# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Vertical structure functions for ROMS
Depth of s-levels
Slice a 3D field in s-coordinates to fixed depth
Slice a 3D field to several depth levels
Vertical average of a 3D field
Compute vertical stretching arrays Cs_r or Cs_w
# -----------------------------------
# Bjørn Ådlandsvik <bjorn@imr.no>
# Institute of Marine Research
# Bergen, Norway
# 2010-09-30
# -----------------------------------
import numpy as np
def sdepth(H, zeta, Hc, C, stagger="rho", Vtransform=1):
"""Depth of s-levels
*H* : arraylike
Bottom depths [meter, positive]
*zeta* : scalar, arraylike
Surface elevation [meter]
*Hc* : scalar
Critical depth
*cs_r* : 1D array
s-level stretching curve
*stagger* : [ 'rho' | 'w' ]
*Vtransform* : [ 1 | 2 ]
defines the transform used, defaults 1 = Song-Haidvogel
Returns an array with ndim = H.ndim + 1 and
shape = cs_r.shape + H.shape with the depths of the
mid-points in the s-levels.
Typical usage::
.. code::
fid = Dataset(roms_file)
H = fid.variables['h'][:, :]
zeta = fid.variables['zeta'][:, :]
C = fid.variables['Cs_r'][:]
Hc = fid.variables['hc'].getValue()
z_rho = sdepth(H, zeta, Hc, C)
H = np.asarray(H)
zeta = np.asarray(zeta)
Hshape = H.shape # Save the shape of H
Hflat = H.ravel() # and make H 1D for easy shape manipulation
C = np.asarray(C)
N = len(C)
outshape = (N,) + Hshape # Shape of output
if stagger == 'rho':
S = -1.0 + (0.5+np.arange(N))/N # Unstretched coordinates
elif stagger == 'w':
S = np.linspace(-1.0, 0.0, N)
raise ValueError("stagger must be 'rho' or 'w'")
# https://cfconventions.org/Data/cf-conventions/cf-conventions-1.8/cf-conventions.html#_ocean_s_coordinate_generic_form_1
if Vtransform == 1: # Default transform by Song and Haidvogel
A = Hc * (S - C)[:, None]
B = np.outer(C, H)
Zo_rho = (A + B).reshape(outshape)
z_rho = Zo_rho + zeta * (1 + Zo_rho / H)
return z_rho
# https://cfconventions.org/Data/cf-conventions/cf-conventions-1.8/cf-conventions.html#_ocean_s_coordinate_generic_form_2
elif Vtransform == 2: # New transform by Shchepetkin
N = Hc*S[:, None] + np.outer(C, Hflat)
D = (Hflat + Hc)
z_rho = zeta + (zeta + H) * (N/D).reshape(outshape)
return z_rho
raise ValueError("Unknown Vtransform")
# ------------------------------------
def sdepth_w(H, Hc, cs_w):
"""Return depth of w-points in s-levels
Kept for backwards compatibility
use *sdepth(H, Hc, cs_w, stagger='w')* instead
return sdepth(H, Hc, cs_w, stagger='w')
# ------------------------------------------
# Vertical slicing e.t.c.
# ------------------------------------------
def zslice(F, S, z):
"""Vertical slice of a 3D ROMS field
Vertical interpolation of a field in s-coordinates to
(possibly varying) depth level
*F* : array with vertical profiles, first dimension is vertical
*S* : array with depths of the F-values,
*z* : Depth level(s) for output, scalar or ``shape = F.shape[1:]``
The z values should be negative
Return value : array, `shape = F.shape[1:]`, the vertical slice
H is an array of depths (positive values)
Hc is the critical depth
C is 1D containing the s-coordinate stretching at rho-points
returns F50, interpolated values at 50 meter with F50.shape = H.shape
.. code::
z_rho = sdepth(H, Hc, C)
F50 = zslice(F, z_rho, -50.0)
# Option to Save A, D, Dm
# => faster interpolate more fields to same depth
F = np.asarray(F)
S = np.asarray(S)
z = np.asarray(z, dtype='float')
Fshape = F.shape # Save original shape
if S.shape != Fshape:
raise ValueError("F and z_r must have same shape")
if z.shape and z.shape != Fshape[1:]:
raise ValueError("z must be scalar or have shape = F.shape[1:]")
# Flatten all non-vertical dimensions
N = F.shape[0] # Length of vertical dimension
M = F.size // N # Combined length of horizontal dimension(s)
F = F.reshape((N, M))
S = S.reshape((N, M))
if z.shape:
z = z.reshape((M,))
# Find integer array C with shape (M,)
# with S[C[i]-1, i] < z <= S[C[i], i]
# C = np.apply_along_axis(np.searchsorted, 0, S, z)
# but the following is much faster
C = np.sum(S < z, axis=0)
C = C.clip(1, N-1)
# For vectorisation
# construct index array tuples D and Dm such that
# F[D][i] = F[C[i], i]
# F[Dm][i] = F[C[i]-1, i]
I = np.arange(M, dtype='int')
D = (C, I)
Dm = (C-1, I)
# Compute interpolation weights
A = (z - S[Dm]) / (S[D]-S[Dm])
A = A.clip(0.0, 1.0) # Control the extrapolation
# Do the linear interpolation
R = (1-A)*F[Dm]+A*F[D]
# Give the result the correct s
R = R.reshape(Fshape[1:])
return R
# -----------------------------------------------
def multi_zslice(F, S, Z):
"""Slice a 3D ROMS field to fixed depth
Vertical interpolation of a field in s-coordinates to
fixed vertical level
*F* : array of with vertical profiles, first dimension is vertical
*S* : array with depth of s-levels (at rho-points)
1D (constant depth) or S.shape = F.shape
*Z* : single depth value, negative
Returns : array, ``shape = F.shape[1:]`` the vertical slice
# Option to Save A, D, Dm
# => faster interpolate more fields to same depth
F = np.asarray(F)
S = np.asarray(S)
Fshape = F.shape # Save original shape
# Flat all dimensions after first
N = F.shape[0]
M = F.size // N
F = F.reshape((N, M))
S = S.reshape((N, M))
# Make z.shape = (M,)
Z = np.asarray(Z, dtype='float')
# Valid possibilities
# 1) Z = single scalar (shape = ()), one constant value
# 2) Z = 1D array, shape=(kmax), a set of constant depths
# 3) Z = 2D or more, reshapeable to (kmax, M)
if Z.ndim == 0:
Z = Z + np.zeros((1, M))
kmax = 1
elif Z.ndim == 1:
kmax = Z.size
Z = Z[:, np.newaxis] + np.zeros((kmax, M))
kmax = Z.size // M
Z = Z.reshape((kmax, M))
# Find C, C.shape = (kmax, M) such that
# z_r[C[k,i]-1, i] < Z[k] <= z_r[C[k,i], i]
# shape: kmax, N, M => kmax, M
C = np.sum(S[np.newaxis, :, :] < Z[:, np.newaxis, :], axis=1)
C = C.clip(1, N-1)
# Horizontal index
I = np.arange(M, dtype=int)
# Compute interpolation weights
A = (Z - S[(C-1, I)])/(S[(C, I)]-S[(C-1, I)])
A = A.clip(0.0, 1.0) # Control the extrapolation
# Do the interpolation
R = (1-A)*F[(C-1, I)]+A*F[(C, I)]
# Give the result the correct shape
R = R.reshape((kmax,) + Fshape[1:])
return R, (A, C, I, kmax)
# ------------------------------------------------------
def z_average(F, z_r, z0, z1):
"""Slice a 3D ROMS field to fixed depth
Vertical interpolation of a field in s-coordinates to
fixed vertical level
*F* : array
Vertical profiles, first dimension is vertical
*z_r* : array
Depth of s-levels (at rho-points), requires `z_r.shape = F.shape`
*z0*, *z1* : floats
Single depth values with z0 <= z1 <= 0
return value : array
`shape = F.shape[1:]`, the vertical average
F = np.asarray(F)
z_r = np.asarray(z_r)
Fshape = F.shape # Save original shape
# Flatten all dimensions after first
N = F.shape[0]
M = F.size // N
F = F.reshape((N, M))
z_r = z_r.reshape((N, M))
# z0, z1 are scalars or horizontal arrays
z0 = np.asarray(z0)
if z0.shape: # Array, must be 2D
z0 = z0.reshape((M,))
z1 = np.asarray(z1)
if z1.shape:
z1 = z1.reshape((M,))
# Bracket z0, i.e.
# Find integer array C0 with shape (M,)
# with z_r[C0[i]-1, i] < z0 <= z_r[C0[i], i]
# Can be done with:
# C0 = np.apply_along_axis(np.searchsorted, 0, z_r, z0)
# but the following is much faster
C0 = np.sum(z_r < z0, axis=0)
C0 = C0.clip(1, N-1) # Clip to avoid illegal indices
# Bracket z1
C1 = np.sum(z_r < z1, axis=0)
C1 = C1.clip(1, N-1)
# Use advanced indexing for vectorisation
# F[(C0,I)][i] = F[C0[i], i]
I = np.arange(M, dtype='int')
# Interpolate F to the two levels
A0 = (z0 - z_r[(C0-1, I)]) / (z_r[(C0, I)]-z_r[(C0-1, I)])
A0 = A0.clip(0.0, 1.0) # Control the extrapolation
F0 = (1-A0)*F[(C0-1, I)]+A0*F[(C0, I)]
A1 = (z1 - z_r[(C1-1, I)])/(z_r[(C1, I)]-z_r[(C1-1, I)])
A1 = A1.clip(0.0, 1.0)
F1 = (1-A1)*F[(C1-1, I)] + A1*F[(C1, I)]
# Find indices again (unclipped)
C0 = np.sum(z_r < z0, axis=0)
C1 = np.sum(z_r < z1, axis=0)
R = np.zeros(M, dtype=np.float64)
X = np.zeros(N+2, dtype=np.float64)
Y = np.zeros(N+2, dtype=np.float64)
z0 = z0 + R # Make sure they are spatial arrays
z1 = z1 + R # For indexing below
for i in I:
X[:] = 0.0
Y[:] = 0.0
nz = C1[i] - C0[i] # Number of rho-points between z0 and z1
# Set up arrays for trapezoidal integration
X[0] = z0[i]
X[1:nz+1] = z_r[C0[i]:C1[i], i]
X[nz+1] = z1[i]
Y[0] = F0[i]
Y[1:nz+1] = F[C0[i]:C1[i], i]
Y[nz+1] = F1[i]
# Perform the integration
R[i] = 0.5 * np.dot(X[1:nz+2]-X[0:nz+1], Y[1:nz+2]+Y[0:nz+1])
# Compute average and revert to correct shape
R = R / (z1-z0)
R = R.reshape(Fshape[1:])
return R
# ----------------------------------
def s_stretch(N, theta_s, theta_b, stagger='rho', Vstretching=1):
"""Compute a s-level stretching array
*N* : Number of vertical levels
*theta_s* : Surface stretching factor
*theta_b* : Bottom stretching factor
*stagger* : "rho"|"w"
*Vstretching* : 1|2|4
if stagger == 'rho':
S = -1.0 + (0.5+np.arange(N))/N
elif stagger == "w":
S = np.linspace(-1.0, 0.0, N+1)
raise ValueError("stagger must be 'rho' or 'w'")
if Vstretching == 1:
cff1 = 1.0 / np.sinh(theta_s)
cff2 = 0.5 / np.tanh(0.5*theta_s)
return ((1.0-theta_b)*cff1*np.sinh(theta_s*S)
+ theta_b*(cff2*np.tanh(theta_s*(S+0.5))-0.5))
elif Vstretching == 2:
a, b = 1.0, 1.0
Csur = (1 - np.cosh(theta_s * S))/(np.cosh(theta_s) - 1)
Cbot = np.sinh(theta_b * (S+1)) / np.sinh(theta_b) - 1
mu = (S+1)**a * (1 + (a/b)*(1-(S+1)**b))
return mu*Csur + (1-mu)*Cbot
elif Vstretching == 4:
C = (1 - np.cosh(theta_s * S)) / (np.cosh(theta_s) - 1)
C = (np.exp(theta_b * C) - 1) / (1 - np.exp(-theta_b))
return C
raise ValueError("Unknown Vstretching")
# wrapper for backwards compatibility
def s_stretch_w(N, theta_s, theta_b, Vstretching=1):
"""Obsolete use *s_stretch* instead"""
return s_stretch(N, theta_s, theta_b,
stagger='w', Vstretching=Vstretching)