Source code for opendrift.models.openberg

# This file is part of OpenDrift.
# OpenDrift is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2
# OpenDrift is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with OpenDrift.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright 2015, 2023, Knut-Frode Dagestad, MET Norway
# Copyright 2023, Achref Othmani & 2024, Lenny Hucher, NERSC, Norway

import numpy as np
import logging; logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from opendrift.models.oceandrift import OceanDrift, Lagrangian3DArray
from opendrift.models.physics_methods import PhysicsMethods
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp

# Constants
rho_water = 1027
rho_air = 1.293
rho_ice = 917
rho_iceb = 900
g = 9.81
csi = 1  # Sea ice coefficient of resistance
wave_drag_coef = 0.3

[docs] class IcebergObj(Lagrangian3DArray): """ Extending Lagrangian3DArray with relevant properties for an Iceberg """ variables = Lagrangian3DArray.add_variables([ ('sail', {'dtype': np.float32, # Sail of iceberg (part above waterline ) 'units': 'm', 'default': 10}), ('draft', {'dtype': np.float32, # Draft of iceberg (part below waterline) 'units': 'm', 'default': 90}), ('length', {'dtype': np.float32, # length of iceberg 'units': 'm', 'default': 100}), ('width', {'dtype': np.float32, # width of iceberg 'units': 'm', 'default': 30}), ('weight_coeff', {'dtype': np.float32, # Relative to the shape of iceberg (e.g. 1 for tabular; 0.3 for pinnacle) 'units': '1', 'default': 1}), ('water_drag_coeff', {'dtype': np.float32, # Ocean drag coeff. 'units': '1', 'default': 0.25}), ('wind_drag_coeff', {'dtype': np.float32, # Wind drag coeff. 'units': '1', 'default': 0.7}), ("iceb_x_velocity", {"dtype": np.float32, # Iceberg velocity in the x-direction "units": "m/s", "default": 0.0}), ("iceb_y_velocity", {"dtype": np.float32, # Iceberg velocity in the y-direction "units": "m/s", "default": 0.0}), ])
# Define the functions needed
[docs] def water_drag(iceb_vel, water_vel, Ao, rho_water, water_drag_coef): """ Ocean force Args: iceb_vel : Iceberg velocity at time t water_vel : Ocean current velocity Ao : Iceberg's area exposed to the ocean current(length x draft) rho_water : Water density water_drag_coef : Co is the drag coefficient applied on the iceberg's draft Returns: Ocean force """ vxo, vyo = water_vel[0], water_vel[1] # water velocity x_vel, y_vel = iceb_vel[0], iceb_vel[1] # iceberg velocity rel_water_x_vel = vxo - x_vel rel_water_y_vel = vyo - y_vel rel_water_norm = np.sqrt(rel_water_x_vel**2 + rel_water_y_vel**2) F_ocean_x = (0.5 * rho_water * water_drag_coef * Ao * rel_water_norm * rel_water_x_vel) F_ocean_y = (0.5 * rho_water * water_drag_coef * Ao * rel_water_norm * rel_water_y_vel) return np.array([F_ocean_x, F_ocean_y])
[docs] def wind_drag(iceb_vel, wind_vel, Aa, wind_drag_coef): """ Wind force Args: iceb_vel : Iceberg velocity at time t wind_vel : Wind velocity Aa : Iceberg's area exposed to the wind (length x sail) rho_air : Air density wind_drag_coef : Ca is the drag coefficient applied on the iceberg's sail Returns: Wind force """ vxa, vya = wind_vel[0], wind_vel[1] # wind velocity x_vel, y_vel = iceb_vel[0], iceb_vel[1] # iceberg velocity rel_wind_x_vel = vxa - x_vel rel_wind_y_vel = vya - y_vel rel_wind_norm = np.sqrt(rel_wind_x_vel**2 + rel_wind_y_vel**2) F_wind_x = 0.5 * rho_air * wind_drag_coef * Aa * rel_wind_norm * rel_wind_x_vel F_wind_y = 0.5 * rho_air * wind_drag_coef * Aa * rel_wind_norm * rel_wind_y_vel return np.array([F_wind_x, F_wind_y])
[docs] def wave_radiation_force(rho_water, wave_height, wave_direction, iceb_length): """ Wave radiation force Args: iceb_vel : Iceberg velocity at time t rho_water : Water density wave_height : Wave significant height wave_direction : Wave direction iceb_length : Iceberg's length Returns: Wave radiation force """ F_wave_x = (0.5 * rho_water * wave_drag_coef * g * iceb_length * (wave_height / 2) ** 2 * np.sin(np.deg2rad((wave_direction + 180) % 360))) F_wave_y = (0.5 * rho_water * wave_drag_coef * g * iceb_length * (wave_height / 2) ** 2 * np.cos(np.deg2rad((wave_direction + 180) % 360))) return np.array([F_wave_x, F_wave_y])
[docs] def advect_iceberg_no_acc(f, water_vel, wind_vel): """ Advect iceberg without acceleration Args: f : Wind drift factor water_vel : Ocean current velocity wind_vel : Wind velocity Returns: Iceberg velocity without acceleration """ vxo, vyo = water_vel[0], water_vel[1] vxa, vya = wind_vel[0], wind_vel[1] no_acc_model_x = (1 - f) * vxo + f * vxa no_acc_model_y = (1 - f) * vyo + f * vya V = np.array([no_acc_model_x, no_acc_model_y]) if not np.isfinite(V).all(): logger.error("Infinite value in iceberg's velocity without acceleration: Please check the wind drift factor f ") return V
[docs] def sea_ice_force(iceb_vel, sea_ice_conc, sea_ice_thickness, sea_ice_vel, iceb_width, sum_force): """ Sea ice force Args: iceb_vel : Iceberg velocity at time t sea_ice_conc : Sea ice concentration [%] sea_ice_thickness : Sea ice thickness [m] sea_ice_vel : Sea ice velocity [m/s] rho_ice : Sea ice density iceb_width : Iceberg width sum_force : Effect of all other forces exerted on the iceberg (apart from the sea ice force) Returns: Sea ice force """ ice_x, ice_y = sea_ice_vel x_vel, y_vel = iceb_vel[0], iceb_vel[1] diff_vel = np.sqrt((ice_x - x_vel) ** 2 + (ice_y - y_vel) ** 2) force_x, force_y = sum_force F_ice_x = np.zeros_like(x_vel) F_ice_y = np.zeros_like(y_vel) F_ice_x = (0.5 * (rho_ice * csi * sea_ice_thickness * iceb_width) * diff_vel * (ice_x - x_vel)) F_ice_y = (0.5 * (rho_ice * csi * sea_ice_thickness * iceb_width) * diff_vel * (ice_y - y_vel)) F_ice_x[sea_ice_conc <= 0.15] = 0 F_ice_y[sea_ice_conc <= 0.15] = 0 F_ice_x[sea_ice_conc >= 0.9] = -force_x[sea_ice_conc >= 0.9] F_ice_y[sea_ice_conc >= 0.9] = -force_y[sea_ice_conc >= 0.9] return np.array([F_ice_x, F_ice_y])
[docs] def melwav(iceb_length, iceb_width, x_wind, y_wind, sst, sea_ice_conc, dt): """ Update the iceberg's dimensions (length and width) due to wave erosion Parameterization from Keghouche et al. 2009 Args: iceb_length : Iceberg's length iceb_width : Iceberg's width x_wind : Wind speed in the x-direction y_wind : Wind speed in the y-direction sst : Sea surface temperature sea_ice_conc : Sea ice concentration dt : Timestep of the simulation """ Ss = -5 + np.sqrt(32 + 2 * np.sqrt(x_wind**2 + y_wind**2)) Vsst = (1 / 6.0) * (sst + 2) * Ss Vwe = Vsst * 0.5 * (1 + np.cos(np.pi * sea_ice_conc**3)) / 86400 new_iceb_length = np.zeros_like(iceb_length) new_iceb_width = np.zeros_like(iceb_width) new_iceb_length[iceb_length != 0] = (iceb_length[iceb_length != 0] - Vwe[iceb_length != 0] * dt) new_iceb_width[iceb_length != 0] = (iceb_width[iceb_length != 0] / iceb_length[iceb_length != 0] * new_iceb_length[iceb_length != 0]) new_iceb_length[new_iceb_length < 0] = 0 new_iceb_width[new_iceb_width < 0] = 0 return new_iceb_length, new_iceb_width
[docs] def mellat(iceb_length, iceb_width, tempib, salnib, dt): """ Update the iceberg's dimensions (length and width) due to lateral melting Parameterization from Keghouche et al. 2009 Args: iceb_length : Iceberg's length iceb_width : Iceberg's width tempib : Water temperature salnib : Water salinity dt : Timestep of the simulation """ TfS = -0.036 - 0.0499 * salnib - 0.000112 * salnib**2 Tfp = TfS * np.exp(-0.19 * (tempib - TfS)) deltaT = tempib - Tfp deltaT = np.concatenate([2.78 * deltaT, 0.47 * deltaT**2], axis=0) sumVb = np.nansum(deltaT, axis=0) dx = sumVb / 365 / 86400 * dt # Convert sumVb from (meter/year) to (meter per second) new_iceb_length = np.zeros_like(iceb_length) new_iceb_width = np.zeros_like(iceb_width) new_iceb_length[iceb_length != 0] = (iceb_length[iceb_length != 0] - 2 * dx[iceb_length != 0]) new_iceb_width[iceb_length != 0] = (iceb_width[iceb_length != 0] / iceb_length[iceb_length != 0] * new_iceb_length[iceb_length != 0]) new_iceb_length[new_iceb_length < 0] = 0 new_iceb_width[new_iceb_width < 0] = 0 return new_iceb_length, new_iceb_width
[docs] def melbas(iceb_draft, iceb_sail, iceb_length, salnib, tempib, x_water_vel, y_water_vel, x_iceb_vel, y_iceb_vel, dt): """ Update the iceberg's dimensions (draft and sail) due to forced convection Parameterization from Keghouche et al. 2009 """ # Temperature at the base layer of the iceberg absv = np.sqrt(((x_water_vel - x_iceb_vel) ** 2 + (y_water_vel - y_iceb_vel) ** 2)) TfS = -0.036 - 0.0499 * salnib - 0.000112 * salnib**2 Tfp = TfS * 2.71828 ** (-0.19 * (tempib - TfS)) deltat = tempib - Tfp Vf = 0.58 * absv**0.8 * deltat / (iceb_length**0.2) Vf = Vf / 86400 # converted to m/s # Update the draft new_iceb_draft = np.zeros_like(iceb_draft) new_iceb_draft[iceb_draft != 0] = (abs(iceb_draft[iceb_draft != 0]) - Vf[iceb_draft != 0] * dt) # Melt at base of the iceberg new_iceb_draft[iceb_draft < 0] = 0 return new_iceb_draft, iceb_sail
[docs] class OpenBerg(OceanDrift): ElementType = IcebergObj required_variables = { "x_sea_water_velocity": {"fallback": None, "profiles": True}, "y_sea_water_velocity": {"fallback": None, "profiles": True}, "sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level": {"fallback": 10000}, "x_wind": {"fallback": 0, "important": False}, "y_wind": {"fallback": 0, "important": False}, "sea_surface_wave_significant_height": {"fallback": 0}, "sea_surface_wave_from_direction": {"fallback": 0}, "sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_x_velocity": {"fallback": 0}, "sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_y_velocity": {"fallback": 0}, "sea_water_temperature": {"fallback": 2, "profiles": True}, "sea_water_salinity": {"fallback": 35, "profiles": True}, "sea_ice_area_fraction": {"fallback": 0}, "sea_ice_thickness": {"fallback": 0}, "sea_ice_x_velocity": {"fallback": 0, "important": False}, "sea_ice_y_velocity": {"fallback": 0, "important": False}, "land_binary_mask": {"fallback": None}, }
[docs] def get_profile_masked(self, variable): """ Apply a mask to extract data from the surface down to the iceberg's draft """ draft = self.elements.draft profile = self.environment_profiles[variable] z = self.environment_profiles["z"] if len(z) == 1: if z == np.array([None]): # Convert None values to zeros for surface current z = np.zeros_like(z) mask = draft[:, np.newaxis] < -z mask = mask.T mask[np.argmax(mask, axis=0), np.arange(mask.shape[1])] = False return, mask, fill_value=np.nan)
[docs] def get_basal_env(self, variable): """ Get the basal layer of the variable for the icebergs """ profile = self.get_profile_masked(variable) last = np.argmin(np.logical_not(profile.mask), axis=0) - 1 return profile[last, np.arange(profile.shape[1])]
# Configuration def __init__( self, add_stokes_drift: bool = True, wave_rad: bool = True, grounding: bool = False, vertical_profile: bool = False, melting: bool = False, choose_melting: dict[bool] = {"wave": True, "lateral": True, "basal": True}, *args, **kwargs, ): # The constructor of parent class must always be called # to perform some necessary common initialisation tasks: super(OpenBerg, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.wave_rad = wave_rad self.add_stokes_drift = add_stokes_drift self.grounding = grounding self.vertical_profile = vertical_profile self.melting = (melting) #Activate the melting self.choose_melting = (choose_melting) #Choose how it melts
[docs] def advect_iceberg(self, rho_water, stokes_drift=True, wave_rad=True, grounding=False, vertical_profile=False): draft = self.elements.draft length = self.elements.length Ao = abs(draft) * length ### Area_wet Aa = self.elements.sail * length ### Area_dry mass = self.elements.width * (Aa + Ao) * rho_iceb k = (rho_air * self.elements.wind_drag_coeff * Aa / (rho_water * self.elements.water_drag_coeff * Ao)) f = np.sqrt(k) / (1 + np.sqrt(k)) if not vertical_profile: water_vel = np.array([self.environment.x_sea_water_velocity + int(stokes_drift) * self.environment.sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_x_velocity, self.environment.y_sea_water_velocity + int(stokes_drift) * self.environment.sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_y_velocity]) else:"Calculating the Depth Integrated Currents ...") uprof = self.get_profile_masked("x_sea_water_velocity") vprof = self.get_profile_masked("y_sea_water_velocity") z = self.environment_profiles["z"] thickness = -(z[1:] - z[:-1]).reshape((-1, 1)) mask = uprof.mask uprof_mean_inter = (uprof[1:] + uprof[:-1]) / 2 vprof_mean_inter = (vprof[1:] + vprof[:-1]) / 2 mask = mask[:-1] thickness_reshaped = np.tile(thickness, (1, mask.shape[1])) thickness_reshaped[mask] = np.nan umean = np.nansum(thickness_reshaped * uprof_mean_inter, axis=0) / np.nansum(thickness_reshaped, axis=0) vmean = np.nansum(thickness_reshaped * vprof_mean_inter, axis=0) / np.nansum(thickness_reshaped, axis=0) water_vel = np.array([umean, vmean]) water_depth = self.environment.sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level wind_vel = np.array([self.environment.x_wind, self.environment.y_wind]) wave_height = self.environment.sea_surface_wave_significant_height wave_direction = self.environment.sea_surface_wave_from_direction sea_ice_conc = self.environment.sea_ice_area_fraction sea_ice_thickness = self.environment.sea_ice_thickness sea_ice_vel = np.array([self.environment.sea_ice_x_velocity, self.environment.sea_ice_y_velocity]) def dynamic(t,iceb_vel, water_vel, wind_vel, wave_height, wave_direction, Ao, Aa, rho_water, water_drag_coef, wind_drag_coef, iceb_length, mass): """ Function required by solve_ivp. The t and iceb_vel parameters are required by solve_ivp, shouldn't be deleted """ sum_force = (water_drag(iceb_vel, water_vel, Ao, rho_water, water_drag_coef) + wind_drag(iceb_vel,wind_vel, Aa, wind_drag_coef) + int(wave_rad) * wave_radiation_force(rho_water, wave_height, wave_direction, iceb_length)) sum_force = sum_force + sea_ice_force(iceb_vel, sea_ice_conc, sea_ice_thickness, sea_ice_vel, self.elements.width, sum_force) return 1 / mass * sum_force V0 = advect_iceberg_no_acc(f, water_vel, wind_vel) # Approximation of the solution of the dynamic equation for the iceberg velocity V0[:, sea_ice_conc >= 0.9] = sea_ice_vel[:, sea_ice_conc >= 0.9] # With this criterium, the iceberg moves with the sea ice V0 = V0.flatten() hwall = draft - water_depth grounded = np.logical_and(hwall >= 0, grounding) if any(grounded) and grounding:"Grounding condition : Icebergs grounded = {len(hwall[hwall>0])}, hwall={np.round(hwall[hwall>0],3)} meters") sol = solve_ivp(dynamic, [0, self.time_step.total_seconds()], V0, args=(water_vel, wind_vel, wave_height, wave_direction, Ao, Aa, rho_water, self.elements.water_drag_coeff, self.elements.wind_drag_coeff, self.elements.length, mass), vectorized=True, t_eval=np.array([self.time_step.total_seconds()]), ) V = sol.y.reshape((2, -1)) Vx, Vy = V[0], V[1] Vx[grounded] = 0 Vy[grounded] = 0 self.update_positions(Vx, Vy) self.elements.iceb_x_velocity, self.elements.iceb_y_velocity = Vx, Vy
[docs] def melt(self): """ Activate melting """ x_wind = self.environment.x_wind y_wind = self.environment.y_wind uoib = self.get_basal_env("x_sea_water_velocity") voib = self.get_basal_env("y_sea_water_velocity") T_profile = self.environment_profiles["sea_water_temperature"] S_profile = self.environment_profiles["sea_water_salinity"] Tn = self.get_basal_env("sea_water_temperature") Sn = self.get_basal_env("sea_water_salinity") sea_ice_conc = self.environment.sea_ice_area_fraction # Wave melting if self.choose_melting["wave"]: self.elements.length, self.elements.width = melwav(self.elements.length, self.elements.width, x_wind, y_wind, T_profile[0], sea_ice_conc, self.time_step.total_seconds()) # Lateral melting if self.choose_melting["lateral"]: self.elements.length, self.elements.width = mellat(self.elements.length, self.elements.width, T_profile, S_profile, self.time_step.total_seconds()) # Basal melting if self.choose_melting["basal"]: self.elements.draft, self.elements.sail = melbas(self.elements.draft, self.elements.sail, self.elements.length, Sn, Tn, uoib, voib, self.elements.iceb_x_velocity, self.elements.iceb_y_velocity, self.time_step.total_seconds()) # Deactivate elements less than 1 meter self.deactivate_elements(self.elements.draft < 1, "Iceberg melted") self.deactivate_elements(self.elements.length < 1, "Iceberg melted") self.deactivate_elements(self.elements.width < 1, "Iceberg melted") self.deactivate_elements(self.elements.sail < 1, "Iceberg melted")
[docs] def roll_over(self, rho_water): """ Iceberg's stability criterium: Parameterization from Keghouche et al. 2009 with a correction from Wagner et al. 2017 """ L = self.elements.length W = self.elements.width H = self.elements.draft + self.elements.sail alpha = rho_iceb / rho_water crit = np.sqrt(6 * alpha * (1 - alpha)) W, L = np.min([L, W], axis=0), np.max([L, W], axis=0) mask = (W / H) < crit if any(mask):"Rolling over : {np.sum(mask)} icebergs ...") nL, nW, nH = (np.max([L[mask], H[mask]], axis=0), np.min([L[mask], H[mask]], axis=0), W[mask]) L[mask], W[mask], H[mask] = nL, nW, nH depthib = H * alpha sailib = H - depthib self.elements.length = L self.elements.width = W self.elements.sail = sailib self.elements.draft = depthib
[docs] def prepare_run(self): self.profiles_depth = self.elements_scheduled.draft.max()"Icebergs max draft is : {self.profiles_depth} meters")
[docs] def update(self): """ Update positions and properties of particles """ T = self.environment.sea_water_temperature S = self.environment.sea_water_salinity rho_water = PhysicsMethods.sea_water_density(T, S) self.roll_over(rho_water) if self.melting: self.melt() self.advect_iceberg(rho_water, self.add_stokes_drift, self.wave_rad, self.grounding, self.vertical_profile)