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Trying to sketch a user interface for a MAC changer, fulfilling everything mentioned on [archive]

To understand the problem better myself and to make sure we are all talking about the same thing, it may be a good idea to create an overview. Therefore a nice table, which is attached below, has been created.

There are so many different threat models and goals. Might become too difficult for the average user. For supporting all use cases, the user interface would become giant, just for deciding on which MAC touse.

use case overview[edit]

public computer could be a library.

public network_C could be a free wifi hotspot in a mall.

public network_A, public network_B, public network_D and public network_E could be different coffee houses with free wifi.

number place past usage threat model new recommendation
1 home computer real mac none macchiato mac random
2 public computer real mac changing mac gets admin attention and/or network breaks real mac
3 public network_A real mac admin looks for consistent mac real mac
4 public network_B macchanger random mac_B admin looks for consistent mac, but not for Tor or popular vendor ids macchanger random mac_B
5 public network_C never used many users, admin logs mac addresses and looks out for unpopular vendor ids random macchiato mac
6 public network_D never used admin logs mac addresses, looks for unpopular vendor ids, looks for consistent mac macchiato mac_D
7 public network_E never used admin logs mac addresses, looks for unpopular vendor ids, looks for consistent mac macchiato mac_E


  • Consistent mac: always the same after choosing one. Not showing up with a new mac each time.
  • macchiato [archive]
  • macchiato mac random: popular vendor id, latter part varies every time
  • macchiato mac_D (or E): popular vendor id, latter part was random when the mac address was first created, after creating macchiato mac_D always get macchiato mac_D when choosing macchiato mac_D

Or in words...[edit]

  1. "I am using my home computer, give me a macchiato mac random. I don't really need it, just give it to me. Feel so much better. Just in case."
  2. "I am using a public computer, don't change the mac. Otherwise this might bring unwanted admin attention or the network simply gets unaccessible."
  3. "I am using public network_A. I always used my real mac in past. The admin knows everyone and gets suspicious if someone changes its mac. Stick to my real mac."
  4. "I am in public network_B again, I previously used macchanger to get the random mac_B. The admin looks if I am sticking to that mac, but doesn't know, that the vendor id doesn't even exist. Stick to the old random mac_B."
  5. "I am using public network C for the first time. There are many users. I think the admin logs all mac addresses. I also think the admin knows about unpopular vendor ids and gnu macchanger. It is a popular network. The admin however won't remember me or anyone else. Give me a random mac from with a popular vendor id (macchiato)."
  6. "I am using public network D for the first time. I think the admin logs mac addresses. I also think the admin looks for unpopular mac addresses and knows gnu macchanger. The admin also get suspicious if someone changes its mac. Give me a random mac with a popular vendor id, call it mac_D and re-use it when I next time visit this network."
  7. "Yes, network_E has very similarities with network_D. I think the admin logs mac addresses. I also think the admin looks for unpopular mac addresses and knows gnu macchanger. The admin also get suspicious if someone changes its mac. Give me a random mac with a popular vendor id, call it mac_E and re-use it when I next time visit this network. Don't confuse it with other mac's"


Supporting use cases 6 and 7 would either require persistence or the user would have to remember or write down the mac address, which is difficult.

An ideal solution doesn't require persistence.

The user enters a word and using that word will result in creating the same macchiato mac_D or macchiato mac_E.


Thesis "Like with Tor and anonymity in general. You cannot hide the fact you are trying to hide."

From [archive] ...

  • AdvCapSniff
  • AdvCapRecords
  • AdvCapOwners
  • AdvGoalTracking
  • AdvGoalProfiling
  • AdvCapOwners
  • AdvGoalIdTails
  • AdvGoalIdMacSpoof
  • AvoidTracking
  • AvoidIdTails
  • AvoidIdMacSpoof
  • AvoidConnectionProbs

See Also[edit]

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