
Star Trek: Voyager 1

Another series from the Star Trek franchise. It begins with the Federation trying to find the Maquis--a group of rebels first met in Deep Space Nine. They send Captain Kathryn Janeway and the new Starship Voyager to find them in a part of space known as the badlands. She recruits former Maquis member and Federation pilot, Tom Paris to help her. When they enter the badlands, something happens and they find themselves in the Delta Quadrant which is 70,000 light years away. They find the Maquis they were searching for led by Commander Chakotay. They learn that they were brought there by a being known as the Caretaker who was looking for someone to take his place as he was dying and it's his job to look after the Ocampa, an alien race, who is constantly being threatened by the Kazon. Janeway convinces the Caretaker to let the Ocampa fend for themselves but before he could return them he dies and knowing that the Kazon would use the Caretaker's technology to conquer the Ocampa Janeway destroys his ship leaving them stranded in the Delta Quadrant. They have no choice but to try and find a way to return to their own universe which would take them many years at their best speed. Janeway decides to take in Chakotay and his people and make them crewmembers. Also joining them is Neelix, a Talaxian, who helps them get through this unknown quadrant, and Kes, an Ocampan. Now the ship's regular doctor was killed, so for their medical needs, they have to rely on the EMH or Emergency Medical Hologram, which is a hologram of a doctor. During the fourth season, they met with the Borg, and somehow one of them, Seven of Nine was left with them and they were able revert back into human form, partially. And Kes who was going through some changes and could no longer remain on the ship left. Among the other crew members, B'Lanna Torres, a half human half Klingon engineer. Tuvok, the Vulcan Security Officer. And navigator Harry Kim.

Duration: 44 min/episode

Quality: HDRip

Release: 1995

IMDb: 7.7
