DGtal  1.5.beta
boost Namespace Reference

Data Structures

struct  DefaultConstructible
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/DefaultConstructible.html. More...
struct  Assignable
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Assignable.html. More...
struct  CopyConstructible
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/CopyConstructible.html. More...
struct  InputIterator
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html. More...
struct  OutputIterator
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/OutputIterator.html. More...
struct  ForwardIterator
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/ForwardIterator.html. More...
struct  BidirectionalIterator
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/BidirectionalIterator.html. More...
struct  RandomAccessIterator
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/RandomAccessIterator.html. More...
struct  EqualityComparable
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/EqualityComparable.html. More...
struct  LessThanComparable
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/LessThanComparable.html. More...
struct  SignedInteger
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/SignedInteger.html. More...
struct  UnsignedInteger
 Go to http://www.boost.org/libs/concept_check/reference.htm. More...
struct  Integer
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struct  Convertible
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struct  SGIAssignable
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struct  Mutable_ForwardIterator
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struct  Mutable_BidirectionalIterator
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struct  Mutable_RandomAccessIterator
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struct  Generator
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struct  UnaryFunction
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/UnaryFunction.html. More...
struct  BinaryFunction
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/BinaryFunction.html. More...
struct  UnaryPredicate
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Predicate.html. More...
struct  BinaryPredicate
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/BinaryPredicate.html. More...
struct  Const_BinaryPredicate
 Go to http://www.boost.org/libs/concept_check/reference.htm. More...
struct  AdaptableGenerator
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/AdaptableGenerator.html. More...
struct  AdaptableUnaryFunction
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/AdaptableUnaryFunction.html. More...
struct  AdaptableBinaryFunction
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struct  AdaptablePredicate
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struct  AdaptableBinaryPredicate
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struct  Container
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Container.html. More...
struct  Mutable_Container
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struct  ForwardContainer
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struct  Mutable_ForwardContainer
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struct  ReversibleContainer
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/ReversibleContainer.html. More...
struct  Mutable_ReversibleContainer
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struct  RandomAccessContainer
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struct  Mutable_RandomAccessContainer
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struct  Sequence
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struct  FrontInsertionSequence
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struct  BackInsertionSequence
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struct  AssociativeContainer
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struct  UniqueAssociativeContainer
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struct  MultipleAssociativeContainer
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struct  SimpleAssociativeContainer
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struct  PairAssociativeContainer
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struct  SortedAssociativeContainer
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struct  Collection
 Go to http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Collection.html. More...
struct  GraphConcept
 Go to http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/libs/graph/doc/Graph.html. More...
struct  VertexListGraphConcept
 Go to http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/libs/graph/doc/VertexListGraph.html. More...
struct  AdjacencyGraphConcept
 Go to http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/libs/graph/doc/AdjacencyGraph.html. More...
struct  IncidenceGraphConcept
 Go to http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/libs/graph/doc/IncidenceGraph.html. More...
struct  EdgeListGraphConcept
 Go to http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/libs/graph/doc/EdgeListGraph.html. More...
struct  MultiPassInputIterator
 Go to http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/libs/utility/MultiPassInputIterator.html. More...
struct  is_integral
 Go to http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/libs/type_traits/doc/html/index.html. More...
struct  is_unsigned
 Go to http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/libs/type_traits/doc/html/index.html. More...
struct  graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >
struct  graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >
struct  hash< DGtal::BigInteger >
struct  DigitalSurface_graph_traversal_category
struct  hash< DGtal::KhalimskyCell< dim, TInteger > >
 Extend boost namespace to define a boost::hash function on DGtal::KhalimskyCell. More...
struct  hash< DGtal::SignedKhalimskyCell< dim, TInteger > >
 Extend boost namespace to define a boost::hash function on DGtal::SignedKhalimskyCell. More...
struct  Object_graph_traversal_category


template<class TDigitalSurfaceContainer >
graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::vertex_descriptor source (typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::edge_descriptor edge, const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &digSurf)
template<class TDigitalSurfaceContainer >
graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::vertex_descriptor target (typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::edge_descriptor edge, const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &digSurf)
template<class TDigitalSurfaceContainer >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::vertex_iterator, typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::vertex_iterator > vertices (const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &digSurf)
template<class TDigitalSurfaceContainer >
graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::vertices_size_type num_vertices (const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &digSurf)
template<class TDigitalSurfaceContainer >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::adjacency_iterator, typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::adjacency_iterator > adjacent_vertices (typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::vertex_descriptor u, const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &digSurf)
template<class TDigitalSurfaceContainer >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::out_edge_iterator, typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::out_edge_iterator > out_edges (typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::vertex_descriptor u, const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &digSurf)
template<class TDigitalSurfaceContainer >
graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::degree_size_type out_degree (typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::vertex_descriptor u, const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &digSurf)
template<class TDigitalSurfaceContainer >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::edge_iterator, typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::edge_iterator > edges (const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &digSurf)
template<class TDigitalSurfaceContainer >
graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::edges_size_type num_edges (const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &digSurf)
template<class TDigitalTopology , class TDigitalSet >
graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::vertex_descriptor source (typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::edge_descriptor edge, const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &obj)
template<class TDigitalTopology , class TDigitalSet >
graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::vertex_descriptor target (typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::edge_descriptor edge, const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &obj)
template<class TDigitalTopology , class TDigitalSet >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::vertex_iterator, typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::vertex_iterator > vertices (const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &obj)
template<class TDigitalTopology , class TDigitalSet >
graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::vertices_size_type num_vertices (const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &obj)
template<class TDigitalTopology , class TDigitalSet >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::adjacency_iterator, typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::adjacency_iterator > adjacent_vertices (typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::vertex_descriptor u, const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &obj)
template<class TDigitalTopology , class TDigitalSet >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::out_edge_iterator, typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::out_edge_iterator > out_edges (typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::vertex_descriptor u, const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &obj)
template<class TDigitalTopology , class TDigitalSet >
graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::degree_size_type out_degree (typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::vertex_descriptor u, const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &obj)
template<class TDigitalTopology , class TDigitalSet >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::edge_iterator, typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::edge_iterator > edges (const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &obj)
template<class TDigitalTopology , class TDigitalSet >
graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::edges_size_type num_edges (const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &obj)

Detailed Description

Dummy namespace used for generating the documentation. Gathers boost concept definitions and refers to the corresponding documentation.

More generally, you may also want to look at

Function Documentation

◆ adjacent_vertices() [1/2]

template<class TDigitalSurfaceContainer >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::adjacency_iterator, typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::adjacency_iterator > boost::adjacent_vertices ( typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::vertex_descriptor  u,
const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &  digSurf 
ua vertex belonging to digSurf.
digSurfa valid digital surface.
a pair< adjacency_iterator, adjacency_iterator > that represents a range to visit the adjacent vertices of vertex u.

Definition at line 434 of file DigitalSurfaceBoostGraphInterface.h.

436  {
437  typedef typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >
438  ::adjacency_iterator Iterator;
439  typedef typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >
440  ::AdjacentVertexContainer Container;
441  DGtal::CountedPtr<Container> ptrAdjVertices( new Container );
442  std::back_insert_iterator< Container > outIt = std::back_inserter( *ptrAdjVertices );
443  digSurf.writeNeighbors( outIt, u );
444  return std::make_pair( Iterator( ptrAdjVertices->begin(), ptrAdjVertices ),
445  Iterator( ptrAdjVertices->end(), ptrAdjVertices ) );
446  }
Aim: Smart pointer based on reference counts.
Definition: CountedPtr.h:80
void writeNeighbors(OutputIterator &it, const Vertex &v) const

References DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer >::writeNeighbors().

Referenced by TEST_CASE_METHOD().

◆ adjacent_vertices() [2/2]

template<class TDigitalTopology , class TDigitalSet >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::adjacency_iterator, typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::adjacency_iterator > boost::adjacent_vertices ( typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::vertex_descriptor  u,
const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &  obj 
ua vertex belonging to obj.
obja valid object.
a pair< adjacency_iterator, adjacency_iterator > that represents a range to visit the adjacent vertices of vertex u.

Definition at line 524 of file ObjectBoostGraphInterface.h.

526  {
527  typedef typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >
528  ::adjacency_iterator Iterator;
529  typedef typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >
530  ::AdjacentVertexContainer Container;
531  DGtal::CountedPtr<Container> ptrAdjVertices( new Container );
532  std::back_insert_iterator< Container > outIt = std::back_inserter( *ptrAdjVertices );
533  obj.writeNeighbors( outIt, u );
534  return std::make_pair( Iterator( ptrAdjVertices->begin(), ptrAdjVertices ),
535  Iterator( ptrAdjVertices->end(), ptrAdjVertices ) );
536  }

◆ edges() [1/2]

template<class TDigitalSurfaceContainer >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::edge_iterator, typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::edge_iterator > boost::edges ( const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &  digSurf)
digSurfa valid digital surface.
a pair< out_edge_iterator, out_edge_iterator > that represents a range to visit the out edges of vertex u. Each out edge is a tuple (u,t) of vertices, where t != u.

Definition at line 503 of file DigitalSurfaceBoostGraphInterface.h.

504  {
505  typedef typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::edge_iterator
506  edge_iterator;
507  return std::make_pair( edge_iterator( digSurf, digSurf.begin(), digSurf.end() ),
508  edge_iterator( digSurf, digSurf.end(), digSurf.end() ) );
509  }
ConstIterator begin() const
ConstIterator end() const

References DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer >::begin(), and DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer >::end().

Referenced by num_edges(), TEST_CASE_METHOD(), and testDigitalSurfaceBoostGraphInterface().

◆ edges() [2/2]

template<class TDigitalTopology , class TDigitalSet >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::edge_iterator, typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::edge_iterator > boost::edges ( const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &  obj)
obja valid Object.
a pair< edge_iterator, edge_iterator > that represents a range to visit all the edges of obj . Each edge is a tuple (u,t) of vertices, where t != u.

Definition at line 593 of file ObjectBoostGraphInterface.h.

594  {
595  typedef typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::edge_iterator
596  edge_iterator;
597  return std::make_pair( edge_iterator( obj, obj.begin(), obj.end() ),
598  edge_iterator( obj, obj.end(), obj.end() ) );
599  }

◆ num_edges() [1/2]

template<class TDigitalSurfaceContainer >
graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::edges_size_type boost::num_edges ( const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &  digSurf)
digSurfa valid digital surface.
the number of vertices of digSurf.

Definition at line 518 of file DigitalSurfaceBoostGraphInterface.h.

519  {
520  typedef typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::edge_iterator
521  edge_iterator;
522  typedef typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::edges_size_type
523  edges_size_type;
524  edges_size_type nbEdges = 0;
525  for ( std::pair< edge_iterator, edge_iterator > ve = boost::edges( digSurf );
526  ve.first != ve.second; ++ve.first )
527  ++nbEdges;
528  return nbEdges;
529  }
std::pair< typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::edge_iterator, typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::edge_iterator > edges(const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &digSurf)

References edges().

Referenced by TEST_CASE_METHOD().

◆ num_edges() [2/2]

template<class TDigitalTopology , class TDigitalSet >
graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::edges_size_type boost::num_edges ( const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &  obj)
obja valid object.
the number of edges of obj.

Definition at line 608 of file ObjectBoostGraphInterface.h.

609  {
610  typedef typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::edge_iterator
611  edge_iterator;
612  typedef typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::edges_size_type
613  edges_size_type;
614  edges_size_type nbEdges = 0;
615  for ( std::pair< edge_iterator, edge_iterator > ve = boost::edges( obj );
616  ve.first != ve.second; ++ve.first )
617  ++nbEdges;
618  return nbEdges;
619  }

References edges().

◆ num_vertices() [1/2]

template<class TDigitalSurfaceContainer >
graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::vertices_size_type boost::num_vertices ( const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &  digSurf)
digSurfa valid digital surface.
the number of vertices of digSurf.

Definition at line 416 of file DigitalSurfaceBoostGraphInterface.h.

417  {
418  return digSurf.size();
419  }

References DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer >::size().

Referenced by TEST_CASE_METHOD(), and testDigitalSurfaceBoostGraphInterface().

◆ num_vertices() [2/2]

template<class TDigitalTopology , class TDigitalSet >
graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::vertices_size_type boost::num_vertices ( const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &  obj)
obja valid object.
the number of vertices of obj.

Definition at line 506 of file ObjectBoostGraphInterface.h.

507  {
508  return obj.size();
509  }

◆ out_degree() [1/2]

template<class TDigitalSurfaceContainer >
graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::degree_size_type boost::out_degree ( typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::vertex_descriptor  u,
const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &  digSurf 
ua vertex belonging to digSurf.
digSurfa valid digital surface.
the number of out edges at vertex u. Each out edge is a tuple (u,t) of vertices, where t != u.

Definition at line 485 of file DigitalSurfaceBoostGraphInterface.h.

487  {
488  return digSurf.degree( u );
489  }
Size degree(const Vertex &v) const

References DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer >::degree().

Referenced by TEST_CASE_METHOD().

◆ out_degree() [2/2]

template<class TDigitalTopology , class TDigitalSet >
graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::degree_size_type boost::out_degree ( typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::vertex_descriptor  u,
const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &  obj 
ua vertex belonging to obj
obja valid Object.
the number of out edges at vertex u.

Definition at line 575 of file ObjectBoostGraphInterface.h.

577  {
578  return obj.degree( u );
579  }

◆ out_edges() [1/2]

template<class TDigitalSurfaceContainer >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::out_edge_iterator, typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::out_edge_iterator > boost::out_edges ( typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::vertex_descriptor  u,
const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &  digSurf 
ua vertex belonging to digSurf.
digSurfa valid digital surface.
a pair< out_edge_iterator, out_edge_iterator > that represents a range to visit the out edges of vertex u. Each out edge is a tuple (u,t) of vertices, where t != u.

Definition at line 463 of file DigitalSurfaceBoostGraphInterface.h.

465  {
466  typedef typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >
467  ::out_edge_iterator Iterator;
468  typedef typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >
469  ::OutEdgeContainer Container;
470  DGtal::CountedPtr<Container> ptrOutEdges( new Container( digSurf.outArcs( u ) ) );
471  return std::make_pair( Iterator( ptrOutEdges->begin(), ptrOutEdges ),
472  Iterator( ptrOutEdges->end(), ptrOutEdges ) );
473  }
ArcRange outArcs(const Vertex &v) const

References DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer >::outArcs().

Referenced by TEST_CASE_METHOD(), and testDigitalSurfaceBoostGraphInterface().

◆ out_edges() [2/2]

template<class TDigitalTopology , class TDigitalSet >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::out_edge_iterator, typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::out_edge_iterator > boost::out_edges ( typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::vertex_descriptor  u,
const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &  obj 
ua vertex belonging to obj.
obja valid object.
a pair< out_edge_iterator, out_edge_iterator > that represents a range to visit the out edges of vertex u. Each out edge is a tuple (u,t) of vertices, where t != u.

Definition at line 553 of file ObjectBoostGraphInterface.h.

555  {
556  typedef typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >
557  ::out_edge_iterator Iterator;
558  typedef typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >
559  ::OutEdgeContainer Container;
560  DGtal::CountedPtr<Container> ptrEdges( new Container( obj.outEdges( u ) ) );
561  return std::make_pair( Iterator( ptrEdges->begin(), ptrEdges ),
562  Iterator( ptrEdges->end(), ptrEdges ) );
563  }

◆ source() [1/2]

template<class TDigitalSurfaceContainer >
graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::vertex_descriptor boost::source ( typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::edge_descriptor  edge,
const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &  digSurf 

Defines the property map traits for any kind of digital surface.

Template Parameters
TDigitalSurfaceContainerthe container chosen for the digital surface.
edgean arc (s,t) on digSurf.
digSurfa valid digital surface.
the vertex s.

Definition at line 378 of file DigitalSurfaceBoostGraphInterface.h.

380  {
381  return digSurf.tail( edge );
382  }
Vertex tail(const Arc &a) const

References DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer >::tail().

Referenced by TEST_CASE_METHOD(), and testDigitalSurfaceBoostGraphInterface().

◆ source() [2/2]

template<class TDigitalTopology , class TDigitalSet >
graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::vertex_descriptor boost::source ( typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::edge_descriptor  edge,
const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &  obj 
edgean edge (s,t) on obj.
obja valid object.
the vertex s.

Definition at line 468 of file ObjectBoostGraphInterface.h.

470  {
471  return obj.tail( edge );
472  }

◆ target() [1/2]

template<class TDigitalSurfaceContainer >
graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::vertex_descriptor boost::target ( typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::edge_descriptor  edge,
const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &  digSurf 
edgean arc (s,t) on digSurf.
digSurfa valid digital surface.
the vertex t.

Definition at line 391 of file DigitalSurfaceBoostGraphInterface.h.

393  {
394  return digSurf.head( edge );
395  }
Vertex head(const Arc &a) const

References DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer >::head().

Referenced by TEST_CASE_METHOD(), and testDigitalSurfaceBoostGraphInterface().

◆ target() [2/2]

template<class TDigitalTopology , class TDigitalSet >
graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::vertex_descriptor boost::target ( typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::edge_descriptor  edge,
const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &  obj 
edgean edge (s,t) on obj.
obja valid object.
the vertex t.

Definition at line 481 of file ObjectBoostGraphInterface.h.

483  {
484  return obj.head( edge );
485  }

◆ vertices() [1/2]

template<class TDigitalSurfaceContainer >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::vertex_iterator, typename graph_traits< DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > >::vertex_iterator > boost::vertices ( const DGtal::DigitalSurface< TDigitalSurfaceContainer > &  digSurf)
digSurfa valid digital surface.
a pair< vertex_iterator, vertex_iterator > that represents a range to visit all the vertices of digSurf.

Referenced by TEST_CASE_METHOD(), and testDigitalSurfaceBoostGraphInterface().

◆ vertices() [2/2]

template<class TDigitalTopology , class TDigitalSet >
std::pair< typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::vertex_iterator, typename graph_traits< DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > >::vertex_iterator > boost::vertices ( const DGtal::Object< TDigitalTopology, TDigitalSet > &  obj)
obja valid object.
a pair< vertex_iterator, vertex_iterator > that represents a range to visit all the vertices of obj.