Point Cloud Library (PCL)  1.11.1-dev
Namespaces | Classes | Functions
pcl::cuda Namespace Reference




struct  AddCovariances
 Adds two matrices element-wise. More...
struct  AddPoints
 Simple kernel to add two points. More...
struct  ChangeColor
struct  CheckPlanarInlier
 Check if a certain tuple is a point inlier. More...
struct  CheckPlanarInlierIndices
 Check if a certain tuple is a point inlier. More...
struct  CheckPlanarInlierKinectIndices
 Check if a certain tuple is a point inlier. More...
struct  CheckPlanarInlierKinectNormalIndices
 Check if a certain tuple is a point inlier. More...
struct  CheckPlanarInlierNormalIndices
 Check if a certain tuple is a point inlier. More...
struct  ComputeCovarianceForPoint
 Kernel to compute a `‘covariance matrix’' for a single point. More...
struct  ComputeXYZ
 Compute the XYZ values for a point based on disparity information. More...
struct  ComputeXYZRGB
 Compute the XYZ and RGB values for a point based on disparity information. More...
struct  convert_point_to_float3
 Simple kernel to convert a PointXYZRGB to float3. More...
struct  CountPlanarInlier
 Check if a certain tuple is a point inlier. More...
struct  CovarianceMatrix
 misnamed class holding a 3x3 matrix More...
struct  Create1PointPlaneHypothesis
 Check if a certain tuple is a point inlier. More...
struct  Create1PointPlaneSampleHypothesis
 Check if a certain tuple is a point inlier. More...
struct  CreatePlaneHypothesis
 Check if a certain tuple is a point inlier. More...
struct  DebayerBilinear
class  Debayering
class  DebayeringDownsampling
struct  DeleteIndices
 Check if a certain tuple is a point inlier. More...
struct  Device
 Device helper class. More...
struct  DisparityBoundSmoothing
struct  DisparityClampedSmoothing
struct  DisparityHelperMap
class  DisparityToCloud
 Disparity to PointCloudAOS generator. More...
struct  downsampleIndices
struct  FastNormalEstimationKernel
struct  Host
 Host helper class. More...
struct  isInlier
 Check if a certain tuple is a point inlier. More...
struct  isNaNPoint
struct  isNotInlier
struct  isNotZero
class  MultiRandomSampleConsensus
 RandomSampleConsensus represents an implementation of the RANSAC (RAndom SAmple Consensus) algorithm, as described in: "Random Sample Consensus: A Paradigm for Model Fitting with Applications to Image Analysis and Automated Cartography", Martin A. More...
struct  NewCheckPlanarInlier
 Check if a certain tuple is a point inlier. More...
struct  NormalDeviationKernel
struct  NormalEstimationKernel
struct  OpenNIRGB
 Simple structure holding RGB data. More...
class  OrganizedRadiusSearch
 Kernel to compute a radius neighborhood given a organized point cloud (aka range image cloud) More...
struct  parallel_random_generator
class  PCLCUDABase
 PCL base class. More...
class  PointCloudAOS
 PointCloudAOS represents an AOS (Array of Structs) PointCloud implementation for CUDA processing. More...
class  PointCloudSOA
 PointCloudSOA represents a SOA (Struct of Arrays) PointCloud implementation for CUDA processing. More...
struct  PointIterator
struct  PointIterator< Device, T >
struct  PointIterator< Host, T >
struct  PointXYZRGB
 Default point xyz-rgb structure. More...
class  RandomSampleConsensus
 RandomSampleConsensus represents an implementation of the RANSAC (RAndom SAmple Consensus) algorithm, as described in: "Random Sample Consensus: A Paradigm for Model Fitting with Applications to Image Analysis and Automated Cartography", Martin A. More...
union  RGB
 Default RGB structure, defined as a union over 4 chars. More...
class  SampleConsensus
class  SampleConsensusModel
 SampleConsensusModel represents the base model class. More...
class  SampleConsensusModel1PointPlane
 SampleConsensusModel1PointPlane defines a model for 3D plane segmentation. More...
class  SampleConsensusModelPlane
 SampleConsensusModelPlane defines a model for 3D plane segmentation. More...
class  ScopeTimeCPU
 Class to measure the time spent in a scope. More...
class  ScopeTimeGPU
 Class to measure the time spent in a scope. More...
struct  SetColor
struct  StorageAllocator
struct  StorageAllocator< Device, T >
struct  StorageAllocator< Host, T >
struct  StoragePointer
struct  StoragePointer< Device, T >
struct  StoragePointer< Host, T >
class  YUV2RGB
struct  YUV2RGBKernel


__host__ __device__ bool isMuchSmallerThan (float x, float y)
__host__ __device__ float3 unitOrthogonal (const float3 &src)
__host__ __device__ void computeRoots2 (const float &b, const float &c, float3 &roots)
__host__ __device__ void swap (float &a, float &b)
__host__ __device__ void computeRoots (const CovarianceMatrix &m, float3 &roots)
__host__ __device__ void eigen33 (const CovarianceMatrix &mat, CovarianceMatrix &evecs, float3 &evals)
template<class IteratorT >
void compute3DCentroid (IteratorT begin, IteratorT end, float3 &centroid)
 Computes a centroid for a given range of points. More...
template<class IteratorT >
void computeCovariance (IteratorT begin, IteratorT end, CovarianceMatrix &cov, float3 centroid)
 Computes a covariance matrix for a given range of points. More...
struct __align__ (16) PointXYZRGBNormal
 Default point xyz-rgb structure. More...
double getTime ()
template<typename InputIteratorT , typename OutputIteratorT , template< typename > class Storage>
void computePointNormals (InputIteratorT begin, InputIteratorT end, OutputIteratorT output, float focallength, const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::ConstPtr &input, float radius, int desired_number_neighbors)
template<template< typename > class Storage, typename InputIteratorT >
shared_ptr< typename Storage< float4 >::type > computePointNormals (InputIteratorT begin, InputIteratorT end, float focallength, const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::ConstPtr &input, float radius, int desired_number_neighbors)
template<typename OutputIteratorT , template< typename > class Storage>
void computeFastPointNormals (OutputIteratorT output, const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::ConstPtr &input)
template<template< typename > class Storage>
shared_ptr< typename Storage< float4 >::type > computeFastPointNormals (const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::ConstPtr &input)
template<typename InputIteratorT , typename OutputIteratorT , template< typename > class Storage>
void computeWeirdPointNormals (InputIteratorT begin, InputIteratorT end, OutputIteratorT output, float focallength, const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::ConstPtr &input, float radius, int desired_number_neighbors)
template<template< typename > class Storage, typename InputIteratorT >
shared_ptr< typename Storage< float4 >::type > computeWeirdPointNormals (InputIteratorT begin, InputIteratorT end, float focallength, const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::ConstPtr &input, float radius, int desired_number_neighbors)
PCL_EXPORTS void toPCL (const PointCloudAOS< Host > &input, const thrust::host_vector< float4 > &normals, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal > &output)
PCL_EXPORTS void toPCL (const PointCloudAOS< Device > &input, const thrust::device_vector< float4 > &normals, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal > &output)
PCL_EXPORTS void toPCL (const PointCloudAOS< Host > &input, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB > &output)
PCL_EXPORTS void toPCL (const PointCloudAOS< Device > &input, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB > &output)
PCL_EXPORTS void fromPCL (const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB > &input, PointCloudAOS< Host > &output)
PCL_EXPORTS void fromPCL (const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB > &input, PointCloudAOS< Device > &output)
template<template< typename > class Storage, class DataT , class MaskT >
void extractMask (const shared_ptr< typename Storage< DataT >::type > &input, MaskT *mask, shared_ptr< typename Storage< DataT >::type > &output)
template<template< typename > class Storage, class T >
void extractMask (const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &input, T *mask, typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &output)
template<template< typename > class Storage>
void extractIndices (const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &input, typename Storage< int >::type &indices, typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &output)
template<template< typename > class Storage>
void removeIndices (const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &input, typename Storage< int >::type &indices, typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &output)
template<template< typename > class Storage>
void extractIndices (const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &input, typename Storage< int >::type &indices, typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &output, const OpenNIRGB &color)
template<template< typename > class Storage>
void removeIndices (const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &input, typename Storage< int >::type &indices, typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &output, const OpenNIRGB &color)
template<template< typename > class Storage>
void colorIndices (typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &input, shared_ptr< typename Storage< int >::type > indices, const OpenNIRGB &color)
template<template< typename > class Storage>
void colorCloud (typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &input, typename Storage< char4 >::type &colors)
template<template< typename > class Storage, template< typename > class OtherStorage>
PointCloudAOS< OtherStorage >::Ptr toStorage (const PointCloudAOS< Storage > &input)
template<template< typename > class Storage>
void toHost (const PointCloudAOS< Storage > &input, PointCloudAOS< Host > &output)
template<template< typename > class Storage>
void toDevice (const PointCloudAOS< Storage > &input, PointCloudAOS< Device > &output)
template<template< typename > class Storage, typename OutT , typename InT >
void createIndicesImage (OutT &dst, InT &region_mask)
template<template< typename > class Storage, typename OutT , typename InT >
void createNormalsImage (const OutT &dst, InT &normals)
template<template< typename > class Storage>
void markInliers (const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::ConstPtr &input, typename Storage< int >::type &region_mask, std::vector< shared_ptr< typename Storage< int >::type > > inlier_stencils)
template<template< typename > class Storage>
std::vector< typename Storage< int >::type > createRegionStencils (typename Storage< int >::type &parent, typename Storage< int >::type &rank, typename Storage< int >::type &size, int min_size, float percentage)
PCL_EXPORTS void meanShiftSegmentation (const cv::gpu::GpuMat &src, cv::Mat &dst, int sp, int sr, int minsize, detail::DjSets &comps, cv::TermCriteria criteria=cv::TermCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 5, 1))

Function Documentation

◆ __align__()

struct pcl::cuda::__align__ ( 16  )

Default point xyz-rgb structure.

Definition at line 118 of file point_types.h.

References pcl::operator==().

◆ colorCloud()

template<template< typename > class Storage>
void pcl::cuda::colorCloud ( typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &  input,
typename Storage< char4 >::type &  colors 

◆ colorIndices()

template<template< typename > class Storage>
void pcl::cuda::colorIndices ( typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &  input,
shared_ptr< typename Storage< int >::type >  indices,
const OpenNIRGB color 

◆ compute3DCentroid()

template<class IteratorT >
void pcl::cuda::compute3DCentroid ( IteratorT  begin,
IteratorT  end,
float3 &  centroid 

Computes a centroid for a given range of points.

Definition at line 488 of file eigen.h.

◆ computeCovariance()

template<class IteratorT >
void pcl::cuda::computeCovariance ( IteratorT  begin,
IteratorT  end,
CovarianceMatrix cov,
float3  centroid 

Computes a covariance matrix for a given range of points.

Definition at line 499 of file eigen.h.

References pcl::cuda::CovarianceMatrix::data.

◆ computeFastPointNormals() [1/2]

template<template< typename > class Storage>
shared_ptr<typename Storage<float4>::type> pcl::cuda::computeFastPointNormals ( const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::ConstPtr &  input)

◆ computeFastPointNormals() [2/2]

template<typename OutputIteratorT , template< typename > class Storage>
void pcl::cuda::computeFastPointNormals ( OutputIteratorT  output,
const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::ConstPtr &  input 

◆ computePointNormals() [1/2]

template<template< typename > class Storage, typename InputIteratorT >
shared_ptr<typename Storage<float4>::type> pcl::cuda::computePointNormals ( InputIteratorT  begin,
InputIteratorT  end,
float  focallength,
const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::ConstPtr &  input,
float  radius,
int  desired_number_neighbors 

◆ computePointNormals() [2/2]

template<typename InputIteratorT , typename OutputIteratorT , template< typename > class Storage>
void pcl::cuda::computePointNormals ( InputIteratorT  begin,
InputIteratorT  end,
OutputIteratorT  output,
float  focallength,
const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::ConstPtr &  input,
float  radius,
int  desired_number_neighbors 

◆ computeRoots()

__host__ __device__ void pcl::cuda::computeRoots ( const CovarianceMatrix m,
float3 &  roots 

Definition at line 163 of file eigen.h.

References computeRoots2(), pcl::cuda::CovarianceMatrix::data, and swap().

Referenced by eigen33().

◆ computeRoots2()

__host__ __device__ void pcl::cuda::computeRoots2 ( const float &  b,
const float &  c,
float3 &  roots 

Definition at line 142 of file eigen.h.

Referenced by computeRoots().

◆ computeWeirdPointNormals() [1/2]

template<template< typename > class Storage, typename InputIteratorT >
shared_ptr<typename Storage<float4>::type> pcl::cuda::computeWeirdPointNormals ( InputIteratorT  begin,
InputIteratorT  end,
float  focallength,
const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::ConstPtr &  input,
float  radius,
int  desired_number_neighbors 

◆ computeWeirdPointNormals() [2/2]

template<typename InputIteratorT , typename OutputIteratorT , template< typename > class Storage>
void pcl::cuda::computeWeirdPointNormals ( InputIteratorT  begin,
InputIteratorT  end,
OutputIteratorT  output,
float  focallength,
const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::ConstPtr &  input,
float  radius,
int  desired_number_neighbors 

◆ createIndicesImage()

template<template< typename > class Storage, typename OutT , typename InT >
void pcl::cuda::createIndicesImage ( OutT &  dst,
InT &  region_mask 

◆ createNormalsImage()

template<template< typename > class Storage, typename OutT , typename InT >
void pcl::cuda::createNormalsImage ( const OutT &  dst,
InT &  normals 

◆ createRegionStencils()

template<template< typename > class Storage>
std::vector<typename Storage<int>::type> pcl::cuda::createRegionStencils ( typename Storage< int >::type &  parent,
typename Storage< int >::type &  rank,
typename Storage< int >::type &  size,
int  min_size,
float  percentage 

◆ eigen33()

__host__ __device__ void pcl::cuda::eigen33 ( const CovarianceMatrix mat,
CovarianceMatrix evecs,
float3 &  evals 

◆ extractIndices() [1/2]

template<template< typename > class Storage>
void pcl::cuda::extractIndices ( const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &  input,
typename Storage< int >::type &  indices,
typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &  output 

◆ extractIndices() [2/2]

template<template< typename > class Storage>
void pcl::cuda::extractIndices ( const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &  input,
typename Storage< int >::type &  indices,
typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &  output,
const OpenNIRGB color 

◆ extractMask() [1/2]

template<template< typename > class Storage, class DataT , class MaskT >
void pcl::cuda::extractMask ( const shared_ptr< typename Storage< DataT >::type > &  input,
MaskT *  mask,
shared_ptr< typename Storage< DataT >::type > &  output 

◆ extractMask() [2/2]

template<template< typename > class Storage, class T >
void pcl::cuda::extractMask ( const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &  input,
T *  mask,
typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &  output 

◆ fromPCL() [1/2]

PCL_EXPORTS void pcl::cuda::fromPCL ( const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB > &  input,
PointCloudAOS< Device > &  output 

◆ fromPCL() [2/2]

PCL_EXPORTS void pcl::cuda::fromPCL ( const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB > &  input,
PointCloudAOS< Host > &  output 

◆ getTime()

double pcl::cuda::getTime ( )

◆ isMuchSmallerThan()

__host__ __device__ bool pcl::cuda::isMuchSmallerThan ( float  x,
float  y 

Definition at line 103 of file eigen.h.

Referenced by unitOrthogonal().

◆ markInliers()

template<template< typename > class Storage>
void pcl::cuda::markInliers ( const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::ConstPtr &  input,
typename Storage< int >::type &  region_mask,
std::vector< shared_ptr< typename Storage< int >::type > >  inlier_stencils 

◆ meanShiftSegmentation()

PCL_EXPORTS void pcl::cuda::meanShiftSegmentation ( const cv::gpu::GpuMat &  src,
cv::Mat &  dst,
int  sp,
int  sr,
int  minsize,
detail::DjSets comps,
cv::TermCriteria  criteria = cv::TermCriteria(cv::TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+cv::TermCriteria::EPS, 5, 1) 

◆ removeIndices() [1/2]

template<template< typename > class Storage>
void pcl::cuda::removeIndices ( const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &  input,
typename Storage< int >::type &  indices,
typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &  output 

◆ removeIndices() [2/2]

template<template< typename > class Storage>
void pcl::cuda::removeIndices ( const typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &  input,
typename Storage< int >::type &  indices,
typename PointCloudAOS< Storage >::Ptr &  output,
const OpenNIRGB color 

◆ swap()

__host__ __device__ void pcl::cuda::swap ( float &  a,
float &  b 

Definition at line 155 of file eigen.h.

Referenced by computeRoots().

◆ toDevice()

template<template< typename > class Storage>
void pcl::cuda::toDevice ( const PointCloudAOS< Storage > &  input,
PointCloudAOS< Device > &  output 

◆ toHost()

template<template< typename > class Storage>
void pcl::cuda::toHost ( const PointCloudAOS< Storage > &  input,
PointCloudAOS< Host > &  output 

◆ toPCL() [1/4]

PCL_EXPORTS void pcl::cuda::toPCL ( const PointCloudAOS< Device > &  input,
const thrust::device_vector< float4 > &  normals,
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal > &  output 

◆ toPCL() [2/4]

PCL_EXPORTS void pcl::cuda::toPCL ( const PointCloudAOS< Device > &  input,
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB > &  output 

◆ toPCL() [3/4]

PCL_EXPORTS void pcl::cuda::toPCL ( const PointCloudAOS< Host > &  input,
const thrust::host_vector< float4 > &  normals,
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal > &  output 

◆ toPCL() [4/4]

PCL_EXPORTS void pcl::cuda::toPCL ( const PointCloudAOS< Host > &  input,
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB > &  output 

◆ toStorage()

template<template< typename > class Storage, template< typename > class OtherStorage>
PointCloudAOS<OtherStorage>::Ptr pcl::cuda::toStorage ( const PointCloudAOS< Storage > &  input)

◆ unitOrthogonal()

__host__ __device__ float3 pcl::cuda::unitOrthogonal ( const float3 &  src)

Definition at line 109 of file eigen.h.

References isMuchSmallerThan().

Referenced by eigen33().