Source code for opendrift.models.openberg

# This file is part of OpenDrift.
# OpenDrift is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2
# OpenDrift is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with OpenDrift.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright 2015, 2023, Knut-Frode Dagestad, MET Norway
# Copyright 2024, Lenny Hucher, NERSC, Norway
# Copyright 2023, 2024, Achref Othmani, NERSC, Norway

This code is initiated from the following reference with posterior modifications. 

Keghouche, I., F. Counillon, and L. Bertino (2010), Modeling dynamics and thermodynamics
of icebergs in the Barents Sea from 1987 to 2005, J. Geophys. Res., 115, C12062, doi:10.1029/2010JC006165. 

import logging; logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from opendrift.models.oceandrift import OceanDrift, Lagrangian3DArray
from opendrift.config import CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC
from opendrift.models.physics_methods import PhysicsMethods
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import numpy as np

# Constants
rho_water = 1027   # Density of water (kg/m^3)
rho_air = 1.293    # Density of air (kg/m^3)
rho_ice = 917      # Density of ice (kg/m^3)
rho_iceb = 900     # Density of iceberg (kg/m^3)
g = 9.81           # Acceleration due to gravity in m/s²
omega = 7.2921e-5  # Angular frequency (rad/s)
csi = 1            # Sea ice coefficient of resistance
wave_drag_coef = 0.3 # Wave drag coefficient

[docs] class IcebergObj(Lagrangian3DArray): """ Extending Lagrangian3DArray with relevant properties for an Iceberg """ variables = Lagrangian3DArray.add_variables([ ('sail', {'dtype': np.float32, # Sail of iceberg (part above waterline) 'units': 'm', 'default': 10}), ('draft', {'dtype': np.float32, # Draft of iceberg (part below waterline) 'units': 'm', 'default': 90}), ('length', {'dtype': np.float32, # length of iceberg 'units': 'm', 'default': 100}), ('width', {'dtype': np.float32, # width of iceberg 'units': 'm', 'default': 30}), ('weight_coeff', {'dtype': np.float32, # Relative to the shape of iceberg (e.g. 1 for tabular; 0.3 for pinnacle: It affects the mass only !) 'units': '1', 'default': 1}), ('water_drag_coeff', {'dtype': np.float32, # Ocean drag coeff. 'units': '1', 'default': 0.25}), ('wind_drag_coeff', {'dtype': np.float32, # Wind/Air drag coeff. 'units': '1', 'default': 0.7}), ("iceb_x_velocity", {"dtype": np.float32, # Iceberg velocity in the x-direction "units": "m/s", "default": 0.0}), ("iceb_y_velocity", {"dtype": np.float32, # Iceberg velocity in the y-direction "units": "m/s", "default": 0.0}), ])
# Define the functions needed
[docs] def ocean_force(iceb_vel, water_vel, Ao, rho_water, water_drag_coef): """ Ocean force Args: iceb_vel : Iceberg's velocity at time t water_vel : Ocean current velocity Ao : Iceberg's area in contact with ocean (length x draft) rho_water : Water density water_drag_coef : Co is the drag coefficient applied on the iceberg's draft """ vxo, vyo = water_vel[0], water_vel[1] x_vel, y_vel = iceb_vel[0], iceb_vel[1] rel_water_x_vel = vxo - x_vel rel_water_y_vel = vyo - y_vel rel_water_norm = np.sqrt(rel_water_x_vel**2 + rel_water_y_vel**2) F_ocean_x = (0.5 * rho_water * water_drag_coef * Ao * rel_water_norm * rel_water_x_vel) F_ocean_y = (0.5 * rho_water * water_drag_coef * Ao * rel_water_norm * rel_water_y_vel) return np.array([F_ocean_x, F_ocean_y])
[docs] def wind_force(iceb_vel, wind_vel, Aa, wind_drag_coef): """ Wind force Args: iceb_vel : Iceberg's velocity at time t wind_vel : Wind velocity Aa : Iceberg's area in contact with wind (length x sail) wind_drag_coef : Ca is the drag coefficient applied on the iceberg's sail """ vxa, vya = wind_vel[0], wind_vel[1] x_vel, y_vel = iceb_vel[0], iceb_vel[1] rel_wind_x_vel = vxa - x_vel rel_wind_y_vel = vya - y_vel rel_wind_norm = np.sqrt(rel_wind_x_vel**2 + rel_wind_y_vel**2) F_wind_x = 0.5 * rho_air * wind_drag_coef * Aa * rel_wind_norm * rel_wind_x_vel F_wind_y = 0.5 * rho_air * wind_drag_coef * Aa * rel_wind_norm * rel_wind_y_vel return np.array([F_wind_x, F_wind_y])
[docs] def wave_radiation_force(rho_water, wave_height, wave_direction, iceb_length): """ Wave radiation force Args: rho_water : Water density wave_height : Wave significant height wave_direction : Wave direction iceb_length : Iceberg's length """ F_wave_x = (0.5 * rho_water * wave_drag_coef * g * iceb_length * (wave_height / 2) ** 2 * np.sin(np.deg2rad((wave_direction + 180) % 360))) F_wave_y = (0.5 * rho_water * wave_drag_coef * g * iceb_length * (wave_height / 2) ** 2 * np.cos(np.deg2rad((wave_direction + 180) % 360))) return np.array([F_wave_x, F_wave_y])
[docs] def advect_iceberg_no_acc(f, water_vel, wind_vel): """ Advect iceberg without acceleration Args: f : Wind drift factor water_vel : Ocean current velocity wind_vel : Wind velocity Returns: Iceberg's velocity without acceleration """ vxo, vyo = water_vel[0], water_vel[1] vxa, vya = wind_vel[0], wind_vel[1] no_acc_vel_x = (1 - f) * vxo + f * vxa no_acc_vel_y = (1 - f) * vyo + f * vya V = np.array([no_acc_vel_x, no_acc_vel_y]) if not np.isfinite(V).all(): logger.error("Infinite value in iceberg's velocity without acceleration: Please check the wind drift factor f ") return V
[docs] def sea_ice_force(iceb_vel, sea_ice_conc, Ai, sea_ice_vel, sum_force): """ Sea ice force Args: iceb_vel : Iceberg velocity at time t sea_ice_conc : Sea ice concentration Ai : Iceberg's area in contact with ice (sea_ice_thickness x length) # (Alternatively: Test half length and half width) sea_ice_vel : Sea ice velocity sum_force : Effect of all other forces exerted on the iceberg (apart from the sea ice force) """ ice_x, ice_y = sea_ice_vel x_vel, y_vel = iceb_vel[0], iceb_vel[1] diff_vel = np.sqrt((ice_x - x_vel) ** 2 + (ice_y - y_vel) ** 2) force_x, force_y = sum_force F_ice_x = np.zeros_like(x_vel) F_ice_y = np.zeros_like(y_vel) F_ice_x = (0.5 * (rho_ice * csi * Ai) * diff_vel * (ice_x - x_vel)) F_ice_y = (0.5 * (rho_ice * csi * Ai) * diff_vel * (ice_y - y_vel)) F_ice_x[sea_ice_conc <= 0.15] = 0 F_ice_y[sea_ice_conc <= 0.15] = 0 F_ice_x[sea_ice_conc >= 0.9] = -force_x[sea_ice_conc >= 0.9] F_ice_y[sea_ice_conc >= 0.9] = -force_y[sea_ice_conc >= 0.9] return np.array([F_ice_x, F_ice_y])
[docs] def coriolis_force(iceb_vel, mass, lat): """ Coriolis force Args: iceb_vel : Iceberg velocity at time t mass: Mass of the iceberg lat : Latitude of the iceberg's location in degrees """ f = 2 * omega * np.sin(np.radians(lat)) assert len(iceb_vel) == 2 x_vel, y_vel = iceb_vel[0], iceb_vel[1] F_cor_x = mass * f * y_vel F_cor_y = -mass * f * x_vel return np.array([F_cor_x, F_cor_y])
[docs] def sea_surface_slope_force(sea_slope_x, sea_slope_y, mass): """ This functions assumes you provide the sea surface slope from an external file """ F_sea_slope_x = -mass * g * sea_slope_x F_sea_slope_y = mass * g * sea_slope_y return np.array([F_sea_slope_x, F_sea_slope_y])
[docs] def melwav(iceb_length, iceb_width, x_wind, y_wind, sst, sea_ice_conc, dt): """ Update the iceberg's dimensions (length and width) due to wave erosion Args: iceb_length : Iceberg's length iceb_width : Iceberg's width x_wind : Wind speed in the x-direction y_wind : Wind speed in the y-direction sst : Sea surface temperature sea_ice_conc : Sea ice concentration dt : Timestep of the simulation """ Ss = -5 + np.sqrt(32 + 2 * np.sqrt(x_wind**2 + y_wind**2)) Vsst = (1 / 6.0) * (sst + 2) * Ss Vwe = Vsst * 0.5 * (1 + np.cos(np.pi * sea_ice_conc**3)) / 86400 new_iceb_length = np.zeros_like(iceb_length) new_iceb_width = np.zeros_like(iceb_width) new_iceb_length[iceb_length != 0] = (iceb_length[iceb_length != 0] - Vwe[iceb_length != 0] * dt) new_iceb_width[iceb_length != 0] = (iceb_width[iceb_length != 0] / iceb_length[iceb_length != 0] * new_iceb_length[iceb_length != 0]) new_iceb_length[new_iceb_length < 0] = 0 new_iceb_width[new_iceb_width < 0] = 0 return new_iceb_length, new_iceb_width
[docs] def mellat(iceb_length, iceb_width, tempib, salnib, dt): """ Update the iceberg's dimensions (length and width) due to lateral melting Args: iceb_length : Iceberg's length iceb_width : Iceberg's width tempib : Water temperature salnib : Water salinity dt : Timestep of the simulation """ TfS = -0.036 - 0.0499 * salnib - 0.000112 * salnib**2 Tfp = TfS * np.exp(-0.19 * (tempib - TfS)) deltaT = tempib - Tfp deltaT = np.concatenate([2.78 * deltaT, 0.47 * deltaT**2], axis=0) sumVb = np.nansum(deltaT, axis=0) dx = sumVb / 365 / 86400 * dt new_iceb_length = np.zeros_like(iceb_length) new_iceb_width = np.zeros_like(iceb_width) new_iceb_length[iceb_length != 0] = (iceb_length[iceb_length != 0] - 2 * dx[iceb_length != 0]) new_iceb_width[iceb_length != 0] = (iceb_width[iceb_length != 0] / iceb_length[iceb_length != 0] * new_iceb_length[iceb_length != 0]) new_iceb_length[new_iceb_length < 0] = 0 new_iceb_width[new_iceb_width < 0] = 0 return new_iceb_length, new_iceb_width
[docs] def melbas(iceb_draft, iceb_sail, iceb_length, salnib, tempib, x_water_vel, y_water_vel, x_iceb_vel, y_iceb_vel, dt): """ Update the iceberg's dimensions (draft and sail) due to forced convection """ # Temperature at the base layer of the iceberg absv = np.sqrt(((x_water_vel - x_iceb_vel) ** 2 + (y_water_vel - y_iceb_vel) ** 2)) TfS = -0.036 - 0.0499 * salnib - 0.000112 * salnib**2 Tfp = TfS * 2.71828 ** (-0.19 * (tempib - TfS)) deltat = tempib - Tfp Vf = 0.58 * absv**0.8 * deltat / (iceb_length**0.2) Vf = Vf / 86400 # conversion to m/s # Update the draft new_iceb_draft = np.zeros_like(iceb_draft) new_iceb_draft[iceb_draft != 0] = (abs(iceb_draft[iceb_draft != 0]) - Vf[iceb_draft != 0] * dt) # Melt at base of the iceberg new_iceb_draft[iceb_draft < 0] = 0 return new_iceb_draft, iceb_sail
[docs] class OpenBerg(OceanDrift): ElementType = IcebergObj required_variables = { "x_sea_water_velocity": {"fallback": None, "profiles": True}, "y_sea_water_velocity": {"fallback": None, "profiles": True}, "sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level": {"fallback": 10000}, "sea_surface_x_slope": {"fallback": 0}, "sea_surface_y_slope": {"fallback": 0}, "x_wind": {"fallback": 0, "important": False}, "y_wind": {"fallback": 0, "important": False}, "sea_surface_wave_significant_height": {"fallback": 0}, "sea_surface_wave_from_direction": {"fallback": 0}, "sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_x_velocity": {"fallback": 0}, "sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_y_velocity": {"fallback": 0}, "sea_water_temperature": {"fallback": 2, "profiles": True}, "sea_water_salinity": {"fallback": 35, "profiles": True}, "sea_ice_area_fraction": {"fallback": 0}, "sea_ice_thickness": {"fallback": 0}, "sea_ice_x_velocity": {"fallback": 0, "important": False}, "sea_ice_y_velocity": {"fallback": 0, "important": False}, "land_binary_mask": {"fallback": None}, }
[docs] def get_profile_masked(self, variable): """ Apply a mask to extract data from the surface down to the iceberg's draft. """ draft = self.elements.draft profile = self.environment_profiles[variable] z = self.environment_profiles["z"] if z is None or (len(z) == 1 and z[0] is None): z = np.zeros_like(profile) mask = draft[:, np.newaxis] < -z mask[np.argmax(mask, axis=0), np.arange(mask.shape[1])] = False return, mask.T, fill_value=np.nan)
[docs] def get_basal_env(self, variable): """ Get the basal layer of the variable for the icebergs """ profile = self.get_profile_masked(variable) last = np.argmin(np.logical_not(profile.mask), axis=0) - 1 return profile[last, np.arange(profile.shape[1])]
# Configuration def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OpenBerg, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._add_config({ 'drift:wave_rad':{ 'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'description': 'If True, wave radiation force is added', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'drift:stokes_drift':{ 'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'description': 'If True, stokes drift force is added', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'drift:coriolis':{ 'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'description': 'If True, coriolis force is added', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC, }, 'drift:sea_surface_slope':{ 'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'description': 'If True, sea surface slope force is added', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC, }, 'drift:vertical_profile':{ 'type': 'bool', 'default': False, 'description': 'If True, depth integrated currents are applied', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'processes:grounding':{ 'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'description': 'If True, grounding is enabled', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'processes:roll_over':{ 'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'description': 'If True, roll over is enabled', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'processes:melting':{ 'type': 'bool', 'default': False, 'description': 'If True, melting is enabled', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'melting:wave':{ 'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'description': 'If True, melting due to wave erosion is enabled', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'melting:lateral':{ 'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'description': 'If True, lateral melting is enabled', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, 'melting:basal':{ 'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'description': 'If True, basal melting is enabled', 'level': CONFIG_LEVEL_BASIC }, })
[docs] def advect_iceberg(self): sail = self.elements.sail draft = self.elements.draft length = self.elements.length width = self.elements.width weight_coeff = self.elements.weight_coeff lat = water_drag_coeff = self.elements.water_drag_coeff wind_drag_coeff = self.elements.wind_drag_coeff T = self.environment.sea_water_temperature S = self.environment.sea_water_salinity rho_water = PhysicsMethods.sea_water_density(T, S) sea_slope_x = self.environment.sea_surface_x_slope sea_slope_y = self.environment.sea_surface_y_slope wave_height = self.environment.sea_surface_wave_significant_height wave_direction = self.environment.sea_surface_wave_from_direction sea_ice_thickness = self.environment.sea_ice_thickness sea_ice_conc = self.environment.sea_ice_area_fraction water_depth = self.environment.sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level Ao = abs(draft) * length # (Alternatively: Ao = weight_coeff * length * width) Aa = sail * length Ai = sea_ice_thickness * length mass = width * (Aa + Ao) * rho_iceb * weight_coeff k = (rho_air * wind_drag_coeff * Aa / (rho_water * water_drag_coeff * Ao)) f = np.sqrt(k) / (1 + np.sqrt(k)) # (f is the wind drift factor, only used in the no acceleration model) wave_rad = self.get_config('drift:wave_rad') stokes_drift = self.get_config('drift:stokes_drift') coriolis = self.get_config('drift:coriolis') grounding = self.get_config('processes:grounding') sea_surface_slope = self.get_config('drift:sea_surface_slope') if self.get_config('drift:vertical_profile') is False:"Surface Currents ...") water_vel = np.array([self.environment.x_sea_water_velocity + (int(stokes_drift) * self.environment.sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_x_velocity), self.environment.y_sea_water_velocity + (int(stokes_drift) * self.environment.sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_y_velocity)]) else:"Depth Integrated Currents ...") uprof = self.get_profile_masked("x_sea_water_velocity") vprof = self.get_profile_masked("y_sea_water_velocity") z = self.environment_profiles["z"] thickness = -(z[1:] - z[:-1]).reshape((-1, 1)).astype(float) mask = uprof.mask uprof_mean_inter = (uprof[1:] + uprof[:-1]) / 2 vprof_mean_inter = (vprof[1:] + vprof[:-1]) / 2 mask = mask[:-1] thickness_reshaped = np.tile(thickness, (1, mask.shape[1])) thickness_reshaped[mask] = np.nan umean = np.nansum(thickness_reshaped * uprof_mean_inter, axis=0) / np.nansum(thickness_reshaped, axis=0) vmean = np.nansum(thickness_reshaped * vprof_mean_inter, axis=0) / np.nansum(thickness_reshaped, axis=0) water_vel = np.array([umean, vmean]) wind_vel = np.array([self.environment.x_wind, self.environment.y_wind]) sea_ice_vel = np.array([self.environment.sea_ice_x_velocity, self.environment.sea_ice_y_velocity]) def dynamic(t,iceb_vel, water_vel, wind_vel, wave_height, wave_direction, Ao, Aa, rho_water, water_drag_coef, wind_drag_coef, iceb_length, mass,lat, sea_slope_x, sea_slope_y): """ Function required by solve_ivp. The t and iceb_vel parameters are required by solve_ivp, shouldn't be deleted """ iceb_vel = iceb_vel.reshape((2, -1)) # Individual forces ocean_force_val = ocean_force(iceb_vel, water_vel, Ao, rho_water, water_drag_coef) wind_force_val = wind_force(iceb_vel, wind_vel, Aa, wind_drag_coef) wave_radiation_force_val = int(wave_rad) * wave_radiation_force(rho_water, wave_height, wave_direction, iceb_length) coriolis_force_val = int(coriolis) * coriolis_force(iceb_vel, mass, lat) sea_surface_slope_val = int(sea_surface_slope) * sea_surface_slope_force(sea_slope_x, sea_slope_y, mass) # Sum of the individual forces sum_force = (ocean_force_val+ wind_force_val+ wave_radiation_force_val+ coriolis_force_val+ sea_surface_slope_val) # Add sea ice force sea_ice_force_val = sea_ice_force(iceb_vel, sea_ice_conc, Ai, sea_ice_vel, sum_force) sum_force += sea_ice_force_val return (sum_force / mass) # Running the simulation V0 = advect_iceberg_no_acc(f, water_vel, wind_vel) # Approximation of the solution of the dynamic equation for the iceberg velocity V0[:, sea_ice_conc >= 0.9] = sea_ice_vel[:, sea_ice_conc >= 0.9] # With this criterium, the iceberg moves with the sea ice V0 = V0.flatten() # V0 needs to be 1D hwall = draft - water_depth grounded = np.logical_and(hwall >= 0, grounding) if any(grounded) and grounding:"Grounding condition : Icebergs grounded = {len(hwall[hwall>0])}, hwall={np.round(hwall[hwall>0],3)} meters") sol = solve_ivp(dynamic, [0, self.time_step.total_seconds()], V0, args=(water_vel, wind_vel, wave_height, wave_direction, Ao, Aa, rho_water, water_drag_coeff, wind_drag_coeff, length, mass, lat, sea_slope_x, sea_slope_y), vectorized=True, t_eval=np.array([self.time_step.total_seconds()])) V = sol.y.reshape((2, -1)) Vx, Vy = V[0], V[1] Vx[grounded] = 0 Vy[grounded] = 0 self.update_positions(Vx, Vy) self.elements.iceb_x_velocity, self.elements.iceb_y_velocity = Vx, Vy
[docs] def melt(self): """ Enable melting """ if self.get_config('processes:melting') is False: logger.debug('Melting is disabled') return x_wind = self.environment.x_wind y_wind = self.environment.y_wind uoib = self.get_basal_env("x_sea_water_velocity") voib = self.get_basal_env("y_sea_water_velocity") T_profile = self.environment_profiles["sea_water_temperature"] S_profile = self.environment_profiles["sea_water_salinity"] Tn = self.get_basal_env("sea_water_temperature") Sn = self.get_basal_env("sea_water_salinity") sea_ice_conc = self.environment.sea_ice_area_fraction # Wave melting if self.get_config('melting:wave'): self.elements.length, self.elements.width = melwav(self.elements.length, self.elements.width, x_wind, y_wind, T_profile[0], sea_ice_conc, self.time_step.total_seconds()) # Lateral melting if self.get_config('melting:lateral'): self.elements.length, self.elements.width = mellat(self.elements.length, self.elements.width, T_profile, S_profile, self.time_step.total_seconds()) # Basal melting if self.get_config('melting:basal'): self.elements.draft, self.elements.sail = melbas(self.elements.draft, self.elements.sail, self.elements.length, Sn, Tn, uoib, voib, self.elements.iceb_x_velocity, self.elements.iceb_y_velocity, self.time_step.total_seconds()) # Deactivate icebergs less than 1 meter self.deactivate_elements(self.elements.draft < 1, "Iceberg melted") self.deactivate_elements(self.elements.length < 1, "Iceberg melted") self.deactivate_elements(self.elements.width < 1, "Iceberg melted") self.deactivate_elements(self.elements.sail < 1, "Iceberg melted")
[docs] def roll_over(self): """ Iceberg's stability criterium """ if self.get_config('processes:roll_over') is False: logger.debug('Rollover is disabled') return T = self.environment.sea_water_temperature S = self.environment.sea_water_salinity rho_water = PhysicsMethods.sea_water_density(T, S) L = self.elements.length W = self.elements.width H = self.elements.draft + self.elements.sail alpha = rho_iceb / rho_water crit = np.sqrt(6 * alpha * (1 - alpha)) W, L = np.min([L, W], axis=0), np.max([L, W], axis=0) mask = (W / H) < crit if any(mask):"Rolling over : {np.sum(mask)} icebergs ...") nL, nW, nH = (np.max([L[mask], H[mask]], axis=0), np.min([L[mask], H[mask]], axis=0), W[mask]) L[mask], W[mask], H[mask] = nL, nW, nH depthib = H * alpha sailib = H - depthib self.elements.length = L self.elements.width = W self.elements.sail = sailib self.elements.draft = depthib
[docs] def update(self): """ Update positions and properties of particles """ self.roll_over() self.melt() self.advect_iceberg()