Call for Papers

Instructions on Paper Submission

Peer Review Process

  1. Each submitted manuscript will receive a unique paper id.
  2. The manuscripts will be initially screened to check for the conference scope and originality.
  3. The submissions will strictly go through a plagiarism check using Turnitin Software and only plagiarism free manuscripts will be sent for Technical review.
  4. After the technical peer review process, the corresponding author will be notified the outcome of the review process.
  5. ICIECS 2022 adopts double blind review process.
  6. If reviewers recommended for further improvements in the manuscript, the manuscript will be sent back to the corresponding author and the revised version of the manuscript shall be submitted within fifteen days on the date of notification.
  7. The final decision on the manuscript will be announced after the third round of evaluation by the technical program committee.

Important Dates

Submission of papers 30th June 2022
Intimation of acceptance 25th July 2022
Last date for registration 25th August 2022