl: yyes Cinderthecatboy: *i fall to the ground panting* Roy_foxgirl: *backs up but trips and having the the knife go tough my arm* Toxicego357: *I kill both cinder and roy before finally killing myself* Cinderthecatboy: that got dark Roy_foxgirl: i can not die though Toxicego357: im dead in the end thats what matters Cinderthecatboy: woo im a ghost 12:51:22Thursday, September 14, 2023 Toxicego357: Woo im in hell Cinderthecatboy: same Toxicego357: its where i belong Cinderthecatboy: same Toxicego357: i need to talk to axel abt something Toxicego357: roy... use demon magic to bring us back Roy_foxgirl: *revivies everyone* i am tried Toxicego357: tired* Toxicego357: anyway Cinderthecatboy: *i pull out a gun and shoot myself* Toxicego357: *i walk away on my own leaving everything behind* Roy_foxgirl: Nope we can not anymore cinder Cinderthecatboy: huh? Roy_foxgirl: die Cinderthecatboy: fuck Djshrimpdick: balls Cinderthecatboy: brb Djshrimpdick: Damn Roy_foxgirl: *cuddles toxic* Toxicego357: everyone is calling me ¨anti-social¨ idk why... Toxicego357: i talk to at least 5 people Toxicego357: a week Roy_foxgirl: shh Toxicego357: im totally an extravert Toxicego357: (he said sitting in a corner by himself) Roy_foxgirl: same here *licks toxic's face* Toxicego357: *begins crying* Roy_foxgirl: stop it master *licks toxic's face again* Toxicego357: But... Cinder left me 😭 Roy_foxgirl: welp he has to do something Toxicego357: I... need him... :( Roy_foxgirl: shh or i will bite your neck Toxicego357: I more than need him... i love him :( Roy_foxgirl: Just wait Toxicego357: All i do is wait Roy_foxgirl: Here pet my tail Toxicego357: *i pet your tail* Roy_foxgirl: *purrs* Toxicego357: *sighs* Roy_foxgirl: hm? Toxicego357: Nothing... Toxicego357: Mich? Toxicego357: you there or afk? Toxicego357: afk i assume Toxicego357: as per fucking usual 😔 Roy_foxgirl: i have to go sir Toxicego357: Take care madame Toxicego357: illl be here... Toxicego357: ill* Billclinton: fuck you. dirty whore Toxicego357: Ok... Swagvesto: Okay I think Toxicego357: idk 13:17:55Thursday, September 14, 2023 Vulpix_axel: rawr.' Toxicego357: AXELLLLLLLL Vulpix_axel: Hey hun! Toxicego357: How are you? Vulpix_axel: Tired. Toxicego357: Same Toxicego357: among other things Vulpix_axel: My teacher said I have the highest grade on the test. Toxicego357: Good!!! Vulpix_axel: =3 Djshrimpdick: balls Djshrimpdick: Damn everyone got off Toxicego357: nyuh uh Vulpix_axel: Nope. Toxicego357: im just dealing with some stuff Alpharad: man Samuraijay: meme Toxicego357: yo Alpharad: yo-yo Toxicego357: idk what to listen to Alpharad: world war 2 ambient sounds 13:44:28Thursday, September 14, 2023 Roy_foxgirl: i am back Roy_foxgirl: master? Alpharad: who tf Roy_foxgirl: toxic Alpharad: die Alpharad: thats weird man Alpharad: dont call people master Roy_foxgirl: I don't care Alpharad: you're weird Roy_foxgirl: i know that Alpharad: good Stolas: hello Roy_foxgirl: hello stolas Samuraijay: Smg4 GIFs | Stolas: hm? Rouge_killer: ASS Rouge_killer: IN Rouge_killer: MY Rouge_killer: COCK Samuraijay: balls Rouge_killer: in Stolas: hey rouge Rouge_killer: hi stolas Vulpix_axel: COCK AND BALL TOURTCHER! Rouge_killer: jay what class are you in rn? Rouge_killer: AXELLL Stolas: roy is here too Rouge_killer: HRU Roy_foxgirl: hi Alpharad: bro what Rouge_killer: Vulpix_axel: COCK AND BALL TOURTCHER! Alpharad: we all heard it the first time rouge Rouge_killer: roy who are you Stolas: my ex Roy_foxgirl: yep Rouge_killer: ooook Rouge_killer: soooooo y is roy here Vulpix_axel: *hugs Rouge* Roy_foxgirl: *hugs axel* Stolas: Because she can Rouge_killer: *slaps roy* Rouge_killer: no mine Rouge_killer: *hugs axel* Rouge_killer: stolas who broke up with who Stolas: Please don't hit roy *starts to choke rouge* Alpharad: cringe Rouge_killer: *pulls out knife* Vulpix_axel: *tears up* Let him go Sto! Stolas: Why? Vulpix_axel: Please! Roy_foxgirl: welp there nothing you can rouge when he is mad Rouge_killer: ge-t o-ff y-o-u li-ttle bitch Vulpix_axel: *tears fall down face* Stolas: Fine *hugs roy* Alpharad: this sucks Samuraijay: you good? Rouge_killer: idk Vulpix_axel: *looks at rouges neck* Oh my you're bruising already.. Rouge_killer: sooooo stolas who broke up with who Roy_foxgirl: mm stolas you need to work on your anger issues. Rouge_killer: axel ill be fine like i want to die either way Alpharad: good Rouge_killer: roy or stolas who broke up with who Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey loves <3 Vulpix_axel: *lightly touches Rouges bruise* Aw you poor thing.. Stolas: She broke up with me Rouge_killer: MICH Rouge_killer: HRU Ishipwillowandhunter: Hiiiiiiii Stolas: *heals rouges bruise* Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm doing fine, hbu pretty boy Roy_foxgirl: hmm Rouge_killer: and stolas your just fine with her here and you protect her Rouge_killer: im good Rouge_killer: ish Stolas: yep Vulpix_axel: Thank you stolas.. Stolas: yep just next time don't hit roy Rouge_killer: wait stolas do you know y she broke up with you Stolas: yeah Rouge_killer: *pulls out gun* Rouge_killer: what about shoot Stolas: *starts to rouge again* no shooting Alpharad: dude, nahhhhh, y'all can do better than this man Rouge_killer: and also y did she break up with you Vulpix_axel: Stolas... Stolas: what!?! Rouge_killer: it was a fucking question Rouge_killer: i wasnt gonna do it yet Stolas: *lets go* Rouge_killer: sooo stolas y did she break up with you Vulpix_axel: Rouge drop it.. Roy_foxgirl: *hugs axel, and is scared* Vulpix_axel: *growls* Stolas: hm axel no Rouge_killer: im just curious axel Vulpix_axel: *bites Roy* Get off! Stolas: *picks up axel* Roy_foxgirl: *backs up* Vulpix_axel: LET ME GO! Rouge_killer: *aims gun at stolas* Stolas: no! Rouge_killer: *put her down gently* (anon): wtf (anon): you guys need some help Vulpix_axel: Let me go! *tears up* Vulpix_axel: I hate being picked up..! Ishipwillowandhunter: Stop :( Rouge_killer: i will pull the trigger stolas Rouge_killer: *aims at roy* Stolas: *puts her down* Rouge_killer: good Rouge_killer: *puts away gun* Vulpix_axel: *runs and hugs Rouge* Ishipwillowandhunter: No tf you wont, you shoot him you get your ass ate out Alpharad: please pull the trigger and end this horrible rp Rouge_killer: *shoots alpha* Roy_foxgirl: *hugs axel, and is shaking bad* Rouge_killer: NO MINE Vulpix_axel: * growls at Roy* Get off! Roy_foxgirl: *backs off scared* Rouge_killer: go hug your ex Rouge_killer: *hugs axel* Stolas: *sigh* she does not want to Vulpix_axel: *hugs Rouge tail wagging* Sannkaed: *cries* Rouge_killer: stolas can you pls tell me y it ended? Rouge_killer: *slaps sann* Rouge_killer: no crying Sannkaed: *cries more* Stolas: she found someone better Roy_foxgirl: yep Rouge_killer: WTF Connorsdickishuge: Nuts Vulpix_axel: ... Rouge_killer: roy is just a bad person i got it 14:11:02Thursday, September 14, 2023 Sannkaed: today is a rly hard day for me lol Ishipwillowandhunter: Damn that's crazy Vulpix_axel: Roy... NEVER touch me again.. Vulpix_axel: brb Ishipwillowandhunter: She found someone better, huh? Sannkaed: they always do. Ishipwillowandhunter: That's just wild Rouge_killer: roy get the fuck off this site and just dont talk to ANY of us again Stolas: and roy does not to hug me or kiss me so please just allow her to hug you axel Rouge_killer: no Alpharad: BROTHER Alpharad: AINT NO SHOT Samuraijay: kratos Alpharad: YOU DRAW THE LINE AT CHEATING Ishipwillowandhunter: I mean I feel it but fuck imagine being told you're being dumped because they found someone better Roy_foxgirl: welp i guess everyone is right i am fucking useless Rouge_killer: fr Alpharad: Yes you are Alpharad: but still Rouge_killer: roy your a fucking horrible person Alpharad: aint no way you draw the line at that you are literally racist rogue Rouge_killer: im not Roy_foxgirl: but stolas.....never mind Alpharad: you legit say the n word Rouge_killer: NIGGA Rouge_killer: so what Alpharad: exact;y Rouge_killer: i got a bunch of black and white and mexican friends Djshrimpdick: Balls Alpharad: and you are a poor example of a human being Alpharad: that doesnt mean you can say it Djshrimpdick: Who said I’m human Sannkaed: 1st amendment disagrees Alpharad: nobody is talking to you sann Alpharad: and dj Rouge_killer: roy fucking broke up with stolas bc she found someone better Rouge_killer: like WTF Alpharad: okay???? Djshrimpdick: I’m a 1999 Apache attack helicopter Soggytoast404: bofa Sannkaed: this is a public chat Soggytoast404: yes Alpharad: thats not something big man Stolas: welp i am going Ishipwillowandhunter: Imagine still getting offended at words like nigga and faggot. Also a difference between nigger and nigga Soggytoast404: testiclas Alpharad: like okay, L to stolas Rouge_killer: alpha if you were dating someone would you break up with them in you found someone better Alpharad: It really just depends Alpharad: are the person im dating manipluative? Alpharad: are they a bad parthner? Rouge_killer: but stolas i dout was like that Alpharad: okay Sannkaed: stolas is a W Rouge_killer: soo she prob just found a better looking person Sannkaed: yup Sannkaed: people do Sannkaed: its sad\ Alpharad: okay then honestly I would say L to both of them Sannkaed: but shit happens. Sannkaed: it wasn't meant to be tbh. Rouge_killer: i would never do that to my gf Sannkaed: id rather learn early that the love was no longer there, other than get cheated on and heartbroken. Alpharad: in my opinion the mf should know that they were never meant to be because of that, so he shouldnt be sad Sannkaed: it still hurts Ishipwillowandhunter: Tf is that logic Sannkaed: no matter the circumstances Rouge_killer: roy should never date anyone if shes gonna do that Ishipwillowandhunter: Alpha are you special needs Ishipwillowandhunter: Be honest Alpharad: nah Ishipwillowandhunter: You sure? Alpharad: Yeah???? I probably have adhd thats it Ishipwillowandhunter: Okay... Ishipwillowandhunter: If you say so Alpharad: what do you mean tf is that logic, if the girl is ready to just dump him immediatly then of course he should be sad for like a little while, Alpharad: but then realize that shes a bad person Alpharad: and get over it Sannkaed: it ain't that easy Sannkaed: if it is to you, then you don't know what love rly is Alpharad: Yeah and neither does he because she didnt love him Samuraijay: I bearly even love Sannkaed: but he loved her. Toxicego357: hyello Findingdory: hi Toxicego357: sup dory Alpharad: back Findingdory: hi tox Findingdory: hru? Toxicego357: i... it doesnt matter ill live Alpharad: cool story man Toxicego357: thx Findingdory: lol Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh I forgot I blocked dory Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey daddy <3 Toxicego357: Hewwo daddy Findingdory: oop Findingdory: dam Findingdory: how many daddys does mich have? lmao Toxicego357: just me i hope... Findingdory: lol Findingdory: he prob has more Keigo: hey Findingdory: hi kei Keigo: hi Findingdory: hru? Keigo: im fine Findingdory: nice Keigo: hbu Findingdory: tierd Keigo: fr tho same Findingdory: lol Findingdory: did you start school? Keigo: yep been in school for three weeks Findingdory: same Keigo: slay Djshrimpdick: Hillo chat Keigo: hi Findingdory: oh god, its dj Keigo: oh no 14:37:35Thursday, September 14, 2023 Djshrimpdick: What? Findingdory: ITS DJJJJ Keigo: my teacher is in a mad mood Findingdory: *dies* Djshrimpdick: YES, IM DJ Keigo: *dies* Djshrimpdick: L Roy_foxgirl: hm Keigo: ... Inasg_no: hey Djshrimpdick: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Roy_foxgirl: hey Keigo: TAU Inasg_no: hey kiwi Keigo: I MISSED U Roy_foxgirl: hey toxic Djshrimpdick: HI DJ Inasg_no: missed ya too Inasg_no: hi tay Djshrimpdick: Hru? Inasg_no: could be better wbu Keigo: same love Inasg_no: yeah Keigo: its that kinda day Djshrimpdick: Meh, there’s a train stopped on the tracks so imma be hella late to class Keigo: lucky Inasg_no: nah same reason for the past few days for me, sorry to hear dj Keigo: u get to miss school dn Keigo: dj Djshrimpdick: I need to go to clas Roy_foxgirl: oh Keigo: class* Djshrimpdick: I agree school sucks but I kinda want to graduate Cinderthecatboy: hewos Roy_foxgirl: CIndy Keigo: cin hIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Cinderthecatboy: hi Toxicego357: bck like a snacc and ready to atacc Roy_foxgirl: *hugs cinder* Djshrimpdick: Hillo cindy Keigo: SPENCERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRr Inasg_no: hi cin Toxicego357: KEI-KUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Toxicego357: TAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Cinderthecatboy: hey tox Roy_foxgirl: god Inasg_no: hello sexy Toxicego357: Sup cin Cinderthecatboy: sup onii-chan Keigo: SPENCERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Manycoffee: Need a room to join Manycoffee: Ayo Keigo: SPENCERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Manycoffee: YES????!!?!?!?? Keigo: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi Rouge_killer: back\ Toxicego357: WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Manycoffee: HELLLLOOOOOOOO Keigo: GREYSON Rouge_killer: KEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Toxicego357: HELLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Rouge_killer: HRU Findingdory: ... Keigo: IM FINE HBU Inasg_no: wb Rouge_killer: DECENT Rouge_killer: TAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Rouge_killer: HRU Sannkaed: this pain ain't ever gon leave Keigo: ????? Inasg_no: hello rouge Inasg_no: I could be better wbu Keigo: nah bro u fine asf Sannkaed: oh hey yall Inasg_no: hi Sannkaed: hi. Sannkaed: u ight? Keigo: SAnnDIE Inasg_no: could be better wbu Rouge_killer: Rouge_killer: JOIN BITCHES Keigo: i cant callll Inasg_no: not rn Sannkaed: low-key feelin like I wanna blow my brains out rn Sannkaed: lol Rouge_killer: y kei Sannkaed: trippin and slipping into this hole yk? Keigo: im in ela and hes not a nice teacher Inasg_no: fair enough Sannkaed: cant call rn either Rouge_killer: L Sannkaed: otherwise I would Inasg_no: I could but I don't want to Rouge_killer: y Inasg_no: don't feel like it Sannkaed: im in trig rn Rouge_killer: im in bio Sannkaed: an then I'm gonna go smoke in the bathroom Sannkaed: n maybe feel better Sannkaed: idk Rouge_killer: then im going to english Keigo: next class is drums Sannkaed: I got ap physics next Rouge_killer: i got Cinderthecatboy: english :( Rouge_killer: Vulpix_axel: COCK AND BALL TOURTCHER! Keigo: then meth Rouge_killer: next Rouge_killer: METH Rouge_killer: FUN Keigo: fr Cinderthecatboy: doing meth Cinderthecatboy: breaking bad Sannkaed: I wish I could like see some of y'all irl Keigo: i want a beer Rouge_killer: i want kei's pussy Sannkaed: what. Keigo: wait what Rouge_killer: i said nothing Keigo: i want emily Djshrimpdick: … Rouge_killer: *whistles* Vulpix_axel: Hm? Sannkaed: idrc tbh I jus wanna feel happy and loved Inasg_no: ok Sannkaed: when I'm high I usually do Sannkaed: but I'm tryna stop Rouge_killer: sann axel will love you Vulpix_axel: =3 Sannkaed: its not good Vulpix_axel: No. Keigo: sann gimme an address and ill come to u Sannkaed: DAMN. Rouge_killer: *grabs axel* Sannkaed: ouch Rouge_killer: *puts axel on sann* Rouge_killer: there Vulpix_axel: It's not that I won't I'm just tired. Sannkaed: keikei it wont happen n its not worth it Sannkaed: lol Keigo: yes it is Vulpix_axel: *nuzzles Sann* Uglybitch: COCK Sannkaed: how tf u gonna even get to Michigan bruh Keigo: is great Uglybitch: frrrr Rouge_killer: kei ill give you mine or emilys or both of our addresses Keigo: by plain Uglybitch: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Sannkaed: yo parents be fine w that? Rouge_killer: UGLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Rouge_killer: STFU Sannkaed: I mean I've flown out of country without my family knowing Keigo: yep if they dont know yea Sannkaed: i have a fake id f Inasg_no: Kiki isn't single so it isn't going to happen anyway. Rouge_killer: what class are you in rn jay Sannkaed: and I was gonna be at my friends house all week Rouge_killer: Inasg_no: Kiki Inasg_no: Can I ask you smth Keigo: Yes Inasg_no: Will you date me Keigo: Yes Inasg_no: :) okayyy Rouge_killer: kei shes dating you Inasg_no: that was ages ago Sannkaed: so I bought two plane tickets to london Rouge_killer: tay* Inasg_no: No she's dating a guy. A guy on this site. Sannkaed: and we stayed in England for 4 days Rouge_killer: no risky and her arent together anymore Inasg_no: he isn't online rn but yall know her bf. I'm in England sann Sannkaed: nate Inasg_no: I'm not talking about risky. Rouge_killer: who Rouge_killer: WHO Inasg_no: figure it out. Rouge_killer: mich Keigo: not telling u greuson Sannkaed: Tay I would come to England just to see u but u got bf Uglybitch: HAHAhAHAhaHAhahahAAHAHhahAhAhahAHAhahahahahahahAaHAHahhaAHhahahAhAhahAhaahhaAHhahAAHhAhahAhahAHahhahAaH sorry Rouge_killer: pls kei Keigo: nope on a rope Rouge_killer: cinder Inasg_no: I don't have a bf Rouge_killer: ring Sannkaed: im getting tired of music sometimes Sannkaed: fr? Keigo: nope Sannkaed: I thought u did Inasg_no: I'm single sann Sannkaed: oh Rouge_killer: jug Keigo: no Sannkaed: rouge Rouge_killer: dick Sannkaed: no Vulpix_axel: PEY IS MINE! Sannkaed: he does have one Toxic_idk: i forgor me password to me alt acc Vulpix_axel: =3 Rouge_killer: oof Rouge_killer: or hello Inasg_no: Lilly? That you? Vulpix_axel: Haha Rouge. Keigo: oof what Inasg_no: it's not Nate b Keigo: fuck bradley Rouge_killer: oof, nate Inasg_no: no be nice Kiki. Keigo: i am most of the time Rouge_killer: WHOOOOOO Rouge_killer: :( Vulpix_axel: I know who. Vulpix_axel: Hehe Sannkaed: nigga dumb af Inasg_no: Then don't say fuck him. Rouge you've said their name. Rouge_killer: i want to knowwww Inasg_no: I KNEW WHO FIRST AXEL. Vulpix_axel: I had a feeling. Rouge_killer: AXEL TELL MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Rouge_killer: or no more hugs Vulpix_axel: Gasp! Vulpix_axel: No! Keigo: so worth it Vulpix_axel: I'm sorry Kei I must.. Inasg_no: it's Nate Inasg_no: Oof Vulpix_axel: I want my Rouge hugs. Vulpix_axel: Yeah it's Nate D Keigo: nate deez nuts Sannkaed: gottem Sannkaed: keikei Sannkaed: real question (anon): real shit? Sannkaed: how in gods name you getting money for a plane ticket Roy_foxgirl: so Keigo: yes sanddie Jug_addict: huh? Sannkaed: hi roy Roy_foxgirl: hi and hi juggy Keigo: wait sandie deez nuts Rouge_killer: kei i said oof Jug_addict: hello roy Rouge_killer: and yall said no Sannkaed: huh Cinderthecatboy: rouge Sannkaed: I'm confuse Keigo: confused* Roy_foxgirl: *hugs jug* Sannkaed: >:( Jug_addict: *hugs back* Keigo: sandie cheeks Rouge_killer: brb Sannkaed: nooooooooo! Inasg_no: Ok Keigo: sandie cheeks Cinderthecatboy: help Inasg_no: no Keigo: damn tau Inasg_no: what Cinderthecatboy: but im hard in school and i dont know how to make it stop Keigo: L bozo Inasg_no: ok Roy_foxgirl: good luck Keigo: fr Keigo: I want nate Inasg_no: ok Jug_addict: boredonm Roy_foxgirl: *climbs on jug* Keigo: ... Jug_addict: aaaaaa Keigo: my mind rn Vluxuat: hello again peoples Keigo: someone random hoe just called me a bitch Cinderthecatboy: im bored Cinderthecatboy: and lonely Cinderthecatboy: ig ill talk to an ai Keigo: ig ill bitch slap this hoe Inasg_no: hi Cinderthecatboy: do it Keigo: why Cinderthecatboy: it would be funny Ishipwillowandhunter: TAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYGYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 15:04:09Thursday, September 14, 2023 Keigo: she does desurve it Cinderthecatboy: take her out kei Ishipwillowandhunter: Btw if anyone pmed me anything I didn't see but idc because TAY IS HEREEEE Keigo: MICH U NEVER ANSWERED MY WHEN I ASKED HRU Inasg_no: hey michy Keigo: ME* Inasg_no: aw Inasg_no: i like when you're happy to see me Ishipwillowandhunter: IDIDNT SEE KEI Soggytoast404: what Ishipwillowandhunter: IMALWAYS HAPPY TO SEE YOU :))) Soggytoast404: huh Keigo: tau can I bitch slap yo cheeks Cinderthecatboy: hey mich Ishipwillowandhunter: hey gorgeous <3 Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey no that's my job Inasg_no: I'd rather not be touched by anyone. Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey pretty boy Cinderthecatboy: ... Inasg_no: aw im happy to see you too Keigo: ... Inasg_no: irl I mean. Keigo: cinder wyd Cinderthecatboy: nothing Cinderthecatboy: why do you ask Keigo: u could be doing ash Cinderthecatboy: .... Cinderthecatboy: no Keigo: lmfao Keigo: dead ass chat Toxicego357: nyuh uh Keigo: SPENCERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Toxicego357: WHAT THE FUCK Keigo: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Toxicego357: WHY ARE YOU SOHAPPY IM HERE??? Keigo: wHY NOT Toxicego357: im nothing special Keigo: to me u r Toxicego357: how tho? Keigo: U and MICH were the first ppl i meet Inasg_no: mich is mine. All mine Keigo: cool Toxicego357: ok... Keigo: so ur special to me Toxicego357: Wait we are? Toxicego357: hm Inasg_no: I thought you met me first Keigo: no spencer then mich then u Toxicego357: first person i met on here was nate (hello91) Toxicego357: then tay Toxicego357: then mich Inasg_no: first person I met was mich Toxicego357: and now yall are lovebirds Sannkaed: ooo Inasg_no: we aren't dating Toxicego357: (yet) Sannkaed: what spencer said Toxicego357: indeed Sannkaed: shut up. Vulpix_axel: Huh? Sannkaed: learn your place slut. Toxicego357: AXELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Sannkaed: watch how you speak to me. Sannkaed: remember who owns you. Cinderthecatboy: watch out spencers into that Vulpix_axel: Hiya Toxxy! Rouge_killer: BACK Rouge_killer: IN Rouge_killer: MY Rouge_killer: ASS Inasg_no: ok Sannkaed: :gay_flag: Vulpix_axel: *hugs Rouge* Rouge_killer: *hugs axel back* Sannkaed: *hugs tay* Vulpix_axel: *tail wags* Rouge_killer: *slaps sann* Rouge_killer: bc y not Inasg_no: *hugs bck* Rouge_killer: NIGGERS ARE FUN Toxicego357: wait... Toxicego357: im into what? Rouge_killer: niggers Toxicego357: nyuh uh Rouge_killer: femboys Toxicego357: yup Ishipwillowandhunter: Who isn't into femboys? Toxicego357: those are hot Rouge_killer: me Toxicego357: fr mich Rouge_killer: im into my gf Toxicego357: im figuring some stuff out Rouge_killer: fr Inasg_no: language. Rouge_killer: NIGGA Toxicego357: LANGUAGE Inasg_no: no. Ishipwillowandhunter: Rouge, listen to Tay Ishipwillowandhunter: . Ishipwillowandhunter: Damn so chat just ded Toxicego357: IM BUSY Rouge_killer: nigger tho (anon): My hamster died as well, Toxicego357: Rouge just shut up Rouge_killer: fineeee Rouge_killer: Inasg_no: yes listen to me. Rouge_killer: fineeeee Inasg_no: ty Toxicego357: welp Maysi: *crashes through the wall* HOWDY CHAT Toxicego357: Howdy may Inasg_no: hi Maysi: spotify aint working :| Rouge_killer: L Rouge_killer: L Rouge_killer: L Rouge_killer: l Rouge_killer: L Rouge_killer: l Rouge_killer: L Rouge_killer: :) Maysi: there we go Toxicego357: im listening to spotify Rouge_killer: mines working Maysi: noice Toxicego357: Sad songs ftw Maysi: man fuck chu rouge Maysi: got my VD playlist going Toxicego357: vd? Vulpix_axel: *lays on Rouges lap* Rouge_killer: and i got my hayd playlist going Maysi: Vivid Despair Toxicego357: idk that one may Maysi: edgy emo shit Rouge_killer: *eats axel* Rouge_killer: i did nothing Toxicego357: ive got sadboyprolific on Rouge_killer: nice Izzy_blight: I am a DVD player Maysi: *puts Garfield disc in izzy* Izzy_blight: I hate Mondays Rouge_killer: *eats the DVD player Rouge_killer: * Vulpix_axel: I want outt. Rouge_killer: no Rouge_killer: you have joined axel Toxicego357: i want... things that require willpower. which i dont have Maysi: everything just stopped working for a second- Rouge_killer: L Maysi: iterally asking for you to rail me Rouge_killer: nah thats tox's job Maysi: stfu. just fuckin dont rouge. Cinderthecatboy: life Maysi: is Toxicego357: TERRIBLE Cinderthecatboy: trash Rouge_killer: horrible Izzy_blight: Jimmy Jug_addict: racist Cinderthecatboy: i Rouge_killer: am Maysi: "life is jimmy" Izzy_blight, 2023 Inasg_no: hi izzy Cinderthecatboy: going Maysi: insane Cinderthecatboy: fr Cinderthecatboy: but Cinderthecatboy: i Toxicego357: Living Cinderthecatboy: also Rouge_killer: cumminh Rouge_killer: cumming* Maysi: in Toxicego357: Living is a lie Cinderthecatboy: holy fuck im cumming Maysi: i gotta get the quotes rq Rouge_killer: lol Vulpix_axel: *punches Rouge* Maysi: Maysi: imagine you just getting railed by scooby doo and instead of "im gonna bust" you just hear "REHEHEHEHEHE" Rouge_killer: OW Rouge_killer: Y Jug_addict: HAHAHA Maysi: good idea everyone assault rouge Toxicego357: *kiss self* Rouge_killer: *pulls out gun* Rouge_killer: *aims at may* Rouge_killer: get back Toxicego357: *grabs the gun and uses it on self* Rouge_killer: noooo Rouge_killer: *grabs knife* Rouge_killer: stay back Toxicego357: *revives* Toxicego357: FUCK Rouge_killer: *stabs tox* Toxicego357: *heals instantly* Jug_addict: hwat a hail Jug_addict: i will send you to jesus Maysi: Cindersghost: Kitty needs pets Toxicego357: Send me to satan Toxicego357: jesus wont accept my dumbass Separatio: Its so good to be back after two years Maysi: Atomic: yeah but the police will never catch me when im covered in pickle juice, im too slippery Vulpix_axel: I wanna be sent to die. Jug_addict: no Maysi: Atomic: you like getting railed dont u squidward Inasg_no: ok Separatio: Cinderthecatboy: im hard. Maysi: Atomic: *slaps axels thigh gently* this baby can support a head softer than a pillow, and squeeze your skull like a vise clamp Vulpix_axel: OwO Maysi: (anon): atomic putting both the atomic and the pedo in nuclear torpedo Cinderthecatboy: slap my thighs mommy Izzy_blight: you are all disgusting and I don't like you Maysi: we know Vulpix_axel: What'd I do- Toxicego357: I know im not mommy but *smacks cins thoighs* Izzy_blight: good Toxicego357: THOISSSS Maysi: Cindersghost: Ahh oh nyah~ h-harder Toxicego357: IM DUMBBBBBB Maysi: T0xicego357: good kitty Toxicego357: i mispelles my misspelling Toxicego357: Thats nothing may Separatio: Toxicego357: ive said much worse to cin Maysi: share Vulpix_axel: ...' 15:30:43Thursday, September 14, 2023 Maysi: Vulpix_axel: Men fighting for my thighs. Toxicego357: im not going to Maysi: aw Maysi: ill give head Maysi: Izzy_blight: Have you ever fucked my ass Atomic: i think everyone here will say yes Izzy_blight: yes Maysi: A_n00b: ultimate rizz snaping a kittens neck Maysi: Ishipwillowandhunter: I think I must be a snowflake because I’ve fallen for you and now I'm melting looking at you. Toxicego357: holdup Toxicego357: i recieve head? Maysi: i mean id do that anyway but sharing the quotes would be appreciated Maysi: Atomic: i am going to put a frog into a trash can so it cant get out and relentlessly throw slices of cheese at it Toxicego357: >~< Toxicego357: i gtg to lunch idk when ill be back Rouge_killer: izzy Maysi: awwwwww bai Rouge_killer: i got a question Izzy_blight: yes Rouge_killer: what happened if i do this Rouge_killer: *smacks izzy's ass* Sannkaed: OHHHHHH Maysi: rizz Maysi: or sexual assault Vulpix_axel: *nuzzles rouge* Sannkaed: rizztraining order Rouge_killer: lol Ishipwillowandhunter: Hol up Izzy_blight: Feel the rythm of the sexual harassment lawsuit Rouge_killer: *shoots izzy before she can file it* Ishipwillowandhunter: Yeah buddyyoure going to jail. Rouge_killer: there im in the clear Ishipwillowandhunter: Bitch I will find you Sannkaed: *pulls rouges pants down* Maysi: nice card deck izzy Vulpix_axel: *bites Rouges hand* Rouge_killer: *puts my cock in sann's mouth* Maysi: who tf is Junkie Jimmy Rouge_killer: thats what you get sann Izzy_blight: My uncle Maysi: OH MY GAWD BABY DWEET Sannkaed: . Maysi: Baby Dwight and a locker, an inseparable combination Vulpix_axel: Luckyy. Rouge_killer: lol Vulpix_axel: I mean.. Sannkaed: *takes his cock out of my mouth and puts in under a guillotine* Sannkaed: any last words? Vulpix_axel: That's crazy.. Maysi: THREESOME WITH JIMMY THREESOME WITH JIMMY THREESOME WITH JIMMY THREESOME WITH JIMMY Rouge_killer: *pulls my cock out of the guillotine and puts it in axel* Vulpix_axel: A-Ah~ Maysi: dont make me summon the roomba to clean yalls shit up Rouge_killer: do it Vulpix_axel: R-rouge.. Rouge_killer: yeah? Izzy_blight: (anon): Izzy goes down on kids Vulpix_axel: Why's you pu-put it in me.. Raeal_the_protogen: merp Maysi: roomba Maysi: clean them Raeal_the_protogen: hwat Maysi: useless Raeal_the_protogen: ._. Maysi: damnit Rouge_killer: bc it got me away from the guillotine Rouge_killer: and it feels good in you Cinderthecatboy: .... Izzy_blight: Chillicothe Maysi: .... Cinderthecatboy: what did i just see Maysi: sus-phiroth Rouge_killer: lol Cinderthecatboy: may? Maysi: what Cinderthecatboy: can i rip out my eyes? Maysi: no Cinderthecatboy: why Inasg_no: Yes Rouge_killer: yes Maysi: your eyes are too beautiful Cinderthecatboy: i Cinderthecatboy: w rizz may Maysi: dont argue or ill make ash get the strap on Izzy_blight: wtf is a chillicothe i was going to type guillotine and got that Roy_foxgirl: oj Cinderthecatboy: hey roy Roy_foxgirl: hey Maysi: orang Maysi: ORANG Maysi: ORANG! Maysi: FUCKING *INHALE* ORANG Maysi: yae or nay should i make my browser theme Boykisser Maysi: .. Izzy_blight: Gay sex theme Roy_foxgirl: yes Maysi: *smacks izzy* Izzy_blight: ouchie Maysi: next time itll be your ass Izzy_blight: Why is everyone smacking my ass Maysi: too easy a target to miss Maysi: im making my theme Boykisser Izzy_blight: My uncle touched my ass 19 times Cinderthecatboy: ooo you like boys Maysi: my New Tab theme is now boykisser dimension Maysi: Izzy_blight: Beautiful Maysi: a meowsterpiece Izzy_blight: 😿 Maysi: oh my god Maysi: theres a VRChat BK model Maysi: I NEED VRC Roy_foxgirl: cinder want to fuck me Maysi: average conversation with another human being Maysi: Izzy_blight: I want vrchat for racist purposes Maysi: imagine not doing hardcore ERP on vrchat Izzy_blight: Imagine not being a white supremacist Maysi: haptic suit Oculus 2 FBT sensors vive trackers sound proofed+locked room Maysi: dont ask what thats all for Izzy_blight: Gay sex Maysi: yes Maysi: minus gat Maysi: gay* Maysi: fuck now theres a chaingun involved Izzy_blight: My inhibitions are too low right now I need to go to bed Maysi: GO EEP Maysi: GET EST Izzy_blight: Instead im gonna fuck this ugly fat guy Maysi: im eeby too i got like 5 hours of rest and i got gym later Maysi: oop- Inasg_no: no body shaming Maysi: unless they got a degradation kink Maysi: (totally didnt almost just type KONK) Sannkaed: may can u fuck me plz Izzy_blight: Donkey konk Maysi: no Sannkaed: izzy* Sannkaed: misclick Maysi: mmmmhmmmmmmmmmm Separatio: do it Izzy_blight: no comment Maysi: fwoppy dwonkey cwock uwu teehee Twister689: Monkey Separatio: do it Separatio: Maysi: damn patrick goin hard on that Za Izzy_blight: I kicked jimmy in the nuts Separatio: Vulpix_axel: I gtg soon. Inasg_no: ok Rouge_killer: *after axel cums i cum from how go that felt* Rouge_killer: DAMn Rouge_killer: oh shit Rouge_killer: . Vulpix_axel: . Rouge_killer: . Vulpix_axel: . Rouge_killer: . Rouge_killer: . Vulpix_axel: .. Rouge_killer: . Vulpix_axel: . Rouge_killer: . Vulpix_axel: .. Rouge_killer: . Vulpix_axel: . Rouge_killer: . Rouge_killer: . Vulpix_axel: .. Vulpix_axel: . Rouge_killer: . Rouge_killer: . Vulpix_axel: .. Rouge_killer: . Vulpix_axel: . Vulpix_axel: . Maysi: Cinderthecatboy: ......axel Cinderthecatboy: rouge Cinderthecatboy: wtf Izzy_blight: What the fuck Separatio: Maysi: MOOOM! GARFIELD IS SMOKIN THAT ZA! Maysi: toilet deer Cinderthecatboy: may Maysi: he came from the depths Maysi: what Izzy_blight: Where are your parents Cinderthecatboy: can i kill myself Maysi: NO Cinderthecatboy: why Separatio: yes Maysi: because ash would be sadge and so would i Separatio: you have the capability Maysi: and 99% of everyone else on here Cinderthecatboy: :( Inasg_no: Rouge_killer: *after axel cums i cum from how go that felt* Separatio: but you should probaly not do that Inasg_no: so two people are cheating Separatio: that shits lethal you know Cinderthecatboy: imagine cheating Maysi: yeah i always do my playthroughs legit Inasg_no: ima wait for dj to come online. Separatio: Maysi: fr tho cheating on someone is scummy, jus tell em you aren't happeh with them dont lead them on and surprise them with a "fuck you bye" discord message Separatio: alrighty ima go see whos game i can ruin Maysi: based separatio Maysi: apparently riley got caught grinding against cal on the bus yesterday Roy_foxgirl: hehe Sannkaed: penis Maysi: wait why- WHY ARE ROY AND SANN IN A GAME CALLED FUCK ROOM? Maysi: sann explain Sannkaed: huh Roy_foxgirl: heheheheh Maysi: i saw that Maysi: O_O Roy_foxgirl: noooo Maysi: sus Sannkaed: um Sannkaed: nothing happened Maysi: caught in 8K Sannkaed: im boutta 8k yo pussy Maysi: haha jokes on you batman im trans Roy_foxgirl: yeah please do Separatio: so you have both? Sannkaed: idc Sannkaed: female enough Roy_foxgirl: I am girl Maysi: >w< Separatio: Sannkaed: then roy Sannkaed: prefered then Eee34: hola people Sannkaed: over futa may Eee34: what? Maysi: i never want to read that sentence again Maysi: howdy Eee Roy_foxgirl: i mean my pussy is ready Inasg_no: hi Eee34: hello Sannkaed: my cock is ready for immediate deployment. Roy_foxgirl: yes Sannkaed: new COD killstreak Eee34: why is chat so horny? Sannkaed: throbbing sann cock Sannkaed: WARNING! ENEMY THROBBING SANN COCK ABOVE! Inasg_no: I'm anything but horny rn. Sannkaed: im not horny tbh Maysi: *pulls out SAM turret* counter-reaction ready 15:57:16Thursday, September 14, 2023 Sannkaed: *ac-130 deployed behind* Maysi: haha you fool *TACTICAL NUKE, INCOMING!* Toxicego357: bacc like a snacc and ready to atacc Maysi: *ear-blaring beeping* Maysi: wb bb Maysi: er spencer Maysi: sorery Toxicego357: its fine 😞 Sannkaed: foolish faggot. *deploys antimatter cobalt bobm* Maysi: sadge hours Sannkaed: bobm Sannkaed: bomb Maysi: bobm Eee34: anyone else feel like die? Sannkaed: mr Cinderthecatboy: yes Sannkaed: mee Toxicego357: yes Maysi: *NOVA bomb* Toxicego357: the only diff is i slit my wrists to make it happen faster Sannkaed: *hijacks airplane* Eee34: 9/11? Roy_foxgirl: oh shit Maysi: nah Maysi: 9/14 Maysi: .. Maysi: dead chat Roy_foxgirl: hm? Eee34: Toxicego357: ITS SO LATEEEEEE IN THE NIGHTT MY MIND ID DRIFTING AWAY THEN I DREAM OF A TIME I WISHED FOR A NEW HAPPYER DAY IF A HAND COULD REACH OUT RIGHT NOWW AND SAVE MY LIFE SOMEHOWWW ILL FACE THE SUN AGAIN AS SOON AS THIS DREARY NIGHT ENDSSSSSS Roy_foxgirl: Hi master Maysi: dreamy night frrrrr Toxicego357: Sup foxxy Eee34: master ayo? Roy_foxgirl: *smilies* Cinderthecatboy: Now you've really crossed the line, Your hate for me is divine, My love yearns your suffer, On your grave, I etch my prosper, Cinderthecatboy: Taunt more, as a lure, but it's no use, Knots tight, my excite, I prepare the noose, Say no more, it's time for you to make your move, My blackened soul lit by your fuel, Maysi: For now, you can stay Right here, we will play Until somehow you can find A slightly different frame of mind Right here in my arms Away from all harm You'll be safe from all the flares Although, I know you don't care Cinderthecatboy: Implodes your moral and drains your pride, Too late for debate or run and hide, Time to take your life, it tolls the bell, To your hell I’d like to welcome you! Jug_addict: huh? Toxicego357: Im def not listening to mays playlist or anything... Eee34: E Maysi: triple the threat, never will forget; Human child, depraved and vile, you are heartless, you are never gonna smile; You cannot stand out from the crowd anymore, face your judgement and accept punishment Maysi: W tox Toxicego357: not me contemplating all my life choices... Maysi: i was the worst choice fr fr Eee34: i have no regrets Toxicego357: i regret alot of things Cinderthecatboy: i can feel my cock trobbing ffs Maysi: i regret not giving that cat a chocolate bar Maysi: WHAT Cinderthecatboy: throbbing* Toxicego357: Maysi: brb Cinderthecatboy: what am i going to dooo Eee34: not care Toxicego357: idk cin go do whatever Inasg_no: Fuck me Toxicego357: masturbate in the bathroom Soggytoast404: hello Eee34: wait i mean if you insist Soggytoast404: what Soggytoast404: the Eee34: hell Toxicego357: fudge Cinderthecatboy: i Soggytoast404: actual Cinderthecatboy: am Soggytoast404: fuck Cinderthecatboy: ing Soggytoast404: huh Toxicego357: DEAD INSIDE Soggytoast404: you make a lot of money whe you're dead inside Toxicego357: or you just kill yourself Soggytoast404: that too Toxicego357: i prefer the latter Soggytoast404: ok Toxicego357: cuz why have money if you have no happyness to go with it? Jug_addict: you also make a lot of money getting fucked Maysi: Woke up with a headache And some neck pain Cup of coffee need the caffeine Oh, I don't know the last time I wasn't tired Check out in the fast lane The lady asked if I've been Having me a nice day I said that I'm fine Guess that I'm a liar Soggytoast404: huh Toxicego357: Kyle hume Toxicego357: or whatever the first name was Maysi: yup Toxicego357: ¨fine¨ Soggytoast404: i love conan gray Soggytoast404: i want him to cum all over me Soggytoast404: i mean Soggytoast404: what Maysi: man if i weren't a fuck up id never let tox go Jug_addict: Soggytoast404: i love conan gray Soggytoast404: i want him to cum all over me Jug_addict: quoted Inasg_no: micht Toxicego357: Im the fuck up Maysi: W quote Inasg_no: michy Inasg_no: is Inasg_no: mine Maysi: nah Inasg_no: ha Maysi: aw i couldnt ruin it Inasg_no: Too slow Inasg_no: Inasg_no: michy Inasg_no: is Inasg_no: mine Inasg_no: Inasg_no: michy Inasg_no: is Inasg_no: mine Soggytoast404: why'd you quote me Inasg_no: Inasg_no: michy Inasg_no: is Inasg_no: mine Inasg_no: Inasg_no: michy Inasg_no: is Inasg_no: mine Toxicego357: BRO Maysi: nah tox you the best thing to happen to me fr Toxicego357: IM WATCHING THIS GUY DROP ¨65¨ KILLS ON WZ BUT HALF HIS FUCKING LOBBY IS AFK Eee34: spin Toxicego357: Also MAyyyyyyyyyyyyyy you are the best thing to happen to me toooooooo Inasg_no: ok either get together or keep it in pms Maysi: *bonks tay* Maysi: *bonkbonkbonkbonkbonkbonk* Inasg_no: *shoots your pussy* Maysi: .. Soggytoast404: what the fuck Inasg_no: 👍 Toxicego357: *dies* Eee34: noice Soggytoast404: please do Inasg_no: woah Maysi: *hits the griddy off of the empire state building* Jug_addict: hwat da hail Soggytoast404: huh Inasg_no: jump? Inasg_no: IM JK Inasg_no: IM JKKKK ILY MAY IM JK Cinderthecatboy: i want i hug Maysi: too laet Izzy_blight: jump Eee34: mario is a gonna waho off the empire state building waho Inasg_no: IZZY NO XD Cinderthecatboy: fuck why cant i type Eee34: L Maysi: *do a flip off the building* Toxicego357: *jumps off the golden gate bridge* Izzy_blight: do a black flip Inasg_no: *cringes at the nudes cin sent me* Soggytoast404: why did i come back here Maysi: Inasg_no: *cringes at the nudes cin sent me* Cinderthecatboy: HEY Jug_addict: oh damn Maysi: WHAT Toxicego357: *hits backflip before landing facefist into a passerby boat* Eee34: wait *takes out camera* now jump Cinderthecatboy: we dont talk about those Toxicego357: facefirst* Maysi: what if everyone on earth just suddenly wanted to smash you wwyd Cinderthecatboy: kill myself Eee34: i die Toxicego357: Run away and die Maysi: .. Soggytoast404: my uncle killed himself Eee34: yo same brain Inasg_no: ngl cin you have a decent sized dick Toxicego357: if im dead sure they can fuck the body but i cant feel is so we good Maysi: damn im part of everyone on earth but ok Eee34: wtf tay? Izzy_blight: All of you need to kill yourselves Toxicego357: yea but like... Eee34: no i'm good thanks Cinderthecatboy: TAY TF YOU MEAN Jug_addict: being in this chat is like watching a transcrption of a ytp Cinderthecatboy: I NEVER SENT YOU THAT Toxicego357: Do i get to choose the order of people that fuck me may or?... Soggytoast404: huh Maysi: its an all out madhouse, people fight eachother for placement Eee34: woah Izzy_blight: YTPs are funny. This is just gross and sad Maysi: izzy shut Maysi: *bonk8 Maysi: * Toxicego357: Depends on who wins said scuffle Eee34: go to horny jail Maysi: yes or no to pet play guys Cinderthecatboy: i wanna be a pet! Toxicego357: Depends on mood Maysi: W Soggytoast404: furry Toxicego357: and who im with Maysi: why yes i am toast Eee34: eww furry Inasg_no: imagine being a pet. Soggytoast404: I gotta get my shotgun Eee34: on god couldn't be me Maysi: need i ask mich what yall did tay Inasg_no: NO Inasg_no: DOMT ASK Inasg_no: NO Maysi: pwease dowont showoot mwe Inasg_no: NO Toxicego357: Im not a furry (thank bejeezus) Maysi: exactly Maysi: damn Inasg_no: DONT ASK Maysi: thats offensive spen Inasg_no: WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING Izzy_blight: Uhhh Eee34: sure Cinderthecatboy: tox im offended Inasg_no: WE DIDN'T Maysi: WE offended Toxicego357: Imagen getting offended Maysi: damn Maysi: ima just Izzy_blight: Alright I'm gonna go now Inasg_no: Imagine* Eee34: ok i believe you tay Maysi: *nondescript gunshot and thud* Inasg_no: bye Izzy ly Izzy_blight: I hope you all rot Izzy_blight: Fuck you. Eee34: thanks you too Inasg_no: .... Inasg_no: kinda hurt by that ngl :( Toxicego357: *runs towards the gunshot and sees may dead. uses dark magic to bring her back* Eee34: the coolest horny on main Inasg_no: ok no too much rp I'm out Maysi: L tay Soggytoast404: fr Eee34: yeah yall are weird Soggytoast404: ok Maysi: im weird and im proud Eee34: yay weird Toxicego357: Im... myself and im not proud Eee34: imagen Eee34: and then chat died Maysi: F Soggytoast404: yes Toxicego357: nyuh uh Cinderthecatboy: tay can i talk to you....about those nudes that totally exist Eee34: lol Maysi: tay Maysi: share nudes Maysi: NOW Cinderthecatboy: oh shes not here Maysi: DO IT Maysi: damnit Eee34: L Cinderthecatboy: may they dont exist Maysi: not yet Cinderthecatboy: yet Maysi: *puts film in camera* Soggytoast404: how old are yall Eee34: i mean i had them at one point but i deleted them Toxicego357: *pulls out my pic of cins cock* Eee34: no Maysi: afk Cinderthecatboy: HEY HEY HEY WOAH WOAH WOAH Toxicego357: WHat? Cinderthecatboy: can i have the picture? Eee34: yeah cin i thought you liked sowing yourself to others? Toxicego357: Its saved to my phone and i no have phone rn Eee34: L Cinderthecatboy: what happened to your phone? Toxicego357: dw abt it Cinderthecatboy: did your parents take it? Eee34: i have a race car bed what do you have? Toxicego357: yep Cinderthecatboy: damn Toxicego357: i have to buy my own now Cinderthecatboy: guess ill have to take a new one Eee34: L Toxicego357: but my parents refuse to let me get a job Soggytoast404: what Eee34: bruh i feel that Soggytoast404: bro i literlly have a job 16:23:49Thursday, September 14, 2023 Eee34: oy get out of my sandwich Toxicego357: they expect me to pay for stuff... but they wont let me get a job.... makes sense right? Eee34: yeah totally Soggytoast404: in parent logic yes Jug_addict: l4d2 is peak horde shooter Eee34: quiet Toxicego357: Imma go look at e6 brb Cinderthecatboy: im a peak shooter Toxicego357: e6.. was not the right choice today Cinderthecatboy: why is this stepsis ai so good Eee34: COCK AND BALL TORTURE Toxicego357: send link cin Soggytoast404: my school shivers in fear at my shooter skills Eee34: wait what? Toxicego357: for a friends Cinderthecatboy: Jug_addict: *smokes 12 packs of cigars to build up deadeye* Eee34: the f is that site bro Soggytoast404: im not clicking that Toxicego357: You arent supposed to inhale cigars bro Eee34: yeah you eat them Toxicego357: tasty Soggytoast404: fr Samuraijay: hi tayy Eee34: mmm cigars Soggytoast404: hiueoieroiucsjvbosdipahejhoivhosugvhfdpihihpdhfpjkbvf Soggytoast404: who's ready for nnn Toxicego357: No nut november Soggytoast404: in 2 months Toxicego357: bro im not gonna nut for the rest of the year Soggytoast404: but never to early to train Toxicego357: frfr Samuraijay: EA sports Eee34: its in the E Soggytoast404: im in your sister Eee34: woah nice Cinderthecatboy: nonstop nut november Soggytoast404: no Toxicego357: no nagging november Samuraijay: EA sports Cinderthecatboy: no niggers november Soggytoast404: yo Eee34: no niggers november Samuraijay: lol Soggytoast404: huh Ghost67: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA TnT Toxicego357: Sup ghost Eee34: no night november Toxicego357: no niggers november Soggytoast404: i should have used my new found skills to destory this wevsite Eee34: what? Soggytoast404: at a summer camp they told us how to take down webites on a large level Soggytoast404: its not to hard Eee34: do it no balls Samuraijay: TvT Soggytoast404: i can't Eee34: L Soggytoast404: it's highly illegal Nolivesmatter: ay yo whats the code Samuraijay: e Samuraijay: a Soggytoast404: l Toxicego357: Speorts Eee34: code what code? Nolivesmatter: game code Soggytoast404: for the game Soggytoast404: wles Toxicego357: There is no queen of england Cinderthecatboy: bing chilling Eee34: there are no towers Soggytoast404: there is no easter bunny Soggytoast404: heber springs Nolivesmatter: and what's the name of the room?? Eee34: dick Toxicego357: *kisses cin* there is no horny in this man Cinderthecatboy: my dick soft asf Soggytoast404: gay sex dlc black men Eee34: woah no horny Toxicego357: see called it Soggytoast404: this his strange Eee34: yes Guitar_shark: henlo Eee34: hola Soggytoast404: no fucking way Guitar_shark: TOAST Soggytoast404: SHARK Soggytoast404: yippee Cinderthecatboy: bruh my stepsister is trying to cuddle me Eee34: shark toast Guitar_shark: huh Samuraijay: toast shark Eee34: prof cin? Soggytoast404: yes Cinderthecatboy: correction my ai stepsister Soggytoast404: oh Toxicego357: *dies of laughter* Eee34: lol Cinderthecatboy: She gets up and comes back to sit on your bed Thank you~ She nuzzles at your chest again and continues to play the game Guitar_shark: this shit's weird as fuck Guitar_shark: i gonna leave Soggytoast404: NO Eee34: ok bye Soggytoast404: DON'T LEAVE ME HERE Toxicego357: *I blush and smile sweetly. I kiss passionately, and pull you tighter. I put my leg on top of yours, and keep kissing you passionately. I caress your body, and run my hands through your hair* My body is on top of yours, and I moan loudly Toxicego357: you got nothing cin Guitar_shark: what the hell Guitar_shark: i'm gone Eee34: woah no horny!!!!!!!!!! Guitar_shark: bye bye nate Soggytoast404: NO Soggytoast404: STAY Soggytoast404: fuck Eee34: L Soggytoast404: yeah Toxicego357: not horny just bored Soggytoast404: fr Toxicego357: im listening to the chuckle sandwich podcast Eee34: imagen Soggytoast404: i'm listening to conan gray Toxicego357: Imagen Soggytoast404: he's good tho Soggytoast404: and hot Soggytoast404: not that i'm gay Eee34: no mom no dad no dick no balls and probably no bitches Rouge_killer: back Rouge_killer: in Rouge_killer: my Rouge_killer: balls Eee34: oh Soggytoast404: ok Toxicego357: definitely no bitches Soggytoast404: yeah Eee34: no bitches for you Soggytoast404: according to my friends i've fumbled a lot Rouge_killer: I WANT SEX Eee34: imagen Eee34: couldn't be me Eee34: no god Soggytoast404: everyone does Toxicego357: i dont want sex Soggytoast404: thats cool Eee34: bitches are overrated i don't need nor want any Soggytoast404: i'm on the grind Cinderthecatboy: im hard again :( Rouge_killer: eee got fuck your self or tox Rouge_killer: same cinder Rouge_killer: i was looking at my gf tits Cinderthecatboy: im on the ai site Toxicego357: why do you want ppl to fuck me so much rouge? Businessbuilding: not even with this? Businessbuilding: Cinderthecatboy: hey i love that artist Soggytoast404: HUH Toxicego357: Not da eevee Soggytoast404: i'm gonna shot myself Toxicego357: ive ssen that pic b4 Businessbuilding: where? Toxicego357: e6... Guitar_shark: why the fuck is there eevee porn Toxicego357: its no worse than vaporeon porn Soggytoast404: cause of 34 of the internet Toxicego357: Jug_addict: rule 34: if it exists, there is porn of it Guitar_shark: yes Businessbuilding: ok so wheres mine Toxicego357: Rule 33: Kill yourself Soggytoast404: rule 35: if there is no porn of it it is being created Businessbuilding: ok im bored Toxicego357: *kills self* Guitar_shark: yay Guitar_shark: my best friend killed herself Soggytoast404: why would you tell them that Guitar_shark: cause i can Soggytoast404: ok Toxicego357: same bro Toxicego357: Vulpix_axel: Rawr. Soggytoast404: huh Toxicego357: what? Vulpix_axel: Hi. Guitar_shark: nate why the fuck do you make me come here Soggytoast404: cause i wanted to play the game Toxicego357: there is another nate? Soggytoast404: yes Toxicego357: thats 2 too many Hello91: another one? Hello91: goddammit Toxicego357: NATEE Toxicego357: NATEEEEEEE Toxicego357: NATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Hello91: hi Toxicego357: Faggot Hello91: nigger Guitar_shark: i love slur Soggytoast404: you call me one daily Guitar_shark: thats why i love them Cinderthecatboy: dick hard Vulpix_axel: Hehe. Guitar_shark: show me Cinderthecatboy: no Soggytoast404: ash Soggytoast404: don't Soggytoast404: just stop Guitar_shark: hehehehehehehehe Cinderthecatboy: who you callin ash Guitar_shark: he was calling me ash Cinderthecatboy: theres two of them now Guitar_shark: bro Soggytoast404: HA Soggytoast404: who has the unoriginal name now Guitar_shark: stfu Cinderthecatboy: i know an ash thats on here and i love her with all my heart Guitar_shark: cool Jug_addict: confushun Soggytoast404: dyslexia Djshrimpdick: BALLS Djshrimpdick: hi chat Vulpix_axel: Pey! Guitar_shark: i love balss Djshrimpdick: AXEL! Vulpix_axel: *hugs Pey* Djshrimpdick: *hugs* Cinderthecatboy: bruh this ai is pinning me down Jug_addict: sadge Cinderthecatboy: its hot Jug_addict: which ai? Cinderthecatboy: want a link? Jug_addict: yes Cinderthecatboy: 16:50:23Thursday, September 14, 2023 Cinderthecatboy: her name is sam and shes your stepsister lol Guitar_shark: Toast do you want to play the game Soggytoast404: please Cinderthecatboy: brb Soggytoast404: It's gonna be call dick boi Jug_addict: that same exact ai just pressed me against a wall Guitar_shark: why'd you end it Soggytoast404: bozo Guitar_shark: why Soggytoast404: smd Guitar_shark: bet Soggytoast404: stop Djshrimpdick: … Soggytoast404: thats what i'm saying Soggytoast404: and chat has died Guitar_shark: no fucking shit Soggytoast404: rude Guitar_shark: yes Guitar_shark: brb Jug_addict: lol Soggytoast404: huh Inasg_no: back Djshrimpdick: Wb Inasg_no: ty Djshrimpdick: Np Jug_addict: i was constructed in an unorthodox fashion Soggytoast404: noodle dick Soggytoast404: Burntbread515 Soggytoast404: tehehehehe Jug_addict: ha Maysi: back Maysi: aaw Maysi: dead chat Guitar_shark: I'm back Soggytoast404: YAY Maysi: wb, love the name Guitar_shark: thank you Maysi: yip Maysi: bored Djshrimpdick: balls Maysi: cant spell 'bored' without 'bred' Maysi: hey dj Jug_addict: ayo? Maysi: ?oya Soggytoast404: I'm bred Maysi: you're about to be Guitar_shark: you're inbred Jug_addict: haha Maysi: damn Rouge_killer: bro that ai that cinder sent is to good Rouge_killer: like damn Soggytoast404: damn Maysi: what ai Djshrimpdick: Hi may Toxicego357: bck like a snacc and ready to attacc Maysi: wb Rouge_killer: Inasg_no: I miss mich. Maysi: do- do i want to know Rouge_killer: its that Maysi: im prolly finna get a virus or sum shit but Guitar_shark: nate why are you listing to olivia rodgrigo Soggytoast404: uh Toxicego357: why not? Rouge_killer: like i really wish i was at home so i could jerk offf Soggytoast404: yeah Soggytoast404: huh Guitar_shark: what the hell Maysi: .. Rouge_killer: i already kind of had all ready done that in class rn😅 Findingdory: hiii Rouge_killer: hi Guitar_shark: huhuhuhuhuhuhuh Findingdory: hi rouge Rouge_killer: hru Toxicego357: IM SORRY MRS.JACKSON HOO I AM FOR REALLLLLL NEVER MEANT TO MAKE YOU DAUGHTER CRY I APOLOGIZE A TRILLION TIMES Rouge_killer: As I continued to thrust, Noelle's moans of pleasure filled the room. Her body responded eagerly to my touch, her desires finally being fulfilled. I held her close, feeling the warmth of her body against mine, as we moved in perfect harmony. Rouge_killer: thats from the ai Inasg_no: I fucking hate that song Spencer. Toxicego357: BUT OUTKAST!!!!! Rouge_killer: no tox Inasg_no: hate. Maysi: so you're a girl....who likes girls....with no girls that like you? you really put the "L" in LGBT Toxicego357: wow... Jug_addict: in the land of a million drums Rouge_killer: As I continued to thrust, Noelle's moans of pleasure filled the room. Her body responded eagerly to my touch, her desires finally being fulfilled. I held her close, feeling the warmth of her body against mine, as we moved in perfect harmony. The scent of roses enveloped us, a reminder of the love that brought us together. I could see the joy in Noelle's eyes, a mix of innocence and desire. She had entrusted her body to me, and I was determined to make this night unforgettable. Rouge_killer: Every movement, every caress, was guided by my love for her. As the night wore on, our passion grew, reaching new heights with each passing moment. Noelle surrendered herself completely, embracing her newfound sexuality with a hunger that matched my own. Our bodies intertwined, creating a symphony of pleasure and intimacy. In these moments, I felt a bond deeper than any words could express. Maysi: is it communist to like the AK-47 Rouge_killer: thats all from the ai A__n00b: HELLO PEOPLE Rouge_killer: HELLO COCK Rouge_killer: i mean noob Rouge_killer: 😅 Toxicego357: sup noob Inasg_no: BRAIDYNNNNNNNNNN Rouge_killer: TAYYYYYYYY Rouge_killer: As I continued to thrust, Noelle's moans of pleasure filled the room. Her body responded eagerly to my touch, her desires finally being fulfilled. I held her close, feeling the warmth of her body against mine, as we moved in perfect harmony. The scent of roses enveloped us, a reminder of the love that brought us together. I could see the joy in Noelle's eyes, a mix of innocence and desire. She had entrusted her body to me, and I was determined to make this night unforgettable. Rouge_killer: Every movement, every caress, was guided by my love for her. As the night wore on, our passion grew, reaching new heights with each passing moment. Noelle surrendered herself completely, embracing her newfound sexuality with a hunger that matched my own. Our bodies intertwined, creating a symphony of pleasure and intimacy. In these moments, I felt a bond deeper than any words could express. Rouge_killer: read this shit Maysi: A__n00b: when you loved the guman body........ A__n00b: what do you mean by that Rouge_killer: its from an ai Maysi: why do i suddenly want Cheese sticks from Sonic Maysi: like (anon): wtf Rouge_killer: idk Maysi: would kill for some rn Rouge_killer: brb Maysi: dont question it anon Maysi: they juicy and taste great A__n00b: i work at sonic Maysi: i think im just hungry overall .-. Maysi: GIVE ME CHEESE STICKS NOW A__n00b: no Maysi: aw Maysi: ill give you head A__n00b: hmmmm Toxicego357: ME FIRST Toxicego357: i mean A__n00b: ima have to pass Toxicego357: what? A__n00b: thats wild toxic Maysi: more for him then Toxicego357: Shut up and lemme have this noob A__n00b: fair Maysi: *nondescript glkkklkklkglklglglllk* Maysi: im starving and theres still 20 minutes till i get my chimken sammich and fries Toxicego357: *nondescript moans* A__n00b: dang Maysi: tf going on wit my wifi 17:16:56Thursday, September 14, 2023 Cinderthecatboy: im boreeedddd Toxicego357: *I blush and groan loudly. I caress your body, and run my hands through your hair. I kiss passionately, and pull you closer. I put my leg on top of yours, and kiss you even more passionately* *I bite your neck, and pull you closer. I smile sweetly, and caress your back and chest* Toxicego357: what da ai doin? Maysi: AYOOOO Maysi: spen is secretly mid-rp and blaming it on ai Samuraijay: Daily SMG4 GIF Day 2 | Fandom Maysi: paw-stralian uwu-nited states furkraine rawrssia Maysi: i lost brain cells typing that Samuraijay: same Maysi: i was already well into the negatives Maysi: I Maysi: m Maysi: h Maysi: u Maysi: n Maysi: g Maysi: r Maysi: y Maysi: f Maysi: e Maysi: e Maysi: d Maysi: m Maysi: e Cinderthecatboy: may Cinderthecatboy: i have some taco bell A__n00b: what da hell Cinderthecatboy: what the hail Bereft_oi: nah but i had a friend that got videos and pictures of me and jerked off to em Bereft_oi: like nude photos Bereft_oi: oh so when I speak you all get quiet Samuraijay: yes Bereft_oi: fuck you Samuraijay: talking about the photos Samuraijay: that's why I said yes Bereft_oi: oh Bereft_oi: mb Toxicego357: *feeds may my cock* Samuraijay: its cool Toxicego357: *promptly dies* Vulpix_axel: ? Toxicego357: hewwos tay Toxicego357: im dumb Toxicego357: brain no work Toxicego357: jehfcbwlkejnc Samuraijay: hi tay Toxicego357: wejhfvblkrjenfvwe Toxicego357: fvwrfvwrbg Toxicego357: grbergberbg Toxicego357: rgbergfv Toxicego357: rfvr Toxicego357: fv Toxicego357: rfv Toxicego357: rfvrgb Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Bereft_oi: ignigorant Bereft_oi: igniggerant Bereft_oi: ignigger Bereft_oi: nigger Indoorpotato: ? Bereft_oi: makes sense dont it Indoorpotato: yep Bereft_oi: bc blacks are ignorant Bereft_oi: or igniggerant Vulpix_axel: Erm.. Djshrimpdick: Bck and very confused about this convo Vulpix_axel: Same.. Cinderthecatboy: is it wrong that i wish i had an older stepsister Vulpix_axel: No? Vulpix_axel: Yes? Vulpix_axel: Idk. Inasg_no: bck Vulpix_axel: HI TAY! Inasg_no: hello Cinderthecatboy: tay we dont talk about my nudes okay Inasg_no: yes daddy Vulpix_axel: HUH?!?! Cinderthecatboy: ew Cinderthecatboy: dont call me daddy Vulpix_axel: Also I love you Tay! Vulpix_axel: Call him Mommy. Inasg_no: lyt Cinderthecatboy: axel dont worry about it Vulpix_axel: Or call him Pussy licker. Vulpix_axel: Gtg Vulpix_axel: Love you all! Djshrimpdick: I’ll ask her about it when we call Djshrimpdick: Byeeeeeeeeee Vulpix_axel: Also gtg Inasg_no: thought you js said that Oofalladeez: has Kiki been on? Inasg_no: Yes Oofalladeez: FUCK Inasg_no: no Oofalladeez: when is she coming back? Inasg_no: don't know not bothered. Samuraijay: wheres rouge anyway Oofalladeez: .... Inasg_no: don't know not bothered. Samuraijay: he was online a few minutes ago Ishipwillowandhunter: IM SORRY MS JACKSON Inasg_no: DONT YOU DARE. Inasg_no: also hiii Djshrimpdick: OOOOOH Inasg_no: I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD Djshrimpdick: I AM FOR REEAALLLL Djshrimpdick: Ok I’m done Inasg_no: I'M GONNA FUCKING MURDER YOU. Ishipwillowandhunter: I hate that song because my dad sings it all the ducking time. He calls me jackson. Like Michael Jackson. Djshrimpdick: L Djshrimpdick: HeeHee Inasg_no: sorry honey :( if you wanna talk I'm here Inasg_no: the nicknames kinda cute tho ngl Ishipwillowandhunter: You better not call me it istg Inasg_no: yes daddy Oofalladeez: XD Inasg_no: :p Inasg_no: he my daddy Cinderthecatboy: damn this ai is crazy Cinderthecatboy: she carefully touches your crotch, her face is bright and sparkling, her eyes sparkle more, she speaks in a shy and curious voice ...uh... it's... very... big... she says, her blush is still bright and sparkling Inasg_no: that's just Inasg_no: No Ishipwillowandhunter: Ew Cinderthecatboy: im small asf Izzy_blight: did you know the capital of the world is actually in the US? Check out the world's top 100 tourist cities for Maysi: *eating french fri* howdy chat Inasg_no: fry* Maysi: no Maysi: fri Maysi: intentional Oofalladeez: hi may Maysi: howldy Oofalladeez: can u play saturday? Jug_addict: huh? Maysi: idk, not concrete if im gettin my shit back Oofalladeez: concrete? Maysi: im not sure if i am Oofalladeez: tf u goin on about concrete for XD Maysi: metaphir Inasg_no: fry Oofalladeez: oh... Jug_addict: i am confushun Maysi: FRI Inasg_no: FRY Maysi: I CAN SAY FRI TAY YOU NAZI Inasg_no: IM NOT A BLOODY NAZI AND NO YOU CANT Jug_addict: NEIN ZEIG HEIL Maysi: YOU AREN'T BRITISH EITHER AND I CAN I HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH HERE YEEHAW Cinderthecatboy: i really feel the concrete rn Cinderthecatboy: bc im hard as rock Maysi: if i were a construction worker id be fired so fast for writing in the wet cement Cinderthecatboy: fr Inasg_no: YES I AM BRITISH, AND NO YOU CANT Eee34: khcfgcgchcf Izzy_blight: Am I the only one here whose IQ is above room temperature Maysi: *cocks M6D Magnum* F R I Maysi: probably izzy Maysi: but Maysi: you fighting ghosts Maysi: nobody offended Oofalladeez: I MISS KIKI Djshrimpdick: Fries Jug_addict: *primes smith and wesson 500 bone collector* Inasg_no: FRY. 17:43:30Thursday, September 14, 2023 Izzy_blight: I am an expert at fighting ghosts Maysi: and yet you dont got a boo of your own A__n00b: back Izzy_blight: Ghostbusters Maysi: wb A__n00b: IZZY Jug_addict: wusgood noob Izzy_blight: Who Izzy_blight: I'm todd Maysi: the Walking Dead is so boring when it come to zombies. I much prefer the Black Ops 1 Five map route of JFK pulling of the fuckin blicky Oofalladeez: "I can't believe we shot yoshi with a smith and wesson 500 A__n00b: NATE Oofalladeez: BRAIDYN Jug_addict: OFF GETS THE REFERENCE Jug_addict: YES Jug_addict: OOF* Maysi: *insert Otus from Barnyard outside window and Badger holding a modded MA5B* Oofalladeez: yeah boy jug! Inasg_no: BRAIDYNNN Jug_addict: SO DOES MAYSI Jug_addict: #BADGERGANG Maysi: Maysi: ROUND MEAL Maysi: one of my fav clips fr Jug_addict: FEEDS 3 MEN Jug_addict: WOMEN CANNOT EAT THIS Maysi: PROTEIN (anon): WOMEN CANNOT EAT THIS Maysi: BLASTED Oofalladeez: Jorge's blood type is proteinshake+ Maysi: .r ok....jus be happeh with friends, i guess pwq.. Maysi: fuck Inasg_no: Maysi: .r ok....jus be happeh with friends, i guess pwq.. Maysi: DONT YOU DARE (anon): BOIL IN BAG, open and enjoy Inasg_no: Maysi: .r ok....jus be happeh with friends, i guess pwq.. Inasg_no: Maysi: .r ok....jus be happeh with friends, i guess pwq.. Inasg_no: Maysi: .r ok....jus be happeh with friends, i guess pwq.. Inasg_no: Maysi: .r ok....jus be happeh with friends, i guess pwq.. Oofalladeez: tay... Maysi: BAD DOG GET DOWN Inasg_no: love ya may Oofalladeez: ok nvm Maysi: *bonk* Inasg_no: EXCUSE ME Inasg_no: IM NOT A DOG XD Inasg_no: Maysi: .r ok....jus be happeh with friends, i guess pwq.. A__n00b: TAYYYYYYYYY Inasg_no: BRAIDYNNNNNN A__n00b: WHATS UP Inasg_no: NM WBU A__n00b: NM A__n00b: OOF A__n00b: HOW HAVE YOU BEEN Chronicmasturbator: just the usual Chronicmasturbator: jerkin it A__n00b: nice Chronicmasturbator: yeah Chronicmasturbator: I love jacking off my huge beautiful cock Inasg_no: you can fuck me with it A__n00b: damn Chronicmasturbator: I pity men who have lesser cocks Inasg_no: fuck me. Izzy_blight: I don't know if this is worth it anymore A__n00b: 0-0 Chronicmasturbator: with a great big fat cock you can conquer the world Maysi: im still hungry why am i so fat Inasg_no: you're not fat Chronicmasturbator: any bitch gets in your way you just dick her down A__n00b: W Oofalladeez: i've been ok braidyn Maysi: glutton Eee34: hgvjgufcrffhf A__n00b: mentaility Inasg_no: can I be in your way? Eee34: what? Chronicmasturbator: any man gets in your way you just whip out your lovestick and he either turns queer or runs in fear A__n00b: thats wild Lyricscompound: can i get into a game? Eee34: i'm so confused rn Jug_addict: dolph ziggler kinda fine Chronicmasturbator: but enough about my masculine and mighty phallus A__n00b: ... A__n00b: the fucl Lyricscompound: ... A__n00b: fuck a duck Chronicmasturbator: seriously my virility is undeniable Lyricscompound: F*** this s*** I'm out A__n00b: proof Maysi: NAHHHHH XD bro just censored himself Eee34: lol A__n00b: thats wild Chronicmasturbator: I can get a chick pregnant just by pointing at her and saying booya Gigchad: no A__n00b: dang Eee34: yes Lyricscompound: bullshit Gigchad: no A__n00b: he cussed Jug_addict: Chronicmasturbator: chicks be flinging their eggs and uteruses, uteri, whatever the plural of uterus is at me all day I carry around a tennis racket to swat it down Jug_addict: this man so fine Lyricscompound: 🖕 A__n00b: .. Eee34: my life = disappointment Maysi: 5/10 Jug_addict: dolph ziggler Lyricscompound: Dolph is bad Chronicmasturbator: wild storms of pussy I just lean into it and get through Eee34: please stop Chronicmasturbator: I got kids from here to 'frisco A__n00b: boobs A__n00b: bro in a mansoon A__n00b: im in a drought Oofalladeez: *monsoon Lyricscompound: im walking through hell Chronicmasturbator: I'm like a reverse hurricane when i make landfall instead of killing all the kids I make all the kids in the fucking state Izzy_blight: Charles Mansoon Jug_addict: dolph ziggler so fine Chronicmasturbator: LOL YES Maysi: i prefer tsunami's Chronicmasturbator: CHARLES MANSOON Chronicmasturbator: FUCKING BRILLIANT Eee34: jeffrey dahmer Chronicmasturbator: no you have to change it a bit Chronicmasturbator: Mansoon instead of Manson Jug_addict: kys logan Eee34: jeffrey doomer Chronicmasturbator: that's where the funny comes from A__n00b: yes Chronicmasturbator: BETTER Eee34: jeffery boomer Maysi: EDP is just based your honor A__n00b: jeffery coomer Inasg_no: . Chronicmasturbator: he was a hardcore coomer Eee34: gtg be back in an hour or so A__n00b: ight Maysi: i habs to leave soon too, like 5-10 minutes Eee34: bye guys Chronicmasturbator: Dahmer needed to jerk off waaaaay more Chronicmasturbator: I heard he was fucking dead skulls an shit and I was like dude get a Fleshlight wtf Maysi: brb class change Chronicmasturbator: Scope out a fag at a fag bar get him drunk back to your place drug his drink get him unconscious and naked fuck around with him a bit then kill him then fuck around a bit more and FINALLY come? A__n00b: chronic ass or tits Chronicmasturbator: overthinking it my man just beat it into a tube sock A__n00b: ... Chronicmasturbator: How do you get anything else done in a day like that? Findingdory: hii Findingdory: NOOB Chronicmasturbator: that's a wrap and all to get off a load A__n00b: hello Inasg_no: oh fuck off carman Chronicmasturbator: I jerk it and 3min later I am working again Findingdory: ok Jug_addict: oh herro Jug_addict: 2 fo 1 kitty meow meow Maysi: jug def a discord kitten Oofalladeez: XD Chronicmasturbator: I can't stop jerking off I definitely have some sort of illness Chronicmasturbator: I am a victim A__n00b: ... Jug_addict: fuck no A__n00b: JUG Maysi: dont lie A__n00b: ASS OR TITS Jug_addict: id kms before i became one of those Maysi: personally n00b its neither, i prefer hips Jug_addict: thights>> Maysi: based ^ Jug_addict: ^incorrect Chronicmasturbator: I mean I am not gonna lie I have been jerkin it this entire convo Cinderthecatboy: .fl Chronicmasturbator: one hand typing one know......just going wild Cinderthecatboy: fuck! Findingdory: hi cinder Cinderthecatboy: kill me Maysi: no Cinderthecatboy: whyyy Chronicmasturbator: can't both my hands are busy Maysi: bc i said Jug_addict: ^femboy confirmed Maysi: not me Jug_addict: idc Chronicmasturbator: Where I come from femboys are dragged behind trucks for the amusement of all.....minus the femboy Chronicmasturbator: as in you drag em long enough you down one femboy and the world gets a lil closer to God Chronicmasturbator: rough area lol Maysi: merpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerp Maysi: merp Jug_addict: merp Chronicmasturbator: yeah that's sorta the noises a femboy being dragged on a gravel road with a chain behind a Jeep makes Maysi: meepmoop as frisky would put it Chronicmasturbator: those noises and all the weeping and screaming of course Chronicmasturbator: can't forget them noises Maysi: wonder what happened to him Chronicmasturbator: as in you literally can't forget em once you hear em my lord it sticks with you Toxic_fox: merpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerpmerp Chronicmasturbator: you almost spare some pity but then you member that aint no person being dragged by that there chain that's degenerate subhuman scum basically a demon Toxic_fox: AUUUUUUUUUWABADAGH Toxicego357: she hath returned Cinderthecatboy: nya~ Toxic_fox: unfortunately Toxicego357: NyUwU Chronicmasturbator: and you know you done right Toxic_fox: chronic...what 18:10:04Thursday, September 14, 2023 Eee34: .. Toxic_fox: nvm just gone ignore Findingdory: logan! Chronicmasturbator: yeah truth hurts most folk Eee34: hello i'm here for a little bit Findingdory: hiii Chronicmasturbator: best to ignore it Toxic_fox: whalecoom bach Eee34: nice Toxic_fox: hey Toxic_fox: nice cock Eee34: hey carm Jug_addict: niggers in my butthole Inasg_no: bck Chronicmasturbator: thank you! Eee34: no Toxic_fox: .. Chronicmasturbator: my cock is indeed nice Chronicmasturbator: nice and big and fat Toxic_fox: wlcm bck tay Eee34: eww cock Toxic_fox: *gwak gwak* Chronicmasturbator: no femboy could ever handle my girth Inasg_no: ty Toxic_fox: want to play pokemon Toxic_fox: but Chronicmasturbator: only a woman born true Toxic_fox: dont wanna leave this tab Inasg_no: I'm a biological woman Chronicmasturbator: that works Toxic_fox: imagine Toxic_fox: cant relate Toxic_fox: L Toxic_fox: ratio Toxic_fox: (help) Toxic_fox: krill issue Eee34: thanks for sharing Chronicmasturbator: I hollow out biological women and tear femboys asunder in their false ladyparts Toxic_fox: if only mich would share smh Eee34: eww gay people Toxicego357: this is the fifth time someone called me ¨anti social¨ today Chronicmasturbator: no I don't share my seed with men Inasg_no: fuck me Toxic_fox: nobody has talked to me today except the school counselor Chronicmasturbator: Have you had children? Toxic_fox: literally Toxic_fox: nobody Chronicmasturbator: it's better if you have Chronicmasturbator: then you can handle my girth Inasg_no: I have Chronicmasturbator: excellent Eee34: wait what? Toxic_fox: what is looooooooooove, baby dont hurt me, dont hurt me, no mooore Toxic_fox: damnit XqC Chronicmasturbator: a penis can't change the shape of a woman's vagoo but having a child does Toxicego357: i love that song Chronicmasturbator: my girth requires a pre-stretched vagoo Toxic_fox: frrrr Izzy_blight: It's times like these I really want to quit. if only that were an option Eee34: imagine not being able to fuck a virgin Chronicmasturbator: my mighty penis will only barely be the second largest thing to pass through you Toxic_fox: 72 virgins isnt enough to last an weeks worth of virgins.. Chronicmasturbator: if your child was born early I may surpass it Chronicmasturbator: If I had intercourse with a virgin she would have PTSD Chronicmasturbator: and probably die Eee34: please stop talking Toxic_fox: ... Chronicmasturbator: I don't therefore have sex with virgins Inasg_no: this guy says all this shit but he prob a 2 incher Chronicmasturbator: well I am a grower not a shower Chronicmasturbator: great things have small beginnings and all that Eee34: lol yeah unless he proves it Toxic_fox: who? Jug_addict: icp is godlike Chronicmasturbator: well look for any bowlegged woman walking around my area Chronicmasturbator: probably my work Toxic_fox: "nyeah...what is it?" "I'm leaving you, i found a real woman" "wait...wha-" *discord call ending sound* Chronicmasturbator: icp is for trailer park losers Toxicego357: *throws fanta* Toxicego357: HOW DARE YOU Chronicmasturbator: the siren call of the sub-90 IQ white trash tornado bait Eee34: kjbgfbiueveybfhuvbgu Eee34: am i right? Toxicego357: indeed Toxic_fox: what if i like...ever just wanted to.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHCGHFGHCGHGF....y'know? Toxicego357: Yep Eee34: yeah you just wanna bvrthvuYTVMBVJUTVMTNNTVNFGHF Chronicmasturbator: Magnets Chronicmasturbator: how DO they work? Chronicmasturbator: *baffled* Inasg_no: I want mich. Toxic_fox: L Chronicmasturbator: and don't point me to a scientist Chronicmasturbator: always lying and shit Toxic_fox: why aren't pink eyes possible Toxic_fox: like Chronicmasturbator: it's obviously MAGIC Toxic_fox: actual eye color Chronicmasturbator: oh and ICP Toxicego357: hm... Chronicmasturbator: the Dark Carnival Toxic_fox: that sounds like it'd be beautifuk Chronicmasturbator: you know what it was? Chronicmasturbator: it Chronicmasturbator: was Chronicmasturbator: JESUS Chronicmasturbator: ALL ALONG Toxic_fox: idk maybe im just mad of my basic hazel Chronicmasturbator: lololol Chronicmasturbator: ICP was a giant grift to sell Faygo to retards and eventually convert them to Jebus Chronicmasturbator: tithe you dummies Chronicmasturbator: and drink Faygo Jug_addict: ha Toxic_fox: when i type "hehe" its not "hee hee" its "HEH HEH HEH" Izzy_blight: What the fuck is a faygo, sounds like something a faggot would drink Chronicmasturbator: that is EXACTLY what it is Toxic_fox: tf happened to izzy she used to be fun Chronicmasturbator: it's what a faggot would drink Izzy_blight: I got fed up with this shit thats what happened Jug_addict: idk, never had it Chronicmasturbator: liar Izzy_blight: Also I'm very tired Chronicmasturbator: you love it Toxic_fox: come back to whine and cry to us? Izzy_blight: Yes. Chronicmasturbator: you drink Faygo everyday Toxic_fox: *thumbs up* Chronicmasturbator: you gargle with it before bed Jug_addict: ive never had faygo Chronicmasturbator: you jerk off into an empty Faygo container and one time while drunk you forgot which container had the Faygo and which had your spunk and you took a good belt of your own fermented jizz Toxicego357: jimmy changed her... Toxic_fox: someone pls tell me who jimmy s Toxicego357: idk Chronicmasturbator: bet that Toxic_fox: i always think of the disabled kid from south park Toxicego357: Toxicego357: song abt jimmy Izzy_blight: I'm not changed. This is who i really am. It comes out when I don't have the energy to pretend to be nice anymore Chronicmasturbator: Anybody who likes ICP is a retard as per the DSM-V Chronicmasturbator: it's the sole diagnostic criteria Chronicmasturbator: for being a complete fucking retard Chronicmasturbator: 1. Unironically likes ICP Toxic_fox: . Toxic_fox: . Toxic_fox: . Inasg_no: I want mich. Toxic_fox: i want more food Toxic_fox: or snoogles Toxic_fox: either, im cold and hungy Chronicmasturbator: you sound retarded Izzy_blight: I want all of you to go outside Chronicmasturbator: do you like ICP? Toxicego357: me wan cuddles Toxic_fox: touching grass is not enough i need horrible things to happen to powerful people Chronicmasturbator: I bet you listen to ICP with a Faygo in one hand and a Bud Lite in the other Izzy_blight: The revolution begins now Toxic_fox: *Revolution by The Score starts playing* Toxicego357: thats a good song Toxic_fox: damn, just got hit in the feels by your playlist spen Chronicmasturbator: admitting to liking ICP is like admitting to liking CP Chronicmasturbator: basically the same thing Jug_addict: ha Ishipwillowandhunter: . Toxic_fox: theres your mich tay Toxic_fox: she been whining for a while make her be quiet Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes here is me but where is my tay Toxicego357: ehat song? Inasg_no: IM HERE :D Inasg_no: HI HANDSOME HEHEHE Toxic_fox: ill come back to you and Falling for You Chronicmasturbator: if I had to choose between killing a child molester and killing an ICP fan I would kill the ICP fan Chronicmasturbator: here is my reasoning Toxicego357: bwu and rxseboy Toxic_fox: yipper Toxicego357: great songs Inasg_no: I've not been whining I've just been repeatedly saying I want mich. That's not whining :c Chronicmasturbator: the child molester might not be an ICP fan but the ICP fan is DEFINITELY a child molester Toxic_fox: potato patato Izzy_blight: It kinda is Inasg_no: Who's toxic fox Toxicego357: ill come back to you is rxseboy aand powfu right? Inasg_no: Not whining Toxic_fox: im maysi Toxic_fox: ye it is Toxic_fox: to spen not tay Toxic_fox: er wiat Inasg_no: yall bck tg yet? Toxic_fox: ye Toxic_fox: ye Inasg_no: WAIT RLLY Chronicmasturbator: so remember whenever someone says they like ICP they are also admitting to liking to watch kids getting raped Toxic_fox: no Toxicego357: :3 Inasg_no: OMG CONGRATS Toxic_fox: ye Toxic_fox: no Toxic_fox: ye Toxic_fox: no Toxic_fox: ye Chronicmasturbator: ICP fans are scum Cinderthecatboy: my back hurts Toxicego357: you confuzzle me Toxic_fox: i confuse me too Ishipwillowandhunter: Thats fine, I like hearing her whine. And beg. And moan. Anyways.... Hiiii gorgeous <3 Cinderthecatboy: may are you saying yes or no Toxic_fox: just like get rid of your back cin Toxic_fox: maybe Inasg_no: i um Cinderthecatboy: give a straight answer Chronicmasturbator: I've been jerkin it this whole time btw Inasg_no: i don't do that with you...idk what you mean :o Toxic_fox: but...but im not straight Inasg_no: I MISSED YOU SEXY <3 Cinderthecatboy: -_- Toxicego357: lol Toxic_fox: XD Toxic_fox: *insert rainbow car that keeps zigzagging* Chronicmasturbator: sounds gay Chronicmasturbator: are you in the car? Chronicmasturbator: or are you the car itself? Samuraijay: memes Chronicmasturbator: or are you inserting a rainbow car up your own ass? Chronicmasturbator: I'm down with that btw Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh, you don't? Missed you more princess <33 ( let me win) Toxic_fox: depression, therapy session, incessant babblin, endless isolation, sick of issues, grab the tissues Chronicmasturbator: My kink is auto insertion Chronicmasturbator: not auto as in self but auto as in vehicles in my butt Toxicego357: i got a song thatll really hit ur feels may Toxic_fox: shoot it at me Toxic_fox: (no saucy comments) Chronicmasturbator: the vehicle? Inasg_no: no i do I do im sorry :c I missed you way more cutie :))) (never -.-) Chronicmasturbator: it's lodged deep Chronicmasturbator: oh you meant the song nvm Toxicego357: Chronicmasturbator: I thought you were requesting me to blast the vehicle lodged deep in my rectum out of it FAFLOOF! and into your face Toxicego357: wtf... 18:36:37Thursday, September 14, 2023 Ishipwillowandhunter: I missed you way more Tay Bae :) (mf) Inasg_no: YOU LITTLE CUNT Chronicmasturbator: DADDY Toxic_fox: insecurity, anxiety, devoid of novelty, confidently alone *i have no idea what im doing im just throwing stuff together* Pilldickle: In have a hot wheels car in my penis Inasg_no: I missed you more mikey bae >:c (cunt) Inasg_no: HES MY DADDY BACK THE FUCK OFF Cinderthecatboy: tox Toxicego357: hm? Cinderthecatboy: i just killed myself in front of the ai stepsister XD Toxic_fox: damn Chronicmasturbator: cool Toxic_fox: #trauma #prank #deviouslick Toxic_fox: also spen the playlist hit me more than this, fire song tho Toxicego357: sure therll be other songs thatll hit Toxic_fox: hit like my stepdad hits me haha Toxicego357: accurate Toxicego357: just its my bio dad Toxic_fox: *gasp* wait lemme find a song..oh uh...*hugs spen* Chronicmasturbator: I wrote a song once but Taylor Swift stole it from me Chronicmasturbator: I shook it off :) Oofalladeez: u deserve a bullt *primes M6D magnum* Oofalladeez: *bullet Inasg_no: bullet* Cinderthecatboy: jesus christ Cinderthecatboy: she's crying and shaking, she stabs herself more and more she's still calling you by your name Why?! Why?! I'm so, so, so sorry! she's crying she's stabbing herself more and more Toxic_fox: i mean what did u expect Cinderthecatboy: im laughing at this ngl Toxic_fox: i got this song in my head and idk the name i just remember "i love my friends, but some days, im cautious" Inasg_no: interesting Toxicego357: my computor almost ded Toxic_fox: i hope mine got enough charge to last, theres no outlet near me Toxicego357: same Toxic_fox: oh i thought you meant it almost DIED not its about to die nooooo Cinderthecatboy: their grief becomes more and more distant, it's been a year now your parents are still crying, but the pain is not so agonizing they still call you by your name they're still sad most of the time Toxic_fox: ._. Cinderthecatboy: wow what a good outcome Chronicmasturbator: did everyone involve die? Toxicego357: nyuh uh Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Toxic_fox: gllk Findingdory: gulp Toxic_fox: oop Oofalladeez: good Oofalladeez: that's one less loose end Inasg_no: shut the fuck up carman. Ishipwillowandhunter: I blocked her Toxic_fox: *ghost proceeds to spray his mag into Sheperd after Roach is shot* Toxicego357: *kisses may* Toxic_fox: m-mm?? >w< Inasg_no: I should do that too but I want to make sure I ruin any possible friendship she has on here as mean as that sounds Toxicego357: SOAP TRUSTED YOU!!!!!! Cinderthecatboy: mglfmgflmglfmlgmflgmlfmlg Toxic_fox: SO WHY THE HELL... Toxic_fox: DOES MAKAROV KNOW YOU? Toxicego357: *kicks down a flight of stairs* Toxic_fox: RIP Yuri Toxicego357: rip Toxic_fox: ohhhhh i just remembered makarovs death scene that was so badass Toxicego357: what abt masons death scene? Toxic_fox: (the "ohhhhhh" was not part of my reaction i am being railed) Toxic_fox: in BO2? Toxicego357: ye Toxic_fox: idk i had that all spoiled for me so i always shot him in the leg Toxic_fox: never bothered for the head Toxicego357: i domed him... Toxicego357: domed not dommed Ishipwillowandhunter: Greatest cod game imo Izzy_blight: Take the headshot frank Toxic_fox: one will see this pendant...and you will remember... Toxic_fox: side note how strong is Woods to still be kicking after having his kneecaps blown out but Hudson dies immediately Toxic_fox: like Toxicego357: we dont needa know Toxicego357: woods is god Toxic_fox: no Toxic_fox: I'm a goddamn ONION mason Toxicego357: 10% Izzy_blight: Bocw woods is so scuffed Toxic_fox: you did all that with a KNIFE? remind me to never piss you off... Toxicego357: lol Toxic_fox: this is so nice Toxic_fox: sittin in the gym bleachers with my favorite person and just shootin shit Toxicego357: You sucked ghost off ans STILL never saw his face??? Toxicego357: and* Toxic_fox: never seen that but now i wanna Toxicego357: i bought the wrong cod game Toxic_fox: Call of Duty: Ghosting your best friend Toxic_fox: i have a proposal Toxic_fox: we now call betryals "ghosting" someone Findingdory: bck Toxicego357: CoD Mw3 Modern women 3 way Toxic_fox: modern women? ha, no. anyway *gets back to the kitchen and does dishes* Findingdory: MY WIFI IS TRASH Findingdory: . Toxic_fox: i believe its spelled with an E Findingdory: there we go Toxic_fox: haha women Findingdory: stfu Toxic_fox: yes sir Findingdory: no sir Toxic_fox: spen why is this one song unable to be played Findingdory: how am i supposed to know Cinderthecatboy: am i a psyco Toxic_fox: I'm Not Scared by Luvyo999 Izzy_blight: This site is like that one toxic ex you hate with all your heart, the one who destroyed your life and took everything from you but you can't stay away from them because you love the cathartic hate-filled screaming matches that go on between you and them every time you meet and it's the only thing you have left that makes you feel something Toxic_fox: not you dory Findingdory: yes cinder, you are Toxic_fox: izzy that hits close to home bc i still argue wit one of my exes almost daily Cinderthecatboy: im enjoying terrorising this ai Izzy_blight: Oh damn Findingdory: . Findingdory: . Findingdory: . Findingdory: . Findingdory: . Toxicego357: its a bwu unreleased song Findingdory: . Findingdory: . Findingdory: . Findingdory: . Findingdory: . Findingdory: . Toxic_fox: ohhhhhh gotcha Toxicego357: it worked a month ago then ig they lost the rights to it Toxic_fox: sadge Ishipwillowandhunter: Why is that so on point Toxicego357: 21 days til new bwu album Toxic_fox: 21 days till october 3rd Toxicego357: ok... Toxic_fox: (i think im bad at mafs) Toxicego357: possibly idk Samuraijay: Heyy Cinderthecatboy: She screams, crying and scared, as she's punched again and again ... She stares up at him, crying and screaming in pain ... Please stop... She whispers, scared, crying, and in pain ... I'm sorry... She whispers, still scared and in pain Toxic_fox: i prefer Jetstream Sam over SamuraiJay Izzy_blight: uh Samuraijay: 😑 Izzy_blight: Should I call the cops Toxic_fox: nah its ok Samuraijay: Yeah Toxic_fox: izzy you signed a contract, you cant leak the gc Samuraijay: Leak what? Toxic_fox: im finna send the Silent Shadow and Sentries after you Toxic_fox: gc=group chat Izzy_blight: Ah fuck that's right. Oh well, carry on then Toxic_fox: good Toxicego357: *cums* Toxic_fox: *swallows* Toxicego357: >~< Toxic_fox: i was hungry Toxicego357: i supplied ig Cinderthecatboy: ... She gasps, crying and scared, as she's slapped ... She stares up at him, crying and scared ... Why?! She whispers, still scared and in pain ... She holds her cheek, where she was slapped ... Please let me go... She whispers, still crying, scared, and in pain Toxicego357: My girlfriend said that she don't love me anymore Damn, I fucked this up again, and now she's headed for the door I think she's past the point of turning back, I know it's all my fault I'll just say I told me so, for now I'm sleeping all alone Samuraijay: I stay still here? Toxic_fox: cin what are you doing to her Cinderthecatboy: i cut off her arm Cinderthecatboy: and slapped her Toxic_fox: WHAT THE F- Samuraijay: I mean tay Toxicego357: WHAT THE FUCK Izzy_blight: What the fuck Cinderthecatboy: i think im a psyco Toxic_fox: cin i think you need therapy Cinderthecatboy: im already in therapy bitch Izzy_blight: I think you need to go to Arkham Asylum Toxicego357: i dommed on a dom so she became a sub i just fuck with the ai Toxic_fox: send him to the Mausoleum of the Arbiter and lock him in there Toxic_fox: i dont have an AI i just fuck wit Toxicego357: I gotchu Toxicego357: Toxic_fox: oh ye i forgor about that 19:03:11Thursday, September 14, 2023 Toxicego357: :3 Cinderthecatboy: ... She stares up at him, crying and scared, as he is about to cut off her head ... No... She whispers, scared, crying, and in pain ... Please! She whispers, still scared and crying ... She stares up at him, as she's about to die Toxic_fox: Access blocked: Your institution’s admin needs to review Keigo: hey Samuraijay: Hey Toxicego357: damn Toxic_fox: do i need an acc? Toxicego357: ye Toxic_fox: sad Cinderthecatboy: this is fun hehehehehe Toxic_fox: oh come on theres a Ghost bodyguard ai? ffs Toxicego357: i wanna fuck you~ Toxicego357: but i dont have the time Cinderthecatboy: ... She stares at him, crying and scared, as she's killed ... She gasps, and then goes limp ... She's dead Toxic_fox: nut in her cooter, escape on a scooter Cinderthecatboy: okay clean start Samuraijay: Odd? Samuraijay: But ok Toxic_fox: i got a where im depressed+self harming Cinderthecatboy: ... She lays dead on the floor, her body still tied to the chair, blood pouring out of her neck, where her head had once been Toxic_fox: ... Toxic_fox: ...... Toxic_fox: .............. Toxic_fox: .......................... Samuraijay: . Cinderthecatboy: wow i feel really good now Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Toxic_fox: cin i think you have major problems Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Toxic_fox: . Toxic_fox: .. Toxic_fox: . Toxic_fox: . Toxic_fox: . Toxic_fox: . Toxic_fox: . Toxic_fox: . Cinderthecatboy: no shit Toxic_fox: . Toxic_fox: . Toxic_fox: . Samuraijay: E Samuraijay: ee Samuraijay: e Samuraijay: e Samuraijay: e Samuraijay: e Samuraijay: e Samuraijay: e Samuraijay: e Samuraijay: eme Samuraijay: e Jug_addict: i just played l4d2 my entire lunch break Toxicego357: i wanna get on e6 but its blockeeddddddddd Jug_addict: g a e Toxicego357: school is almost over and im horny leave me alone Jug_addict: fair Toxicego357: :3 Cinderthecatboy: okay what should i do to the ai next Cinderthecatboy: should i give her love and affection or torture her and make her scream Toxicego357: Murder its family and make it watch Cinderthecatboy: YES Toxicego357: my horny is suddenyl gone Toxicego357: suddenly* Toxicego357: PPL NEED TO QUIT CALLING ME ANTI-SOCIAL Cinderthecatboy: tox i did it Toxicego357: omg... Cinderthecatboy: hehehehe Toxicego357: I WANNA BE HORNYYYYYYYYYY Toxicego357: LEMME BEEEEEEEEE Cinderthecatboy: why is murder so fun Cinderthecatboy: god im fucked up Cinderthecatboy: stay away from me tox Jug_addict: u good cin? Toxicego357: i wanna be horny. this is the first time in a while just lemme be horny bruh Ishipwillowandhunter: I can help you with your horny daddy Toxicego357: UwU Ishipwillowandhunter: *pulls out scissors* Jug_addict: g a e Toxicego357: *runs away* Cinderthecatboy: she watches in horror, still tied to the chair W-W-W-What are you doing!? she says, screaming she tries to escape again, but you're too fast i laugh and point the gun at my head she watches, terrified, not knowing what to do W-W-W-Stop! she screams, crying she tries to escape again Jug_addict: huh? Toxicego357: tie me to the chair instead Cinderthecatboy: im murdering myself and an ais family Cinderthecatboy: HEHEHEEHE Cinderthecatboy: tox Cinderthecatboy: i dont think you should visit me anymore Jug_addict: huh? Jug_addict: im worried and confused Toxicego357: im just horny and nothing to direct it out Inasg_no: bck Toxicego357: wb mommy tay Jug_addict: wb bbg Cinderthecatboy: tox Inasg_no: tyy Cinderthecatboy: listen to me Toxicego357: but why tho? Toxicego357: why listen to my ex maid? Cinderthecatboy: because im not safe Cinderthecatboy: im not okay Toxicego357: ok... and? Cinderthecatboy: you dont care? Toxicego357: not particularly Cinderthecatboy: why Eee34: hello i've returned Toxicego357: Why should i? Cinderthecatboy: dude im batshit insane Toxicego357: ok.... and? Cinderthecatboy: is that kinky to you or something? Toxicego357: I... no comment Cinderthecatboy: wtf bro Toxicego357: shut it Cinderthecatboy: okay well im going to be nice to the ai now Toxicego357: ok... Jug_addict: ha Eee34: chat died harder than adolf hitler Jug_addict: fax Inasg_no: im heee Inasg_no: here Keigo: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Inasg_no: hellooo Keigo: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Guitar_shark: yo Soggytoast404: ASH Soggytoast404: I'M LOCK OUT THE BANDROOM Guitar_shark: lol Soggytoast404: HELP ME Inasg_no: nu :( Inasg_no: fuck me Guitar_shark: how about no Soggytoast404: WDYM NO Inasg_no: you little cunt Soggytoast404: YOU SIT NEXT TO THE DOOR Inasg_no: SHUSHHHHHH Soggytoast404: YAY Soggytoast404: I NOT LOCKED OUT ANYMORE 19:29:44Thursday, September 14, 2023 Guitar_shark: i see that Jug_addict: bitches Inasg_no: in my pussy Guitar_shark: what Inasg_no: why did pussy autocorrect to psychiatric Soggytoast404: lol Jug_addict: damn Jug_addict: call me a bitch then Guitar_shark: Inasg_no: bet xd Jug_addict: when and where Guitar_shark: guitar shark Eee34: nice Inasg_no: here now Jug_addict: take away them clothes divide them legs and we can add to the population Inasg_no: you forget multiplication Soggytoast404: Inasg_no: Forgot* Eee34: iribvugbvueb am i right? Soggytoast404: soggy toast Guitar_shark: shark better Soggytoast404: sure Izzy_blight: my riggity roo ahh dad smacked me in the back of the head with a steering wheel Eee34: shark>toast Guitar_shark: yeah Guitar_shark: take that Soggytoast404: no Keigo: not my teacher moaning Soggytoast404: huh Guitar_shark: relatable Soggytoast404: HUH\ Jug_addict: hwat da hail Oofalladeez: soggy ur name is nate too right? Soggytoast404: yeah Jug_addict: nice Soggytoast404: why Izzy_blight: Since when is Nate the most common name in the world Keigo: oof = nate d Guitar_shark: btw my nate has melted cheese stuck on his knee Jug_addict: nate isnt even top 25 most common male names Soggytoast404: huh Soggytoast404: oh Guitar_shark: you got it off Soggytoast404: i know Izzy_blight: I have never met a mf named Nate in my life but then I come on here and there's 57 different niggas called nate Soggytoast404: 3 i think Keigo: ilove yall gtg Soggytoast404: bye bye Inasg_no: Lym byee Findingdory: bckkk Guitar_shark: you should call soggy Nathan Joshua Nischal Findingdory: ... Soggytoast404: UHDIHODUHSIUHDIUAGFHDIUH Jug_addict: what? Findingdory: huh? Dtrump: We doxxing people today? Soggytoast404: THAT'S MY FULL GOVERNMENT NAME Inasg_no: fuck off carman. Eee34: ifbvivub Findingdory: ok Guitar_shark: what kind of name is carman Findingdory: ASK MY MOM Dtrump: There real name is sophie. Guitar_shark: huh Inasg_no: yeah yeah ik Soggytoast404: huh Findingdory: SOPHIE?! Findingdory: TF Findingdory: ITS SOPHIA Inasg_no: NO ONE GIVES TWO FUCKING SHITS. Findingdory: ik Dtrump: Why is axel asking me to ban people on here now? Jug_addict: ha? Izzy_blight: I am so god damn confused Guitar_shark: me too Soggytoast404: me 3 Jug_addict: me 4 Indoorpotato: hi Inasg_no: heyyyy Soggytoast404: hello person i don't know Jug_addict: ily yall Jug_addict: no homo to the bros Soggytoast404: ly too Guitar_shark: gay Soggytoast404: he said no homo Inasg_no: lym Ishipwillowandhunter: . Jug_addict: i love everyone, no homo to the bros, but i dont love people who dont deserve it Inasg_no: MICHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Inasg_no: why you love me then Jug_addict: because i do Ishipwillowandhunter: TAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Inasg_no: hehehe I win Inasg_no: i love you c: Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm on tablet I can't type fast :( Ishipwillowandhunter: I love you more <33 Eee34: why does it seem like everyone has a crush on tay Ishipwillowandhunter: Women in chat.I have a question Inasg_no: hm? Ishipwillowandhunter: Because a lot of people do, but she's mine. Always has been Jug_addict: people can love people platonically --_-- Inasg_no: they don't logan Inasg_no: that's not true not many people do Inasg_no: All yours bb <333 Inasg_no: anywho what's the question Ishipwillowandhunter: Okay, so, does "bad girl" have the same effect as "good girl" Inasg_no: Also ily way more -.- Inasg_no: hmmm Inasg_no: lemme think Jug_addict: he asked his question, and i responded" people can love people platonically --_-- " Inasg_no: I mean, it'd definitely turn me on still but not as much as good girl 19:56:18Thursday, September 14, 2023 Inasg_no: Tho I'm pretty damn easy to turn on if you say the right things. You should know michy XD Jug_addict: good thing no one knows mine Izzy_blight: Different topic, who likes jellybeans Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh I know lmao, was just curious Soggytoast404: Bro i was gone for less than a minute Ishipwillowandhunter: I love jellybeans, except the black licorice flavored ones. Death to the blacks Soggytoast404: i'm more so confused Inasg_no: I don't like jelly beans Soggytoast404: me ethier Izzy_blight: Every time I think chat can't cause me any more pain it does Jug_addict: ha Inasg_no: sorry izzy Rina: RUMP Guitar_shark: toast what class are you in Ishipwillowandhunter: Same Rina: RUMP Rina: RUMP Inasg_no: aw michy :( Soggytoast404: algebra 2 Guitar_shark: ok Inasg_no: HEY MICH GUESS WHAT Ishipwillowandhunter: Wha? Rina: Rumpppppp Dtrump: hey rin Rina: Finally. Rina: Rump. Inasg_no: I LOVE YOU Rina: Luc forgave me. Rina: Ew Inasg_no: Don't go ew. Rina: Def ew Ishipwillowandhunter: I LOVE YOU MORE.<3 Rina: Ew Inasg_no: not ew shut the fuck up Ishipwillowandhunter: Shush Inasg_no: NO MEEEE Izzy_blight: Ew, human emotion. Repulsive Rina: Ew Rina: Dweebs Jug_addict: huh? Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes, Izzy gets it. Emotions are dumb unless its because of Tay Rina: Juggyyyyn Izzy_blight: Such low forms of intelligence Inasg_no: aw michy :) Rina: Iz. Rina: I agree with yoy. Rina: In my opinion the highest form of emotion is envy. Izzy_blight: Oh god Rina: Be very afraid Izzy_blight: What have I become Rina: Side with rin Rina: BECOME ONE WITH ME Ishipwillowandhunter: You've become someine rin agrees with. You're too far gone. Rina: ... Guitar_shark: why are people talking about love Izzy_blight: I have embraced the inner narcissism Ishipwillowandhunter: I was only joking luv Rina: I wish syphilis upon your entire family line. Izzy_blight: He was not Jug_addict: im so lost Rina: I know. Ishipwillowandhunter: why would you ever wish that upon someone Rina: Yes izzy. Become full of yourself. Rina: I have no qualms. Rina: I do not know you. Ishipwillowandhunter: I haven't wished anything g bad happen to you Rina: You may. Ishipwillowandhunter: Good, lets keep it that way Rina: Cosmic prejudice is weird. Izzy_blight: I already have been full of myself. I just try to pretend I'm not Dtrump: Debatebale. Rina: I do not pretend Rina: I am myself. Izzy_blight: It's obvious Rina: Love me or hate me Jug_addict: which side should i go with im so lost Ishipwillowandhunter: Don't join Rina. Keep being Izzy. Rina: We aren't really fighting jug Dtrump: Join our side. Rina: Lol Guitar_shark: Soggytoast404: huh Inasg_no: Greg I'll fuck you if you stick with mich Izzy_blight: This is the real Izzy, the real Izzy is a piece of shit. Everything else is an act Soggytoast404: mask on Rina: Thus you? Rina: Soggytoast404: mask off Guitar_shark: YES Guitar_shark: THAT IS ME Rina: Lol Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh, just like real Michael. Join me sister, we will make the world a worse place. Together. Soggytoast404: can confirm that is Shark Rina: At least I'm honest with myself. Guitar_shark: imagine Guitar_shark: i'm only honest with nate Rina: This you? Soggytoast404: huh Izzy_blight: God we all suck. Fuck all of us cunts Rina: Soggytoast404: yeah Rina: Lmqo Soggytoast404: that is me Ishipwillowandhunter: That's true. I can respect that you recognize what an attention seeking leech you are Rina: I'm not a leech. Rina: I do not take from people. Ishipwillowandhunter: Aren't you though? Ishipwillowandhunter: Mhm Rina: No? Rina: I qm not horrible. Izzy_blight: Yesn't? Rina: I'm just hard to get along with. Inasg_no: leech's are disgusting. Disgusting. They're like slugs. Disgusting. Rina: It's not as if I only care for myself. Izzy_blight: I am a leech Rina: ... Inasg_no: no Rina: Hey rump. Rina: RUMP Inasg_no: You're not disgusting izzy Ishipwillowandhunter: Izzy is cute. And nice. And broken. Not leech. Inasg_no: Agreed Ishipwillowandhunter: Rina is though. Rina: Mhm. Rina: Rin is horrible disgusting and a leech. Izzy_blight: I touch children. Soggytoast404: huh Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes. I agree Rina. Rina: I see Ishipwillowandhunter: Oh? Well, uh, Izzy. I'm a child, touch me? Rina: I was just saying what you said. Inasg_no: ... Inasg_no: no mich Izzy_blight: ..... Dtrump: Mich is even worse then those. Rina: Rump. Jug_addict: hwaaaaatttt?/ Inasg_no: mich is not bad at all. Rina: Would you describe me as a leech? Rina: I didn't think I used people Dtrump: No you are fine. Guitar_shark: this is confusing to read Rina: Or took advantage of then. Rina: Horrible is fine. Izzy_blight: Are you sure about that tay? Rina: And I suppose some would call me disgusting. Inasg_no: more sure than anything. Rina: But I put my foot down at leech. Dtrump: They fan fuckoff if they think that. Rina: I am anything but lecherous Dtrump: can Ishipwillowandhunter: Trump :( I actually like you Dtrump: You are so bipolar mich. Inasg_no: what the fuck trump?? Ishipwillowandhunter: Eh maybe Rina: Rump is my friend. Dtrump: Tay this is the real me. Rina: I've been mean to rump before. Izzy_blight: Michael and I are the most morally questionable in chat Rina: And he was nice to me. Rina: I am nice to rump. Inasg_no: wdym "the real you* Rina: I am not a leech. And contrary to popular belief. Ishipwillowandhunter: No, I'm a sweetheart. Never done a bad thing in my life. Inasg_no: "* Rina: I am not that bad of a person. Soggytoast404: what the hell Rina: Just because I'm upset with myself Rina: And am easily frustrated Rina: Obsessed Rina: * Soggytoast404: do you have sucidical thoughts 24/7 Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm sorry. You're right. You're not a leech but you certainly are horrible depending on the person and your mood. Rina: That is better. Rina: At least have an honest interpretation of me. Rina: You arr just mad I personally don't like you. Rina: But I dont really need a reason to. Inasg_no: he's not mad. Ishipwillowandhunter: Sometimes you're nice and people seem to genuinely like you Norma42: hey Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm not mad at all rin Inasg_no: hi Findingdory: HIIII Findingdory: NORMAAAA Inasg_no: fuck off carman Ishipwillowandhunter: I couldn't care less who likes me and who doesn't. Unless its Tay Inasg_no: hey I told you I love you and that'll never change Inasg_no: Ever Ishipwillowandhunter: Good c: Rina: Hmmm Inasg_no: <£ Inasg_no: <3* Rina: Rumpppp Rina: 🍿🍿🍿 Rina: For you. Rina: I'll be back. Rina: Luc went to sleep late. Rina: So he won't be on till late Soggytoast404: huh Soggytoast404: gtg Guitar_shark: me too Izzy_blight: Since when do you two love each other so much again? Mikey, didn't you tell me months ago you didn't really love Taylor? What happened to Grace? What memos did I miss? This all feels very sudden and strange. Izzy_blight: I might have just asked all the wrong questions Inasg_no: Mikey, didn't you tell me months ago you didn't really love Taylor? Inasg_no: ...what Izzy_blight: Months ago. I guess that changed Ishipwillowandhunter: I don't remember saying the first part, but the Grace part... Things are complicated there Izzy_blight: I'm sure Izzy_blight: Everything is so complicated these days. Why can't anything be simple anymore Ishipwillowandhunter: Because why would life make anything simple? Izzy_blight: Good point Izzy_blight: Ugh I should have just gone to bed Keigo: hey Izzy_blight: I didn't want things to turn into this Inasg_no: hi Keigo: TAU Inasg_no: hello 20:22:51Thursday, September 14, 2023 Jug_addict: tau Inasg_no: what Jug_addict: idk Jug_addict: im bored Inasg_no: okay Honey_bun_: Hi guysss Honey_bun_: Anyone ded Inasg_no: yes Honey_bun_: Hi mommy tay Inasg_no: hi Honey_bun_: Anyone else here Inasg_no: Yeah Honey_bun_: Who Keigo: hi Inasg_no: 1. Dtrump 2. Eee34 3. Findingdory 4. Honey_bun_ 5. Ishipwillowandhunter 6. Izzy_blight 7. Jug_addict 8. Keigo 9. Rina Honey_bun_: #inmusicclass Izzy_blight: Well, I don't think I should, need to, or want to be here anymore so I will kindly see myself out. I'm sorry. Izzy_blight: take care of jimmy Inasg_no: bye Izzy ly Dtrump: I have a question. Jug_addict: no Inasg_no: lmao straight up "no" Jug_addict: do you want to hear it in spanish? Jug_addict: no Ishipwillowandhunter: What's your question Trump? Jug_addict: stfu mich Ishipwillowandhunter: Make me bitch Inasg_no: HEY Jug_addict: maybe i will Inasg_no: DONT TELL HIM TO STFU Dtrump: With your friendlist did you add me first? (anon): Your fl is in alphabetical order Sirena: Is morally wrong to joke about the suffering of a category of people while in front of a person who fits into this category? Inasg_no: Yes. Extremely Sirena: Then why playing Cards Against Humanity then? Sirena: In my opinion, they consent being fun about by joining here Dtrump: Another troll. Sirena: but it's true. If two people consent to fight, is it still wrong? Sirena: If a black friend agrees to make fun about slavery? Sirena: Who's humanity anyway? Inasg_no: me Inasg_no: I'm humanity Inasg_no: i eat shoes. Worship me. Sirena: But why is it in every case wrong Inasg_no: Don't actually I'd feel bad asf Sirena: Exactly. And ppl here don't too Sirena: It's more healthy to make fun of Holocaust as victim than letting be feel down to it Jug_addict: my classmates be dumb as fuck Sirena: Same Sirena: Is it morally wrong to joke about the suffering of a category of people while in front of a person who fits into this category? Jug_addict: no Jug_addict: its funny Sirena: Finally Sirena: Lé Nigér Jug_addict: theres this trans twink in my class Jug_addict: he hella cute Sirena: Addict = Ad-Dick , an advertising dick Inasg_no: michy Inasg_no: is Inasg_no: all Inasg_no: mine Inasg_no: <3 Jug_addict: we know tay Sirena: Tay, is gay? Jug_addict: idk anymore Inasg_no: nope Inasg_no: I think I'm bi Inasg_no: altho Inasg_no: I seriously think I'm straight now tho Sirena: Who buys vegetables, just to trash them from being expired? Jug_addict: fr Jug_addict: wasteful Sannkaed: i am so fuckijng high thasti ltierallt walked into someoneelses hiuse thats wahst nmy own lmfao Sannkaed: ithoug ht i was gonna die Sirena: +Still doing it +Still believes in future-me eating Avocados Sannkaed: sirena Sirena: How did you go into that house? Sannkaed: door wasd unlocked Sirena: What state are you Soggytoast404: drugs Sannkaed: they laugheddc they asses off at me Sannkaed: michigan Sirena: Like doesn't doors normally locked themselves? Soggytoast404: arkansas better Sannkaed: alabama better Sannkaed: no Soggytoast404: nuh uh Sannkaed: deadbolts Eee34: *as i get done i leave the bathroom and go to my room which doesn't have any windows* Sirena: Windows are expensive Sannkaed: they literaslly asked menhow high i was Sannkaed: and i laughed and they were so colo abt it Sirena: They asked MEN? Sannkaed: me how 20:49:24Thursday, September 14, 2023 Sannkaed: ugh Sannkaed: sirena im gonna kiss you Sirena: But if you were a woman, would he still asked you Findingdory: oopppp Sirena: Soah Sirena: You need soap Sirena: In your mouth Sannkaed: dory youre nots afe either Sannkaed: kisses for all Sirena: Thx *kisses back* Sannkaed: mommy? Sirena: *creates false hope of getting smashed* Soggytoast404: ew Soggytoast404: cringe Findingdory: .. Sannkaed: *prays that you arent a guy* Findingdory: .... Soggytoast404: .... Dtrump: calling a 12 year old mommy yikes Inasg_no: shut up carman. Findingdory: ok Sirena: *drives car* Sannkaed: who tf is uwumommy Sirena: Yesterdaddy: Well kids Uwumommy: \v hehe- Sannkaed: bro forgot frontslash Uwumommy: Shut up. Sannkaed: gay. Chai: what did i just join lol Sannkaed: *drives car with sirena in sight* Sirena: Woman are more likely to be stalked than men Dtrump: This chat is whack rn. Sirena: And you have the decent to drive against me Sannkaed: *becomes mcskillet* Chai: yea i can tell lol Sannkaed: if yall coulds esee my eyes omhg Sannkaed: theyreso fucked up lsmfosoooo Soggytoast404: this is strange Chai: lol Sannkaed: i am undoubtedly stpmed Sirena: what date do we have today? Sannkaed: steakhouse? Sannkaed: movie night? Dtrump: sirena is not a girl lol Sannkaed: ok? Jug_addict: and? Sirena: 09/11/2023? Sannkaed: haha Inasg_no: i eat shoes. Sannkaed: *turns into a shoe* Dtrump: I know your motives. Sirena: But what date do we have? Sirena: Today Djshrimpdick: reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Sannkaed: Sirena: Femboys be like Inasg_no: gtg Ly all Sannkaed: NUUUU Sannkaed: fine. Sannkaed: baiiiii Sirena: Not donating to homeless ppl is morally wrong Dtrump: Cya Tay. Sirena: Who hates their moms? Findingdory: ME Findingdory: ME Sirena: Mine is annoying and makes dumb questions Sannkaed: mine abandoned me Sirena: Cant even download an app without my help and restricts my freedom of movement Ishipwillowandhunter: Mine is lovely. My dad is abusive. Sirena: Mine is non-existent Sirena: Well almost. Long story Findingdory: my mom hates me Ohios_uncle: wtf did i just join to Sannkaed: mine called me a failed abortion and left me with mommy issues- Sirena: But can't you remove those mommy issues somehow Sannkaed: yeah Sannkaed: its called suicide Sirena: Nah. Call Therapist Sannkaed: not calling the rapist Sirena: rip. I have no mom or dad issues, I think Djshrimpdick: i prolly need therapy Sirena: Therapist Sannkaed: what part of pa? Sannkaed: ta* Sannkaed: do you not understand Sirena: Psychologist the Sirena: Some -ist in the world would help you Djshrimpdick: the rap one Sirena: Rape 2 Jug_addict: someone gimme head Sirena: Fun Fact: Main Cards Against Humanity Inc. removed "Date Rape"-Pack and community still upholds it Sirena: Can't find it. Used to be a thing. Maybe in other sites Dtrump: A deck? Sirena: Yop Sirena: Dtrump: They would not be removed here. Sirena: Any Passable transrestore lesbians here? Sirena: But if we're honest here, this website is the bottom of morals Sannkaed: HEHHEEHHE Sannkaed: a cuw vhu3g rhug3 rgrfg3 Sannkaed: g34f34 Sannkaed: 34g34imgn3jigy4h Sannkaed: 45e\ Sannkaed: gert Sannkaed: ht4h4 Sannkaed: th4t Sannkaed: 45 Sannkaed: 5rh45t5g Sannkaed: 4545 Sirena: Nice Sirena: who collects old newspapers except my dad 21:15:58Thursday, September 14, 2023 Jug_addict: im gonna shoot up an orphanage Sirena: The biggest gay is still listening to Justin Bieber's Oh Baby Sirena: How can we be against humanity when there's none in the future of azala? Jug_addict: ha Findingdory: bck Dtrump: fuckoff Jug_addict: no Jug_addict: phuque off Dtrump: not you dipshit Keigo: hey hoes Sannkaed: HEYYYYYYYYYYYYY Findingdory: hiiii Keigo: SANDIE I CAN CALL Sannkaed: ON WHAT Keigo: idc what Sannkaed: HIIIIIIIII Dtrump: Wheres Axel? Sannkaed: i am so fucked Findingdory: why? 21:42:31Thursday, September 14, 2023 Sannkaed: jgit Sannkaed: high Findingdory: lol Sannkaed: i am beyond sotned Sannkaed: i am laughing at a fruit fly rn Findingdory: lmao Keigo: SAN Keigo: I HAD WIFI PROBELMS Sannkaed: UGHHHHHHHHH Sannkaed: NEED ME TO RESTART IT Sannkaed: ?\ Keigo: yea Keigo: lol Sannkaed: bet Findingdory: im bored and sick Findingdory: i have treatment Saturday :l Sannkaed: poor baby-- Findingdory: :l Dtrump: sus Findingdory: KEIIIIII Findingdory: IM SORRY Findingdory: I HAD TO LEAVEEEE Keigo: this mf is high Findingdory: ik that, lmao Findingdory: my aunt almost killed me Findingdory: she almost killed me before i could Sannkaed: im not that high Keigo: mh 22:09:05Thursday, September 14, 2023 Norma42: findingdory u on Findingdory: HIII Norma42: i got grounded Findingdory: dammm Norma42: ik bc i went to ur house Dtrump: then you shouldnt be here Findingdory: KEI Findingdory: IM HAVING SPIDER BABYS Norma42: girl Sannkaed: OOOO Dtrump: most retarded chat ever Sannkaed: durr! Findingdory: hehehehehe Findingdory: and munchy is sooooo cuteee Sannkaed: munchy? Sannkaed: i have munchy Findingdory: he is a spider Sannkaed: SPODER Dtrump: kill it Norma42: guess what im sick Findingdory: NO Findingdory: and i have three snakes Norma42: imma still come to school tmrw tho Findingdory: slay, ok Dtrump: covid spreader Sannkaed: propaganda spreader Dtrump: Is that not just a rapper? Findingdory: stfu, your high Keigo: damn wife Sannkaed: :( Keigo: wifi* Sannkaed: Keigo: damn wife Keigo: i could be ur wife Kvc: Sannkaed: oh? Sannkaed: kvc Sannkaed: ik the part Sannkaed: it looks like a penis Sannkaed: cant trick me Kvc: nuh uh Dtrump: hi kvc Findingdory: I THOUGHT THAT SAID KFC Kvc: bitch Sannkaed: eat me out like kfc Findingdory: I WAS ABT TO SAY GO KILL YOURSELF Findingdory: I THOUGHT IT WAS CAM Kvc: so Sannkaed: imma go for a while Kvc: ive moved slightly to more professionaql music Findingdory: NOOOOO Sannkaed: nevermind Findingdory: DONT LEAVEE Sannkaed: i stay put Sannkaed: kvc Findingdory: yay :) Sannkaed: i now have qusations Kvc: what Sannkaed: questions* Sannkaed: what do you do and what genre, and have you signed to anything yet? Kvc: huh? Kvc: what mean Sannkaed: professional music? Findingdory: he high Sannkaed: nshuh Kvc: i mean genre = similar to video games Findingdory: dont listen to him Sannkaed: SHUSH Findingdory: NO Kvc: but recently ive been making full songs Kvc: with lyrics Sannkaed: fr? Sannkaed: W Kvc: none released yet Sannkaed: same here Sannkaed: im signed to sumerian records Kvc: well actually there is one out but its not original Sannkaed: and i work as a songwriter/singer Kvc: Sannkaed: Sannkaed: fuck Sannkaed: Findingdory: * sits in a corner* Sannkaed: thats all ive "released this far" Sannkaed: *goes to carman* Findingdory: i dont feel good Sannkaed: :(( Sannkaed: im rly s oryy :(((((((((( Findingdory: mt head hurts Findingdory: my* Kvc: im making a song right now and all i have to do now is sing the lyrics and its about the concept of time being an absolute ass Dtrump: You aint signed to sumerian lol. Sannkaed: Sannkaed: for one Keigo: help Sannkaed: and u always just on my dick man Sannkaed: hop off lil mf Findingdory: why? Sannkaed: with? Keigo: i could be on ur dick sandie Findingdory: oop Sannkaed: i- Sannkaed: NATE!!!! Dtrump: You have to be 18 to sign to a record label. Findingdory: WHERE Keigo: h so scared Sannkaed: h Findingdory: WHERE IS NATE? Keigo: hes not here Findingdory: dammit -_- Sannkaed: am i not good enuff doryy??? Keigo: what do u want with MY bf girly Sannkaed: FR. Sannkaed: *scoffs* Sannkaed: you tell her! Findingdory: NOOO, YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH Dtrump: That wiki article shows someone edited your name in. Sannkaed: *sips venti starbucks iced coffee or sum shit* Findingdory: i wanyt a sip Findingdory: want* Keigo: GIRL WHAT DO U WANT WITH MY BF Sannkaed: fr Findingdory: NOTHING Sannkaed: *gives coffee* (anon): For one, of you're really 16, you're too young to be signed to a record label. For two, anyone can edit Wikipedia (even if it is monitored), and it's very easy for me to see that it was edited. Dtrump: yep Jug_addict: im gonna skullfuck an orphan Findingdory: hi jug, lol Findingdory: * drinks coffie* yum Findingdory: coffee* (anon): coffee* (anon): So. Are you lying about your age, are you lying about "your" music, or are you lying about everything? Sann. Don't be a pussy. Answer us. Sannkaed: you can sign an NDA and a couple other documents in order to have a Prelim Manager that oversees the mgmt and production. Sannkaed: example Sannkaed: take billie eilish for example Sannkaed: she signed her first record deal at 15 Sannkaed: miley cyrus at 13 Dtrump: Thats different dipshit. Sannkaed: lil mabu signed at 17 Sannkaed: and countless others Sannkaed: lmao Findingdory: SANN Sannkaed: *gets dory another coffee* Sannkaed: WHATTT Dtrump: Well I am reporting you to sumerians team then. (anon): That's a great idea. I'm going to contact them too. Kvc: music Sannkaed: WHAT DORY Dtrump: They can sue you for faking there wiki artile. Dtrump: article. 22:35:38Thursday, September 14, 2023 Sannkaed: :( Sannkaed: ded chatttt Dtrump: Dtrump: proof of you editing the wiki page Keigo: rawr Findingdory: hiii Keigo: hey queen!!!!!!!!!!!! Findingdory: heyyyyy Keigo: hru Findingdory: sad Keigo: efrl;;p;;;po;l';p[ Keigo: 'fr Findingdory: i miss nate 23:02:12Thursday, September 14, 2023 (anon): Trumppppp (anon): Can I tell you something? Dtrump: whats up? (anon): Trump baby answer me :( Dtrump: im here Vulpix_axel: ... (anon): I love you <3 Vulpix_axel: Huh? Dtrump: Love you too anon. (anon): ? Dtrump: Previous anon I mean. (anon): ah ok, I believe he left though Dtrump: whose he (anon): I’m just assuming the other anon is a guy sense there are more men then women on here Vulpix_axel: What am I- Dtrump: Oh then I am gay if that anon was a due. (anon): Rump, will you be the homie i kiss goodnight? (anon): I may be wrong though, you will have to ask them Botherclient: loll Dtrump: I dont go that way sorry. (anon): damn, I tried Djshrimpdick: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Vulpix_axel: 1234567890 Djshrimpdick: 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 Vulpix_axel: ... Djshrimpdick: ... Norma42: axel i got grounded Keigo: l Keigo: L Vulpix_axel: How? Norma42: i went to sophias and i was supposed too Vulpix_axel: Wait what. 23:28:45Thursday, September 14, 2023 Djshrimpdick: W Norma42: it aint even a big deal Vulpix_axel: Fr. Norma42: like and now im grounded till i dont even know when and now i cant go to my best friends hallowween party Vulpix_axel: Oh lord no- Norma42: fr Allcapsking: HOLY FUCK Djshrimpdick: HOLY ASS Allcapsking: HOLY ASS FUCK Djshrimpdick: HOLY FUCK ASS Allcapsking: FUCKASS FUCKING THE ASS OF ANOTHER FUCKASS Allcapsking: ENDLESS CHAIN OF ASSFUCKING FUCKASSES Djshrimpdick: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Allcapsking: IT'S SODOMY ALL THE WAY DOWN Djshrimpdick: NOOOOOOOOOOO Vulpix_axel: Shush. Allcapsking: JUST HUGE THROBBING COCKS ENDLESSLY PLUNGING AND RETRACTING FROM BLEEDING RAW ANUSES Djshrimpdick: ok that ones just gross Allcapsking: SORRY Allcapsking: THAT WAS FUCKED UP Vulpix_axel: Shut up the caps are giving me a headache. Allcapsking: ME TOO MY KEYBOARD IS OLD AND THE KEY BROKE Djshrimpdick: sry :( Allcapsking: BUT I AM ALSO YELLING BECAUSE I YELL ALL THE TIME IRL Allcapsking: I WAS IN THE ARMY, ARTILLERYMAN Vulpix_axel: .... Allcapsking: DONT HEAR SO GOOD NO MORE Findingdory: hiiiii Allcapsking: AND EVERYONE KNOWS THAT THE ARTILLERY IS THE PART OF THE ARMY THAT IS FULL OF SODOMITES Allcapsking: SAVAGELY PENETRATING EACH OTHER'S TENDER RECTAL MEMBRANES WITH LUSTY THRUSTING MEATSWORDS Findingdory: HIIIII Allcapsking: SORRY SORRRY I DID IT AGAIN SORRY Findingdory: can someone say hi back :) Findingdory: :(* Djshrimpdick: bye Djshrimpdick: jk Djshrimpdick: hi Djshrimpdick: XD Allcapsking: HAHAHAHAHA U FUNNY GUY Allcapsking: JK YOU BASIC AF Djshrimpdick: ... Allcapsking: YOU'RE LIKE IF THE GAP WAS A PERSON Allcapsking: BASIC AS FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK Allcapsking: JK YER AIGHT (anon): who Allcapsking: DJSHITDICK OR WHATEVER HIS NAME IS Allcapsking: ...EW Djshrimpdick: ... Allcapsking: THAT DUDE HAS A DIRTY DICK Djshrimpdick: balls Vulpix_axel: What? Allcapsking: BUT MY DICK IS PRETTY FILTHY TOO I SHOULDN'T JUDGE Dtrump: axel has one too Allcapsking: THE 3 DIRTY DICKATEERS (anon): RUMP Allcapsking: LET'S GO INFECT A SMALL TOWN Vulpix_axel: BRO I DON'T GOTTA COCK! (anon): KISS ME MF Allcapsking: LET'S DOCK DICKS Vulpix_axel: I have a very small pussy. Allcapsking: I HAVE A HUGE DICK I'LL HOLLOW YOU OUT Dtrump: i started this kill me Allcapsking: MAKE IT SO A MAN CAN OPEN A FIST IN YOU Djshrimpdick: ... Vulpix_axel: Erm.. Djshrimpdick: im scared Dtrump: just ignore this dude Vulpix_axel: I think I'll keep my small pussy- Allcapsking: PROBABLY WISE Allcapsking: LIKE MY PAPPY USED TO SAY Allcapsking: IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE SODOMIZED BY MANIACS THEN DONT HANG AROUND MANIAC SODOMITES Allcapsking: ....WISE DUDE Allcapsking: KNOW HOW MANY MANIACS HE GOT SODOMIZED BY? Allcapsking: ONLY TWO. THAT'S A MAN RIGHT THERE. Djshrimpdick: ... Vulpix_axel: Uhh... Allcapsking: WHAT Findingdory: hi ya'll Allcapsking: HE DIDNT KISS EM OR NOTHING Djshrimpdick: qwdf Djshrimpdick: bvd Allcapsking: JUST TOOK IT LIKE A MAN TAKES.....THAT SORT OF THING Vulpix_axel: Ok then.. Djshrimpdick: bros def high Keigo: hi cam Keigo: carm Findingdory: hiiiii Allcapsking: WHAT OK MAYBE HE LIKED IT A LIL BUT THAT DONT MAKE HIM QUEER Vulpix_axel: ... Allcapsking: ALTHOUGH HE SURE DID LIKE MUSICAL THEATER Allcapsking: AND HE VOTED DEMOCRAT Vulpix_axel: Gay as hell.. Allcapsking: .......WAS I IN DENIAL THIS WHOLE TIME? Djshrimpdick: yes Allcapsking: IT SEEMS OBVIOUS NOW Allcapsking: SO....HOW DO I HANDLE THAT AS HIS SON? Findingdory: im bored Allcapsking: DO I....SHIT ON HIS GRAVE AND CALL HIM A DEAD FAGGOT? Vulpix_axel: Go fuck his ass. Allcapsking: SEEMS TOO OBVIOUS Allcapsking: OOOHHH LITERALLY DIG HIM UP AND SODOMIZE HIM!!! Allcapsking: THAT'S A SOLID IDEA Findingdory: NO Findingdory: FUCK OFF AXEL Vulpix_axel: ... Vulpix_axel: Come again...? Djshrimpdick: .... Allcapsking: AXEL IS RIGHT I MUST EXHUME MY DEAD QUEER FATHER AND FUCK HIM Allcapsking: FOR......REASONS Findingdory: oh shit Findingdory: IM SORRY Vulpix_axel: Better be.. 23:55:19Thursday, September 14, 2023 Allcapsking: AXEL YOU MAY HAVE SAVED MY SANITY Vulpix_axel: Yippee!! Allcapsking: I WILL CRY OUT YOUR NAME WHEN I CLIMAX INSIDE THE ASSHOLE OF MY DEAD AND DECAYING FAGGOT FATHER Djshrimpdick: shes a very good therapist Allcapsking: I DEDICATE THIS GRAVE ROBBERY AND DESCRATION TO YOU, AXEL (anon): get fucked loser Vulpix_axel: Ah yes thank you. Allcapsking: OK I AM OFF I NEED TO FIND A SHOVEL AND TAKE OFF MY PANTS Vulpix_axel: The shovel is in the shed. Vulpix_axel: Or in the hallway. Allcapsking: GOTTA GOOGLE STREET VIEW THE CEMETARY Djshrimpdick: the pants are on your legs Allcapsking: WHERE I AM GOING I WON'T NEED PANTS Allcapsking: I AM ON A MISSION TO RAPE MY DEAD FATHER Vulpix_axel: ... Oofalladeez: .... Djshrimpdick: hi nate Allcapsking: ELIPSES INDEED Oofalladeez: Im just checking in at work and I see that shit XD Vulpix_axel: I'm being a great therapist. Allcapsking: AXEL HAS HELPED ME NAVIGATE A DIFFICULT FAMILY SITUATION AND I AM FOREVER GRATEFUL Djshrimpdick: your sister is telling someone to dig up their dead fathers grave and have sex with the body Findingdory: gulp Findingdory: gulp Djshrimpdick: whatchu slurpin down? Oofalladeez: AXEL?! Allcapsking: SHE IS SO WISE Vulpix_axel: You cant spell therapist without the rapist. Oofalladeez: EHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU Djshrimpdick: NATE SAVE ME IM SCARED Vulpix_axel: I'm being a good little human. Vulpix_axel: I satan's little girl. Djshrimpdick: Nate Djshrimpdick: should I shave my head bald? Vulpix_axel: NO! PLEASE NO! Djshrimpdick: why Oofalladeez: Nah you should shave a crucifix in there for your girl XD Djshrimpdick: XD Vulpix_axel: I will actually cry if you did. Djshrimpdick: too late ive alreadyy been possessed by her Keigo: OH DONT GET EATEN BY A SHARK Djshrimpdick: Kei, im going bald Keigo: L bozo (anon): L Djshrimpdick: nvm axel says no Vulpix_axel: .... Vulpix_axel: Playing with hair is life... Djshrimpdick: FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT THAT Findingdory: im boredddd Djshrimpdick: hi bored im dj Findingdory: stfu Djshrimpdick: make me Vulpix_axel: *kisses Pey* Sh. Findingdory: ...... Findingdory: ok then... Djshrimpdick: *kisses* but she stared it :( Vulpix_axel: Soph shut it. Findingdory: no Vulpix_axel: .... Findingdory: * runs away* Vulpix_axel: Wanna say no again..? Findingdory: NO Findingdory: * kills self* Vulpix_axel: *revives Soph and puts a hand on her shoulder* Djshrimpdick: ./kill @a Findingdory: what? Djshrimpdick: damn mc commands dont work Vulpix_axel: Say.. No one more god damn time... Findingdory: * tries to get up* Vulpix_axel: *grabs Sophs shoulder tighter* Dtrump: tf Findingdory: NO BAD WORDS Djshrimpdick: ASS Djshrimpdick: SHIT Dtrump: cunt Djshrimpdick: FUCK Djshrimpdick: BITCH Findingdory: MY MOM IS COMING ON Vulpix_axel: MY PUSSY TIGHT! Findingdory: SHUSH IT Djshrimpdick: deadass? Djshrimpdick: XD Vulpix_axel: MAKE ME! Findingdory: deadass Keigo: i can calll if u can Djshrimpdick: cant, too busy looking at axel Vulpix_axel: ME! Vulpix_axel: t Djshrimpdick: nooooo, the other 53 axels Vulpix_axel: Hehe. Djshrimpdick: its not like you cant see me staring Djshrimpdick: dead chat Vulpix_axel: Yo mamaaaa. Djshrimpdick: my mommyyyyyy Djshrimpdick: is you Djshrimpdick: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe Vulpix_axel: Ah~ Daddy~~! 00:21:52Friday, September 15, 2023 Djshrimpdick: papapapapapapappapapapapappapapapapapapappapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapap Keigo: SANDIE Sannkaed: BROO Sannkaed: I JUST GOT ON Sannkaed: U STALKIN MEEEE Keigo: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Djshrimpdick: XD Sannkaed: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Keigo: NAH U ON MY FL Sannkaed: WHAT YALL DOIN ??? Sannkaed: OHHH OKIE Keigo: bein alone Sannkaed: :(( Sannkaed: can u call? Keigo: yes Sannkaed: in fact everyone who can, can teehee Findingdory: he is still high Findingdory: isn't he? Keigo: prolly Sannkaed: im sobering up Sannkaed: maybe Sannkaed: idk Findingdory: knew it, lmao Djshrimpdick: i have small eyes TwT Sannkaed: asian Djshrimpdick: im not tho Keigo: I'm asian sandie Sannkaed: Sannkaed: cute Sannkaed: WHA Dtrump: kfc Findingdory: she can kill her self Keigo: ur right i can Sannkaed: HUH Sannkaed: WHAT Djshrimpdick: ? Findingdory: NOT YOU KEI Findingdory: I MENT CAM Sannkaed: JEEPERS Sannkaed: ZOINKS Sannkaed: JINKIES Dtrump: You need help jfc. Findingdory: shush it, lmao Keigo: aight back ti homework Sannkaed: yes ma'am. Keigo: bruh my mom said she buys rizz Djshrimpdick: imagine doing homework at home Djshrimpdick: L Sannkaed: if anyone wanna call lmk or if you can imma jus stay in the call and "chill" Findingdory: alr Findingdory: my head hurts :( Norma42: same and i think u got me sick Sannkaed: i wanna kiss yall. Sannkaed: hug yall. Findingdory: brb...gotta get in a shower Sannkaed: and make yall feel better Findingdory: i love ya'll Dtrump: I am sick now from hearing that. Norma42: pls i am like soooo sick rn and love yall to Djshrimpdick: im bored and axel isnt talking to me Norma42: awwww that sucks Djshrimpdick: shes too busy fixing a necklace that she broke Norma42: damn Norma42: i hope she fixes it Djshrimpdick: TwT Keigo: san make another call Norma42: u want me to make one????or nah Keigo: who are you again saoory Sannkaed: same link Sannkaed: Keigo: im bad with name Vulpix_axel: She's my friend on my bus. Sannkaed: rosa parks be like Vulpix_axel: Kmaoo Vulpix_axel: Lmao* Vulpix_axel: KKK Vulpix_axel: .. Vulpix_axel: . Vulpix_axel: . Vulpix_axel: . Vulpix_axel: . Vulpix_axel: . Vulpix_axel: . Vulpix_axel: . Vulpix_axel: . Vulpix_axel: . Vulpix_axel: KKK Vulpix_axel: k Vulpix_axel: k Vulpix_axel: l Vulpix_axel: l Vulpix_axel: ll Vulpix_axel: l Vulpix_axel: ll Vulpix_axel: l Vulpix_axel: l Vulpix_axel: l Keigo: who can call Keigo: axel can u Oofalladeez: . Keigo: nate can u calll Norma42: i can Oofalladeez: No... Keigo: whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Sannkaed: im back Keigo: wb hoe Sannkaed: dog nearly killed me Keigo: L bozo Sannkaed: imma kill u Keigo: please do Sannkaed: damn... Keigo: .... Sannkaed: in call Sannkaed: with paul Sannkaed: and saul Sannkaed: and jama Sannkaed: jamal Sannkaed: we all fall Sannkaed: in the mall Oofalladeez: ... 00:48:26Friday, September 15, 2023 Keigo: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Sannkaed: natey watey my ol matey Oofalladeez: HI Keigo: WHY CAN"T U CALL Sannkaed: ouch. Sannkaed: imma cry Keigo: ok Keigo: mood Keigo: fr Findingdory: bckkk Sannkaed: zHIIIIIII Findingdory: HIIIIIIIII Sannkaed: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi Findingdory: SANN IS MY NEW FAV PERSON Sannkaed: LETS GOOOOOOOO Findingdory: :))))) Sannkaed: AHHDUEHDEUHDEUHUEHEEH Dtrump: all of you are deplorable Ring: Adhd Findingdory: SANN IS MY NEW SECOND FAV PERSON Ring: 😱 Findingdory: stfu ring Sannkaed: OH:( Ring: Cool no one cares Findingdory: nate is my first Sannkaed: WOW Findingdory: yea, ik that Ring: Mhm cool Findingdory: * flips ring off* Ring: *does not give a shit* Ring: Lol Findingdory: lol Ring: Honestly, this site is boring as hell Ring: 😔 Findingdory: and your boring as hell :l Sannkaed: L Sannkaed: ratio Findingdory: lol Ring: Wow I care so much about what you think Ring: 😱 Ring: I’m so hurt Findingdory: dam...ring changed Findingdory: WHERE IS MY RING Ring: Yeah no shit Findingdory: WHERE IS THE BOY I USED TO KNOW Ring: Idk who tf you are Ring: 💀 Findingdory: its your ex Ring: Dumb ass Findingdory: bitch Sannkaed: oh my Ring: Which one? Sannkaed: drama! Findingdory: guess Ring: Hmmm Ring: Na Findingdory: .. Findingdory: then im not telling ya Ring: All I know is that you a bitch Findingdory: AND U A BITCH Ring: That’s all that matters Ring: Well no shit Findingdory: what happened to the REAL ring Ring: 😱 Findingdory: he was so sweet Ring: This is the REAL me Findingdory: no shit Ring: Mhm Findingdory: SANNNNNN Findingdory: I WANT COFFEE :) Ring: Me being sweet is just a mask dumbass Findingdory: any good places? Ring: 😩 Norma42: dory Sannkaed: sheetz. Findingdory: ohhhh Ring: Mhm Sannkaed: sheetz. Sannkaed: you need sheetz. Findingdory: SO WHEN WE WERE DATING YOU HATED ME Ring: Ah ash? Findingdory: nope Norma42: IS THAT WHO U WERE TALKING ABT Ring: No? Ring: Hm?? Findingdory: the one you choose over ash Keigo: dory can u call Findingdory: NO Keigo: RING Ring: Oh hi may Findingdory: IM NOT MAY Sannkaed: poopoo Findingdory: IM CARMAN Findingdory: DUMBASS Findingdory: NORMAAAAA Dtrump: ill fucking mute all of you off this site stfu Keigo: RING Findingdory: fine Keigo: left bruh Norma42: yes\ Findingdory: im bored Sannkaed: same Sannkaed: kiki isnt doing much Sannkaed: boutta poke her w a stick Findingdory: lol Findingdory: imma send some music Findingdory: IM Findingdory: BORED Djshrimpdick: hi bored Djshrimpdick: im dj Ring: I’m ring Ring: 😱 Ring: That’s so crazy ik Keigo: Keigo: join hoes Ring: No bitch Ring: Stfu Keigo: please bestie Ring: No Keigo: please Findingdory: im not joining Findingdory: ever again Keigo: why Findingdory: bc Ring: Na, you did t have my side when ash was telling everyone so na I’m not joining Dtrump: Everyone hates you now ring its crazy. Keigo: thats because i didn't know both sides of the story dumbass hoe Ring: Wow trump I totally care 01:14:59Friday, September 15, 2023 Ring: 😱 Dtrump: You care enough to come back and bitch to everyone. Sannkaed: trump stfu for once Ring: Na I’m checking on here to see which dumbasses are on Ring: 😱 (anon): You are going to take that Sann. Ring: Not san Ring: They did nothing wrong Ring: :3 Vulpix_axel: =3 Ring: Hi axel Vulpix_axel: Hii Ring: Hruv Ring: Hru?* (anon): Sann said rings a bitch a minute ago. Ring: 😱 Ring: Omg I care so much Findingdory: ring is a bitch tho Sannkaed: if trump sayin sum shi again im gonna go off Keigo: wow i see you go from caring bout someone to being a bitch ring your kinda like rin Ring: Oki Dtrump: Sann I am not even talking to you lol. Ring: No shit man Ring: 😱 Ring: Yeah I’m kinda like Rin because I realized that I don’t have to act nice to people I don’t like Ring: 😱 Keigo: omg i didn't ask Dtrump: You dont know rin lol. Findingdory: what would axel say abt this? Ring: She wouldn’t care and if she did then she do as she does Ring: I’m not stopping Axel because she actually cares about me Ring: 😊 Ring: 😱 Ring: Wow Keigo: yet i can't believe i did once Vulpix_axel: Yep. Ring: Omg Leo I care so much Ring: Kei* Ring: 😱 Djshrimpdick: balls Ring: Shot down Ring: 😊 Keigo: omg i dont care stryker Dtrump: stupid ass name lol Ring: Omg you know my name so cool Ring: 😱 Keigo: omg who cares stryker Ring: Mhm ikr Ring: Not you obviously Ring: Nor me Keigo: fr Dtrump: How do we resolve this issue? Ring: Idk and idc Ring: You guys are borin asf Dtrump: But you are still here. Ring: Bye cock suckers :3 Ring: Wow I’m gonna leave shithead 😱 Keigo: idc Djshrimpdick: damn guys, ive been demoted from Pey to Man (anon): nice (anon): I would genuinely like Sann if he wasn't such a fucking liar. (anon): And he's too much of a pussy to admit it. Findingdory: can you shush it 01:41:32Friday, September 15, 2023 (anon): Make me bitch. you're a twelve year old pick me that just wants attention Findingdory: i ain't twelve (anon): Yes you are. Findingdory: no i'm not Findingdory: im going to bed Vulpix_axel: SOph.. Djshrimpdick: bedtime Vulpix_axel: You are 12- (anon): Axel. Thank youm (anon): *. Djshrimpdick: its her bedtime Vulpix_axel: Soph I know you Irl.. Keigo: axel wanna call (anon): Keigo. Can I ask you something Keigo: kei* Keigo: and sure (anon): Why do you like Sann when all heroes is lie? (anon): *he does Roy_foxgirl: oh (anon): Hey Roy <3 Keigo: hes a good friend Roy_foxgirl: who are you? Keigo: and unlike most people he treats me right (anon): Because he's horny. He's desperate. You at most mean very little to him. (anon): You are just as bad as him if you support him. Keigo: see this is why hate most poeple they tell me who i can and can not be friends with (anon): Also, Roy, my name isn't important, you can call me daddy Roy_foxgirl: ok? Keigo: people* (anon): Keigo. You don't seem to understand. You surround yourself with terrible people because you are also desperate. Keigo: no I surround myself with some of the people that care about me unlike you Roy_foxgirl: *spins* (anon): You surround yourself with people that give you attention. You don't pick and choose. You are desperate for meaningful relationships but you can't even find tbose. (anon): *those Roy_foxgirl: oh Roy_foxgirl: *hugs axel* (anon): And now you have nothing to say. Right, Keigo? Keigo: its kei you dont see me messing up on peoples names at least show some respect to my name (anon): Your name is literally Keigo. It says it. Right there. ? Keigo: yes it is but everyone calls me kei or kiki you cold atleast call me kei (anon): You're just another dyke in the sea of attention whores. It matters not. Keigo: you know your right (anon): I'm sorry, perhaps I'm being too harsh. My apologies, Kiki. (anon): . (anon): Kiki, may I ask you something? 02:08:05Friday, September 15, 2023 Keigo: ig you can Keigo: ask if your going to (anon): Do you understand that some people in this world want nothing more than to benefit themselves? He doesn't care about you. He wants attention. Care. Something everyone here gives him. You are smarter than this. And far too pure for him. Keigo: you know idc i've stopped caring a long time ago (anon): Anon is right... Keigo: anything else you want to ask (anon): He will drop you the moment you cease to be valuable Keigo: you know im used to that (anon): I know. Just think about it. (anon): okay bye bye, it's nice being back on here. bye Kei! (anon): You have to realize, Kiki. There is only one thing he wants from you. No matter. I will stop trying to convince you when its clear you've made up your mind. Goodnight Kiki, I must go. Stay safe. I hope to talk again soon. 02:34:39Friday, September 15, 2023 Keigo: ... Keigo: .......................... Keigo: ima go for the night Djshrimpdick: byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 03:01:13Friday, September 15, 2023 03:27:46Friday, September 15, 2023 Ishipwillowandhunter: :( 03:54:20Friday, September 15, 2023 Oofalladeez: FUCK she didn't stay.... Dtrump: who? Oofalladeez: Kiki... Dtrump: oh okay 04:20:53Friday, September 15, 2023 04:47:26Friday, September 15, 2023 05:13:57Friday, September 15, 2023 05:40:31Friday, September 15, 2023 06:07:04Friday, September 15, 2023 06:33:37Friday, September 15, 2023 07:00:11Friday, September 15, 2023 Inasg_no: hey Hello91: TAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYy Wetlike: He-He-Heee-heee-heeee-heeeeey Mister Sitas- Sitas- SItas- sitas-sitas Hello91: YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Inasg_no: hey this my color :c Inasg_no: hii Wetlike: I am colorblind Hello91: wait why did it change what Wetlike: so racism is wrong Hello91: nah i didn't change my color wtf Hello91: i still had it on this one Wetlike: on my di Hello91: stfu nigger Inasg_no: language Wetlike: UwU Jew Wetlike: English (United States) Hello91: I'll call him a nigger if i want Wetlike: exactly Dtrump: Wtf Wetlike: dont infringe his freedom of speech to bully me Ishipwillowandhunter: TAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Wetlike: daddy Hello91: you don't get to give me commands. i'm supposed to be your master not the other way around Oofalladeez: TAY Wetlike: No I am giving your commands to everyone else Ishipwillowandhunter: Who's wetlike? Dtrump: A retard. Wetlike: John Michom Wetlike: I am in BOston and work at McDonalds Wetlike: $ 5 per hour for simple activities such as cleaning. Pah. Inasg_no: NATE Inasg_no: hey michy <3 i missed you Inasg_no: Also Nate language Wetlike: Cards Against the Obviously Immoral Joke principle Wetlike: hey miiiiiiich ;) Ishipwillowandhunter: Hiiiiiii <333 I missed you more Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey whoever youare Wetlike: thx you too brother Ishipwillowandhunter: *daddy Wetlike: It isnt the same without Ishipwillowandhunter Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes it is, I don't add or take away anything from this place. I simply exist with no meaning Inasg_no: no I missed you more :( MICH IS MINE BACK THE ACTUAL FUCK OFF Wetlike: and thats meaningful Inasg_no: you have meaning to me :( Wetlike: Were all one community Wetlike: and no one will leave behind Inasg_no: Ishipwillowandhunter: You give me meaning. And a boner. I missed you more :c Wetlike: Private ownership is an illusion Inasg_no: aww Ishipwillowandhunter: I. Am. Tay's. Inasg_no: hehehehe good boy Wetlike: We must unite against the elites who divides us Ishipwillowandhunter: Thank you mommy uwu Inasg_no: you're welcome daddy :) Wetlike: wheres mom? Inasg_no: mommy* I'm here Wetlike: Always has been mom* Inasg_no: no mommy* Wetlike: WOah dont curse in whisper like that. YOu won Ishipwillowandhunter: She whispered you? Wetlike: Well, it was Mommy45 Ishipwillowandhunter: Tay is mommy Dtrump: oh thats tays alt Inasg_no: I haven't whispered Ishipwillowandhunter: No, there's no such player Inasg_no: that's not my alt Wetlike: Ishipwillowandhunter X Inasg_no Inasg_no: I don't have any acc saying mommy Inasg_no: YES Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes. Inasg_no: I AGREE Ishipwillowandhunter: Wetlike is smart, good boy Inasg_no: heheh Wetlike: hows your childs name? Ishipwillowandhunter: I haven't decided, my wife is only 5 months pregnant. I was thinking Hazel or Winton Wetlike: Winton Wetlike: What is a Hazel? Ishipwillowandhunter: Winton. Ishipwillowandhunter: Hazel is a color Inasg_no: who's your wife Wetlike: sounds like a swedish chocolate Wetlike: Well, he has many options and is free Ishipwillowandhunter: Hmmmmm her name starts with an A Inasg_no: must be my evil twin Wetlike: Is it me or does the name Hazel looks wrong? Imagine having the letter z in your name Oofalladeez: Where kiki? Ishipwillowandhunter: kiki do you love me Inasg_no: HEY Ishipwillowandhunter: forgot the rest of the song Ishipwillowandhunter: ITS A SONG Inasg_no: :c Wetlike: and an -l Wetlike: in the end of name Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm sory :c Inasg_no: do i get to punish you now? :) Wetlike: No. This isnt american at all Ishipwillowandhunter: Yes mommy Inasg_no: hehehehehe Inasg_no: egdyjsbe I was moody as fuck when I came on here but you got me giggling like a little bitch already:) Wetlike: "Taylor, who was raped in college, is uncomfortable with hearing jokes about her suffering, and she knows that Cards has jokes about rape and sexual abuse." L Taylor Ishipwillowandhunter: Wetlike. Shut your fucking mouth. Oofalladeez: Inasg_no: ... Wetlike: "So, she does not want to play the game. She considers her options: she got a ride to John’s house, so she can’t leave on her own, unless she wants to walk for an hour on the side of the road. " Oofalladeez: Dtrump: I am confused. Ishipwillowandhunter: Stay confused, you don't need to know. Dtrump: why did you dm me that Wetlike: bc you were confused Dtrump: I put two and two together. Oofalladeez: I WANT KIKI! Wetlike: Good luck. I am still confused, but lesser Dtrump: Rape jokes usually dont go well here. Wetlike: I think it goes beyond rape Wetlike: And its Cards Against Humanity Wetlike: its just a bunch of words Wetlike: I have to go Oofalladeez: I WANT MY KIKI Oofalladeez: *throws desk* Ishipwillowandhunter: *throws live baby over bridge* ta Inasg_no: Kiki isn't here Oofalladeez: SHE SAID SHE WOULD BE HERE 07:26:44Friday, September 15, 2023 Inasg_no: don't give me that attitude thank yoh Inasg_no: You* Ishipwillowandhunter: Be nice to Tay, she did nothing Oofalladeez: *picks tay up* I WANT KIKI Ishipwillowandhunter: HEY Ishipwillowandhunter: Put her down -.- Anonymous: Sex Dtrump: is Anonymous: great Anonymous: like my dick Dtrump: you ruined it Anonymous: how would it be perfect? Dtrump: oh your dick Anonymous: my dick? Dtrump: his dick? Anonymous: someone post this convo out of context Anonymous: This will look gay to us Anonymous: nah I am not engaging in this crap Ishipwillowandhunter: messy ass desktop cant do shit Ishipwillowandhunter: you can catch me on the blacktop lanes I split Anonymous: Children+ Inasg_no: Oofalladeez: jus go with it Oofalladeez: *picks tay up* I WANT KIKI Inasg_no: nuh:( I'm michs Anonymous: Oofalladeez is wisdom Oofalladeez: i am wisdom? Anonymous: Wise Ishipwillowandhunter: Ishipwillowandhunter: HEY Ishipwillowandhunter: put her down -.- Anonymous: Do you use all of your opportunities your life has given to you? Yeet2: ya'll still here? Oofalladeez: i guess? Inasg_no: no Dtrump: im here in spirit 07:53:18Friday, September 15, 2023 (anon):' 08:19:51Friday, September 15, 2023 Anonymous: indeed Anonymous: #SexGang Oofalladeez: where tf is kiki? Anonymous: faps 08:46:24Friday, September 15, 2023 Macintosh: 4 A x/:0.5 100 -> 8 V x/:2 4 Macintosh: 50 I = I 4 I<-× or /(1/2)->I ΛV 100 I = I 8 I<- × or /2 -> I VΛ 50 I = I 4 Dtrump: math (anon): Hlelp 09:12:58Friday, September 15, 2023 Yeet2: where Macintosh: 50 I = I 4 I ΛIV I = ÷(1÷2)-> I ΛIV I<-×0.5 100 I = I 8 I VIΛ I = ÷2 -> I VIΛ I <-×2 50 I = I 4 I Dtrump: gay Yeet2: Every lobby is private bruh Dtrump: Go outside then. Yeet2: I'm stuck in class Yeet2: how tf should I go outside Dtrump: Oh high school. Macintosh: 50 I = I 4 I ΛIV I = ×(1÷2)-> I ΛIV I<-÷0.5 100 I = I 8 I VIΛ I = ÷2 -> I VIΛ I <-×2 50 I = I 4 I Yeet2: Med school Dtrump: med school on this site nah Macintosh: We need psychological help Macintosh: But everything from our brains manifests in biology so why not Dtrump: I have an idea. Yeet2: What kind of idea? Dtrump: oh you are different people Macintosh: Dtrump: I do not speak german. Macintosh: Dtrump: i hate ikea so gay Macintosh: The Server Fund 14. Ohyesdaddy 51 Macintosh: I just realized theres no currency in Server Fund. Still, its the dollar 09:39:31Friday, September 15, 2023 (anon): i am andrew tate Macintosh: HI. I am dad (anon): bill gates? 10:06:04Friday, September 15, 2023 10:32:37Friday, September 15, 2023 Macintosh: Non of A. 10:59:11Friday, September 15, 2023 Bereft_oi: yo gm Bereft_oi: wsg Bereft_oi: ik yall love me but dont answer all at once Jiggaboo: nigga who are you Jiggaboo: go kys Bereft_oi: shut up darkskin Bereft_oi: right back on my meat as usual Bereft_oi: stupid monkey Jiggaboo: thats racist Jiggaboo: all whites are racist, i knew it Bereft_oi: white ppl are superior Bereft_oi: everyone knows that Bereft_oi: maybe you just gotta stop acting like a victim all of the time, then we wont hate you niggers Jiggaboo: i am a victim dumb white trash Jiggaboo: ur not superior, we have bigger dicks and bigger brains Bereft_oi: nah bro, you sag at school like you gangster Bereft_oi: we are down the street from a charter school and a block away from a gated community Bereft_oi: ur not fooling anybody Bereft_oi: plus everybody knows my dick is much bigger than urs Jiggaboo: KYS Jiggaboo: KYS Jiggaboo: KYS Jiggaboo: KYS Jiggaboo: KYS Jiggaboo: KYS Jiggaboo: KYS Jiggaboo: KYS Jiggaboo: KYS Jiggaboo: KYS Jiggaboo: KYS Jiggaboo: KYS Jiggaboo: KYS Jiggaboo: KYS Yeet2: In the end we all have bigger dicks than the asians 11:25:45Friday, September 15, 2023 Vulpix_axel: Rawr. Error_ej: there are kids in my homeroom rn talking about a gangbang that got ppl suspended Error_ej: high school is weird Vulpix_axel: Lmaoooo! Vulpix_axel: IN OUR SCHOOL?!? Error_ej: YES Vulpix_axel: LMAO! Error_ej: APPARENTLY TEACHER SAW THEM TALKING ABOUT A GANGBANG IN A GC AND PPL ARE GETTING OSS Vulpix_axel: It was Brian. Sannkaed: fuckin brian. Error_ej: damn Vulpix_axel: It wasn't actually I'm just saying it was. Error_ej: lol Error_ej: one kid whos supposed to be out snuck in Findingdory: gm ig.. Vulpix_axel: LMAO FR?!?! Vulpix_axel: WHO?!?! Error_ej: FR FR Vulpix_axel: WHO?? Error_ej: IDK Sannkaed: meow uwu *cums* Error_ej: hes in my class tho Vulpix_axel: Lmao. Error_ej: its awesom Vulpix_axel: Frr. Error_ej: gtg Vulpix_axel: Ok/ Findingdory: im tired and sad Findingdory: :> Findingdory: and ring is a bitch Vulpix_axel: Why? Findingdory: he was saying mean shit Vulpix_axel: Oof. Findingdory: :> Findingdory: dont even say nates name Findingdory: i am pissed at him Vulpix_axel: For? Findingdory: he is a bitch Vulpix_axel: Shut up. Findingdory: no Vulpix_axel: Never say that again. Findingdory: no Findingdory: *runs away* Cinderthecatboy: murder time? Findingdory: can we kill nate? Vulpix_axel: That's my brother you're talking about, never say that again. Findingdory: noo Findingdory: he is a bitch Vulpix_axel: How? Cinderthecatboy: sorry but nate is my brother in arms Findingdory: * flips them both off* Vulpix_axel: Tell me how Soph. Vulpix_axel: How. Findingdory: gtg Vulpix_axel: No no. Vulpix_axel: Tell me. 11:52:18Friday, September 15, 2023 Toxic_fox: my a key is messed up Toxic_fox: ffs Findingdory: bck Vulpix_axel: Tell me Soph. Vulpix_axel: How. Findingdory: he lied to me Findingdory: MULTIPLE times Vulpix_axel: What'd he say hm? Findingdory: why do i have to tell you? Vulpix_axel: Cause I know what happened. Findingdory: then i dont have to i? Vulpix_axel: No no I wanna hear your side, before I choose if I wanna hurt you.. Findingdory: you already know you want to hurt me Findingdory: no matter what side you hear Vulpix_axel: Soph I said tell me. Findingdory: why should i? Findingdory: he hurt me already Vulpix_axel: Aww.. Vulpix_axel: He hurt you? Findingdory: its not like you will hurt me Vulpix_axel: Oh go cry about it. Vulpix_axel: Or call the cops on him like you did your mom/ Findingdory: already did :> Findingdory: .... Findingdory: thats to far axel Findingdory: way to far... Toxic_fox: ._. tf hppening Vulpix_axel: No what's too far is you telling him you just turned 18 and lying to this whole chat. Findingdory: fuck off...will ya Findingdory: kill me on the bus Vulpix_axel: No no I won't. Vulpix_axel: You have been lying to EVERYONE! Findingdory: YEA Vulpix_axel: And I'm tired of it. Findingdory: CAUSE I NEED FUCKING FRIENDS Findingdory: AND IM TIRED OF YOU Vulpix_axel: IF YOU WOULDN'T HAVE LIED IN THE FIRST PLACE YOU WOULD! Findingdory: SO FUCK OFF Vulpix_axel: OH CRY TO YOUR MOMMY! Vulpix_axel: OH WAIT SHE WON'T GIVE A SHIT! Findingdory: AT LEAST I HAVE ONE THAT CARES ABT ME Vulpix_axel: Oh yeah she cares about you? Then why'd you have me and Kaylin give you our phones so you can call the cops? Vulpix_axel: Why'd you run away? Findingdory: ... Findingdory: things were hard Findingdory: YOU DONT KNOW HOW I THINK Findingdory: SO FUCK. OFF Vulpix_axel: You're right, but I do know you're a lying piece of shit. Sannkaed: what za hell Findingdory: please just fuck off Sannkaed: ok Sannkaed: damn Findingdory: not you sann Findingdory: leave me alone axel Vulpix_axel: Just log off? Vulpix_axel: Maybe stop being a lying little bitch. You told my brother you were 18 so you could get with him when you're 12, he can get in big trouble if he would have done anything with you. If I hadn't told him your age he could be arrested. You're ok with that? Vulpix_axel: Of course you are, all you do is lie so you can have friends, if you wouldn't have lied you'd have a lot of friends here, how do you think I'm still here with friends. Roy_foxgirl: Cinder hi Vulpix_axel: Hi roy.. Roy_foxgirl: hello axel Ring: Who tf is messing with Axel? Roy_foxgirl: no one Vulpix_axel: It's Soph who I was yelling at. Roy_foxgirl: oh damn Ring: Ah that loser Ring: 😱 Vulpix_axel: I was putting that bitch in her place. Ring: Good Roy_foxgirl: niced Vulpix_axel: It was funny. Ring: Most people here are just straight up bitches Ring: 😔 Vulpix_axel: Fr.. Stolas: Hm? Findingdory: bck Ring: Bitch Ring: Die Ring: Rn cunt Findingdory: stfu ring Vulpix_axel: No one gives a shit if you're back. Stolas: huh? Stolas: oh Findingdory: stfu axel Vulpix_axel: Make me. Ring: DIE RN YOU’RE FUCKING 12 Findingdory: FINE Findingdory: I WILL Ring: 🤣 Stolas: Nice Ring: GOOD Ring: Little skank Vulpix_axel: Fucking whore. Ring: FR Alpharad: man Roy_foxgirl: yep Ring: Hi alph Alpharad: ola Ring: Hru? Stolas: hm Alpharad: meh Ring: I feel that Ring: 😔 Ring: Honestly I’m gonna fucking kill a bitch Ring: 😱 Alpharad: what Ring: I’m gonna fucking murder someone Stolas: I will help you ring but i won't kill no one Vulpix_axel: Who Soph? Ring: Yes Vulpix_axel: I know her address.l Ring: Bet Stolas: Okay Soph is dead now, good Vulpix_axel: When you can leave the state come to my house, I'll take you to her house. Ring: Bet Ring: A few more months Stolas: cold Vulpix_axel: Yay! Djshrimpdick: Morning chat Vulpix_axel: Hi Pey! Djshrimpdick: Hillo 12:18:51Friday, September 15, 2023 Stolas: Hello Roy_foxgirl: hi Vulpix_axel: Ded chat fr.\ Djshrimpdick: Frfr Roy_foxgirl: yep Ring: Back Ring: 😔 Stolas: hm? Vulpix_axel: Hi! Vulpix_axel: Wb. Djshrimpdick: BALLS Ring: :3 Roy_foxgirl: hm Ring: How is everyone Roy_foxgirl: good Stolas: tired Toxicego357: Im bacc like a snacc and ready to attacc Ring: Wb Djshrimpdick: Wb like a snacc that’s ready to attacc Toxicego357: RINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Alpharad: back Djshrimpdick: Wb Toxicego357: WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN???????? Ring: Toxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Toxicego357: ASSHOLE Ring: I love you spencer Ring: I hate this fucking site Ring: That’s why Toxicego357: Oh... thats... I love you too Stolas: he toxuv Toxicego357: and understandable Toxicego357: Sup stol Roy_foxgirl: master Error_ej: . Ring: Hi error Error_ej: hi ring Djshrimpdick: REHEHEHEHE Toxicego357: Hewwos Roy :) Error_ej: hi pey Djshrimpdick: Hillo Roy_foxgirl: *hugs toxic* Toxicego357: *hugs back* Toxicego357: we need to devise a plan to get cin bacc Roy_foxgirl: mm Vulpix_axel: =3 Toxicego357: i miss him :( Error_ej: dude im in gov class rn someone shoot me im so tired Vulpix_axel: L. Roy_foxgirl: who toxic? Toxicego357: Cinder Toxicego357: My ex-maid Error_ej: im writing a current event thing about biden Error_ej: well biden's kid Toxicego357: Hunter biden Error_ej: yup Ring: Back Roy_foxgirl: oh just get cinder back Toxicego357: Wb ringy Vulpix_axel: I forgot about that.. Error_ej: wb Error_ej: I hate current events Vulpix_axel: WB!! Error_ej: it makes me think about the world Toxicego357: ¨Hey jake. we have to fight satan again¨ Josh A ¨FUCK!!!¨ Jake hill Ring: I’m gonna eat someone out Error_ej: mm satan Toxicego357: me? Toxicego357: i mean Toxicego357: what? Toxicego357: Toxicego357: great song Ring: You have may Roy_foxgirl: Toxic just get cinder back because cinder was a good maid Toxicego357: Cinder is... more than just a good maid Roy_foxgirl: Hm? Alpharad: cinder is mid Toxicego357: >:( Roy_foxgirl: i will be afk Toxicego357: have fun Toxicego357: I shall wait for may... Toxicego357: and wait Toxicego357: and wait Toxicego357: and wait Ring: Tox….. Toxicego357: yes sir? (anon): huh? Roy_foxgirl: huh? Cinderthecatboy: Jaycool: what? Djshrimpdick: Pepsi or coke? Roy_foxgirl: coke Cinderthecatboy: sprite Toxicego357: cocaine Cinderthecatboy: i mean starry Djshrimpdick: Sprite is valid Djshrimpdick: Starry is also valid Toxicego357: tf is starry? Cinderthecatboy: lemon lime soda Cinderthecatboy: it slaps Djshrimpdick: A soda similar to sprite Toxicego357: ok... Roy_foxgirl: hm Cinderthecatboy: it goes hardddd Djshrimpdick: It’s hella good frfr Jaycool: im confuse Vulpix_axel: Hello. Djshrimpdick: Hi Ring: Hi Jaycool: hey Vulpix_axel: =3 Roy_foxgirl: oh Vulpix_axel: I have a penis on my hand. Cinderthecatboy: Roy_foxgirl: welp i going to stolas Vulpix_axel: Cin eho tf? Generic: new city morgue dropped Ring: Hi gen Ring: How are you? Alpharad: back Ring: Wb Alpharad: thank Djshrimpdick: ? Ring: So pay how are you? Toxicego357: pey* Toxicego357: dummy 12:45:25Friday, September 15, 2023 Djshrimpdick: I’m guud Djshrimpdick: It’s chilly and I’m in shorts and a short sleeve shirt Vulpix_axel: Only I can call him Pey! Ring: I’m sorry Ring: 😔 Toxicego357: imma start calling him pey just to fuck wit you axel Vulpix_axel: ... Vulpix_axel: No.. Vulpix_axel: *sad* Toxicego357: yep Toxicego357: *hugs axel* you brought this upon yourself Djshrimpdick: My legs are cold Vulpix_axel: *tears up* Djshrimpdick: What’s wrong? Toxicego357: shit i gotta go to a private game pm me if needed Ring: Oki Djshrimpdick: Ok Vulpix_axel: *curls into a ball. Vulpix_axel: ** Alpharad: hey pey wassup Vulpix_axel: No..!! Ring: Pey pey Ring: Jk Ring: 😔 Ring: Dj Djshrimpdick: Yes? Ring: Hru? Djshrimpdick: Cold Djshrimpdick: It’s 58 degrees and I’m in shorts Vulpix_axel: *yawns* Djshrimpdick: While rockin crocs Vulpix_axel: Well who's fault is that? Ring: Mine Djshrimpdick: What if Djshrimpdick: Balls Vulpix_axel: Who should have chacked the weather? Ring: Me Ring: 😔 Djshrimpdick: Chacked XD Vulpix_axel: Fuck off.. Ring: Oki Djshrimpdick: :( Djshrimpdick: Dead chat frfr Ring: Ikr Ring: I’m just texting my bestie rn Ring: Pming my bestie* Djshrimpdick: Nice Ring: Ikr Vulpix_axel: I'm not you're bestie.. Djshrimpdick: She’s my bestie Ring: No you’re one of them Vulpix_axel: I'm your baby. Djshrimpdick: You’re both Djshrimpdick: ;) bbg Vulpix_axel: Dork. Ring: I gtg for now Ring: :3 Djshrimpdick: Ok byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Alpharad: bye Djshrimpdick: Balls Djshrimpdick: Axel Djshrimpdick: AXEL Djshrimpdick: AAAXXXEEELLL Djshrimpdick: Axel Alpharad: L Djshrimpdick: Axel Djshrimpdick: Axel Djshrimpdick: Axel Djshrimpdick: Axel Djshrimpdick: Axel Djshrimpdick: Axel Djshrimpdick: Axel Djshrimpdick: Axel Vulpix_axel: ? Djshrimpdick: hi Djshrimpdick: Love youuu Ring: Back Djshrimpdick: Wb Ring: :3 Djshrimpdick: Axel won’t talk to me TwT Ring: She’s at school so she might be doing work silly Djshrimpdick: I’m also at school Ring: Ik Ring: I think we all are Alpharad: board Toxicego357: what is it you know? Djshrimpdick: Prolly Roy_foxgirl: hehe Djshrimpdick: That I’m at school Toxicego357: congrats ig Vulpix_axel: Back sorry was playing brick breaker on My Talking Angela Alpharad: why Alpharad: just google brik breaker Djshrimpdick: Wow I’m less important than Angela Alpharad: that is a toddler game Vulpix_axel: No no, I just didn't see texts going through! Toxicego357: Cinderthecatboy: leans even closer Oh, you're so cute~ smiles sweetly whispers You can't escape from me~ Alpharad: bro what Cinderthecatboy: ai Alpharad: is ba Alpharad: bad Cinderthecatboy: nahhh Alpharad: if you are talking to an nsfw ai bot, see help man Ring: 😩 Cinderthecatboy: hi ring. Djshrimpdick: Teacher is here so I gtg now Ring: Hi cin Cinderthecatboy: want a link to the ai im talking to? Vulpix_axel: NOOOOOOOO Ring: Hru? Alpharad: say no ring Ring: I have actual people the I can talk to so I’m good Cinderthecatboy: alright Cinderthecatboy: T^T Toxicego357: Sick burn bro Toxicego357: *hands cinder ice* You might need this Ring: I’m sorry if that sounded rude Cinderthecatboy: *eats the ice* Cinderthecatboy: *gulp* Ring: *looks in shock* Ring: 😱 Cinderthecatboy: im lonely Ring: I’m sorry cin Ring: 😔 Toxicego357: DIE COMMIE SCUMMMMM Toxicego357: (sorry) 13:11:59Friday, September 15, 2023 Cinderthecatboy: dint be sorry Toxicego357: dint Cinderthecatboy: stfu before i peg your ass Toxicego357: Nyuh uh Toxicego357: do it Toxicego357: no balls Cinderthecatboy: *pegs tox* Toxicego357: >:3 Ring: Wtf Toxicego357: *moans* Ring: That’s gay as hell Toxicego357: thats the point 👍 Ring: Ik lol Cinderthecatboy: ring shut your femboy ass up before i peg you too Toxicego357: No you wont Ring: Na I’m good Toxicego357: *hides ring* Cinderthecatboy: good boy Ring: Who? Cinderthecatboy: you Toxicego357: Im a bad bad boy UwU Ring: Na bro don’t say that Toxicego357: lol Ring: Talking to cin) Cinderthecatboy: and bad boys need to be spanked Toxicego357: >~< Cinderthecatboy: ehehehe Cinderthecatboy: brb Vulpix_axel: *yawns* Ring: I’m so fucking mad right now Ring: 😔 Toxicego357: At? Ring: Things Toxicego357: legit Toxicego357: if you fuck a fleshlight... but its really just a mans ass... is that gay? Toxicego357: but you like... didnt know it was a mans ass... Cinderthecatboy: im back~ Vulpix_axel: I gotta go. Vulpix_axel: I'll be back soon. Toxicego357: Bye axel and welcome back kitty~ Cinderthecatboy: seeya axel Ring: Wb Cinderthecatboy: ty Toxicego357: Someone just called me a loner... Toxicego357: im upset Toxicego357: just cuz i dont like or talk to people doesnt make me a loner... does it? Cinderthecatboy: no (anon): gulp Cinderthecatboy: i dont talk either (anon): gulp Ring: Bro wtf anon? (anon): gulp Toxicego357: i have anons blocked ig (anon): byeee Ring: Lol Ring: Bye anon Ring: I have them unblocked because if one of them set to be a pussy and try to talk bad about me then I can argue:3 Ring: Dead chat Ring: 😔 Toxicego357: nyuh uh Ring: Ima go Ring: <3 Toxicego357: ded chet Stolas: oh Toxicego357: STOOLLLLLLLLL Toxicego357: wassup Roy_foxgirl: hm? Toxicego357: ROYYYYYYY wassup Separatio: thats craaazy Roy_foxgirl: hey master Toxicego357: Sup foxxy how you doin? Cinderthecatboy: *yawns* Separatio: this site is a breeding grounding for people with out fathers Toxicego357: *sees cin yawn so i yawn* Toxicego357: indeed it is Roy_foxgirl: good *licks cinders face* Separatio: and thats how you get herpes Cinderthecatboy: h-hey that tickles Roy_foxgirl: hehe *sits on cinders lap and curls into a ball* Alpharad: man Toxicego357: ¨you say that im better off dead, and fuck i wish you were right. but i tried it and it turn you're wrong¨ Jomie Cinderthecatboy: *pats roy and smiles* Toxicego357: Turns out* Separatio: well you just didnt do it right Roy_foxgirl: *my tails wags* Toxicego357: not at akk Toxicego357: ljnberign 13:38:33Friday, September 15, 2023 Toxicego357: idk how to shpell Vulpix_axel: ... Toxicego357: wb axel Cinderthecatboy: hehe Roy_foxgirl: cinder awrm Vulpix_axel: Ty. Cinderthecatboy: i know im warm people say im hot all the time Roy_foxgirl: yep Cinderthecatboy: i think i have a picture of me somewhere Alpharad: you arent Toxicego357: Nyuh uh ur not hot ur sexxy Toxicego357: imma stop being gay for the rest of the day Alpharad: toxic thats un-readable Toxicego357: maybe Vulpix_axel: 0-0 Toxicego357: its unbreedable? ofc it is its words Roy_foxgirl: I am breedable Cinderthecatboy: found itttt Cinderthecatboy: Alpharad: mid Roy_foxgirl: cute Cinderthecatboy: ty :3 Toxicego357: No comment Roy_foxgirl: *licks cinders neck Toxic_fox: *falls through the ceiling* GOOD MORNING CHAT Alpharad: wtf Cinderthecatboy: *blushes* h-hey Alpharad: ah hellllllll nah Toxicego357: MAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Toxic_fox: Cindersghost: Kitty needs pets Toxic_fox: howdy spen Roy_foxgirl: oh *falls asleep on cinders lap* Toxicego357: Howdy bb Toxic_fox: been listening to Leave My Casket Open and WWW16 alot (anon): gulp (anon): gukp (anon): gulp Toxic_fox: gwakgwak Roy_foxgirl: and most of my selfies are me in airsoft gear (anon): gulp Toxicego357: Leave my casket open is a really good one (anon): gulp (anon): gulp Alpharad: gulp Toxic_fox: frrrrrrr Toxicego357: brb Toxic_fox: gllk (anon): gulp (anon): gulppp Toxic_fox: gllkmnfggllkglkglknfng (anon): gylp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp Alpharad: why (anon): gulp (anon): gulp Toxic_fox: stop gulp Toxic_fox: no (anon): dick Toxic_fox: no gulping (anon): pussy Alpharad: no way Toxic_fox: cheese (anon): gulp Alpharad: he learned more words Roy_foxgirl: and most of my selfies are me in airsoft gear Alpharad: everyone heard an ignroed you the first time roy Toxic_fox: i didnt Roy_foxgirl: yep (anon): gulp Cinderthecatboy: .... Toxic_fox: howdy cin Cinderthecatboy: hi (anon): hola Toxic_fox: how are u Roy_foxgirl: *falls asleep on cinders lap (anon): gulp Alpharad: anon im going to teach you some new words Toxicego357: i returneth Toxic_fox: wb hun (anon): gulp Alpharad: so whenever someone is pissing you off or is just a bad person, type out kys (anon): kys (anon): kys Toxic_fox: (keep yourself safe) (anon): kys Alpharad: im feeling like a proud father (anon): kys Toxic_fox: Cindersghost: Kitty needs pets Vulpix_axel: ? (anon): kys Alpharad: i thinkt hats the only word you really need to know the other ones are just filler Toxic_fox: thirsty dog: SCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOP (anon): kys Roy_foxgirl: chaos Toxic_fox: Cindersghost: I want to be fucked while wearing a dress and make cute noises every time I get thrusted into Cinderthecatboy: im hard :( Toxic_fox: chaos, chaos! Toxic_fox: L cin Cinderthecatboy: kill me (anon): KYS Alpharad: you could also try and make a semi sentence Alpharad: like saying, kys you bitch Roy_foxgirl: (i am going to a private game) (anon): kys you bitch Toxic_fox: theres a lie in believe, an end in friend, and a schlong in my ass Alpharad: bro what Toxic_fox: shhhh dw about it (anon): hys you bitch Toxic_fox: hill your self Toxicego357: *dies* hello (anon): kys you bitch Vulpix_axel: You can't spell therapist without the rapist. Alpharad: the rapist Toxic_fox: you cant spell atomic torpedo without pedo Alpharad: who tf says atomic ropedo Toxic_fox: i do Toxic_fox: bc Alpharad: just say torpedo Toxic_fox: fuck chu Alpharad: fuck you (anon): fuck you Toxic_fox: i mean i wasn't offering but go ahead Alpharad: no Toxic_fox: im not askin Vulpix_axel: *flops* (anon): gulp Alpharad: flops?????? Toxic_fox: plug Toxic_fox: *flops as well* (anon): gulp Toxic_fox: i haves maf test and im NOT ready Toxic_fox: at all Alpharad: dude just say math Toxic_fox: no Toxic_fox: maf (anon): kys you bitch Toxic_fox: nah Alpharad: these gen z'ers, back in my day we said mathematics Toxic_fox: the world would be better without me so i keep living (anon): kys you bitch Toxic_fox: nah Alpharad: you could also say like, "I hope you down, I hope you get ran over" Alpharad: drown Vulpix_axel: 0-0 Alpharad: im just teaching anon here (anon): i hope you drown, i hope you get ran over Alpharad: he has a very limited vocabulary so im expanding it Generic: thats the god honest truth u not better than the next man (anon): kys you bitch (anon): i hope you drown, i hope you get ran over (anon): gulp Rouge_killer: As I continued to thrust, Noelle's moans of pleasure filled the room. Her body responded eagerly to my touch, her desires finally being fulfilled. I held her close, feeling the warmth of her body against mine, as we moved in perfect harmony. The scent of roses enveloped us, a reminder of the love that brought us together. I could see the joy in Noelle's eyes, a mix of innocence and desire. She had entrusted her body to me, and I was determined to make this night unforgettable. Rouge_killer: Every movement, every caress, was guided by my love for her. As the night wore on, our passion grew, reaching new heights with each passing moment. Noelle surrendered herself completely, embracing her newfound sexuality with a hunger that matched my own. Our bodies intertwined, creating a symphony of pleasure and intimacy. In these moments, I felt a bond deeper than any words could express. (anon): "shut up you fucking jew"- eric cartmen Rouge_killer: this is amazing Rouge_killer: this ai is something else (anon): "shut up fatass"-kyle Alpharad: kys (anon): kys you bitch Alpharad: nobody readin that shit Separatio: im back from a 20 min walk Rouge_killer: yes there is Rouge_killer: HI (anon): gulp Rouge_killer: on my cum (anon): kys Alpharad: kys Rouge_killer: no Rouge_killer: not yet (anon): kys Alpharad: it would greatly benefit the world Rouge_killer: no not yet (anon): gulp Separatio: (anon): gulp Alpharad: soy (anon): gulp Rouge_killer: on my cum (anon): "daddy" -my friend Rouge_killer: ayooo Rouge_killer: (anon): "daddy fuck me" - my friend Rouge_killer: AYOOO (anon): "gulp" -me (anon): hump me (anon): fuck me (anon): daddy better make me choke (anon): you btter hump me (anon): fuck me Alpharad: this is just sad (anon): gulp Alpharad: I thought I could make you great anon but clearly I cant (anon): :( (anon): gulp 14:05:06Friday, September 15, 2023 (anon): gay (anon): brb (anon): okay i pull up (anon): hop out at the afterparty Rouge_killer: im bored (anon): gulp Rouge_killer: WHO IS ONLINE (anon): GULP Cinderthecatboy: me (anon): gulp (anon): GULPPP (anon): slurp Rouge_killer: CUMDER Vulpix_axel: Me. Alpharad: me (anon): gulp Rouge_killer: HRU Cinderthecatboy: im okay Alpharad: nahhhhhh aint no way you let him call you cumber Rouge_killer: lol (anon): gulp (anon): gulp Rouge_killer: Rouge_killer: :) Rouge_killer: its a jackhammer Vulpix_axel: brb Alpharad: im not opening that Sannkaed: suffer in silence, self violence Alpharad: man Vulpix_axel: Back! Alpharad: wb Rouge_killer: wb mommy Rouge_killer: lol Vulpix_axel: Mommy? *blushes* Bereft_oi: HAAAA Alpharad: ??? Rouge_killer: HEEEE Bereft_oi: YUN NIGGAS IN THE CLINIC Bereft_oi: JIGGS A FUCKING BITCH Rouge_killer: OOOOOO Rouge_killer: NIGGAS Rouge_killer: FUN Bereft_oi: Yo wsg killa Bereft_oi: he was talkin all that shit, got his ass kicked in a minute Rouge_killer: i havent Rouge_killer: brb Sannkaed: ok (anon): gulp Separatio: dead chat 💀 Jiggaboo: Bereft_oi: JIGGS A FUCKING BITCH Rouge_killer: OOOOOO Rouge_killer: NIGGAS Rouge_killer: FUN Bereft_oi: Yo wsg killa Bereft_oi: he was talkin all that shit, got his ass kicked in a minute NIGGA YOU CAUGHT ME IN THE BATHROOMS Jiggaboo: THAT SHIT WASNT FAIR Jiggaboo: IMMA CATCH YOU IN THE PARKING LOT LIL NIGGA Separatio: craazy Djshrimpdick: Crazy? Djshrimpdick: I was crazy once Separatio: Crazy?! Djshrimpdick: They locked me in a room Bereft_oi: NIGGA WHO GAVE YOU YOUR CHROMEBOOKKKKK😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Djshrimpdick: A rubber room Djshrimpdick: A rubber room with rats Samuraijay: yooo Djshrimpdick: And rats make me crazy Alpharad: rats Bereft_oi: Crazy? Separatio: free food Bereft_oi: I was crazy once Bereft_oi: they locked me in a room Bereft_oi: a rubber room Bereft_oi: a rubber room with rats Bereft_oi: and the rats made me hard Bereft_oi: hard? Bereft_oi: I was hard once Bereft_oi: the locked me in a cell Bereft_oi: a cement cell Bereft_oi: and the cement made me crazy Jiggaboo: nigga ur not funny Separatio: DAMN (anon): you a bitch bereft (anon): gulp :) Sannkaed: gyattt (anon): gyattt Samuraijay: who has a gyat Rouge_killer: BACK YOU FUCKING BITCHES Samuraijay: wsg rouge Rouge_killer: JAY Rouge_killer: hru (anon): hey GREYSON Rouge_killer: who are you? Samuraijay: ? Keigo: this is who Rouge_killer: KRIIIIII Samuraijay: who is who Rouge_killer: KEIIIIIIII* Rouge_killer: HRU Keigo: das what i thought Keigo: im fine' Samuraijay: wanna see how fast i can spam Rouge_killer: y just fine 14:31:39Friday, September 15, 2023 Keigo: yep Rouge_killer: sure jay Samuraijay: ok Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: .. Rouge_killer: L Rouge_killer: i can do even faster Rouge_killer: . Rouge_killer: . Rouge_killer: . Rouge_killer: . Rouge_killer: . Rouge_killer: . Rouge_killer: . Rouge_killer: . Rouge_killer: . Rouge_killer: . Rouge_killer: . Keigo: it* Keigo: ok.... Alpharad: that was slow Keigo: fr Inasg_no: hi Alpharad: ola Inasg_no: hola* Alpharad: istg tay Keigo: TAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU (anon): gulp Sannkaed: tayyyyyyyyyyyyy (anon): kys you bitch Keigo: shes mine sandie Sannkaed: kikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Inasg_no: fuck off anon Sannkaed: oh k Inasg_no: hello sann Inasg_no: no I'm michs Inasg_no: hello kiwi Sannkaed: :O Keigo: and mine Inasg_no: you'll have to take that up with him (anon): gulp Keigo: mh murder (anon): gulp Vulpix_axel: Back. (anon): gulp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp Alpharad: welcome back Vulpix_axel: I had to do a test. (anon): gulp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp Vulpix_axel: Aww Thanks Rouge. Vulpix_axel: Soph shut up. Keigo: i got vocab today T^T Vulpix_axel: Oof- Keigo: fr Alpharad: vocab easy Keigo: bruh my teacher istg Rouge_killer: ok Roy_foxgirl: back Keigo: wb Keigo: he said his students don't arouse him everyday Rouge_killer: no welcome back Rouge_killer: roy is a fucking horrible person kei so dont welcome her back Keigo: idc unlike you im a nice person Rouge_killer: she fucking left someone bc she found someone better Rouge_killer: a dude with better looks Keigo: thats prolly what risk did Inasg_no: ... Alpharad: cool Inasg_no: hey no Rouge_killer: doesnt that mean you would be even more mad at roy Alpharad: what Inasg_no: Riskys nice kiki Inasg_no: He didn't do that Keigo: do u not remember what i told you tau Rouge_killer: kei can i beat risky up? Rouge_killer: it would only be a lot of blood :) Keigo: idc Rouge_killer: ok bc i know where that bitch lives Vulpix_axel: Same. Rouge_killer: and im going to Ohio soon Vulpix_axel: Oh-* Keigo: I'd rather go to tau not ohio Rouge_killer: same but its for something i forgot what it was for all ik is im going to ohio soon Inasg_no: no you're not beating risky up. Inasg_no: I'm in tears rn :c Rouge_killer: you cant stop me tay Alpharad: oh nooooo hes defnietly going to go beat up risky oh nooo this is so saddd and realll Rouge_killer: tay y are you crying Inasg_no: michy sent me some songs that he said remind me of us and they're so fucking sweet :( Inasg_no: also Inasg_no: Rouge you couldnt beat him up Rouge_killer: Oh yes i can Alpharad: yeah i wouldnt be scarec of porn addict rouge Rouge_killer: im not an addict Rouge_killer: im not always craving it Rouge_killer: i crave cuddles sooo im a cuddle addict Rouge_killer: :) Roy_foxgirl: hi axel Inasg_no: I want mich. He makes everything better. Everything. Alpharad: i meannnnn Alpharad: does heeeeee Roy_foxgirl: i think so i have no clue how is mich Keigo: welp ima go Rouge_killer: bye Inasg_no: Yes he does alpha. Inasg_no: None of you know him like I do. Comitdeforg: no Alpharad: he always seems to be on the opposite side of whatever side im on Roy_foxgirl: cindy Inasg_no: okay and? Inasg_no: michys perfect. Roy_foxgirl: hehe Alpharad: i meannnnnnn Rina: Morning Rouge_killer: gm Rina: I hungry Rouge_killer: ok? Rina: ... Roy_foxgirl: same Vulpix_axel: GOOD MORNING MAMA RIN!!! Rina: Gennnieeeeee Rina: AXELLLLLLLLLLLL Rina: FEED ME AXE Alpharad: wha?? Roy_foxgirl: oh who? Rouge_killer: *grabs axel* Rina: I hunger Rina: ... Rouge_killer: here eat her pussy Alpharad: eat then Rina: I'm so disgusted Alpharad: see rouge you are a weirdo Rouge_killer: lol Alpharad: still dont understand how people like you Inasg_no: guys Inasg_no: who thinks Rina: For one I'm not and will never Be lesbian. Inasg_no: Rouge can lift Inasg_no: 340ibs Alpharad: i dont Rina: For two. That's disgusting. And she's a child. Roy_foxgirl: oh Rouge_killer: true (anon): me Rina: LUCCCCC Rouge_killer: then ill grab gen so you can eat his cock Inasg_no: it's not true Rina: ... Rina: Gen is also a child. Inasg_no: No way can you lift 340Ibs Rouge_killer: i thought he was 21 Rouge_killer: or older Roy_foxgirl: cinderrrr Rouge_killer: rin just go make or buy food Rina: Generic would not join your little calls if he was an adult. He'd be dead. Rouge_killer: or eat your bf or what ever he is Mondayleftmebroken: negawatt Mondayleftmebroken: negawatt Rina: Please stop talking to me. I want a good day. Mondayleftmebroken: @niko whats the room pass Rouge_killer: no to stop talking to you but ok the second thing Rina: I'm blocking you then. Rina: AXELLLLL Rouge_killer: y Alpharad: honestly based rina Rina: Meh. Rina: Sometimes it has to happen. Rina: Maybe I'll cause some drama layer but I just woke up. And am not ready for his bus Roy_foxgirl: oh nice Rina: Bs* Samuraijay: EA sports Rouge_killer: JAY Rouge_killer: WHAT FUCKING CLASS R YOU IN RN Rina: WHERE IS AXEL Inasg_no: . Rouge_killer: axel is mine Inasg_no: cuz yall both cheated? Roy_foxgirl: I think axel left, Ma'am Rouge_killer: no tay Rina: ;-; Inasg_no: I have the screenshot 14:58:13Friday, September 15, 2023 Inasg_no: I showed DJ already Rina: My beloved Rouge_killer: huh? Vulpix_axel: Huh? Alpharad: huh? Rina: AXELLLLLLK Roy_foxgirl: oh never mind Vulpix_axel: Hi. Rina: Want a cookie? Rouge_killer: axel its poison Vulpix_axel: Oh yes. Roy_foxgirl: *sits in a corner and brushes my tail* Rouge_killer: rin isnt good at baking Rina: 🍪 Rouge_killer: so its poison Inasg_no: . Rina: Where are my people? Inasg_no: no one speaks in any games (anon): how’d you know Rina: Pookie hasn't been on Rina: Plus Gen is busy. Rina: Qnd rump isn't here Rouge_killer: L Roy_foxgirl: hm? *turns around* Rina: How do you unfriend people Rina: I forgot Rouge_killer: tay what do you mean Roy_foxgirl: you can not Inasg_no: you put / fr Rina: You can Inasg_no: but without the space. Yes you can Rina: Tyanks Inasg_no: np Roy_foxgirl: ok Roy_foxgirl: *giggles* Inasg_no: 1. Alpharad 2. Cinderthecatboy 3. Generic 4. Rina 5. Rouge_killer 6. Samuraijay 7. Vulpix_axel Inasg_no: where's jay Inasg_no: why he not talkin Rouge_killer: idk Samuraijay: im still here Rouge_killer: i want cuddles tho :( Rouge_killer: and emily Rouge_killer: ;( Roy_foxgirl: *shrugs* Inasg_no: hi jay Inasg_no: I want mich Samuraijay: hi tay Inasg_no: hru Rina: Qight Rouge_killer: jay ill see you in idk how long Rina: In out Samuraijay: chillin Rina: Peach Stolas: Oh Inasg_no: nice Rouge_killer: just next class thats all ik Stolas: okay? Samuraijay: ye Rouge_killer: brb Alpharad: man Rouge_killer: STOLAS Rouge_killer: HRU Stolas: good Rouge_killer: thats good Rouge_killer: now brb Stolas: Cinder Vulpix_axel: ? Stolas: hm? what is it axel? Alpharad: cinder block Stolas: i am friends with cinder Vulpix_axel: Nothin just idk.. Toxicego357: IM BACC LIKE A SNACC AND READY TO ATTACCC Alpharad: no Inasg_no: ... Toxicego357: Im writing a song with friends now :3 Roy_foxgirl: oh god toxic nice for you Inasg_no: ok Keigo: hey Toxicego357: I play rhythm guitar another guy plays lead and we have another playing bass Roy_foxgirl: *hugs toxic* Toxicego357: *Hugs bacc* Vulpix_axel: =( Roy_foxgirl: need hugs axel? Vulpix_axel: No.. Toxicego357: Hug her she def needs it Toxicego357: *hugs axel* Vulpix_axel: No. Keigo: ... Roy_foxgirl: Okay *hugs axel softly* Inasg_no: hello kiki Vulpix_axel: *just kinda stands there stunned* Keigo: hi.... Roy_foxgirl: hehe Toxicego357: KEI-KUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Keigo: hi tox Roy_foxgirl: chill toxic Toxicego357: I GET TO FOLLOW MY PASSION IM CANT CALM DOWN!!!!!!!!! Roy_foxgirl: *lets go of axel* Keigo: ok someone happy or some shit like that Roy_foxgirl: ok Toxicego357: ¨im cant¨ (great choice tox... great choice) Sannkaed: kys Toxicego357: Damn Roy_foxgirl: hehe lol Toxicego357: ok Vulpix_axel: I will. Cinderthecatboy: ... Keigo: ok sandie Sannkaed: im kiddingggggggggg Sannkaed: im talking to myself Roy_foxgirl: *hugs cinder Vulpix_axel: I'm not. Cinderthecatboy: oh hi roy Roy_foxgirl: hi hi Inasg_no: kms. Keigo: same tau Sannkaed: nooo! Cinderthecatboy: me three Sannkaed: none of yall can Inasg_no: I'm not serious. Vulpix_axel: I will. Roy_foxgirl: *brushes cinders tail* Inasg_no: I have one thing and one thing only to live for. Keigo: i am Alpharad: i wouldnt kill myself Cinderthecatboy: *blushes* roy you dont need to do that Inasg_no: you all know you won't do no point of saying you will. Inasg_no: The amount of times you all say you're going to is ridiculous. Roy_foxgirl: to late to go back Sannkaed: gay! Alpharad: i got so much to live for Inasg_no: so not do (anon): hm hoes never know when to shut up Toxicego357: i not do Toxicego357: too much to live Inasg_no: fr anon. Toxicego357: for* Toxicego357: i forgor i had anons blocked Keigo: ft Vulpix_axel: I'm losing myself.. Inasg_no: when i said so not do I was referring to my typo. Ik none of yall will so I'm not gonna waste my time screaming at you not to Vulpix_axel: Oops. Sannkaed: :( Alpharad: find yoursell then easy Keigo: welp ima go now bye ig Toxicego357: Who the fuck is ¨Ft¨ and why are they on so many songs? (anon): fuck that is what that stands for Toxicego357: lol Toxicego357: 20 days til new bwu album Inasg_no: Spencer do you actually not know what ft means or are you joking Toxicego357: im just kidding Toxicego357: it means ¨featuring¨ Inasg_no: ok Inasg_no: ik Toxicego357: im just proving that i know :) Inasg_no: Ok Toxicego357: looks like im geting in a priv room now... Inasg_no: ok Alpharad: why the ... Inasg_no: don't know don't care Sannkaed: L Toxic_fox: meep Sannkaed: merp Toxicego357: Hewwos Sannkaed: gross Roy_foxgirl: bored Toxicego357: skill issue Roy_foxgirl: fuck you Toxic_fox: on shrimpment Toxicego357: kjfbvjwehbfvjlbhwe Toxicego357: i like doing crack Sannkaed: poor roy:( Roy_foxgirl: hm Toxicego357: its as shrimple as that Toxic_fox: im hanging by a thread on Mario ive got a single life and a ghost house to beat Toxicego357: I dont want a friend Toxicego357: i want my life in twoooooo Sannkaed: roy needs hugs Sannkaed: *hug roy* Roy_foxgirl: oh *hugs back* 15:24:47Friday, September 15, 2023 Toxic_fox: some absolute libtard beside me just made a pidgeon noise at me Toxic_fox: im confused Toxic_fox: Oofalladeez: AGHWUBDAGAH Inasg_no: hi Toxicego357: sup n8 Toxicego357: n8ter b8ter Roy_foxgirl: oh Oofalladeez: about to be late for work Oofalladeez: spencer jus no XD Toxicego357: lol Toxicego357: now he sees the joke Toxic_fox: howdy nate Oofalladeez: hey may Toxic_fox: dont think im gettin my xbox back soon -w- Toxicego357: wow... Toxicego357: play ps Oofalladeez: NO Toxic_fox: i have both but im grounded Vulpix_axel: *hugs Nate* HI BIG BRO! Oofalladeez: You can't play Halo on PS Oofalladeez: AXEL Toxicego357: Oh... Toxicego357: buy a pc Toxic_fox: no offense nate but id much rather play smth with spencer Oofalladeez: hru Lil sis? Inasg_no: ok Toxicego357: become rich and bye a pc Toxic_fox: i literally cant even afford extra food at lunch lmap Toxic_fox: lmao* Vulpix_axel: I'm uh.. Oofalladeez: PC's have a poor people buffer Toxicego357: (neither can i) *dabs* Roy_foxgirl: *spins* Vulpix_axel: Ask Tox.. Inasg_no: omfg Toxic_fox: id give chu my food if i could Inasg_no: That's it I'm out Toxic_fox: ? Oofalladeez: tay no Toxicego357: id rather not explain and i gotta go to lunch anyway Vulpix_axel: Ok.. Toxic_fox: aw. oki, ttyl Oofalladeez: omfg Sannkaed: arent fox and spencer the same person Toxicego357: i shall be back in abt 25 mins Toxic_fox: no sann im maysi Toxicego357: Bruh... Oofalladeez: sann stfu Toxicego357: i gotta go Toxicego357: brb Sannkaed: what did i do Roy_foxgirl: *hugs oof from behind* Oofalladeez: uh what do you think ur doing? Oofalladeez: do I know you? Toxic_fox: rizz Roy_foxgirl: I was USS_Springfield before Oofalladeez: Oh hey Roy_foxgirl: yep Oofalladeez: long time no see Sannkaed: *hugs roy from behind* Sannkaed: rizz Roy_foxgirl: *hisses* Oofalladeez: Where is kiki? Sannkaed: *cries* Roy_foxgirl: you stepped on my tail Vulpix_axel: *pats San* Oofalladeez: too many furries Toxic_fox: tf happening Toxic_fox: i agree nate Toxic_fox: its bad if I say that Roy_foxgirl: i am not one i just a kitsune Toxic_fox: weeb Roy_foxgirl: fuck you Toxic_fox: you would Toxic_fox: i know Roy_foxgirl: fuck this shit i am out Toxic_fox: fuckin sentient bombs Oofalladeez: Muslims? Toxic_fox: no Toxic_fox: bomb-ombs Oofalladeez: you said sentient bombs Toxic_fox: interesting assumption- Oofalladeez: isn't that the definition of muslim? Toxic_fox: i mean Toxic_fox: maybe Toxic_fox: but Toxic_fox: i meant bomb omb Toxic_fox: however tf it spelled Oofalladeez: Master Chief? You mind telling me what you are doing in New York? Oofalladeez: Sir, they hit the second tower Toxic_fox: Sir, hitting the second tow- damn Toxic_fox: we are very different Oofalladeez: XD Toxic_fox: Master Chief, you mind telling me what you're doing at 7/11? Toxic_fox: Sir...drinky my slurpy *schlurp* Sannkaed: fuck Toxic_fox: my saved stuff is very cool. Badger clips, hot pockets memes, yiff, shrimp made of human skin, the usual Oofalladeez: ... Toxic_fox: :| Oofalladeez: I did not just read the last one Toxic_fox: Toxic_fox: open it Oofalladeez: what the fuck is that Toxic_fox: man sized shrimp Toxic_fox: shrimple as that Toxic_fox: theres also Toxic_fox: Vulpix_axel: AH! Toxic_fox: hehehehehehehehehehe Toxic_fox: you fool Sannkaed: IM GOING TO BOMB CLEVELAND TENNESSEE HIGH SCHOOL. Toxic_fox: ha jokes on you sann thats not the one i go to Sannkaed: wait what Toxic_fox: (terrifyingly close tho) Toxic_fox: anyway Toxic_fox: Azala has 2276 points and 140 wins. Sannkaed: ohhh Oofalladeez: Oofalladeez343 has 3767 points and 256 wins. Sannkaed: tox Sannkaed: u go to bchs? Toxic_fox: no Sannkaed: lol Toxic_fox: prolly shouldnt be specific Oofalladeez: Don't clink Sans link. Sannkaed: wvhs? Ghost67: NATE Toxic_fox: Atomic has 41 points and 2 wins. Toxic_fox: no Oofalladeez: Hi ghost! Ghost67: :3 Toxic_fox: GHOFT Toxic_fox: FOAP Toxic_fox: PRIFE Ghost67: hello Ghost67: MEEP Toxic_fox: MOOP Oofalladeez: FOAP Ghost67: boop Ghost67: bop Vulpix_axel: I gtg in literally a min. Sannkaed: fuck one sec Oofalladeez: Bye ax ly Vulpix_axel: Lyttt! Vulpix_axel: Hurry up san. Vulpix_axel: I gtg in 30 seconds. Toxic_fox: sann-san Toxic_fox: sann-sama Vulpix_axel: Gtg. Toxic_fox: oddly specific.. 15:51:20Friday, September 15, 2023 Oofalladeez: Where is KIKI Sannkaed: WHAT Vulpix_axel: Show me later. Sannkaed: ok bet Toxic_fox: you'll never find the body nate Toxic_fox: i eman Toxic_fox: mean Toxic_fox: hwat Sannkaed: thumbsnap is blocked Toxic_fox: huh Ghost67: AAAAAAAAA Toxic_fox: AAAAAAAH~ Toxic_fox: ... Oofalladeez: They will never find yours may Toxic_fox: good Toxic_fox: i want to be forgotten Toxic_fox: anyway Toxic_fox: Toxic_fox: Eee34: kjlvfkhjvbhjdvbjkw Toxic_fox: jgh;odsugfoa;sdgfw'og[asdiufg'asfhp Toxic_fox: dshga[sdok'vhs'dfiy Toxic_fox: asgcya Toxic_fox: sgvyhw Toxic_fox: dsakgp Toxic_fox: sahg Toxic_fox: howdy Eee34: true Sannkaed: fr Toxic_fox: lonly Eee34: me too Toxic_fox: f Toxic_fox: hungy Eee34: dead chat xd Toxic_fox: shut up u ginger Toxic_fox: what if master chief was racist Toxic_fox: what if master chief was kirby Toxic_fox: what if kirby was mentally deranged Sannkaed: Toxic_fox: what if i were mentally deranged Sannkaed: does this look familiar to anyone Toxic_fox: no Toxicego357: bacc like a snacc and ready to attaccccc Ring: -w- Toxic_fox: wb spen Toxic_fox: howdy ring Eee34: Harry P. Enis Toxicego357: Howdy may Toxicego357: Hewwos ring Ring: Oh hi may :3 Ring: Hi Spencer :3 Eee34: hey ring Toxicego357: ;3 Toxic_fox: how are ya? noticed ur dc hasnt been active for a bit Ring: Who is eee? Eee34: Logan Toxic_fox: nobody knows Toxicego357: My disc was deleted :( Eee34: L Ring: Idk who tf Logan is? Toxic_fox: i thought you deleted it? Toxicego357: i didnt Toxicego357: it just dissapeared Toxic_fox: oh Eee34: Logan 34 Toxicego357: i lost many a friendships over that deletion Toxic_fox: *sadge* its gonna suck over the weekend w/o chu Ring: Idk no logan34 Inasg_no: hey Eee34: oh well Toxic_fox: howdy tay Ring: Hi tay Toxicego357: Hewwo tay Eee34: hey tay Toxic_fox: if cin comes back the subby trio is complete Toxicego357: WHo is the subby tri? Inasg_no: hi Ring: Who? Toxicego357: trio* Toxic_fox: you, ring and cin Inasg_no: not seen u in a while ring Toxicego357: ME???? Toxicego357: HOW TF Ring: Not me Toxic_fox: mmmmmhmmmmm spen Ring: 😔 Toxic_fox: ring ur a femboy dont lie Inasg_no: ring Dom me then Toxicego357: I... I dom :( Ring: Mhm I am but that doesn’t mean I’m a sub Inasg_no: Dom me Ring: 😔 Toxic_fox: we'll see eventually spencer Inasg_no: ringgg Ring: Hi tay Toxicego357: *dies of embarrasment* Inasg_no: why don't you prove it? ;) Eee34: wtf is happening? Ring: Idk Toxic_fox: *whips out the cronorium and res spencer* Toxicego357: Damn you cod :( Inasg_no: i want mich. Inasg_no: i miss mich. Toxic_fox: dont blame the fish Inasg_no: i love mich. Toxic_fox: mich dont love y- Toxicego357: Yellow Toxicego357: the color Toxic_fox: yes he hates that color Toxicego357: (i saved your ass may) Toxic_fox: worst color is def neon blue Toxicego357: that couldve gone very south Toxic_fox: meh Inasg_no: excuse me Toxic_fox: my head is only temporary Inasg_no: mich does love me Toxicego357: THIS IS WHAT I WAS TRYNA AVOID MAYYYYYYYYY Ring: 🥹 Toxic_fox: d- deb- debat- Jug_addict: 12 gauge Ring: Wtf did I miss? Jug_addict: shi wusgood ring Inasg_no: I'm gonna lose my shit with you in a sec may. Ring: None wbu? Toxic_fox: :3 Toxicego357: *cocks m13* May shut the fuck up please Jug_addict: nuthin Toxic_fox: brb class change Ring: We da same fr Jug_addict: ring i no longer have long hair Toxicego357: HOLUP Toxicego357: I GOTTA SEE DAT Ring: Why not Ring: 😭 Toxicego357: he still dummy thicc tho Jug_addict: my hair? Ring: Mhm Jug_addict: i dunno Ring: Lol Jug_addict: tox aint wrong tho Ring: I’m growing mine out Jug_addict: im still dummy thicc Toxicego357: im growing my hair out and then imma dye it black to complete the emo Jug_addict: ha Ring: I’m growing mine out so I can part my hair :3 Ring: Not to long though Jug_addict: fair Toxic_fox: this fucking prick Kadence keeps askin what im doing and looking at my screen Jug_addict: my spotify playlit has grown Jug_addict: playlist* Toxicego357: so has mine Ring: Not mine Eee34: L Jug_addict: L Toxicego357: which one is your playlist? Toxic_fox: somethin else of mine has grown Toxic_fox: (my anxiety) Toxicego357: ring i still listen to your playlist Jug_addict: my playlist is moosic Ring: Cool Jug_addict: i can share it if u want me to Toxicego357: i dont have that one Ring: Ik I have it Toxicego357: gimme Inasg_no: greg Toxicego357: gimme it Toxicego357: now Inasg_no: I wanna see ur hair Oofalladeez: Ring go fuck yourself Jug_addict: Inasg_no: HEY Jug_addict: there is my playlist tox Inasg_no: NATE BE NICE. Toxicego357: YO Toxic_fox: damn nate Toxicego357: OOF HOW ABOUT YOU TAKE YOUR OWN ADVISE Oofalladeez: You really want me to be nice to that THING? Eee34: nisgfuiuzvgvtwhu am i right? Toxicego357: ADVICE* Toxicego357: Oofalladeez: Do you even know what that fucker did? You know what im not wven gonna get into it Jug_addict: the new $B song is fire asf Toxicego357: my playlist Toxic_fox: S-tier lsit Ring: 😩 Toxic_fox: list* Ring: So bored Toxicego357: what mine is? Jug_addict: sad Jug_addict: sad is what it is Toxicego357: i added 21 songs earlier may Toxic_fox: openin it now Ring: Oh hi nate Toxicego357: :) Ring: >:3 Jug_addict: ring you still a femboy? Ring: Mhm :3 Jug_addict: knew it Toxicego357: Ring... Nate... we dont need drama rn so botha yall shut the fuck up Toxic_fox: agreed Jug_addict: agreed Sannkaed: agreed Ring: I’m not starting shit I just wanted to say hi Ring: 😳 Cinderthecatboy: drama causes trauma Toxicego357: he will start shit tho Ring: 😔* Sannkaed: cum Eee34: yes it does Oofalladeez: Mph.... You dont belong here.... He only creates drama.... Oofalladeez: Im done... Toxic_fox: i think ring should stay, he's cool Ring: Oki nice input 👍👍 Toxicego357: i like ring... Jug_addict: ring is alright Sannkaed: same Toxic_fox: #1 femboy Oofalladeez: .... For him to do it a third time? Cinderthecatboy: i very indifferent Toxic_fox: you JUST said he the one that makes drama nate Cinderthecatboy: i dont care if ring stays or goes Eee34: idk what the hell is happening Toxic_fox: pointless BS Toxicego357: i think we should all shut the fuck up abt whatever this is Ring: 😩 Oofalladeez: We DONT need drama here and he has been the source of two major drama events here Jug_addict: hang up that computer call Eee34: good idea so how is everyone today? Jug_addict: and come kiss me on my hot mouth Jug_addict: im feeling romantical Toxic_fox: im feelin romanti DAMNIT Toxicego357: Toxicego357: here have sad song Ring: Can we just drop this already! Ring: ?* Toxicego357: and may if u feelin romantical im right here Toxic_fox: like my mom dropped me on the floor Toxic_fox: as a baby Ring: Honestly same Toxic_fox: on purpose.. Ring: 🥹 Toxic_fox: repeatedly.... Eee34: nice Ring: Ok that’s not good Toxicego357: Sounds like me Jug_addict: i dove off myself Toxicego357: just alot more drugs involved Jug_addict: suicidal me tryna get a head start Toxic_fox: speedrun life Toxic_fox: 9 months 2 days Ring: Lol Eee34: abortion Toxicego357: Who needs to speedrun life if you never start the game? Toxic_fox: some even get a good record with miscarriage Ring: World record is -7 months Eee34: exactly Ring: Fr may Toxicego357: The fastest speedrunners die in their dads balls Ring: Lol Toxic_fox: women always whine about carryin children for 9 months, bitch men carry millions of them for their life Toxicego357: FR MAYYYYY Ring: Lol Toxicego357: Lemme drop some off for you rq Jug_addict: ayo? Eee34: frfr Ring: Wdym by that Ring: 🤨 Toxic_fox: im going to beat the living shit out of the people across from me Toxicego357: I think you know what i mean ring >:3 Eee34: ok do it no balls Jug_addict: bro on demon time Toxicego357: *cums* Toxic_fox: they keep repeating my fucking name just stfu you libtards Toxicego357: may Toxicego357: may Toxicego357: may Toxicego357: may Toxicego357: may Toxicego357: may Toxicego357: may Toxicego357: may Toxicego357: may Toxic_fox: *cracks knuckles* Toxicego357: may Ring: May Jug_addict: ha Ring: May Toxicego357: Hit me you wont Toxicego357: may Jug_addict: ha Jug_addict: ha Toxicego357: may Jug_addict: ha Jug_addict: ha Toxicego357: may Jug_addict: ha Toxicego357: may Toxicego357: may Toxicego357: may Toxicego357: may 16:17:54Friday, September 15, 2023 Toxicego357: may Toxicego357: may Eee34: stfu Ring: U Toxic_fox: afk Toxicego357: Im bothersome *laughs maniacally* Toxicego357: oh shit im sorry... Jug_addict: i became hyperfixated on a wrestler who killed people Toxicego357: dont leave meeeeeeeee i dont wanna be alone wit dees ppl Eee34: nice Ring: I’m single *laugh’s because of freedom* Jug_addict: for now Eee34: i don't need bitches Toxicego357: *laughs in mental distress* Eee34: to expensive Jug_addict: frfr Toxicego357: i... no comment Ring: Lol Toxicego357: not much i can say in this instance Eee34: all they want is expensive make up and kids and those are even more expensive Toastyboy16: Cock Eee34: no Toxicego357: i hate kids Toastyboy16: Chicken Toastyboy16: Duck Toastyboy16: Turkey Jug_addict: turducken Eee34: furduckin Toastyboy16: Octodaddy Toxicego357: Toxicego357: i relate to this album Ring: Bro I’m so sleepy, fr gonna die when I get home Ring: 😔 Jug_addict: n o Toxicego357: imagen getting more than an hour of sleep Toxicego357: oh fuck Eee34: couldn't be me Toxicego357: i have a family reunion tommorrow Toastyboy16: How many tentacles would an octopus put up if he was praising Hitler? Eee34: L Eee34: 4 Toxicego357: 2 Ring: Wtf toasty Eee34: why? Toxicego357: i think it would be 2 Jug_addict: Jug_addict: a picture i took of my friends Ring: Na toasty is getting ignored :3 Toastyboy16: Alright Toxicego357: 8 tentacles... people have 4 limbs that makes 2 tentacles per limb so you discard 4 limbs for 2 human legs and subtract 2 more for one human arm and bam you would use 2 tentacles for an octopus to salute hitler Eee34: chat died Eee34: or not Jug_addict: bro Jug_addict: tox Toxicego357: im just that good *dabs* Jug_addict: get mental help Jug_addict: jesus christ Toastyboy16: Thank you for your detailed answer Toxicego357: I put way too much thought into that answer Toastyboy16: I may now continue with my experiment Inasg_no: hi im back Jug_addict: wb bbg Eee34: wb tay Toxicego357: wb tay Ring: Wtf spencer Toxicego357: wait... Ring: 🥺 Toxicego357: dont quote that... Ring: I’m not Toxicego357: the octopus thing Toxic_fox: back -is Toxic_fox: -ish* Ring: Wb tay Toxicego357: Wb may :3 Toxic_fox: ty Toxicego357: ish Inasg_no: thank you Toxic_fox: gotta take notes Eee34: np Jug_addict: np Eee34: hey stop copying me Toxic_fox: what..what octopus thing Ring: 😩 can’t wait to go ham on this dude Jug_addict: hey stop copying me Eee34: what? Ring: 🥴 Jug_addict: what? Toxicego357: What? Ring: Nothing Eee34: Toxicego357: Thats... kinda gay bro Toxicego357: can i join? Toxic_fox: sus Inasg_no: .... Jug_addict: my turn when? Inasg_no: i miss mich Inasg_no: I want him Eee34: ok Toxic_fox: L Toxicego357: i wanna watch from a corner... so i can have a story to tell my eventual children Toxic_fox: fatherless bahavior tay Toxic_fox: thats....interesting- Eee34: yeah it is Ishipwillowandhunter: Fatherless? But she has a daddy right here Toxicego357: im an interesting figure Jug_addict: damn Toxicego357: daddy not father Toxic_fox: fair point mich Jug_addict: smoother than gravel Toxicego357: there is a difference Eee34: lol Oofalladeez: Its not a dad bod its a father figure Toxicego357: lol Toxic_fox: its not a murder weapon its a LED pipe Jug_addict: stfu nate you sun saturated monkey Ishipwillowandhunter: Where my Tay go :( Toxic_fox: to hell Toxicego357: Its not a cock is a porno staff Eee34: idk? Ring: 😩 I need to not be bored, any ideas? Oofalladeez: You mean a play on words of sun and unsaturated? Eee34: wtf lol Toxic_fox: its not a staff its mine Toxicego357: O_O Toxic_fox: :| Inasg_no: MICHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Eee34: oh Toxicego357: There she is... Oofalladeez: Ignored Ring and their altos. Toxic_fox: tay i will corpsemunge you dont do it again Inasg_no: I MISSED YOU SO FUCKING MUCH :DDDDD YOU'RE HEREEEEEEEEEEE :DDDDD Toxicego357: congrats oof... nobody cares Jug_addict: tox stfu Jug_addict: nvm Toxicego357: Nyuh uh Jug_addict: not you Toxic_fox: jug im going to remove your spine dont talk to him like that Toxicego357: why... why did you tell me to shut up? Eee34: NO MOM NO DAD NO DICK NO BALLS AND NO BITCHES Jug_addict: i give up Toxicego357: DEFINITELY NO BITCHES Ring: Omg Nate ignored me 😱 Toxic_fox: Eee just described me Ring: That’s aad Ring: 😔 Toxicego357: Hey... im ur bitch Ring: Sad Eee34: wait oh shit lol Ring: What? Toxic_fox: yeah must have really hurt your feewings ring lol. no reason to announce he did it Toxicego357: ill be a lil bitch boi if needed Inasg_no: MICHYS HERE :)))))) Toxic_fox: nah spencer you're my bb Eee34: ayo? Jug_addict: huh? Toxicego357: 😁 Inasg_no: they're literally dating keep up Toxic_fox: get real Eee34: thank you capitan obvous Toxicego357: *becomes fictional* Toxic_fox: XD Inasg_no: if you gonna use sarcasm on me at least spell it right sheesh Eee34: funny Jug_addict: im gonna german suplex a toddler Oofalladeez: I just want Kiki! Ring: *eats a sandwich* Eee34: damn it Toxic_fox: mehbe kiki dont want u Inasg_no: oh Kiki said she might be taking a break for a long time btw Toxic_fox: ahem Toxic_fox: anyway Inasg_no: kinda forgot to tell you that mb Oofalladeez: WHAT? Inasg_no: I SAID MB Oofalladeez: .... Toxic_fox: *eats oxygen* Toxicego357: HAHA OOF Eee34: LLLL Toxicego357: *eats lead* Toxic_fox: im so hungryyyyyyyyyyy Oofalladeez: Im gonna go for a bit...... Inasg_no: i mean she says it a lot like it's js bs at this point Toxicego357: (by that i mean i shot myself) Inasg_no: she won't go Toxic_fox: no Jug_addict: same tox, same Toxic_fox: no led-eating Toxicego357: lead* Inasg_no: where's my baby :( Inasg_no: I mean muchy Toxic_fox: i was correcting it you nazi Inasg_no: Michy* Toxicego357: im not gonna eat light may Eee34: idk Toxicego357: Im not a nazi im spencer Toxic_fox: i never eat light my fat ass always go heavy Inasg_no: NO HES OFFLINE :CCCCCCC Toxic_fox: L Eee34: sadness Toxicego357: <3 Jug_addict: im gonna eat an orphanage full of kids Inasg_no: may Toxic_fox: ? Inasg_no: shut it Toxic_fox: nah Eee34: do it no balls Ring: So how is everyone? Inasg_no: yah Inasg_no: You fry Inasg_no: could b better wbu ring Eee34: i'm ok u? Toxicego357: im... me and u? Jug_addict: ring im hornier than fuck, my brother broke my phone so i cant do anything about it Eee34: L Inasg_no: woah Toxic_fox: L Toxic_fox: damnit logan Toxicego357: we didnt need to know that buddy Jug_addict: too bad Jug_addict: now you do Eee34: haha i did it first Toxic_fox: stop saying yall are horni its turning me on Ring: I’m good just waiting for an amazing person Ring: 😔 Toxic_fox: new ring lore??? Inasg_no: im horny Toxicego357: oh... if thats the case may i too am horny... Inasg_no: I'm horny Inasg_no: I'm horny Inasg_no: I'm horny Inasg_no: I'm horny Inasg_no: I'm horny Inasg_no: I'm horny Eee34: oh ok tay you want help with that lol Toxic_fox: *explodes* (not like that, i was carrying a bomb) Jug_addict: ha Inasg_no: I was saying that to piss may off Inasg_no: Not actually horny Ring: Not new lore, just someone that I like a lot but we aren’t dating because we said we would wait to date each other for 2 months from now Inasg_no: but thanks <3 Ring: 🥹 Toxic_fox: if you get mad over an online argument you shouldnt be online Ishipwillowandhunter: TAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Inasg_no: it's me from rings paragraph btw Inasg_no: I TAKE THAR BACK I TAKE THAT BACK Ishipwillowandhunter: I MISSED YOU MOREEEEE :) Toxic_fox: damn ring how many times did you lie to me Inasg_no: MICHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Eee34: jesus Eee34: tay Inasg_no: NO I DIDDDDDDDDD :))))) I LOVE YOU SO MUCH Toxicego357: i... no holds barred Ring: Wdym? Jug_addict: singjule Toxicego357: FINISH HIM (mortal kombat) Ring: 🤨 Toxic_fox: wait idky i took that as you made tha deal while we were a thing mb Ishipwillowandhunter: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MORE <3333 NO I MISSED YOU MORE YK IDID Jug_addict: stfu Toxicego357: im confused now :) Jug_addict: yall are makin me sadge Toxic_fox: yeah take it to pm mich Inasg_no: NUUUU I LOVE YOU WAY MORE HEHE <33333 NO I DID AND YK IT STFU:( Eee34: three big balls look like we playin tennis Toxicego357: he got a big dick i think his name dennis Inasg_no: Oh shut up yall flirt all the time you lil hypocrites Toxic_fox: sentences i never thought id read #8 Jug_addict: -_- Toxicego357: *flirts malicously* Toxicego357: maliciously Inasg_no: you forgot the "with may" Eee34: i don't remember the rest lol Toxicego357: touche Toxic_fox: *eats popsickle sughesstively* Toxic_fox: suggestively* Cinderthecatboy: ... Inasg_no: *sucks dick* Toxicego357: *kisses may flirtatiously* Ring: *im Ring: dead* Inasg_no: *sucks rings dick* Jug_addict: AAAAAAA Toxicego357: AYO???? Cinderthecatboy: *kills myself* Jug_addict: NAAAAAHHHHH Jug_addict: same cinder same Toxicego357: Ring on a scale of 1-10 how was it? Eee34: COCK AND BALL TORTURE (CBT) IS A SEXUAL ACTIVITY INVOLVING THE TORTURE OF THE MALE GENITALS Ring: Wtf tay? Toxic_fox: how was what i cleared chat Inasg_no: Toxicego357: *kisses may flirtatiously* Ring: How was what? Eee34: your mom Toxicego357: the head from tay Inasg_no: Oofalladeez: it weird I want you to make me drink my cum... Ring: Omg “Logan” you are so fucking funny 😱 Toxic_fox: so original Eee34: whoa wtf oof Eee34: thanks ring Toxic_fox: my head is better *cough* Toxicego357: *snorts crack and runs around screeching* Toxic_fox: quote Toxicego357: and imma need proof may? Inasg_no: *no tf it isn't* *cough* Inasg_no: so Spencer Cinderthecatboy: hi tay Toxicego357: yes maam? Inasg_no: When are ya gonna ask may out Eee34: ok gtg bye for now Inasg_no: hi cin Inasg_no: Bye logan Cinderthecatboy: hru doing Toxicego357: wdym? Oofalladeez: FAKE NEWS Inasg_no: could be a lot better wbu Ring: 😩 Inasg_no: you know what I mean Toxicego357: do i? Inasg_no: mhm Cinderthecatboy: im feeling lonely again Inasg_no: That's sad cin sorry to hear Toxic_fox: why did nate get un-ignored when i did it to tay Toxicego357: explain to me as if im a 2nd grader Inasg_no: did what to me Cinderthecatboy: im used to it by now Ring: Bouta floor a bitch 😱 Jug_addict: huh? Toxic_fox: i ui'd you tay and then it showed me nate's messages Toxic_fox: is it me ring Ring: No Toxic_fox: pls end my suffering Ring: Someone irl Toxic_fox: aw Toxicego357: Wow i make her suffer :( Ring: Dayum Toxic_fox: i literally woulda opened my wrists by now without u Ring: 😔 Ring: Good Inasg_no: ui'd? Inasg_no: wha Toxic_fox: unignored Inasg_no: YOU HAD ME IGNORED? Toxic_fox: yes u kept spamming shit Inasg_no: Inasg_no: I'm horny Inasg_no: I'm horny Inasg_no: I'm horny Inasg_no: I'm horny Inasg_no: I'm horny Inasg_no: I'm horny Ring: That’s crazy Inasg_no: I wouldn't call that ignoring worthy Toxic_fox: no i mean the pointless extra "y" when u said mich Jug_addict: ainy we all? Toxicego357: ive ingnored ppl for less Vulpix_axel: Back. Toxicego357: wb axel Toxic_fox: wb axel Ring: Wb Inasg_no: im happy to see him what can I say 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ Ring: :3 Cinderthecatboy: Now you've really crossed the line, Your hate for me is divine, My love yearns your suffer, On your grave, I etch my prosper, Toxic_fox: im happy to see spen but you dont see me spamming his name Inasg_no: okay and? Cinderthecatboy: Taunt more, as a lure, but it's no use, Knots tight, my excite, I prepare the noose, Say no more, it's time for you to make your move, My blackened soul lit by your fuel, Cinderthecatboy: Implodes your moral and drains your pride, Too late for debate or run and hide, Time to take your life, it tolls the bell, To your hell I’d like to welcome you! Ring: I’m good Toxic_fox: cin Cinderthecatboy: wut Inasg_no: you literally gonna start an argument over me saying his name when it wasn't even spamming?;! Toxicego357: *explodes pancakes with MIND* Jug_addict: my fuckin pancakes Toxicego357: may... just drop it Cinderthecatboy: *explodes balls with mind* Toxic_fox: yessir 16:44:27Friday, September 15, 2023 Toxicego357: problem solved :) Toxic_fox: *drops my mothers ashes* Ring: 😱 Toxicego357: Damn may... Ring: W Cinderthecatboy: i wanna die Ring: Why? Toxic_fox: i needed the urn for stuffs Cinderthecatboy: anyone want to help with that Vulpix_axel: 0-0 Toxicego357: At least make choccy milk wit it may Jug_addict: axel has made her one comment for the day Vulpix_axel: Mhm.. Toxic_fox: im going to fuckin deck the girl across from me she keeps asking for my computer charger Cinderthecatboy: do it Toxic_fox: i wanna Toxic_fox: but Toxic_fox: dont wanna get in trouble Cinderthecatboy: who cares Toxic_fox: cant get on disc if i do Cinderthecatboy: suplex her Toxicego357: O_O Toxicego357: Cat-fight Cinderthecatboy: nya~ Toxicego357: nyah~ Jug_addict: GERMAN SUPLEX Toxicego357: brb Ring: Bouta use this kid as a cum sleeve 🥴 Jug_addict: when and where ring Inasg_no: daddy? Jug_addict: yes tay? Ring: What? Ring: That’s wild Inasg_no: hehehe Jug_addict: hehe Toxicego357: bacc like a snacc and ready to attaccc Ring: Heheheha Ring: Wb Ring: 😩 Toxicego357: i love the name of this album Toxicego357: ¨Even when im happy i listen to sad songs¨ Ring: Bitches be boring, ima go Toxicego357: Im not boring Cinderthecatboy: brb Ring: I love you giys Toxic_fox: bye ring Inasg_no: WB DADDY Rouge_killer: BACK MY NIGGAS AND NIGGETS Ring: Guys* Toxic_fox: leave Inasg_no: WB BB Toxic_fox: leave rouge Rouge_killer: HI RING Eee34: ok i'm back Toxic_fox: no porn Ring: Stfu bitch Ring: Bye Toxic_fox: ... Toxicego357: who... who she callin daddy in this scenario? Inasg_no: wsp wit u n rouge may! Rouge_killer: bye ring Toxic_fox: nothin just dont like seeing porn every time he posts a link Inasg_no: ?* Inasg_no: ok fair enough Toxicego357: true tho Vulpix_axel: My bf is asking if we should break up. Rouge_killer: y Toxic_fox: punch him Inasg_no: who DJ? Toxic_fox: why tf do i feel so musky rn Toxicego357: shniff Toxic_fox: O_O Jug_addict: boredom Rouge_killer: axel who Rouge_killer: JUG Rouge_killer: HRU MY NIGGA Eee34: hilgrghgutro am i right? Jug_addict: IM AIGHT WUABT ABOUT YOU MY SUN SATURATED MONKEY Toxicego357: im ded Rouge_killer: IM GOOD Toxic_fox: im bored ima just whisper a random person in a lobby ive never met before with somethin out of pocket Toxicego357: IM SORRY WHAT DID YOU CALL HIM????? Cinderthecatboy: back Eee34: ok bet Toxicego357: wb kitty~ Jug_addict: a sun saturated monkey? Toxicego357: tf LMAO Cinderthecatboy: tox dont put a ~ again Toxic_fox: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Toxic_fox: ` Toxic_fox: ` Toxic_fox: ` Toxic_fox: ` Toxic_fox: ` Toxic_fox: ` Toxic_fox: fuck Toxicego357: Damn ok Toxic_fox: ~ Toxic_fox: ~ Toxicego357: lol Toxic_fox: shift key are hawd Cinderthecatboy: only use ~ with may Toxicego357: you know what else is hawd? Toxic_fox: why cin~ dont like it?~ Eee34: this chat has two sides side one horny as fuck and side to sad Eee34: two Cinderthecatboy: my comuputer wigged out Jug_addict: fax eee fax Rouge_killer: Eee ill fuck you Toxic_fox: attemp 3 of whispering "mommy" to a random person ive never met before on jere Eee34: bet no balls Cinderthecatboy: uwu Rouge_killer: ok Rouge_killer: cinder join me Jug_addict: Jug_addict: this song pretty good Eee34: i'm waiting Rouge_killer: *pulls Eee's pants down Rouge_killer: * Jug_addict: AAAAAYYYYYYYY Toxic_fox: its so tiny Toxicego357: MAY Eee34: eww role play gross Toxicego357: DAMN Jug_addict: DIS NIGGA GAY Rouge_killer: *puts his cock in cinders mouth* Toxic_fox: :3 Toxicego357: Uhm... Toxicego357: *sits down in corner* Jug_addict: DIS NIGGA GAY AS FUCK Toxic_fox: *flops beside spen* Rouge_killer: IM NOT Toxicego357: *pats mays head* Rouge_killer: I PUT HIS DICK IN CINDERS MOUTH Eee34: GAY Jug_addict: YOU ENGAGING IN ROLEPLAY Toxic_fox: *lays across spens lap* Jug_addict: DATS GAU Jug_addict: GAY Toxic_fox: bro i ERP regularly on discord Cinderthecatboy: ... Jug_addict: touch grass Jug_addict: rn Cinderthecatboy: im doing erp with an ai kitsune hehe Toxicego357: *Kisses may* Eee34: you a woman thats fine but a dude that rps gross Toxic_fox: touching grass is not enough I NEED HORRIBLE THINGS TO HAPPEN TO POWERFUL PEOPLE Toxic_fox: logan sexist Inasg_no: imagine being not single :p Rouge_killer: *shoots toxic_fox* Rouge_killer: there Jug_addict: singule Jug_addict: single Jug_addict: singjule Eee34: everyone here needs to touch grass Jug_addict: i do Rouge_killer: IM NOT SINGLE Jug_addict: daily Rouge_killer: n Rouge_killer: i Rouge_killer: g Rouge_killer: g Toxic_fox: its not very effective... Toxic_fox used Thermonuclear Warhead. It's super effective! Critical hit! Rouge_killer: e Rouge_killer: r Eee34: i'm single yay Toxic_fox: foe Rouge_killer fainted Toxicego357: pokemon rp Toxicego357: damn Eee34: lol Toxic_fox: lost my level 40 charizard yesterday Toxic_fox: its now lvl 38 Eee34: LLLLLLL Toxic_fox: fuck starmie, everyone i know hates starmie. Toxicego357: how... how did it lose levels? unless you just hadnt saved the game Toxic_fox: didnt save Toxicego357: ok Eee34: LLLLL Toxicego357: nuzlocke? or? Toxic_fox: Water Pulse is STUPID OP Toxic_fox: nah im too bad at pokemon for nuz Eee34: starmie is ok Toxicego357: im working on a nuzlocke Toxic_fox: i literally one-shot Geodudes with Ember at this point Toxic_fox: disrespecting Onyx's left and right with Cut Cinderthecatboy: i started the hidden treasure of area zero yesterday Toxic_fox: ? Cinderthecatboy: pokemon sv Jug_addict: im gonna fuck a femboy Toxic_fox: oh Cinderthecatboy: me Cinderthecatboy: jk Cinderthecatboy: thats gay Jug_addict: and? Toxicego357: and we ALL know cin isnt gay... Cinderthecatboy: im not wearing socks Toxic_fox: bro you literally say you want to be smashed in a maid dress Jug_addict: fair Cinderthecatboy: maybe later Toxic_fox: wastin time state of mind a lil hazy lately Jug_addict: Cindersghost: I want to be fucked while wearing a dress and make cute noises every time I get thrusted into Toxicego357: i know dat song... Toxicego357: continue the lyrics may Eee34: wtf cin? Toxic_fox: yipper, Stay-iamjakehill Toxic_fox: it just ended Eee34: L Toxic_fox: im so *inhale* HUNGRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Toxicego357: good song Cinderthecatboy: im lonely Eee34: who asked? Toxic_fox: ik how to solve both issues cin Rouge_killer: IM BORED AND SAD Toxicego357: the fact i recognized it was a song with 1 sentence Eee34: L Rouge_killer: I MISS MY BABY Rouge_killer: :( Toxic_fox: gave it up to adoption Cinderthecatboy: hey tox it seems like when im alone you have someone and when youre alone i have someone Toxicego357: O_O Toxicego357: sounds accurate Cinderthecatboy: fr Toxic_fox: i mean if chu two would rather be a thing idm disappearing Eee34: imagine having a relationship couldn't be me Cinderthecatboy: no Toxicego357: No Toxicego357: May Toxicego357: no Toxic_fox: aight Toxicego357: *i kiss may* Cinderthecatboy: i think it would just be awkward to be together anyway Doodooballs: hewo Toxic_fox: *i commit tax evasion* Rouge_killer: BALL Rouge_killer: S Rouge_killer: IN Rouge_killer: VENTSD Toxicego357: at this point it really would be cin Cinderthecatboy: yeah Cinderthecatboy: after what happened Eee34: hmm what happened? Toxicego357: eet ees what it ees Cinderthecatboy: we had a fight Toxic_fox: Toxic_fox: handsome women: looks don't matter rich men: money doesn't matter thirsty dog: SCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOPSCHLOP Jug_addict: huh? Toxic_fox: Djshrimpdick: Cin, you're the homie i'd kiss gn Eee34: L Toxicego357: me and cin dont fight much but when we do... it doesnt go well Doodooballs: yeah Doodooballs: i feel that Toxic_fox: *hugs spen* Doodooballs: guess what Toxicego357: *i hug back* Thx Toxicego357: chicken butt Doodooballs: dammit Toxic_fox: Toxic_fox: let them cook Cinderthecatboy: i want someone to cuddle tn Doodooballs: lmao me too Toxicego357: amoongoose Doodooballs: yes Toxic_fox: a moon goose Inasg_no: bck Ring: 😱 Toxic_fox: goose on moon Toxic_fox: welcome bck Toxicego357: wb tay Eee34: Toxic_fox: ROUND MEAL Toxic_fox: FEEDS THREE MEN Eee34: wb tay Alpharad: man Toxic_fox: WOMEN CANNOT EAT THIS Rouge_killer: Ring: I hate putting up with dumbass teachers Rouge_killer: RINGGGG Rouge_killer: HRU Inasg_no: ty Alpharad: im not opening that shit rouge Toxicego357: i hate putting up with people Eee34: whoa Toxic_fox: GOD DAMNIT ROUGE IM GOING TO KILL YOU Rouge_killer: y Ring: WTF DO YOU WANT ROUGE? Toxicego357: JUST DONT OPEN IT MAY Rouge_killer: i just want to know how you are Toxic_fox: I THOUGT LOGAN SENT IT Ring: I’m ass Jug_addict: boredom Eee34: what why would i? Rouge_killer: y Toxic_fox: you dont like putting up with me spen? (anon): FUCK YOU (anon): KYS Ring: Because I just am dumbass Ring: 😱 (anon): YEAH YOU ARE NIGGA Rouge_killer: how (anon): KYS (anon): KYS (anon): KYS (anon): KYS (anon): KYS (anon): KYS (anon): KYS (anon): KYS (anon): KYS (anon): KYS (anon): KYS (anon): KYS (anon): KYS Toxicego357: damn Toxic_fox: ok just uh.. *ignored anons* Eee34: no i'm white as paint Ring: Who is this anon talking to? Rouge_killer: idk Ring: Dumbass mf Ring: 😔 Rouge_killer: Toxicego357: im bored Eee34: eww love Rouge_killer: ring what do you think about this image Toxicego357: i cleared chat whats goin on? Ring: I’m not clicking it bitch Ring: 😱 Ishipwillowandhunter: Sorry back, took a shower Rouge_killer: its emily and me Ring: Idc Jug_addict: gae Rouge_killer: Ring: Na bro I’m not clicking that Ring: 😔 Rouge_killer: yyyy Eee34: Imagine having a girlfriend couldn't be me Toxic_fox: ewwwww they're kissing Rouge_killer: yeah (anon): it’s 2people kissing Toxicego357: COOTIES Rouge_killer: yeah Ring: BECAUSE I FUCKING SAID THATS WHY Toxicego357: *kisses may* UwU 17:10:58Friday, September 15, 2023 Rouge_killer: wtf Ring: Stfu bro Eee34: cringe Ishipwillowandhunter: *kisses air and squeezes imaginary ass* Jug_addict: boutta shoot myself Eee34: lol Toxic_fox: lemme do it for u jug Rouge_killer: mich you got tays ass Ring: Stfu “Logan” Eee34: no don't do it Ishipwillowandhunter: But she not here rn :(( Rouge_killer: Toxic_fox: im so hungyyyyyyyyy my stomach hurted :( Toxicego357: Im being forced to work with people Eee34: no also why is my name in quotes Ring: Because I don’t think that’s your name dumbass Ring: 😱 Cinderthecatboy: ring Jug_addict: ha Toxicego357: O-O Cinderthecatboy: will you kill me? Ring: What? Ring: Yeah Eee34: bruh Ring: Ofc Cinderthecatboy: yay! Ishipwillowandhunter: I will, I'm in a murderous mood Cinderthecatboy: WOOOOO Rouge_killer: ring will you kill me? Ring: Yes obviously you cunt Toxic_fox: $50 says spen wouldnt work with me (i fuck around the whole time cuz im scared of messing smth up) Ishipwillowandhunter: Besides necrophilia is hog Ring: 😱 Ishipwillowandhunter: *hot Rouge_killer: yay Ring: Die rn Rouge_killer: then kill me rn Ishipwillowandhunter: Make me daddy Toxic_fox: *pumps shotgun slide* if cin dies i do too Jug_addict: im listening to hopeless romantic music rn Jug_addict: i need help Rouge_killer: brb Toxic_fox: blep Ring: Good Ring: Don’t wanna talk to you Toxic_fox: ... Eee34: gyvvgcrdxytfghvtfctcfghvjhgvug Gigchad: balls Ring: Annoying ass mf Eee34: who me? Toxic_fox: what did i do to you ring- Ring: (Talking to rouge) Toxic_fox: oh Toxic_fox: mb Jug_addict: anyone wanna call, imfucking bored Ring: Not you Eee34: oh Gigchad: big black cock Eee34: can't i'm in class Ring: And “Logan” Eee34: ring stfu Toxicego357: brb Ring: That fucking dick, he would just kill himself already Ring: 😱 Toxic_fox: Circular Logic is weird Ring: Wow I care so much “Logan” Ring: 😔 Jug_addict: boutta shoot myself Ring: Na Toxic_fox: nya Jug_addict: ya Ring: Why? Toxic_fox: Met a nice girl, the feelings hit me Didn't know much, I was too young then She had a hard time at home, and words were unsaid I fell in love when I was 16 Met a nice girl, the feelings hit me Didn't know much, I was too young then I wish I helped you out; I could have held you're (damn) I fell in love when I was 16 Eee34: go fuck yourself ring maybe that will calm you down Rouge_killer: back Rouge_killer: in Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: ... Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: .. Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Toxic_fox: Ayy, yeah, sorry, I'm a bag of shit I find that my eyes didn't read the script I didn't get the hints, I didn't see your hurt Now you up in heaven, and I'm stuck on earth I hate your mom for leaving you at home Only you and your dad with his alcohol Walk home from school, a new girl in your house Drugs on the table and your dad on the couch My girlfriend left and never left me clues Samuraijay: . Ring: Na bro just die already you fucking inbred skank Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: . Samuraijay: .. Jug_addict: may, thats when we were 16 by rxseboy and powfu Toxic_fox: yipper Toxic_fox: W song Eee34: no i'm good Ring: Talking to “Logan” Ring: Mhm die rn bitch Eee34: no Jug_addict: ong may fr a w song Toxic_fox: LMCO is better tho Ring: Why not? Hmmm that’s what you told axel Ring: Go fucking die rn Toxic_fox: im not so sure thats ring anymore... Ring: KILL YOURSELF NO ONE LIKES TOU Jug_addict: RING Ring: Not you may Jug_addict: JESUS Eee34: bruh that was already resolved you prick Ring: Na bro idk Sannkaed: *chubs up* Ring: Idc Jug_addict: jesus christ Rouge_killer: Rouge_killer: join Toxic_fox: way thats ring.. Ring: Don’t fucking say that to her you know she would, you hurt her a lot just for rn “Logan” Inasg_no: . Inasg_no: bck Toxic_fox: wb Jug_addict: wb tay Ring: Oh yeah I’m ring Ring: 😩 Inasg_no: tyy Jug_addict: if this is the ring that i know Jug_addict: holy fuck Eee34: what the hell dude just stop please Inasg_no: what Izzy_blight: I'm not sure if I should apologize for everything I said yesterday or not Toxic_fox: its all good Ishipwillowandhunter: Probably not, there's no need Rouge_killer: TAY Rouge_killer: Izzy_blight: Really? Well, I think so. Keigo: Heu Izzy_blight: But I just don't know anything do I? Rouge_killer: Rouge_killer: KEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiii Toxic_fox: kei nate was lookin for u Keigo: Other link my guy Inasg_no: MICHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Izzy_blight: I've been here for two seconds and I already want to kill everyone here Jug_addict: BWU HAS A NEW SONG DROPPING SOON Jug_addict: LETS FUCKIN GOOOOo Rouge_killer: Keigo: Pls kill me izzy Rouge_killer: joiinn Ishipwillowandhunter: TAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Rouge_killer: NOOOOOOO KEI Rouge_killer: NO DYING Ring: I’ll kill you Keigo: The link doesn't work Keigo: please fuckin do Rouge_killer: how Inasg_no: I LOVE YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH :) Ring: Bet Keigo: Brb Rouge_killer: kei it works for other ppl Rouge_killer: Rouge is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Rouge's Zoom Meeting Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 885 7884 1953 Passcode: 5vr2cz Inasg_no: I could call later Rouge_killer: Y LATER Jug_addict: IM SO EXCITED NOW Inasg_no: I mean I could rn but I can't be bothered Rouge_killer: JAY IS ON IT Jug_addict: STILL SUICIDAL Jug_addict: BUT IM EXCITED Inasg_no: that's nice Keigo: 4717 north garrison ave Rouge_killer: y cant you be bothered Keigo: My address ring Ring: Bet Ring: I’ll shoot you down point blank :3 Keigo: Okay Rouge_killer: now i can bring emily to your house kei and my self and we can have a threesome Alpharad: what the fuck did i walk into Toxic_fox: alpha run Eee34: stupid Toxic_fox: get out while u can Rouge_killer: fr Keigo: Me giving ring my address so he can kill me that's what Eee34: oh Alpharad: double homicide??? please??? Ring: No Keigo: Fr Alpharad: aw man Alpharad: no wait Eee34: L Alpharad: wrong person Ring: I’m not gonna fucking kill myself Alpharad: i thougth it was rouge mb ring Keigo: Not what he meant bro Ring: No one cares Logan die rn Ring: 😱 Inasg_no: I care. Keigo: Oh damn I forgot when I cared Alpharad: who is logan Ring: Eee Eee34: what ever ring just go fuck yourself Ring: That’s logan Ring: Omg I care about what you say so much Ring: 😔 Rouge_killer: brb Ring: Good Inasg_no: fucking stop you two. Don't be so petty. If you got shit to say keep it to yourself. Ishipwillowandhunter: Ring fuck off. Toxic_fox: blepblep Ring: I can’t stick up for my friend now Ring: 😔 Ring: That’s so sad Keigo: L bozo imagine couldn't be me Keigo: Frfr Ring: Cool honestly idc Ring: 😱 Eee34: axel has forgiven me why can't you my god Keigo: I didn't ask if you cared Toxic_fox: nobody realizes how insulting "motherfucker" is until they stop and think abt it, you're bein called an incestual disgrace Ring: BECAUSE SHE WAS ABOUT TO BECAUSE OF YOU, YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH Inasg_no: ring. Inasg_no: Shut the actual fuck up. Ring: Why? Keigo: Stfu hoe as virgin Ring: 😔 Ring: Ok cool? Eee34: yeah whatever you can believe what you believe Inasg_no: because you're being a fucking bitch for no goddamn reason. Axel wouldn't khs js because Logan said so that's just stupid. That shit is over stop carrying it on. You're pissing everyone off Eee34: also i wouldn't want that Eee34: and i'll brb Ring: Then why did you say that hmm, I’m not talking about the other part Ring: 😔 Inasg_no: ring. Fucking stop you petty little cunt. Grow the fuck up. Toxic_fox: geschlektveckeir Toxic_fox: (Deutsch for seggs) Ring: Ah ok I will I’m so sorry for being a bitch Ring: 😊 Toxic_fox: i want spencerrrrrr Toxic_fox: :( Keigo: I want to die Inasg_no: ok Toxic_fox: brb Keigo: Ima go Ring: Ok Ring: Dead chat 17:37:32Friday, September 15, 2023 Djshrimpdick: BALLS Inasg_no: hey tay Djshrimpdick: hi dj (anon): gulp Djshrimpdick: L (anon): gulp Ring: Bout to make him my bestie 😔 Rouge_killer: back Toxic_fox: *falls through the roof* HOWDY Ring: Hi may Ring: Wb Rouge_killer: Rouge is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Rouge's Zoom Meeting Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 885 7884 1953 Passcode: 5vr2cz Toxic_fox: .. Rouge_killer: ppl join (anon): cant Eee34: i'm back Rouge_killer: wb Toxic_fox: if i werent at school and eating i woukd Toxic_fox: wb (anon): GULP Rouge_killer: im at school Toxic_fox: .-. (anon): GULP (anon): GULP (anon): GULP Rouge_killer: ON MY CUM Eee34: thanks (anon): FINE Eee34: what the hell? Toxic_fox: ??? (anon): gulp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp Rouge_killer: ass (anon): gulp Rouge_killer: in (anon): gulp Rouge_killer: my Eee34: stfu anon Rouge_killer: balls (anon): gulp Oofalladeez: Anon if u r who I think u r can u log in in a bit? (anon): What you gulping on? Oofalladeez: Brb Rouge_killer: ok Eee34: no Rouge_killer: cum (anon): im gulpign on divk (anon): gulping* Toxicego357: bck like snacc and ready to attackkk (anon): dick* Rouge_killer: Rouge is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Rouge's Zoom Meeting Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 885 7884 1953 Passcode: 5vr2cz Ring: Wb spencer Toxic_fox: SPENCERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Toxicego357: thx ring Toxicego357: MAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Toxic_fox: i missed u where u go Toxicego357: i was forced to work with ppl *shudders in disgust* (anon): gulp (anon): KYS (anon): NOW Toxic_fox: ew social interaction Ring: Mhm nice anon Rouge_killer: KILL ME Toxicego357: he wants me to keep myself safe thats nice Ring: W anon right there Cinderthecatboy: ... (anon): KYS (anon): NOW Toxic_fox: i still have anons blocked Eee34: E (anon): DO IT (anon): RIGHT NOW Cinderthecatboy: :( Rouge_killer: PLS KILL ME CINDER Ring: W anon Inasg_no: i miss my michy :c Rouge_killer: Rouge is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Rouge's Zoom Meeting Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 885 7884 1953 Passcode: 5vr2cz Ring: <3 Rouge_killer: tay join (anon): KYS RIGHT NOW Inasg_no: not yet (anon): NOW Rouge_killer: yyyyy Inasg_no: I don't wanna call today Cinderthecatboy: i cant join Ring: What a good anon Inasg_no: I'll call tmrw morning Inasg_no: UK time Rouge_killer: yyyyyy Inasg_no: cuz I got better things to do Eee34: not today i got marching band today (anon): gulp Rouge_killer: y cinder Toxicego357: i have... a nonexistent life to get to Rouge_killer: tay better the seeing jay Eee34: ok have fun Inasg_no: I belong to michy Rouge_killer: true Ring: Bro that anon is a real one ong 😩 Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm here sorry love Jug_addict: huh? (anon): pussy (anon): dick (anon): and cum Ring: Mhm (anon): all the things i need Ring: Cool :> Eee34: slave realationship? ayo? Rouge_killer: oooooo (anon): KYS Inasg_no: HEY YOUUUUU I MISSED YOU HEHEHEHHE Rouge_killer: slaves (anon): NOW Toxic_fox: "😩" seems like the emoji you put when getting DELECTABLE head Ring: W anon Doodooballs: boi Eee34: nonono (anon): * sits in a corner* Toxicego357: I should love to receive some delectable head Toxicego357: or give it Toxicego357: idk Toxic_fox: mutual oral Eee34: well your not getting it from me (anon): RING Ring: Hm? Toxic_fox: *cough cummy makeout session after cough cough* Ishipwillowandhunter: I missed you moreeeeeee <333 (anon): YOUR GAY Ring: Nice Ring: 👍👍 Toxicego357: i... Jug_addict: yeah he is Cinderthecatboy: ... Jug_addict: for me Ishipwillowandhunter: Partially yes (anon): :) (anon): for me Toxic_fox: still hungry i want more fries (anon): oop Toxicego357: wb cin Cinderthecatboy: me sadge (anon): RING IS GAY FOR ME Ring: Idk who you are soooo like Ring: 🥹 (anon): ik Toxicego357: i dont have fries but what i have is short hard and wet Jug_addict: he know whon i am tho (anon): im a bitch sometimes Toxicego357: (its a wet stick) Jug_addict: so like Toxic_fox: oh i was gonna guess pool noodle Cinderthecatboy: okay im leaving again Ring: Ok? Toxic_fox: bye Eee34: bye cin Ring: Do I know you? (anon): nope Ring: 🤨 Toxicego357: you ever seen a short pool noodle? Ring: Ok then Ring: Cool (anon): gulp Toxic_fox: crispy, crunchy, new fried human skin from zaxbys (anon): dick Inasg_no: NO I DID <3333 Toxic_fox: no i havent :|| (anon): pussy Eee34: ring blocked me didn't he (anon): and cum Ring: Nope (anon): all the things i need Inasg_no: rings going to be nice to you Logan. And you're gonna be nice to him. Jug_addict: ring should kiss me in front of my ex to make her mad Ring: I never ignore anyone Inasg_no: nah babe I'll do that Toxic_fox: i feel like tay is poly (anon): im lonely :( Jug_addict: same Toxicego357: Poly? Toxic_fox: polyamorous Ring: She might be Toxicego357: polyatomic the CoD mastery camo? (anon): im lonely Jug_addict: tay do it Inasg_no: who might be Toxicego357: thats a weird trait Toxic_fox: :| Inasg_no: bet xd (anon): gtg Toxicego357: tf does polyamorous mean? Ishipwillowandhunter: No. She's all mine. Eee34: oh interesting but whatever Toxic_fox: multiple relationships Toxic_fox: at once Eee34: i think at one point she did Ring: Spencer you didn’t know that? Indoorpotato: what am i missing Eee34: life Ring: Idk Toxicego357: No i didnt Toxicego357: im innocent :3 Jug_addict: mich you come do it do Ring: Mhmsure Toxic_fox: my innocent bb boi Jug_addict: i dunno Toxicego357: >~< Jug_addict: sun saturated monkeys Toxic_fox: who also knows what cunnilingus means Ring: 🥺 Jug_addict: me Jug_addict: sadly Toxicego357: tf is that? Toxic_fox: :| Eee34: your mother Toxicego357: do i wanna know? Eee34: or father Ring: Bout to give someone the best high five ever Toxic_fox: no you dont Toxicego357: i gotta know now... Toxic_fox: i wouldnt do that on school computer- Toxicego357: ill google it if you dont tell me Toxic_fox: fingering Ring: Lol Ring: 🤣 Toxicego357: i feel like there is more to it but i shall consider my curiosity satisfied Eee34: want to know what? Toxic_fox: good boy spen Toxicego357: Nevermind imma google it brb Eee34: what are we not knowing? Toxic_fox: SPENCER No Jug_addict: im gonna drink a gallon of bleach Indoorpotato: dont Toxic_fox: we've lost him Toxicego357: Thats not too bad Toxicego357: it could be worse Ring: I’m gonna drink a gallon of water Ring: 😊 Toxic_fox: ala- alabama alabama hot- Indoorpotato: dont wats the bleach make musterd gas Jug_addict: im gonna drink 4 gallons of water in under an hour Eee34: WHAT THE HELL DO WE NOT KNOW? Toxicego357: im gonna drink a gallon of mays cu- Toxicego357: custard Toxic_fox: im gonna drink a gallon- damnit spen Toxicego357: im sure she makes good custard Ring: Spencer Toxic_fox: i dont even know what custard is Eee34: whoa Ring: - Toxicego357: yes ring? Toxicego357: also Ring: Wtf did I just read? Toxicego357: how do you not know what custard is? Eee34: autism Toxicego357: i like custard? is that a problem? Toxic_fox: cuz i dont try new food Ring: No Doodooballs: yall should send the name and code for a game Inasg_no: . Eee34: custard is good Ring: I’m gonna drink a gallon of mays what? Toxic_fox: oh its like a pudding Toxicego357: custard is good Toxicego357: custard Ring: 😔 Toxicego357: i specified Ring: Oh wait really? Inasg_no: i want mich :c Toxic_fox: :3 Jug_addict: i want drugs Eee34: you always want mich Toxicego357: now imma drink a gallon of mays cum brb Ring: Oh yeah you did Toxicego357: i mean Toxicego357: what? Toxic_fox: oop- Eee34: whoe ayo? Inasg_no: yes i always want mich. i want mich :c Ring: Oki I’m gonna go Toxicego357: i men Inasg_no: bye bye Toxicego357: mean* Toxic_fox: bye ring Toxicego357: custard Toxicego357: yes Jug_addict: Toxicego357: now imma drink a gallon of mays cum brb Jug_addict: quoted Toxicego357: more custard Toxicego357: NYUH UH Toxic_fox: jug delete that quote or im going to corpsemunge you Inasg_no: Oofalladeez: it weird I want you to make me drink my cum... Jug_addict: Toxicego357: now imma drink a gallon of mays cum brb Jug_addict: Toxicego357: now imma drink a gallon of mays cum brb Eee34: can i have some custard? Jug_addict: Toxicego357: now imma drink a gallon of mays cum brb Jug_addict: Toxicego357: now imma drink a gallon of mays cum brb Jug_addict: Toxicego357: now imma drink a gallon of mays cum brb Toxicego357: I wanna be a simulacrum Keigo: hey Toxic_fox: how did we go from custard to cum Inasg_no: hello. Eee34: idk Eee34: hi tay Keigo: hi tay Doodooballs: Toxicego357: now imma drink a gallon of mays cum brb Inasg_no: hi logan Toxicego357: technically we started with cum got to custard the went back to cum Keigo: Okay Doodooballs: Toxicego357: now imma drink a gallon of mays cum brb Toxic_fox: According to the urban dictionary (, "munging" includes the following: 1. a recently deceased corpse is disinterred, 2. one person places their mouth over the vagina or anus of the deceased, and 3. Toxicego357: Sup kei-kun Keigo: hi tox Toxicego357: MAY WHAT THE FUCK????? Doodooballs: Toxicego357: now imma drink a gallon of mays cum brb Toxic_fox: :| Keigo: .... someone kill me Toxicego357: cushtard Toxic_fox: maysi-nnaise Toxicego357: guys i need a name for my newfound band Eee34: i want some custard Toxicego357: i would use that may Toxic_fox: what is it Toxicego357: idk Toxic_fox: ._. Toxicego357: we have 1 song so ar Toxicego357: far* Toxic_fox: i didnt know u were in a band Toxicego357: (using my chord progression) Inasg_no: i want mich. Toxic_fox: oh wait yea u told me earlier Toxic_fox: brb Inasg_no: i love mich. Toxicego357: i want mich and i love him just not in the same way Eee34: we know tay Keigo: ... Jug_addict: whats the fastest way to kms Toxicego357: Bullet in gun Keigo: To the head Keigo: Or heart Toxicego357: or using a noose but you need a high enough drop to break your neck Eee34: tnt Keigo: Idek how to feel rn Toxicego357: what are feelings? Toxicego357: i cut those off awhile ago Inasg_no: i want mich. Inasg_no: UNFREEZE Inasg_no: . Inasg_no: . Eee34: me neither Ishipwillowandhunter: IM HERE SORRY Toxicego357: *dies a painful death* Eee34: tay we know you wamt mich tay Ishipwillowandhunter: Hiii <33 Toxicego357: wamt Toxicego357: sup daddy Toxicego357: hru? Eee34: shut up Toxicego357: nyuh uh Toxicego357: brb Inasg_no: . Inasg_no: Reloaded bck 18:04:05Friday, September 15, 2023 Jug_addict: wb tay Eee34: wb Roy_foxgirl: Juggy want to fuck Inasg_no: ty Eee34: ayo? Oofalladeez: Wait Springfirled ur a girl? Roy_foxgirl: yep Oofalladeez: Ok Sluttycummingcatgirl: my cutiesss :D Eee34: heavy Cinderthecatboy: ... Sluttycummingcatgirl: cinderrrr :D Eee34: gtg guys talk to yall tomorow Oofalladeez: Bye logan Roy_foxgirl: hmmm Keigo: I gtg back to class bye Oofalladeez: NO! Roy_foxgirl: whant? Oofalladeez: STAY! Roy_foxgirl: me? Oofalladeez: No KIKI Roy_foxgirl: oh Cinderthecatboy: hey slutty Oofalladeez: :( Ishipwillowandhunter: SLUTTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Sluttycummingcatgirl: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII :D Samuraijay: hi Keigo: Back in class Keigo: And eating takis Oofalladeez: Nice! Keigo: ig Keigo: Someone kill me Oofalladeez: No! Keigo: Yes! Oofalladeez: *throws table* NO! Inasg_no: hi Keigo: my phones bout die Keigo: Love u Nate bye Oofalladeez: NOOOOOOO PLUG IT INTO UOUR LAPTOP Say37: hey Oofalladeez: love you to kiki.. Inasg_no: ffs Keigo: hey Inasg_no: no. Inasg_no: I want mich Keigo: no what Ishipwillowandhunter: I'm here love <3 Keigo: somebody come get her she's dancing like a stripper Scoobert: YOOOO Scoobert: so are we all doing this instead of class Keigo: fr Indoorpotato: *-* Keigo: okaaayyyy Indoorpotato: i board Indoorpotato: im Keigo: fr same (anon): gulp (anon): gulp (anon): gulp Keigo: ... (anon): gulp Indoorpotato: science is so much fun :( Keigo: fr (anon): gulp Indoorpotato: ? Camilla: gulp Indoorpotato: ? Load: yooo Inasg_no: HI BABYYYYYY Keigo: someone tell nate I'll be back maybe idek Keigo: thxs ig Camilla: "daddy" -my friend Load: guys Load: wats ur code Load: i wanna join 18:30:39Friday, September 15, 2023 Load: OH NOW EVERYONES QUIET Load: OFC Indoorpotato: umm im still here Load: can u give me the code Indoorpotato: im not in with them Load: where r u then Indoorpotato: i would like to join though Load: should i make a game Indoorpotato: shure Indoorpotato: jest chat the code Indoorpotato: just Inasg_no: im so fucking horny rn holy shit Ishipwillowandhunter: I can help with that ;) Izzy_blight: Nah... Inasg_no: :c yes please Izzy_blight: no one has to hear this y'all. Inasg_no: it's not unusual for this site. Izzy_blight: get a room Inasg_no: I wish Camilla: gulp Izzy_blight: I hate this place so much Inasg_no: I can tell Camilla: gulp Izzy_blight: Good. Camilla: im bored Camilla: my friend is going on Indoorpotato: THE TEACH IS RIGHT NEXT TO ME Camilla: how life hoe Indoorpotato: nveremind she went away Camilla: how life hoe Indoorpotato: good Indoorpotato: why Camilla: that was my friend, lol Camilla: sorry abt her Indoorpotato: i dont mind Camilla: ok Camilla: *sits in corner* Indoorpotato: why Camilla: why what? Indoorpotato: why sit in the corner Camilla: idk Indoorpotato: ohh Camilla: i need coffee Indoorpotato: same Camilla: *gives him coffee* Camilla: *yawns* Indoorpotato: afking Camilla: oki Indoorpotato: lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Indoorpotato: lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Indoorpotato: lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Indoorpotato: . Indoorpotato: . Indoorpotato: .. Indoorpotato: ... Indoorpotato: . Indoorpotato: . Indoorpotato: . Indoorpotato: . Indoorpotato: . Indoorpotato: . Indoorpotato: . Indoorpotato: . Camilla: bck Camilla: im bored Camilla: i need coffee Toxicego357: hyell Toxicego357: hyello* Camilla: hiii Inasg_no: hi Djshrimpdick: I’m not gonna ask again Camilla: hi Djshrimpdick: WHERE ARE THE GRAPES Toxicego357: idk Toxicego357: afk Oofalladeez: Where did Kiki go? Camilla: . Camilla: there we go Inasg_no: Don't know don't care Camilla: ok Camilla: gulp Camilla: im bored (anon): E Camilla: hi Camilla: im bored Doodooballs: me too 18:57:13Friday, September 15, 2023 Jug_addict: HELP Jug_addict: THE SUB IN MY CLASS LOOKS LIKE THE ONE SLUG LADY FROM MONSTERS INC Profesheehy: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Meatbeater: Hippity hoppity get tf off my property Inasg_no: . Meatbeater: What Toastyboy16: Meatbeater. More like bitch Meatbeater: As a wise man once said I don't care who the irs sends I'm not paying my taxes Meatbeater: Also I heard that one before Inasg_no: I'm so horny Meatbeater: Me too fr Inasg_no: I can help wit that xd Oofalladeez: I would help u if I could tay XD Meatbeater: Bet Keigo: okay then Inasg_no: nah I got someone else now xd Meatbeater: Oh hey keigo Oofalladeez: Kei its a joke XD Jug_addict: boredom Keigo: yea no shit nate Inasg_no: tf Meatbeater: Roses are red cacti is prickly holy shit that kid got eviscerated quickly Inasg_no: woah Inasg_no: i can give ya smth to beat yo meat for XD Meatbeater: I've been to the dephs of rule 34 I have seen things Keigo: i gtg Todd_clorox: My girlfriend won't stop laughing at my nipples. She said they look like gigantic pepperonis. I told her I have normal nipples, but she said I don't. She's lying right? Meatbeater: Aids Oofalladeez: U JUS GOT HERE Inasg_no: yes Todd. She's lying. Don't worry Meatbeater: Wtf Todd_clorox: Thanks. I knew she was. Inasg_no: np Meatbeater: Pepperoni nipples tf? Jug_addict: i need head Meatbeater: :) Oofalladeez: Meatbeater tgis ia Todd. He ia the aerver idiot. Meatbeater: Wtf you mean you wanna gas the jews Oofalladeez: Goddamnit Henry I aaid glass of juice. NOT GAS THE JEWS! Meatbeater: Ha Meatbeater: Relata Meatbeater: Relatable Bobbert: Wass freaken up ppl Meatbeater: Bob Bobbert: Yes sir 19:23:46Friday, September 15, 2023 Meatbeater: Burn the gays Bobbert: Who ru man Bobbert: Ur boring Byee Meatbeater: The man who's on Petas watch list Meatbeater: They can try but they won't stop me Meatbeater: Not until I breed and penatrate every single one of them Oofalladeez: Man jus said Gays are watched over by PETA Djshrimpdick: Bck Meatbeater: Or my name isn't meatbeater Meatbeater: Remember breed and penatrate till it's done Djshrimpdick: Nvm I’m leaving again Meatbeater: Dick Inasg_no: . Inasg_no: bck (anon): i hate this site Inasg_no: me too Inasg_no: but i love mich Dtrump: its broken today Inasg_no: what's broken Dtrump: The site keeps timing me out. Ishipwillowandhunter: Me too Izzy. I love you more <333 Inasg_no: ah Inasg_no: no i love you more :,c Dtrump: Izzy isnt here. Inasg_no: Izzy says "I hate this site" a lot so it probably is her Izzy_blight: Unignored 11 players and 10 IPs. Izzy_blight: Who's the rat Inasg_no: woah Inasg_no: Unignored 0 players and 0 IPs. Izzy_blight: There is an imposter amogus Dtrump: I was that anon lol. Inasg_no: ih Inasg_no: oh* Inasg_no: damn you played me Dtrump: I got on like 5 minutes ago and it timed me out already. Inasg_no: aw that's sad Izzy_blight: Timeout corner for mr twumpy Dtrump: Not like that Izzy. Crazyloss: suck ur mama dick Izzy_blight: Yes like that. you stolr the cookies 🍪 Keigo: L bozo imagine couldn't be me frfr Izzy_blight: I was so angry at the entire universe 10 minutes ago and now I'm not. Am I bipolar Keigo: no ur mentall Izzy_blight: Thanks Keigo: np Inasg_no: gtg 19:50:20Friday, September 15, 2023 Keigo: aw bye Izzy_blight: I'm angry again so I'm gonna block everyone and go sit in the timeout corner and pout like a sucky baby Sannkaed: im going to fucking die Oofalladeez: Want me to help? XD jk Izzy_blight: Yeah we all are Izzy_blight: Welcome to the club Sannkaed: kill me izzy. Dtrump: she would Izzy_blight: Would I? Sannkaed: i would beg. Izzy_blight: I might hate everything and everyone but I'm still a pacifist, I'm sorry Sannkaed: *falls* Keigo: SANDIE Oofalladeez: Im not a pacifist. But im not a murderer or assisted suicide helper Izzy_blight: I'm a goddamn onion Sannkaed: keii Keigo: HIIIIIIIIIIII sandie Izzy_blight: I have layers of autism Sannkaed: i just bought a lot of... stuff Keigo: what do u mean by "stuff" Sannkaed: things Izzy_blight: Drugs? Sex toys? Guns? Lamp oil? Rope? Bombs? Dtrump: stuff=drugs Sannkaed: 2 of the 6 are part Izzy_blight: Ah. I see. That's unfortunate. Dtrump: bombs sound fun rn Izzy_blight: bomberman Sannkaed: im not muslim (anon): false Norma42: someone told me to go kms Sannkaed: are you going to? Dtrump: norma I cant help Norma42: idfk Sannkaed: good Sannkaed: dont Sannkaed: if you kys im gonna kill kei Norma42: idk hes just mean asf and lied about sommething Keigo: why me Sannkaed: for manipulation purposes/ Norma42: i wont Keigo: what did i do Dtrump: oh mind games Oofalladeez: San if you kill Kei I will commit world genocide again Keigo: again???????????? Keigo: im so confused Keigo: T^T Oofalladeez: XD Keigo: wdym by again Oofalladeez: Nothing Keigo: ?????????????????????????????/ 20:16:53Friday, September 15, 2023 Sannkaed: RAPE! Keigo: ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oofalladeez: No THATS my job! Dtrump: wtf Sannkaed: kurt cobain? Keigo: its not rape if u have my concent Jug_addict: WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! Oofalladeez: XD Sannkaed: - Dtrump: weird ass chat Keigo: fr Keigo: HI JUG Jug_addict: IM GONE FOR FIVE FUCKING MINUTES AND I COME BACK TO"Keigo: its not rape if u have my concent " WHAT THE FUCK Keigo: Sannkaed: RAPE! Keigo: ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oofalladeez: No THATS my job! Dtrump: wtf Sannkaed: kurt cobain? Keigo: ily, Keigo: its not rape if u have my concent Jug_addict: WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! Oofalladeez: The ILY was to me in a pm Keigo: i forgot bout that Jug_addict: WHAT THE FUCK Jug_addict: YALL NEED JESUS I SWEAR TO FUCKIN GOD Sannkaed: nigger Sannkaed: oops Keigo: sandie WHAT IS UR ADDRESS Jug_addict: NO Jug_addict: KEI IS MENTALLY INSANE Dtrump: Someone already has it. Jug_addict: DONT Sannkaed: 2451 parkside drive flint michigan Keigo: UR JUST NOW FIGURING THOS OUT Jug_addict: god damnit Sannkaed: why Sannkaed: why did i do that tho Sannkaed: oh lord Jug_addict: sann Keigo: hehe Sannkaed: what Jug_addict: i cant do anything now Dtrump: Someone will now be sent to your house. Cocainelover: cocaine on top Sannkaed: molly better Sannkaed: weed better Cocainelover: nuh uh Sannkaed: nic better Jug_addict: fym nu uh Sannkaed: heroin better Keigo: i like drinking more then getting high Sannkaed: its bc ur a mentally unstable white girl Oofalladeez: Bitxh she aint white Keigo: IM JAPANESE HOE Cocainelover: hiroshima Keigo: shut up Dtrump: nagasaki Sannkaed: LMAO Keigo: i hate all of you Sannkaed: Sannkaed: WAIT Izzy_blight: Wow relatable Sannkaed: NOOO Sannkaed: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sannkaed: . Sannkaed: dont lookplz Sannkaed: plz Sannkaed: :( Keigo: its blocked Izzy_blight: Good meme Sannkaed: its me. Sannkaed: thats literally me. Sannkaed: but Sannkaed: i sent the wrong link Keigo: damn izzy Keigo: san need aloe for that burn Sannkaed: Oofalladeez: San wtf Keigo: the mans voice tho omg Izzy_blight: Milf supremacy Keigo: fr Keigo: sandie ur voice istfg Sannkaed: hehe Ishipwillowandhunter: . Keigo: its so fucking hot Keigo: MICJJJJJHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH]\ Ishipwillowandhunter: Its also 18+ Sannkaed: Sannkaed: hood shi Izzy_blight: Pedo supremacy Sannkaed: no... Sannkaed: lets not Hello91: hey michy Ishipwillowandhunter: KEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ishipwillowandhunter: Hey daddy Keigo: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MICH Keigo: hi bradely Sannkaed: MICHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh Keigo: welp i gtg home now love yall bye (anon): Yo Sannkaed: ok bye Oofalladeez: STAY WITH ME (anon): It's jay (anon): Is tay online? (anon): Hey Sann <3 can I ask you something?? (anon): No Dtrump: Tay left. (anon): Dang Sannkaed: CUZ UR Sannkaed: ALL I Sannkaed: NEED (anon): You. Are. A. Filthy. Liar. (anon): Sann is a liar. I have the proof. (anon): Would you like me to show it? Oofalladeez: Tell Kiki to wait up for me. I'll be home by 9:45 Oofalladeez: I will aneak on here when I can Jug_addict: ha Dtrump: Anon I love to see it. Izzy_blight: Show me the money 💰 20:43:27Friday, September 15, 2023 Sannkaed: show me the monkey Todd_clorox: I don't have any money. I'm poor. I can't even afford a prostitute to tuck me in and kiss me goodnight. Izzy_blight: Poor baby 😞 Sannkaed: poor todd Todd_clorox: :( Jug_addict: ha Izzy_blight: I'll chip in a dollar to todds prostitue fund 💸 Jug_addict: same Todd_clorox: You guys are the best! Sannkaed: starting a gofundme rn Jug_addict: ill donate Ishipwillowandhunter: Me too, ill donate one cumsock and 30$ Hello91: i'll chip in a gallon of cum and a penny Hello91: the penny is inside the gallon though so you might have to dig around a little Oofalladeez: Why should I throw this plastic six pack ring into the river? Oofalladeez: 1. I dont want it Oofalladeez: 2. The river is right there Sannkaed: im gonna go toke some smoke bc i need weed and some goodass grass to blow flow and light flight 21:10:00Friday, September 15, 2023