
class torch_tensorrt.ptq. CacheCalibrator ( * args , ** kwargs )

Bases: object

Constructs a calibrator class in TensorRT which directly uses pre-existing cache file for calibration. :param cache_file: path to cache file. :param algo_type: choice of calibration algorithm.

class torch_tensorrt.ptq. CalibrationAlgo ( value )

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

class torch_tensorrt.ptq. DataLoaderCalibrator ( * args , ** kwargs )

Bases: object

Constructs a calibrator class in TensorRT and uses pytorch dataloader to load/preproces data which is passed during calibration. :param dataloader: an instance of pytorch dataloader which iterates through a given dataset. :param algo_type: choice of calibration algorithm. :param cache_file: path to cache file. :param use_cache: flag which enables usage of pre-existing cache. :param device: device on which calibration data is copied to.

torch_tensorrt.ptq. get_batch ( self , names )
torch_tensorrt.ptq. get_batch_size ( self )
torch_tensorrt.ptq. get_cache_mode_batch ( self )
torch_tensorrt.ptq. read_calibration_cache ( self )
torch_tensorrt.ptq. write_calibration_cache ( self , cache )


class torch_tensorrt.ptq. DataLoaderCalibrator ( * args , ** kwargs )

Constructs a calibrator class in TensorRT and uses pytorch dataloader to load/preproces data which is passed during calibration. :param dataloader: an instance of pytorch dataloader which iterates through a given dataset. :param algo_type: choice of calibration algorithm. :param cache_file: path to cache file. :param use_cache: flag which enables usage of pre-existing cache. :param device: device on which calibration data is copied to.

__init__ ( ** kwargs )

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

class torch_tensorrt.ptq. CacheCalibrator ( * args , ** kwargs )

Constructs a calibrator class in TensorRT which directly uses pre-existing cache file for calibration. :param cache_file: path to cache file. :param algo_type: choice of calibration algorithm.

__init__ ( ** kwargs )

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


class torch_tensorrt.ptq. CalibrationAlgo ( value )

An enumeration.