Source code for opendrift.readers.reader_telemac_selafin

# This file is part of OpenDrift.
# OpenDrift is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2
# OpenDrift is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with OpenDrift.  If not, see <>.
# Copyright 2021, Julien Moreau, Plastic@Bay CIC (UK)

import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import sys, os, logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from opendrift.readers.basereader import BaseReader, UnstructuredReader

    from data_manip.formats.selafin import Selafin
except ImportError:
    # Activating PYTEL
        pytel = os.path.join(os.environ['HOMETEL'], 'scripts', 'python3')
        if pytel not in sys.path:
            logger.warning('adding telemac python scripts to PYTHONPATH: %s' %

        from data_manip.formats.selafin import Selafin
    except (KeyError, ImportError):
            'Telemac python scripts cannot be found. These are distributed together with the Telemac source code. This reader will not work.'

[docs] class Reader(BaseReader, UnstructuredReader): """ A reader for unstructured (irregularily gridded) `Telemac3D` files. Args: :param filename: A single Selafin file :type filename: string, required. :param name: Name of reader :type name: string, optional :param proj4: PROJ.4 string describing projection of data. :type proj4: string, optional .. seealso:: py:mod:`opendrift.readers.basereader.unstructured`. """ def __init__(self, filename=None, name=None, proj4=None, start_time=None): def vardic(vars_slf): """ Match the selafin variables from Telemac 3D to the variables used in OpenDrift. """ # Define all the variables used in OpenDrift as a dictionary # This is done to the best of our knowledge Vars_OD = { 'VELOCITY U ': 'x_sea_water_velocity', 'VELOCITY V ': 'y_sea_water_velocity', 'VELOCITY W ': 'upward_sea_water_velocity', 'TURBULENT ENERGY': 'turbulent_kinetic_energy', 'TEMPERATURE ': 'sea_water_temperature', 'SALINITY ': 'sea_water_salinity', 'NUZ FOR VELOCITY': 'ocean_vertical_diffusivity', 'NUX FOR VELOCITY': 'horizontal_diffusivity', 'ELEVATION Z ': 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level', } No_OD_equiv = { 'x_wind', 'y_wind', 'wind_speed', 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level', 'wind_from_direction', 'sea_ice_x_velocity', 'sea_ice_y_velocity', 'sea_surface_wave_significant_height', 'sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_x_velocity', 'sea_surface_wave_stokes_drift_y_velocity', 'sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum', 'sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_frequency_moment', 'sea_ice_area_fraction', 'surface_downward_x_stress', 'surface_downward_y_stress', 'turbulent_generic_length_scale' } No_Telemac_equiv = { 'NUY FOR VELOCITY', 'DISSIPATION ', } variables = [] var_idx = [] for i, var in enumerate(vars_slf): try: variables.append(Vars_OD[var]) var_idx.append(i) except: "Selafin variable {} has no equivalent in OpenDrift". format(var)) return np.array(variables), np.array(var_idx) = name if name is not None else filename self.timer_start("open dataset")'Opening dataset: %s' % filename) self.slf = Selafin(filename)"File:\n{}\nTitle:\n{}".format(self.slf.file, \ self.slf.title))'Using projection: %s.' % proj4) self.proj4 = proj4'Reading 2D grid') # Run constructor of parent Reader class super().__init__() self.boundary = self._build_boundary_polygon_( \ self.slf.meshx,self.slf.meshy) self.timer_start("build index") logger.debug("building index of nodes...") # using selafin method (scipy) self.x, self.y = self.slf.meshx, self.slf.meshy logger.debug('nodes: %d' % len(self.x)) # using scipy directly self.tree = self._build_ckdtree_(self.slf.meshx, self.slf.meshy) #bounds self.xmin,self.ymin,self.xmax, self.ymax= self.slf.meshx.min(),\ self.slf.meshy.min(), self.slf.meshx.max(),self.slf.meshy.max() ### time management # Slf files have a wrong start time due to a formating error in Telemac if start_time is not None: if type(start_time) is datetime: self.start_time = start_time else: logger.warning( "The specified start time is not a datetime object") else:"loading the datetime from the selafin file") self.start_time = datetime(self.slf.datetime[0], self.slf.datetime[1], self.slf.datetime[2], self.slf.datetime[3], self.slf.datetime[4]) self.times = [] for i in range(len(self.slf.tags['times'])): self.times.append(self.start_time + timedelta(seconds=self.slf.tags['times'][i])) self.end_time = self.times[-1] self.altitude_ID=np.array(self.slf.varindex)[np.array( \ self.slf.varnames)=='ELEVATION Z '].tolist() self.meshID=(np.arange(self.slf.nplan)[:,None] \ *self.slf.npoin2).astype(int) self.variables, self.var_idx = vardic(self.slf.varnames) self.timer_end("build index") self.timer_end("open dataset")
[docs] def plot_mesh(self): """ Plot the grid mesh. Does not automatically show the figure. """ title = 'Unstructured grid: %s\n%s' % (, self.proj) from importlib.util import find_spec if find_spec("pyvista") is not None: import pyvista as pv cells = np.hstack( ((np.ones(len(self.slf.ikle2), dtype=np.int32) * 3)[:, None], self.slf.ikle2)) points = np.vstack((self.slf.meshx, self.slf.meshy, np.zeros(len(self.slf.meshx)))).T u = pv.PolyData(points, cells) plotter = pv.Plotter() plotter.add_mesh(u, show_edges=True) plotter.show_bounds(mesh=u) plotter.view_xy(), window_size=[800, 640]) else: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() plt.scatter(self.slf.meshx, self.slf.meshy, marker='x', color='blue', label='nodes') x, y = getattr(self.boundary, 'context').exterior.xy plt.plot(x, y, color='green', label='boundary') plt.legend() plt.title(title) plt.xlabel('x [m]') plt.ylabel('y [m]')
[docs] def get_variables(self, requested_variables, time=None, x=None, y=None, z=None): """ - Query variables based on the particle coordinates x, y, z - find the nearest node in the KD tree - extract the z array corresponding. - extract the index of the node within the 3D mesh - extract the variables at the point Args: x,y,z: np.arrays(float) 3D coordinates of the particles time: np.datetime64 age of the particle set variables: np.array(int) indexes of variables Returns: variables: dictionary of numpy arrays """ ### nearest time tupple frames, duration=self.__nearest_idx__(np.array(self.times).astype( \ 'datetime64[s]'),np.datetime64(time)) ### nearest node in 2D iii = self.__nearest_ckdtree__(self.tree, x, y) # build depth ndarrays of each fibre niii = len(iii) idx_3D = self.meshID + iii # locate the profile dimension pm = self.__extractslf__(frames, duration, self.altitude_ID, idx_3D)[0] # calculate distance from particles to nearest point altitude idx_layer = np.abs(pm - z).argmin(axis=0) indices = self.variables == np.array(requested_variables)[:, None] Idxs = [] for line in indices: Idxs.append(self.var_idx[line]) idx_nodes = idx_3D[idx_layer, np.arange(len(idx_layer))] vectors = self.__extractslf__(frames, duration, Idxs, idx_nodes.ravel()) vars = {} for i in range(len(requested_variables)): if requested_variables[i] == 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level': bottom = self.__extractslf__(frames, duration, self.altitude_ID, idx_3D[0]) surface = self.__extractslf__(frames, duration, self.altitude_ID, idx_3D[-1]) vars['sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level'] = surface - bottom else: vars[requested_variables[i]] = vectors[i] return vars
[docs] @staticmethod def __nearest_idx__(array, value): """ we are looking for a tuple describing where the sample is and at which distance. So we can calculate the FE solution of the variable value. input: array: a 1D numpy array monotonic array output: bounds: a tupple tupple describing the bounding indexes dist = tupple the distance between the sample and the index values so that dist[0]+dist[1]=0 """ distance = (array - value).astype(float) nearest = np.argsort(abs(distance))[:2] # test exact match and out of bounds if (distance == 0).any() | (distance > 0).all() | (distance < 0).all(): bounds = (nearest[0], None) dist = (1, 0) else: bounds = nearest if distance[nearest[0]] == distance[nearest[1]] * -1: dist = (.5, .5) else: prop= abs(distance[nearest[0]])/ \ (abs(distance[nearest[0]])+abs(distance[nearest[1]])) dist = (1 - prop, prop) return bounds, dist
[docs] def __extractslf__(self, frames, duration, index_var, index_nodes): """ extract variables from slf files index_var must be a list of integer """ vector1 = self.slf.get_variables_at(frames[0], index_var)[:, index_nodes] if frames[1] is not None: vector2 = self.slf.get_variables_at(frames[1], index_var)[:, index_nodes] else: vector2 = 0 vector = duration[0] * vector1 + duration[1] * vector2 vector1, vector2 = None, None return vector