Point Cloud Library (PCL)  1.11.1-dev
1 /*
2  * Software License Agreement (BSD License)
3  *
4  * Point Cloud Library (PCL) - www.pointclouds.org
5  * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Willow Garage, Inc.
6  *
7  * All rights reserved.
8  *
9  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
10  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
11  * are met:
12  *
13  * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
14  * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
15  * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
16  * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
17  * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
18  * with the distribution.
19  * * Neither the name of the copyright holder(s) nor the names of its
20  * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
21  * from this software without specific prior written permission.
22  *
35  *
36  * $Id$
37  *
38  */
40 #pragma once
42 #include <pcl/filters/filter.h>
43 #include <cfloat> // for FLT_MAX
45 namespace pcl
46 {
47  /** \brief Obtain the maximum and minimum points in 3D from a given point cloud.
48  * \param[in] cloud the pointer to a pcl::PCLPointCloud2 dataset
49  * \param[in] x_idx the index of the X channel
50  * \param[in] y_idx the index of the Y channel
51  * \param[in] z_idx the index of the Z channel
52  * \param[out] min_pt the minimum data point
53  * \param[out] max_pt the maximum data point
54  */
55  PCL_EXPORTS void
56  getMinMax3D (const pcl::PCLPointCloud2ConstPtr &cloud, int x_idx, int y_idx, int z_idx,
57  Eigen::Vector4f &min_pt, Eigen::Vector4f &max_pt);
59  /** \brief Obtain the maximum and minimum points in 3D from a given point cloud.
60  * \note Performs internal data filtering as well.
61  * \param[in] cloud the pointer to a pcl::PCLPointCloud2 dataset
62  * \param[in] x_idx the index of the X channel
63  * \param[in] y_idx the index of the Y channel
64  * \param[in] z_idx the index of the Z channel
65  * \param[in] distance_field_name the name of the dimension to filter data along to
66  * \param[in] min_distance the minimum acceptable value in \a distance_field_name data
67  * \param[in] max_distance the maximum acceptable value in \a distance_field_name data
68  * \param[out] min_pt the minimum data point
69  * \param[out] max_pt the maximum data point
70  * \param[in] limit_negative \b false if data \b inside of the [min_distance; max_distance] interval should be
71  * considered, \b true otherwise.
72  */
73  PCL_EXPORTS void
74  getMinMax3D (const pcl::PCLPointCloud2ConstPtr &cloud, int x_idx, int y_idx, int z_idx,
75  const std::string &distance_field_name, float min_distance, float max_distance,
76  Eigen::Vector4f &min_pt, Eigen::Vector4f &max_pt, bool limit_negative = false);
78  /** \brief Get the relative cell indices of the "upper half" 13 neighbors.
79  * \note Useful in combination with getNeighborCentroidIndices() from \ref VoxelGrid
80  * \ingroup filters
81  */
82  inline Eigen::MatrixXi
84  {
85  Eigen::MatrixXi relative_coordinates (3, 13);
86  int idx = 0;
88  // 0 - 8
89  for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++)
90  {
91  for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++)
92  {
93  relative_coordinates (0, idx) = i;
94  relative_coordinates (1, idx) = j;
95  relative_coordinates (2, idx) = -1;
96  idx++;
97  }
98  }
99  // 9 - 11
100  for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++)
101  {
102  relative_coordinates (0, idx) = i;
103  relative_coordinates (1, idx) = -1;
104  relative_coordinates (2, idx) = 0;
105  idx++;
106  }
107  // 12
108  relative_coordinates (0, idx) = -1;
109  relative_coordinates (1, idx) = 0;
110  relative_coordinates (2, idx) = 0;
112  return (relative_coordinates);
113  }
115  /** \brief Get the relative cell indices of all the 26 neighbors.
116  * \note Useful in combination with getNeighborCentroidIndices() from \ref VoxelGrid
117  * \ingroup filters
118  */
119  inline Eigen::MatrixXi
121  {
122  Eigen::MatrixXi relative_coordinates = getHalfNeighborCellIndices ();
123  Eigen::MatrixXi relative_coordinates_all( 3, 26);
124  relative_coordinates_all.block<3, 13> (0, 0) = relative_coordinates;
125  relative_coordinates_all.block<3, 13> (0, 13) = -relative_coordinates;
126  return (relative_coordinates_all);
127  }
129  /** \brief Get the minimum and maximum values on each of the 3 (x-y-z) dimensions
130  * in a given pointcloud, without considering points outside of a distance threshold from the laser origin
131  * \param[in] cloud the point cloud data message
132  * \param[in] distance_field_name the field name that contains the distance values
133  * \param[in] min_distance the minimum distance a point will be considered from
134  * \param[in] max_distance the maximum distance a point will be considered to
135  * \param[out] min_pt the resultant minimum bounds
136  * \param[out] max_pt the resultant maximum bounds
137  * \param[in] limit_negative if set to true, then all points outside of the interval (min_distance;max_distace) are considered
138  * \ingroup filters
139  */
140  template <typename PointT> void
141  getMinMax3D (const typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::ConstPtr &cloud,
142  const std::string &distance_field_name, float min_distance, float max_distance,
143  Eigen::Vector4f &min_pt, Eigen::Vector4f &max_pt, bool limit_negative = false);
145  /** \brief Get the minimum and maximum values on each of the 3 (x-y-z) dimensions
146  * in a given pointcloud, without considering points outside of a distance threshold from the laser origin
147  * \param[in] cloud the point cloud data message
148  * \param[in] indices the vector of indices to use
149  * \param[in] distance_field_name the field name that contains the distance values
150  * \param[in] min_distance the minimum distance a point will be considered from
151  * \param[in] max_distance the maximum distance a point will be considered to
152  * \param[out] min_pt the resultant minimum bounds
153  * \param[out] max_pt the resultant maximum bounds
154  * \param[in] limit_negative if set to true, then all points outside of the interval (min_distance;max_distace) are considered
155  * \ingroup filters
156  */
157  template <typename PointT> void
158  getMinMax3D (const typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::ConstPtr &cloud,
159  const Indices &indices,
160  const std::string &distance_field_name, float min_distance, float max_distance,
161  Eigen::Vector4f &min_pt, Eigen::Vector4f &max_pt, bool limit_negative = false);
163  /** \brief VoxelGrid assembles a local 3D grid over a given PointCloud, and downsamples + filters the data.
164  *
165  * The VoxelGrid class creates a *3D voxel grid* (think about a voxel
166  * grid as a set of tiny 3D boxes in space) over the input point cloud data.
167  * Then, in each *voxel* (i.e., 3D box), all the points present will be
168  * approximated (i.e., *downsampled*) with their centroid. This approach is
169  * a bit slower than approximating them with the center of the voxel, but it
170  * represents the underlying surface more accurately.
171  *
172  * \author Radu B. Rusu, Bastian Steder
173  * \ingroup filters
174  */
175  template <typename PointT>
176  class VoxelGrid: public Filter<PointT>
177  {
178  protected:
185  using PointCloudPtr = typename PointCloud::Ptr;
188  public:
190  using Ptr = shared_ptr<VoxelGrid<PointT> >;
191  using ConstPtr = shared_ptr<const VoxelGrid<PointT> >;
193  /** \brief Empty constructor. */
195  leaf_size_ (Eigen::Vector4f::Zero ()),
196  inverse_leaf_size_ (Eigen::Array4f::Zero ()),
197  downsample_all_data_ (true),
198  save_leaf_layout_ (false),
199  min_b_ (Eigen::Vector4i::Zero ()),
200  max_b_ (Eigen::Vector4i::Zero ()),
201  div_b_ (Eigen::Vector4i::Zero ()),
202  divb_mul_ (Eigen::Vector4i::Zero ()),
203  filter_field_name_ (""),
204  filter_limit_min_ (-FLT_MAX),
205  filter_limit_max_ (FLT_MAX),
206  filter_limit_negative_ (false),
208  {
209  filter_name_ = "VoxelGrid";
210  }
212  /** \brief Destructor. */
214  {
215  }
217  /** \brief Set the voxel grid leaf size.
218  * \param[in] leaf_size the voxel grid leaf size
219  */
220  inline void
221  setLeafSize (const Eigen::Vector4f &leaf_size)
222  {
223  leaf_size_ = leaf_size;
224  // Avoid division errors
225  if (leaf_size_[3] == 0)
226  leaf_size_[3] = 1;
227  // Use multiplications instead of divisions
228  inverse_leaf_size_ = Eigen::Array4f::Ones () / leaf_size_.array ();
229  }
231  /** \brief Set the voxel grid leaf size.
232  * \param[in] lx the leaf size for X
233  * \param[in] ly the leaf size for Y
234  * \param[in] lz the leaf size for Z
235  */
236  inline void
237  setLeafSize (float lx, float ly, float lz)
238  {
239  leaf_size_[0] = lx; leaf_size_[1] = ly; leaf_size_[2] = lz;
240  // Avoid division errors
241  if (leaf_size_[3] == 0)
242  leaf_size_[3] = 1;
243  // Use multiplications instead of divisions
244  inverse_leaf_size_ = Eigen::Array4f::Ones () / leaf_size_.array ();
245  }
247  /** \brief Get the voxel grid leaf size. */
248  inline Eigen::Vector3f
249  getLeafSize () const { return (leaf_size_.head<3> ()); }
251  /** \brief Set to true if all fields need to be downsampled, or false if just XYZ.
252  * \param[in] downsample the new value (true/false)
253  */
254  inline void
255  setDownsampleAllData (bool downsample) { downsample_all_data_ = downsample; }
257  /** \brief Get the state of the internal downsampling parameter (true if
258  * all fields need to be downsampled, false if just XYZ).
259  */
260  inline bool
263  /** \brief Set the minimum number of points required for a voxel to be used.
264  * \param[in] min_points_per_voxel the minimum number of points for required for a voxel to be used
265  */
266  inline void
267  setMinimumPointsNumberPerVoxel (unsigned int min_points_per_voxel) { min_points_per_voxel_ = min_points_per_voxel; }
269  /** \brief Return the minimum number of points required for a voxel to be used.
270  */
271  inline unsigned int
274  /** \brief Set to true if leaf layout information needs to be saved for later access.
275  * \param[in] save_leaf_layout the new value (true/false)
276  */
277  inline void
278  setSaveLeafLayout (bool save_leaf_layout) { save_leaf_layout_ = save_leaf_layout; }
280  /** \brief Returns true if leaf layout information will to be saved for later access. */
281  inline bool
282  getSaveLeafLayout () const { return (save_leaf_layout_); }
284  /** \brief Get the minimum coordinates of the bounding box (after
285  * filtering is performed).
286  */
287  inline Eigen::Vector3i
288  getMinBoxCoordinates () const { return (min_b_.head<3> ()); }
290  /** \brief Get the minimum coordinates of the bounding box (after
291  * filtering is performed).
292  */
293  inline Eigen::Vector3i
294  getMaxBoxCoordinates () const { return (max_b_.head<3> ()); }
296  /** \brief Get the number of divisions along all 3 axes (after filtering
297  * is performed).
298  */
299  inline Eigen::Vector3i
300  getNrDivisions () const { return (div_b_.head<3> ()); }
302  /** \brief Get the multipliers to be applied to the grid coordinates in
303  * order to find the centroid index (after filtering is performed).
304  */
305  inline Eigen::Vector3i
306  getDivisionMultiplier () const { return (divb_mul_.head<3> ()); }
308  /** \brief Returns the index in the resulting downsampled cloud of the specified point.
309  *
310  * \note for efficiency, user must make sure that the saving of the leaf layout is enabled and filtering
311  * performed, and that the point is inside the grid, to avoid invalid access (or use
312  * getGridCoordinates+getCentroidIndexAt)
313  *
314  * \param[in] p the point to get the index at
315  */
316  inline int
317  getCentroidIndex (const PointT &p) const
318  {
319  return (leaf_layout_.at ((Eigen::Vector4i (static_cast<int> (std::floor (p.x * inverse_leaf_size_[0])),
320  static_cast<int> (std::floor (p.y * inverse_leaf_size_[1])),
321  static_cast<int> (std::floor (p.z * inverse_leaf_size_[2])), 0) - min_b_).dot (divb_mul_)));
322  }
324  /** \brief Returns the indices in the resulting downsampled cloud of the points at the specified grid coordinates,
325  * relative to the grid coordinates of the specified point (or -1 if the cell was empty/out of bounds).
326  * \param[in] reference_point the coordinates of the reference point (corresponding cell is allowed to be empty/out of bounds)
327  * \param[in] relative_coordinates matrix with the columns being the coordinates of the requested cells, relative to the reference point's cell
328  * \note for efficiency, user must make sure that the saving of the leaf layout is enabled and filtering performed
329  */
330  inline std::vector<int>
331  getNeighborCentroidIndices (const PointT &reference_point, const Eigen::MatrixXi &relative_coordinates) const
332  {
333  Eigen::Vector4i ijk (static_cast<int> (std::floor (reference_point.x * inverse_leaf_size_[0])),
334  static_cast<int> (std::floor (reference_point.y * inverse_leaf_size_[1])),
335  static_cast<int> (std::floor (reference_point.z * inverse_leaf_size_[2])), 0);
336  Eigen::Array4i diff2min = min_b_ - ijk;
337  Eigen::Array4i diff2max = max_b_ - ijk;
338  std::vector<int> neighbors (relative_coordinates.cols());
339  for (Eigen::Index ni = 0; ni < relative_coordinates.cols (); ni++)
340  {
341  Eigen::Vector4i displacement = (Eigen::Vector4i() << relative_coordinates.col(ni), 0).finished();
342  // checking if the specified cell is in the grid
343  if ((diff2min <= displacement.array()).all() && (diff2max >= displacement.array()).all())
344  neighbors[ni] = leaf_layout_[((ijk + displacement - min_b_).dot (divb_mul_))]; // .at() can be omitted
345  else
346  neighbors[ni] = -1; // cell is out of bounds, consider it empty
347  }
348  return (neighbors);
349  }
351  /** \brief Returns the layout of the leafs for fast access to cells relative to current position.
352  * \note position at (i-min_x) + (j-min_y)*div_x + (k-min_z)*div_x*div_y holds the index of the element at coordinates (i,j,k) in the grid (-1 if empty)
353  */
354  inline std::vector<int>
355  getLeafLayout () const { return (leaf_layout_); }
357  /** \brief Returns the corresponding (i,j,k) coordinates in the grid of point (x,y,z).
358  * \param[in] x the X point coordinate to get the (i, j, k) index at
359  * \param[in] y the Y point coordinate to get the (i, j, k) index at
360  * \param[in] z the Z point coordinate to get the (i, j, k) index at
361  */
362  inline Eigen::Vector3i
363  getGridCoordinates (float x, float y, float z) const
364  {
365  return (Eigen::Vector3i (static_cast<int> (std::floor (x * inverse_leaf_size_[0])),
366  static_cast<int> (std::floor (y * inverse_leaf_size_[1])),
367  static_cast<int> (std::floor (z * inverse_leaf_size_[2]))));
368  }
370  /** \brief Returns the index in the downsampled cloud corresponding to a given set of coordinates.
371  * \param[in] ijk the coordinates (i,j,k) in the grid (-1 if empty)
372  */
373  inline int
374  getCentroidIndexAt (const Eigen::Vector3i &ijk) const
375  {
376  int idx = ((Eigen::Vector4i() << ijk, 0).finished() - min_b_).dot (divb_mul_);
377  if (idx < 0 || idx >= static_cast<int> (leaf_layout_.size ())) // this checks also if leaf_layout_.size () == 0 i.e. everything was computed as needed
378  {
379  //if (verbose)
380  // PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::getCentroidIndexAt] Specified coordinate is outside grid bounds, or leaf layout is not saved, make sure to call setSaveLeafLayout(true) and filter(output) first!\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
381  return (-1);
382  }
383  return (leaf_layout_[idx]);
384  }
386  /** \brief Provide the name of the field to be used for filtering data. In conjunction with \a setFilterLimits,
387  * points having values outside this interval will be discarded.
388  * \param[in] field_name the name of the field that contains values used for filtering
389  */
390  inline void
391  setFilterFieldName (const std::string &field_name)
392  {
393  filter_field_name_ = field_name;
394  }
396  /** \brief Get the name of the field used for filtering. */
397  inline std::string const
399  {
400  return (filter_field_name_);
401  }
403  /** \brief Set the field filter limits. All points having field values outside this interval will be discarded.
404  * \param[in] limit_min the minimum allowed field value
405  * \param[in] limit_max the maximum allowed field value
406  */
407  inline void
408  setFilterLimits (const double &limit_min, const double &limit_max)
409  {
410  filter_limit_min_ = limit_min;
411  filter_limit_max_ = limit_max;
412  }
414  /** \brief Get the field filter limits (min/max) set by the user. The default values are -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX.
415  * \param[out] limit_min the minimum allowed field value
416  * \param[out] limit_max the maximum allowed field value
417  */
418  inline void
419  getFilterLimits (double &limit_min, double &limit_max) const
420  {
421  limit_min = filter_limit_min_;
422  limit_max = filter_limit_max_;
423  }
425  /** \brief Set to true if we want to return the data outside the interval specified by setFilterLimits (min, max).
426  * Default: false.
427  * \param[in] limit_negative return data inside the interval (false) or outside (true)
428  */
429  inline void
430  setFilterLimitsNegative (const bool limit_negative)
431  {
432  filter_limit_negative_ = limit_negative;
433  }
435  /** \brief Get whether the data outside the interval (min/max) is to be returned (true) or inside (false).
436  * \param[out] limit_negative true if data \b outside the interval [min; max] is to be returned, false otherwise
437  */
438  inline void
439  getFilterLimitsNegative (bool &limit_negative) const
440  {
441  limit_negative = filter_limit_negative_;
442  }
444  /** \brief Get whether the data outside the interval (min/max) is to be returned (true) or inside (false).
445  * \return true if data \b outside the interval [min; max] is to be returned, false otherwise
446  */
447  inline bool
449  {
450  return (filter_limit_negative_);
451  }
453  protected:
454  /** \brief The size of a leaf. */
455  Eigen::Vector4f leaf_size_;
457  /** \brief Internal leaf sizes stored as 1/leaf_size_ for efficiency reasons. */
458  Eigen::Array4f inverse_leaf_size_;
460  /** \brief Set to true if all fields need to be downsampled, or false if just XYZ. */
463  /** \brief Set to true if leaf layout information needs to be saved in \a leaf_layout_. */
466  /** \brief The leaf layout information for fast access to cells relative to current position **/
467  std::vector<int> leaf_layout_;
469  /** \brief The minimum and maximum bin coordinates, the number of divisions, and the division multiplier. */
470  Eigen::Vector4i min_b_, max_b_, div_b_, divb_mul_;
472  /** \brief The desired user filter field name. */
473  std::string filter_field_name_;
475  /** \brief The minimum allowed filter value a point will be considered from. */
478  /** \brief The maximum allowed filter value a point will be considered from. */
481  /** \brief Set to true if we want to return the data outside (\a filter_limit_min_;\a filter_limit_max_). Default: false. */
484  /** \brief Minimum number of points per voxel for the centroid to be computed */
485  unsigned int min_points_per_voxel_;
487  using FieldList = typename pcl::traits::fieldList<PointT>::type;
489  /** \brief Downsample a Point Cloud using a voxelized grid approach
490  * \param[out] output the resultant point cloud message
491  */
492  void
493  applyFilter (PointCloud &output) override;
494  };
496  /** \brief VoxelGrid assembles a local 3D grid over a given PointCloud, and downsamples + filters the data.
497  *
498  * The VoxelGrid class creates a *3D voxel grid* (think about a voxel
499  * grid as a set of tiny 3D boxes in space) over the input point cloud data.
500  * Then, in each *voxel* (i.e., 3D box), all the points present will be
501  * approximated (i.e., *downsampled*) with their centroid. This approach is
502  * a bit slower than approximating them with the center of the voxel, but it
503  * represents the underlying surface more accurately.
504  *
505  * \author Radu B. Rusu, Bastian Steder, Radoslaw Cybulski
506  * \ingroup filters
507  */
508  template <>
509  class PCL_EXPORTS VoxelGrid<pcl::PCLPointCloud2> : public Filter<pcl::PCLPointCloud2>
510  {
518  public:
519  /** \brief Empty constructor. */
521  leaf_size_ (Eigen::Vector4f::Zero ()),
522  inverse_leaf_size_ (Eigen::Array4f::Zero ()),
523  downsample_all_data_ (true),
524  save_leaf_layout_ (false),
525  min_b_ (Eigen::Vector4i::Zero ()),
526  max_b_ (Eigen::Vector4i::Zero ()),
527  div_b_ (Eigen::Vector4i::Zero ()),
528  divb_mul_ (Eigen::Vector4i::Zero ()),
529  filter_field_name_ (""),
530  filter_limit_min_ (-FLT_MAX),
531  filter_limit_max_ (FLT_MAX),
532  filter_limit_negative_ (false),
533  min_points_per_voxel_ (0)
534  {
535  filter_name_ = "VoxelGrid";
536  }
538  /** \brief Destructor. */
540  {
541  }
543  /** \brief Set the voxel grid leaf size.
544  * \param[in] leaf_size the voxel grid leaf size
545  */
546  inline void
547  setLeafSize (const Eigen::Vector4f &leaf_size)
548  {
549  leaf_size_ = leaf_size;
550  // Avoid division errors
551  if (leaf_size_[3] == 0)
552  leaf_size_[3] = 1;
553  // Use multiplications instead of divisions
554  inverse_leaf_size_ = Eigen::Array4f::Ones () / leaf_size_.array ();
555  }
557  /** \brief Set the voxel grid leaf size.
558  * \param[in] lx the leaf size for X
559  * \param[in] ly the leaf size for Y
560  * \param[in] lz the leaf size for Z
561  */
562  inline void
563  setLeafSize (float lx, float ly, float lz)
564  {
565  leaf_size_[0] = lx; leaf_size_[1] = ly; leaf_size_[2] = lz;
566  // Avoid division errors
567  if (leaf_size_[3] == 0)
568  leaf_size_[3] = 1;
569  // Use multiplications instead of divisions
570  inverse_leaf_size_ = Eigen::Array4f::Ones () / leaf_size_.array ();
571  }
573  /** \brief Get the voxel grid leaf size. */
574  inline Eigen::Vector3f
575  getLeafSize () const { return (leaf_size_.head<3> ()); }
577  /** \brief Set to true if all fields need to be downsampled, or false if just XYZ.
578  * \param[in] downsample the new value (true/false)
579  */
580  inline void
581  setDownsampleAllData (bool downsample) { downsample_all_data_ = downsample; }
583  /** \brief Get the state of the internal downsampling parameter (true if
584  * all fields need to be downsampled, false if just XYZ).
585  */
586  inline bool
587  getDownsampleAllData () const { return (downsample_all_data_); }
589  /** \brief Set the minimum number of points required for a voxel to be used.
590  * \param[in] min_points_per_voxel the minimum number of points for required for a voxel to be used
591  */
592  inline void
593  setMinimumPointsNumberPerVoxel (unsigned int min_points_per_voxel) { min_points_per_voxel_ = min_points_per_voxel; }
595  /** \brief Return the minimum number of points required for a voxel to be used.
596  */
597  inline unsigned int
598  getMinimumPointsNumberPerVoxel () const { return min_points_per_voxel_; }
600  /** \brief Set to true if leaf layout information needs to be saved for later access.
601  * \param[in] save_leaf_layout the new value (true/false)
602  */
603  inline void
604  setSaveLeafLayout (bool save_leaf_layout) { save_leaf_layout_ = save_leaf_layout; }
606  /** \brief Returns true if leaf layout information will to be saved for later access. */
607  inline bool
608  getSaveLeafLayout () const { return (save_leaf_layout_); }
610  /** \brief Get the minimum coordinates of the bounding box (after
611  * filtering is performed).
612  */
613  inline Eigen::Vector3i
614  getMinBoxCoordinates () const { return (min_b_.head<3> ()); }
616  /** \brief Get the minimum coordinates of the bounding box (after
617  * filtering is performed).
618  */
619  inline Eigen::Vector3i
620  getMaxBoxCoordinates () const { return (max_b_.head<3> ()); }
622  /** \brief Get the number of divisions along all 3 axes (after filtering
623  * is performed).
624  */
625  inline Eigen::Vector3i
626  getNrDivisions () const { return (div_b_.head<3> ()); }
628  /** \brief Get the multipliers to be applied to the grid coordinates in
629  * order to find the centroid index (after filtering is performed).
630  */
631  inline Eigen::Vector3i
632  getDivisionMultiplier () const { return (divb_mul_.head<3> ()); }
634  /** \brief Returns the index in the resulting downsampled cloud of the specified point.
635  * \note for efficiency, user must make sure that the saving of the leaf layout is enabled and filtering performed,
636  * and that the point is inside the grid, to avoid invalid access (or use getGridCoordinates+getCentroidIndexAt)
637  * \param[in] x the X point coordinate to get the index at
638  * \param[in] y the Y point coordinate to get the index at
639  * \param[in] z the Z point coordinate to get the index at
640  */
641  inline int
642  getCentroidIndex (float x, float y, float z) const
643  {
644  return (leaf_layout_.at ((Eigen::Vector4i (static_cast<int> (std::floor (x * inverse_leaf_size_[0])),
645  static_cast<int> (std::floor (y * inverse_leaf_size_[1])),
646  static_cast<int> (std::floor (z * inverse_leaf_size_[2])),
647  0)
648  - min_b_).dot (divb_mul_)));
649  }
651  /** \brief Returns the indices in the resulting downsampled cloud of the points at the specified grid coordinates,
652  * relative to the grid coordinates of the specified point (or -1 if the cell was empty/out of bounds).
653  * \param[in] x the X coordinate of the reference point (corresponding cell is allowed to be empty/out of bounds)
654  * \param[in] y the Y coordinate of the reference point (corresponding cell is allowed to be empty/out of bounds)
655  * \param[in] z the Z coordinate of the reference point (corresponding cell is allowed to be empty/out of bounds)
656  * \param[out] relative_coordinates matrix with the columns being the coordinates of the requested cells, relative to the reference point's cell
657  * \note for efficiency, user must make sure that the saving of the leaf layout is enabled and filtering performed
658  */
659  inline std::vector<int>
660  getNeighborCentroidIndices (float x, float y, float z, const Eigen::MatrixXi &relative_coordinates) const
661  {
662  Eigen::Vector4i ijk (static_cast<int> (std::floor (x * inverse_leaf_size_[0])),
663  static_cast<int> (std::floor (y * inverse_leaf_size_[1])),
664  static_cast<int> (std::floor (z * inverse_leaf_size_[2])), 0);
665  Eigen::Array4i diff2min = min_b_ - ijk;
666  Eigen::Array4i diff2max = max_b_ - ijk;
667  std::vector<int> neighbors (relative_coordinates.cols());
668  for (Eigen::Index ni = 0; ni < relative_coordinates.cols (); ni++)
669  {
670  Eigen::Vector4i displacement = (Eigen::Vector4i() << relative_coordinates.col(ni), 0).finished();
671  // checking if the specified cell is in the grid
672  if ((diff2min <= displacement.array()).all() && (diff2max >= displacement.array()).all())
673  neighbors[ni] = leaf_layout_[((ijk + displacement - min_b_).dot (divb_mul_))]; // .at() can be omitted
674  else
675  neighbors[ni] = -1; // cell is out of bounds, consider it empty
676  }
677  return (neighbors);
678  }
680  /** \brief Returns the indices in the resulting downsampled cloud of the points at the specified grid coordinates,
681  * relative to the grid coordinates of the specified point (or -1 if the cell was empty/out of bounds).
682  * \param[in] x the X coordinate of the reference point (corresponding cell is allowed to be empty/out of bounds)
683  * \param[in] y the Y coordinate of the reference point (corresponding cell is allowed to be empty/out of bounds)
684  * \param[in] z the Z coordinate of the reference point (corresponding cell is allowed to be empty/out of bounds)
685  * \param[out] relative_coordinates vector with the elements being the coordinates of the requested cells, relative to the reference point's cell
686  * \note for efficiency, user must make sure that the saving of the leaf layout is enabled and filtering performed
687  */
688  inline std::vector<int>
689  getNeighborCentroidIndices (float x, float y, float z, const std::vector<Eigen::Vector3i, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector3i> > &relative_coordinates) const
690  {
691  Eigen::Vector4i ijk (static_cast<int> (std::floor (x * inverse_leaf_size_[0])), static_cast<int> (std::floor (y * inverse_leaf_size_[1])), static_cast<int> (std::floor (z * inverse_leaf_size_[2])), 0);
692  std::vector<int> neighbors;
693  neighbors.reserve (relative_coordinates.size ());
694  for (const auto &relative_coordinate : relative_coordinates)
695  neighbors.push_back (leaf_layout_[(ijk + (Eigen::Vector4i() << relative_coordinate, 0).finished() - min_b_).dot (divb_mul_)]);
696  return (neighbors);
697  }
699  /** \brief Returns the layout of the leafs for fast access to cells relative to current position.
700  * \note position at (i-min_x) + (j-min_y)*div_x + (k-min_z)*div_x*div_y holds the index of the element at coordinates (i,j,k) in the grid (-1 if empty)
701  */
702  inline std::vector<int>
703  getLeafLayout () const { return (leaf_layout_); }
705  /** \brief Returns the corresponding (i,j,k) coordinates in the grid of point (x,y,z).
706  * \param[in] x the X point coordinate to get the (i, j, k) index at
707  * \param[in] y the Y point coordinate to get the (i, j, k) index at
708  * \param[in] z the Z point coordinate to get the (i, j, k) index at
709  */
710  inline Eigen::Vector3i
711  getGridCoordinates (float x, float y, float z) const
712  {
713  return (Eigen::Vector3i (static_cast<int> (std::floor (x * inverse_leaf_size_[0])),
714  static_cast<int> (std::floor (y * inverse_leaf_size_[1])),
715  static_cast<int> (std::floor (z * inverse_leaf_size_[2]))));
716  }
718  /** \brief Returns the index in the downsampled cloud corresponding to a given set of coordinates.
719  * \param[in] ijk the coordinates (i,j,k) in the grid (-1 if empty)
720  */
721  inline int
722  getCentroidIndexAt (const Eigen::Vector3i &ijk) const
723  {
724  int idx = ((Eigen::Vector4i() << ijk, 0).finished() - min_b_).dot (divb_mul_);
725  if (idx < 0 || idx >= static_cast<int> (leaf_layout_.size ())) // this checks also if leaf_layout_.size () == 0 i.e. everything was computed as needed
726  {
727  //if (verbose)
728  // PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::getCentroidIndexAt] Specified coordinate is outside grid bounds, or leaf layout is not saved, make sure to call setSaveLeafLayout(true) and filter(output) first!\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
729  return (-1);
730  }
731  return (leaf_layout_[idx]);
732  }
734  /** \brief Provide the name of the field to be used for filtering data. In conjunction with \a setFilterLimits,
735  * points having values outside this interval will be discarded.
736  * \param[in] field_name the name of the field that contains values used for filtering
737  */
738  inline void
739  setFilterFieldName (const std::string &field_name)
740  {
741  filter_field_name_ = field_name;
742  }
744  /** \brief Get the name of the field used for filtering. */
745  inline std::string const
747  {
748  return (filter_field_name_);
749  }
751  /** \brief Set the field filter limits. All points having field values outside this interval will be discarded.
752  * \param[in] limit_min the minimum allowed field value
753  * \param[in] limit_max the maximum allowed field value
754  */
755  inline void
756  setFilterLimits (const double &limit_min, const double &limit_max)
757  {
758  filter_limit_min_ = limit_min;
759  filter_limit_max_ = limit_max;
760  }
762  /** \brief Get the field filter limits (min/max) set by the user. The default values are -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX.
763  * \param[out] limit_min the minimum allowed field value
764  * \param[out] limit_max the maximum allowed field value
765  */
766  inline void
767  getFilterLimits (double &limit_min, double &limit_max) const
768  {
769  limit_min = filter_limit_min_;
770  limit_max = filter_limit_max_;
771  }
773  /** \brief Set to true if we want to return the data outside the interval specified by setFilterLimits (min, max).
774  * Default: false.
775  * \param[in] limit_negative return data inside the interval (false) or outside (true)
776  */
777  inline void
778  setFilterLimitsNegative (const bool limit_negative)
779  {
780  filter_limit_negative_ = limit_negative;
781  }
783  /** \brief Get whether the data outside the interval (min/max) is to be returned (true) or inside (false).
784  * \param[out] limit_negative true if data \b outside the interval [min; max] is to be returned, false otherwise
785  */
786  inline void
787  getFilterLimitsNegative (bool &limit_negative) const
788  {
789  limit_negative = filter_limit_negative_;
790  }
792  /** \brief Get whether the data outside the interval (min/max) is to be returned (true) or inside (false).
793  * \return true if data \b outside the interval [min; max] is to be returned, false otherwise
794  */
795  inline bool
797  {
798  return (filter_limit_negative_);
799  }
801  protected:
802  /** \brief The size of a leaf. */
803  Eigen::Vector4f leaf_size_;
805  /** \brief Internal leaf sizes stored as 1/leaf_size_ for efficiency reasons. */
806  Eigen::Array4f inverse_leaf_size_;
808  /** \brief Set to true if all fields need to be downsampled, or false if just XYZ. */
811  /** \brief Set to true if leaf layout information needs to be saved in \a
812  * leaf_layout.
813  */
816  /** \brief The leaf layout information for fast access to cells relative
817  * to current position
818  */
819  std::vector<int> leaf_layout_;
821  /** \brief The minimum and maximum bin coordinates, the number of
822  * divisions, and the division multiplier.
823  */
824  Eigen::Vector4i min_b_, max_b_, div_b_, divb_mul_;
826  /** \brief The desired user filter field name. */
827  std::string filter_field_name_;
829  /** \brief The minimum allowed filter value a point will be considered from. */
832  /** \brief The maximum allowed filter value a point will be considered from. */
835  /** \brief Set to true if we want to return the data outside (\a filter_limit_min_;\a filter_limit_max_). Default: false. */
838  /** \brief Minimum number of points per voxel for the centroid to be computed */
839  unsigned int min_points_per_voxel_;
841  /** \brief Downsample a Point Cloud using a voxelized grid approach
842  * \param[out] output the resultant point cloud
843  */
844  void
845  applyFilter (PCLPointCloud2 &output) override;
846  };
847 }
850 #include <pcl/filters/impl/voxel_grid.hpp>
851 #endif
VoxelGrid assembles a local 3D grid over a given PointCloud, and downsamples + filters the data.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:176
Eigen::Vector3i getMinBoxCoordinates() const
Get the minimum coordinates of the bounding box (after filtering is performed).
Definition: voxel_grid.h:288
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::leaf_size_
Eigen::Vector4f leaf_size_
The size of a leaf.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:803
Definition: convolution.h:46
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::min_b_
Eigen::Vector4i min_b_
The minimum and maximum bin coordinates, the number of divisions, and the division multiplier.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:824
std::vector< int > getLeafLayout() const
Returns the layout of the leafs for fast access to cells relative to current position.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:355
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::getLeafLayout
std::vector< int > getLeafLayout() const
Returns the layout of the leafs for fast access to cells relative to current position.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:703
int getCentroidIndexAt(const Eigen::Vector3i &ijk) const
Returns the index in the downsampled cloud corresponding to a given set of coordinates.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:374
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::getMaxBoxCoordinates
Eigen::Vector3i getMaxBoxCoordinates() const
Get the minimum coordinates of the bounding box (after filtering is performed).
Definition: voxel_grid.h:620
void setFilterLimitsNegative(const bool limit_negative)
Set to true if we want to return the data outside the interval specified by setFilterLimits (min,...
Definition: voxel_grid.h:430
pcl::Filter< pcl::PointXYZRGBL >::Ptr
shared_ptr< Filter< pcl::PointXYZRGBL > > Ptr
Definition: filter.h:83
Definition: bfgs.h:10
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::getDownsampleAllData
bool getDownsampleAllData() const
Get the state of the internal downsampling parameter (true if all fields need to be downsampled,...
Definition: voxel_grid.h:587
pcl::PCLBase< pcl::PointXYZRGBL >::PointCloudConstPtr
typename PointCloud::ConstPtr PointCloudConstPtr
Definition: pcl_base.h:74
void setDownsampleAllData(bool downsample)
Set to true if all fields need to be downsampled, or false if just XYZ.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:255
void applyFilter(PointCloud &output) override
Downsample a Point Cloud using a voxelized grid approach.
Definition: voxel_grid.hpp:214
pcl::PCLBase< pcl::PointXYZRGBL >::PointCloudPtr
typename PointCloud::Ptr PointCloudPtr
Definition: pcl_base.h:73
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::setSaveLeafLayout
void setSaveLeafLayout(bool save_leaf_layout)
Set to true if leaf layout information needs to be saved for later access.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:604
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::setFilterLimitsNegative
void setFilterLimitsNegative(const bool limit_negative)
Set to true if we want to return the data outside the interval specified by setFilterLimits (min,...
Definition: voxel_grid.h:778
shared_ptr< ::pcl::PCLPointCloud2 > Ptr
Definition: PCLPointCloud2.h:35
Eigen::Vector3i getDivisionMultiplier() const
Get the multipliers to be applied to the grid coordinates in order to find the centroid index (after ...
Definition: voxel_grid.h:306
Eigen::MatrixXi getHalfNeighborCellIndices()
Get the relative cell indices of the "upper half" 13 neighbors.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:83
Empty constructor.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:194
void setLeafSize(const Eigen::Vector4f &leaf_size)
Set the voxel grid leaf size.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:221
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::setFilterLimits
void setFilterLimits(const double &limit_min, const double &limit_max)
Set the field filter limits.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:756
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::getFilterLimits
void getFilterLimits(double &limit_min, double &limit_max) const
Get the field filter limits (min/max) set by the user.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:767
Eigen::Vector3i getGridCoordinates(float x, float y, float z) const
Returns the corresponding (i,j,k) coordinates in the grid of point (x,y,z).
Definition: voxel_grid.h:363
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::setFilterFieldName
void setFilterFieldName(const std::string &field_name)
Provide the name of the field to be used for filtering data.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:739
double filter_limit_max_
The maximum allowed filter value a point will be considered from.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:479
void setFilterLimits(const double &limit_min, const double &limit_max)
Set the field filter limits.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:408
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::getCentroidIndexAt
int getCentroidIndexAt(const Eigen::Vector3i &ijk) const
Returns the index in the downsampled cloud corresponding to a given set of coordinates.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:722
bool downsample_all_data_
Set to true if all fields need to be downsampled, or false if just XYZ.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:461
int getCentroidIndex(const PointT &p) const
Returns the index in the resulting downsampled cloud of the specified point.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:317
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::downsample_all_data_
bool downsample_all_data_
Set to true if all fields need to be downsampled, or false if just XYZ.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:809
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::getMinBoxCoordinates
Eigen::Vector3i getMinBoxCoordinates() const
Get the minimum coordinates of the bounding box (after filtering is performed).
Definition: voxel_grid.h:614
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::leaf_layout_
std::vector< int > leaf_layout_
The leaf layout information for fast access to cells relative to current position.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:819
pcl::PCLBase< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::PCLPointCloud2ConstPtr
PCLPointCloud2::ConstPtr PCLPointCloud2ConstPtr
Definition: pcl_base.h:186
bool filter_limit_negative_
Set to true if we want to return the data outside (filter_limit_min_;filter_limit_max_).
Definition: voxel_grid.h:482
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGBL >
Eigen::Array4f inverse_leaf_size_
Internal leaf sizes stored as 1/leaf_size_ for efficiency reasons.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:458
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PointXYZRGBL >::FieldList
typename pcl::traits::fieldList< pcl::PointXYZRGBL >::type FieldList
Definition: voxel_grid.h:487
void getFilterLimitsNegative(bool &limit_negative) const
Get whether the data outside the interval (min/max) is to be returned (true) or inside (false).
Definition: voxel_grid.h:439
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::getFilterLimitsNegative
void getFilterLimitsNegative(bool &limit_negative) const
Get whether the data outside the interval (min/max) is to be returned (true) or inside (false).
Definition: voxel_grid.h:787
A point structure representing Euclidean xyz coordinates, and the RGB color.
Definition: point_types.hpp:628
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::setMinimumPointsNumberPerVoxel
void setMinimumPointsNumberPerVoxel(unsigned int min_points_per_voxel)
Set the minimum number of points required for a voxel to be used.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:593
Eigen::MatrixXi getAllNeighborCellIndices()
Get the relative cell indices of all the 26 neighbors.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:120
bool save_leaf_layout_
Set to true if leaf layout information needs to be saved in leaf_layout_.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:464
bool getSaveLeafLayout() const
Returns true if leaf layout information will to be saved for later access.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:282
void getFilterLimits(double &limit_min, double &limit_max) const
Get the field filter limits (min/max) set by the user.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:419
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::getFilterFieldName
const std::string getFilterFieldName() const
Get the name of the field used for filtering.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:746
PCLPointCloud2::ConstPtr PCLPointCloud2ConstPtr
Definition: PCLPointCloud2.h:91
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::getSaveLeafLayout
bool getSaveLeafLayout() const
Returns true if leaf layout information will to be saved for later access.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:608
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::getMinimumPointsNumberPerVoxel
unsigned int getMinimumPointsNumberPerVoxel() const
Return the minimum number of points required for a voxel to be used.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:598
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::~VoxelGrid
Definition: voxel_grid.h:539
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::getLeafSize
Eigen::Vector3f getLeafSize() const
Get the voxel grid leaf size.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:575
pcl::PCLBase< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::PCLPointCloud2Ptr
PCLPointCloud2::Ptr PCLPointCloud2Ptr
Definition: pcl_base.h:185
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::getNrDivisions
Eigen::Vector3i getNrDivisions() const
Get the number of divisions along all 3 axes (after filtering is performed).
Definition: voxel_grid.h:626
unsigned int getMinimumPointsNumberPerVoxel() const
Return the minimum number of points required for a voxel to be used.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:272
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::filter_limit_max_
double filter_limit_max_
The maximum allowed filter value a point will be considered from.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:833
shared_ptr< const ::pcl::PCLPointCloud2 > ConstPtr
Definition: PCLPointCloud2.h:36
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::min_points_per_voxel_
unsigned int min_points_per_voxel_
Minimum number of points per voxel for the centroid to be computed.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:839
void setLeafSize(float lx, float ly, float lz)
Set the voxel grid leaf size.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:237
const std::string getFilterFieldName() const
Get the name of the field used for filtering.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:398
std::string filter_field_name_
The desired user filter field name.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:473
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::getGridCoordinates
Eigen::Vector3i getGridCoordinates(float x, float y, float z) const
Returns the corresponding (i,j,k) coordinates in the grid of point (x,y,z).
Definition: voxel_grid.h:711
double filter_limit_min_
The minimum allowed filter value a point will be considered from.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:476
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::getDivisionMultiplier
Eigen::Vector3i getDivisionMultiplier() const
Get the multipliers to be applied to the grid coordinates in order to find the centroid index (after ...
Definition: voxel_grid.h:632
Eigen::Vector4i min_b_
The minimum and maximum bin coordinates, the number of divisions, and the division multiplier.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:470
Eigen::Vector3i getMaxBoxCoordinates() const
Get the minimum coordinates of the bounding box (after filtering is performed).
Definition: voxel_grid.h:294
pcl::Filter< pcl::PointXYZRGBL >::ConstPtr
shared_ptr< const Filter< pcl::PointXYZRGBL > > ConstPtr
Definition: filter.h:84
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::VoxelGrid
Empty constructor.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:520
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::getFilterLimitsNegative
bool getFilterLimitsNegative() const
Get whether the data outside the interval (min/max) is to be returned (true) or inside (false).
Definition: voxel_grid.h:796
Definition: voxel_grid.h:213
Filter represents the base filter class.
Definition: filter.h:80
Eigen::Vector4i div_b_
Definition: voxel_grid.h:470
std::vector< int > getNeighborCentroidIndices(const PointT &reference_point, const Eigen::MatrixXi &relative_coordinates) const
Returns the indices in the resulting downsampled cloud of the points at the specified grid coordinate...
Definition: voxel_grid.h:331
IndicesAllocator<> Indices
Type used for indices in PCL.
Definition: types.h:131
Eigen::Vector4i divb_mul_
Definition: voxel_grid.h:470
Definition: PCLPointCloud2.h:16
bool getFilterLimitsNegative() const
Get whether the data outside the interval (min/max) is to be returned (true) or inside (false).
Definition: voxel_grid.h:448
std::string filter_name_
The filter name.
Definition: filter.h:158
shared_ptr< PointCloud< PointT > > Ptr
Definition: point_cloud.h:406
void getMinMax3D(const pcl::PointCloud< PointT > &cloud, PointT &min_pt, PointT &max_pt)
Get the minimum and maximum values on each of the 3 (x-y-z) dimensions in a given pointcloud.
Definition: common.hpp:295
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::inverse_leaf_size_
Eigen::Array4f inverse_leaf_size_
Internal leaf sizes stored as 1/leaf_size_ for efficiency reasons.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:806
std::vector< int > leaf_layout_
The leaf layout information for fast access to cells relative to current position.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:467
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::getNeighborCentroidIndices
std::vector< int > getNeighborCentroidIndices(float x, float y, float z, const Eigen::MatrixXi &relative_coordinates) const
Returns the indices in the resulting downsampled cloud of the points at the specified grid coordinate...
Definition: voxel_grid.h:660
Eigen::Vector4f leaf_size_
The size of a leaf.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:455
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::setDownsampleAllData
void setDownsampleAllData(bool downsample)
Set to true if all fields need to be downsampled, or false if just XYZ.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:581
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::save_leaf_layout_
bool save_leaf_layout_
Set to true if leaf layout information needs to be saved in leaf_layout.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:814
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::filter_limit_negative_
bool filter_limit_negative_
Set to true if we want to return the data outside (filter_limit_min_;filter_limit_max_).
Definition: voxel_grid.h:836
shared_ptr< const PointCloud< PointT > > ConstPtr
Definition: point_cloud.h:407
void setMinimumPointsNumberPerVoxel(unsigned int min_points_per_voxel)
Set the minimum number of points required for a voxel to be used.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:267
void setFilterFieldName(const std::string &field_name)
Provide the name of the field to be used for filtering data.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:391
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::getNeighborCentroidIndices
std::vector< int > getNeighborCentroidIndices(float x, float y, float z, const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3i, Eigen::aligned_allocator< Eigen::Vector3i > > &relative_coordinates) const
Returns the indices in the resulting downsampled cloud of the points at the specified grid coordinate...
Definition: voxel_grid.h:689
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::setLeafSize
void setLeafSize(float lx, float ly, float lz)
Set the voxel grid leaf size.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:563
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::filter_field_name_
std::string filter_field_name_
The desired user filter field name.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:827
Eigen::Vector4i max_b_
Definition: voxel_grid.h:470
void setSaveLeafLayout(bool save_leaf_layout)
Set to true if leaf layout information needs to be saved for later access.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:278
Eigen::Vector3i getNrDivisions() const
Get the number of divisions along all 3 axes (after filtering is performed).
Definition: voxel_grid.h:300
bool getDownsampleAllData() const
Get the state of the internal downsampling parameter (true if all fields need to be downsampled,...
Definition: voxel_grid.h:261
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::setLeafSize
void setLeafSize(const Eigen::Vector4f &leaf_size)
Set the voxel grid leaf size.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:547
unsigned int min_points_per_voxel_
Minimum number of points per voxel for the centroid to be computed.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:485
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::filter_limit_min_
double filter_limit_min_
The minimum allowed filter value a point will be considered from.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:830
Definition: pcl_macros.h:323
pcl::VoxelGrid< pcl::PCLPointCloud2 >::getCentroidIndex
int getCentroidIndex(float x, float y, float z) const
Returns the index in the resulting downsampled cloud of the specified point.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:642
Eigen::Vector3f getLeafSize() const
Get the voxel grid leaf size.
Definition: voxel_grid.h:249