Point Cloud Library (PCL)  1.11.1-dev
Classes | Functions
pcl::tracking Namespace Reference


struct  _ParticleXYR
struct  _ParticleXYRP
struct  _ParticleXYRPY
struct  _ParticleXYZR
struct  _ParticleXYZRPY
class  ApproxNearestPairPointCloudCoherence
 ApproxNearestPairPointCloudCoherence computes coherence between two pointclouds using the approximate nearest point pairs. More...
class  DistanceCoherence
 DistanceCoherence computes coherence between two points from the distance between them. More...
class  HSVColorCoherence
 HSVColorCoherence computes coherence between the two points from the color difference between them. More...
class  KLDAdaptiveParticleFilterOMPTracker
 KLDAdaptiveParticleFilterOMPTracker tracks the PointCloud which is given by setReferenceCloud within the measured PointCloud using particle filter method. More...
class  KLDAdaptiveParticleFilterTracker
 KLDAdaptiveParticleFilterTracker tracks the PointCloud which is given by setReferenceCloud within the measured PointCloud using particle filter method. More...
class  NearestPairPointCloudCoherence
 NearestPairPointCloudCoherence computes coherence between two pointclouds using the nearest point pairs. More...
class  NormalCoherence
 NormalCoherence computes coherence between two points from the angle between their normals. More...
class  ParticleFilterOMPTracker
 ParticleFilterOMPTracker tracks the PointCloud which is given by setReferenceCloud within the measured PointCloud using particle filter method in parallel, using the OpenMP standard. More...
class  ParticleFilterTracker
 ParticleFilterTracker tracks the PointCloud which is given by setReferenceCloud within the measured PointCloud using particle filter method. More...
struct  ParticleXYR
struct  ParticleXYRP
struct  ParticleXYRPY
struct  ParticleXYZR
struct  ParticleXYZRPY
class  PointCloudCoherence
 PointCloudCoherence is a base class to compute coherence between the two PointClouds. More...
class  PointCoherence
 PointCoherence is a base class to compute coherence between the two points. More...
class  PyramidalKLTTracker
 Pyramidal Kanade Lucas Tomasi tracker. More...
union  RGBValue
class  Tracker
 Tracker represents the base tracker class. More...


void RGB2HSV (int r, int g, int b, float &fh, float &fs, float &fv)
 Convert a RGB tuple to an HSV one. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ParticleXYZRPY &p)
ParticleXYZRPY operator* (const ParticleXYZRPY &p, double val)
ParticleXYZRPY operator+ (const ParticleXYZRPY &a, const ParticleXYZRPY &b)
ParticleXYZRPY operator- (const ParticleXYZRPY &a, const ParticleXYZRPY &b)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ParticleXYZR &p)
ParticleXYZR operator* (const ParticleXYZR &p, double val)
ParticleXYZR operator+ (const ParticleXYZR &a, const ParticleXYZR &b)
ParticleXYZR operator- (const ParticleXYZR &a, const ParticleXYZR &b)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ParticleXYRPY &p)
ParticleXYRPY operator* (const ParticleXYRPY &p, double val)
ParticleXYRPY operator+ (const ParticleXYRPY &a, const ParticleXYRPY &b)
ParticleXYRPY operator- (const ParticleXYRPY &a, const ParticleXYRPY &b)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ParticleXYRP &p)
ParticleXYRP operator* (const ParticleXYRP &p, double val)
ParticleXYRP operator+ (const ParticleXYRP &a, const ParticleXYRP &b)
ParticleXYRP operator- (const ParticleXYRP &a, const ParticleXYRP &b)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ParticleXYR &p)
ParticleXYR operator* (const ParticleXYR &p, double val)
ParticleXYR operator+ (const ParticleXYR &a, const ParticleXYR &b)
ParticleXYR operator- (const ParticleXYR &a, const ParticleXYR &b)
PCL_EXPORTS double sampleNormal (double mean, double sigma)

Function Documentation

◆ operator*() [1/5]

ParticleXYR pcl::tracking::operator* ( const ParticleXYR p,
double  val 

◆ operator*() [2/5]

ParticleXYRP pcl::tracking::operator* ( const ParticleXYRP p,
double  val 

◆ operator*() [3/5]

ParticleXYRPY pcl::tracking::operator* ( const ParticleXYRPY p,
double  val 

◆ operator*() [4/5]

ParticleXYZR pcl::tracking::operator* ( const ParticleXYZR p,
double  val 

◆ operator*() [5/5]

ParticleXYZRPY pcl::tracking::operator* ( const ParticleXYZRPY p,
double  val 

◆ operator+() [1/5]

ParticleXYR pcl::tracking::operator+ ( const ParticleXYR a,
const ParticleXYR b 

◆ operator+() [2/5]

ParticleXYRP pcl::tracking::operator+ ( const ParticleXYRP a,
const ParticleXYRP b 

◆ operator+() [3/5]

ParticleXYRPY pcl::tracking::operator+ ( const ParticleXYRPY a,
const ParticleXYRPY b 

◆ operator+() [4/5]

ParticleXYZR pcl::tracking::operator+ ( const ParticleXYZR a,
const ParticleXYZR b 

◆ operator+() [5/5]

ParticleXYZRPY pcl::tracking::operator+ ( const ParticleXYZRPY a,
const ParticleXYZRPY b 

◆ operator-() [1/5]

ParticleXYR pcl::tracking::operator- ( const ParticleXYR a,
const ParticleXYR b 

◆ operator-() [2/5]

ParticleXYRP pcl::tracking::operator- ( const ParticleXYRP a,
const ParticleXYRP b 

◆ operator-() [3/5]

ParticleXYRPY pcl::tracking::operator- ( const ParticleXYRPY a,
const ParticleXYRPY b 

◆ operator-() [4/5]

ParticleXYZR pcl::tracking::operator- ( const ParticleXYZR a,
const ParticleXYZR b 

◆ operator-() [5/5]

ParticleXYZRPY pcl::tracking::operator- ( const ParticleXYZRPY a,
const ParticleXYZRPY b 

◆ operator<<() [1/5]

std::ostream& pcl::tracking::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ParticleXYR p 

◆ operator<<() [2/5]

std::ostream& pcl::tracking::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ParticleXYRP p 

◆ operator<<() [3/5]

std::ostream& pcl::tracking::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ParticleXYRPY p 

◆ operator<<() [4/5]

std::ostream& pcl::tracking::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ParticleXYZR p 

◆ operator<<() [5/5]

std::ostream& pcl::tracking::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ParticleXYZRPY p 


void pcl::tracking::RGB2HSV ( int  r,
int  g,
int  b,
float &  fh,
float &  fs,
float &  fv 

Convert a RGB tuple to an HSV one.

[in]rthe input Red component
[in]gthe input Green component
[in]bthe input Blue component
[out]fhthe output Hue component
[out]fsthe output Saturation component
[out]fvthe output Value component

Definition at line 71 of file hsv_color_coherence.hpp.

Referenced by pcl::tracking::HSVColorCoherence< PointInT >::computeCoherence().

◆ sampleNormal()

PCL_EXPORTS double pcl::tracking::sampleNormal ( double  mean,
double  sigma 