
David Copperfield

A young boy raised without a father witnesses love and care up until his mother passes away prior to giving birth to a brother or sister for David. His caregivers post his mother's death, are cruel and unjust to young David. They send him to work and earn a living in London, where David meets the cheerful old man Mr. Micawber (W.C. Fields) who shows him the kindess he seeks. When Mr. Micawber is forced to leave town, David moving along with his adventures comes to find his aunt who is strict but quickly warms up to David and against the wishes of his cruel stepfather, David stays with his aunt. Shortly after settling, young David meets a girl at school. David, a young man now is visited by his old friend Mr. Micawber. He then encounters his old nanny Nurse Peggy. David is married and with his new wife, they reside in their country home. Finding being married and having a home doesn't get any easier.

Duration: 130 min

Quality: HD

Release: 1935

IMDb: 7.5