Point Cloud Library (PCL)  1.11.1-dev
Classes | Functions | Variables
pcl::outofcore Namespace Reference


class  OutofcoreAbstractMetadata
class  OutofcoreAbstractNodeContainer
class  OutofcoreBreadthFirstIterator
class  OutofcoreDepthFirstIterator
class  OutofcoreIteratorBase
 Abstract octree iterator class. More...
class  OutofcoreOctreeBase
 This code defines the octree used for point storage at Urban Robotics. More...
class  OutofcoreOctreeBaseMetadata
 Encapsulated class to read JSON metadata into memory, and write the JSON metadata associated with the octree root node. This is global information that is not the same as the metadata for the root node. Inherits OutofcoreAbstractMetadata interface for metadata in pcl_outofcore. More...
class  OutofcoreOctreeBaseNode
 OutofcoreOctreeBaseNode Class internally representing nodes of an outofcore octree, with accessors to its data via the pcl::outofcore::OutofcoreOctreeDiskContainer class or pcl::outofcore::OutofcoreOctreeRamContainer class, whichever it is templated against.
class  OutofcoreOctreeDiskContainer
 Class responsible for serialization and deserialization of out of core point data. More...
class  OutofcoreOctreeNodeMetadata
 Encapsulated class to read JSON metadata into memory, and write the JSON metadata for each node. More...
class  OutofcoreOctreeRamContainer
 Storage container class which the outofcore octree base is templated against. More...
struct  OutofcoreParams


template<typename ContainerT , typename PointT >
bool pointInBoundingBox (const Eigen::Vector3d &min_bb, const Eigen::Vector3d &max_bb, const Eigen::Vector3d &point)
template<typename ContainerT , typename PointT >
OutofcoreOctreeBaseNode< ContainerT, PointT > * makenode_norec (const boost::filesystem::path &path, OutofcoreOctreeBaseNode< ContainerT, PointT > *super)
 Non-class function which creates a single child leaf; used with queryBBIntersects_noload to avoid loading the data from disk. More...
template<typename ContainerT , typename PointT >
void queryBBIntersects_noload (const boost::filesystem::path &root_node, const Eigen::Vector3d &min, const Eigen::Vector3d &max, const std::uint32_t query_depth, std::list< std::string > &bin_name)
 Non-class method which performs a bounding box query without loading any of the point cloud data from disk. More...
template<typename ContainerT , typename PointT >
void queryBBIntersects_noload (OutofcoreOctreeBaseNode< ContainerT, PointT > *current, const Eigen::Vector3d &, const Eigen::Vector3d &max, const std::uint32_t query_depth, std::list< std::string > &bin_name)
 Non-class method overload. More...


template<typename PointT >
boost::uuids::basic_random_generator< boost::mt19937 > OutofcoreOctreeDiskContainer< PointT >::uuid_gen_ & rand_gen_

Function Documentation

◆ makenode_norec()

template<typename ContainerT , typename PointT >
OutofcoreOctreeBaseNode<ContainerT, PointT>* pcl::outofcore::makenode_norec ( const boost::filesystem::path &  path,
OutofcoreOctreeBaseNode< ContainerT, PointT > *  super 

Non-class function which creates a single child leaf; used with queryBBIntersects_noload to avoid loading the data from disk.

◆ pointInBoundingBox()

template<typename ContainerT , typename PointT >
bool pcl::outofcore::pointInBoundingBox ( const Eigen::Vector3d &  min_bb,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  max_bb,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  point 

◆ queryBBIntersects_noload() [1/2]

template<typename ContainerT , typename PointT >
void pcl::outofcore::queryBBIntersects_noload ( const boost::filesystem::path &  root_node,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  min,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  max,
const std::uint32_t  query_depth,
std::list< std::string > &  bin_name 

Non-class method which performs a bounding box query without loading any of the point cloud data from disk.

◆ queryBBIntersects_noload() [2/2]

template<typename ContainerT , typename PointT >
void pcl::outofcore::queryBBIntersects_noload ( OutofcoreOctreeBaseNode< ContainerT, PointT > *  current,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  ,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  max,
const std::uint32_t  query_depth,
std::list< std::string > &  bin_name 

Non-class method overload.

Variable Documentation

◆ rand_gen_

template<typename PointT >
boost::uuids::basic_random_generator<boost::mt19937> OutofcoreOctreeDiskContainer<PointT>::uuid_gen_& pcl::outofcore::rand_gen_