DGtal  1.5.beta
distancetransform3D.cpp File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include "DGtal/base/Common.h"
#include "DGtal/kernel/SpaceND.h"
#include "DGtal/kernel/domains/HyperRectDomain.h"
#include "DGtal/images/ImageSelector.h"
#include "DGtal/io/readers/VolReader.h"
#include "DGtal/io/Color.h"
#include "DGtal/io/colormaps/GradientColorMap.h"
#include "DGtal/io/DrawWithDisplay3DModifier.h"
#include "DGtal/io/viewers/Viewer3D.h"
#include "DGtal/geometry/volumes/distance/DistanceTransformation.h"
#include "DGtal/images/SimpleThresholdForegroundPredicate.h"
#include "DGtal/helpers/StdDefs.h"
#include "ConfigExamples.h"
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template<typename Image >
void randomSeeds (Image &image, const unsigned int nb, const int value)
int main (int argc, char **argv)

Detailed Description

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

Bertrand Kerautret (kerau.nosp@m.tre@.nosp@m.loria.nosp@m..fr ) LORIA (CNRS, UMR 7503), University of Nancy, France

This file is part of the DGtal library.

Definition in file distancetransform3D.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 100 of file distancetransform3D.cpp.

101 {
103  std::string inputFilename = examplesPath + "samples/Al.100.vol";
105  //------------
106  QApplication application(argc,argv);
107  Viewer3D<> viewer;
108  viewer.setWindowTitle("simpleViewer");
109  viewer.show();
113  //Default image selector = STLVector
115  Image image = VolReader<Image>::importVol( inputFilename );
116  Z3i::Domain domain = image.domain();
119  Image imageSeeds ( domain);
120  for ( Image::Iterator it = imageSeeds.begin(), itend = imageSeeds.end();it != itend; ++it)
121  (*it)=1;
122  Z3i::Point p0(10,10,10);
123  //imageSeeds.setValue(p0, 0 );
124  randomSeeds(imageSeeds, 70, 0);
127  //Distance transformation computation
129  Predicate aPredicate(imageSeeds,0);
132  DTL2 dtL2(&domain, &aPredicate, &Z3i::l2Metric);
134  unsigned int min = 0;
135  unsigned int max = 0;
136  for(DTL2::ConstRange::ConstIterator it = dtL2.constRange().begin(),
137  itend=dtL2.constRange().end();
138  it!=itend;
139  ++it)
140  {
141  if( (*it) < min )
142  min=(*it);
143  if( (*it) > max )
144  max=(*it);
145  }
148  GradientColorMap<long> gradient( 0,30);
149  gradient.addColor(Color::Red);
150  gradient.addColor(Color::Yellow);
151  gradient.addColor(Color::Green);
152  gradient.addColor(Color::Cyan);
153  gradient.addColor(Color::Blue);
154  gradient.addColor(Color::Magenta);
155  gradient.addColor(Color::Red);
158  viewer << SetMode3D( (*(domain.begin())).className(), "Paving" );
160  for(Z3i::Domain::ConstIterator it = domain.begin(), itend=domain.end();
161  it!=itend;
162  ++it){
164  double valDist= dtL2( (*it) );
165  Color c= gradient(valDist);
167  if(dtL2(*it)<=30 && image(*it)>0){
168  viewer << CustomColors3D(Color((float)(c.red()),
169  (float)(c.green()),
170  (float)(c.blue(),205)),
171  Color((float)(c.red()),
172  (float)(c.green()),
173  (float)(c.blue()),205));
174  viewer << *it ;
175  }
176  }
177  viewer<< Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay;
179  return application.exec();
180 }
Structure representing an RGB triple with alpha component.
Definition: Color.h:68
Aim: Implementation of the linear in time distance transformation for separable metrics.
Aim: This class template may be used to (linearly) convert scalar values in a given range into a colo...
Iterator for HyperRectDomain.
const ConstIterator & end() const
const ConstIterator & begin() const
Aim: implements association bewteen points lying in a digital domain and values.
Definition: Image.h:70
virtual void show()
Overload QWidget method in order to add a call to updateList() method (to ensure that the lists are w...
Aim: Define a simple Foreground predicate thresholding image values given a single thresold....
void randomSeeds(Image &image, const unsigned int nb, const int value)
MyDigitalSurface::ConstIterator ConstIterator
Modifier class in a Display3D stream. Useful to choose your own mode for a given class....
Aim: implements methods to read a "Vol" file format.
Definition: VolReader.h:90
int max(int a, int b)
Domain domain
Image image(domain)
ImageContainerBySTLVector< Domain, Value > Image

References DGtal::GradientColorMap< PValue, PDefaultPreset, PDefaultFirstColor, PDefaultLastColor >::addColor(), DGtal::HyperRectDomain< TSpace >::begin(), domain, DGtal::HyperRectDomain< TSpace >::end(), image(), max(), randomSeeds(), and DGtal::Viewer3D< TSpace, TKSpace >::show().

◆ randomSeeds()

template<typename Image >
void randomSeeds ( Image image,
const unsigned int  nb,
const int  value 

Set to a given value a random set of nb points.

imagethe image
nbthe number of random points to insert
valuethe value to add at each random point

Definition at line 81 of file distancetransform3D.cpp.

82 {
83  typename Image::Point p, low = image.domain().lowerBound();
84  typename Image::Vector ext;
85  srand ( time(NULL) );
87  ext = image.extent();
89  for (unsigned int k = 0 ; k < nb; k++)
90  {
91  for (unsigned int dim = 0; dim < Image::dimension; dim++)
92  p[dim] = rand() % (ext[dim]) + low[dim];
94  image.setValue(p, value);
95  }
96 }
unsigned int dim(const Vector &z)

References dim(), and srand().

Referenced by main().