Source code for opendrift.models.physics_methods

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# Copyright 2016, Knut-Frode Dagestad, MET Norway

import logging; logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from datetime import timedelta
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from math import sqrt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyproj
import cmocean

[docs] def wind_drift_factor_from_trajectory(trajectory_dict, min_period=None): '''Estimate wind_drift_fator based on wind and current along given trajectory trajectory_dict: dictionary with arrays of same length of the following variables: time, lon, lat, x_wind, y_wind, x_sea_water_velocity, y_sea_water_velocity Returns array of same length minus one of the fitted wind_drift_factor ''' geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84') time = trajectory_dict['time'] try: import pandas as pd time = pd.to_datetime(time) except: pass if min_period is None: ind = range(len(time)) else: timestep = time[1] - time[0] s = np.round(min_period.total_seconds()/(timestep).total_seconds()).astype(int) ind = np.arange(0, len(time), s).astype(np.int32) print('Original timestep (%s) multiplied by %i: %s' % (timestep, s, timestep*s)) ind2 = ind.copy() for i in range(1, s): ind2 = np.concatenate((ind2, ind+i)) ind = ind2 ind = ind[ind<len(time)] time = time[ind] cu = trajectory_dict['x_sea_water_velocity'][ind] cv = trajectory_dict['y_sea_water_velocity'][ind] wu = trajectory_dict['x_wind'][ind] wv = trajectory_dict['y_wind'][ind] lon = trajectory_dict['lon'][ind] lat = trajectory_dict['lat'][ind] current_speed = np.sqrt(cu**2+cv**2) current_azimuth = np.degrees(np.arctan2(cu, cv)) wind_speed = np.sqrt(wu**2+wv**2) time_step = (time[1]-time[0]).total_seconds() # Move forward from each position with current lonf, latf, back_az = geod.fwd(lon[0:-1], lat[0:-1], current_azimuth[0:-1], current_speed[0:-1]*time_step) # Find distance and azimuth to next observational position azimuth_forward, a2, distance = geod.inv(lonf, latf, lon[1:], lat[1:]) # Find the wind_drift_factor needed to give the remaining distance wind_drift_factor = distance / (time_step*wind_speed[0:-1]) wind_azimuth = np.degrees(np.arctan2(wu, wv)) azimuth_offset = azimuth_forward - wind_azimuth[0:-1] # 0 if downwind drift, positive if rightwards drift is needed towards end position azimuth_offset = azimuth_offset % 360 # Make sure azimuth angle is between -180 and 180 azimuth_offset = (azimuth_offset + 360) % 360 azimuth_offset[azimuth_offset>180] -= 360 return wind_drift_factor, azimuth_offset
[docs] def distance_between_trajectories(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2): '''Calculate the distances [m] between two trajectories''' assert len(lon1) == len(lat1) == len(lat1) == len(lat2) geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84') azimuth_forward, a2, distance = geod.inv(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2) return distance
[docs] def distance_along_trajectory(lon, lat): '''Calculate the distances [m] between points along a trajectory assuming the last dimension is the time dimension for the trajectory. ''' geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84') azimuth_forward, a2, distance = geod.inv(lon[...,1:], lat[...,1:], lon[...,:-1], lat[...,:-1]) return distance
[docs] def skillscore_darpa(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2): '''Scoring algorithm used for DARPA float challenge 2021. Copied from implementation made by Jean Rabault. Assuming 6 positions, separated by 2 days, where first pos (start) are identical. ''' assert len(lon1) == 6 distances = distance_between_trajectories(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2)/1000 if distances[0] != 0: logger.warning('DARPA score: first position is not identical ' '(distance: %s km)' % distances[0]) distances = distances[1:] # For the remaining, we ignore starting position dict_DARPA_points = { 4: 5, 8: 2, 16: 1, 32: 0.25 } distance_thresholds = sorted(list(dict_DARPA_points.keys())) dict_DARPA_scoring_multiplicator = { 0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 5, 3: 10, 4: 20 } DARPA_points = 0 for crrt_ind, crrt_distance in enumerate(distances): if crrt_distance >= distance_thresholds[-1]: break for crrt_threshold in distance_thresholds: if crrt_distance < crrt_threshold: crrt_points = dict_DARPA_points[crrt_threshold] break crrt_multiplicator = dict_DARPA_scoring_multiplicator[crrt_ind] DARPA_points += int(crrt_points * crrt_multiplicator) return DARPA_points
[docs] def skillscore_liu_weissberg(lon_obs, lat_obs, lon_model, lat_model, tolerance_threshold=1): ''' calculate skill score from normalized cumulative seperation distance. Liu and Weisberg 2011. Returns the skill score bewteen 0. and 1. ''' lon_obs = np.array(lon_obs) lat_obs = np.array(lat_obs) lon_model = np.array(lon_model) lat_model = np.array(lat_model) d = distance_between_trajectories(lon_obs, lat_obs, lon_model, lat_model) l = distance_along_trajectory(lon_obs, lat_obs) s = np.divide(np.nansum(d, axis = -1), np.nansum(np.nancumsum(l, axis = -1), axis = -1)) if tolerance_threshold==0: skillscore = 0 else: skillscore = np.maximum(0, 1 - s/tolerance_threshold) return skillscore
[docs] def plot_wind_drift_factor(wdf, azimuth, wmax_plot=None): '''Polar plot of array of wind drift factor, with associated azimuthal offset''' wmax = wdf.max() wbins = np.arange(0, wmax+.005, .005) abins = np.linspace(-180, 180, 30) hist, _, _ = np.histogram2d(azimuth, wdf, bins=(abins, wbins)) A, W = np.meshgrid(abins, wbins) fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection='polar')) ax.set_theta_zero_location('N', offset=0) ax.set_theta_direction(-1) pc = ax.pcolormesh(np.radians(A), W, hist.T, plt.arrow(np.pi, wmax, 0, -wmax, width=.015, facecolor='k', zorder=100, head_width=.8, lw=2, head_length=.005, length_includes_head=True) plt.text(np.pi, wmax*.5, ' Wind direction', fontsize=18) plt.grid() if wmax_plot is not None: plt.ylim([0, wmax_plot])
[docs] def oil_wave_entrainment_rate_li2017(dynamic_viscosity, oil_density, interfacial_tension, significant_wave_height=None, wave_breaking_fraction=None, wind_speed=None, sea_water_density=1028.): # Z. Li, M.L. Spaulding, D. French McCay, J. Mar. Pollut. Bull. (2016): # An algorithm for modeling entrainment and naturally and chemically dispersed # oil droplet size distribution under surface breaking wave conditions if wave_breaking_fraction is None: if wind_speed is None: raise ValueError('wave_breaking_fraction or wind_speed must be provided') wave_breaking_fraction = wave_breaking_fraction_from_wind(wind_speed) if significant_wave_height is None: if wind_speed is None: raise ValueError('significant_wave_height or wind_speed must be provided') significant_wave_height = significant_wave_height_from_wind_neumann_pierson(wind_speed) g = 9.81 delta_rho = sea_water_density - oil_density d_o = 4*np.sqrt(interfacial_tension / (delta_rho*g)) we = sea_water_density*g*significant_wave_height*d_o/interfacial_tension oh = dynamic_viscosity/np.sqrt(oil_density*interfacial_tension*d_o) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): entrainment_rate = (4.604e-10*we**1.805*oh**-1.023)*wave_breaking_fraction return entrainment_rate
[docs] def significant_wave_height_from_wind_neumann_pierson(wind_speed): # Neumann and Pierson, 1966 # WMO 1998 return 0.0246*np.power(wind_speed, 2)
[docs] def wave_breaking_fraction_from_wind(wind_speed, wave_period=None): # TODO: We should also have an option here for # the case when wave height is given, but no wind if wave_period is None: wave_period = wave_period_from_wind(wind_speed) f = 0.032*(wind_speed - 5)/wave_period f[f < 0] = 0 return f
[docs] def wave_period_from_wind(wind_speed): # Pierson-Moskowitz if period not available from readers # WMO guide to wave analysis and forecasting pp. 14, WMO (1998) # fallback value if no wind speed or Hs to avoid division by zero wind_speed = np.atleast_1d(wind_speed) omega = 5*np.ones(wind_speed.shape) # Angular frequency omega[wind_speed>0] = 0.877*9.81/(1.17*wind_speed[wind_speed>0]) return 2*np.pi/omega
[docs] def verticaldiffusivity_Sundby1983(windspeed, depth, mixedlayerdepth=50, background_diffusivity=0): ''' Vertical diffusivity from Sundby (1983) S. Sundby (1983): A one-dimensional model for the vertical distribution of pelagic fish eggs in the mixed layer Deep Sea Research (30) pp. 645-661 ''' K = 76.1e-4 + 2.26e-4 * windspeed*windspeed * np.ones(np.atleast_1d(depth.shape)) K[depth>mixedlayerdepth-1] = (K[depth>mixedlayerdepth-1]+background_diffusivity)/2 # Transition K[depth>=mixedlayerdepth] = background_diffusivity # Cutoff below mixed layer # valid = windspeed_squared < 13**2 return K
[docs] def verticaldiffusivity_Large1994(windspeed, depth, mixedlayerdepth=50, background_diffusivity=0): ''' Vertical diffusivity from Large et al. (1994) Depending on windspeed, depth and mixed layer depth (default 50m).''' # Defining two helper methods: def stabilityfunction(sigma): # controls stratification regimes for diffusivity # a value of 1 represent neutrally buoyant conditions (no stratification) # a value between 0 and 1 represents stable stratification return 0.2 # should be depth dependent, too def G(sigma): # vertical shape function for eddy diffusivity a1 = 1. a2 = -2 a3 = 1 G = a1*sigma + a2*sigma**2 + a3*sigma**3 below = np.where(G>=1) G[below]=G[below]*0. return G depth = np.abs(depth) # Making sure depth is positive value MLD = mixedlayerdepth # shorthand rhoa = 1.22 # Air density cd = 1.25e-3 # Kara et al. 2007 windstress = windspeed*windspeed * cd * rhoa K = MLD * stabilityfunction(depth/MLD) * 0.4 * G(depth/MLD) * windstress + (depth/MLD)*background_diffusivity K[depth>=MLD] = background_diffusivity return K
[docs] def verticaldiffusivity_stepfunction(depth, MLD=20, k_above=.1, k_below=.02): ''' eddy diffusivity with discontinuity for testing of mixing scheme''' depth = np.abs(depth) # Making sure depth is positive value K = k_above*np.ones(depth.shape) K[depth>MLD] = k_below return K
[docs] def gls_tke(windstress, depth, sea_water_density, tke, generic_length_scale, gls_parameters=None): '''From LADIM model.''' g = 9.81 f0 = 0.1 # mean wave frequency c_w = 4.0 # wave mixing parameter c_i = 0.2 # coefficient for the interior if gls_parameters is None: # GLS parameters from ROMS, k-omega closure (see p = 0.0 m = 1.0 n = 1.0 cmu0 = 0.5477 # for KANTHA_CLAYSON stability function else: p = gls_parameters['gls_p'] m = gls_parameters['gls_m'] n = gls_parameters['gls_n'] cmu0 = gls_parameters['gls_cmu0'] phi = 100. * (windstress/sea_water_density)**(3./2.) # dissipation and turbulent length scale for interiour of mixed layer eps = cmu0**(3.+p/n)*tke**(3./2.+m/n)*generic_length_scale**(-1./n) l_i = c_i * tke**(3./2.) * eps**(-1.) # diffusivity for interior of mixed layer # c_i = sqrt(2.) * cmu0**3 ki = c_i * (2.*tke)**0.5 * l_i # length scale and diffusivity of wave-enhanced layer l_w = np.sqrt(phi / (g*f0)) kwave = c_w * (2*tke)**0.5 * l_w kmix = ki + kwave K, N = np.meshgrid(kmix, depths) return K
[docs] def plot_stokes_profile(profiles, view=['vertical', 'birdseye', 'u', 'v'], filename=None): '''Plot vertical profile of Stokes drift Args: list of dictionary with: u, v: components of Stokes drift vector z: depth in meters, 0 at surface and negative below (e.g. -5 = 5m depth) kwargs: forwarded to plot method view: - 'vertical': magnitude versus depth - 'birdseye': viewed from above - or list of both above with one axis for each case (default) ''' if len(view)>2: fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12,12)) axs = axs.ravel() else: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, len(view)) for vi, ax in zip(view, axs): for p in profiles: if 'kwargs' in p: kwargs = p['kwargs'] else: kwargs=None u = p['u'] v = p['v'] z = p['z'] if vi == 'vertical': speed = np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2) ax.plot(speed, -z, **kwargs) elif vi == 'birdseye': ax.plot(u, v, **kwargs) elif vi == 'u': ax.plot(u, -z, **kwargs) elif vi == 'v': ax.plot(v, -z, **kwargs) if vi == 'vertical': ax.invert_yaxis() ax.set_xlabel('Speed [m/s]') ax.set_ylabel('Depth [m]') ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[0], 0) elif vi == 'birdseye': ax.set_xlabel('u [m/s]') ax.set_ylabel('v [m/s]') ax.set_aspect('equal') xlim = np.array(ax.get_xlim()) ylim = np.array(ax.get_ylim()) m = np.maximum(np.abs(xlim).max(), np.abs(ylim).max()) ax.set_xlim(-m, m) ax.set_ylim(-m, m) if vi == 'u': ax.invert_yaxis() ax.set_xlabel('U-component [m/s]') ax.set_ylabel('Depth [m]') ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[0], 0) if vi == 'v': ax.invert_yaxis() ax.set_xlabel('V-component [m/s]') ax.set_ylabel('Depth [m]') ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[0], 0) ax.legend() if filename is None: else: plt.savefig(filename)
[docs] def stokes_transport_monochromatic(mean_wave_period, significant_wave_height): mean_wave_frequency = 2.*np.pi/mean_wave_period return mean_wave_frequency * np.power(significant_wave_height, 2) / 16
[docs] def stokes_drift_profile_monochromatic(stokes_u_surface, stokes_v_surface, significant_wave_height, mean_wave_period, z): """ Vertical Stokes drift profile assuming a single monochromatic wave Breivik, O., Janssen, P., Bidlot, J., 2014. Approximate stokes drift profiles in deep water. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 44, 2433-2445. doi:10.1175/JPO-D-14-0020.1. """ stokes_surface_speed = np.sqrt(stokes_u_surface**2 + stokes_v_surface**2) km = stokes_surface_speed / ( 2*stokes_transport_monochromatic(mean_wave_period, significant_wave_height)) stokes_speed = stokes_surface_speed*np.exp(2*km*z) zeromask = stokes_surface_speed == 0 stokes_u = stokes_speed*stokes_u_surface/stokes_surface_speed stokes_v = stokes_speed*stokes_v_surface/stokes_surface_speed stokes_u[zeromask] = 0 stokes_v[zeromask] = 0 return stokes_u, stokes_v, stokes_speed
[docs] def stokes_drift_profile_exponential(stokes_u_surface, stokes_v_surface, significant_wave_height, mean_wave_period, z): """ Breivik, O., Janssen, P., Bidlot, J., 2014. Approximate stokes drift profiles in deep water. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 44, 2433-2445. doi:10.1175/JPO-D-14-0020.1. """ stokes_surface_speed = np.sqrt(stokes_u_surface**2 + stokes_v_surface**2) km = stokes_surface_speed / ( 2*stokes_transport_monochromatic(mean_wave_period, significant_wave_height)) ke = km/3 stokes_speed = stokes_surface_speed*np.exp(2*ke*z)/(1-8*ke*z) zeromask = stokes_surface_speed == 0 stokes_u = stokes_speed*stokes_u_surface/stokes_surface_speed stokes_v = stokes_speed*stokes_v_surface/stokes_surface_speed stokes_u[zeromask] = 0 stokes_v[zeromask] = 0 return stokes_u, stokes_v, stokes_speed
[docs] def stokes_drift_profile_phillips(stokes_u_surface, stokes_v_surface, significant_wave_height, mean_wave_period, z): """ Calculate vertical Stokes drift profile from Breivik et al. 2016, A Stokes drift approximation based on the Phillips spectrum, Ocean Mod. 100 """ alpha = 0.0083 stokes_surface_speed = np.sqrt(stokes_u_surface**2 + stokes_v_surface**2) beta = 1 km = stokes_surface_speed * (1-2*beta/3)/ ( 2*stokes_transport_monochromatic(mean_wave_period, significant_wave_height)) stokes_speed = stokes_surface_speed*(np.exp(2*km*z) - beta*np.sqrt(2*np.pi*km*np.abs(z))*sp.special.erfc(np.sqrt(2*km*np.abs(z)))) zeromask = stokes_surface_speed == 0 stokes_u = stokes_speed*stokes_u_surface/stokes_surface_speed stokes_v = stokes_speed*stokes_v_surface/stokes_surface_speed stokes_u[zeromask] = 0 stokes_v[zeromask] = 0 return stokes_u, stokes_v, stokes_speed
[docs] def stokes_drift_profile_windsea_swell(stokes_u_surface, stokes_v_surface, swell_mean_direction_to, swell_mean_period, swell_height, wind_sea_mean_direction_to, wind_sea_mean_period, wind_sea_height, z): """ Calculate vertical Stokes drift profile from Breivik, O., and K. H. Christensen, 2020: A Combined Stokes Drift Profile under Swell and Wind Sea. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 50, 2819-2833, """ # NB / TODO: assuming here that u is east and v is north # Calculate swell Stokes component th_ws_N = np.cos(np.radians(wind_sea_mean_direction_to)) # unit vector th_ws_E = np.sin(np.radians(wind_sea_mean_direction_to)) # unit vector th_sw_N = np.cos(np.radians(swell_mean_direction_to)) # unit vector th_sw_E = np.sin(np.radians(swell_mean_direction_to)) # unit vector stokes_swell_surface_speed = (stokes_u_surface*th_ws_N - stokes_v_surface*th_ws_E) / \ (th_sw_E*th_ws_N - th_sw_N*th_ws_E) stokes_swell_surface_u = stokes_swell_surface_speed*th_sw_E stokes_swell_surface_v = stokes_swell_surface_speed*th_sw_N stokes_swell_u, stokes_swell_v, stokes_swell_speed = stokes_drift_profile_monochromatic( stokes_swell_surface_u, stokes_swell_surface_v, swell_height, swell_mean_period, z) # Calculate wind Stokes component, with constraint that # wind and swell Stokes at surface sums to total stokes_wind_surface_u = stokes_u_surface - stokes_swell_surface_u stokes_wind_surface_v = stokes_v_surface - stokes_swell_surface_v stokes_wind_u, stokes_wind_v, stokes_wind_speed = stokes_drift_profile_phillips( stokes_wind_surface_u, stokes_wind_surface_v, wind_sea_height, wind_sea_mean_period, z) stokes_u = stokes_swell_u + stokes_wind_u stokes_v = stokes_swell_v + stokes_wind_v stokes_speed = np.sqrt(stokes_u**2+stokes_v**2) return stokes_u, stokes_v, stokes_speed
[docs] def ftle(X, Y, delta, duration): """Calculate Finite Time Lyapunov Exponents""" # From Johannes Rohrs nx = X.shape[0] ny = X.shape[1] J = np.empty([nx,ny,2,2], np.float32) FTLE = np.empty([nx,ny], np.float32) # gradient dx = np.gradient(X) dy = np.gradient(Y) # Jacobian J[:,:,0,0] = dx[0] / (2*delta) J[:,:,1,0] = dy[0] / (2*delta) J[:,:,0,1] = dx[1] / (2*delta) J[:,:,1,1] = dy[1] / (2*delta) for i in range(0,nx): for j in range(0,ny): # Green-Cauchy tensor D =[i,j]), J[i,j]) # its largest eigenvalue lamda = np.linalg.eigvals(D) FTLE[i,j] = np.log(np.sqrt(max(lamda)))/np.abs(duration) return FTLE
__stokes_coefficients__ = None
[docs] def wave_stokes_drift_parameterised(wind, fetch): """ Parameterise stokes drift based on pre calculated tables and fetch. """ global __stokes_coefficients__ Wf = {} Wf['5000'] = (0.0173,0.0160,0.0152,0.0145,0.0139,0.0135, 0.0132,0.0129,0.0126,0.0124,0.0122,0.0121, 0.0119,0.0118,0.0117,0.0116,0.0114,0.0113, 0.0112,0.0112,0.0111,0.0110,0.0109,0.0109, 0.0108,0.0107,0.0106,0.0106,0.0106,0.0105) Wf['25000'] = (0.0173,0.0197,0.0201,0.0185,0.0181,0.0176, 0.0171,0.0167,0.0164,0.0160,0.0158,0.0155, 0.0153,0.0151,0.0149,0.0147,0.0146,0.0144, 0.0143,0.0142,0.0140,0.0139,0.0138,0.0137, 0.0136,0.0135,0.0135,0.0134,0.0133,0.0132) Wf['50000'] = (0.0173,0.0197,0.0210,0.0216,0.0201,0.0194, 0.0190,0.0186,0.0183,0.0179,0.0176,0.0173, 0.0171,0.0168,0.0166,0.0164,0.0162,0.0160, 0.0159,0.0157,0.0156,0.0155,0.0153,0.0152, 0.0151,0.0150,0.0149,0.0148,0.0147,0.0146) n = {'5000': 3, '25000':6, '50000': 6} # Polynom order if __stokes_coefficients__ is None: c = {} for f in ['5000', '25000', '50000']: c[f] = np.polyfit( range(len(Wf[f])), Wf[f], n[f]) __stokes_coefficients__ = c windspeed = np.sqrt(wind[0]**2 + wind[1]**2) windspeed[windspeed>30] = 30 wf = np.polyval(__stokes_coefficients__[fetch], windspeed) stokes_drift_x_velocity = wind[0]*wf stokes_drift_y_velocity = wind[1]*wf return stokes_drift_x_velocity, stokes_drift_y_velocity
__stokes_hs_coefficients__ = None
[docs] def wave_significant_height_parameterised(wind, fetch): """ Parameterise significant wave height based on pre calculated tables and fetch. """ global __stokes_hs_coefficients__ Sw = {} Sw['5000'] = (0.030,0.077,0.124,0.170,0.216,0.263, 0.311,0.360,0.409,0.459,0.509,0.560, 0.612,0.664,0.716,0.771,0.823,0.876, 0.932,0.987,1.041,1.095,1.152,1.210, 1.265,1.319,1.375,1.434,1.494,1.552) Sw['25000'] = (0.030,0.122,0.251,0.336,0.442,0.546, 0.650,0.753,0.856,0.959,1.063,1.168, 1.273,1.379,1.486,1.593,1.702,1.811, 1.920,2.030,2.142,2.254,2.366,2.478, 2.592,2.707,2.822,2.936,3.051,3.166) Sw['50000'] = (0.030,0.122,0.274,0.474,0.591,0.724, 0.873,1.021,1.168,1.314,1.460,1.606, 1.752,1.898,2.045,2.192,2.340,2.489, 2.639,2.789,2.940,3.092,3.244,3.397, 3.551,3.706,3.862,4.017,4.173,4.330) if __stokes_hs_coefficients__ is None: c = {} for f in ['5000', '25000', '50000']: c[f] = np.polyfit( range(len(Sw[f])), Sw[f], 1) __stokes_hs_coefficients__ = c windspeed = np.sqrt(wind[0]**2 + wind[1]**2) windspeed[windspeed>30] = 30 wave_significant_height = np.polyval( __stokes_hs_coefficients__[fetch], windspeed) return wave_significant_height
[docs] class PhysicsMethods: """Physics methods to be inherited by OpenDriftSimulation class"""
[docs] @staticmethod def sea_water_density(T=10., S=35.): '''The function gives the density of seawater at one atmosphere pressure as given in : N.P. Fofonoff and R.C. Millard Jr.,1983, Unesco technical papers in marine science no. 44. S = Salinity in promille of the seawater T = Temperature of the seawater in degrees Celsius ''' if np.atleast_1d(T).max() > 100: raise ValueError('Temperature should be in celcius, but is > 100') R4 = 4.8314E-04 DR350 = 28.106331 # Pure water density at atmospheric pressure # Bigg P.H. (1967) BR. J. Applied Physics pp.:521-537 R1 = ((((6.536332E-09 * T - 1.120083E-06) * T + 1.001685E-04) * T - 9.095290E-03) * T + 6.793952E-02) * T - 28.263737 # Seawater density at atmospheric pressure # coefficients involving salinity : R2 = (((5.3875E-09 * T - 8.2467E-07) * T + 7.6438E-05) * T - 4.0899E-03) * T + 8.24493E-01 R3 = (-1.6546E-06*T+1.0227E-04)*T-5.72466E-03 # International one-atmosphere equation of state of seawater : SIG = R1 + (R4*S + R3*np.sqrt(S) + R2)*S Dens0 = SIG + DR350 + 1000. return Dens0
[docs] def skillscore_trajectory(self, lon_obs, lat_obs, time_obs, duration=None, max_time_offset=timedelta(seconds=60), method='liu-weissberg', **kwargs): '''Calculate skill-score comparing simulated and observed trajectories A skill score is calculated for each of the modelled trajectories, starting from the closest time/obs of the given modelled trajectory Parameters ---------- lon_obs : array_like lat_obs : array_like The longitude and latitudes of the observed trajectory time_obs : array of datetime The time corresponding to the observed positions duration : timedelta If None, skill score is calculated for the full trajectory, from the start Otherwise, only this sub-part of the trajectory is used. max_time_offset : timedelta The maximum allowed time difference between observed and modelled time Default: 1 minute method : string Currently available: 'liu-wessberg' To be implemented: 'darpa' **kwargs : further arguments for skillscore method (e.g. tolerance_threshold) Returns ------- skillscore : array_like One value for each trajectory ''' time_obs = np.array(time_obs) timesteps_obs = time_obs[1:] - time_obs[0:-1] if timesteps_obs.min() != timesteps_obs.max(): raise ValueError('Time step of trajectory is variable: %s to %s' % (timesteps_obs.min(), timesteps_obs.max())) if timesteps_obs.min() != self.time_step_output: raise ValueError('Time step of trajectory is %s, but time step of simulation is %s.' % (timesteps_obs.min(), self.time_step_output)) from bisect import bisect_left times = np.array(self.get_time_array()[0]) skillscore = np.zeros(self.num_elements_total()) for i in range(self.num_elements_total()): lon = self.history['lon'][i] lat = self.history['lat'][i] status = self.history['status'][i] lon_model = lon[status==0] lat_model = lat[status==0] time_model = times[status==0] indo = bisect_left(time_obs, time_model[0], hi=len(time_obs)-1) if time_obs[indo+1] - time_model[0] < time_obs[indo] - time_model[0]: indo = indo + 1 # Check that modeled and observed (sub)trajectories start at same position np.testing.assert_almost_equal(lon_model[0], lon_obs[indo], 3) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(lat_model[0], lat_obs[indo], 3) time_offset = np.abs((time_model[0] - time_obs[indo]).total_seconds()) if time_offset > max_time_offset.total_seconds(): raise ValueError('Too large offset: %s' % time_offset) length = len(time_obs) - indo indo = slice(indo, indo+length) skillscore[i] = skillscore_liu_weissberg(lon_obs[indo], lat_obs[indo], lon_model[0:length], lat_model[0:length], **kwargs) return skillscore
[docs] def advect_ocean_current(self, factor=1): cdf = self.elements.current_drift_factor cdfmin = cdf.min() cdfmax = cdf.max() if cdfmin != 1 or cdfmax != 1: if cdfmin == cdfmax: logger.debug('Using currrent drift factor of %s' % cdf) else: logger.debug('Using currrent drift factor between %s and %s' % (cdfmin, cdfmax)) factor = factor*cdf # Runge-Kutta scheme if self.get_config('drift:advection_scheme')[0:11] == 'runge-kutta': x_vel = self.environment.x_sea_water_velocity y_vel = self.environment.y_sea_water_velocity # Find midpoint az = np.degrees(np.arctan2(x_vel, y_vel)) speed = np.sqrt(x_vel*x_vel + y_vel*y_vel) dist = speed*self.time_step.total_seconds()*.5 geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84') mid_lon, mid_lat, dummy = geod.fwd(self.elements.lon,, az, dist, radians=False) # Find current at midpoint, a half timestep later logger.debug('Runge-kutta, fetching half time-step later...') mid_env, profiles, missing = self.env.get_environment( ['x_sea_water_velocity', 'y_sea_water_velocity'], self.time + self.time_step/2, mid_lon, mid_lat, self.elements.z, profiles=None) if self.get_config('drift:advection_scheme') == 'runge-kutta4': logger.debug('Runge-kutta 4th order...') x_vel2 = mid_env['x_sea_water_velocity'] y_vel2 = mid_env['y_sea_water_velocity'] az2 = np.degrees(np.arctan2(x_vel2, y_vel2)) speed2 = np.sqrt(x_vel2*x_vel2 + y_vel2*y_vel2) dist2 = speed2*self.time_step.total_seconds()*.5 lon2, lat2, dummy = \ geod.fwd(self.elements.lon,, az2, dist2, radians=False) env2, profiles, missing = self.env.get_environment( ['x_sea_water_velocity', 'y_sea_water_velocity'], self.time + self.time_step/2, lon2, lat2, self.elements.z, profiles=None) # Third step x_vel3 = env2['x_sea_water_velocity'] y_vel3 = env2['y_sea_water_velocity'] az3 = np.degrees(np.arctan2(x_vel3, y_vel3)) speed3 = np.sqrt(x_vel3*x_vel3 + y_vel3*y_vel3) dist3 = speed3*self.time_step.total_seconds()*.5 lon3, lat3, dummy = \ geod.fwd(self.elements.lon,, az3, dist3, radians=False) env3, profiles, missing = self.env.get_environment( ['x_sea_water_velocity', 'y_sea_water_velocity'], self.time + self.time_step, lon3, lat3, self.elements.z, profiles=None) # Fourth step x_vel4 = env3['x_sea_water_velocity'] y_vel4 = env3['y_sea_water_velocity'] u4 = (x_vel + 2*x_vel2 + 2* x_vel3 + x_vel4)/6.0 v4 = (y_vel + 2*y_vel2 + 2* y_vel3 + y_vel4)/6.0 # Move particles using runge-kutta4 velocity self.update_positions(u4*factor, v4*factor) else: # Move particles using runge-kutta velocity self.update_positions( factor*mid_env['x_sea_water_velocity'], factor*mid_env['y_sea_water_velocity']) elif self.get_config('drift:advection_scheme') == 'euler': # Euler scheme self.update_positions( factor*self.environment.x_sea_water_velocity, factor*self.environment.y_sea_water_velocity) else: raise ValueError('Drift scheme not recognised: ' + self.get_config('drift:advection_scheme'))
[docs] def advect_with_sea_ice(self, factor=1): if hasattr(self.environment, 'sea_ice_x_velocity'): self.update_positions( factor*self.environment.sea_ice_x_velocity, factor*self.environment.sea_ice_y_velocity) else: if not hasattr(self.environment, 'x_sea_water_velocity'):'No sea ice velocity available') return # Sea ice velocity, rule-of-thumb from Nordam, # doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.01.019 ice_velocity_x = self.environment.x_sea_water_velocity + \ 0.015*self.environment.x_wind ice_velocity_y = self.environment.y_sea_water_velocity + \ 0.015*self.environment.y_wind self.update_positions( factor*ice_velocity_x, factor*ice_velocity_y)
[docs] def advect_wind(self, factor=1): # Elements at/near ocean surface (z>wind_drift_depth) are advected with given percentage # of wind speed. NB: Only basic Euler scheme is implemented # Make copy to prevent outside value to be modified wind_drift_factor = self.elements.wind_drift_factor.copy() # Convert wind_drift_factor to array if len(np.atleast_1d(wind_drift_factor)) == 1: wind_drift_factor = wind_drift_factor*np.ones(len(self.elements)) # Convert z to array if not hasattr(self.elements, 'z'): z = np.zeros(len(self.elements)) # Assumed on surface, if no z else: z = self.elements.z if len(np.atleast_1d(z)) == 1: z = z*np.ones(len(self.elements)) try: wind_drift_depth = self.get_config('drift:wind_drift_depth') except: wind_drift_depth = 0 if wind_drift_depth == 0: surface_only = True else: wind_drift_depth = np.abs(wind_drift_depth)*np.ones(len(self.elements)) surface_only = False surface = self.elements.z >= -wind_drift_depth if surface.sum() == 0: if surface_only is True: logger.debug('All elements are below surface, no wind-induced shear drift') else: logger.debug('All elements are below %fm, no wind-induced shear drift' % wind_drift_depth[0]) return wdf = wind_drift_factor.copy() wdf_air = wdf.copy() if surface_only is False: # linear decrease from surface down to wind_drift_depth wdf = wdf*(wind_drift_depth+self.elements.z)/wind_drift_depth # Resetting wdf for elements in air wdf[self.elements.z>0] = wdf_air[self.elements.z>0] wdf[~surface] = 0.0 wdfmin = wdf[surface].min() wdfmax = wdf[surface].max() x_wind = self.environment.x_wind.copy() y_wind = self.environment.y_wind.copy() try: if self.get_config('drift:relative_wind') is True: # Use wind relative to (subtracted) ocean current x_wind = x_wind - self.environment.x_sea_water_velocity y_wind = y_wind - self.environment.y_sea_water_velocity except: pass speed = np.sqrt(x_wind[surface]*x_wind[surface] + y_wind[surface]*y_wind[surface]) if wdf[surface].max() == 0: logger.debug('Wind drift factor is 0') return if speed.max() == 0: logger.debug('No wind for wind-sheared ocean drift') return speed = speed*wdf[surface] if surface_only is True: logger.debug('Advecting %s of %i elements at surface with ' 'wind-sheared ocean current (%f m/s - %f m/s)' % (np.sum(surface), self.num_elements_active(), speed.min(), speed.max())) else: logger.debug('Advecting %s of %i elements above %.3fm with ' 'wind-sheared ocean current (%f m/s - %f m/s)' % (np.sum(surface), self.num_elements_active(), wind_drift_depth[0], speed.min(), speed.max())) self.update_positions(x_wind*wdf*factor, y_wind*wdf*factor)
[docs] def stokes_drift(self, factor=1): if self.get_config('drift:stokes_drift') is False: logger.debug('Stokes drift not activated') return if np.max(np.array( self.environment.sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_x_velocity+ self.environment.sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_y_velocity)) \ == 0: logger.debug('No Stokes drift velocity available') return wave_height = self.significant_wave_height() wave_period = self.wave_period() if np.max(np.array(wave_height)) == 0: logger.debug('Stokes drift is available, but not Hs: using Hs=1 for Stokes profile') wave_height = 1 if np.max(np.array(wave_period)) == 0: logger.debug('Stokes drift is available, but not Tp: using Tp=8 for Stokes profile') wave_period = 8 stokes_profile = self.get_config('drift:stokes_drift_profile') if stokes_profile == 'monochromatic': stokes_u, stokes_v, s = stokes_drift_profile_monochromatic( self.environment.sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_x_velocity, self.environment.sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_y_velocity, wave_height, wave_period, self.elements.z) if stokes_profile == 'exponential': stokes_u, stokes_v, s = stokes_drift_profile_exponential( self.environment.sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_x_velocity, self.environment.sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_y_velocity, wave_height, wave_period, self.elements.z) if stokes_profile == 'Phillips': stokes_u, stokes_v, s = stokes_drift_profile_phillips( self.environment.sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_x_velocity, self.environment.sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_y_velocity, wave_height, wave_period, self.elements.z) elif stokes_profile == 'windsea_swell': stokes_u, stokes_v, s = stokes_drift_profile_windsea_swell( self.environment.sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_x_velocity, self.environment.sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_y_velocity, swell_mean_direction_to = self.environment.sea_surface_swell_wave_to_direction, swell_mean_period = self.environment.sea_surface_swell_wave_peak_period_from_variance_spectral_density, swell_height = self.environment.sea_surface_swell_wave_significant_height, wind_sea_mean_direction_to = self.environment.sea_surface_wind_wave_to_direction, wind_sea_mean_period = self.environment.sea_surface_wind_wave_mean_period, wind_sea_height = self.environment.sea_surface_wind_wave_significant_height, z=self.elements.z) self.update_positions(stokes_u*factor, stokes_v*factor) if s.min() == s.max(): logger.debug('Advecting with Stokes drift (%s m/s)' % s.min()) else: logger.debug('Advecting with Stokes drift (%s to %s m/s)' % (s.min(), s.max()))
[docs] def resurface_elements(self, minimum_depth): # Keep surfacing elements in water column as default, # i.e. no formation of surface slick surface = np.where(self.elements.z >= 0)[0] self.elements.z[surface] = minimum_depth
[docs] def calculate_missing_environment_variables(self): # Missing significant wave height if hasattr(self.environment, 'sea_surface_wave_significant_height') and \ self.environment.sea_surface_wave_significant_height.max() == 0: Hs = self.significant_wave_height() logger.debug('Calculating Hs from wind, min: %f, mean: %f, max: %f' % (Hs.min(), Hs.mean(), Hs.max())) # Missing wave periode if hasattr(self.environment, 'sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_frequency_moment') and \ self.environment.sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_frequency_moment.max() == 0: wave_period = self.wave_period() logger.debug('Calculating wave period from wind, min: %f, mean: %f, max: %f' % (wave_period.min(), wave_period.mean(), wave_period.max()))
[docs] def wind_speed(self): return np.sqrt(self.environment.x_wind**2 + self.environment.y_wind**2)
[docs] def current_speed(self): return np.sqrt(self.environment.x_sea_water_velocity**2 + self.environment.y_sea_water_velocity**2)
[docs] def significant_wave_height(self): # Significant wave height, parameterise from wind if not available if hasattr(self.environment, 'sea_surface_wave_significant_height') and \ self.environment.sea_surface_wave_significant_height.max() > 0: Hs = self.environment.sea_surface_wave_significant_height else: ## Neumann and Pierson, 1966 #return 0.2*np.power(self.wind_speed(), 2)/9.81 # WMO 1998 Hs = 0.0246*np.power(self.wind_speed(), 2) self.environment.sea_surface_wave_significant_height = Hs return Hs
[docs] def _wave_frequency(self): # Note: this is angular frequency, 2*pi*fp # Pierson-Moskowitz if period not available from readers # WMO guide to wave analysis and forecasting pp. 14, WMO (1998) windspeed = self.wind_speed() # fallback value if no wind speed or Hs to avoid division by zero omega = 5*np.ones(windspeed.shape) omega[windspeed>0] = 0.877*9.81/(1.17*windspeed[windspeed>0]) return omega
[docs] def wave_period(self): if hasattr(self.environment, 'sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_frequency_moment' ) and self.environment.sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_frequency_moment.max() > 0: # prefer using Tm02: T = self.environment.sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_frequency_moment.copy() logger.debug('Using mean period Tm02 as wave period') elif hasattr(self.environment, 'sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum' ) and self.environment.sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum.max() > 0: # alternatively use Tp T = self.environment.sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum.copy() logger.debug('Using peak period Tp as wave period') else: # calculate Tp from wind speed: logger.debug('Calculating wave period Tm02 from wind') T = (2*np.pi)/self._wave_frequency() self.environment.sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_frequency_moment = T #print '\n T %s \n' % str(T.mean()) if T.min() == 0: logger.warning('Zero wave period found - ' 'replacing with mean') T[T==0] = np.mean(T[T>0]) logger.debug(' min: %f, mean: %f, max: %f' % (T.min(), T.mean(), T.max())) return T
[docs] def wave_energy(self): return 9.81*1028*np.power(self.significant_wave_height(), 2)/16
[docs] def wave_energy_dissipation(self): # Delvigne and Sweeney return 0.0034*self.sea_water_density()*9.81 * \ np.power(self.significant_wave_height(), 2)
[docs] def wave_damping_coefficient(self): omega = 2*np.pi / self.wave_period() return (10E-5)*omega * \ np.power(self.wave_energy(), 0.25)
# def sea_water_density(self): # return 1027 # kg/m3
[docs] def sea_surface_wave_breaking_fraction(self): # TODO: We should also have an option here for # the case when wave height is given, but no wind f = 0.032*(self.wind_speed() - 5)/self.wave_period() f[f < 0] = 0 return f
[docs] def air_density(self): return 1.225 # Could calculate from temperature
[docs] def windspeed_from_stress(self): wind_stress = np.sqrt( self.environment.surface_downward_x_stress**2 + self.environment.surface_downward_y_stress**2) return windspeed_from_stress_polyfit(wind_stress)
[docs] def solar_elevation(self): '''Solar elevation at present time and position of active elements.''' return solar_elevation(self.time, self.elements.lon,
[docs] def sea_floor_depth(self): '''Sea floor depth (positive) for presently active elements''' if hasattr(self, 'environment') and \ hasattr(self.environment, 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level'): if len(self.environment.sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level) == \ self.num_elements_active(): sea_floor_depth = \ self.environment.sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level if 'sea_floor_depth' not in locals(): env, env_profiles, missing = \ self.env.get_environment(['sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level'], time=self.time, lon=self.elements.lon,, z=0*self.elements.lon, profiles=None) sea_floor_depth = \ env['sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level'].astype('float32') return sea_floor_depth
[docs] def sea_surface_height(self): '''Sea surface height (positive/negative) for presently active elements''' if hasattr(self, 'environment') and \ hasattr(self.environment, 'sea_surface_height'): if len(self.environment.sea_surface_height) == \ self.num_elements_active(): sea_surface_height = \ self.environment.sea_surface_height if 'sea_surface_height' not in locals(): env, env_profiles, missing = \ self.env.get_environment(['sea_surface_height'], time=self.time, lon=self.elements.lon,, z=0*self.elements.lon, profiles=None) sea_surface_height = \ env['sea_surface_height'].astype('float32') return sea_surface_height
[docs] def wind_drag_coefficient(windspeed): '''Large and Pond (1981), J. Phys. Oceanog., 11, 324-336.''' Cd = 0.0012*np.ones(len(windspeed)) Cd[windspeed > 11] = 0.001*(0.49 + 0.065*windspeed[windspeed > 11]) return Cd
[docs] def windspeed_from_stress_polyfit(wind_stress): '''Inverting Large and Pond (1981) using polyfit''' windspeed = np.linspace(0, 30, 30) rho_air = 1.225 stress = wind_drag_coefficient(windspeed)*rho_air*(windspeed**2) z = np.polyfit(stress, windspeed, 3) p = np.poly1d(z) return p(wind_stress)
[docs] def declination(time): '''Solar declination in degrees.''' try: day_of_year = time.timetuple().tm_yday except: day_of_year = np.asarray([t.timetuple().tm_yday for t in time]) declination = \ np.arcsin(np.deg2rad(-23.44)* np.cos(np.radians((360.0/365.24)*(day_of_year + 10) + (360.0/np.pi)*0.0167* np.sin(np.radians((360.0/365.24)* (day_of_year - 2))) ))) return np.rad2deg(declination)
[docs] def equation_of_time(time): '''Equation of time in minutes.''' time = np.atleast_1d(time) day_of_year = np.asarray([t.timetuple().tm_yday for t in time]) hour = np.asarray([t.hour for t in time]) gamma = 2*np.pi/365.0*(day_of_year - 1. + (hour - 12.) / 24.) eqtime = 229.18 * (0.000075 + 0.001868*np.cos(gamma) - 0.032077*np.sin(gamma) - 0.014615*np.cos(2*gamma) - 0.040849*np.sin(2*gamma)) return eqtime
[docs] def hour_angle(time, longitude): '''Solar hour angle in degrees.''' time = np.atleast_1d(time) time_offset = equation_of_time(time) + 4*longitude day_minutes = [t.hour*60.0 + t.minute + t.second/60.0 for t in time] true_solar_time = day_minutes + time_offset hour_angle = (true_solar_time/4.0) - 180.0 # degrees return hour_angle
[docs] def solar_elevation(time, longitude, latitude): '''Solar elevation in degrees.''' d_rad = np.deg2rad(declination(time)) h = hour_angle(time, longitude) solar_elevation = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin( np.sin(np.deg2rad(latitude))*np.sin(d_rad) + np.cos(np.deg2rad(latitude))*np.cos(d_rad)*np.cos(np.deg2rad(h)))) return solar_elevation