
Patrik, Age 1.5

In a suburb in Sweden, gay Dr. Göran and his partner, executive Sven, receive a letter informing them that they can finally adopt an orphan - Patrik 1,5. With the understanding that Patrik is a one-and-half-year-old baby, they prepare a room for him; however, there is a typo. Patrick is actually a fifteen-year-old homophobic teenager with a criminal record. The gay couple assumes there is a mix-up, but it's Friday afternoon and they need to wait until Tuesday to contact the Social Service. Over the weekend, Sven has friction with the adolescent (thinking he'll be stabbed in his sleep while the lad fears he'll be raped), but Göran befriends Patrik and discovers he's an experienced gardener. Göran and Sven have an argument about Patrik and Sven leaves Göran. When Göran learns that Patrik has been rejected by families for ten years, he decides to adopt him, but now that he is alone, his initial process of adoption is no longer valid and he needs to prepare a new application.

Duration: 103 min

Quality: HDRip

Release: 2008

IMDb: 6.9
