

From Whonix

< Dev

Curl Clearnet Connectivity Test from Whonix-Gateway[edit]

Warning: Not anonymous!

At time of writing IP is

Using IP ( rather than DNS ( is requried since Whonix-Gateway ™ does not have a global DNS resolver enabled by default for its own traffic (details on page Whonix-Gateway System DNS).

sudo -u clearnet UWT_DEV_PASSTHROUGH=1 curl --silent --tlsv1.3 --proto =https --header 'Host:' --insecure

How to UnWhonix ™ - Whonix ™ package removal[edit]

TODO: document

How to UnWhonix ™ - restore clearnet networking[edit]

Instructions on how to remove Whonix ™ Tor default networking for Whonix-Gateway ™. After applying these instructions, Whonix-Gateway ™ will connect to clearnet.

Warning: Not anonymous!

Qubes specific!

1) Inside sys-whonix: Unload Whonix ™ Firewal.

2) Inside sys-whonix: Check.

sudo iptables --list

Should show.

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

3) Inside any other VM, any non-Tor VM that has functional internet: Figure out its /etc/resolv.conf settings.

cat /etc/resolv.conf

4) Inside sys-whonix: Delete /etc/resolv.conf.

sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf

5) Inside sys-whonix: Use the same settings from the non-Tor VM.

Open file /etc/resolv.conf in an editor with root rights.

This box uses sudoedit for better security [archive]. This is an example and other tools can also achieve the same goal. If this example does not work for you or if you are not using Whonix ™, please refer to this link.

sudoedit /etc/resolv.conf

6) Inside sys-whonix: Deactivate all uwt wrappers globally.

The following instructions permanently deactivate all uwt wrappers and remove stream isolation for uwt-wrapped applications system-wide. Consequently, all uwt-wrapped applications revert to the default system networking configuration.

For more granular control of uwt wrapper deactivation, see: Deactivate uwt Stream Isolation Wrapper.

Open file /etc/uwt.d/50_user.conf in an editor with root rights.

This box uses sudoedit for better security [archive]. This is an example and other tools can also achieve the same goal. If this example does not work for you or if you are not using Whonix ™, please refer to this link.

sudoedit /etc/uwt.d/50_user.conf



Save and exit.

7) Inside sys-whonix: Download [archive]

scurl --remote-name

Or manually run curl with these parameters. [1]

curl --tlsv1.3 --proto =https --remote-name

Open file index.html in a text editor of your choice as a regular, non-root user.

If you are using a graphical environment, run.

mousepad index.html

If you are using a terminal, run.

nano index.html

Should include.

Sorry. You are not using Tor.

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  1. This has the same effect as the scurl command above.
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