GEOCON File Processing Routines
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
libgeocon.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  GEOCON_HDR


#define GEOCON_VERSION_STR   "1.0.0"
#define GEOCON_NULL   0
#define GEOCON_MAX_PATH_LEN   256
#define GEOCON_MAX_ERR_LEN   32
#define GEOCON_COORD_LON   0
#define GEOCON_COORD_LAT   1
#define GEOCON_COORD_LAM   0
#define GEOCON_COORD_PHI   1
#define GEOCON_HDR_MAGIC   0x47434f4e
#define GEOCON_HDR_MAGIC_SWAPPED   0x4e4f4347
#define GEOCON_HDR_INFO_LEN   80
#define GEOCON_HDR_DATE_LEN   24
#define GEOCON_HDR_NAME_LEN   80
#define GEOCON_LAT_S_TO_N   0
#define GEOCON_LAT_N_TO_S   1
#define GEOCON_LON_W_TO_E   0
#define GEOCON_LON_E_TO_W   1
#define GEOCON_BIN_EXTENSION   "gcb"
#define GEOCON_ASC_EXTENSION   "gca"
#define GEOCON_CVT_REVERSE(n)   (1 - n)
#define GEOCON_ERR_OK   0
#define GEOCON_ERR_IOERR   2


typedef int GEOCON_BOOL
typedef double GEOCON_COORD [2]


int geocon_filetype (const char *pathname)
const char * geocon_errmsg (int err_num, char msg_buf[])
GEOCON_HDR * geocon_create ()
GEOCON_HDR * geocon_load (const char *pathname, GEOCON_EXTENT *extent, GEOCON_BOOL load_data, int *prc)
int geocon_write (const GEOCON_HDR *hdr, const char *pathname, int byte_order, int *prc)
void geocon_delete (GEOCON_HDR *hdr)
void geocon_list_hdr (const GEOCON_HDR *hdr, FILE *fp, GEOCON_BOOL do_hdr_line)
void geocon_dump_hdr (const GEOCON_HDR *hdr, FILE *fp)
void geocon_dump_data (const GEOCON_HDR *hdr, FILE *fp)
int geocon_forward (const GEOCON_HDR *hdr, int interp, double deg_factor, double hgt_factor, int n, GEOCON_COORD coord[], double h[])
int geocon_inverse (const GEOCON_HDR *hdr, int interp, double deg_factor, double hgt_factor, int n, GEOCON_COORD coord[], double h[])
int geocon_transform (const GEOCON_HDR *hdr, int interp, double deg_factor, double hgt_factor, int n, GEOCON_COORD coord[], double h[], int direction)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define GEOCON_ASC_EXTENSION   "gca"

Geocon Combined Ascii

#define GEOCON_BIN_EXTENSION   "gcb"

Geocon Combined Binary

#define GEOCON_COORD_LAM   0

Longitude coord index

#define GEOCON_COORD_LAT   1

Latitude coord index

#define GEOCON_COORD_LON   0

Longitude coord index

#define GEOCON_COORD_PHI   1

Latitude coord index


Convert data forward


Convert data inverse

#define GEOCON_CVT_REVERSE (   n)    (1 - n)

Reverse the direction


Write big-endian byte-order


Write input-file byte-order


Write little-endian byte-order


Write native byte-order

#define GEOCON_ERR_IOERR   2
#define GEOCON_ERR_OK   0

File type is ascii


File type is binary


File type is unknown

#define GEOCON_HDR_DATE_LEN   24

Max length of date field

#define GEOCON_HDR_INFO_LEN   80

Max length of info field

#define GEOCON_HDR_MAGIC   0x47434f4e

"GCON" (not swapped)

#define GEOCON_HDR_MAGIC_SWAPPED   0x4e4f4347

"NOCG" ( swapped)

#define GEOCON_HDR_NAME_LEN   80

Max length of obj names


Use bicubic interpolation


Use bilinear interpolation


Use biquadratic interpolation


Use default interpolation


Use natural spline interpolation

#define GEOCON_LAT_N_TO_S   1

Latitude values go from N to S

#define GEOCON_LAT_S_TO_N   0

Latitude values go from S to N

#define GEOCON_LON_E_TO_W   1

Longitude values go from E to W

#define GEOCON_LON_W_TO_E   0

Longitude values go from W to E

#define GEOCON_MAX_ERR_LEN   32

Max err msg length

#define GEOCON_MAX_PATH_LEN   256

Max pathname length

#define GEOCON_NULL   0

NULL pointer

#define GEOCON_VERSION_STR   "1.0.0"

Typedef Documentation

typedef int GEOCON_BOOL

Boolean variable

typedef double GEOCON_COORD[2]

Lon/lat coordinate

Function Documentation

GEOCON_HDR* geocon_create ( )

Create an empty GEOCON_HDR object.

The header returned will be all zeros except for the first four words, which will be properly set.

A pointer to an allocated GEOCON_HDR struct or GEOCON_NULL.
void geocon_delete ( GEOCON_HDR *  hdr)

Delete a GEOCON object

This method will also close any open stream (and mutex) in the object.

hdrA pointer to a GEOCON object.
void geocon_dump_data ( const GEOCON_HDR *  hdr,
FILE *  fp 

Dump the contents the GEOCON data.

hdrA pointer to a GEOCON_HDR object.
fpThe stream to dump it to, typically stdout. If NULL, no dump will be done.

Note that the data is always dumped with latitudes going south-to-north and longitudes going west-to-east.

void geocon_dump_hdr ( const GEOCON_HDR *  hdr,
FILE *  fp 

Dump the contents of a GEOCON header.

This routine provides a verbose multi-line dump of a file header.

hdrA pointer to a GEOCON_HDR object.
fpThe stream to dump it to, typically stdout. If NULL, no dump will be done.
const char* geocon_errmsg ( int  err_num,
char  msg_buf[] 

Convert a GEOCON error code to a string.

Currently, these messages are in English, but this call is designed so a user could implement messages in other languages.

err_numThe error code to convert.
msg_bufBuffer to store error message in.
A pointer to an error-message string.
int geocon_filetype ( const char *  pathname)

Determine whether a filename is for a binary or an ascii file.

This is done solely by checking the filename extension. No examination of the file contents (if any) is done.

pathnameThe filename to query.
One of the following:
  • GEOCON_FILE_TYPE_UNK file type is unknown
  • GEOCON_FILE_TYPE_BIN file type is binary
  • GEOCON_FILE_TYPE_ASC file type is ascii
int geocon_forward ( const GEOCON_HDR *  hdr,
int  interp,
double  deg_factor,
double  hgt_factor,
int  n,
GEOCON_COORD  coord[],
double  h[] 

Perform a forward transformation on an array of points.

hdrA pointer to a GEOCON_HDR object.
interpThe interpolation method to use:
  • GEOCON_INTERP_DEFAULT (biquadratic)
deg_factorThe conversion factor to convert the given coordinates to decimal degrees. The value is degrees-per-unit.
hgt_factorThe conversion factor to convert the given height to meters. The value is meters-per-unit.
nNumber of points in the array to be transformed.
coordAn array of GEOCON_COORD values to be transformed.
hAn array of heights to transform. This may be NULL.
The number of points successfully transformed.

Note that the return value is the number of points successfully transformed, and points that can't be transformed (usually because they are outside of the grid) are left unchanged. However, there is no indication of which points were changed and which were not. If you need that information, then call this routine with one point at a time. The overhead for doing that is minimal.

int geocon_inverse ( const GEOCON_HDR *  hdr,
int  interp,
double  deg_factor,
double  hgt_factor,
int  n,
GEOCON_COORD  coord[],
double  h[] 

Perform an inverse transformation on an array of points.

hdrA pointer to a GEOCON_HDR object.
interpThe interpolation method to use:
  • GEOCON_INTERP_DEFAULT (biquadratic)
deg_factorThe conversion factor to convert the given coordinates to decimal degrees. The value is degrees-per-unit.
hgt_factorThe conversion factor to convert the given height to meters. The value is meters-per-unit.
nNumber of points in the array to be transformed.
coordAn array of GEOCON_COORD values to be transformed.
hAn array of heights to transform. This may be NULL.
The number of points successfully transformed.

Note that the return value is the number of points successfully transformed, and points that can't be transformed (usually because they are outside of the grid) are left unchanged. However, there is no indication of which points were changed and which were not. If you need that information, then call this routine with one point at a time. The overhead for doing that is minimal.

void geocon_list_hdr ( const GEOCON_HDR *  hdr,
FILE *  fp,
GEOCON_BOOL  do_hdr_line 

List the contents of a GEOCON header.

This routine provides a terse single-line summary of a file header.

hdrA pointer to a GEOCON_HDR object.
fpThe stream to dump it to, typically stdout. If NULL, no dump will be done.
do_hdr_lineTRUE to output a header line.
GEOCON_HDR* geocon_load ( const char *  pathname,
GEOCON_EXTENT *  extent,
GEOCON_BOOL  load_data,
int *  prc 

Load a GEOCON file into memory.

pathnameThe name of the GEOCON file to load.
extentA pointer to an GEOCON_EXTENT struct. This pointer may be NULL. This is ignored for ascii files.
load_dataTRUE to read shift data into memory. A TRUE value will also result in closing the file after reading, since there is no need to keep it open.
prcA pointer to a result code. This pointer may be NULL.
  • If successful, it will be set to GEOCON_ERR_OK (0).
  • If unsuccessful, it will be set to GEOCON_ERR_*.
A pointer to a GEOCON object or NULL if unsuccessful.
int geocon_transform ( const GEOCON_HDR *  hdr,
int  interp,
double  deg_factor,
double  hgt_factor,
int  n,
GEOCON_COORD  coord[],
double  h[],
int  direction 

Perform a forward or inverse transformation on an array of points.

hdrA pointer to a GEOCON_HDR object.
interpThe interpolation method to use:
  • GEOCON_INTERP_DEFAULT (biquadratic)
deg_factorThe conversion factor to convert the given coordinates to decimal degrees. The value is degrees-per-unit.
hgt_factorThe conversion factor to convert the given height to meters. The value is meters-per-unit.
nNumber of points in the array to be transformed.
coordAn array of GEOCON_COORD values to be transformed.
hAn array of heights to transform. This may be NULL.
directionThe direction of the transformation (GEOCON_CVT_FORWARD or GEOCON_CVT_INVERSE).
The number of points successfully transformed.

Note that the return value is the number of points successfully transformed, and points that can't be transformed (usually because they are outside of the grid) are left unchanged. However, there is no indication of which points were changed and which were not. If you need that information, then call this routine with one point at a time. The overhead for doing that is minimal.

int geocon_write ( const GEOCON_HDR *  hdr,
const char *  pathname,
int  byte_order,
int *  prc 

Write out a GEOCON object to a file.

This call can also be used to write out a binary file for an object that was read from an ascii file, and vice-versa.

hdrA pointer to a GEOCON_HDR object.
pathnameThe pathname of the file to write. This can name either a binary or an ascii file.
byte_orderByte order of the output file (GEOCON_ENDIAN_*) if binary. A value of GEOCON_ENDIAN_INP_FILE means to write the file using the same byte-order as the input file if binary or in native byte-order if the input file was an ascii file. This parameter is ignored when writing ascii files.
prcA pointer to a result code. This pointer may be NULL.
  • If successful, it will be set to GEOCON_ERR_OK (0).
  • If unsuccessful, it will be set to GEOCON_ERR_*.
0 if OK, -1 if error.