Source code for opendrift.config

import logging
from typing import Dict, Union

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs] class Configurable: _config: Union[Dict, None] = None def __init__(self): self._config = {}
[docs] def get_config(self, key, default='raise'): if not key in self._config: if default == 'raise': raise ValueError('No config setting named %s' % key) else: return default return (self._config[key]['value'])
[docs] def list_config(self, prefix=''): """List all possible configuration settings with values""" str = '\n=============================================\n' for key in self._config: if key.startswith(prefix): str += '%s [%s]\n' % (key, self.get_config(key)) str += '=============================================\n'
[docs] def list_configspec(self, prefix=''): """Readable formatting of config specification""" for c, i in self._config.items(): if c.startswith(prefix): val = i['value'] if 'value' in i else None val = val(self) if callable(val) else val if i['type'] == 'bool': rang = '' elif i['type'] == 'str': rang = f'min length {i["min_length"]}, max length {i["max_length"]}' elif i['type'] in ['float', 'int']: rang = 'min: %s, max: %s [%s]' % (i['min'], i['max'], i['units']) elif i['type'] == 'enum': rang = i['enum'] print('%-35s [%s] %-5s %s %s...' % (c, val, i['type'], rang, i['description'][0:20]))
[docs] def get_configspec(self, prefix='', level=[1, 2, 3]): if not isinstance(level, list): level = [level] configspec = { k: v for (k, v) in self._config.items() if k.startswith(prefix) and self._config[k]['level'] in level } return configspec
[docs] def set_config(self, key, value): if isinstance(value, dict): # Recursive call with items in dictionary for subkey,subvalue in value.items(): self.set_config(f'{key}:{subkey}', subvalue)'set_config(\'{key}:{subkey}\', {subvalue})') return if not key in self._config: self.list_config() raise ValueError('No config setting named %s' % key) i = self._config[key] if i['type'] == 'bool': if value not in [True, False]: raise ValueError('Config value %s must be True or False' % key) elif i['type'] in ['float', 'int'] and value is not None: if (i['min'] is not None and value < i['min']) or (i['max'] is not None and value > i['max']): raise ValueError('Config value %s must be between %s and %s' % (key, i['min'], i['max'])) if i['type'] == 'float' and value is not None: value = float(value) elif i['type'] == 'int' and value is not None: value = int(value) elif i['type'] == 'str': if len(value) < i["min_length"] or len(value) > i["max_length"]: raise ValueError(f'String {key} length must be between {i["min_length"]} and {i["max_length"]} characters') elif i['type'] == 'enum': if value not in i['enum']: suggestion = '' if len(i['enum']) > 5: import difflib lowercase_list = [s.lower() for s in i['enum']] lowercase_mapping = { lc: oc for lc, oc in zip(lowercase_list, i['enum']) } matches = difflib.get_close_matches(value.lower(), lowercase_list, n=20, cutoff=.3) containing = [ e for e in lowercase_list if value.lower() in e ] matches = list(set(matches) | set(containing)) if len(matches) > 0: matches = [ lowercase_mapping[match] for match in matches ] matches.sort() suggestion = '\nDid you mean any of these?\n%s' % str( matches) raise ValueError( 'Wrong configuration (%s=%s), possible values are:\n\t%s\n%s' % (key, value, i['enum'], suggestion)) self._config[key]['value'] = value
[docs] def _set_config_default(self, key, value): """Update both default and actual value of a config setting""" self.set_config(key, value) self._config[key]['default'] = self.get_config(key)
[docs] def _add_config(self, config, overwrite=True): """Add configuration settings config is a dictionary where keys are configuration keywords, and values are dictionaries with the following contents: type (string): 'float', 'int', 'str', 'bool' or 'enum' min, max (float/int/None): (only when type is 'float' or 'int') The minimum and maximum allowed values for this setting. May also be None if there are no upper/lowe limits. min_length, max_length (int): minimum and maximum length of string units (string): (only when type is 'float' or 'int') The units of this config setting. enum (list): (only when type is 'enum') A list of possible values for this setting. default (number/bool/string/None): The default value for this setting. value (number/bool/string/None): The actual value for this setting. This is updated with self.set_config(key, value) and retrieved with self.get_config(key) description (string): A description of this config setting, for users/documentation/GUIs. level (int): A parameter to determine the level of exposure in GUIs 1 CONFIG_LEVEL_ESSENTIAL: important setting which user has to consider 2 CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC: setting which many users may consider 3 CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED: setting relevant only to advanced users """ import inspect import os caller = inspect.stack()[1] caller = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(caller.filename))[0] logger.debug('Adding %i config items from %s' % (len(config), caller)) remove = [] for c, i in config.items(): # Check that provided config is conistent if c in self._config: if overwrite is False: logger.debug( ' Config item %s is already specified, not overwriting' % c) remove.append(c) else: logger.debug(' Overwriting config item %s' % c) for p in ['type', 'description', 'level']: if p not in i: raise ValueError( '"%s" must be specified for config item %s' % (p, c)) if i['level'] != CONFIG_LEVEL_ESSENTIAL and 'default' not in i: #or i['default'] is None: raise ValueError( 'A default value must be provided for config item %s' % c) if i['type'] == 'enum': if 'enum' not in i or not isinstance(i['enum'], list): raise ValueError( '"enum" of type list must be provided for config item %s' % (c)) elif i['type'] in ['float', 'int']: for p in ['min', 'max', 'units']: if p not in i: raise ValueError( '"%s" not provided for config item %s' % (p, c)) elif i['type'] == 'str': for p in ['min_length', 'max_length']: if p not in i: raise ValueError( '"%s" not provided for config item %s' % (p, c)) elif i['type'] == 'bool': pass # no check for bool else: raise ValueError( 'Config type "%s" (%s) is not defined. Valid options are: ' 'float, int, str, enum, bool' % (i['type'], c)) if 'default' in i: i['value'] = i['default'] for r in remove: del config[r] self._config.update(config)