
Wonder what is in your day to day products?

According to the environmental protection agency our day to day products such as food and cosmetics include preservatives , additives and other chemicals used in cleaning chemicals known as PFAS, endocrine disrupting chemicals, allergens and many more unsafe compounds. These harmful chemicals are linked to many diseases such as diabetes Type I And II, heart disease, kidney failure etc. It is our company's aim to educate people and give enough resources to make better choices for healthier living


PFAs or perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a class of compounds dubbed “forever chemicals”. These chemicals are known for their persistence in polluting the environment by seeping into our soils, water sources such as rivers and causing harm to living things. Studies have shown these chemicals are being found in the placentas of newborns passing through mother to child.

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

Did you know according to scientists small animals such as frogs and fish have shown to have irregular growth such as extra or missing limbs in water resources where farms used fertilizers and insecticides. Endocrine disruptors which can be found in our cosmetics, food sources and personal care products affect how our hormones work by mimicking hormone receptors. Diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease and cancer and some of the few linked to endocrine disrupting chemicals.