
Boot Clock Randomization

From Whonix



The TimeSync page notes:

  • Using Boot Clock Randomization, i.e. after boot, the clock is set randomly between 0 and 180 seconds into the past or future. This is useful to enforce the design goal, that the host clock and Whonix ™ clock should always slightly differ. It is also useful to obfuscate the clock when sdwdate itself is running, because naturally at this time, sdwdate hasn't finished.
  • sdwdate runs after booting.

By randomly moving the system clock a few seconds (and nanseconds) in the past or future during boot, this enforces the design goal of a slightly different host clock and VM clock, even before secure time synchornization has succeeded. This prevents time-based fingerprinting and linkability issues, thereby improving anonymity and privacy. [1]

For technical discussion on the Boot Clock Randomization design, see here [archive]. [2]

Log Inspection[edit]

sudo journalctl -b --no-pager -u bootclockrandomization


Info Disabling of Boot Clock Randomization is discouraged because it is not usually required. However, it may be useful for offline (vault) VMs.

Run the following command. Note:

  • Qubes-Whonix: Use a StandaloneVM or a separate TemplateVM.
  • Non-Qubes-Whonix: No extra steps are required.

sudo systemctl mask bootclockrandomization

Boot Clock Randomization will no longer occur after reboot.

See Also[edit]


  1. [archive]
  2. Notably, one recent change is the 0-5 second time window is no longer excluded in the process as it was found to aid fingerprinting.

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