Euler simulation / Finite differnce of Gaussian blob
Copernicus Marine Client (CMEMS)
SHYFEM: Using model input from unstructured grid
FVCOM: Using model input from unstructured grid
Runge-Kutta scheme on Norkyst model
Double gyre - Lagrangian Coherent Structures
Euler simulation / Finite difference of blob with the Norkyst nordic ocean model
Openoil sample output netCDF file
Double gyre - LCS with particles
Comparing Leeway and ShipDrift model
Sediment drift from Glomma river outlet
Stokes drift vertical profiles
Sediment drift with resuspension
Mixing down to Mixed Layer Depth
Combining readers using operators
Biodegradation of oil at depth
Entrainment rate for light and heavy oils
ChemicalDrift - Transport and fate of organic compounds
Retieving wind drift factor from trajectory