Week 12/18: Muslims Bring Mexican Fireworks Which Cause Chilean Earthquake

December 27, 2016

Buenas vibraciones by Andrés Nieto Porras / CC BY-SA 2.0

Yay! I'm not dead! Promised this on Sunday, but its Tuesday. :(

Notice the weird title? Its kinda hard to make a title other than "Week 12/18 News", so while not mash the news up into a weird one so you can get a sense of what is in the post.

12/20: 27 Killed as Mexican Fireworks Market Explodes

Tuesday saw that explosion of Mexico's most famous fireworks market, the death of 27, and the injuring of 80. Victims in the most critical conditions were helicoptered out.

The explosion resulted in a 3-mile evacuation radius. Some of the fireworks had to be let exploded.

Similar explosions in the same market happened in 2005 and 2006.

Terrorism was not labeled a suspect.

12/23: American-born Muslims Removed Off Flight for Speaking Arabic

Yay, more ignorant Americans scared of anything Middle Eastern.

Adam Saleh, 23, and Slim Albaher, 22 were forced out of their Delta Airlines flight when speaking Arabic on the flight returning to their home country.

Adam Saleh was talking with his mom on the phone in Arabic, then talked to Albaher in Arabic.

Passengers around him became frantic because they thought they were planning a hijack or something.

Someone in front of him asked to speak in English, and it escalated from there.

Not everyone who presents Middle Eastern characteristics is a terrorist.

Though, it does seem a bit unsettling when Saleh talked on the phone, then to Albaher.

12/25: Magnitude 7.6 Earthquake Hits Chile

A earthquake with a depth of 21.5 miles hit southern Chile Sunday, near Puerto Montt.

About 4,000 people evacuated.

Overall, not much was affected around it.

Remember to click on the each of the day's article's names to find the source.