
The Company Men

An ensemble drama that addresses the effects of downsizing on the upper class American family. For high flying Bobby Walker, his lucrative job at GTX has given him the American Dream: a big house in the suburbs, a silver Porsche in his garage and a beautiful family. But when Bobby is one of the thousands laid off by his company in the wake of an ongoing recession, Bobby must join the lines of the unemployed, but also deal with the effects it has on he and his family. Among the others laid off is Phil Woodward, an executive who rose from the factory floor to the corporate offices, but is now finding himself competing with men half his age as he reenters the job market. Meanwhile, Gene McClary is the number two executive at GTX and the vocal opposition to the layoffs, as he witnesses them happening to his friends and colleagues.

Duration: 104 min

Quality: HD

Release: 2010

IMDb: 6.8
