
To Be or Not to Be

A Polish actor (Frederick Bronski) and his wife (Anna) are renowned actors in Poland at the start of WWII. In the opening, Anna has been receiving flowers from a young pilot who always sits in the second row during the performances, so decides to meet with Lt. Sobinski backstage during her husband's rendition of the soliloquy "To Be, or Not to Be." It is during one of these interviews that word comes of invasion by the Nazis, and everything spins out of control. Sobinski is in England with a band of Polish resisters when he is sent back to Poland on a mission to save the lives of all the Polish Underground. He goes to Anna after parachuting into the country, and the rest of the movie unfolds with a comedic air as Sobinski, the Bronskis, and the theater troupe try to get out of Poland alive.

Duration: 107 min

Quality: HD

Release: 1983

IMDb: 6.8
