Point Cloud Library (PCL)  1.11.1-dev
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pcl::StereoMatching Class Referenceabstract

Stereo Matching abstract class. More...

#include <pcl/stereo/stereo_matching.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for pcl::StereoMatching:

Public Member Functions

 StereoMatching ()
virtual ~StereoMatching ()
void setMaxDisparity (int max_disp)
 setter for number of disparity candidates (disparity range) More...
void setXOffset (int x_off)
 setter for horizontal offset, i.e. More...
void setRatioFilter (int ratio_filter)
 setter for the value of the ratio filter More...
void setPeakFilter (int peak_filter)
 setter for the value of the peak filter More...
void setPreProcessing (bool is_pre_proc)
 setter for the pre processing step More...
void setLeftRightCheck (bool is_lr_check)
 setter for the left-right consistency check stage, that eliminates inconsistent/wrong disparity values from the disparity map at approx. More...
void setLeftRightCheckThreshold (int lr_check_th)
 setter for the left-right consistency check threshold More...
virtual void compute (unsigned char *ref_img, unsigned char *trg_img, int width, int height)=0
 stereo processing, it computes a disparity map stored internally by the class More...
virtual void compute (pcl::PointCloud< pcl::RGB > &ref, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::RGB > &trg)=0
 stereo processing, it computes a disparity map stored internally by the class More...
void medianFilter (int radius)
 median filter applied on the previously computed disparity map More...
virtual bool getPointCloud (float u_c, float v_c, float focal, float baseline, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::Ptr cloud)
 computation of the 3D point cloud from the previously computed disparity map without color information More...
virtual bool getPointCloud (float u_c, float v_c, float focal, float baseline, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB >::Ptr cloud, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::RGB >::Ptr texture)
 computation of the 3D point cloud from the previously computed disparity map including color information More...
void getVisualMap (pcl::PointCloud< pcl::RGB >::Ptr vMap)
 computation of a pcl::RGB cloud with scaled disparity values it can be used to display a rescaled version of the disparity map by means of the pcl::ImageViewer invalid disparity values are shown in green More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void preProcessing (unsigned char *img, unsigned char *pp_img)=0
virtual void imgFlip (unsigned char *&img)=0
virtual void compute_impl (unsigned char *ref_img, unsigned char *trg_img)=0
void leftRightCheck ()
short int computeStereoSubpixel (int dbest, int s1, int s2, int s3)
short int computeStereoSubpixel (int dbest, float s1, float s2, float s3)

Protected Attributes

short int * disp_map_
 The internal disparity map. More...
unsigned char * ref_img_
 Local aligned copies of the cloud data. More...
unsigned char * trg_img_
short int * disp_map_trg_
 Disparity map used for left-right check. More...
unsigned char * pp_ref_img_
 Local aligned copies used for pre processing. More...
unsigned char * pp_trg_img_
int width_
 number of pixels per column of the input stereo pair . More...
int height_
 number of pixels per row of the input stereo pair . More...
int max_disp_
 Disparity range used for stereo processing. More...
int x_off_
 Horizontal displacemente (x offset) used for stereo processing. More...
int ratio_filter_
 Threshold for the ratio filter, $\in [0 100]$. More...
int peak_filter_
 Threshold for the peak filter, $\in [0 \infty]$. More...
bool is_pre_proc_
 toggle for the activation of the pre-processing stage More...
bool is_lr_check_
 toggle for the activation of the left-right consistency check stage More...
int lr_check_th_
 Threshold for the left-right consistency check, typically either 0 or 1. More...

Detailed Description

Stereo Matching abstract class.

The class performs stereo matching on a rectified stereo pair.

Includes the following functionalities:

Federico Tombari (feder.nosp@m.ico..nosp@m.tomba.nosp@m.ri@u.nosp@m.nibo..nosp@m.it)

Definition at line 110 of file stereo_matching.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ StereoMatching()

pcl::StereoMatching::StereoMatching ( )

◆ ~StereoMatching()

virtual pcl::StereoMatching::~StereoMatching ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ compute() [1/2]

virtual void pcl::StereoMatching::compute ( pcl::PointCloud< pcl::RGB > &  ref,
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::RGB > &  trg 
pure virtual

stereo processing, it computes a disparity map stored internally by the class

[in]refpoint cloud of pcl::RGB type containing the pixels of the reference image (left image)
[in]trgpoint cloud of pcl::RGB type containing the pixels of the target image (right image)

Implemented in pcl::GrayStereoMatching.

◆ compute() [2/2]

virtual void pcl::StereoMatching::compute ( unsigned char *  ref_img,
unsigned char *  trg_img,
int  width,
int  height 
pure virtual

stereo processing, it computes a disparity map stored internally by the class

[in]ref_imgreference array of image pixels (left image)
[in]trg_imgtarget array of image pixels (right image)
[in]widthnumber of elements per row for both input arrays
[in]heightnumber of elements per column for both input arrays

Implemented in pcl::GrayStereoMatching.

◆ compute_impl()

virtual void pcl::StereoMatching::compute_impl ( unsigned char *  ref_img,
unsigned char *  trg_img 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in pcl::GrayStereoMatching.

◆ computeStereoSubpixel() [1/2]

short int pcl::StereoMatching::computeStereoSubpixel ( int  dbest,
float  s1,
float  s2,
float  s3 

Definition at line 353 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ computeStereoSubpixel() [2/2]

short int pcl::StereoMatching::computeStereoSubpixel ( int  dbest,
int  s1,
int  s2,
int  s3 

Definition at line 344 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ getPointCloud() [1/2]

virtual bool pcl::StereoMatching::getPointCloud ( float  u_c,
float  v_c,
float  focal,
float  baseline,
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::Ptr  cloud 

computation of the 3D point cloud from the previously computed disparity map without color information

The "compute" method must have been previously called at least once in order for this function to have any effect
[in]u_chorizontal coordinate of the principal point (calibration parameter)
[in]v_cvertical coordinate of the principal point (calibration parameter)
[in]focalfocal length in pixels (calibration parameter)
[in]baselinedistance between the two cameras (calibration parameter); the measure unit used to specify this parameter will be the same as the 3D points in the output point cloud
[out]cloudoutput 3D point cloud; it is organized and non-dense, with NaNs where 3D points are invalid

◆ getPointCloud() [2/2]

virtual bool pcl::StereoMatching::getPointCloud ( float  u_c,
float  v_c,
float  focal,
float  baseline,
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB >::Ptr  cloud,
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::RGB >::Ptr  texture 

computation of the 3D point cloud from the previously computed disparity map including color information

The "compute" method must have been previously called at least once in order for this function to have any effect
[in]u_chorizontal coordinate of the principal point (calibration parameter)
[in]v_cvertical coordinate of the principal point (calibration parameter)
[in]focalfocal length in pixels (calibration parameter)
[in]baselinedistance between the two cameras (calibration parameter); the measure unit used to specify this parameter will be the same as the 3D points in the output point cloud
[out]cloudoutput 3D point cloud; it is organized and non-dense, with NaNs where 3D points are invalid
[in]texture3D cloud (same size of the output cloud) used to associate to each 3D point of the output cloud a color triplet

◆ getVisualMap()

void pcl::StereoMatching::getVisualMap ( pcl::PointCloud< pcl::RGB >::Ptr  vMap)

computation of a pcl::RGB cloud with scaled disparity values it can be used to display a rescaled version of the disparity map by means of the pcl::ImageViewer invalid disparity values are shown in green

The "compute" method must have been previously called at least once in order for this function to have any effect
[out]vMapoutput cloud

◆ imgFlip()

virtual void pcl::StereoMatching::imgFlip ( unsigned char *&  img)
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in pcl::GrayStereoMatching.

◆ leftRightCheck()

void pcl::StereoMatching::leftRightCheck ( )

◆ medianFilter()

void pcl::StereoMatching::medianFilter ( int  radius)

median filter applied on the previously computed disparity map

The "compute" method must have been previously called at least once in order for this function to have any effect
[in]radiusradius of the squared window used to compute the median filter; the window side is equal to 2*radius + 1

◆ preProcessing()

virtual void pcl::StereoMatching::preProcessing ( unsigned char *  img,
unsigned char *  pp_img 
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in pcl::GrayStereoMatching.

◆ setLeftRightCheck()

void pcl::StereoMatching::setLeftRightCheck ( bool  is_lr_check)

setter for the left-right consistency check stage, that eliminates inconsistent/wrong disparity values from the disparity map at approx.

twice the processing cost of the selected stereo algorithm

[in]is_lr_checksetting the boolean to true activates the left-right consistency check

Definition at line 179 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ setLeftRightCheckThreshold()

void pcl::StereoMatching::setLeftRightCheckThreshold ( int  lr_check_th)

setter for the left-right consistency check threshold

[in]lr_check_thsets the value of the left-right consistency check threshold only has some influence if the left-right check is active typically has either the value 0 ("strong" consistency check, more points being filtered) or 1 ("weak" consistency check, less points being filtered)

Definition at line 192 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ setMaxDisparity()

void pcl::StereoMatching::setMaxDisparity ( int  max_disp)

setter for number of disparity candidates (disparity range)

[in]max_dispnumber of disparity candidates (disparity range); has to be > 0

Definition at line 121 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ setPeakFilter()

void pcl::StereoMatching::setPeakFilter ( int  peak_filter)

setter for the value of the peak filter

[in]peak_filtervalue of the peak filter; it is a number in the range [0, inf] (0: no filtering action)

Definition at line 155 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ setPreProcessing()

void pcl::StereoMatching::setPreProcessing ( bool  is_pre_proc)

setter for the pre processing step

[in]is_pre_procsetting the boolean to true activates the pre-processing step for both stereo images

Definition at line 166 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ setRatioFilter()

void pcl::StereoMatching::setRatioFilter ( int  ratio_filter)

setter for the value of the ratio filter

[in]ratio_filtervalue of the ratio filter; it is a number in the range [0, 100] (0: no filtering action; 100: all disparities are filtered)

Definition at line 144 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ setXOffset()

void pcl::StereoMatching::setXOffset ( int  x_off)

setter for horizontal offset, i.e.

number of pixels to shift the disparity range over the target image

[in]x_offhorizontal offset value; has to be >= 0

Definition at line 132 of file stereo_matching.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ disp_map_

short int* pcl::StereoMatching::disp_map_

The internal disparity map.

Definition at line 291 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ disp_map_trg_

short int* pcl::StereoMatching::disp_map_trg_

Disparity map used for left-right check.

Definition at line 298 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ height_

int pcl::StereoMatching::height_

number of pixels per row of the input stereo pair .

Definition at line 308 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ is_lr_check_

bool pcl::StereoMatching::is_lr_check_

toggle for the activation of the left-right consistency check stage

Definition at line 326 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ is_pre_proc_

bool pcl::StereoMatching::is_pre_proc_

toggle for the activation of the pre-processing stage

Definition at line 323 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ lr_check_th_

int pcl::StereoMatching::lr_check_th_

Threshold for the left-right consistency check, typically either 0 or 1.

Definition at line 329 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ max_disp_

int pcl::StereoMatching::max_disp_

Disparity range used for stereo processing.

Definition at line 311 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ peak_filter_

int pcl::StereoMatching::peak_filter_

Threshold for the peak filter, $\in [0 \infty]$.

Definition at line 320 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ pp_ref_img_

unsigned char* pcl::StereoMatching::pp_ref_img_

Local aligned copies used for pre processing.

Definition at line 301 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ pp_trg_img_

unsigned char* pcl::StereoMatching::pp_trg_img_

Definition at line 302 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ ratio_filter_

int pcl::StereoMatching::ratio_filter_

Threshold for the ratio filter, $\in [0 100]$.

Definition at line 317 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ ref_img_

unsigned char* pcl::StereoMatching::ref_img_

Local aligned copies of the cloud data.

Definition at line 294 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ trg_img_

unsigned char* pcl::StereoMatching::trg_img_

Definition at line 295 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ width_

int pcl::StereoMatching::width_

number of pixels per column of the input stereo pair .

Definition at line 305 of file stereo_matching.h.

◆ x_off_

int pcl::StereoMatching::x_off_

Horizontal displacemente (x offset) used for stereo processing.

Definition at line 314 of file stereo_matching.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: