Source code for opendrift.models.leeway

# This file is part of OpenDrift.
# OpenDrift is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2
# OpenDrift is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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# Copyright 2015, Knut-Frode Dagestad, MET Norway
Leeway is the search and rescue (SAR) model developed by the US Coast Guard, as originally described in

    Allen, A.A, 2005: Leeway Divergence, USCG R&D Center Technical Report CG-D-05-05. Available through, reference ADA435435

    Allen A.A. and J.V. Plourde (1999) Review of Leeway; Field Experiments and Implementation, USCG R&D Center Technical Report CG-D-08-99. Available through, reference ADA366414

and later extended and modified by e.g.

    Breivik, O., A. Allen, C. Maisondieu, J.-C. Roth, and B. Forest, 2012: The leeway of shipping containers at different immersion levels. Ocean Dyn., 62, 741–752, doi:10.1007/s10236-012-0522-z

The Leeway model is based on empirically determined coefficients as tabulated in

The Leeway model is been reprogrammed in Python for OpenDrift by Knut-Frode Dagestad of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.

from builtins import range
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import numpy as np

from opendrift.models.basemodel import OpenDriftSimulation
from opendrift.elements import LagrangianArray

LEFT = 1

# Defining the leeway element properties
[docs] class LeewayObj(LagrangianArray): """Extending LagrangianArray with variables relevant for leeway objects. """ variables = LagrangianArray.add_variables([ ('object_type', { 'dtype': np.uint16, 'units': '1', 'seed': False, 'default': 0 }), ('orientation', { 'dtype': np.uint8, 'units': '1', 'description': '0/1 is left/right of downwind. Randomly chosen at seed time', 'seed': False, 'default': 1 }), ('jibe_probability', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': '1/h', 'description': 'Probability per hour that an object may change orientation (jibing)', 'default': 0.04 }), ('capsized', { 'dtype': np.uint8, 'units': '1', 'description': '0 is not capsized, changed to 1 after capsizing (irreversible). After capsizing, leeway coeffieiencts are reduced as given by config item capsized:leeway_fraction', 'seed': True, 'default': 0 }), ('downwind_slope', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': '%', 'seed': False, 'default': 1 }), ('crosswind_slope', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': '1', 'seed': False, 'default': 1 }), ('downwind_offset', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': 'cm/s', 'seed': False, 'default': 0 }), ('crosswind_offset', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': 'cm/s', 'seed': False, 'default': 0 }), ('downwind_eps', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': 'cm/s', 'seed': False, 'default': 0 }), ('crosswind_eps', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': 'cm/s', 'seed': False, 'default': 0 }), ('current_drift_factor', { 'dtype': np.float32, 'units': '1', 'description': 'Elements are moved with this fraction of the ' 'current vector, in addition to currents ' 'and Stokes drift', 'default': 1 }) ])
[docs] class Leeway(OpenDriftSimulation): """The Leeway model in the OpenDrift framework. Advects a particle (a drifting object) with the ambient current and as a function of the wind vector according to the drift properties of the object. """ ElementType = LeewayObj required_variables = { 'x_wind': { 'fallback': None }, 'y_wind': { 'fallback': None }, 'x_sea_water_velocity': { 'fallback': None }, 'y_sea_water_velocity': { 'fallback': None }, 'sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_x_velocity': { 'fallback': 0, 'important': False }, 'sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_y_velocity': { 'fallback': 0, 'important': False }, 'land_binary_mask': { 'fallback': None }, } # Default colors for plotting status_colors = { 'initial': 'green', 'active': 'blue', 'missing_data': 'gray', 'stranded': 'red', 'evaporated': 'yellow', 'dispersed': 'magenta' } # Configuration def __init__(self, d=None, *args, **kwargs): # Read leeway object properties from file if d is None: d = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) objprop_file = open(d + '/OBJECTPROP.DAT', 'r') else: objprop_file = open(d, 'r') # objprop_file=open('/home/oyvindb/Pro/opendrift/OBJECTPROP.DAT','r') objproptxt = objprop_file.readlines() objprop_file.close() self.leewayprop = OrderedDict({}) for i in range(len(objproptxt) // 3 + 1): # Stop at first blank line if not objproptxt[i * 3].strip(): break elems = objproptxt[i * 3].split()[0] objKey = objproptxt[i * 3].split()[0].strip() arr = [float(x) for x in objproptxt[i * 3 + 2].split()] props = {'OBJKEY': objKey} props['Description'] = objproptxt[i * 3 + 1].strip() props['DWSLOPE'] = arr[0] props['DWOFFSET'] = arr[1] props['DWSTD'] = arr[2] props['CWRSLOPE'] = arr[3] props['CWROFFSET'] = arr[4] props['CWRSTD'] = arr[5] props['CWLSLOPE'] = arr[6] props['CWLOFFSET'] = arr[7] props['CWLSTD'] = arr[8] self.leewayprop[i + 1] = props # Config descriptions = [ self.leewayprop[p]['Description'] for p in self.leewayprop ] # Calling general constructor of parent class super(Leeway, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._add_config({ 'seed:object_type': { 'type': 'enum', 'enum': descriptions, 'default': descriptions[0], 'description': 'Leeway object category for this simulation', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ESSENTIAL }, 'seed:jibe_probability': { 'type': 'float', 'default': 0.04, 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'description': 'Probability per hour for jibing (objects changing orientation)', 'units': 'probability', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'processes:capsizing': { 'type': 'bool', 'default': False, 'description': 'If True, elements can be capsized when wind exceeds threshold given by config item capsize:wind_threshold', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'capsizing:leeway_fraction': { 'type': 'float', 'default': 0.4, 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'description': 'After capsizing, leeway coefficients are reduced by multiplying by this factor', 'units': 'fraction', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'capsizing:wind_threshold': { 'type': 'float', 'default': 30, 'min': 0, 'max': 50, 'description': 'Probability of capsizing per hour is: 0.5 + 0.5tanh((windspeed-wind_threshold)/wind_threshold_sigma)', 'units': 'm/s', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'capsizing:wind_threshold_sigma': { 'type': 'float', 'default': 5, 'min': 0, 'max': 20, 'description': 'Sigma parameter in parameterization of capsize probability', 'units': 'm/s', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'drift:stokes_drift': {'type': 'bool', 'default': False, 'description': 'Advection elements with surface Stokes drift (wave orbital motion). Note that this is originally considered to be implicit in Leeway coefficients.', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_ADVANCED}, }) self._set_config_default('general:time_step_minutes', 10) self._set_config_default('general:time_step_output_minutes', 60) self._set_config_default('drift:max_speed', 5)
[docs] def seed_elements(self, lon, lat, object_type=None, **kwargs): """Seed particles in a cone-shaped area over a time period.""" # All particles carry their own object_type (number), # but so far we only use one for each sim # objtype = np.ones(number)*object_type lon = np.atleast_1d(lon).ravel() lat = np.atleast_1d(lat).ravel() if 'number' in kwargs and kwargs['number'] is not None: number = kwargs['number'] elif len(lon) > 1: number = len(lon) else: number = self.get_config('seed:number') if object_type is None: object_name = self.get_config('seed:object_type') # Get number from name found = False for object_type in range(1, len(self.leewayprop) + 1): if self.leewayprop[object_type]['OBJKEY'] == object_name or ( self.leewayprop[object_type]['Description'] == object_name): found = True break if found is False: raise ValueError('Object %s not available' % object_type)'Seeding elements of object type %i: %s (%s)' % (object_type, self.leewayprop[object_type]['OBJKEY'], self.leewayprop[object_type]['Description'])) # Drift orientation of particles. 0 is right of downwind, # 1 is left of downwind # orientation = 1*(np.random.rand(number)>=0.5) # Odd numbered particles are left-drifting, even are right of downwind. orientation = np.r_[:number] % 2 ones = np.ones_like(orientation) # Downwind leeway properties. # Generate normal, N(0,1), random perturbations for leeway coeffs. # Negative downwind slope must be avoided as # particles should drift downwind. # The problem arises because of high error variances (see e.g. PIW-1). downwind_slope = ones * self.leewayprop[object_type]['DWSLOPE'] downwind_offset = ones * self.leewayprop[object_type]['DWOFFSET'] dwstd = self.leewayprop[object_type]['DWSTD'] rdw = np.zeros(number) epsdw = np.zeros(number) for i in range(number): rdw[i] = np.random.randn(1)[0] epsdw[i] = rdw[i] * dwstd # Avoid negative downwind slopes while downwind_slope[i] + epsdw[i] / 20.0 < 0.0: rdw[i] = np.random.randn(1) epsdw[i] = rdw[i] * dwstd downwind_eps = epsdw # NB # downwind_eps = np.zeros(number) # Crosswind leeway properties rcw = np.random.randn(number) crosswind_slope = np.zeros(number) crosswind_offset = np.zeros(number) crosswind_eps = np.zeros(number) crosswind_slope[orientation == RIGHT] = \ self.leewayprop[object_type]['CWRSLOPE'] crosswind_slope[orientation == LEFT] = \ self.leewayprop[object_type]['CWLSLOPE'] crosswind_offset[orientation == RIGHT] = \ self.leewayprop[object_type]['CWROFFSET'] crosswind_offset[orientation == LEFT] = \ self.leewayprop[object_type]['CWLOFFSET'] crosswind_eps[orientation == RIGHT] = \ rcw[orientation == RIGHT] * \ self.leewayprop[object_type]['CWRSTD'] crosswind_eps[orientation == LEFT] = \ rcw[orientation == LEFT] * \ self.leewayprop[object_type]['CWLSTD'] # NB # crosswind_eps = np.zeros(number) # Store seed data for ASCII format output if hasattr(self, 'seed_cone_arguments'): self.ascii = self.seed_cone_arguments else: self.ascii = { 'lon': lon, 'lat': lat, 'radius': kwargs['radius'] if 'radius' in kwargs else 0, 'number': number, 'time': kwargs['time'] } # Call general seed_elements function of OpenDriftSimulation class # with the specific values calculated super(Leeway, self).seed_elements(lon, lat, orientation=orientation, object_type=object_type, downwind_slope=downwind_slope, crosswind_slope=crosswind_slope, downwind_offset=downwind_offset, crosswind_offset=crosswind_offset, downwind_eps=downwind_eps, crosswind_eps=crosswind_eps, **kwargs)
[docs] def list_object_categories(self, substr=None): '''Display leeway categories to screen Print only objects containing 'substr', if specified''' for i, p in enumerate(self.leewayprop): description = self.leewayprop[p]['Description'] objkey = self.leewayprop[p]['OBJKEY'] if substr is not None: if substr.lower() not in description.lower() + objkey.lower(): continue print('%i %s %s' % (i + 1, objkey, description))
[docs] def plot_capsize_probability(self): U = np.linspace(0, 35, 100) wind_threshold = self.get_config('capsizing:wind_threshold') sigma = self.get_config('capsizing:wind_threshold_sigma') p = self.capsize_probability(U, wind_threshold, sigma) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(U, p) plt.title(f'p(u) = 0.5 + 0.5*tanh((u - {wind_threshold} / {sigma})') plt.xlabel('Wind speed [m/s]') plt.ylabel('Probability of capsizing per hour')
[docs] def capsize_probability(self, wind, threshold, sigma): return .5 + .5*np.tanh((wind-threshold)/sigma)
[docs] def update(self): """Update positions and properties of leeway particles.""" windspeed = np.sqrt(self.environment.x_wind**2 + self.environment.y_wind**2) # CCC update wind direction winddir = np.arctan2(self.environment.x_wind, self.environment.y_wind) # Capsizing if self.get_config('processes:capsizing') is True: wind_threshold = self.get_config('capsizing:wind_threshold') wind_threshold_sigma = self.get_config('capsizing:wind_threshold_sigma') # For forward run, elements can be capsized, but for backwards run, only capsized elements can be un-capsized if self.simulation_direction() == 1: # forward run can_be_capsized = np.where(self.elements.capsized==0)[0] else: can_be_capsized = np.where(self.elements.capsized==1)[0] if len(can_be_capsized) > 0: probability = self.capsize_probability(windspeed[can_be_capsized], wind_threshold, wind_threshold_sigma)*np.abs(self.time_step.total_seconds())/3600 # NB: assuming small timestep to_be_capsized = np.where(np.random.rand(len(can_be_capsized)) < probability)[0] to_be_capsized = can_be_capsized[to_be_capsized] logger.warning(f'Capsizing {len(to_be_capsized)} of {len(can_be_capsized)} elements') self.elements.capsized[to_be_capsized] = 1 - self.elements.capsized[to_be_capsized] # Move particles with the leeway CCC TODO downwind_leeway = ( (self.elements.downwind_slope + self.elements.downwind_eps / 20.0) * windspeed + self.elements.downwind_offset + self.elements.downwind_eps / 2.0) * .01 # In m/s crosswind_leeway = ((self.elements.crosswind_slope + self.elements.crosswind_eps / 20.0) * windspeed + self.elements.crosswind_offset + self.elements.crosswind_eps / 2.0) * .01 # In m/s sinth = np.sin(winddir) costh = np.cos(winddir) y_leeway = downwind_leeway * costh + crosswind_leeway * sinth x_leeway = -downwind_leeway * sinth + crosswind_leeway * costh capsize_fraction = self.get_config('capsizing:leeway_fraction') # Reducing leeway for capsized elements x_leeway[self.elements.capsized==1] *= capsize_fraction y_leeway[self.elements.capsized==1] *= capsize_fraction self.update_positions(-x_leeway, y_leeway) # Move particles with ambient current self.update_positions(self.environment.x_sea_water_velocity, self.environment.y_sea_water_velocity) # Jibe elements randomly according to given probability jibe_rate = -np.log(1 - self.elements.jibe_probability ) / 3600 # Hourly to instantaneous jp_per_timestep = 1 - np.exp( -jibe_rate * np.abs(self.time_step.total_seconds())) jib = jp_per_timestep > np.random.random(self.num_elements_active()) self.elements.crosswind_slope[ jib] = -self.elements.crosswind_slope[jib] self.elements.orientation[jib] = 1 - self.elements.orientation[jib] logger.debug('Jibing %i out of %i elements.' % (np.sum(jib), self.num_elements_active())) # Move elements with Stokes drift, if activated. # Note: Stokesdrift is originally considered to be implicit in Leeway coefficients, # however, this study by Sutherland (2024) indicates it should be added explicitly: # self.stokes_drift()
[docs] def export_ascii(self, filename): '''Export output to ASCII format of original version''' try: f = open(filename, 'w') except: raise ValueError('Could not open file for writing: ' + filename) for inp in ['lon', 'lat', 'radius', 'time']: if len(np.atleast_1d(self.ascii[inp])) == 1: if isinstance(self.ascii[inp], np.ndarray): self.ascii[inp] = self.ascii[inp].item() self.ascii[inp] = [self.ascii[inp], self.ascii[inp]] f.write('# Drift simulation initiated [UTC]:\n') f.write('simDate simTime\n') f.write(self.start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d\t%H:%M:%S\t#\n')) f.write('# Model version:\n' 'modelVersion\n' ' 3.00\n' # OpenDrift version '# Object class id & name:\n' 'objectClassId objectClassName\n') try: objtype = self.elements.object_type[0] except: objtype = self.elements_deactivated.object_type[0] f.write(' %i\t%s\n' % (objtype, self.leewayprop[objtype]['OBJKEY'])) f.write('# Seeding start time, position & radius:\n' 'startDate\tstartTime\tstartLon\tstartLat\tstartRad\n') f.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (self.ascii['time'][0], self.ascii['lon'][0], self.ascii['lat'][0], self.ascii['radius'][0] / 1000.)) f.write('# Seeding end time, position & radius:\n' 'endDate\tendTime\tendLon\tendLat\tendRad\n') f.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (self.ascii['time'][1], self.ascii['lon'][1], self.ascii['lat'][1], self.ascii['radius'][1] / 1000.)) seedDuration = (self.ascii['time'][1] - self.ascii['time'][0]).total_seconds() / 60. seedSteps = seedDuration / (self.time_step_output.total_seconds() / 60.) seedSteps = np.maximum(1, seedSteps) f.write('# Duration of seeding [min] & [timesteps]:\n' 'seedDuration seedSteps\n' ' %i %i\n' '# Length of timestep [min]:\n' 'timeStep\n' % (seedDuration, seedSteps)) f.write('%i\n' % (self.time_step_output.total_seconds() / 60.)) f.write('# Length of model simulation [min] & [timesteps]:\n' 'simLength simSteps\n') f.write('%i\t%i\n' % ((self.time - self.start_time).total_seconds() / 60., self.steps_output)) f.write('# Total no of seeded particles:\n' 'seedTotal\n' ' %s\n' % (self.num_elements_activated())) f.write('# Particles seeded per timestep:\n' 'seedRate\n' ' %i\n' % (self.num_elements_activated() / seedSteps)) index_of_first, index_of_last = \ self.index_of_activation_and_deactivation() beforeseeded = 0 lons, statuss = self.get_property('lon') lats, statuss = self.get_property('lat') orientations, statuss = self.get_property('orientation') for step in range(self.steps_output): lon = lons[step, :] lat = lats[step, :] orientation = orientations[step, :] status = statuss[step, :] if sum(status == 0) == 0: # All elements deactivated: using last position lon = lons[step - 1, :] lat = lats[step - 1, :] orientation = orientations[step - 1, :] status = statuss[step - 1, :] num_active = np.sum(~status.mask) status[status.mask] = 41 # seeded on land lon[status.mask] = 0 lat[status.mask] = 0 orientation[status.mask] = 0 status[status == 0] = 11 # active status[status == 1] = 41 # stranded f.write('\n# Date [UTC]:\nnowDate nowTime\n') f.write(( self.start_time + self.time_step_output * step).strftime('%Y-%m-%d\t%H:%M:%S\n')) f.write( '# Time passed [min] & [timesteps], now seeded, seeded so far:\ntimePassed nStep nowSeeded nSeeded\n' ) f.write(' %i\t%i\t%i\t%i\n' % ((self.time_step_output * step).total_seconds() / 60, step + 1, num_active - beforeseeded, num_active)) beforeseeded = num_active f.write('# Mean position:\nmeanLon meanLat\n') f.write('%f\t%f\n' % (np.mean(lon[status == 11]), np.mean(lat[status == 11]))) f.write('# Particle data:\n') f.write('id lon lat state age orientation\n') age_minutes = self.time_step_output.total_seconds() * ( step - index_of_first) / 60 age_minutes[age_minutes < 0] = 0 for i in range(num_active): f.write('%i\t%.6f\t%.6f\t%i\t%i\t%i\n' % (i + 1, lon[i], lat[i], status[i], age_minutes[i], orientation[i])) f.close()
[docs] def _substance_name(self): # TODO: find a better algorithm to return name of object category if self.history is not None: object_type = self.history['object_type'][0, 0] if not np.isfinite(object_type): # For backward simulations object_type = self.history['object_type'][-1, 0] else: object_type = np.atleast_1d(self.elements_scheduled.object_type)[0] if np.isfinite(object_type): return self.leewayprop[object_type]['OBJKEY'] else: return ''