Point Cloud Library (PCL)  1.11.1-dev
Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
pcl::poisson Namespace Reference


class  Allocator
 This templated class assists in memory allocation and is well suited for instances when it is known that the sequence of memory allocations is performed in a stack-based manner, so that memory allocated last is released first. More...
class  AllocatorState
class  BinaryNode
class  BSplineData
struct  BSplineElementCoefficients
struct  BSplineElements
class  CoredEdgeIndex
class  CoredFileMeshData
class  CoredFileMeshData2
class  CoredMeshData
class  CoredMeshData2
class  CoredPointIndex
class  CoredVectorMeshData
class  CoredVectorMeshData2
struct  CoredVertexIndex
class  Cube
class  Edge
class  EdgeIndex
class  FunctionData
struct  MapReduceVector
class  MarchingCubes
class  MarchingSquares
struct  MatrixEntry
class  MinimalAreaTriangulation
class  NVector
class  OctNode
class  Octree
struct  Point3D
class  PoissonBadArgumentException
 An exception that is thrown when the arguments number or type is wrong/unhandled. More...
class  PoissonBadInitException
 An exception that is thrown when initialization fails. More...
class  PoissonException
 A base class for all poisson exceptions which inherits from std::runtime_error. More...
class  PoissonOpenMPException
 An exception that is thrown when something goes wrong inside an openMP for loop. More...
class  Polynomial
class  PPolynomial
class  RootInfo
class  SortedTreeNodes
class  SparseMatrix
class  SparseSymmetricMatrix
class  Square
class  StartingPolynomial
class  TreeNodeData
class  Triangle
class  TriangleIndex
class  Triangulation
class  TriangulationEdge
class  TriangulationTriangle
struct  UpSampleData
class  Vector
class  VertexData


typedef float Real
typedef float BSplineDataReal
typedef pcl::poisson::OctNode< class TreeNodeData, RealTreeOctNode


template<int Degree1, int Degree2>
void SetBSplineElementIntegrals (double integrals[Degree1+1][Degree2+1])
template<int Degree>
bool LeftOverlap (unsigned int, int offset)
template<int Degree>
bool RightOverlap (unsigned int, int offset)
template<int Degree>
int ReflectLeft (unsigned int, int offset)
template<int Degree>
int ReflectRight (unsigned int depth, int offset)
PCL_EXPORTS double ArcTan2 (double y, double x)
PCL_EXPORTS double Angle (const double in[2])
PCL_EXPORTS void Sqrt (const double in[2], double out[2])
PCL_EXPORTS void Add (const double in1[2], const double in2[2], double out[2])
PCL_EXPORTS void Subtract (const double in1[2], const double in2[2], double out[2])
PCL_EXPORTS void Multiply (const double in1[2], const double in2[2], double out[2])
PCL_EXPORTS void Divide (const double in1[2], const double in2[2], double out[2])
PCL_EXPORTS int Factor (double a1, double a0, double roots[1][2], double EPS)
PCL_EXPORTS int Factor (double a2, double a1, double a0, double roots[2][2], double EPS)
PCL_EXPORTS int Factor (double a3, double a2, double a1, double a0, double roots[3][2], double EPS)
PCL_EXPORTS int Factor (double a4, double a3, double a2, double a1, double a0, double roots[4][2], double EPS)
PCL_EXPORTS int Solve (const double *eqns, const double *values, double *solutions, int dim)
template<class Real >
Real Random (void)
template<class Real >
Point3D< RealRandomBallPoint (void)
template<class Real >
Point3D< RealRandomSpherePoint (void)
template<class Real >
double Length (const Point3D< Real > &p)
template<class Real >
double SquareLength (const Point3D< Real > &p)
template<class Real >
double Distance (const Point3D< Real > &p1, const Point3D< Real > &p2)
template<class Real >
double SquareDistance (const Point3D< Real > &p1, const Point3D< Real > &p2)
template<class Real >
void CrossProduct (const Point3D< Real > &p1, const Point3D< Real > &p2, Point3D< Real > &p)
template<class Real >
void EdgeCollapse (const Real &edgeRatio, std::vector< TriangleIndex > &triangles, std::vector< Point3D< Real > > &positions, std::vector< Point3D< Real > > *normals)
template<class Real >
void TriangleCollapse (const Real &edgeRatio, std::vector< TriangleIndex > &triangles, std::vector< Point3D< Real > > &positions, std::vector< Point3D< Real > > *normals)
void atomicOr (volatile int &dest, int value)
long long _InterleaveBits (int p[3])
void AtomicIncrement (volatile float *ptr, float addend)
void AtomicIncrement (volatile double *ptr, double addend)
template<class T >
void MultiplyAtomic (const SparseSymmetricMatrix< T > &A, const Vector< float > &In, Vector< float > &Out, int threads, const int *partition=NULL)
template<class T >
void MultiplyAtomic (const SparseSymmetricMatrix< T > &A, const Vector< double > &In, Vector< double > &Out, int threads, const int *partition=NULL)


const Real MATRIX_ENTRY_EPSILON = Real(0)
const Real EPSILON =Real(1e-6)
const Real ROUND_EPS =Real(1e-5)

Typedef Documentation

◆ BSplineDataReal

Definition at line 86 of file multi_grid_octree_data.h.

◆ Real

typedef float pcl::poisson::Real

Definition at line 85 of file multi_grid_octree_data.h.

◆ TreeOctNode

Definition at line 87 of file multi_grid_octree_data.h.

Function Documentation

◆ _InterleaveBits()

long long pcl::poisson::_InterleaveBits ( int  p[3])

◆ Add()

PCL_EXPORTS void pcl::poisson::Add ( const double  in1[2],
const double  in2[2],
double  out[2] 

◆ Angle()

PCL_EXPORTS double pcl::poisson::Angle ( const double  in[2])

◆ ArcTan2()

PCL_EXPORTS double pcl::poisson::ArcTan2 ( double  y,
double  x 

◆ AtomicIncrement() [1/2]

void pcl::poisson::AtomicIncrement ( volatile double *  ptr,
double  addend 

Definition at line 590 of file sparse_matrix.hpp.

◆ AtomicIncrement() [2/2]

void pcl::poisson::AtomicIncrement ( volatile float *  ptr,
float  addend 

Definition at line 577 of file sparse_matrix.hpp.

Referenced by MultiplyAtomic().

◆ atomicOr()

void pcl::poisson::atomicOr ( volatile int &  dest,
int  value 

Definition at line 55 of file multi_grid_octree_data.hpp.

◆ CrossProduct()

template<class Real >
void pcl::poisson::CrossProduct ( const Point3D< Real > &  p1,
const Point3D< Real > &  p2,
Point3D< Real > &  p 

◆ Distance()

template<class Real >
double pcl::poisson::Distance ( const Point3D< Real > &  p1,
const Point3D< Real > &  p2 

Definition at line 71 of file geometry.hpp.

References SquareDistance().

◆ Divide()

PCL_EXPORTS void pcl::poisson::Divide ( const double  in1[2],
const double  in2[2],
double  out[2] 

◆ EdgeCollapse()

template<class Real >
void pcl::poisson::EdgeCollapse ( const Real edgeRatio,
std::vector< TriangleIndex > &  triangles,
std::vector< Point3D< Real > > &  positions,
std::vector< Point3D< Real > > *  normals 

◆ Factor() [1/4]

PCL_EXPORTS int pcl::poisson::Factor ( double  a1,
double  a0,
double  roots[1][2],
double  EPS 

◆ Factor() [2/4]

PCL_EXPORTS int pcl::poisson::Factor ( double  a2,
double  a1,
double  a0,
double  roots[2][2],
double  EPS 

◆ Factor() [3/4]

PCL_EXPORTS int pcl::poisson::Factor ( double  a3,
double  a2,
double  a1,
double  a0,
double  roots[3][2],
double  EPS 

◆ Factor() [4/4]

PCL_EXPORTS int pcl::poisson::Factor ( double  a4,
double  a3,
double  a2,
double  a1,
double  a0,
double  roots[4][2],
double  EPS 

◆ LeftOverlap()

template<int Degree>
bool pcl::poisson::LeftOverlap ( unsigned int  ,
int  offset 

Definition at line 59 of file bspline_data.hpp.

◆ Length()

template<class Real >
double pcl::poisson::Length ( const Point3D< Real > &  p)

◆ Multiply()

PCL_EXPORTS void pcl::poisson::Multiply ( const double  in1[2],
const double  in2[2],
double  out[2] 

◆ MultiplyAtomic() [1/2]

template<class T >
void pcl::poisson::MultiplyAtomic ( const SparseSymmetricMatrix< T > &  A,
const Vector< double > &  In,
Vector< double > &  Out,
int  threads,
const int *  partition = NULL 

◆ MultiplyAtomic() [2/2]

template<class T >
void pcl::poisson::MultiplyAtomic ( const SparseSymmetricMatrix< T > &  A,
const Vector< float > &  In,
Vector< float > &  Out,
int  threads,
const int *  partition = NULL 

◆ Random()

template<class Real >
Real pcl::poisson::Random ( void  )

Definition at line 36 of file geometry.hpp.

◆ RandomBallPoint()

template<class Real >
Point3D< Real > pcl::poisson::RandomBallPoint ( void  )

Definition at line 39 of file geometry.hpp.

References pcl::poisson::Point3D< Real >::coords, and SquareLength().

◆ RandomSpherePoint()

template<class Real >
Point3D< Real > pcl::poisson::RandomSpherePoint ( void  )

Definition at line 50 of file geometry.hpp.

References pcl::poisson::Point3D< Real >::coords, and Length().

◆ ReflectLeft()

template<int Degree>
int pcl::poisson::ReflectLeft ( unsigned int  ,
int  offset 

Definition at line 71 of file bspline_data.hpp.

◆ ReflectRight()

template<int Degree>
int pcl::poisson::ReflectRight ( unsigned int  depth,
int  offset 

Definition at line 76 of file bspline_data.hpp.

◆ RightOverlap()

template<int Degree>
bool pcl::poisson::RightOverlap ( unsigned int  ,
int  offset 

Definition at line 65 of file bspline_data.hpp.

◆ SetBSplineElementIntegrals()

template<int Degree1, int Degree2>
void pcl::poisson::SetBSplineElementIntegrals ( double  integrals[Degree1+1][Degree2+1])

◆ Solve()

PCL_EXPORTS int pcl::poisson::Solve ( const double *  eqns,
const double *  values,
double *  solutions,
int  dim 

◆ Sqrt()

PCL_EXPORTS void pcl::poisson::Sqrt ( const double  in[2],
double  out[2] 

◆ SquareDistance()

template<class Real >
double pcl::poisson::SquareDistance ( const Point3D< Real > &  p1,
const Point3D< Real > &  p2 

◆ SquareLength()

template<class Real >
double pcl::poisson::SquareLength ( const Point3D< Real > &  p)

Definition at line 60 of file geometry.hpp.

References pcl::poisson::Point3D< Real >::coords.

Referenced by Length(), and RandomBallPoint().

◆ Subtract()

PCL_EXPORTS void pcl::poisson::Subtract ( const double  in1[2],
const double  in2[2],
double  out[2] 

◆ TriangleCollapse()

template<class Real >
void pcl::poisson::TriangleCollapse ( const Real edgeRatio,
std::vector< TriangleIndex > &  triangles,
std::vector< Point3D< Real > > &  positions,
std::vector< Point3D< Real > > *  normals 

Variable Documentation


const Real pcl::poisson::EPSILON =Real(1e-6)


const Real pcl::poisson::MATRIX_ENTRY_EPSILON = Real(0)

Definition at line 51 of file multi_grid_octree_data.hpp.


const Real pcl::poisson::ROUND_EPS =Real(1e-5)

Definition at line 53 of file multi_grid_octree_data.hpp.