From Whonix
< Dev
design for notification GUI
- systray
- with two buttons:
- show logs
- clear logs
- with two colors
- yellow (new logs)
- green (no new logs)
- with two buttons:
- Show only messages of type WARN.
- advice users to scrub relay fingerprints - how - where?
- [archive]
- [archive]
- [archive]
- [archive]
~/vanguards $ grep -A 2 -r "plog" src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "Honoring ExcludeNodes line: "+conf_line) src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "Excluding networks "+str(self.networks)) src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "Excluding idhexes "+str(self.idhexes)) src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "Excluding nicks "+str(self.nicks)) src/vanguards/ plog("WARN", "ExcludeNodes contains countries, but Tor has no GeoIP file! "+ src/vanguards/ "Tor is not excluding countries!") src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "Excluding countries "+str(self.countries)) src/vanguards/ plog("ERROR", src/vanguards/ "You must set a DataDirectory location option in your torrc.") src/vanguards/ plog("ERROR", "Cannot write state to "+self.state_file+": "+str(e)) src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "Tor got SIGHUP. Reapplying vanguards.") src/vanguards/ plog("ERROR", src/vanguards/ "Vanguards requires Tor 0.3.3.x (and ideally 0.3.4.x or newer).") src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "New layer2 guard: "+guard.fingerprint) src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "New layer3 guard: "+guard.fingerprint) src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "Removing newly-excluded guard "+g.idhex) src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "Removing expired guard "+g.idhex) src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "Removing down guard "+g.idhex) src/vanguards/ plog("ERROR", "Invalid loglevel: "+str(level)) src/vanguards/ plog("ERROR", "Can't open log file "+str(filename)+": "+str(e)) src/vanguards/ plog("ERROR", "Circuit "" just changed from non-HS to HS: "\ src/vanguards/ +event.raw_content()) src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "CBT Timeout rate: "+str(event.timeout_rate)+"; Our measured timeout rate: "+str(self.timeout_rate_all())+"; Hidden service timeout rate: "+str(self.timeout_rate_hs())) src/vanguards/ plog("DEBUG", event.raw_content()) src/vanguards/ plog("ERROR", "Circuit "+circ_id+" already exists in map!") src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "Relay "+r+" is not in our consensus.") src/vanguards/ r_name = r+" (not in-consensus)" src/vanguards/ plog("DEBUG", "Relay "+r_name+" used %d times out of %d, "+\ src/vanguards/ "for a use rate of %f%%. It has a consensus " src/vanguards/ "weight of %f%%", int(self.use_counts[r].used), src/vanguards/ plog(loglevel, "Relay "+r_name+" used %d times out of %d, "+\ src/vanguards/ "for a use rate of %f%%. This is above its consensus " src/vanguards/ "weight of %f%%", int(self.use_counts[r].used), src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "Total use counts %d reached the scale count %d. Scaling.", src/vanguards/ self.total_use_counts, REND_USE_SCALE_AT_COUNT) src/vanguards/ plog("DEBUG", event.raw_content()) src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "No routers left after restrictions applied: "+str(self.rstr_list)) src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "No routers left after restrictions applied: "+str(self.rstr_list)) src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "Reconnected to the Tor network after %d seconds.", src/vanguards/ disconnected_secs) src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "Marking possibly destroyed circ %s at %d", src/vanguards/ c.circ_id, event.arrived_at) src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", event.raw_content()) src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "The connection to guard "+guardfp+" was closed with "+\ src/vanguards/ "a live circuit.") src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "The connection to guard "+guardfp+" was closed with "+\ src/vanguards/ "circuit "" on it.") src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", src/vanguards/ "Circuit %s possibly destroyed, but outside of the time window (%d - %d)", src/vanguards/ plog("DEBUG", "Closed hs circ for "+event.raw_content()) src/vanguards/ plog("DEBUG", "Added circ for "+event.raw_content()) src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "Circuit use resumed after %d seconds.", src/vanguards/ disconnected_secs) src/vanguards/ plog("DEBUG", "Circ "" now in-use. %d delivered bytes.", src/vanguards/ self.circs[].delivered_read_bytes) src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "Circuit use resumed after %d seconds.", src/vanguards/ disconnected_secs) src/vanguards/ plog("DEBUG", "Circ "" now in-use. %d delivered bytes.", src/vanguards/ self.circs[].delivered_read_bytes) src/vanguards/ src/vanguards/ plog("DEBUG", event.raw_content()) src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "Circuit use resumed after %d seconds.", src/vanguards/ disconnected_secs) src/vanguards/ plog("DEBUG", event.raw_content()) src/vanguards/ plog("ERROR", src/vanguards/ "Application read data exceeds cell data:"+event.raw_content()); src/vanguards/ if delivered_written + overhead_written > event.written*_CELL_DATA_RATE: src/vanguards/ plog("ERROR", src/vanguards/ "Application written data exceeds cell data:"+event.raw_content()); src/vanguards/ src/vanguards/ plog("WARN", "We've been disconnected from the Tor network for %d seconds!" src/vanguards/ % disconnected_secs) src/vanguards/ plog("WARN", "Tor has been disconnected for %d seconds, "+\ src/vanguards/ "and failing all circuits for %d seconds!", src/vanguards/ now - self.network_down_since, src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "Tor has been failing all circuits for %d seconds!" src/vanguards/ % disconnected_secs) src/vanguards/ plog("DEBUG", event.raw_content()) src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "Tor bug #29699: Got %d dropped cell on circ %s "\ src/vanguards/ +"(in state %s %s; old state %s %s).", src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "Tor bug #29927: Got a dropped cell on circ %s "\ src/vanguards/ +"(in state %s %s; old state %s %s).", circ.circ_id, src/vanguards/ plog("WARN", "Possible Tor bug, or possible attack if very frequent: "\ src/vanguards/ +"Got %d dropped cell on circ %s "\ src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "Tor bug #29786: Got a dropped cell on circ %s "\ src/vanguards/ +"(in state %s %s; old state %s %s).", circ.circ_id, src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "Tor bug #29700: Got a dropped cell on circ %s "\ src/vanguards/ +"(in state %s %s; old state %s %s).", circ.circ_id, src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "Tor bug #29927: Got a dropped cell on circ %s "\ src/vanguards/ +"(in state %s %s; old state %s %s).", circ.circ_id, src/vanguards/ plog(level, "Circ "+str(circ_id)+" exceeded "+str_name+": "+str(cur_val)+ src/vanguards/ " > "+str(max_val)+". "+extra) src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "Vanguards %s connected to Tor %s using stem %s", src/vanguards/ __version__, controller.get_version(), stem.__version__) src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "We force-closed circuit "+str(circ_id)) src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "Failed to close circuit "+str(circ_id)+": "+str(e.message)) src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "Wrote config to "+options.write_file) src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "Got CTRL+C. Exiting.") src/vanguards/ plog("ERROR", src/vanguards/ "Specified config file "+options.config_file+\ src/vanguards/ " can't be read: "+str(e)) src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "Current layer2 guards: "+state.layer2_guardset()) src/vanguards/ plog("INFO", "Current layer3 guards: "+state.layer3_guardset()) src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "Creating new vanguard state file at: "+config.STATE_FILE) src/vanguards/ plog("WARN", "Tor daemon connection "+ret+". Trying again...") src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "Tor daemon connection "+ret+". Trying again...") src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "Tor needs descriptors: "+str(e)+". Trying again...") src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "Tor can't save its own config file: "+str(e)) src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "Updated vanguards in torrc. Exiting.") src/vanguards/ plog("NOTICE", "In order for bandwidth-based protections to be "+ src/vanguards/ "enabled, you must use Tor or newer.")