DGtal  1.5.beta
examplePlaneProbingSurfaceLocalEstimator.cpp File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "ConfigExamples.h"
#include "DGtal/helpers/StdDefs.h"
#include "DGtal/base/Common.h"
#include "DGtal/geometry/surfaces/estimation/PlaneProbingTetrahedronEstimator.h"
#include "DGtal/geometry/surfaces/estimation/PlaneProbingParallelepipedEstimator.h"
#include "DGtal/geometry/surfaces/DigitalSurfacePredicate.h"
#include "DGtal/geometry/surfaces/estimation/PlaneProbingDigitalSurfaceLocalEstimator.h"
#include "DGtal/helpers/Shortcuts.h"
#include "DGtal/helpers/ShortcutsGeometry.h"
#include "DGtal/io/viewers/Viewer3D.h"
Include dependency graph for examplePlaneProbingSurfaceLocalEstimator.cpp:

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using KSpace = Z3i::KSpace
using SH3 = Shortcuts< KSpace >
using SHG3 = ShortcutsGeometry< KSpace >
using Surface = SH3::DigitalSurface
using Surfel = SH3::Surfel
using Point = SH3::Point
using RealPoint = SH3::RealPoint
using Integer = Point::Coordinate


RealPoint centerSurfel (KSpace const &K, SH3::SCell const &s)
int main (int argc, char **argv)

Detailed Description

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

Jocelyn Meyron (jocel.nosp@m.yn.m.nosp@m.eyron.nosp@m.@lir.nosp@m.is.cn.nosp@m.rs.f.nosp@m.r ) Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Image et Systemes d'information - LIRIS (CNRS, UMR 5205), CNRS, France

An example file that shows how to construct and use a PlaneProbingDigitalSurfaceLocalEstimator.

This file is part of the DGtal library.

Definition in file examplePlaneProbingSurfaceLocalEstimator.cpp.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Integer

using Integer = Point::Coordinate

Definition at line 55 of file examplePlaneProbingSurfaceLocalEstimator.cpp.

◆ KSpace

◆ Point

using Point = SH3::Point

Definition at line 53 of file examplePlaneProbingSurfaceLocalEstimator.cpp.

◆ RealPoint

◆ SH3

using SH3 = Shortcuts<KSpace>

Definition at line 49 of file examplePlaneProbingSurfaceLocalEstimator.cpp.

◆ SHG3

◆ Surface

◆ Surfel

Function Documentation

◆ centerSurfel()

RealPoint centerSurfel ( KSpace const &  K,
SH3::SCell const &  s 

Definition at line 57 of file examplePlaneProbingSurfaceLocalEstimator.cpp.

58 {
59  auto pointels = SH3::getPrimalVertices(K, s, true);
61  Point p = K.uCoords(pointels[0]),
62  u = K.uCoords(pointels[1]) - p,
63  v = K.uCoords(pointels[3]) - p;
65  static const RealPoint shift(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5);
67  return p + 0.5 * u + 0.5 * v + shift;
68 }
Point uCoords(const Cell &c) const
Return its digital coordinates.
MyPointD Point
Definition: testClone2.cpp:383
KSpace K

References K, and DGtal::KhalimskySpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uCoords().

Referenced by main().

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 





Definition at line 72 of file examplePlaneProbingSurfaceLocalEstimator.cpp.

73 {
74  QApplication application(argc, argv);
76  std::string volfile = (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : (examplesPath + "samples/cat10.vol");
78  auto params = SH3::defaultParameters() | SHG3::defaultParameters();
79  auto bimage = SH3::makeBinaryImage(volfile, params);
80  auto K = SH3::getKSpace(bimage, params);
81  auto surface = SH3::makeDigitalSurface(bimage, K, params);
82  auto surfels = SH3::getSurfelRange(surface);
84  Integer bound = params["maxAABB"].as<Integer>();
85  double gridstep = params["gridstep"].as<double>();
87  Viewer3D<> viewer(K);
88  viewer << SetMode3D(Surfel().className(), "Basic");
89  viewer.show();
92  using SurfacePredicate = DigitalSurfacePredicate<Surface>;
94  // The general form is PlaneProbingDigitalSurfaceLocalEstimator<SurfaceType, ProbingAlgorithm>
97  // Parameters of the estimator:
98  // - the probing factory
99  Estimator::ProbingFactory probingFactory = [&bound](const Estimator::ProbingFrame& frame, const SurfacePredicate& surfacePredicate) {
100  // If the base estimator is a PlaneProbingTetrahedronEstimator
101  // return new ProbingAlgorithm(frame.p, { frame.b1, frame.b2, frame.normal }, surfacePredicate);
103  // For a PlaneProbingParallelepipedEstimator
104  return new ProbingAlgorithm(frame.p, { frame.b1, frame.b2, frame.normal }, surfacePredicate, bound);
105  };
107  // - an optional hashmap of pre-estimations
108  std::unordered_map<Surfel, RealPoint> preEstimations;
109  // The user can provide the pre-estimation
110  // auto preEstimationsVector = SHG3::getCTrivialNormalVectors(surface, surfels, params);
111  // for (std::size_t i = 0; i < surfels.size(); ++i)
112  // {
113  // preEstimations[surfels[i]] = preEstimationsVector[i];
114  // }
115  // Or if it is not given, it is implicitly done inside the Estimator::eval function (using the MaximalSegmentSliceEstimation estimator)
117  // - a verbosity flag
118  bool verbose = true;
120  Estimator estimator(surface, probingFactory, preEstimations, verbose);
121  estimator.init(gridstep, surfels.begin(), surfels.end());
125  // Evaluation on a range of surfels
126  std::vector<Estimator::Quantity> quantities;
127  estimator.eval(surfels.begin(), surfels.end(), std::back_inserter(quantities));
129  // Or on one surfel 's'
130  // Estimator::Quantity q = estiamtor.eval(s);
133  Color fillColor = viewer.getFillColor();
135  int i = 0;
136  for (auto it = surfels.begin(); it != surfels.end(); ++it, ++i)
137  {
138  const Surfel& s = *it;
139  const Estimator::Quantity& n = quantities[i];
141  RealPoint origin = centerSurfel(K, s);
143  viewer.setFillColor(fillColor);
144  viewer << s;
146  // Pre-estimation in red
147  RealPoint const& preEstimation = estimator.getPreEstimation(it);
148  viewer.setLineColor(Color::Red);
149  viewer.addLine(origin, origin + 1.5 * preEstimation.getNormalized(), 0.3);
151  // Estimated normal in green;
152  viewer.setLineColor(Color::Green);
153  viewer.addLine(origin, origin + 1.5 * n.getNormalized(), 0.3);
154  }
156  viewer << Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay;
157  application.exec();
159  return 0;
160 }
Structure representing an RGB triple with alpha component.
Definition: Color.h:68
Aim: Adapt a plane-probing estimator on a digital surface to estimate normal vectors.
PointVector< dim, double, std::array< double, dim > > getNormalized() const
CountedPtr< SH3::DigitalSurface > surface
RealPoint centerSurfel(KSpace const &K, SH3::SCell const &s)
Modifier class in a Display3D stream. Useful to choose your own mode for a given class....
Represents a signed cell in a cellular grid space by its Khalimsky coordinates and a boolean value.

References centerSurfel(), DGtal::PointVector< dim, TEuclideanRing, TContainer >::getNormalized(), K, and surface.