
Our Story

Food is something special to the heart of all Beings. Almost in every corner, you will see food stands and restaurant ranging from the most affordable treats to the most expensive goodies. And because of our fondness for food, Buffet Restaurant has been booming now for several decades and it continue to grow and become better to feed the vast variety of appetite we have.

Hence, when extreme hunger hits, or you simply desire a taste for French Recipes and everything from Garbure, Cassoulet, Blanquette and Pot Au Feu to lasagna and lardons, it's time to belly up to our buffet line. Pick and choose from the plethora of choices at Saveurs De France Buffets in Ghana. Don't forget to save room for desserts!


Since 2015, we've been proud to serve Ghana some of its favorite food. And along the way, we've managed not just to live history, but create it. It's been quite the journey, and we promise this is just the beginning-we've got our hearts set on making more history.

Arnold Ikpemosi
Job Title

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Khen Brian N.K Quartey
Computing Science

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iste saepe et quisquam nesciunt maxime.

Joshua Akujobi
Software Engineer / Software Developer

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